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What is the difference between an informative communication and a persuasive

communication? Which do you think is more challenging in terms of preparation
and delivery?
- The difference between informative and persuasive communication is that when we say
informative communication is a pro-active approach that aims to inform the audience about a
certain or specific topic while persuasive communication is about persuading to understand what
one is trying to communicate and aims to persuade the audience to perform certain action. In
addition, it is to convince to adopt the belief or opinion of the speaker.
In giving speech enough preparation to have the best delivery is needed. Indeed doing these is lot
challenging. Comparing the two mentioned type of communication, persuasive communication is
much challenging than the other. With both type you need to be knowledgeable enough before
doing so, but with persuasive, unlike informative that your just giving information, you need to
prepare also in delivering the speech that you would sound much convincing for the audience.
You must not simply talk but you need to catch the spirit of everyone to listen what you’re saying
and believe it. Thus, I can say persuasive communication is much challenging.

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