How To Last Longer in Bed: Kegel Exercises

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How To Last Longer In Bed 1

Kegel Exercises

How To Last Longer In Bed

***Kegel Exercises***

By Adam Armstrong |

Copyright © 2012. Adam Armstrong Enterprises LTD. All Rights Reserved
How To Last Longer In Bed 2
Kegel Exercises

What if there was a simple exercise that you could practice virtually anywhere,
which could do not just one of the following things for you, but all of them:

- Help you to avoid premature ejaculation and enable you to LAST


- Make your erection stronger and harder

- Cause you to ejaculate more powerfully

That would be a pretty neat exercise, right?

Well, guess what…

That exercise exists and in this special PDF Report I am going to talk you
through exactly how to use it.

Here goes…

Kegel Exercises will strengthen your PC muscles. Your PC muscles control the
flow of both semen and urine.

If your PC muscles are strong and healthy you can expect to enjoy a hard, long
lasting erection and a powerful ‘cum shot’.

You will also have excellent bladder control.

Conversely, when the PC muscles are weak, that is when erection problems,
premature ejaculation and bladder control issues can arise.

Needless to say – you want strong, healthy PC muscles.

The great thing about Kegel Exercises is that you can do them anywhere –
whilst driving your car or on the bus, whilst reading a book or listening to your
iPod, whilst on the train or flying to your favourite holiday destination.

You get the idea.

However, with that said – I actually recommend that you schedule a few
minutes each day to doing your Kegel Exercises. By doing this you will be more
likely to get a quality workout in, as opposed to randomly doing them here,
there and everywhere.
By Adam Armstrong |
Copyright © 2012. Adam Armstrong Enterprises LTD. All Rights Reserved
How To Last Longer In Bed 3
Kegel Exercises

Doing them first thing in the morning or last thing at night is a good idea (keep
in mind that they aren’t very stressful).

Before you can do your Kegel Exercises you need to know how to find your PC

The easiest way to do this is to drink a lot of water (maybe half a litre) and then
go to the bathroom. As you urinate, stop yourself mid-flow.


You now know how to flex your PC muscles because those are the muscles that
stop you from urinating (and ejaculating). Just keep in mind that as you do
your Kegel Exercises, you only want to contract your PC muscles. Do not allow
other muscle groups like the abdominals or buttocks to take over, which is
surprisingly easy to do if your PC muscles are currently weak.

So when doing Kegel Exercises, only contract the PC muscles – everything else
should stay relaxed.

Here’s how to do Kegel Exercises:

- Start off by performing 10 reps

- Each rep will involve contracting your PC muscles for 3 seconds

- After each contraction, rest for 3 seconds

- Add 2 reps per workout

- Work up to 50 reps

- Perform your Kegel Exercises every day or every other day (NOTE: If you
feel tired, it is okay to have a day or two off from performing your Kegel

Once you have worked your way up to a set of 50 reps with 3 second
contractions per rep and 3 second relaxations, increase the contraction time to
5 seconds per rep and increase the relaxation time to 5 seconds between reps.
By Adam Armstrong |
Copyright © 2012. Adam Armstrong Enterprises LTD. All Rights Reserved
How To Last Longer In Bed 4
Kegel Exercises

Again start with a set of 10 reps and work your way up to 50 reps by adding 2
reps a day.

Once you can do 50 reps with 5 second contractions, go back to 10 reps and
increase the contraction time to 10 seconds per rep and keep the relaxation
time between reps to 5 seconds.

Once you can do a set of 50 reps like this, your PC muscles should be nice and
strong. You could maintain your strength by simply performing one set of 50
reps every day (or every other day) or you could add another set or two.

So then you would be doing 2 sets of 50 reps or 3 sets of 50 reps. If you do this,
rest 2 minutes between sets.

Once you can do 3 sets of 50 reps with 10 second contractions of your PC

muscles and 5 second relaxations, you will have all the strength you ever need
in this department.

When your PC muscles are strong, you will be able to actively flex them during
intercourse (or whilst receiving a blow job or hand job) to prevent yourself
from ejaculating.

What you will find is that you can allow your sexual pleasure to build to an
incredibly high level and get very close to ‘blowing your load’, and you will still
be able to resist ejaculating by flexing your PC muscles.

The control this gives you is AMAZING and your woman will enjoy it too. HINT:
women love it when your erection is so strong that they can feel you flex it.

The other benefit is that when you do finally ‘blow your load’, you will
ejaculate harder and further than you did before – something else your woman
will love.

Start doing your Kegel Exercises today, get your PC muscles strong and start to
enjoy much better sex.

Let me know how you get on…

By Adam Armstrong |

Copyright © 2012. Adam Armstrong Enterprises LTD. All Rights Reserved
How To Last Longer In Bed 5
Kegel Exercises

Your friend,

Adam Armstrong
Sex Coach, Author, Public Speaker

By Adam Armstrong |

Copyright © 2012. Adam Armstrong Enterprises LTD. All Rights Reserved
How To Last Longer In Bed 6
Kegel Exercises

If you want to improve your ‘bedroom game’ even further, check out some of my other
products and services – each one designed to help you have much better sex…

Better In Bed

Better In Bed contains secrets about female sexuality and

techniques for becoming a better lover that every man should
know, but very few ever will.

To learn more, click the link below:

===>> Better In Bed

Ultra-Exclusive, Private, 1-on-1 Coaching

I work with a small number of men on a 1-on-1 basis. This

training takes place on the phone or Skype.

For more information, click the link below:

===>> 1-on-1 Coaching

Dirty Talk Phrases

My best-selling program. If you want to quickly and easily
learn how to talk dirty in the bedroom, grab yourself a copy of
Dirty Talk Phrases today.

For more information, click the link below:

===>> Dirty Talk Phrases

By Adam Armstrong |

Copyright © 2012. Adam Armstrong Enterprises LTD. All Rights Reserved
How To Last Longer In Bed 7
Kegel Exercises

Produced by Adam Armstrong Enterprises LTD

Suite 65 St James Quay
Brewery Wharf
4 Bowman Lane
LS10 1HG

By Adam Armstrong |

Copyright © 2012. Adam Armstrong Enterprises LTD. All Rights Reserved

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