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TIBTEC 1622 No.

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Science & Society

Biohacking (Cyborg 1.0, 1998) of Kevin Warwick
who implanted a radio [72_TD$IF]frequency identifi-
Neodymium Magnets
A wide range of species in nature (includ-
Ali K. Yetisen1,2,3,* cation (RFID) tag to his arm in order to ing homing pigeons and bats) are known
control electronic devices. In another to use magnetoreception for sensing ori-
Biohacking is a do-it-yourself citi- experiment, a multielectrode array was entation and navigation [9]. Inspired from
zen science merging body modifi- implanted in Warwick’s arm to create a magnetoreception, implantable neodym-
cation with technology. The neural interface, which allowed controlling ium magnets (N52 Gauss) have been
motivations of biohackers include a robotic arm and establishing telepathy developed for in vivo use (Figure 1A).
system with another human implantee via These implantable magnets allow feeling
cybernetic exploration, personal
the Internet [5]. Self-experimentation with electromagnetic forces by tactile sensa-
data acquisition, and advocating
biomaterials has also been popularized tion. They can be also used to activate
for privacy rights and open-source
with the performance art works of Stelarc, magnetic reed switches and Hall effect
medicine. The emergence of a bio- who had a scaffold implanted in his arm sensors. Subdermal implants have been
hacking community has influenced (Third Ear, 2007) [6]. The synergy of tested in seven humans and compared to
discussions of cultural values, cybernetics, biopunk, and citizen science a control group in which the implants
medical ethics, safety, and con- has led to the formation of a media-activ- were superficially attached to their skin.
sent in transhumanist technology. ist biohacking community. Figures in this The implanted group required less force
transhumanist community include Amal than the control group to perceive an
Epidermal electronics, biosensors, and arti- Graafstra (tagger), Tim Cannon, Lepht electromagnetic stimulus (I.M. Harrison,
ficial intelligence have converged as health- Anonym, and Neil Harbisson. These tech- PhD Thesis, University of Reading,
care technologies to monitor patients in nology activists, also known as grinders, 2014). In another case, the biohacker
point-of-care settings within the Internet of implant chips in their bodies or have them Rich Lee implanted magnets into the tra-
Things (IoT) [1]. These technologies have implanted. Their primary motivations gus of his ears to receive audio signal
created a community of hobbyist software include human–electronic device com- from a coil of an electromagnetic wire
developers involved in the quantified-self munication and self-quantification, and connected to a smartphone (Figure 1B).
movement [2]. The self-experimentalist cosmetic enhancement [7]. Another over-
community is primarily interested in tracking arching goal of this community is to RFID/NFC Chips
their daily physical and biochemical activities increase scientific literacy as citizen sci- Implantable RFID tags are powered by an
to build a library of personal informatics in entists. The biohacking community is external energy source [10]. However,
order to maintain a healthy lifestyle or actively engaged in the development of active RFID implants feature an embed-
improve body performance. The growing off-the-shelf protocols at low cost, open ded battery that can communicate within
interest in this ‘tech-savvy’ community access research and collaboration by cre- a body area network. They also have the
has motivated questioning the possibility ating individual pursuit of inquiry [8]. Bio- ability to connect to IoT via Bluetooth in a
of experimenting with implantable technol- hackers document and share their continuous or on command mode at long
ogies. The emergence of implantables for protocols, equipment designs, and expe- distances. Former Verichip Corporation
biometric animal identification has encour- riences on the Internet (i–vii). (now PositiveID) has offered an FDA-
aged self-experimentalists to chipify them- approved RFID chip for implantation in
selves in order to interact with computers in Implantable Technologies human body to reveal biometric informa-
the IoT [3]. Inspired by transhumanism,
Commercial or homemade implants are tion (Figure 1C) [11]. This passive implant
which advocates the enhancement of commonly inserted to the body via hypo- consisted of a RFID circuit, a capacitor,
human body and intelligence by technology,
dermic needles or surgical incision. A and an antenna encapsulated in a medi-
the overlap between self-experimentation
common feature of these implants is that cal-grade glass coated with antimigration
and medical implant domains has created
they are coated with a layer that reduces film. This technology was designed to
a vision to modify the human body andthe immune reaction (bioproofing). These identify the medical history of uncon-
document their experiences in social media
protective coatings include cylindrical scious patients in an emergency situation.
for open-source medicine [4]. medical-grade borosilicate glass capsu- Early biohackers mainly employed
les, Parylene C, polytetrafluoroethylene, uncoated RFID capsules such as
The movement of biohacking has begun titanium nitride, and silicone. Table 1 lists EM4102 (FAREAD) and HITAG 2048S
with a self-experimentation project implants used by biohackers. (NXP) (Figure 1D). The [73_TD$IF]Supplemental

Trends in Biotechnology, Month Year, Vol. xx, No. yy 1

TIBTEC 1622 No. of Pages 4

Table 1. Implants Used by Biohackers, and Their Properties

Implant Features Geometry/size Implantation method Implantation site

Neodymium magnets Coated with titanium nitride Disc (3  1 mm) Surgical incision Fingers

MF1 IC S50 (NXP) 13.56 MHz (ISO14443A) Cylindrical glass capsule Hypodermic needle (9 g) Hand webbing
Emulates MF1ICS50 1k chip (3  13 mm)
7 byte UID & writable sectors

NTAG216 chip (NXP) 13.56 MHz (ISO14443A) and Cylindrical glass capsule Hypodermic needle (11 [70_TD$IF]g) Hand webbing
NFC Type 2 (2  12 mm)
7 byte UID and 880 bytes of
user read/write memory

ATA5577 RFID chipset 125–134 kHz (ISO11784/ Cylindrical glass capsule Hypodermic needle (11 [70_TD$IF]g) Hand webbing
(Atmel) 785) (2  12 mm)
Indala compatible

I-CODE SLI RFID chipset 13.56 MHz (ISO15693) Cylindrical glass capsule Hypodermic needle (11 [70_TD$IF]g) Hand webbing
(NXP) 8 byte UID and 112 bytes of (2  12 mm)
user read/write memory

Bio-Thermo LifeChip RFID 134.2 kHz (ISO11784/ Cylindrical glass capsule Hypodermic needle (11 [70_TD$IF]g) Skin near the arm pit
tag (Destron Fearing) 11785) (2  12 mm)
Temperature sensor [71_TD$IF](25–
43 C)

DESFire EV1 RFID chip (NXP) 13.56 MHz (ISO14443A and Polymer coating 11 mm wide incision Arm
NFC Type 4) (10  22  0.5 mm)

NTAG216 RFID chip (NXP) 13.56 MHz (ISO14443A and Polymer coating 9 mm wide incision Arm
NFC Type 2) (8  22  0.4 mm)

Tritium lighting implants Radioluminescent tritium gas Cylindrical borosilicate glass Hypodermic needle (8–9 g) Hand webbing
( and lead oxide capsule
(3  5  21 mm)

LEDs (Northstar, Grindhouse Chip containing a processor, Polymer coating Surgical incision Hand/forearm
Wetware) LED, and embedded

Information online describes the implan- Additionally, Grindhouse Wetware bio- This sensor has an antimigration coating
tation experience showing the proce- hackers have implanted an active optical (BioBond) and is implanted through a
dures used by biohackers to implant device (Northstar V1) in their hands hypodermic needle to the arm near the
active and passive devices, and it dis- (Figure 1F). This optical device featured armpit. A Grindhouse Wetware biohacker
cusses RFID communication light-emitting diodes (LEDs), an embedded surgically implanted a battery-powered
technologies. battery, and a magnetically activated microchip (Circadia 1.0) in his forearm
switch. Next-generation implantable devi- (Figure 1G). The implant transferred tem-
Light Sources ces may offer a rechargeable battery, ges- perature data to a tablet computer via Blue-
Optical materials and devices have been ture recognition, and Bluetooth tooth connection. Such implants can be
subcutaneously implanted for cosmetic connection. designed to measure other physical and
purposes. One such implant utilizes the biochemical parameters such as pressure
decay of tritium gas that emits b particles. Implantable Sensors and biomarkers in real time.
This effect combined with phosphor emits Temperature sensors have been utilized to
photons and produces radioluminescence measure body temperature by biohackers. Safety Implications
(Figure 1E). Layers of lead oxide glass and For example, originally designed for veteri- Medical devices need to be sterilized
medical-grade glass have been used to nary applications, Bio-Thermo (LifeChip, before implantation to the body to kill
coat the surface of a tritium capsule to Destron Fearing) continually temperature pathogens. Sterilization of implants can
minimize the emitted radiation. data with a detection range of [74_TD$IF]25–43 C. be achieved by autoclaving or

2 Trends in Biotechnology, Month Year, Vol. xx, No. yy

TIBTEC 1622 No. of Pages 4

(A) (B) (C) (D) obtain personal information to justify secu-

rity reasons within democratic principles. In
the United States, laws in a few states (Wis-
consin, North Dakota, and California) pro-
tect citizens from involuntary or incentivized
chip implantation. For example, Wisconsin
Act 482 prohibits caregivers to coerce a
patient to involuntarily have a chip implanted
for their safety. Furthermore, the American
(E) (F) (G)
Medical Association drafted an ethics code
(2007) for active RFID tag implants that
highlighted the importance of protecting
the implantees from stigmatization, social
discrimination, or loss of health care or insur-
ance coverage.

The Rise of Open Medicine

The implications of experimenting with
Figure 1. Implants Used by Biohackers. (A) A neodymium magnet in a finger. (B) Magnets in the tragus of implants and the development of new
an ear. (C) A RFID tag. (D) RFID tags implanted in the webbing between the metacarpal bones of the index
applications are immense to broader
finger and thumb, positioned parallel to the index metacarpal. (E) Tritium lighting implants. (F) LEDs in hand. (G)
Continual temperature sensor in forearm. communities. Biohacking also raises
questions about the limits of medical data
privacy, and it opens up the possibility of
cryptography use for medical data stor-
submerging them in antiseptic solutions. model studies showed that implants may age. The motivations of biohackers are
Implants having an antiremoval coating (e. cause sarcomas based on foreign-body aligned with the healthcare advocates
g., BioBond) attaches to the subcutane- induced tumorigenesis; however, the risk who want patients to access their own
ous tissue to prevent device migration in was factor was limited to 1% [12]. implant-generated data, which are con-
the body. This antimigration cap consists sidered proprietary by device manufac-
of a porous polypropylene sheath, which Privacy Concerns turers [14]. Citizen scientists who are
promotes the growth of fibrocytes and The increasing systematic use of personal interested in experimenting with their
collagen fibers around the device. Their data surveillance (überveillance) in the inves- own bodies should not be marginalized
removal is an invasive process and may tigations or mass monitoring of citizens by but supported by non-profit organiza-
result in complications. Nonbiocompati- law enforcement agencies is a significant tions, research institutions, biotechnology
ble implants or implant parts (e.g., neo- concern among biohackers [13]. This may companies, and social services. Based
dymium cores) may be rejected or involve real-time geotagging of an individu- on the positive outcomes of needle
becoming encapsulated in highly dense al’s location and activities. The biohacking exchange scheme in HIV patients, the
fibrous tissue. Such implants also pose a community actively discusses mass surveil- involvement of medical professional to
risk if they are physically exchanged lance implications of implantable devices provide consultations, access and dis-
between biohackers, which may lead to that may be used to control citizens. For posal of medical safety equipment to bio-
the transmission of microorganisms. example, in 2017, Ross Campton of Ohio hackers will reduce the risks of infection
Although at this stage, passive tags are was convicted of arson and insurance fraud and self-harm. The emergence of bio-
popular, active tags with batteries are after law enforcement used heart function hacking as a citizen science initiative
being increasingly used in biohacking data from his pacemaker as supporting evi- has set a remarkable precedent for our
community and the potential structural dence to prosecute him. European Group understanding of what it means to be
compromise and hence leakage of mate- on Ethics in Science and New Technologies human in the context of open medicine.
rial from these devices is a risk factor. has published a guideline (2005) that
Additionally, long-term behavior and [75_TD$IF]described the ethical and legal challenges [76_TD$IF]Acknowledgments
biocompatibility of electronic and optical associated with electronic implants. Such The author thanks Lepht Anonym, Paul Turrell, Amal
implants in human body is unclear. Rat implants may be used by state authorities to Graafstra, and Ryan O’Shea for discussions.

Trends in Biotechnology, Month Year, Vol. xx, No. yy 3

TIBTEC 1622 No. of Pages 4

[7_TD$IF]Disclaimer Statement
1 5. Gasson, M. et al. (2004) Invasive neural prosthesis for
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Birmingham, Edgbaston, Birmingham B15 2TT, UK neural signal detection and nerve stimulation. Int. J. Adapt.
The author does not endorse or recommend any 2 Control Signal Process. 19, 365–375
Institute of Translational Medicine, Mindelsohn Way,
material, equipment, or procedures discussed in this Edgbaston, Birmingham, B15 2TH, UK 6. Carter, S. (2011) The emergence of art-science. BMJ 343,
article. Licensed medical professionals may perform 3 d5133
Institute for Measurement Systems and Sensor
Technology, Technische Universität München, 7. Catherwood, P. et al. (2016) Intelligent subcutaneous body
the procedures described in this article. The author
area networks: anticipating implantable devices. IEEE
Theresienstrasse 90, 80333 Munich, Germany
declares no competing financial interests. Technol. Soc. Mag. 35, 73–80

*Correspondence: (A.K. Yetisen). 8. Graafstra, A. (2005) RFID Toys: X Cool Projects for Home,
Office and Entertainment (ExtremeTech), John Wiley & Sons
9. Maeda, K. et al. (2008) Chemical compass model of avian
magnetoreception. Nature 453, 387–390
ii References 10. Graafstra, A. (2007) Hands on. IEEE Spectrum 44, 18–23
iii 11. Foster, K.R. and Jaeger, J. (2007) RFID inside. IEEE Spec-
1. Kim, D.H. et al. (2011) Epidermal electronics. Science 333,
iv trum 44, 24–29 838–843
v 12. Tillmann, T. et al. (1997) Subcutaneous soft tissue tumours 2. Lupton, D. (2016) The Quantified Self: a Sociology of Self-
vi Tracking, John Wiley & Sons at the site of implanted microchips in mice. Exp. Toxicol. Pathol. 49, 197–200
vii 3. Ariff, M. et al. (2014) RFID based systematic livestock 13. Michael, M.G. and Michael, K. (2010) Toward a state of
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Malaysia, 2014, pp. 111–116 14. Michael, K. (2017) Implantable medical device tells all:
Supplemental Information
4. Warwick, K. (2016) Transhumanism: some practical pos- uberveillance gets to the heart of the matter. IEEE Consum.
Supplemental information associated with this article Electron. Mag. 6, 107–115
sibilities. FIfF-Kommunikation 2016 (2), 24–25
can be found, in the online version, at

4 Trends in Biotechnology, Month Year, Vol. xx, No. yy

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