Syllabus in Mathematics in Modern World

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Course Title : GEC 4

Course Credit : 3
Descriptive Title :Mathematics in the Modern World
Prerequisite subject/s : None
Semester/School Year : 1st Semester, A.Y 2021-2022
Curricular Year : 1st year
Degree : Bachelor of Science in Nursing

Program Educational Outcomes: :

Upon completion of the BSN program, students should:

1. Work effectively and independently in multi-disciplinary and multi-cultural teams.

2. Perform the basic functions of management such as planning, organizing staffing, directing and controlling.
3. Apply the basic concepts that underlie each of the functional areas of business (marketing, finance, human resource management, production and
operations management, information technology and strategic management) and employ these concepts in various business situations.
4. Select the proper decision making tools critically, analytically and creatively solve problems and drive results.
5. Plan and implement business related activities.
6. Apply information and communication technology (ICT) skills as requires by the business environment.
7. Demonstrate corporate citizenship and social responsibility.
8. Exercise high personal, moral and ethical standards.
9. Analyse the business environment for strategic direction.

Course Description: The course deals with nature of mathematics, appreciation of its practical, intellectual, and aesthetic dimensions, and application of
mathematical tools in daily life.
Course Requirements:

Midterm : Creation of own Crafts

Final : Painting/Collage Sculpture

Midterm to Final

Quizzes 20%
Requirements 20%
Major Exams 60%
Total 100%

Course Outcomes:
At the end of the course, the students should be able to:
a Discuss and argue about the nature of mathematics, what it is, how it is expressed, represented, and used
b. Use the different type of reasoning to justify statements and arguments made about mathematics and mathematical concept;
c. Discuss the language and symbol of mathematics.
d. Use variety of statistical tools to process and manage numerical data;
e. Analyze codes and coding scheme used for identification, privacy and security purposes;
f. Use mathematics in other areas such as finance, voting, health, medicine and business, environment , arts and design and recreation.
g.Appreciate the nature and uses of mathematics in everyday life.
h. Affirm honesty and integrity in the application of mathematics to various human endeavors.

a. Attendance: the highly accelerated pace of this course requires students to accept a great deal of responsibility for achieving their own learning
outcomes. While in online class, students are expected to actively participate in discussions and activities, and not just listen to the lecture. Outside
online class time, students are expected to spend hours of preparation which will include reading assignments, homework preparation, and research.
b. Class participation: Each learner is expected to actively participate on the assumption that each brings a wide range to the learning process active
participation may include asking thoughtful questions, being willing to consider new ideas, understand the complex idea having a cooperative attitude
and sense of humor. However, consideration of other students is strongly encouraged to avoid dominating class discussions.
c. Online Assignments: an importance of this course is the completion given online assignments by the students. All online assignments work is
expected to pass before or on the dead line. Case studies are the primary method to evaluate students’ progress in this course. Learners are encouraged
to apply case materials to their assignment.
d. Academic Integrity Policy: every student is responsible to know the standards of conduct and expectations of academic integrity that apply
undertaking. Academic dishonesty will not be tolerated in the maximum penalty as define in the student handbook:
1. Cheating during exam (research the answer on the Google)
2. Submitting spurious assignment copied from previous material other than his own.
3. Copying another students work including assignment and online activities
4. Plagiarism

Aufman, R. et al. Mathematics in the Modern World, Rex Book Store, Inc., 2018
Term Learning outcomes Concepts/topics Teaching Methodologies Assessment Tool
MIDTER At the end of the sessions, the ORIENTATION
M students should be able to:
 Setting of House Rules Memo Guide
• Abide by the “house  Course Requirements
rules” set by the class.  Retention Policy
• Identify and describe  Grading System
the course requirements and
grading system.

• Identify Patterns in A. Nature of Mathematics Synchronous Quiz No. 1: Nature of

nature and regularities  Patterns and Numbers in Mathematics (online quiz)
• Articulate the Nature and the World  Live lectures using Google
importance of Mathematics in  The Fibonacci Sequence Activity:1 Virtual Recitation
one’s life meet. (online recitation)
 Arithmetic Progression and
• Argue about the Series. Asynchronous
nature of mathematics, what it  Geometric Progression and
is, how is it expressed,  Downloadable pre-recorded
represented and used lectures
• Solve problems  Microsoft PowerPoint
involving Progression and presentations with or without
Series. voice-over
 Email communication
 Google Drive and similar
collaborative tools

 Discuss variables B. Speaking Mathematically Synchronous Quiz No. 2: Speaking

 Explain the language  Variables Mathematically (online quiz)
set and their relations  The language of Sets  Live lectures using Google
and function  The language of Relations Activity 2: Problem solving
meet. (live/online problem solving)
 Acknowledge and Functions
mathematics is a useful Asynchronous
language  Downloadable pre-recorded
 Microsoft PowerPoint
presentations with or without
 Email communication
 Google Drive and similar
collaborative tools

Synchronous Quiz No. 3: Problem Solving

 Differentiate inductive C. Problem Solving (online quiz)
and deductive  Live lectures using Google
1. Inductive and deductive Activity No. 3: Problem solving
reasoning meet.
Reasoning (online Activity)
 Use different types of 2. Problem Solving with
reasoning to justify Patterns
statements and 3. Problem Solving Strategies Asynchronous
arguments made about  Downloadable pre-recorded
mathematics and lectures
mathematical concepts  Microsoft PowerPoint
 Organize one’s presentations with or without
methods and voice-over
approaches for proving  Email communication
and solving problems  Google Drive and similar
collaborative tools

• Use a variety of D. Statistics Synchronous Quiz No. 4: Statistics (online

statistical tools to process  Measures of Correlation quiz)
and manage numerical data  Regression  Live lectures using Google
• Use the methods of Activity 4: Problem solving
meet. (online Activity)
linear regression and
correlation to predict the Midterm Examination
value of variable given Asynchronous
certain conditions  Downloadable pre-recorded
• Advocate the use of lectures
statistical data in making  Microsoft PowerPoint
important decisions presentations with or without
 Email communication
 Google Drive and similar
collaborative tools

 Explain logic and how E. Logic Synchronous Quiz No. 1: Logic (online quiz)
it is use in 1. Logic Statements and
mathematics Quantifiers Activity 1: Virtual recitation
 Live lectures using Google

 Downloadable pre-recorded
 Microsoft PowerPoint
presentations with or without
 Email communication
 Google Drive and similar
collaborative tools
• Explain the use of F. The Mathematics of Synchronous
graphs in mathematics Graph
• Discuss Euler circuits,  Graphs and Euler Circuits  Live lectures using Google
Eulers’s formula and graph  Weighted Graphs
coloring meet.
 Planarity and Euler’s
• Apply geometric Formula Asynchronous
concepts, especially  Graph Coloring  Downloadable pre-recorded
isometries in describing and lectures
creating designs
 Microsoft PowerPoint
presentations with or without

 Email communication

Google Drive and similar

collaborative tools
 Use the Plurality with G. Apportionment and
Elimination Voting  Voting
Method  Apportionment Principle
 The Plurality Method of

Terms Assessment Methods Assessment Tools Performance Target
MIDTERM Quiz Online quiz Students are expected to gain knowledge on midterm topics with 75%
level of proficiency
Activity 1: Essay Rubric on Essay The BSBA students are expected to perform the task assigned on them
with 75% passing
Activity 2: Idea wheel Rubric on Performance Students are expected to achieve 75% proficiency on problem solving
graphic organizer task
Performance Assessment Rubric on Crafts The BSBA students are expected to perform the task assigned on them
(Creation of own Craft ) with 75% passing
Midterm Examination Online Examination Students are expected to achieve 75% proficiency on topics covered for
FINAL Quiz Online quiz Students are expected to gain knowledge on midterm topics with 75%
level of proficiency
Activity 1: Creative Color Rubric on Performance Students are expected to achieve 75% proficiency on problem solving
wheel task
Activity 2: Create own Rubric on Performance Students are expected to gain knowledge on midterm topics with 75%
Painting task level of proficiency
Performance Assessment Rubric on Collage The BSBA students are expected to perform the task assigned on them
(Collage sculpture ) sculpture with 75% passing
Final Examination Online Examination Students are expected to achieve 75% proficiency on topics covered for

Prepared by: Reviewed by: Approved by:


Instructor program Chairperson, BSBA & BSA School Administrations

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