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Are you ready to face unexpected
Foreword/ Introduction
Three friends named Jack,
Noah and Ben were tasked
together to do a project.
The three were known to
loaf around and learn
nothing, but everything
changed when they were
assigned to this math
project that led them to
magical world that
requires to use their
mathematical intelligence.
Will they be able to escape
this world or will they be
trapped in there?
This story involves equations so read it with a
guardian! For the guardian please do not move on
to the next page until you guys can answer the
equations. There is an answer key on the last page
that will help you with it!
School Project
On an ordinary day,
Three friends were doing their group


project for math. Noah and Jack had
come to their friends’ house to do their

“This is tough, I give up” Noah had let

out a sigh.

“Me too, I don’t think I could do this”

Jack agreed.

“But guys, the due date is already near!

We have to make this work” Ben tried
to motivate his groupmates, but they
were all tired and ready to give up.

“Ben, Math is tough to do and we all

know that, I think it’s best if we just
give up on this project,” Noah said as
he stood up, grabbing his bag to leave

the house.

Ben tried to motivate his group who

soon have come into conclusion to
meet up tomorrow and continue the
A dream?!
Noah and Jack went home,
still feeling distressed upon knowing that they still
have no process going on for their school project.
The three had their dinner, and after that, they did
their routine and went to sleep early. Upon drifting
into a deep slumber, Noah had woke up, finding
himself lying down on the green grass.

He looked around and noticed that he was in a

mysterious forest. “Huh? Where am I?” He
muttered under his breath as he looked around.

“I’m pretty sure this is just a dream” He stood up

and walked around until he bumped into a familiar
“Uh hey, who are you?” Noah asked as the kid in
front of him gasped upon hearing his voice.
“Noah?! Is that you?!”
“H-How did you know my name?” Jack asked,
shocked upon hearing someone call his name.
“Noah, this is me! It’s Jack! Your friend!”
Jack held onto both of his shoulders, trying to
convince his friend, but when Noah listened close
to his voice, he knew it was his friend.

“Uhm, may I know who you guys are? I’m pretty

They turned their heads towards that familiar
voice that had caught their attention. “Ben!” Noah
and Jack exclaimed as they ran towards their
friend who stood not from afar with a clueless
“H-How did you guys know my name—”
“Ben, it’s us! Jack and Noah!”
“Wh-What? What are you guys doing here?” Ben was
puzzled upon seeing his friends with weird shapes of
heads. “And what’s with the face?” he asked.
“This is just a dream” Ben spoke as he sat down.
“No, it’s not! I tried waking up, but it won’t work!”
Noah exclaimed as the three tried to do all sorts of
things to wake up like landing a light slap onto their
faces, but it wouldn’t work.

“We’re trapped here” Jack sighed as the three sat

down on the grass, feeling hopeless, but then a
magical fairy had appeared right in front of them.

“Children, you easily give up” The fairy flew in the air
as the three stared at her with eyes widened due to
their shock.
“It is not good to give up just easily. You children have
not even tried a single thing yet you are giving up” The
fairy spoke.
“My name is Elizabeth and I am the guardian of this
forest you guys have been trapped too” She introduced

“For you to escape and get back your faces, I will be

leaving this map behind as a guide for you to leave”
The fairy handed them a map wherein a route was

However the fairy warned them about the mystical

creatures that could be lurking around, but she
reassured them with a protection spell before

“I guess, we’ll have to follow this”

The three took a glance at
the map before following the route.
They walk until they encountered a river that was
swarming with scary crocodiles. “I am Louis and I
guard this river. If you try to take a step, my
friends and I will devour you” Said the crocodile
who hissed at the three which made them

“B-But Mr. Louis, we have to cross this river to

get home! Please let us cross the river!” Ben
“Okay, but first, answer this question and I will
gladly let you cross the river” Louis threw a paper
at them. "If you're ready to pass it just call my

“It’s a math equation” Ben spoke upon examining

the paper.

“No, not this” Jack spoke

Find the two integers between
which the given radical lies “But we have to answer this to cross the river”
Noah spoke as the three had no choice, but to
answer the questions.


“here, Mr. Louis, we are done” They threw the

paper at the crocodile.
Multiply the radicals
“Well then, my children, feel free to cross the
river now,” three have successfully crossed the
other way.
“I’m starving,” Noah said as he held his
“let’s keep walking, we might find food” Ben
encouraged them as they continued to walk
until they encounter an old lady in a brown
robe, holding a basket of apples.
“Old lady, will you be kind enough to give us
an apple?” Jack asked in a weak voice, but
the lady just smiled at me.
“No, because this is mine,” She said in a
selfish tone.
“But we are starving, even just a piece would
do” Ben pleaded.
“Well then, only if you answer this” The old
lady handed them a paper full of equations.
"If you're ready and done just call me"

“Really? I don’t think I could do this

anymore” Noah spoke. “guys, remember
what the fairy said, we have to try” Ben
encouraged the two as they proceeded to
answer the questions.
Simplify Solve

The lady had given them an apple which
they ate upon traveling to find their way out
of the mysterious dull forest that soon
became lively as they crossed this garden.
“Where are we?” Ben asked as he looks
around the place full of flowers.
“I don’t know, but this is such a beautiful
place,” Jack said.
“Halt!” A beautiful woman had appeared
in front of them.
“I am Roseanna, Goddess of flowers and I
am the one who guards and take care of
this garden”
“and it seems to me that the three of you
had trespassed in my property” She
crossed her arms as she examined the
three boys.
“Therefore, I must punish you by turning
you into a grass!”

Noah begged for their life before the

woman could even cast a spell on them.
“All right, but for you to leave this place,
you will have to answer this, and if you're
ready to hand it in or maybe turn into a
grass just call me.” The woman created a

massive flower on her palm, she picked
Solve out a petal before giving it to the three
who were sad upon seeing math


The three continued on their way, following
the way that was shown on the map. They
continued to walk no matter what until they
found a magical path that will probably lead
to their home.

The three boys were happy to find a

pathway, but then a warrior appeared. “Not
so fast, children” Says the warrior.

“I am Devon, the honorable warrior of this

forest and I guard this pathway,”

“I do not know what kind of creatures are

you and with that, I will not allow the three
of you to leave this world!” He exclaimed as
he blocked the pathway.

“But sir, we have to leave! We are not from

this world and the fairy named Elizabeth had
Solve given us this path to leave” Ben spoke as the
warrior examined the three.

“All right then, I will let you leave if you
answer this” A flame of fire had formed on
his palm which showed a math equation." If
you're ready to answer, call me."


The three were desperate to
leave the world, so they
answered the equation. The
warrior had taken a look at the
answer before letting the three

“Take care, children!” He waved

his hand before the three
hopped into the path and were
transported back to their world.

Noah sat up, with a smile on his

face as he realized that he was
finally back into his world. Just

like him, Jack and Ben felt
relieved upon waking up.
The three had met up once again in
Ben’s house to continue their project.
“I had a weird dream” Ben spoke
“Yeah, me too, We were trapped in a
forest” Jack explained as they started
talking about their weird dream.
“Anyway guys, I guess we shouldn’t
give up on things easily,” Noah said.
‘” Yeah I agree,” Ben agreed.
“Speaking of not giving up, let’s start
the project now, shall we?” Ben happily
“Yeah, sure!” Noah exclaimed as he
raised his fist in the air
“all right, let’s do this!” Jack agreed.


Our group would like to tell you, readers, that
giving up will result to nothing but things that
may be bad for you. That's why we are
encouraging you that no matter how hard
things are, DO NOT GIVE UP! It will be worth
it in the end.
2.) Answer: c 3.) Answer: 2√20
1. ) Answer: a

4.) Answer: c 5.) Answer: c

6.) Answer: x=1

7.) Answer: b
The Authors
We would like to thank everyone for reading our book. There may be
times in our lives wherein we are close to giving up but we should not
lose hope. We would like to thank everyone who supported and guided
us. It was not easy to create a book. We would like to share how our cube
characters were inspired by the avatars from Minecraft, IOTNBO, etc.

Noah, Jack, and Ben will always be here to guide you and if you're ready
you know who to call.
Ready? Call! (Radical)

The Authors
G7 Diño, Jewel Renee R. — Illustrator/Layout Artist/Math equations
G8 Heñorga, Vien Emmanuel D. —Writer/Layout Artist
G14 Salamat, Darlene Nicole L. — Layout Artist
G17 Victorino, Aliya Louise N. — Layout Artist/Math equations

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