Teaching CS Unit 01 Section 001

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Case Study-1
In early morning of 26th February Indian Air Force carried out pre-emptive strike at terrorist
camps in Pakistan. These strikes were meticulously planned. It took Indian intelligence
department 200 hours of planning to prepare for the operation. Five Indian Mirage fighter
aircrafts penetrated Pakistan airspace and dropped bombs at terror camps in Balakot area. The
objectives of these strikes were to
(i) Destroy terror training camps. H
(ii) No harm to civilian life and property in other country
(iii) No attack on any army establishment of other country
(iv) No damage to Indian aircrafts and army man. I
The strikes were carried out as planned with all above objectives achieved. The terror camps
were destroyed. There was no harm to any civilian property or any military establishment.
The whole operation took barely 19 minutes. All the aircraft returned safely to their bases that T
Quoting the lines from above identify the aspect of management discussed above.

Case Study-2
As tension arose between two nations, Indian & Pakistani aircrafts were involved in a
dogfight. In the battle between fighter planes Indian jet was hit and Indian pilot ejected into
Pakistan occupied Kashmir. The pilot was taken into custody by Pakistan forces. Generally it J
is very difficult to get such persons back soon. But Indian Government pressurised Pakistan
through various channels and Pakistan had to free the pilot within 48 hours. Does this episode
show the efficiency of Indian diplomacy?

Case Study-3
Explain your reactions in the following situations. E
1. Mr. Tanmay is production manager of Maruti Suzuki. The firm got a production
target of manufacturing 1000 units of Baleno cars by 1st October 2019. Identify
whether he is ineffective/effective/efficient/inefficient in the following cases.
a. He completed the target on time.
b. He could not complete the target on time.
c. He was able to lower production costs.
d. He completed the target on time but with higher production cost.
e. He completed the target on time with lower production costs.
2. Identify whether you are ineffective/effective/efficient/inefficient in the following
cases. C
a. You have helped your organisation to increase its profits.
b. You are able to satisfy your customers with goods on time.
c. You are able to reduce wastage in production process. A
d. You are able to make sales consistently.
3. Identify effectiveness/inefficiency in the following cases.
a. It is an introspective approach. T
b. It means doing right things.
c. It means doing things right.
d. It gives long term advantage to the organisation. K
e. When an employee get better salary than others.
f. It helps the company to earn more profits.
It results in better customer satisfaction.
It helps an employee to get secure his job.
i. It enhances the company’s reputation in public.
j. It means doing the things in most desirable way.
Identify the dimension of management (Work/Human/Operations)
1. A school exists for education and overall development of students. I
2. A school requires teachers.
3. A school is responsible for conducting various activities like teaching, sports, extra-
curricular activities. T
4. Improvement in the skills of English Teachers.
5. Introduction of a new product line in the organisation.
6. Opening a new line of business.
7. Create a team to introduce a new product.
8. Starting a new sales campaign.
9. Buying a new machine to increase productivity.
10. Change of technology. J
11. The dimension that integrates the other two dimensions.

Differentiate between a group and a team.

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