Written Task #3: Functions of Communication

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Written Task #3: Functions of Communication

Identify the purpose of the speaker in their speech delivery and explain your answers.
1. The speaker's objective in their discourse is to show that anybody can work on their
memory and that, regardless of whether they fail to remember things effectively, they can
recollect them once more. He also motivates others to work hard on their input and
output. For me, he encourages me to continually look for a way to develop in the areas
where I want to improve. Moreover, it shows us how to learn things rapidly yet
progressively. I've likewise heard that perusing books is helpful to your accomplishment.
Furthermore, when a psyche has been extended by another experience, it won't get back
to its past state.
2. Senator Miriam Santiago's discourse shows that our nation doesn't follow our criminal
equity laws. The goal of her talk is to educate us regarding what our law is doing behind
our backs in our country. She objects to the record and thinks about what legal counselors
outside of our country will think about our enactment. She shows that people will go to
any length to procure what they need, regardless of whether it implies overstepping the
law. Legislative issues are endeavoring to mislead us in what they are doing, which is the
reason Congressperson Miriam Santiago grumbled, and the objective is for us to
comprehend those legislative issues is negative to us. Investigators tried to rebuff
somebody without proof, as per her comments. Individuals needed to rebuff somebody
with no proof, as per her discourse. She additionally makes reference to that the UP will
direct a three-question study that isn't formally supported by the school's proprietor. That
sort of review doesn't agree with her. Also, criticizing or baiting them by bringing up a
public issue that could bring the constitutional court into disrepute.
3. And on the last video the objective of Charlie Chaplin's third video is to persuade men
that they do not deserve to be treated as slaves or as machines. He stated that no one has
the authority to tell someone what they can do or how they can feel. Men who have a
machine heart are not men. And at the end of the video, he appears to be really depressed
since he realizes that his words and message will never become a resounding success. He
would not like to be a head, as per Charlie Chaplin, since he needed to serve everybody.
Since he accepts that individuals are that way. He needs us to live in happiness as
opposed to hopelessness. The target of his talk is to instruct us that regardless of how
troublesome life is intended for us, we should help one another. He additionally
expressed that we, as people, are the only ones equipped for making our reality wonderful
and free. Officers should battle for opportunity instead of subjugation. His message infers
that we ought not permit anybody to subjugate us and that we should remain all alone joy
as opposed to permitting misery to win. He needs us to battle for our opportunity since he
needs us all to be content and to keep the guarantee that beasts made to us

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