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Anthropology Terms Code Puzzle #1

World History  - Early Humans


1. When one culture adopts the traits of another culture en masse, the process of transformation is
referred to as   1-3-3-21-12-20-21-18-1-20-9-15-14.
2. 3-1-19-20-5 is a person's inherited status in society.
3. A person's brothers and sisters are the person's 19-9-2-12-9-14-7-19.
4. A 7-5-14-5-1-12-15-7-25 is a family's history of descent.
5. The feeling that one's own culture is superior to other cultures is known as 5-20-8-14-15-3-5-14-
6. 9-14-6-1-14-20-9-3-9-4-5 is the killing of children.
7. The native population of a place is its 9-14-4-9-7-5-14-15-21-19 population.
8. Hunter-gatherers are known as 6-15-18-1-7-5-18-19.
9. A religious leader within an organized religion is a 16-18-9-5-19-20, although the person's
particular religion may call her or him by a different term.
10. Harmful discrimination or prejudice based on race is called   18-1-3-9-19-13.

Anthropology Terms Code Puzzle #2

 World History - Early Humans
1. Cultures mark the transitions of life phases in ceremonies known as 18-9-20-5-19 15-6   16-1-19-
2. Acquiring the surrounding culture as part of growing up within it is called 19-15-3-9-1-12-9-26-1-
3. A 19-25-13-2-15-12 is something which is given meaning by its owner.
4. The mythical ancestor believed to have founded a clan is the clan's  20-15-20-5-13.
5. Based on status, a person's 18-15-12-5 in society is the part she or he is expected to play.
6. A person's relative social position in society is her or his   19-20-1-20-21-19.
7. 1-14-9-13-9-19-13 is the belief that objects are animated by spirits.
8. The study of the material remains of human activity is called 1-18-3-8-1-5-15-12-15-7-25.
9. The process of being socialized within a particular culture is 5-14-3-21-12-20-21-18-1-20-9-15-14.
10. The marriage of one individual to only one other individual at a time is 13-15-14-15-7-1-13-25.

Early Humans Crossword

 World History - Early Humans
 5. study of the earth's liquid and solid matter and how these are formed and shaped over time; 
8. person who studies a combination of archaeological evidence, current cultures, and oral histories; 
10. movement of a group of people from one place to another; 
11. preserved remains of living things; 
13. lifestyle of shepherds and herders; 
14. person who studies written evidence from the past.
1. family that discovered evidence of early humans in Africa's Great Rift Valley;
2. study of how humans interact with and populate the earth; 
3. lifestyle involving the cultivation of crops;
 4. place of origin of modern human beings; 
6. lifestyle involving moving from place to place; 
7. species to which human beings belong; 
9. study of the earth's natural environment; 
12. person who studies artifacts from past cultures.
agrarian Europe Homo sapiens nomadic
anthropologist folk tale human geography paleontologist
archaeologist fossils Leakey pastoral
Africa geology migrant physical geography
biology historian migration
Anthropology Terms Code Puzzle #3
 World History - Early Humans
1. A fixed conception of members of a group is a  19-20-5-18-5-15-20-25-16-5.
2. The scientific study of human culture and biology is called 1-14-20-8-18-15-16-15-12-15-7-25.
3. An attempt to systematically kill all members of a particular culture or ethnic group is known as 7-5-
4. Gifts given to a groom by a bride's family at marriage are known as the bride's 4-15-23-18-25.
5. 3-21-12-20-21-18-5 refers to the full range of behaviors learned by members of a group.
6. Without the harmful nature of racism, 18-1-3-9-1-12-9-19-13 uses physical "racial" descriptions for
reference purposes.
7. Africa, Asia, and Europe are often referred to as the  15-12-4   23-15-18-12-4.
8. 16-15-12-25-7-1-13-25 is a marriage to more than one spouse at a time.
9. The complex emotional and mental characteristics of a person make up the person's unique 16-5-
10. The socially recognized union of two or more people is called  13-1-18-18-9-1-7-5.

Anthropology Terms Code Puzzle IV

 World History - Early Humans
1. A 19-21-2-3-21-12-20-21-18-5 is a distinguishable culture within a culture.
2. The absorption of a person or group into another group or society is 1-19-19-9-13-9-12-1-20-9-15-
3. 8-9-19-16-1-14-9-3 refers to Latin-American cultural traditions.
4. The act of judging someone or something before the person or thing is known is 16-18-5-10-21-4-
5. 18-5-12-9-7-9-15-14 is a system of beliefs regarding supernatural beings and/or forces.
6. 16-15-12-25-20-8-5-9-19-13 is the belief in two or more gods.
7. The Americas are sometimes called the 14-5-23   23-15-18-12-4.
8. A family unit of a woman, a man, and their children is known as a 14-21-3-12-5-1-18   6-1-13-9-12-
9. 2-9-14-7-21-9-19-20-9-3-19 is the study of languages.
10. 13-21-12-20-9-3-21-12-20-21-18-1-12-9-19-13 uses a "salad bowl" model for society.

What Year Is It? Worksheet

 Social Studies - - Social Studies Worksheets
What does the number of a given year
signify? What does it mean that a year
is numbered 1492, 1776, or 2000?
Who came up with these numbers?
Over the centuries, different cultures
and civilizations have measured and
tracked the passing years in various
Some civilizations, such as the ancient
Egyptians and Chinese, used regnal
years. The term regnal refers to the
reigning monarch. For example, if a
king ruled for ten years, the first year
of his rule would be "Year 1," and this
number cycle would end with the end
of his rule. The numbering system
would begin again with the next ruler.
Scribes and priests kept records of
kings and the years that these kings

The Jewish, or Hebrew, calendar is a

continuous calendar that begins just
before Jewish tradition believes that
God created the earth. (A continuous
calendar is one that continues without
restarting.) The Jewish calendar
begins on 1 Tishrei 1 A.M. Tishrei is
the first Jewish month. The
abbreviation "A.M." stands for anno mundi, meaning "in the year of the world." The traditional Jewish
day of creation corresponds to October 7, 3761 B.C.E. One can calculate the Jewish year number by
adding 3760 before the New Year (Rosh Hashanah) holiday, or 3761 after the holiday, to the
Western calendar year number.

The Islamic, or Muslim, calendar begins with the date of Muhammad's arrival at the city of Medina.
This date corresponds to the year 622 C.E. Islamic year lengths are not necessarily 365 or 366 days,
but one can generally come close to the Islamic year number by deducting 622 from the Western
calendar year number.

The Gregorian (or Western) calendar (named after Pope Gregory XIII), is now considered a civil
calendar and is in use around the world. This calendar began replacing the ancient Roman Julian
calendar in 1582. Monks working in the Middle Ages counted back the years to reckon the year
Jesus was born. This year was named "1 A.D." ("A.D." means anno Domini, "in the year of our
Lord"). Jesus’ birth was believed to have occurred on December 25, A.D. 1. 1  All years before this
came to be referred to as "B.C." ("before Christ"). Thus, the year 5 B.C. took place five years before
the birth of Jesus.

The Western calendar spread throughout the world during the era of imperialism, when Great Britain
and other Western powers gained political and economic control around the world. The Western
calendar remains the civil calendar in use around the world thanks to international commerce and the
need for a shared international calendar system. Because the Western calendar is used by many
non-Christians (in both the West and around the world) today, many people have begun to change
the "B.C./A.D." system to a "B.C.E./C.E." system. "B.C.E." stands for "before the Common (or
Christian) Era," while "C.E." stands for the "Common (or Christian) Era."

1 Did you know that this date was created by early Christians? The Christian New Testament never
mentions Jesus’ actual birthday. Early Christian leaders decided to celebrate Jesus’ birthday on
December 25th in order to replace the Roman holiday Saturnalia, a day when ancient Romans
traditionally exchanged gifts. Did you also know that medieval monks calculated the years incorrectly,
as well? Modern historians have recalculated ancient dates, and now believe that Jesus was most
likely born between what Westerners refer to as 4-6 B.C.E.
Questions: 1. What year were you born according to the Western (Gregorian) calendar? 2. What
year were you born according to the Jewish (Hebrew) calendar? 3. What year were you born
according to the Islamic (Muslim) calendar? 4. What do you think about the switch from "B.C./A.D." to
"B.C.E./C.E."? Explain your answer. Click here to print.

Early Humans Word Search Puzzle

 World History - Early Humans

Early Peoples Writing Exercises

World History - Early Humans
 (1) What can we know about early peoples from studying the tools they used? 
(2) What caused early peoples to migrate from place to place? 
(3) Describe the relationship between early peoples and their environment.

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