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*******QUESTIONS****** WHAT IS FOREX TRADING? Forex simply means foreign exchange.

It's a simple way anyone can make money off the foreign exchange market as it
involves buying currencies at a lower price and selling when high, just like stock
but with currencies. ___________________ WHAT CURRENCIES CAN BE TRADED ON? I
usually trade on usdjpy as it happens to be my favourite pair and really easy to
identify trends. ___________________ WHY DID YOU FOLLOW ME? I was only going
through the list of people that were suggested that I might share similar interest.
I found a few stuffs on your profile that indicated this. Hope you don't mind?
___________________ WHAT DO I NEED TO GET STARTED To get started, you first need to
set up a trading account with a suitable broker platform. I usually trade on bull-
option and hantecfx. Bull options
happens to be my favourite. ____________________ HOW LONG HAVE YOU BEEN A TRADER?
It might interest you to know that I've been trading the markets for over 5 years
now and this comes with a lot of experience. ____________________ WHY ARE YOU
TELLING ME ABOUT THIS? I'm only telling you about this to create an awareness to
the fact that there are simple and legitimate ways of making money online as people
usually get bored of the 9-5 job. ______________________ HOW CAN YOU HELP ME GET
STARTED? Currently, I offer account management and tutoring to beginners looking to
make the most profit possible from trading forex. The deal however, is that you get
to pay me a 20% off whatever profit generated as commission for my service.
______________________ WHAT DO YOU GET FROM HELPING ME? You get to pay me a 20% as
commission off whatever profit generated as commission for my service. If you agree
to this. We can proceed. ______________________ HOW DO I KNOW YOU'RE NOT TRYING TO
I offer a fully transparent and profitable trading system and you don't have to send
any money as withdrawals as well as deposit is entirely controlled by you. Deposit
is made directly to your trading account and you also have access to monitor trades
on your account in real time. If you're in doubt, I can share snapshots of my
recent trade history as well as withdrawals from accounts I'm currently managing.
______________________ WHAT IS THE MINIMUM AMOUNT I CAN START UP WITH? You can
start up with as low as 500$ but I usually recommend 1000$ and higher for the most
return as these accoubt types come with privileges that help optimize profit.
HOW MUCH PROFIT CAN I EXPECT FROM INVESTING 500$ We should be able to generate and
average weekly profit of up to USD3,500 and this should increase over time with
subsequent compounding. ______________________ HOW CAN I MAKE DEPOSIT AND WITHDRAW
There are several methods of withdrawal as well as deposit available to you
depending on which will be more convenient. These include; Bank Wire Transfer
Bitcoin Western Union money Transfer Perfect Money Money gram
_______________________ DO I NEED TO DOWNLOAD ANY SOFTWARE? Trading on bull option
is entirely web based and accessible to you anywhere in the world and No you don't
need to download any software. ________________________ HOW DO I PAY YOU YOUR
COMMISSION? I usually prefer being paid via bitcoin and usually up ON withdrawal.
But you can also have it sent via bank wire transfer. _________________________
WHAT DAYS DO YOU TRADE? I usually trade 5 days a week and usually between 8am to
5pm when the markets are open. __________________________
Last modified: 13 Sep 2018

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