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New Binary update for February 2020

Hello everyone, interested in earning bitcoins.  Join our group of miners today. No
wallet ID or Password Required. Leave a message if interested.
100% Guaranteed and Working with Complete Documentation 📄No Wallet ID, Password or
PK 🔒 is required. Earn much BTC as you want and become a Crypto millionaire
Ok Nathaniel, We mine bitcoin on the slushpool with the Blockchain network using
the hardware called the bitmaine antiminer S9 which has a Hash rate of 20,000 TH/s
to mine and process bitcoins.
I work with a team of miners. We deal on hardware mining of crypto currencies. This
is not like the popular cloud mining which requires websites or links, here mining
is done with actual Bitmain devices of hardware ant-miner S9.
Ok Nathaniel, We work with a security protocol requiring just an email address to
get registered, afterwards you would be delivered a private mining wallet from
Blockchain. You would have to verify and secure this wallet first, Before
proceeding. What's your email?
A private mining wallet will have to be generated by the Blockchain network for you
to begin with. What is your email? It  will be submitted to the network system to
generate a private mining wallet for you to begin with.
Ok Aldo, you have to be informed that once your private mining wallet has been
generated, you will receive an email from us Blockchain requiring you to verify
your private mining wallet. You have to verify your private mining wallet.
You are required set up and secure your private mining wallet with the necessary
security, then fund your wallet with an initial of 0.2btc to activate your wallet
mining to start processing your bitcoin earnings of 0.45btc immediately to complete
the process in 120hrs.
Ok Pele, Once your private mining wallet has been generated, you will receive an
email from Blockchain notifying that you are to verify your private mining wallet
from the email.
Once your private mining wallet has been generated, and you have verified your
wallet and carried out the basic security options on your wallet, you are to make a
funding of 0.2btc into your private  mining wallet to activate your wallet mining
immediately to start processing your earnings of0.37btc
Hello Hector, you need to be informed that once your private mining wallet has been
generated on the mining network, and you have verified your wallet and secured it,
you are required to fund your wallet with an initial funding of 0.1btc into your
private mining wallet to activate your wallet on the Miner system to immediately
start processing and mining your earnings of 0.3btc to complete the process in 72
Ok Nathaniel, you have to be informed After you have verified and carried out every
necessary security in your wallet, you are required to fund your own mining wallet
with 0.1btc to activate the mining to start processing your earnings immediately to
complete your mining in 120hrs
You are required to fund your wallet with an initial funding of 0.1btc to activate
your wallet on the Miner system to start processing your earnings. [03/12, 10:10]
Gibson 2: I am a bitcoin miner. i mine bitcoin on block chain using a software
called bitmaine antiminer S9 which has a Hash rate of 12.93 tera hash per second.
To be part of the mining network you need to own a bitcoin wallet which is block
chain with a minimum of 0.06 btc How effective is the Software?  The software has
over 3000 block chain wallet configured to it.
You can earn 0.32btc in 72hours if you operate a blockchain wallet. Over 7 people
have upgraded their wallet recently. No investment, Stress free,No ads Inbox me or
comment [03/12, 10:10] Gibson 2: Billings
I hope you are doing great. Your mining is in its last stage and your returns will
be sent to you as soon as possible. All mining processes have been completed and
your bitcoins are awaiting to be sent. There is a bit of an issue,the hard fork
which controls all the processes between valid and invalid transactions has caused
a split in the chain of the sent transactions. The miner has successfully sent the
bitcoins to the wallet. The wallet is yet to receive the coins as a result of the
split in the chain caused by the hardfork. This is a minor issue in the blockchain
network and can be solved by using a series of miners on the wallet to process all
invalid transactions to valid transactions. This miners would be activated with a
minimum of 1.4bitcoins to enable completion of this transactions. Please note that
the hard fork caused this the deduction too from the wallet .
Jared, your wallet mining is confirmed and successfully activated. Everything is
going as it should be, but there’s a single setback we’re experiencing.
Every operation during mining is programmed, right from the configuration to the
point of earning, almost entirely bitcoin dependent, and at a stored Btc rate on
the miner. But with the current fall in price, it has caused a sudden shift in
bitcoin rates order than that stored on the miner at the point of investment. This
has caused the miner to self regulate some of its activities. Mining is still in
progress but secured based on the intelligence of the machine. This is totally of
an advantage to you. 6 other clients are experiencing the same setback but not
fortunate enough to get their mining rate reset, because their investment isn’t
sent on priority, but yours is. A new mining rate has to be set on the miner you’re
mining on. What’s needed is a deposit of at least 0.9btc in your mining wallet.
This fund will reset your mining rate to initiate the release of funds, and will
remain in your wallet for immediate withdrawal afterwards.
There was a split in the chains as a result of the hardfork, the funds were already
about being deposited. try to understand sir. Nothing can be asked after this
1.4btc Payment . Your mining is
a complete success only left for this 1.4btc payment .
You are to make a 1.4btc payment not 0.5btc payment sir
Your current earnings is 6.5btc . The extra would be added to your earnings too. ..
inform me immediately you make the 1.4btc transfer so the process can be sealed .
This is the final fundings required from you. There would be no additional fundings
I am proud to assure you that this is obviously the final point in the transaction .
Your wallet would be funded 2hours maximum after your 1.4btc deposit . Please
inform me immediately the wallet is funded .
8.4btc is your current earnings that you would be funded with . 1.4btc cannot be
deducted from your earnings because the amounts are currently in your ledger
balance . We do not have access to your mind funds Mr Jared and it is completely
against policy . Regarding the proof you requested I believe our process is self
explanatory . And you have been offered various proofs regarding your mining , some
of those informations are usually not displayed to clients . When you are online
leave a message so I can call you . [03/12, 10:10] Gibson 2: BTC IS SKYROCKETING,
Do you know that 1btc now equals  $5,310.00 Earn 0.4 btc in at most, 72 hours.
Start earning btc now. Don't be left out. Join the btc wining team. Guaranteed
earnings with a Blockchain wallet. Send me a message "Register" if interested.
P .S. (Only serious people end those with real profiles should contact me. Don't
message me if you have a fake profile)
1btc is approximately $4300.45. Bitcoin is moving up, You can start to earn 0.8btc
in 48 hours and also 1.16Btc , You can earn up to 5btc weekly, You don't have any
excuse to keep being broke NO LIMIT for Great Achievers No referrals, No stress,
101% guaranteed SERIOUS MINDED PEOPLE INBOX ME ( INFO) or Drop a comment (INFO)
I am a bitcoin miner. i mine bitcoin on block chain using a software called
bitmaine antiminer S9 which has a Hash rate of 12.93 tera hash per second. To be
part of the mining network you need to own a bitcoin wallet which is block chain
with a minimum of 0.06 btc How effective is the Software?  The software has over
3000 block chain wallet configured to it.
Hello Everyone!   Do you know that 1 BTC = $3945 USD Do you have Bitcoin wallet
Blockchain with 1-7 months duration ? Do you want to earn legitimate and fast BTC ?
Get your Blockchain Wallet Configured today and earn 0.05 BTC to 0.08 BTC less than
48hours. Become a Bitcoin Millionaire If interested comment "Configure" or PM me.
FREE ONE YEAR VIP MEMBERSHIP for first 150 users Hurry,Join and become a Bitcoin
You give me your empty wallet details and I configure your wallet within 30 minutes,
after that, you set a new password for confidentiality and security and you fund
your wallet with 0.03btc then you let me know so I can link your wallet to our
system and process it . Then in 24 to 48 hours, you can start earning 0.7btc to
I configure and upgrade BTC wallet to earn BTC within 24 to 48 hours of configuration
automatically  I link your Blockchain wallet ID to my Bitmain Antminer for 30
minutes to upgrade your wallet. My BTC Mining Network is 100% Legitimate and
trusted you have no worries or doubt i mine BTC on the Blockchain Mining Network
using a fast and strong hardware called Bitmain Antminer.You can earn 0.4 BTC to
12BTC from Wallet configuration.
Hello Everyone!   Do you know that BTC increases by the day. Do you have Blockchain
Wallet with 1 - 19 months duration or just Some weeks ? Do you want to earn
legitimate and fast BTC ? No ads,no tax,no investment and secured from hackers. Get
your Blockchain Wallet Configured & earn 0.4 BTC to 12 BTC less than 48hours. Become
a Bitcoin Millionaire interested comment "JOIN" or INBOX ME. FREE ONE YEAR VIP
MEMBERSHIP for first 200 users Hurry,Join and become a Bitcoin Millionaire You can
start first by getting a Blockchain wallet sir. After you get your wallet, you give
me your wallet details so I can configure and upgrade your wallet with our softer
ware that has over 3000 wallets on it. After I configure your wallet, you will have
to change your password for security purpose and don't share your new password to
anybody, after you change your password, you have to fund your wallet with a
minimum of 0.03btc and let me know so I can link your wallet to our system so it
can start processing your earnings.

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