240 Vocabulary Words 6th Grade Kids Need To Know

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24 Ready-to-Reproduce Packets That Make Vocabulary Building Fun & Effective Buffet Posterit: ery eneopHyowy 1D, 240 Vocabulary Words Kids Need to Know 24 Ready-to-Reproduce Packets That Make Vocabulary Building Fun & Effective by Linda Ward Beech Teaching Resawreces New York + Torente + Lendon » Auckland + sydney Mexico city « New Delhi» Hong Kong + Buenos Aires ‘Scholastic te grant aches permission te photocopy the designated eprodvtle pages rom his ook for clasoom se. No oer pat of this publication may be replaced in whole ori pare fred ia reeval system. or tamed nan fonm of bY any means elie, mechanic, ‘hotcopying, tecordng or ethertee, witht smiten permission of the puter Foe information Feanrding ormisaon, wit to Scholastic Tne, 557 Broadway, Nev York, NY HDL, Cover deign by Gerard Fuchs Itetr stations by Steve Cox, ke Moran Conic © 200 by Linda Ward Beech. Al rights reserve, Prine in the USA 1 Using the Book. Lesson 1: Lesson 2 Lesson 3: Lesson 4: Lesson 5: Lesson 6: Lesson 7: 1B Lesson @: 1 Lesson 9: Lesson 10: Table of Contents ‘Synonyms Synonyms Antonyms Antonyms ‘Compound Words Homophones Homographs Eponyms: People Bponyms: Places Words From Other Languages Words From Literature ‘Words rom Shakespeare Blonds Content Words: Weather Content Words: Music Latin Roots aud, gat, ject Greek Word Parts aero, belt, pam Greek Word Parts chronog, phon British English Word Stories Funny Words Confusing Words Prefixes de, fore, ime, micro, ant Salixes ance, «ity, al, less, ble 12 15 18 a 4 a 30 Fy 36 Fy 45 2 3 54 7 60 63 66 69 2 78 78 70 Using the Book ‘Where would we be without words? Its Jhard to imagine. Words are a basic build- {ng block of communication, and a strong vocabulary isan essential part of reading, writing, and speaking well The purpose ofthis book is to help learners expand the number of words they know land the ways in which they use them, “Although 240 vocabulary words are intro- ‘duced, many more words and meanings dare woven into the book's 24 lessons Learning new swords isnot just about encountering them; its about using them, exploring them, and thinking about them. So the lessons in this hook are organized around different aspects ‘and attributes of words—related mean- ings, how words are formed, where ‘words come from, homophones, homo- graphs, word parts, blends, and much ‘more, The lessons provide an opportun- ty for students to try out words, reflect ‘on words, and have fin with sors Materials: As you introduce the les sons, be sure to have the following items available: dictionaries thesauruses ‘writing notebooks or journals writing tools BEE Youll find a complete alphabetized list ofall the lesson words at the back of the book, Lesson Organization? Zach lesson is three pages long and introduces ten words. “The first lesson page includes: lesson words ———7 sacemene of — leeton focus simple sentences explaining he meanings of the words 4 ‘The second page includes: lesson words —— «lore activity thinking activity with test prep filkins Wing to Lean component ‘The third page includes: ural, game or other | learning activiy using the words Tips for Using the Lessons: «Many words have more than one meaning, {including some that are not given in the les: son. You may want to point out additional ‘meanings or invite students to discover ‘them independently * Many words can be used as more than one part of speech. Again, you can expand stu: ents! vocabulary by drawing attention to such usage. + As you go over the exercises with students, discuss all the choices that are given and ‘why some of them are the wrong answers, Jn some cases, students may have to look up words in order to determine ifa choice is conect oF not ‘Have students complete the Writing to Lea, activities in a notebook or journal s0 they have a specific place where they can refer to and review words ' Consider having ctudonte make a vet of word cards for each lesson, or make a class set and place it in your writing center. Build svord family lists with words based fon major phonograms such as glum, clash, or chips. + Don't hesitate to add your own writing assignments. The more students use a word, the more likely they are to "own" i ‘Be avvare of pronunciation differences when teaching homographs. Not al stadents may. pronounce words inthe same way and this an lead to confusion 1 Use the words to teach gyllabication rules, + Use the vocabulary words to teach related spelling and grammar rules. * Bncourage students to make semantic maps for some words. For instance, students might organize a map for a noun to show what the ‘word is, what it ike, what itis not like, and include some examples of the word. «Have students illustrate some words, * Help students make connections by pointing ut lesson words used in other contexts and materials, Tak about other forms of a word, for example pacify, pacifit, pacification, pacifier. Encourage students to word build in this fashion + Have students locate places on a world map when studying word histories and words from other languages. + Have students categorize words, + Encourage stadents to consult more than one reference and to compare information, Consider having students fil out Word Inventory Sheets bbefore each lesson. The headings for such a sheet might be: Words | Know; Words I Have Seen but Don't Really Know; New Words. Using pencils, students can list the vocabulary words and probable meanings under the headings. As the lesson proceeds, they can make revisions and additions. NAME __ are Synonyms ‘tum pacify verity suppress ate commotion haughty surmise const A. SYNONYM |S A WORD THAT MEANS THE SAME OR. ‘ALMOST THE SAME THING AS ANOTHER WORD, To paelty means “to soothe." Ifyou verify something, you prove It is rue Suppress means “subdue. If you'te gregarious, you're friendly. A commotion is distusbance ifyou're glum, Haughty means ‘conceited ” ‘you're dejected. ‘When you surmise, you guess, ‘When you consolidate chings, you unify them, Your destiny is your fate. almost the same thing. ‘gregarious gruesome sociable gargantuan companionable pacity disturb pack calm appease cor conjure join merge console slum morose ‘dloomy lowing aad haughty proud arrogant haunted handsome commotion communicate peace uproar unrest suppress cuell guess crush provide verity disprove confirm authenticate variety ‘Write a vocabulary word to complete each sentence. A fortune cookie might tell your Sometimes you can _ something even if you don't have all the facts. glum | Pacity verify suppress gregarious, commetion _haighty surmise consolidate destiny ‘A. Use what you know. Write the best word to complete each sentence. 1, Dana couldnt _ a smile when the puppy skidded off the rug, 22. The postal clerk asked Anita to hor address. 3. The arrival ofthe star caused quite a in the restaurant 4, Do you ever wonder what your wll be? S.Royisa____ person who loves parties. 6. The team was when thei opponents won. 7. Mrs. Young could only what had happened tothe leftover chocelate rake 1. The coach tried to the players when the referee's call ‘went against them, 9. My sister and her husband had to________their belongings when they got married. 10. The salesman was from hin. and rude, so Keiko decided not to buy Read each question. Choose the best answer, 1 What does an accident cause? CJ promotion) commotion gratitude 2. Who might be glum? © partysoer 0 prisoner.) vacationer 3. Which one is tak show host? haughty 1) timia © gregarious 4, What does a detective do? a verity pacify 3 ual 2 Writing to Learn Write a mystery story. Use at least three vocabulary words NAME, Dare Synonyms Play Tio-Iue-Synonym, Read each word. Then draw a line through three words in the box that are synonyms for that word. Your line can be vertical, horizontal, or diagonal. 1. stam 2. commotion rrombling | dismal | furious sensational | awkward | commune aetirious | sutlen | glorious radiance | comuption | dangerous revealing | unhappy | Rolish amutt [agitation | disturbance 5. suppress cemphasize| revolt | restrain temp stop | sulfuse subdue | supreme | encourage 4. surmise 5 pacity react | vanish | inter awiet | expire | conceal embrace | surprise | suppose dramatize | place | cdify rebuild | restore | conjecture fuarancee | paddle | soothe ams ge Synonyms lseipt abundant petition noxious surge ‘impartial valiant labyrinth paramouné haggard A SYNONYM IS A WORD THAT HAS THE SAME OR ALMOST ‘THE SAME MEANING AS ANOTHER WORD. Adit isa ower ‘Abundant means ng Apetton isa roe a ‘Surge means “rise.” ff Ifyou are vlan, yu a6 ave Al | ‘A tabyeinen oa ma eT a. Se you ae gab, you are exe ‘A. Read the words in each row. Write a vocabulary word that means almost the same thing. 1. plentiful, copious Sea 2. worn, tied 3. courageous, fearless 4, Bir, unprejudiced 5. swell, billow ee 6. entreaty, supplication a 7. chief, supreme 8. venomous, malignant BB. Write a vocabulary word for each clue. 1. This word can refer to a student, - 2. This word mes 18 confusing arrangement.” _ oo disciple abundant petition noxious ‘surge Impartial vallant_=—=—stabyrinth paramount haggard |A. Use what you know, Write the best word to complete each sentence. 1. Te fumes from the old machine had a __ smell 2. Food was at the fancy butte. 3, Avoording to this stady, there's been a _____ in crime this year. 4 The students took around 2 people to sign it ___ for mote playground equipment and asked 5. After staying up all night writing a paper, Theo looked real 6. The judge gave an_______raling om the case. 7.10 of ____ importance that you finish all your assignments today 1. The prince in this tale was__ and trustworthy. 9. Some farmers create a___by outing paths through their cornstalks in the fall 10. The ___ mot with his teacher every day. B, Read each question. Choose the best answer, 1, Whats a labyrinth? 3 complicated simple 2 straightforward 2, What can surge? 1 rock, 0 water 0 sar 3. What makes you haggard? 0} sleep © sleepy 1 sleeplessness 44. Who is valiant? 0 coward 0 bystander hero 2 Writing to Learn Draw a comic strip. Use at least three vocabulary words in the dialogue. i 2 i i bare 2 & word that is synonym for each word on the list. Then use the words to help you get through the labyrinth. — a won a ae a : a = _ = = —— i a a = Sh = : sweet F 7 | eee HH yg i i a | | Boer] | oe neutral & lacking eae | oe — factual conger Tenient entice transparent Ez er severe epaque AN ANTONYM IS WORD THAT MEANS THE I'm make-believe, (OPPOSITE OF ANOTHER WORD. Something that is faetual is based on facts. Ifyou are congenial, you are agreeable. Disagreeable means “unpleasant.” Leniont means “merciful” Severe means “harsh.” Entice moans “ure.” Ifyou repet someone, you drive that person away. Fanciful means “imaginary.” ‘Something that is transparent is easily seen through. Something that is opaque does not allow light or understanding through, A. Read each word. Weite a word from the box 1B. Read the words in each that is an antonym. bbox. Underline the two ‘stern impenetrable reject hostile real compatible cola opaque 2 oe ‘words that are antonyms. A. Use what you know, Write the best word to complete each sentence. 1. Gil felt that the penalty for being late was. and unfair 2, The illustrations for the book were whimsical and —_ 3. sa tried to _— the stray cat by leaving out fod. 44 The players hoped their coach would be __ about missing practice 5. Through the __ ass, Yori could see the guests at the party, 6. The story our camp counselor told about a monster wasn't tall 7. Sometimes Kurt's remarks are 60 can’t understand hit, {8 Everyone on the trip was___and got along very well 9. The realtor worried that the musty odor in the vacant house would potential buyers. 10, When the woman got ahead of her in line, Tanya said something __ B. Read each question. Choose the best answer. 1. What isa blizzard? 1D congeniat 9 Ienient 0 severe 2 Which one is disagreeable? argument) conversation} chat. 3. Which one is fanciful? © hippo 3 sryphon © cocoate 4. Which is most crangparent? gauze © woot © denim ©& Writing to Learn Write a factual account of a sports event. Then write a fanciful account of the same event. 7 Antonyms ‘Rewrite Nolan's e-mail to his friend, Clay. Use an antonym for each underlined word, Coy, Are you lucky that your parents are so severe! They are way disagreeable folks. That factual story about getting ceught on a tree: branch just made me chuckle. Did they reelly believe that's why you couldn't get home in time to help with the yard work? It was @ very opaque excuse, Maybe next time they'll be able to repel you To help with some cool promises or something, Nolen i oe Dare Antonyms lice slovenly mandatory indnost Immaculate’ unnecessary ‘AN ANTONYM IS A WORD THAT MEANS THE (OPPOSITE OF ANOTHER WORD. ‘Mattes is il will. ‘When you show Kklndness, you actin a considerate way. Stovenly means ‘messy and ditty.” I you are immaculate, you are very clean. Something that is mandatory is required Something that is unnecessary isn’t needed Reverence means “deep respect" Ancestors are people in If someone shows disrespeet, that person acts rudely. your family from whom you Posterity refers to gonorations of the ature ee A. Read the word in the first column. Find and circle the word in the row that in antonym. 1. unnecessary needless ‘unfutfited needed 2. slovenly slowly soy reat 5 ancestors antecedents descendants relatives 4. disrespect carelessness respect Impokteness 5. posterity forefathers progeny possibility B. Read the word in the first column. Circle the word in the row that is an antonym, and underline the word that is a synonym. 1. reverence: reverend veneration discourtesy 2. teneness idleness consideration meanest 5. immaculate unsoiled unkempt disruptive 4. matice spite hunger love 5. mandatory unneeded obligatory tolerant 1s pare, posterity ‘A. Use what you know. Write the best word (o complete each sentence. 1. The doctor showed great gentleness and __ while treating the confused man, 2. Ateaining camp, a swim before breakfast was a exercise ‘3. The rusty, abandoned cars inthe yard gave the place a__ look. 44. Mom said that a new shirt was ‘because Dennis had plenty of shits, 5. ‘The students made family trees and listed their _ on them. 6. Talking during a play isa sign of. to the actors and other members of the audience. ‘7. In her erisp uniform, the nurse looked neat and _ £8. "T hope my work will be read by * the author told the interviewer ‘9. The followers spoke with great _____for their beloved leader 10."The demonstrators were angry and showed _____toward their opposition. 'B. Read each question. Choose the best answer. 4. Who inherits? © posterity ancestors «contemporaries 2. Who shows malice? 0 friend 3 acquaintance enemy ‘5. What's unnecessary? 0 eating 0 sleeping 0 teasing 44. What does a boor show? reverence 9 disrespect. ©} manners © Writing to Learn Write a letter of advice to be read by posterity. Use at least three vocabulary words. 1% re ich clue, Then write the circled letters on the bered lines at the bottom of the page to answer the riddle. WHAT DO CATS EAT WHEN THEY'RE IN A HURRY? wee Qe tourna QL... a OF Le aa - oes vm —_ _0O- 8. adoration — Se 9. sloppy oe a ee 10. offspring on Se 493 5 1 w 8 C7 as 7 eg) 9 or Compound Words highrise open-ended drive-in troubleshoot life span solar energy Know-how low-key getaway health club A COMPOUND WORD |S MADE UP OF TWO OR MORE WORDS PUT TOGETHER ‘8 COMPOUND WORD CAN BE WRITTEN AS ONE WORD OR ASTWO SEPARATE WORDS, SOME COMPOUND WORDS ARE HYPHENATED, [A fiigherise is a building with many stories, ‘When something is @pen-ended, its not final ‘A drive-in isa place whero poople get served while fn their cars When you troubleshoot, you eliminate problems. Energy ftom the sun is solar energy. Know-how means "expertise. If something is lowekay, i s played down. A getaway is an exit, 'A health elub isa place with exercise equipment. ‘A. Draw a Tine to match each B, Write a vocabulary word for vocabulary word with its meaning, each picture. highrise a lifetime : se . fe span understated Ae |. open-ended . rectify 4, skyscraper escape restaurant 1 capabilicy i i i 2 foe oes pare. Compound Words high-rise open-ended drive-in troubleshoot _ife span solar energy know-how low-key getaway health etub Use what you know. Write the best word to complete each sentence, 1. An Asian elephant has a of up to 80 yeas. 2. The Pappos family moved to the twentieth Noor of anew —_ 3. Dad's job at the fairwas to and solve any issues. 4. Several questions on the test were and had no one answer, . This building is heated by 6. Conchita takes a stretching class at che —_ __ twice a wee. 7. When it comes to repairing ars, Cyrus has alot of. {The van in the photo isthe one the robbers used in their 9."The singer was ___and not at all ashy 10. On our tip, we bought lunch ata__s0 we didn't lose time. Read each question. Choose the best answer. 1. Where do you ran? © high rise health ease) eath cub 2, What's good fora getaway?) cart, ocr © carton 3. Who has know-how? D novice = student” «= expert 4. Where can you get ash? O dtivein rani 3 shutsin 2 Writing to Learn Pretend you are a real estate broker. Write a brochure for your community. Include at least three vocabulary words. 19 NAME Dare Compound Words ‘Read each list of words, Write a vocabulary word to go with each group. spa duration bbonch-pressing survival fight 4 restrained departure sunderemphasized elude ‘inhibited 8. power 6. correct electricity eliminate ys resolve 7. many-storied fast food tall automobile elevators ‘convenience 9. uncommitted 1. kl midless proficiency undecided ability Homophones carl waver —shostel—=s hue —_—ineight forry waiver hostile haw ete ‘4 HOMOPHONE |S A WORD THAT SOUNDS LIKE ANOTHER WORD BUT HAS A DIFFERENT MEANING, SPELLING.AND ORIGIN. A sart is a garment worn by Hindu women, Ifyou are sorry, you are apologetic. ‘When you waver, you hesitate ‘A.walver is a document that gives up a claim, ‘A hostel is an inexpensive lodging ‘Hue is a gradation of color Ifyou hew something, you chop or cut it out Insight is the ability to understand something, Hostile means “unfriendly.” "To Inette is to stir wp. A. Read the words in each row. Write B. Complete each riddle with a the vocabulary word that means vocabulary word. Use the pictures almost the same thing. tin, shade : - PES 1 sound tke hose, 1. vacilate, actuate butlama 3. rancorous, antagonistic | 1 sound like sorry, but Tama regretful, remorseful carve, cleave provoke, arouse 1 sound like waver, ‘but tama Intuition, perception Homophones sn (waver hue insight sorry walver ew inette ‘A. Use what you know. Write the best word to complete each sentence. 1. The sky's______deepened as the sun set 2. The hikers stopped forthe night at a youth __ 4. Did the leaders try t0 the workers to trouble? 44, Fatima wrapped a beautiful yellow around her. 5. You could see the deer___as we interrupted their meal of our yew bushes 6. The carver began tp ______a figure from the wood. 7. With sudden __________, Kaneko inew what she had to do. 8. was_______she had been so rude to the caller 9. Mr. Fine agreed to a ___relinguishing his right to the property 10, The crowd seemed angry and_____to the visiting dignitaries. BB. Read each question. Choose the best answer. 1. What might a dicter do? 0 wave 1 waver 0 waiver 22, Who says sorry? offender offended offensive 3. What hue isthe ocean? 0 purple 10 orange 0 blue 4. How do enemies feel? OF hostel 0 hostile hospitable @& Writing to Learn Write an apology that one neighbor might make to another. Use at least three vocabulary words. 2 NAME, ee pare eee PE Homographs wound buffet incense pawn intimate wound buffet = incense. pawn intimate ANOTHER WORD BUT HAS A DIFFERENT MEANING AND | A HOMOGRAPH IS A WORD THAT IS SPELLED THE SAME AS SOMETIMES A DIFFERENT PRONUNCIATION. Wound is the past tense of wind, meaning to wrap around." A butfet isa counter from which meals are served ‘To buffet is to strike forcefully. Incense isa substance that burs with a strong odor. If you ineense someone, you anger that person. {A pawn isthe lowest piece in a chess game. If you pawn something, you give it as a deposit for a loan, Intimate means ‘a close association." Ifyou intimate something, you give a hint ‘A. Read each sentence. Then circle the correct pronunciation of the word. 1. Did the boss intimate that hoy war getting a raise? ain't mat bein to mot 2. Anita often bumed ineense on the porch sin’ sen(?s—binsen(o 3. The restaurant had a huge buffet on Saturday nights, aba f@ bo fae 4, Be carefil not to eens the bear ain’ sen(ys bs insen(os 5. That storm wil Buffet the ships at ea abo fi bo fa’ 6. The fiends had known each other for years and were a. in’ ta mst in to mat fon intimate terms. B. Write a vocabulary word for each underlined word or words, 4, Bruce moved a chess piece and then waited 2. The doctor tended to the patients injury. 3. The dancers spun around the maypole. 4. Nell decided to stake his watch for loan, NAME. pare Homographs wound buffet ——sincense spawn intimate wound buffet incense. pawn intimate. A. Use what you know. Write the best word to complete each sentence. 1. Bxpertly, the mother _ ‘band around her daughter's hair 2, We could smell the _as we entered the church ‘3. Ruby captured the her opponent had moved, 4. For dinnes, an appetizing _— was setup slong one side ofthe room, 5. Although they lived on the same floor, the two families were not_—__ = 6. After stumbling over a root, the limber hada nasty on his leg, 7. Strong winds sometimes ____the chai its at ehis mountain, 4. 1twill___ ad irwe leave the dirty dishes in the sink, 9. The speaker's words his feelings about the situation, 10, When you ____ jewelry, you don't get much money fori BB. Read each question. Choose the best answer. 1, Can a buffet busfet? O yes Ono 2. Can an intimate intimate? O yes Ono 3. Can you pawn a pawn? yes Dn 4. Can incense incense you? 0 yes an © Writing to Learn Explain why homographs can be confusing. Give some tips for understanding them. Use at least three homographs as examples Naw DarE _ Homographs ‘Show that you are a homograph hound. Read each sentence. Circle the number beside the correct meaning for each boldfaced word. If the numbers add up © 20, you're a winner and a homograph hound. “The photograph shows an tnéhmate family gathering. 1 suggested 2. close 2a. interior 1 Lets take the flag down so the wind doesn’t buffet it oo much. 1. food service 2. batter 2. bother The vet treated the dog's wound. 1 damaged flesh 2. virled around 23. ness 1. Judy bought several sticks of inconse, intense 2. infuriate 2, aromatic substance , Did the host wvtimate chat the party was over? 1 affectionate 2. imply 23. instigate 1 The path wound through a field and up a hl 1. injory 2. bumped 23. owisted 6. As the player set up the board, one of the pawns fel. te chess pieces 2. shrimp 2. exchange fora loan "The shoppers were tneansed when the store ran out of the sale item, 1. perfumed 2. encouraged 2. enraged 1. More people come in to pawn things at the end of the month, emake security deposit 2s play aboard game 3. display 4. We heaped our plates with selections from the butfet A it hard 2. food table 2. basket —————————————————— 2 NAME, Dare _ Eponyms: People derrick zinmia_—scardigan maverick —sboyeott mesmerize saturnine _taconle —sequola.—_bacitracin AN EPONYM IS A WORD THAT COMES FROM THE NAME OF A PERSON OR PLACE, Mesmerize means A dorriek is large crane, +o hypnotize. A ini is a colorful lower ‘A cardigan isa sweater that buttons infront. A maveriekc is someone who doesn't go along with a group's thinking Ifyou Beyeote something, you stop using i. Saturnine means “gloomy.” / Someone whois lnconie uses few words ‘A sequoia is giant redwood tee. / Baeltraein is an antibiotic ointment A. Write a vocabulary word for each sentence. |- Satur was a god in Roman myths. Sequoya, a Cherokee, created a system of writing for his people in 1821 . The Laconians of ancient Greece were known for their brief speech. ‘An Austrian doctor, Franz Mesmer, used hypnotism to treat patients JIT Brudenell, the Earl of Cardigan, wore a sweater that was open ‘in the fromt 6, Samuel A. Maverick was a Texas cattleman who didn't brand his calves when other ranchers di, B. Draw a Tine to match each word with ies name story. 1. bacitracin. 4. In 1600, a gallows in England was named for Derick, 2 famous hangman, 2, boycott », Botanist Johann Zinn discovered a flower. «©. When Captain Charles Boycott raised rents on an estate in Ireland, the tenants turned against him, 4. An antibody in the blood of Margaret Tracy led to an ointment that fights infections, ame are, Eponyms: People jerrick —-zinnin—scardigan maverick boycott mosmerize ssturmine laconic —sequola citracin . Use what you know. Write the best word to complete each sentence. 1. People threatened to _______ the store because of its policies. 2. Gwen took along a {in case the day got cooler. ‘2. The main character in the movie seemed gum and_____to the viewers, 4. The oil feld was crowded with 45. The nurse applied ____ to zigay’s cut. 5. By late summes, Mom's garden is bright with 7. The children were by the musician and sat there listening for hours, ‘8. A national park in California is noted for its stands of ______ trees. ‘9. She is very original and something ofa_______in her etd 10, Devon's response to the question was short and BB. Read each question. Choose the best answer. 4. Who boycotts? 3 supporters protesters 0} bystanders 2, Which one buttons? 3 turleneck 3 pullover 0 cardigan 3. Which one’s an annsal? sequoia Dainnla. © pecan tree 4. What does a maverick do?) dissent consent) relent 2f Writing to Learn Find out more about the history of one of the vocabulary words and the person for whom it is named. Write a paragraph to report on your research. i ; : 2 E i i E 4 i 3 RM ORHEHN MHD OK =z OFM DHRHZOR MRD Aw i | ee i : Bazan er wen oKDD a Dee eK eR Re Zee : g aoe hee ZEnaKneow a 4 DeehazonzeoKwnae z AeOOZH OAH RH HHS gli ZeovoonzeaDonanvoze gi e 2 Beonrnazanennonw E . gg i 2 bE gE b HRB OHNE > Oondv0e 1 ely oe: Poet feces ee oo. z Het ee Ga ® ag 38s i Reka ae Oe Ss a AN EPONYM IS A WORD THAT COMES FROM THE NAME OF A PERSON OR PLACE, natn eset nied or cet cbf pater mine i pe aed ovr ne Canmore so wl at come fom a 53 Carranes ae omall bern. A spaniels ind of og Denim rey coh eed in mating overt te ee cere teyonnive i resing made fom ol and ee ok A. Write the word from the box that goos with each sentence, ‘afghan currants atoll canary denim — turquoise “This yellow fnch is from the Canary Islands off western Ata his fruit was named forthe city of Corinth in ancient Greece ). The word for this tone comes from the country of Turkey. “This covering gets is name from the country of Afghanistan This blue cloth came from a French town called Nimes, . The native word for the Maldive Islands is atolu, meaning “reef Draw a line to match each word with its name story. badminton 1. A canine prized for its dancing came from Espafia (Spain) ‘cashmere b. A French duke celebrated his capture of the city of Mahon. in 1756, A racquet game was first played at 2 British estate called Badminton, 4. Goats native to Kashmir lent their name to this wool Gy) sane _ Dare Eponyms: Places ‘afghan badminton cashmere currants ‘enim ator turquoise canary A. Use what you know. Write the best word to complete each sentence, - Before going out, Mr: Durand wrapped a warm _— scarf around his neck. 2. Fiona gota ing for her birthday. 9A cage hung by the window, and i i was ile —_ 4 The smal boat moved slowly slong the ref of the 5. Our dog Scruffy isa brown and white 8. We made jelly fromthe ad picked. 7. The uniforms of most mechanics are made from sturdy ee The cook added to the chicken to make a salad 9. Some of the guests played a game of _______efore the barbecue. on her bed that her aunt made Jenna has a bright Read each question. Choose the best answer 1. Which one’s in the ocean? Dcumant == turquoise 9) atoll 2, What are jeans made from? 01 denim OD cashmere 9) afghan 5. Which one fies? CO canasta canary =) cannery Whore do you use mayonnaise? sandwich cereal 0 cake © Writing to Learn Pretend you are writing the copy for a catalog. Choose at least three items that are vocabulary words, and write catalog copy for them. iti... a Eponyms: Places Read the clues. Then complete the puzzle. 1. has droopy ears anda silky coat 2. an island made of coral 3. patemed coverlet 4. a feathered pot 5.a white dressing 6. berries used in buns 7 game named for an English estate 8 used for making sweaters 9, strong fabric 10, stone often used in Navajo jewelry nk Words From Other Languages scow —leiter—algebra—=poodle orangutan frolic eeberg safari snorkel sarong MANY WORDS IN ENGLISH COME we oe FROM OTHER LANGUAGES. an an Wonts From Dutch A seew isa flavbottomed boat, a Jf you frelle, you play in a frisky way, An leeborg isa large ‘mass of floating ie that has ‘When you totter, you linger 2 8 : ae broken off from a glacier, Words Prom Arabic Algebra is a branch of mathematics in which (From Ducch) Tetters ae used to represont sets of numbers A safari isa hunting or exploring tip Words From German A poodle is a type of dog. ‘A snorkel is a German word for a breathing tube for swimmers Words Prom Malay ‘An orangutan is an ape thal lives in ves, ‘A sarong is a cloth that is wrapped and worn asa skirt. A. Write Dutch, arabic, German, or Malay wo tell where the word foreach picture is from, [B. Read the words, Write a vocabulary word that means almost the same thing. romp, cavors ___ a, dally, dawale S. barge, fatboat __ 4. expedition, exploration Words From Other Languages Seow lelter algebra safari poodle snorkel ‘orangutan 1. The guide led tourists on a 44.19 1912, the Titanic hit an 45. Ruth did her 10. The large hairy red ape called an ‘Samatra and Borneo, 1. Which one do you wear? 2 Which one do you avoid? 3 Which one might you buy? 4. Which one might folic? © Writing to Learn Write the table of contents for a travel magazine. vocabulary words. ‘3. Come straight home fom school and don' 2. The vet clipped the thick curly hair on Barsy's pet ‘A. Use what you know. Write the best word to complece each sentence. to see wild animals in Africa anywhere, in the North Atlantic Ocean, hhomevvork and then checked her equations B. Read each question. Choose the best answer 0 safari 0 icebers 0 snorkel 0 pudate oaaa 7. Through the pet show window, we could see the puppies ‘9. The swimming instructor demonstrated how to use the mask and comes from the rain forests of icing algebra paddle 6. The {sa common garment on many Pacific Islands, and play. &.A___ carrying a toad of coal moved slowly up the river. sarong © iis 10 orangutan 1 poodle Use at Teast four NAME. pare __ Words From Other Languages ‘An analogy is a comparison based on how things are related to one another ‘Complete each of these analogies with a vocabulary word. 1. A tabby ist calico a a spaniel is to a 2 Grammar isto punctuation as geometry is to 3. Avan is toa jeep asa freighter is 0 a 4. Gregarious is to soctable a ile isto 5. Ablizvard isto a huercane asa ret is to an - 6. A ike is toa tek as an expedition is to a 17. Ashaw is to a poncho as a skirt is toa = sygoing as revel ts wo 9. A helmet is to a eycist a8 a isto diver, 10. A moose isto 2 deer as an is to an ape. Hi. 7 Words From Literature quixetic —narcissus robot, utopian serooge —_malapropism NEW WORDS SOMETIMES COME FROM CHARACTERS, Arobot isa 74, PUACES ah EVENTS LITERATURE mechanical “PACE doves that \Witing o apech that makes no sense is fabberwoeky. Seve \ \U Something ¥ry tiny Is putin, ea tsk Someone who is romantic and iepractica is qubxette = “A narelssus is flower that grows from abulb. /- Pueklsh means “mischievous” Horeulean means ‘cally dificule” / A utopian ides is one cht is visionary bat imaginary A miserly person is serooge. / A malapropism is 2 funny misuse of words ‘A. Write a vocabulary word for B, Write the letter of its liternry ceach sentence. source beside each word. 1, People only six inches tall live on the 1. Jabberwocky island of Lilipat in Gullvers Travels by Jonathan Swift. 2, narelssus 3.utepia 2 Aknight called Don Cit the hero 4. puckish of a book by Cervantes. | | «am impish character named Puck 3. In the play, The Rivals by Richard appears in A Midswnoer Nights Dream Sheridan, Mrs, Malaprop has trouble by Wiliam Shakespeare, ‘getting things straight. ‘by, Lewis Caroll erated an imaginary animal called a Jabberwock in Through ‘Karel Capek made up a word for feces machines chat work for people in his In a Greek myth, 2 youth named play called RUR [Narcissus falls in love with his own ee image and finaly turns into a flower 5. In Roman mythology, Hercules does Im 1551, Sir Thomas More wrote about ‘erelve impossible labors, Utopia, an island with a perfect social ‘and politcal system, 3. Scrooge is a selfish character in A Ghristmas Carol by Charles Dickens. A. Use what you know. Write the best word to complete each sentence. ‘That man doesnt like to spend his money and is sometimes called a_ 2. Ginnie has lots of noble but unworkable ideas; she's rather —_ 4. In the spring, large clusters of________cover the fel. 4. Mom thinks it would be great to have a_________todo the household chores. 5. This essay has no mesning: it's just, a 6. Henry isa fndoving guy with a___ smile. 7With efor, the ite gir] managed to carry her suitcase upstairs 8.Ina__, the speaker meant to say a ‘rude awakening," but instead blurted out a “shrewd awakening.” 9. The dollhouse furniture was a copy of our living room furniture 10, Many reformers have had____ dreams of better societies. B. Read cach question. Choose the best answer 1. Which one suggests confusion? ©) malady) malapropism ©) malevolent 2, What does a robot do? dream 9 work, 0 think 3. Which one is an ant? 07 illiputian 9] gargantuan 1 utopian 44. What kind of person is more fun? 0 Herculean 1 serooge 1 puckish ters in a book or play you are writing, Use at least one vocabulary word in your description of each character. 37 oe Words From Literature Play a game of Move On. Find a word in the first box that docs not have the same meaning as the other three words. Move that word to the next box by writing it on the blank line. The first one is done for you. Continue until you reach the last box. Complete the sentence in that box. » » tiny quixotic impish small ‘impractical playful Iatiputian, puckish, quixotic unworkable narcissus Don't be a Jonquil ae daffodil when it comes to Jabberwocky using vocabulary words, ‘machine serooge Herculean automaton senseless visionary Utopian :misspoken idealistic misnomer ‘malapropism powerful robot laborious NAME, pare Words From Shakespeare barofaced monumental radiance castigate dwindle hint gust summit J Q/TERS OFTEN ake UP woRDs THESE WORDS AND 1.685 OTHERS \WERE ALL INTRODUCED BY WILLIAM SHAKESPEARE If something is barefaeed, itis without disguise, ‘Monumental means “lage and outstanding." Majestic means “grand or dignified." When something dwindles, little remains of it ‘A hint is an indirect suggestion, Radiance is brillant light. Ifyou eastigate someone, you seold or punish that person. ‘The stummit isthe highest 1 you are frugal, you spend your money carefully and sparingly, _Peint on a mountain, (A gust isa rash of wind, A. Read the vocabulary word. Find and circle two other words that mean almost the same thing. 1. frugal generous testy sparing frail 2. enstigate criticize scold castaway praise 3. dwindle enlarge evel decrease diminish 4. arefaced hidden unconcealed barely uncovered S.monumentat stationary —__—ilipatian noge ramet summon peak wp sommarize noble inmposing common sql Jest silt B. Write a vocabulary word for each clue. 1. an inking 2. brilliance _——— Words From Shakespeare refaced monumental majestic dwind! int radiance castigate frugal gust summit 'A. Use what you know. Write the best word to complete each sentence. 1. The crook didn’t hide the stolen goods and told Iie about where he got them, ere awed by the of the stars on a clear night. {Te took several days for the climbers to reach the 4. The child knew his parents would hhim for playing bell inthe house. ‘5. Sophie is very_________ with her allowance and saves most of i 6.'The queen looked regal and____ inher robes and crown, mA ‘of wind blew the papers right ou ofthe man’s hn 8. The bellboy gave a__ or two about accepting a tip 9, Workers drove carts around the airplane factory because of its size 50 we went to a store 3. After two weeks, our supplies began to B, Read each question. Choose the best answer 1. Which one i frugal? camer saver 1 spender 2. Which one has radiance? sun 3 wind 3 dlond 3. Which one has a summit? valley 1 platen) mountain 4. What isa palace? 0 mumble majestic) ordinary © Writing to Learn Make up a word game or puzzle using at least five vocabulary words. 40 NAME Dare _ Words From Shakespeare Write the vocabulary word for each clue. Then write the circled letters on the ‘numbered lines at the bottom of the page to answer the riddle WHAT IS AT THE END OF EVERYTHING? a Q- oe ee eee 5. exalted 6. rebuke 7. luminosity rr Ll —. © . 10. enormous an oes Or Blends torenigne lash ‘arewell———prissy—ravologue Laundromat flextime motorcade sitcom —_wallathon ‘OR BLENDED TOGETHER. A BLEND I5 ALSO CALLED A PORTMANTEAU WORD, | ABLEND IS A WORD FORMED WHEN PARTS OF TWO WORDS ARE COMBINED A PORTMANTEAU IS A SUITCASE WITH TWO SIDES, A fortnight is two weeks. ‘A clash is aloud noise ‘When you say goodbye, you say farewel A prissy person is fussy ‘An illustrated lecture about traveling isa travelogue. A Laundromat is a commercial place for washing and drying clothes in coin-operated machines. axtime is an arrangement workers make with employers A sitcom is a humorous to set their own work schedules. television show. Ifyou ride in a motoreade, you are in a procession of cars ‘A walking marathon is a walkathen. ‘A. Write the blend formed from each pair of words. |. sisation and comedy fourteen and night 3 wall and marathon prim and sissy 3. motor and cavalcade travel and monologue 7, flexible and time ‘fare and well, B. Write the vocabulary word for each clue. La harsh sound 2a place for diety clothes NAME. pare Blends fortnignt lash | ‘farewell ‘travelogue Laundromat flextime motorcade watkathon A. Use what you know. Write the best word to complete each sentence. 1. The cookie tin made a loud _ when it fll tothe tile foor. 2. Irs giggles when she watches that ‘on Wednesday nights, 3. We took part in a to help raise money for a good cause, 4. Me Tingley works hhours so he can be home when simm’s schoo! is out 5. 1¢ was hard to say ‘when our visit was over 6. Barry took two bags of clothing to the 7.-vhe students save a about an expedition on the Amazon River. 8. The Presidents moved slowly down the boulevard, ‘9. My bean seeds sprouted in less than a 10. The little girl was rather and didn’t want to get her hands dirty BB. Read each question. Choose the best answer 1. Which one is good exercise?) walkout.) walkway 1 walkathon 2. Which one is the longest? =) weekend] weeknight fortnight 3. What isa sitcom? O comedy 3 tragedy 0 history 4. What’ in a Laundromat? computer dishwasher dryer © Writing to Learn Describe a scene for a sitcom. Use at least four vocabulary words. NAME, DATE Blends — "An analogy is a comparison based on how things are related to one another, Complete each of these analogies with a vocabulary word. 1 A mursery is ta florist as a cleaner is to @__ 2. Hot isto cold as hello is to 3. A dancer isto a ballet as an actor is toa 4. Pleasant is to antagonistic as carefree is to __ 45. A flacaris toa train as a limousine is toa 6, Sinem isto wail as cymbal is to 7. Aha hour is to an hour asa ____ is to a month 8. A commercial isto an infomercial aga is toa documentary 9. A iathion i to a triathlon as a _ isto a marathon 10, Commission isto payment as _____ is to employment GO é) pare Content Words: Weather ‘blustery hum stratus Inversion —_precipitati typhoon cirrus. cumulus. «monsoon meteorologist SPECIAL WORDS NAME DIFFERENT A meteorologist snidies atmospheric ASPECTS OF WEATHER. conditions and forecasts the weather, When its blustery, the wind is noisy and stormy. Humid means ‘moist or slightly wet, A stratus cloud is low and gray and often brings ‘An Inversion is when air temperature increases at high altitudes instead of decreasing as it normally does, Precipitation is rain, snow, sleet, oF hail ‘A typhoon js a violent cyclone or hurricane in the western Pacific Ocean, A elerus cloud is high and thin and means fair weather A cumulus cloud is pully snd means fate weather ‘A monsoon isa seasonal wind that usually brings heavy rains A. Write a word or phrase from the box to go with each vocabulary word. shower ‘wet wind tempest gusty damp air_—_reversal of air temperature 2, monsoon inversion 6. precipitation __ Content Words: Weather lustery shumid—=stratus inversion —_ precipitation typhoon cirrus cumulus. monsoon meteorologist ‘A. Use what you know. Write the hest word to complete each sentence. rine to parts of A 8, As we drove up the mountain, we noticed that an had caused the temperature to rise 9, Bart wore his trench coat in case there was any later in the day. 10, Ie was a lovely afternoon with fluffy clouds foating overhead 'B. Read each question. Choose the best answer 1, What do you need for precipitation? | sunglasses) umbrella) sandals 2. Which one looks like coton? satus) cumulus) nimbus 3. What does a meteorologist do?’ prevent =) predict ©) presume 4, What is humid air? chin 0 wet 0 ary © Writing to Learn Pretend you are a meteorologist. Write a weather report. Use at least four vocabulary words. 1. Martina listened tothe radio to hear what the sid about the weather 2. The low, gray —_ dlouds looked threatening. 3. The we sir made harder forthe participants in the walkathon 4, High in che sky, we eould see thin lode, 5A 4s similar to a hurricane and can cause great damage. 6. The wind was so {hat small branches broke off the tees 7.The ____ blows from the southwest from April © October bringing heavy : } A i i i i i : NAME, Dare Content Words: Weather Use the vocabulary words to fill in the map. Then add other weather words ‘that you know. Le NAME. DATE Content Words: Music aria, clef staccato tempo adagio percussion _erescendo overture. chord. SPECIAL WORDS NAME DIFFERENT THINGS IN’ MUSIC. ‘A elof shows the pitch of musical notes. Music with breaks between tones is played in a staccato manner ‘Tempo is the time or speed in which music is played, enn ‘Adagio means in ‘a slow tempo." lone voice or instrument. Pereussion instruments make sounds when they are struck, ‘crescendo is an increase in volume or intensity [An overture introduces a musical work such as an opera A chord is three or more tones sounded together [Altegro means ‘in a fast tempo." A. Write a word from the box to go with each vocabulary word. drum introduction —_ interrupted moderate rapid __melody B Draw a line from each word to the phrase that tells about it. ‘rising sound 1s sound together in harmony . musical mark. 4. crescendo 4. time pattern Content Words: Music aria let staccato tempo —aagion percussion crescendo overture chord A. Use what you know. Write the best ward to complete each sentence. Lean sives a preview of che musical themes that will follow, 2, Her voice rose in a a the song ended, 3.The band struck up alively__as the parade began, 4. The audience applauded after the singer's beautifal 5. The dancers moved in rapid steps to the tempo. 6. A snare drum is an example of a instrument, 7. This sheet music is marked with a _ 1. This piece is played ina slow tempo, 9. The dripping rain made a sound as it plopped on the windovesil "The pianist played several as the violins tamed up. B. Read each question. Choose the best answer, 1. Which one is fora singer? =) area 0 arctic 0 aia 2. Whavs an overture? ending encore beginning $. Which one's percussion? clarinet 0) viola © cymbals 4. What's a crescendo? 0 decease 3 level 0 increase 2©& Writing to Learn Write the copy for a CD package. Use at least five vocabulary words Content Words: Music Use the elues to complete the puzzle. Across Down ‘3. marimbas are an example 1. musical sign 6, disconnected music 2. song for one 9. quick time 4. om the rise 10, musical prelude 5. unhurried pace 7. tones together 8, musical speed a om Latin Roots aud, grat, ject ‘audible auditorium — congratulate gratify reject audition audience gratitude —injeet_— conjecture MANY WORDS HAVE Lara noore Something that is auaible can be heard Root: ‘Aut means *hear* An audition is a hoaring to hire @ performer ‘An auditorium isa large space for an audience. People gathered in a place to see or hear something make up an audionee Grot means “pleasing,” When you congratulate somone, you express good wishes. Gratituée is thankfulness, Gratity means “to please." [ect means “throw.” tmjeet means “to fill ot insert" Ifyou rojeet something, you refuse it When you conjecture, you make a guess. A. Read the vocabulary word. Find and circle two other words that mean almost the same thing. 1. gratity delight full gravity 2. conjecture conjunction surmise suppose inject introduce inser expect 4s roject repudiate accept discard 5. gratitude appreciation grasping sratefulness 6. audition radiance presentation hearing 7. congratuiate compliment praise lament B. Write a vocabulary word for each clue, 1. large room found in schools and other public places 2, group of people who attend a performance 3. noise within earshot eeeeet ess Latin Roots aud, grat, ject faudivie audlcorlum congratulate gratify reject audition audience gratitude —inject_— conjecture ‘A. Use what you know. Write the best word to complete each sentence. 1. Gabriella had an ___ for a role in the schoo! play 2. Our catis fussy and will_______any food she does ike, ‘3. Emma is very shy and speaks in a barely voice 4. The stores in that newspaper show that the reporters ____ better than they research 5. As the musicians took a bow, people in the —__ rose to their feet and clapped 6.The hostess tried t0 some fun into the party 7. The neighbors were fall of. when we rescued their dog 2. 1Fyou must your hunger, eat some fruit, ‘9, ll the students filed into the ___ to hear the principal speak. 10, My aunt called to ______ me for winning a prize in math B. Read each question. Choose the best answer 1. Which one’s a test? 0 audition auditorium} auction 2. What do you show at Thanksgiving?) conjecture 1 gratitude displeasure 3. Which fruit do you reject? O fresh = ripe rotten 4, Whom might you congratulate? lover graduate 1 victim © Writing to Learn [Explain why itis helpful to learn the root of a word, Use at least three vocabulary words as your examples. a i g i AaxozHeEn am zOR a 2 BHR On NK ZOE DHE i cee HDB aR H ONO g | i i ee 2 | ||| sevauwauewenn ae | Bonde Bar canned ae fOndvanzezanz & |: ee On FOR wUa DEH ei; | (| gece nev awzene Bs : ZrO EN Orme H ZA gi eee 2 2 (i. | PE cozmnnovnwwree 7, Pseeksbeaga a Ls NAME, pare, Greek Word Parts aero, belli, pan ‘aerobics eri erate —-Beliigerent pandemonium aerodynamics aeronautics rebellion panacea panorama MANY ENGUSH WORDS HAVE The design and construction of aircraft GREEK WORD PARTS js called aeronauties, Root: ‘Aojo means “sit Aerebles isa system of exercises that promote fitness ‘Aerodynamics isthe branch of physics related to the motion of air and other gases. An aerial isa wire or rod used in sending fut and receiving electromagnetic waves. ‘When you aerate something, you expose and mix it with alr or other gases ‘Beli means ‘war* A rebellion isan uprising Beltigerent scans “aggressive or warlike.” Pan means ‘all A panacea is a cure for all problems. Pandemonium is noisy uproar. A panorama is an unlimited view over a wide area ‘Read the words in each row. Write a vocabulary word that means almost the same thing. revolt, insurrection _________ 2, remedy, correction _ . combative, quarrelsome ‘4. turmoil, noise vista, outlook 6, vaporize, oxygenize aviation, fying ‘antenna, receiver 'B. Underline the Grock word part in each word. 1, aerodynamics 2, aorobies : a i i i ne pare Greek Word Parts aero, belli, pan aerobics ‘aerial ‘erate rodynamics aeronautics rebellion panacea panorama ligerent pandemonium A. Use what you know. Write the best word to complete each sentence. 1. The________ from the mountaintop was breathtaking 2. The passonger on the bus had a attitude and would not move over 5. Doreen takes an class at the health elub on Mondays. 4. When the excited puppies got loose, there wasn the house. 5. Withoutan____, our TV reception was poor 6. Money ismota_________ fer ll your troubles. 7. Dr. Robart works in the field of. and studies how forces act on objects moving thrangh air 8. The newscaster reported that soldiers put down a_i a small foreign country 9. make soda water, ___ regular water with carbon dioxide 10, John attends __ school to learn about aviation, Read each question. Choose the best answer 1. Where might chere bea panorama?) closet © rot tunnel 2. Where might you do arobios? Onm 0 library bakery 3 What causes people tbe belligerent? ¢) peace 0 happiness anger 4. Whats pandemonium like? confusion) quiet 0 orderly ©& Writing to Learn Explain how three of the vocabulary words are formed. 1, solution remedy pugnactous aggressive combative rod cloctromagnetic waves 2 isorder chaos uproar 9. ying airerat aviation 10. mutiny prising viot survey landscape physics gases oxygen energy 5 i : : vi Greek Word Parts chronos, phon nechronism chronic synchronize cacophony phone chronic __chronolozy megaphone cuphonious symphony MANY ENGUSH WORDS HAVE {cacophony i ars, clashing sound. GREEK WORD PARTS “ Root = Chronos means time? In an anachronism, an eventor chjec x paced in time pote wheres it doesn’ belong, Chrenie means “lasting 2 long time” A chronicle is 2 record of happenings, A chronology is alist of events arranged in the conder in which they occurred, Synchronize means “to happen atthe same time, ‘Fhon means sound.” A megaphone is a hom that increases the loudness of a voice. Euphonious means ‘pleasing to the ear" Phonics is the association of letters with speech sounds, A symphony is a composition for an orchestra to play. ‘A. Draw a line to match each description to the B. Underline the Greek correct vocabulary word. ‘word part in each + an account 4. cacophony ie used by cheerleaders ». chronicle oe coincide «. megaphone 1. musical piece 4. euphonious pi ph 2. chronology = harmonious © chronic continuous synchronize 3. anachronism dissonance symphony Greek Word Parts chronos, phon anachronism chronic! tynehrenize cacophony phonics chronic chronology megaphone cuphenious symphony Use what you know. Write the best word to complete each sentence, 1. The detective reconstructed the of events leading tthe crime 2. Those bells make a beau, sound in the wind, ‘3. The conductor raised his haton to begin the — 4. That picture ofa car in the 16008 is an _ because there were no cars then. '5, Ned yelled at the crowd through his __as the team took the feld 6. Lees four watches so we arrive at the same time. 7. The boy suffers from a___ illness and ss often absent. 18, The clatter of dishes, voices, and phones creates a of sound in the kitchen, 9. The children learned as part of their reading lesson. 10, Our class read a ‘of our town atthe historical museum. BB, Read each question. Choose the best answer 1. Which one is an exeor? © analogy 13 anachronism — ©) anagram 2. Which one amplifies? 1 megalopolis CF megawatt) megaphone 3. Which one is euphonious? scream. 1 seroech 0 birdsong, |. Which one plays a symphony? 3} band O owhesta © quartet, © Writing to Learn Write a chronicle about a day in school. Use at least four vocabulary words. pare _ Greek Word Parts chronos, phon Play Tic-Tae-Synonym. Read each word. Then draw a line through three words in the box that are synonyms for that word. Your line can be vertical, horizontal, or diagonal. 1 synchronize 2. cacophony clockwise | sivim ue cackle | cracker | babet synthetic | phonetic sweet | symphony| discordant correspond | match | coincide practical | denane | jarring 2. chronic staggered | ongoing | sonic inregular | persistent | sickly unpleasant [unsemitting| terminate 4. cuphonious 5. chronic shattering | phony | melodious complain | everlasting| narrative chronological] sincere | tuneful exaggerate | account | container Tonely | ridiculous | harmonious record [crystal | caret NAME __ British English pare races torch lorry diversion crumpet_ dustbin SOME ENGLISH WORDS HAVE DIFFERENT MEANINGS IN BRITAIN THAN THEY DO INTHE UNITED STATES. If you wear braees, you have on suspenders, A toveh isa flashlight. Petrol is gas. Ifyou goto the elnema, you go to the movies. A diversion is a detour A erumpet is 2 muti Alorry isa truck ‘When you throw something in a trash can, you put it in a dustbin, {In Britain, French fries are called chips. A mackintosh isa raincoat. A. Write a vocabulary word for each picture. Write a vocabulary word for each clue, 1. carvies freight $.akind of bread 2. made from potatoes 4. flim Nalgene pare, braces ‘torch lorry petrot cinema diversion crumpet_——@ustbin chips mackintosh A. Use what you know. Write the best word to complete each sentence. 1A popular English meals sh and _ 2. Mz Browning hooked a thumb through his blue and gold 3. IF raining, put on your new 4. The ______ptled up tothe toading dock atthe store. 5. Wewent to the lastnight and saw my favorite actor. 6. Be sure to put. in the car before we leave for our trip. 7. Luckily, Althea had a when the electricity failed, '. Our ride took longer than usual because of the 9. Mrs, Blake toasted a___to have with her tea, |. Cyrus crumpled up the paper and tossed it into the . Read each question. Choose the best answer 1. Which one causes delays? direction) diversion © alvision 2, Which ones a fuel? 2 petal 0 torch © petrel 5. Which one's a carrier? 1D tok 0 tony 0 tous 44 What ave braces for? 0 socks 2 vest © pants 2® Writing to Learn Write an e-mail message from a British pen pal o one in the United States. se at Teast four vocabulary words, British English Dare ‘Complete the chart with the British and American words for each definition, British Word American Word 1. outer garment for rain 2, motion picture '3. accessory that holds up trousers 4. fuel for automobiles 5. battery-operated light 6, alternate route 7. container for litter 8. round, at cake 19, thin pieces of potato fied in fat 10, arge vehicle for ‘ransporting things Word Stories ants boulevard poinsettia mercurial coward tulle ‘nucleus flaming lazer MANY WORDS HAVE INTERESTING STORIES ABOUT THEIR ORIGINS, I you tantalize someone, you torment that person. A beutlevard js a wide avenue, ie Someone who is mereurial is quick and changeable, A coward is someone who lacks courage. Tulle is fine net used in veils and women’s clothes. ‘A muteleus isthe core ofa cell and controls its growth, A flamingo is large bird with bright pink feathers, A blazer is a type of jacket. / A magnolia isa kind of tree with large flowers. A poinsettia is a plant often used as a holiday decoration, A. Write a vocabulary word for each word story. 1, Sailors aboard the British ship Blazer wore @ new kind of coat. 2. Long ago in France, the tops of ramparts called bolouarts were sed as places to walk, ‘3. Coart was a timid hare in an old French fable about Reynard the Fox 4. The Latin word max means “kernel.* 5. A fine open-meshed silk was first made in Tulle, France 6. The Latin word flamma means flame. B. Draw a line from each vocabulary word to the person associated with the word. 1. magnolia ‘The Roman god Mercury was knovn for speed, 2, mereuriat IR, Poinsett, a US. ambassador to Mexico, brought a plant with him when he returned to his homeland, 5. poinsettia «. Tantalus, a Greek god, was punished in an unusual way. 4. tantalize 4. Pierre Magnol was a French botanist, ap ar Word Stories ‘tantalize boulevard poinsettia mercurial ‘tulle rucious flamingo lazer ‘A. Use what you know. Write the best word to complete each sentence. 1 The city of Paris is known for its wide 2. The fantastic __ is a southern bird with a Tong neck and legs 3, Muriel didn’t want the others to think she was a so she walked across the rope bride, 4. Bvery once in a while, a breeze would ‘us with the promise of cool air during the heat wave. 5. The ballerina wore a tutu with a skint 6. In the spring, the blossoms on 3 __ luce perfume the air 17. Zack wasn't entirely comfortable with Andrew because of his, temperament. {8 Many of the men atthe summer party wore blue 9. Without a _, acell cannot divide, 10, Every Christmas, lorists sell hundreds of red plants. B. Read each question. Choose the best answer 1. Which one has wings? 0 flamingo J) flamenco flannel 2, What might a houlevard have?) turret 0 tulle 0 trafic ‘3. Which one has sleeves? 0 vest CO teorrd = Blazer 4. What might a coward do? 0 hide © fight attack © Writing to Learn Find out more about the story behind two of the vocabulary words. Write a report about the words. NAMM Dare Word Stories ———————————— Play a game of Move On. Find a wor inthe first bor that dos not go withthe fother uhree words, Move that word to the next box hy wting i on te blank tne, ‘Continue wnt you reach the ltt box. Complete the sentence in that ba » » biology fri eel coat — vnzer achat vell rudens tale tantalize No one wil all you a tease if you do the = rh thing mercial howseplant file : hotiay snimatea i i magnolia i coward = ac ‘ = promenade is Bae tree a avian blossom i poesia boulevard famingo ootenanny shaggletooth —skadaddle—topsy-turvy —gewgaw Dalderdash — fummox wishy-washy thingamabob SOME WORDS ARE FUNTO KNOW AND USE BECAUSE THEY ARE COLORFUL AND FUNNY, ‘A hootenanny isa gathering of folksingers. g ‘When you skedaddle, you run away suddenly. ‘Topey-turvy means “upside down.” ‘A gewgaw is a showy trinket, Balderdash means ‘nonsense A broken or uneven tooth is Ifyou flummex someone, you bevilder that person, a snaggletootn If something is wishy-washy, itis weak Ifyou cant think of the name for something, you might say its a thingamabe Hunky dery means “okay.” ‘A Read the words in each row. Cross out the word that does not have a similar meaning to the vocabulary word. | flumenox Auter confuse confound rewgaw doodaa keickknack tie wishy-washy clean feeble insipid alderaash poppyeock fidatestcks braisess skedadale doube depart leave topsy-turvy disorderly chaotic calm ‘thingamabob vungrammatical doohickey ‘whatchamacallit, 'B. Write a vocabulary word for each clue. 1, dental problem 2. not to worry 5. a jam session NAME Dare eae Funny Words hheotenanny snaggletooth skedaddle_—topsy-turvy _gewgaw balderdash — flummox wishy-washy thingamabob — hunky-dory A, Use what you know. Write the best word to complete each sentence. 1 The tourists stopped to look at a in the window of a souvenir shop, 2. After the match, the baxer had a__and went to the dentist. 3.1 was a lazy, warm day, and we all feltkind of about making plans 4. When the waiter dropped the tay, the dishes went___all over the place, ‘5. Each summer, fiddle players and singers come from all over to the _ 6. "Don't worry, everything is Uncle Ihe assured us after the storm, 7. That statement is nonsense and ‘8 “Quick! Get me the ‘yelled Prank in excitement when the shelf fell ‘The boys decided to before their mother thought of any more chores, 10, “Don't let the big words in this book —_ said the Hbrarian, BB. Read cach question. Choose the best answer 5 [a what might be» gewgaw? Opin 0 Book 0 couch 2. Which one’s an event? © snaggletooth ©) hootenanny —¢) hunky dory 3. Who might be wishy-washy?) coward 0 villain 10 heroine 4, How might you react to a storm?) sleep 0 ditlydaly 0 skedadate @& Writing to Learn Write a promotional piece describing a hootenanny. Use at least three vocabulary words. : t : i i or Read the clues. Then complete the puzzle. 2. perplex 2. allright 3. a folksingers’ happening 44 jagged protrusion from the mouth 5. gutless 6.a bauble 7. awhatitename 8. in disarray 9. flee 10. foolishness i i 3 2 7 tortuous plaintiff insinuate desolate ally torturous plaintive incinerate —_lssolute SOME WORDS ARE CONFUSING BECAUSE THEY LOOK ANDIOR SOUND MUCH LIKE OTHER WORDS, ‘Tortuous means ‘winding: Something that is tertureus causes great pain. A person who begins a lawsuit isa platnest. Plaintive means “sad Insinuate means “to suggest in an indirect way.* Ifyou incinerate something, you burn it. Dissolute means ‘immoral, An ally is a supporter, An alley isa narrovr street ‘A. Read the words in each row. Write a vocabulary word that means almost the same thing. hin, imply ane, path twisting, serpentine |. barren, uninhabited . owed, dissipated anguished, miserable associate, confederate - mournful, melancholy B. Write a vocabulary word for each clue. 1. cause a lame Desolate means “deserted.* Pe 22 | bare Confusing Words tortuous laintitf insinuate desolate ally, torturous plaintive incinerate dissolute alley |A. Use what you know. Write the best word to complete each sentence. 1 In the hours just before dawn, the streets are empty and 2. The road zigzagged up the mountain 3 In this building, che ety tts trash 4. Britain is an important of the United States, S.The___ story made Melvina want to ery, 6. Did Zena_______that your dress is out of style? 7. The people on this street park their cars in an behind their houses. 8. Getting into the cold ocean water is _____ for some beachgoers 9. In this film, Connie plays a wayward character who is very 10, Our neighbor is a_ __ in a evil law case about his fence, Read each question. Choose the best answer, 1, Which one ean you counton? alley Dally 0 allée 2, Which one can't be tortuous? Oairtip 0 trail 0 siver 3. How might a lost hiker feel? CO desolate dissolute. dissolved 44. What can be plaintive? 0 food 0 song © shoes 2 Writing to Learn \Write a science fiction story. Use at least four vocabulary words. ao 2 a Confusing Words Use the clues to complete the puzzle, Across Down 1. sorrowful 1a complainant 5 passageway 2. afflite 6 cremate 3. suggest 7, eienitous 4. distressing 2. debauched 9. Ionely ; o : ala | ; o na Name are Prefixes de-, fore-, im-, micro-, anti- devalue foreshadow improper —milerecosm = antitoxin dosogrogate foresight improvident_— microscope antisocial A PREFIX |S A WORD PARTTHAT IS ADDED TO THE BEGINNING OF A WORD AND CHANGES ITS MEANING, ‘de: means “down or “away from" A mleroseape is an fore: means “in front of” instrument that makes lm: means “not* small things look larger rmicro- means “small” ‘ant: means “against” Devalue means “to reduce the valve of something,* Desegrogate means “to end segregation.” Ifyou foreshadow something, you indicate it beforehand Foresight is wisdom. / improper means ‘not according to standards." Improvident means “not careful in providing tor the future." ‘A microcosm isa little world. / An antitexin makes the body safe from disease Ifyou ate antiseetal, you are not sociable ‘A. Read the words in cach row. Circle the word that means almost the same thing as the vocabulary word. 1. foresight forego wisdom foreground 2. improvident imprudent interesting immigrate 3. antisoet antecedent sxegatious unfriendly 4. improper ienprobable unseemly impulsive 5. devalue increase deregulate lower 6. foreshadow presage foreshorten forgive BB. Add the correct prefix to each word to form a new word. Use the meaning clue in parentheses to help you. 1. (away from) _segregate 2. (small) _soope 3. (small) cosm 4. (against) toxin i j : i i { NAME __ bare Prefixes de-, fore-, im-, micro-, anti- devalue foreshadow improp. ‘microcosm antitoxin fesogrogate foresight improvident_—micrescope ——_antisoc ‘A. Use what you know. Write the best word to complete each sentence, Grandma says itis____t wear a baseball cap at dinner. 2. Alaw was passed to________the nation’s schools. 3. Often, an author will an event by bringing it up earlier in the story 4A hermits usually an___person sho prefers tobe alone. 5. The young man was ‘with his money and didn't worry about the fhtare 6. Dad had the to keep a first aid kit in the ca. 7. That ih tank is a of the ocean. 8 The government wil the exchange rate of currency next week 9.This serum contains an {or diphtheria, 10. The students studied slides under a__ B. Read each question. Choose the best answer, 1, What is spitting? 1D improvident ©) improper) improvement 2 Which shows foresight? © forgetting) worrying planning 3. Which one’s a literary term? ©) foreshadow ©) antisocial) microcosm 4.Which one’s improvident? J) spendthrift earner) saver 2 Writing to Learn Bxplain how a prefix changes the meaning of a word. Use at least four vocabulary words as examples,

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