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Market Overview: NYSE 2011, wk.

 During the week 14 NYA index has fallen by 0.11%
 Advanced (AMD) increased in stock price by 1.62%
 Boston Scientific Corporation (BSC) dropped by 2.13% of its share

Week 14 was quite steady for the New York Stock Exchange as the overall fluctuations accumulated in
0.11% decline, according to the NYA index.

Chart 1: NYA (NYSE Composite index) change in week 14. Source:

As NYSE is a very dynamic stock exchange, the most relevant data is change of the last day. On Friday,
April 8th day, the volume of the market was 6,358,907 USD which can be seen as a good result, as average
volume for last three month is only 5,873,480 USD, the biggest winners were AMD (Advanced Micro
Devices) with 1.62% gain and NWSA (News Corporation) with + 0.65%, whereas the decliners were
ODP (Office Depot Inc.) which market value fell by 1.87% and BSX (Boston Scientific Corporation) as
its stock price decreased by 2.13%.

1 Market Overview is not an advice. Neither authors nor iFund or other representatives are liable for possible use of information contained in
it. Relatively reliable public information (Exchanges websites, Bloomberg, Reuters, etc) was used to produce this Market Overview.
Market Overview: NYSE 2011, wk. 14

Chart 2: APPL index change in week 14 Source:

This week Apple inc. unfortunately followed world negative tendency and during Friday lost 3.02 points
(0.89%). The overall negative tendency for Apple might be connected with disasters in Japan. There still is
uncertainty whether Apple would be able to provide the demanded number of if new devices: IPad2. It is
known that in Japan were manufactured batteries and displays for a device and now due to rapture in supply
chain Apple faces substantial problems.

The most rapid increase in share price during this week was seen at the 6th of April. This might be reaction of
the market to the favourable for Apple court verdict. Last year after its trial against Apple East Texas jury
fined the company $625 million due to controversial patent infringement. However on the 5th of April judge
turned down the charges.

2 Market Overview is not an advice. Neither authors nor iFund or other representatives are liable for possible use of information contained in
it. Relatively reliable public information (Exchanges websites, Bloomberg, Reuters, etc) was used to produce this Market Overview.
Market Overview: NYSE 2011, wk. 14

Chart 3: LOGI index change in week 14 Source:

Logitech International S.A, which is a large Swiss peripheral-device maker, even despite great performance
at 6th and 7th of April still finished week with 0.28 point (1.89%) decrease on the last trading day. Such a
rapid increase in share prices on the 6th of April most likely happened due to announcement by LifeSize, a
division of Logitech which stated that due to qualified interoperability with Microsoft Office
Communications Server 2007 R2 rich video collaboration offerings is now available. Customers of the
company can now use LifeSize video systems to experience high quality video communication.

3 Market Overview is not an advice. Neither authors nor iFund or other representatives are liable for possible use of information contained in
it. Relatively reliable public information (Exchanges websites, Bloomberg, Reuters, etc) was used to produce this Market Overview.
Market Overview: NYSE 2011, wk. 14

Chart 4: AMD index change per week 14. Source:

AMD is American semiconductor company mainly focused on manufacturing of computer processors, had
quite significant fluctuations this week. Quite big decreases took place on both 4th and 5th of April. The
decrease at the 5th of April most likely is due to Intel, the main competitor of AMD. Intel finally started to
produce new Xeon processor which is aimed at high-end applications like mission-critical servers used in
data centers. This processor would be one of the most powerful processors on the market.

On the other side, growth which took place on the 6th of April could be the reaction on comments by
Nomura, one of the major industrial and financial conglomerate groupings of Japan. Nomura’s representative
has said that the company likes the prospects of AMD’s Bulldozer server chips, which are due out later this

Also, instability in prices of AMD could be connected with the investigation by CIA about illegal inside
deals on financial markets performed by Raj Rajaratnam. Now it is known that in 2006 AMD and ATI tie-up
was performed with law violations, causing $22 million in profits from trading for certain involved people in
the company.

For the next week, probably the tendencies that were observed during this week are going to continue. The
situation now is quite stable, so no huge falls and drops are expected to be observed.

Review by: Aleksejs Razživins, Andrejs Zavertjajevs, Santa Kratule

4 Market Overview is not an advice. Neither authors nor iFund or other representatives are liable for possible use of information contained in
it. Relatively reliable public information (Exchanges websites, Bloomberg, Reuters, etc) was used to produce this Market Overview.

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