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Building a bubble tape study

with Sierra Chart

By Leo
First step you want to do is pull up a new chart and make a few
adjustments to the chart settings.

Adjust the bar period type to "Number of Trades Per Bar" and Setting:

"Graph Draw Type" Change to Blank

Last setting is depending on data provider, (you'll have to test it on your
you will want to go to Advanced Settings 3 then check the "Combined
Trades Into Original Summary Trade"
After that we will utilize a built in study from Sierra to give us the
bubbles. It is called Large Volume Trade Indicator. Add that to your
chart and make the following changes.
You can adjust the bubble coloring and size to your liking, these are just
the settings I use.
If you want to get that Bookmap look you can incorporate the Market Depth
Historical Graph study and that will let you get a visual view of the orderbook in a
way that works with your style.
Here's a view of the settings that I have been messing around with lately.

And now you have a bubble style time and sales study with heatmap chart, all with built in SierraChart

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