Contingent Convertibles (Cocos) Are Debt Instruments Primarily Issued by

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1. a particular item or object.

"small household articles" · 
object · thing · item · unit · artifact · piece of
merchandise · commodity · product · device · gadget · contrivance · instrument · utensil · tool · implement
2. a piece of writing included with others in a newspaper, magazine, or other print or online publication.
"an article about middle-aged executives"
essay · report · account · story · write-up · feature · item · piece (of writing) · 
3. a separate clause or paragraph of a legal document or agreement, typically one outlining a single rule or
"it is an offense under Article 7 of the treaty"
clause · section · subsection · point · item · paragraph · division · subdivision · heading · part · bit · passag
e · portion · segment · provision · proviso · stipulation
4. grammar
the definite or indefinite article.
(be articled)
1. bind by the terms of a contract, as one of apprenticeship.

Contingent convertibles (CoCos) are debt instruments primarily issued by

European financial institutions. Contingent convertibles work in a fashion
similar to traditional convertible bonds. They have a specific strike price that,
once breached, can convert the bond into equity or stock.

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