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INMARSAT Fleet F77 J UE-410F

Basic Oper ation Manual


1. CONNECTION OF EQUIPMENTS.................................................................................... 1

A) Telephone connection ............................................................................................................. 1

B) FAX connection ....................................................................................................................... 1
C)PC connection .......................................................................................................................... 1
C1) Ethernet port connection.................................................................................................. 1
C2) DTE port connection......................................................................................................... 1
C3) ISDN port connection ....................................................................................................... 1

2. PREPARATION OF SETUP (OPEN THE WEB MENU) .................................................... 2

Using a PC on Ethernet.............................................................................................................. 2
Open Web Menu .......................................................................................................................... 3

3. BASIC SETUP.................................................................................................................... 4

Setup of MES CONT ................................................................................................................... 4

4. USING TELEPHONE......................................................................................................... 5

Setup ............................................................................................................................................ 5
Setup ID ................................................................................................................................... 5
Making a call ............................................................................................................................... 5

5. USING FAX........................................................................................................................ 6

Setup ............................................................................................................................................ 6
Setup ID ................................................................................................................................... 6
Setup PORT CONTROL.......................................................................................................... 6
Sending FAX ............................................................................................................................ 6

6. USING PC ON ETHERNET ............................................................................................... 7

Setup ............................................................................................................................................ 7
Setup ID ................................................................................................................................... 7
Setup PORT CONTROL.......................................................................................................... 7
Setup 64k UDI(Ethernet)................................................................................................... 8
Setup MPDS(Ethernet) ...................................................................................................... 8
Connect to Internet ..................................................................................................................... 9

7. USING PC ON DTE PORT............................................................................................... 10

Setup .......................................................................................................................................... 10
Setup ID ................................................................................................................................. 10
Setup PORT CONTROL........................................................................................................ 10
Setup PORT ........................................................................................................................... 10
Setup Modem ..........................................................................................................................11
Set up the Dial-up.................................................................................................................. 15
Connect to Internet ................................................................................................................... 18

8. USING PC ON ISDN PORT ............................................................................................. 19

Setup .......................................................................................................................................... 19
Setup ID ................................................................................................................................. 19
Setup Port .............................................................................................................................. 19
Setup Modem ......................................................................................................................... 20
Setup Dial-up connection ...................................................................................................... 23
Connect to Internet ................................................................................................................... 23
1. Connection of Equipments

B A C2 C3-1 C1




FAX TEL ミニ タワー 1 ミニ タワー 1 ミニ タワー 1


A) Telephone connection
Using 2w cable, connect the telephone to TEL1 port on the rear panel of BDE.

B) FAX connection
Using 2w cable, connect the FAX to TEL2 port on the rear panel of BDE.

C)PC connection

C1) Ethernet port connection

Using straight LAN cable, connect the Ethernet port on the rear panel of BDE to HUB, and
also connect the HUB and the PC.
Note) Use cross LAN cable when you connect the PC to Ethernet port on the rear panel of BDE directly.

C2) DTE port connection

Using 9pin-9pin (male-female) straight serial cable, connect the PC to DTE port which is on
the rear panel of BDE.

C3) ISDN port connection

C3-1) Using ISDN cable, connect Terminal Adapter to ISDN port on the rear panel of BDE.

C3-2) Using serial cable, connect the PC to the serial port of Terminal Adapter.

2. Preparation of setup (Open the Web Menu)
In this section, preparation of setup is explained based on Windows XP.
This procedure is available for Windows 2000, with a very little differences (name of item, e.t.c..).

Using a PC on Ether net

1. Turn on the power switch of main unit.

2. Start up the PC, click [Start] < [Network and
dial-up Connections] buttons to display network
connection you have made, and then right-click it.
And then, click [Properties].
3. Click [General] tab and select [Internet Protocol
(TCP/IP)] and highlight the text, then click

4. Confirm both of [Obtain an IP address

automatically] and [Obtain DNS server address
automatically] are checked, then click [OK].

5. Reboot the PC.

Open Web Menu
1. Startup Web browser (Internet Explorer).

2. Enter [http://192.168.01] on the URL column.

The window to be entered user name and password is displayed.

3. Enter the user name and password, and then click

Default user name and password of ADMIN level is as
User name: ADMIN
Password: 0001

4. Click the [Start-up] window.

Web Menu is displayed.

3. Basic Setup

Setup of MES CONT

1. Click [1.MES CONT] on the left side of window.
MES CONT menu is displayed.
2. Enter the indication value of master
GYRO into [HEADING], and click

3. Enter the LES number being used to

[LES], and click [SET].

4. Select the satellite being used from

[SATELLITE], and click [SET].

5. Confirm that the parameter of [REC] is more than 55, and [STATUS] is set to [READY].

4. Using Telephone

This section explains a procedure of connecting telephone to TEL1 port.

Setup ID

1. Click [9. ID REGISTRATION].

ID REGISTRATION menu is displayed.

2. Enter IMN being used for telephone

(4.8k Voice) communication, to [IMN]
column of [TEL1], and then click [SET].

Making a call

1. Hang up the receiver and confirm that dial tone can be heard from receiver, during 1.5
2. Dial to other party and start the conversation. Return the receiver when conversation is

Dialing procedure: 00-Country code-Area code-subscriber code #

Ex)Dial to 422-45-9111( Japan):0081422459111#

5. Using FAX

In this section, the method of connecting FAX to TEL2 is explained.

Setup ID


2. Enter the OID number being used for
FAX (64k Audio or 9.6k Fax)
communication, to [OID] of [TEL2],
same as IMN to [IMN], select
[64k-AUDIO(FAX)]or [9.6k-FAX] at
[COMM TYPE], and click [SET].

Note) OID is informed as hexadecimal number.

Convert it to decimal Number and set it as
3-digit (ex.: 022)


1. Click [11. PORT CONTROL].

2. Set [Call REQUEST] and [CALL
RECEPTION ] of [TEL2] to [ON], and
click [SET].

Sending FAX

1. Set the document, then dial the destination FAX number and press [START] button.

Dialing method: 00-country code-area code-subscription number-#

Ex.) If you send a fax to 0422-45-9111 in Japan: Enter 0081422459111#

6. Using PC on Ethernet


Setup ID


ID REGISTRATION menu is displayed.

2. Enter OID and IMN which using at

communication to each column of
[64K-UDI] of Ethernet when you carry
out 64K UDI communication through
Ethernet, and then click [SET] button.
3. Enter OID and IMN which using at
communication to each column of
[MPDS] of Ethernet when you carry out
MPDS communication through
Ethernet, and then click [SET] button.
Note)OID is informed you as hexadecimal number. Convert to decimal number and set up as 3-digit (ex.


1. Click [11.PORT CONTROL]

PORT CONTROL menu is displayed.

2. Setup [CALL REQUEST] to [ON] and

click [SET] button.

Setup 64k UDI(Ethernet)
1. Click [14. 64K-UDI(Ethernet)].
Setting menu of 64K-UDI(Ethernet)] is displayed.
2. Enter User name, password and dial
number to [PPP1] for connecting
Internet, and click [SET] button.

Setup MPDS(Ethernet)
1. Click [15.MPDS(Ethernet)].

Setting menu of MPDS(Ethernet)is displayed.

3. Enter LES, User name, password and

dial number to [PPP1] for connecting
Internet, and click [SET].

Ex.) User name:abc

Password: abc
Dial numer:123

Note) In MPDS communication. telephone number, user name and password may be specified, depends on a LES.
Ask the LES being used.

Connect to Inter net
1. Click [7.64K-UDI (Ethernet)] to carry out 64k UDI communication, or click [8.MPDS
(Ethernet)] to carry out MPDS communication.
Connecting menu of 64K-UDI(Ethernet)or MPDS(Ethernet)is displayed.
2. Confirm that the user name, password, and dial number you have set at [Setup 64k UDI]
or [Setup MPDS], are displayed in [SETTING].
3. Click [CONNECT]. And click [Renew] in the Web browser after 15 seconds passed.

Internet connection is completed when [COMM SEND], [SERVER ADDRESS], [DSN

[STATUS] column in [INFORMATION], and IP address is displayed in the columns of
[CLIENT ADDRESS] respectively.

7. Using PC on DTE port

Setup ID

ID REGISTRATION menu is displayed.

2. For 64k-UDI communication

Enter OID and IMN which using at
communication to each column of
[64K-UDI] of DTE when you carry out
64k UDI communication through DTE,
and then click [SET] button.
For MPDS communication
Enter OID and IMN which using at
communication to each column of
[MPDS] of DTE when you carry out
MPDS communication through DTE,
and then click [SET].

Note)OID is informed you as hexadecimal number. Convert to decimal number and set it as 3-digit (ex. 022)


1. Click [11.PORT CONTROL].

PORT CONTROL menu is displayed.


[ON], and click [SET].

Setup PORT

1. Click [12. PORT].

PORT menu is displayed.

2. Confirm that [SPEED] of [DTE] is set to [115200].

Setup Modem
1. Install Standard 33600bps modem to COM port which is connected to main unit, with
following procedure.

1) Click [Start]>[Control Panel]>[Printers and

Other Hardware]>[Phone and Modem Option]

*[Phone and Modem Options] window is displayed.

2). Select [Modem] tab and click [Add].

*[Add Hardware Wizard] window is displayed.

3) Tick the checkbox of [Don’t detect my modem, I

will select it from a list], then click [Next].

4) Select [Standard Modem types] from

[Manufacturer] list, and also select [Standard
33600bps Modem] from [Models] list, then click

5) Confirm [standard 33600bps Modem] is
displayed in the column of [You have selected
the following modem;].then tick the checkbox
of [Selected ports] in [On which ports do you
want to install it?] field.
Click and highlight the COM port which is
connected to BDE. Click [Next].

Note) When two or more COM ports are displayed in

this column, confirm the COM port No. connected
to BDE, by referring operation manual of your PC,
or click [System]>[Properties]>[Device Manager]
and check it.

*[Windows is installing the modem(s)] window is displayed. Wait until the installation ends.

6) Click [Finish] when[Modem installation is finished!] window is displayed.

2. Setup the modem you have installed, with following procedure.

1) Click [Start]>[Control Panel]>[Printers and

Other Hardware]>[Phone and Modem
Option]>[Modem] tab, and select [Property].

[Standard 33600 bps Modem Properties] window is


2) Enter initialization command to [Extra
initialization commands] in advanced tab.

*Initialization commands are following:

64k UDI communication: +ws45=1
MPDS communication: +ws45=4

3) Click [Change Default Preferences...]

*[Standard 33600 bps Modem Default Prefer...] window is


4) Confirm [115200] is selected in [Port speed:], and
[Hardware] is selected in [Flow control:].

5) Click [Advanced] tab, then confirm [8] is

set at [Data bit], [None] is set at [Parity],
and [1] is set at [Stop bit], then click

Set up the Dial-up

1. Setup the Dial-up with following procedure.

1) Click [Control panel]>[Network and Internet Connections]>[Network connection]>[Create a new
*[New Connection Wizard] is displayed. Click [Next].

2) Select [Connect the Internet] in [New connection

Type], and click [Next].

3) Select [Set up my connection manually] in

[Getting Ready], and click [Next].

4) Select [Connect using a dial-up modem], and click


5) Select [Standard 33600bps Modem] you have
installed in [Selected Device], and click [Next].

6) Enter the name of dial-up connection into [ISP

name] column, and click [Next].

7) Enter the phone number of ISP which is being

used, and click [Next].
Ex.) Connecting to [Satweb-28] of KDDI using 64k UDI
Phone number: 28

Note) Phone number, user name, and password may specified

depends on each LES.
Ask the LES being used.

8) Enter user name and password allocated by ISP, into

the columns, and then click [Next].

Ex.) Connecting to [Satweb-28] of KDDI using 64k UDI

communication. yam003

User name: yam003

Password: kddi

9). Click [Finish].

2. Set the dial-up with following procedure.

1) Click [Properties] when the Dial-up window

you have made is automatically opened.

In case of the window does not open, click [Start]

< [Network and dial-up Connections] buttons to
display network connection you have made, and yam003

then right-click it. And then, click [Properties].


1) Select [General] tab and confirm [Standard DTE UDI
33600bps] that you have installed is selected at
[Connect using], then click [Configure…].


2) [Modem Configuration ] window will be opened.

Confirm that [115200] is set for [Maximum
speed [bps]:], click [OK].

Connect to Inter net

1. Open the dial-up and click [Dial] and then connect to Internet.

8. Using PC on ISDN port

Procedure of connecting TA (MTA128ST from Multi-Tech-Systems) to ISDN port is being
explained in this section.

Setup ID




2. Enter OID and IMN which using at

communication into each column of
[ISDN1], and also enter [OID] of
[DEFAULT] column, then click [SET].

Note)OID is informed you as hexadecimal number. Convert to decimal number and set as 3-digit (ex.022)

Setup Port

1. Click [12.PORT].

PORT menu is displayed.

2. According to the TA line service, select

line service of ISDN at [SERVICE
TYPE] of [ISDN], then click [SET].

Ex.) When MTA128ST is used, select ETSI for line

service of ISDN.

Setup Modem
1. Install a modem for MTA128ST to COM
port connecting to TA.
1) Click [Control panel]>[Phone and
Modem Options].

[Phone and Modem Options ] window is


2) Select [Modem] tab and click [Add…]

[Add Hardware Wizard] is displayed.

3) Tick [Don’t detect my modem; I will

select it from a list.] and click [next].

4) Click [Have disk].

[Install From Disk] window is displayed.

5) Click [Browse…]

6) Select [128STRC.inf] of
[mts128st_driver] and click [Open].

7) Click [OK].

8) Select [Multi Tech Systems] at

[Manufacturer] column, and also select
[MTA128ST…] modem at [Model]
according to the purpose used.
Then click [Next].

Ex.)Select MTA128ST ML-PPP

9) Confirm that the modem selected at 8) is

same as [Selected Modem], then select
[Selected port] and COM port which is
connected to TA, then click [Next].

10) Click [Continue] when install window

of [Hardware] is displayed.

11) Click [Finish] when [Modem is setup

normally] massage is displayed.

2. Setup the modem you have installed.
1) Select the modem you have installed
from [Modems] list of [Phone and
Modem Option] window , then click

2) Click [General] tab and confirm

[115200] is selected at [Port speed] and
[Hardware] is selected at [Flow control]

3) Click [Advanced] tab and confirm that
[8] is selected at [Data bit], [None] as
[Party], [1] as [Stop bit], then click
And click [OK] button at following 2
dialog boxes.

Setup Dial-up connection

1. Making dial-up connection with the modem which installed at [Setup Modem].

Referring [7.Using DTE port PC] ,[Setup],[Set up Dial up], create a Dial-up connection using installed

2. Setting Dial-up connection you have created.

Referring [7.Using DTE port PC] ,[Setup],[Set up Dial up] confirm the modem is the one you have installed, and
[Maximum Speed] is set as [115200].

Connect to Inter net

1. Open the Dial-up you have created, then click [Dial] button and connect to Internet.


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