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From: Proceedings of the First International Conference on Multiagent Systems. Copyright © 1995, AAAI ( All rights reserved.

BDI Agents: From Theory to Practice

Anand S. Rao and Michael P. Georgeff

Australian Artificial Intelligence Institute
Level 6, 171 La Trobe Street
Melbourne, Australia
Email" and

Abstract ing adequate or optimal performance when delibera-

tion is subject to resource bounds (Bratman 1987;
The study of computational agents capable of Kinny and Georgeff 1991).
rational behaviour has received a great deal of
attention in recent years. Theoretical formal- While much work has gone into the formaliza-
izations of such agents and their implementa- tion (Cohen and Levesque 1990; Jennings 1992; Kinny
tions have proceeded in parallel with little or et al. 1994; Rao and Georgeff 1991c; Singh and Asher
no connection between them. Tkis paper ex-
plores a particular type of rational agent, a Belief- 1990) and implementation (Burmeister and Sunder-
Desire-Intention (BDI) agent. The primary aim meyer 1992; Georgeff and Lansky 1986; Muller et al.
of this paper is to integrate (a) the theoretical 1994; Shoham1993) of BDIagents, two main criticisms
foundations of BDIagents from both a quantita- have been levelled against these endeavours. First,
tive decision-theoretic perspective and a symbolic the having of these three attitudes is attacked from
reasoning perspective; (b) the implementations both directions: classical decision theorists and plan-
of BDIagents from an ideal theoretical perspec- ning researchers question the necessity of having all
tive and a morepractical perspective; and (c) the three attitudes and researchers from sociology and Dis-
building of large-scale applications basedon BDI tributed Artificial Intelligence question the adequacy
agents. In particular, an air-trafflc management of these three alone. Second, the utility of studying
application will be described from both a theo-
retical and an implementationperspective. multi-modal BDI logics which do not have complete
axiomatizations and are not efficiently computable is
questioned by manysystem’ builders as having little
Introduction relevance in practice.
The design of systems that are required to perform This paper addresses these two criticisms from the
high-level management and control tasks in complex perspectives of the authors’ previous work in BDI
dynamic environments is becoming of increasing com- logics (Rao and Georgeff 1991a; 1991c; 1993), sys-
mercial importance. Such systems include the man- tems (Georgeff and Lansky 1986), and real-world ap-
agement and control of air traffic systems, telecommu- plications (Ingrand et al. 1992; Rao et al. 1992).
nications networks, business processes, space vehicles, Weargue the necessity (though not the adequacy)
and medical services. Experience in applying conven- these three attitudes in domains where real-time per-
tional software techniques to develop such systems has formanceis required from both a quantitative decision-
shown that they are very difficult and very expensive theoretic perspective and a symbolic reasoning per-
to build, verify, and maintain. Agent-oriented systems, spective. To address the second criticism, we show
based on a radically different view of computational howone can build practical systems by making certain
entities, offer prospects for a qualitative changein this simplifying assumptions and sacrificing someof the ex-
position. pressive power of the theoretical framework. Wefirst
A number of different approaches have emerged describe a practical BDI interpreter and show how it
as candidates for tile study of agent-oriented sys- relates to our theoretical framework. Wethen describe
tems (Bratman et al. 1988; Doyle 1992; Rao and an implemented agent-oriented air-traffic managemeut
Georgeff 1991c; Rosenschein and Kaelbling 1986; system, called OASIS,currently being tested at Syd-
Shoham1993). One such architecture views the sys- ney airport.
tem as a rational agent having certain mental attttudes
of Belief, Desire and Intention (BDI), representing, re- Theprimarypurposeof thispaperis to providea
spectively, the information, motivational, and deliber- unifyingframework
fora particular
typeof agent,
ative states of the agent. These mental attitudes deter- agent,by bringing
mine the system’s behaviour and are critical for achiev- viousworkin theory,

312 ICMAS-9S
From: Proceedings of the First International Conference on Multiagent Systems. Copyright © 1995, AAAI ( All rights reserved.
The System and its Environment sequence and during the period that the aircraft is
Wefirst informally establish the necessity of beliefs, flying to meet its assigned landing time.
desires, and intentions for a system to act appropri- One way of modelling the behaviour of such a sys-
ately in a class of application domains characterized tem, given Characteristics (1) and (2), is as a branch-
by various practical limitations and requirements. As ing tree structure (Emerson 1990), where each branch
typical of such a domain, consider the design of an air in the tree represents a’n alternative execution path.
traffic managementsystem that is to be responsible Each node in the structure represents a certain state
for calculating the expected time of arrival (ETA)for of the world, and each transition a primitive action
arriving aircraft, sequencing them according to certain made by the system, a primitive event occurring in the
optimality criteria, reassigning the ETAfor the aircraft environment, or both.
according to the optimal sequence, issuing control di- If we differentiate the actions taken by the system
rectives to the pilots to achieve the assigned ETAs,and and the events taking place in the environment, the two
monitoring conformance. different types of nondeterminism manifest themselves
This and a wide class of other real-time application in two different node types. Wecall these choice (deci-
domainsexhibit a numberof important characteristics: sion) nodes and chance nodes, representing the options
1. At any instant of time, there are potentially many available to the system itself and the uncertainty of the
different ways in which the environment can evolve environment, respectively.
(formally, the environmentis nondeterministic); e.g., In this formal model, we can identify the objectives
the wind field can change over time in unpredictable of the system with particular paths through the tree
ways, as can other parameters such as operating structure, each labeled with the objective it realizes
conditions, runwayconditions, presence of other air- and, if necessary, the benefit or payoff obtained by
craft, and so on. traversing this path.
As the system has to act, it needs to select appro-
2. At any instant of time, there are potentially many priate actions or procedures to execute from the var-
different actions or procedures the system can exe- ious options available to it. The design of such a se-
cute (formally, the system itself is nondeterministic); lection function should enable the system to achieve
e.g., the system can take a number of different ac- effectively its primary objectives, given the computa-
tions, such as requesting an aircraft change speed, tional resources available to the system and the char-
stretch a flight path, shorten a flight path, hold, and acteristics of the environment in which the system is
80 on.
3. At any instant of time, there are potentially many Under the above-mentioned domain characteristics,
different objectives that the system is asked to ac- there are at least two types of input data required by
complish; e.g., the system can be asked to land air- such a selection function. First, given Characteristic
craft QF001at time 19:00, land QF003at 19:01, and (4), it is essential that the system have information
maximize runway throughput, not all of which may on the state of the environment~ But as this cannot
be simultaneously achievable. necessarily be determined in one sensing action (Char-
acteristics 1 and 5), it is necessary that there be some
4. The actions or procedures that (best) achieve the
various objectives are dependent on the state of the componentof the system that can represent this infor-
mation and is updated appropriately after each sensing
environment (context) and are independent of the
internal state of the system; e.g., the actions by action. Wecall such a componentthe system’s beliefs.
This component may be implemented as a variable, a
which the aircraft achieve their prescribed landing
times depend on wind field, operating conditions, database, a set of logical expressions, or some other
other aircraft, and so on, but not on the state of the data structure. Thus, beliefs can be viewed as the in-
computational system. formative 1componentof system state.
Second, it is necessary that the system also have in-
5. The environmeiit can only be sensed locally (i.e., one formation about the objectives to be accomplished or,
.sensing action is not sufficient for fully determining moregenerally, what priorities or payoffs are associated
the state of the entire environment); e.g., the system with the various current objectives (Characteristics
receives only spot wind data from some aircraft at and 4). It is possible to think of these objectives, or
some times at some locations and thus cannot de- their priorities, as being generated instantaneously or
termine in one sensing operation the current wind
field. 1Wedistinguish beliefs from the notion of knowledge,
as defined for examplein the literature on distributed com-
6. The rate at which computations and actions can puting, as the system beliefs are only required to provide
be carried out is within reasonable bounds to the information on the likely state of the environment;e.g.,
rate at which the environment evolves; e.g., changes certain assumptionsmaybe implicit in the implementation
in wind field, operational conditions, runway con- but sometimesviolated in practice, such as assumptions
ditions, presence of other aircraft, and so on, can about accuracy of sensors, or rate of changeof certain en-
occur during the calculation of an efficient landing vironmentalconditions.

Rao 313
From: Proceedings of the First International Conference on Multiagent Systems. Copyright © 1995, AAAI ( All rights reserved.
functionally, and thus not requiring any state repre- Decision Trees to Possible Worlds
sentation (unlike the system beliefs, which cannot be While in the previous section we talked abstractly
represented functionally). Wecall this component the about the belief, desire, and intention components of
system’s desires, which can be thought of as represent- the systemstate, in this section we develop a theory for
ing the motivational state of the system .2 describing those components in a propositional form.
Given this picture, the most developed approach rel- Webegin with classical decision theory and show how
evant to the design of the selection function is decision we can view such a theory within a framework that
theory. However, the decision-theoretic approach does is closer to traditional epistemic models of belief and
not take into account Characteristic (6); namely, that agency. In later sections, we will showhow this model
the environment may change in possibly significant and can then be used to specify and implement systems
unanticipated ways either (a) during execution of the with the characteristics described above.
selection function itself or (b) during the execution Informally, a decision tree consists of decision nodes,
the course of action determined by the selection func- chance nodes, and terminal nodes, and includes a prob-
tion. ability function that maps chance nodes to real-valued
The possibility of the first situation arising can be probabilities (including conditional probabilities) and
reduced by using a faster (and thus perhaps less opti- a payoff function that maps terminal nodes to real
mal) selection functio’n, as there is then less risk of numbers. A deliberation function, such as maximin or
significant event occurring during computation. maximizingexpected utility is then defined for choosing
Interestingly, to the second possibility, classical de- one or more best sequences of actions to perform at a
cision theory and classical computer science provide given node.
quite different answers: decision theory demands that Wetransform such a decision tree, and appropri-
one re-apply the selection function in the changedenvi- ate deliberation functions, to an equivalent modelthat
ronment; standard computer programs, once initiated, represents beliefs, desires, and intentions as separate
expect to execute to completion without any reassess- accessibility relations over sets of possible worlds. This
ment of their utility. transformation provides an alternative basis for cases
Given Characteristic (6), neither approach is satis- in which we have insufficient information on probabil-
factory, l~-application of the selection function in- ities and payoffs and, perhaps more importantly, for
creases substantially the risk that significant changes handling the dynamic aspects of the problem domain.
will occur during this calculation and also consumes Webegin by considering a fulldecision tree, in which
time that maybe better spent in action towards achiev- every possible path is represented (including those with
ing the given objectives. On the other hand, execution zero payoffs). Givensuch a decision tree, we start from
of any course of action to completion increases the risk the root node and traverse each arc. For each unique
that a significant change will occur during this execu- state labeled on an arc emanating from a chance node,
tion, the system thus failing to achieve the intended we create a new decision tree that is identical to the
objective or realizing the expected utility. original tree except that (a) t]~e chance node is re-
We seem caught on the horns of a dilemma: re-
movedand (b) the arc incident on the chance node
considering the choice of action at each step is po-
connected to the successor of the chance node. This
tentially too expensive and the chosen action pos- process is carried out recursively until there are no
sibly invalid, whereas unconditional commitment to chance nodes left. This yields a set of decision trees,
the chosen course of action can result in the system
each consisting of only decision nodes and terminal
failing to achieve its objectives. However, assum- nodes, and each corresponding to a different possi-
ing that potentially significant changes can be deter-
mined instantaneously, s it is possible to limit the fre- ble state of the environment. That is, from a tra-
ditional possible-worlds perspective, each of these de-
quency of reconsideration and thus achieve an appro- cision trees represents a different possible world with
priate balance between too much reconsideration and different probability of occurrence. Finally, the payoff
not enough (Kinny and Georgeff 1991). For this function is assigned to paths in a straightforward way.
work, it is necessary to include a componentof system
The algorithm for this transformation can be found
state to represent the currently chosen course of action; elsewhere ( and Georgeff 1991b).
that is, the output of the most recent call to the selec-
The resulting possible-worlds model contains two
tion function. Wecall this additional state component types of information, represented by the probabili-
the system’s intentions. In essence, the intentions of ties across worlds and the payoffs assigned to paths.
the system capture the deliberative component of the Wenow split these out into two accessibility rela-
system. tions, the probabilities being represented in the belief-
2Wedistinguish desires from goals as they are defined, accessibility relation and the payoffs in the desire-
for example,in the AI literature in that they maybe many accessibility relation. The sets of tree structures de-
at any instant of time and maybe mutually incompatible. fined by these relations are identical, although with-
3"rhat is, at the level of granularity definedby tile prim- out loss of generality we could delete from the desire-
itive actions and events of the domain. accessible worlds all paths with zero payoffs.

314 ICMAS-95
From: Proceedings of the First International Conference on Multiagent Systems. Copyright © 1995, AAAI ( All rights reserved.
Given a decision tree and the above transformation, and the other with respect to the structure of the possi-
an agent can now make use of the chosen deliberation ble worlds. Given two relations four different relation-
function to decide the best course(s) of action. Wecan ships are possible between them: one being a subset of
formally represent these selected path(s) in the deci- the other and vice versa, and their intersections being
sion tree using a third accessibility relation on possible null or non-nulL Similarly, as each possible world is a
worlds, corresponding to the intentions of the agent. time tree, there are four possible structural relation-
In essence, for each desire-accessible world, there exists ships that can hold between any pair of worlds: one
a corresponding intention-accessible world which con- could be a sub-world of the other or vice versa, or the
tains only the best course(s) of action as determined worlds could be identical or incomparable.
by the appropriate deliberation function. Nowwe can combine the set and structural rela-
Thus, our possible-worlds model consists of a set tionships of the belief, desire, and intention worlds to
of possible worlds where each possible world is a obtain twelve different BDI systems. Someof these
tree structure. A particular index within a possi- relationships and axiomatizations can be derived from
ble world is called a situation. With each situation the others. Three of the above relationships and ax-
we associate a set of belie]-accessible worlds, desire- iomatizations have been considered before under the
accessible worlds, and intention.accessible worlds; in- terms realism (Cohen and Levesque 1990) (if an agent
tuitively, those worlds that the agent believes to be believes a proposition, it will desire it), strong real-
possible, desires to bring about; and intends to bring ism (Rao and Georgeff 1991c) (if an agent desires
about, respectively. achieve a proposition, it will believe the proposition
to be an option) and weak realism (Rao and Georgeff
BDI Logics 1991a) (if an agent desires to achieve a proposition,
The above transformation provides the basis for devel- will not believe the negation of the proposition to be
oping a logical theory for deliberation by agents that is inevitable).
compatible with quantitative decision theory in those The choice of BDI system depends also on which
cases where we have good estimates for probabilities other properties are desired of the agent. For example,
and payoffs. However,it does not address the case in a number of researchers have proposed requirements
which we do not have such estimates, nor does it ad- concerning the asymmetry between beliefs and other
dress the dynamicaspects of deliberation, particularly attitudes (Bratman 1987; Rao and Georgeff 1991a) and
those concerning commitmentto previous decisions. consequential closure principles (Cohen and Levesque
Webegin by abstracting the model given above to 1990). The first requires that rational agents maintain
reduce probabilities and payoffs to dichotomous (0-1) consistency between their beliefs, desires, and inten-
values. That is, we consider propositions to be either tions, but not completeness. The second requires that
believed or not believed, desired or not desired, and the beliefs, desires, and intentions of an agent must
intended or not intended, rather than ascribing con- not be closed under the implications of the other at-
tinuous measures to them. Within such a framework, titudes. All the above properties are satisfied by a
we first look at the static properties we would want of BDIsystem in which the pair-wi~e intersections of the
BDI systems and next their dynamic properties. belief-, desire-, and intention-accessible worlds are non-
The axiomatization for beliefs that we adopt is the null. Other BDIsystems in which intention-accessible
standard weak-S5 (or KD45) modal system. Weadopt worlds axe sub-worlds of desire-accessible worlds, which
the D and K axiomsfor desires and intentions; i.e., de- are sub-worlds of belief-accessible worlds satisfy some,
sires and intentions have to be closed under implication but not all of these properties.
and have to be consistent. Wealso have the inference Dynamic Constraints: As discussed earlier, an
rule of necessitation for beliefs, desires, and intentions. important aspect of a BDIarchitecture is the notion
A number of researchers have proposed their pre- of commitment to previous decisions. A commitment
ferred axiomatizations capturing the relationships be- embodies the balance between the reactivity and goal-
tween beliefs, desires, and intentions. However, in directedness of an agent-oriented system. In a con-
other work (Rao and Georgeff 1991c) we depart from tinuously changing environment, commitment lends a
this approach and give a comprehensive family of BDI certain sense of stability to the reasoning process of an
logics similar in tradition to that of modal logic sys- agent. This results in savings in computational effort
tems (i.e., KD45system, $4 system, etc.). The reason and hence better overall performance (Bratman 1987;
for this departure is that we do not believe that there Kinny and Georgeff 1991; Bao and Georgeff 1991c).
need be a unique and correct axiomatization that cov- A commitment usually has two parts to it: one is
ers all interesting BDIagents---one may want to model the condition that the agent is committedto maintain,
different types df agents for different purposes. called the commitmentcondition, and the second is the
Static Constraints: The static relationships condition under which the agent gives up the commit-
amongthe belief-, desire-, and intention-accessible ment, called the termination condition. As the agent
worlds can be examined along two different dimen- has no direct control over its beliefs and desires, there
sions, one with respect to the sets of possible worlds is no waythat it can adopt or effectively realize a corn-

Rao 31S
From: Proceedings of the First International Conference on Multiagent Systems. Copyright © 1995, AAAI ( All rights reserved.
mitment strategy over these attitudes. However, an
line" about the behaviour of an agent-based system,
agent can choose what to do with its intentions. Thus, we cannot directly use such a theorem prover to im-
we restrict the commitment condition to intentions. plement the system itself.
An agent can commit to an intention based on the ob- The abstract architecture we propose comprises
ject of the intention being fulfilled in one future path or
three dynamic data structures representing the agent’s
all future paths leading to different commitmentcon- beliefs, desires, and intentions, together with an input
ditions and hence different dynamic behaviours. queue of events. Weallow update and query operations
Different termination conditions result in further on the three data structures. The update operations
variations in behaviour(Rao and Georgeff 1991c; 1993; on beliefs, desires, and intentions are subject to re-
Georgeff and Rao August 1995). For example, we spective compatibility requirements. These functions
can define a blindly-committed agent which denies any are critical in enforcing the formalized constraints upon
the agent’s mental attitudes as described before. The
changesto its beliefs or desires that wouldconflict with
its commitments; a single-minded agent which enter- events the system can recognize include both external
talns changes to beliefs and will drop its commitments events and internal events. Weassume that the events
accordingly; and an open-minded agent which allows are atomic and are recognized after they have occurred.
changes in both its beliefs and desires that will forceSimilarly, the outputs of the agent--actions--are also
its commitments to be dropped. assumed to be atomic. The main interpreter loop is
The various forms of termination and commitment given below. Weassume that the event queue, belief,
can be expressed as axioms of our logic, and semantic desire, and intention structures are global.
constraints can be placed on the dynamic evolution BDI-interpreter
of the accessibility relations. As before, rather than initialize-state();
claiming that one particular commitment strategy is repeat
the right strategy, we allow the user to tailor them options := option-generator(event-queue);
according to the application. selected-options := deliberate(options);
The purpose of the a~ove formalization is to build update-intentions(selected-options);
formally verifiable and pr,’~tical systems. If for a given execute();
application domain, we 1~ ~ow how the environment get-new-external-events();
changes and the behaviour~ expected of the system, we drop-successful-attitudes0;
can use such a formalization to specify, design, and ver- drop-impossible-attitudes();
ify agents that, when placed in such an environment, end repeat
will exhibit all and only the desired behaviours. Else-
At the beginning of every cycle, the option genera-
where (Rao and Georgeff 1993) we have described how
tor reads the event queue and returns a list of options.
to verify certain behaviours of agents based on their Next, the deliberator selects a subset of options to be
static constraints and their commitmentstrategies us- adopted and adds these to the intention structure. If
ing a model-checking approach. In the next section, we there is an intention to performa~n atomic action at this
turn ~o the task of building a practical system based point in time, the agent then executes it. Anyexternal
on the above theory. events that have occurred during the interpreter cycle
are then added to the event queue. Internal events are
Abstract Architecture added as they occur. Next, the agent modifies the in-
Whileit is notnecessary thata systemthatis spec- tention and desire structures by dropping all successful
ifiedin termsofbeliefs, desires andintentions bede- desires and satisfied intentions, as well as impossible
signed withidentifiable datastructures corresl~onding desires and unrealizable intentions.
to eachof thesecomponents, thearchitecture we pro- This abstract architecture is an idealization that
posebelowis basedon sucha correspondence. The faithfully captures the theory, including the various
rationale forsucha design is thattheidentification of components of practical reasoning (Bratman 1987);
beliefs, desires,andintentions isuseful whenthesys- namely, option generation, deliberation, execution,
tem mustcommunicate withhumansor othersoftware and intention handling. However, it is not a prac-
agentsandcanbe expected to simplify thebuilding, tical system for rational reasoning. The architecture
maintenance, andverification of application systems. is basod on a (logically) closed set of beliefs, desires,
On theotherhand,thearchitecture cannotbe sim- and intentions and the provability procedures required
ply basedon a traditional theorem-proving system, arc not computable. Moreover, wc have given no in-
evenif extended to handlethe temporal, epistemic, dication of howthe option generator and deliberation
andnon-deterministic elements of thelogicdescribed procedures can be madesufficiently fast to satisfy the
above.Thereasonforthisis thatthetimetakento real-time demands placed upon the system.
reasonin thisway,and thusthetimetakento act, Wetherefore make a number of important choices
is potentially unbounded, thereby destroying thereac- of representation which, while constraining expressive
tivitythatis essential to an agent’s survival. Thus, power, provide a more practical system for rational rea-
although we could use a theorem prover to reason "off- soning. The system presented is a simplified version of

316 ICMAS-95
From: Proceedings of the First International Conference on Multiagent Systems. Copyright © 1995, AAAI ( All rights reserved.
the Procedural Reasoning System (PRS) (Georgeff ism and the abstract architecture of the previous sec-
Lansky 1986; Ingrand et a/. 1992), one of the first im- tions. The system architecture for OASISis made up
plemented agent-oriented systems based on the BDI of one aircraft agent for each arriving aircraft and a
architecture, and a successor system, dMARS (dis- number of global agents, including a sequencer, wind
tributed MuitiAgent Reasoning System). modeller, coordinator, and trajectory checker.
First, we explicitly represent only beliefs about the At any particular time, the system will comprise up to
current state of the world and consider only ground sets seventy or eighty agents running concurrently, sequenc-
of literais with n’o disjunctions or implications. Intu- ing and giving control directives to flow controllers on
itively, fhese represent beliefs that are currently held, a real-time basis. The aircraft agents are responsible
but which can be expected to change over time. for flying the aircraft and the global agents are respon-
Second, we represent the information about the sible for the overall sequencing and coordination of the
means of achieving certain future world states and the aircraft agents. A detailed description of the system
options available to the agent as plans, which can be can be found elsewhere (Ljungberg and Lucas 1992).
viewed as a special form of beliefs (Rao and Georgeff The system is currently undergoing parallel evaluation
1992). Intuitively, plans are abstract specifications of trials at Sydneyairport, receiving live data from the
both the means for achieving certain desires and the radar.
options available to the agent. Each plan has a body Modelling: An aircraft agent is responsible for
describing the primitive actions or subgoals that have flying along a certain flight path given by the coor-
to be achieved for plan execution to be successful. The dinates of a sequence of waypoints. An example of
conditions under which a plan can be chosen as an op- the chance or uncertainty in the domain is the wind
tion are specified by an invocation condition and a pre- field. If this were the only environmentalvariable, for
condition; the invocation condition specifies the "trig- each value of the wind velocity at a particular way-
gering" event that is necessary for invocation of the point we would have a corresponding belief-accessible
plan, and the precondition specifies the situation that world. The choices available to an aircraft agent in-
must hold for the plan to be executable. clude flying along various trajectories betweenits min-
Third, each intention that the system forms by imum speed and maximumspeed and at an altitude
adopting certain plans of action is represented implic- between its minimum and maximum altitude. This
itly using a conventional run-time stack of hierarchi- can be represented by multiple branches in each of the
cally related plans (similar to howa Prolog interpreter belief-accessible worlds mentioned above. As the fi-
handles clauses). 4 Multiple intention stacks can co- nal waypoint is the destination airport, the paths de-
exist, either running in parallel, suspended until some sired by the aircraft agent are those paths where the
condition o~urs, or ordered for execution in some way. calculated ETAof the end node is equal to the de-
The main interpreter loop for this system is identi- sired ETA. The desire-accessible worlds can be ob-
cal to the one discussed previously. However, as the tained from the belief-accessible worlds by pruning
system is embedded in a dynamic environment, the those paths that do not satisfy-the above condition.
procedures appearing in the interpreter must be fast The intention-accessible worlds ~an be obtained from
enough to satisfy the real-time demands placed Ul~On the desire-accessible paths by retaining only ’those that
the system. One way of tailoring and thus improving are the "best" with respect to fuel consumption, air-
the process of option generation is to insert an addi- craft performance, and so on.
tional procedure, post-intention-status, at the end
of the interpreter loop. The purpose of this procedure Decision Theory and Commitment: The pri-
is to delay posting events on the event queue regard- mary objective of the sequencer agent is to land all
aircraft safely and in an optimal sequence. Given the
ing any changes to the intention structure until the
performancecharacteristics of aircraft, desired separa-
end of the interpreter loop. By posting appropriate
events to the event queue the procedure can determine, tion between aircraft, wind field, runwayassignment,
among other things, which changes to the intention and a cost function, the sequencing agent uses a num-
structure will be noticed by the option generator. In ber of different deliberation strategies to computethe
this way, one can model various notions of commitment "best" arrival sequence for aircraft and their respec-
tive ETA~s.On determining a particular schedule, the
that result in different behaviours of the agent(ltao and
Georgeff 1992). scheduling agent then single-mindedly commits to the
intention; in other words, the scheduling agent will stay
Applications committeduntil (a) it believes that all aircraft have
landed in the given sequence; or (b) it does not be-
In this section, we consider an air-traffic management lieve that there is a possibility that the next aircraft
system, OASIS,and relate it to the theoretical formal- will meet its assigned ETA.Note that this is not the
4This is an efficient way of capturing all the paths of classical decision-theoretic viewpoint--any change in
intention-accessible worlds. In other words, the interpreter wind field, for example, should, in that view, cause a
does a lazy generation of all possible sequencesof actions recalculation of the entire sequence, even if all aircraft
that it can intend from the plan library. could still meet their assigned ETAs.

Rao 317
From: Proceedings of the First International Conference on Multiagent Systems. Copyright © 1995, AAAI ( All rights reserved.
Abstract Interpreter: In the implemented version Comparison and Conclusion
of OASIS, each agent in the system deals only with
current beliefs and desires and the options available to The BDI architecture draws its inspiration from the
the agent to achieve its desires are written as plans. For philosophical theories of Bratman (Bratman 1987),
example, although there may be many different ways whoargues that intentions play a significant and dis-
of achieving the desired ETA(e.g., flying low at full tinct role in practical reasoning and cannot be reduced
speed), the plans of the aircraft agents only include to beliefs and desires. Cohen and Levesque (Cohen
as options thosetrajectories that are maximally fuel and Levesclue 1990) provided one of the first logical
efficient. formalizations of intentions and the notion of commit-
ment. Later formalications include the representation-
In addition to the above application, PRS and alist theory by Konolige and Pollack (Konolige and
dMARShave been used in a number of other large- Pollack 1993) and the work by Singh (Singh and Asher
scale applications, including a system for space shut- 1990).
fie diagnosis {Ingrand et al. 1992), telecommunica- While the earlier formalisms present a particular set
tions network management(lngrand et al. 1992), air- of semantic constraints or axioms as being the formal-
combat modelling (Rao et al. 1992), and business pro- ization of a BDI agent, we adopt the view that one
cess management. This experience leads us to the firm should be able to choose an appropriate BDI system
conviction that the agent-oriented approach is partic- for an application based on the rational behaviours re-
ularly useful for building complex distributed systems quired for that application. As a result, following the
involving resource-bounded decision-making. modal logic tradition, we have discussed how one can
Essential Features: The essential characteristics categorize different combinations of interactions among
which have contributed to the success of our approach beliefs, desires, and intentions.
can be summarized as follows: A number of agent-oriented systems have been built
in the past few years (Burmeister and Sundermeyer
¯ The ability to construct plans that can react to spe- 1992; Georgeff and Lansky 1986; Muller et al. 1994;
cific situations, can be invoked based on their pur- Shoham1993). While many of these appear interest-
pose, and are sensitive to the context of their invo- ing and have different strengths and weaknesses, none
cation facilitates modular and incremental develop- has yet been applied to as wide a class of complexap-
ment. It allows users to concentrate on writing plans plications as the ones discussed in this paper.
for a subset of essential situations and construct Currently, there is very little work on bridging the
plans for more specific situations as they debug the gap amongn theory, systems, and applications. The
system. As plans are invoked either in response to work by Bratman el. al. (Bratman et al. 1988) de-
particular situations or based on their purpose, the scribes the different modules of a BDI architecture
incremental addition of plans does not require mod- and discusses the philosophical foundations for each of
ification to other existing plans. these modules. However, compared to our abstract in-
terpreter, this modelis at a higher level of abstraction
¯ The balance between reactive and goal.directed be- and is not useful as a practical system. More recent
haviour is achieved by committing to plans and pe- work by Fisher (Fisher 1994) on Concurrent Metatem
riodically reconsidering such committed plans. The specifies agent behaviours as temporal logic specifica-
managementof such real-time and concurrent activ- tions that are directly executed by the system. How-
ities is done by the system, while still giving the user ever, for applications in which the environment changes
control in terms of specifying to the system howthe at rates comparable with the calculation cycle of the
balance is to be achieved. As a result, end-users system, such theorem provers are unsuited as system
need not be involved in complex low-level program- implementations.
ming (a difficult and error-prone activity, even for The primary contribution of this paper is in inte-
systems programmers), leading to a reliable system. grating the various aspects of BDI agent research--
theoretical foundations from both a quantitative
¯ The high-level representational and programming decision-theoretic perspective and a symbolic rational
language has meant that end-users can encode their agency perspective, system implementation from an
knowledge directly in terms of basic mental atti- ideal theoretical persepctive to a more practical per-
tudes without needing to master the programming spective, and the applications that rely on the theoret-
constructs of a low-level language. This has led ical foundations and are implementedusing a practical
to greater flexibility and shorter developmentcycles. BDIarchitecture.
For example, when FORTRAN rules that modeUed Acknowledgements: Tiffs research was supported
pilot reasoning were replaced with plans, the turn- by the Cooperative Research Centre [’or Intelligent De-
around time for changes to tactics in an alr-coinbat cision Systems under the Australian Government’s Co-
simulation system (Rao et al. 1992) improved from operative Research C~ntres Program. We also thank
two months to less than a day. Liz Sonenbergfor her valuable commentsor! the paper.

318 ICMAS-9$
From: Proceedings of the First International Conference on Multiagent Systems. Copyright © 1995, AAAI ( All rights reserved.

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