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Perception of the Students in the Effectivity of Technology in Surviving Educational Standard amidst the Pandemic



According to Albert Einstein, humans are living in a world where technology

almost surpassed humanity. Technology is such a big part of the world in which people

live; it is indeed popular and necessary nowadays; it can help people communicate,

collaborate, meet, produce goods or services, carry out goals, and learn new knowledge.

Innovation is changing fast; the more advanced technology is, the more it can make

people's life easier. According to Sutton (2013), technology has changed society

throughout history. Over the last few decades, cellular devices, iPads, iPods, computers,

and most importantly, the internet have completely overhauled the way people interact

in society and the way educators work in schools. Technology implementation in

schools is pivotal to student success post-high school due to the changing times and

high demands for tech-savvy personnel. Teachers of the 21st century must adjust to the

technological revolution, prepare themselves, and prepare their students for the real

technological world. Technology has changed the way society looks and how the

classroom looks, and there will be no return to chalkboards and writing letters. The

21st-century society demands a technologically advanced person and the 21st-century

classroom requires the same.



Perception of the Students in the Effectivity of Technology in Surviving Educational Standard amidst the Pandemic
Technology has a positive impact on student learning. It causes students to be

more engaged; thus, students often retain more information. Because of the arrival of

new technologies rapidly occurring globally, technology is relevant to the students.

Technology provides meaningful learning experiences. It also offers hands-on learning

opportunities that can be integrated into all school curricular areas, including

mathematics, reading, science, social studies, and other academic subjects. It gives

students opportunities to collaborate with their peers resulting in learning from each

other. These factors combined can lead to a positive impact on student learning and

motivation. Another reason technology is a factor in improving education is that it is

becoming such an integral part of our everyday world. Most jobs today require some

type of technology use. Also, students and adults are using technology daily to

communicate, get information in multiple ways. The prevalent daily use of technology

in people's lives makes the technology very relevant to the students and provides a

connection that will significantly benefit student learning. (Costley, Ph.D.,2014). Top

Hat (2021), Students are digital natives. They have grown up with technology; it is

woven into their lives. It is one of the basic 21st-century skills that they will need in

school and the workplace. But using computer technology in the classroom is not just

about digital devices in class—it relates to anything that facilitates interaction between

teacher and student. Technology in schools could be seen as the culprit, or it could be

harnessed to improve student engagement and effectiveness. The disadvantages of

technology are following: (1) it can be a distraction; (2) it can disconnect students

from social interaction; (3) it can foster cheating in class and on assignments ; (4)


Perception of the Students in the Effectivity of Technology in Surviving Educational Standard amidst the Pandemic
students do not have equal access to technological resources; (5) the quality of research

and sources students find may not be credible; (6) lesson planning might become more

labor-intensive with technology.

According to the Department of Education, 21, 724 454 students enrolled this

school year 2020 – 2021 as of July 21, 2020. Almost 4 million learners did not register

for this school year (2020) because of possible reasons: (1) the parent loses their job

during the pandemic; (2) they cannot buy their gadgets to use in their online class; (3)

they do not have a wi-fi connection, only mobile data that is not enough for using

google meet zooms for the online class set up; (4) students suffer from mental health

beforehand and after experiencing the struggles of learning online.

The purpose or objective of this study is to share some insight, knowledge,

experience, opinions, suggestions in the case regarding this matter. The researchers

conducted this to determine if the students could pass the educational standard amidst

the pandemic using the technology. This study will help people, students, primarily

parents, understand the perception of the students studying during the pandemic.

This study will help fill the research gap by investigating Grade 11 students

from Dr. Yanga Colleges Inc. The students supply the complete findings at the end of

this research.


Perception of the Students in the Effectivity of Technology in Surviving Educational Standard amidst the Pandemic
Background of the Study

Every day, people are looking for how our life becomes better and always try to

find ways of improving technology more year by year. Research regarding online

learning and teaching shows that they are effective online if students have consistent

access to the internet and computers. Teachers received support for online instruction

because these needed requirements for effectiveness have been largely absent for many.

Remote education during the pandemic has impeded teaching and learning. Face to face

is an effective way to learn knowledge and skills because it often combines different

ways of learning

The COVID-19 pandemic is overwhelming the functioning and outcomes of

education systems. The shutdown of schools, compounded by the associated public

health and economic crises, poses significant challenges to our student and their

teachers. The public education system was not built, not prepared, to cope with a

situation like this. People also know that, given the variety in which crisis has widened

existing socioeconomic disparities and how these disparities affect learning and

educational outcomes, educational inequities are growing (Rothstein, 2004; Putnam,

2015; Reardon, 2011; Garcia & Weiss, 2007), as a consequence, many of the children

who struggle the hardest to learn effectively and drive in school under normal

circumstances are now finding it difficult, even impossible in some cases, to receive

practical instruction. They are experiencing interruptions in their learning that will need

to be made up.


Perception of the Students in the Effectivity of Technology in Surviving Educational Standard amidst the Pandemic
The 2020 - 2021 school year is now underway, and with many schools

remaining physically closed as the 2020 - 2021 year begins, more people need to

understand and think through if they are to meet the crisis head-on. Children are not in

their schools: what should they expect the consequences to be? The current downturn is

unique, and in most ways, it is much more severe than any people have experienced in

recent history. Almost overnight, the pandemic forced the cancellation of the traditional

learning that takes place in school settings. Pandemic is prompting many students to

adopt online learning; a wide range of new applications and technologies to support

students' success are now available and may prove invaluable to help students adapt to

fully remote learning. According to EDUCAUSE data (2019) revealed that many, but

far from all, installations, students are ready and able to use these technologies during

the pandemic.

How many institutions are using technology to support student success? Based

on the researcher, core technologies that support student success include advising center

management deployed partially or institution-wide at 76% of insulation and an advising

case management system that tracks student interactions 70% partial or institution-wide

deployment. And according to the recent findings from 48 countries in the OECD's

teacher and learning international survey, only 60 percent of teachers have received

professional development in internet and communication technology. In contrast, close

to 20 percent of teachers reported a high need for action in this area. These results

suggest that many teachers worldwide are ill-equipped to deal with the sudden shift in


Perception of the Students in the Effectivity of Technology in Surviving Educational Standard amidst the Pandemic
educational delivery as a result of Covid-19.

The impact on learners is unprecedented: on 9 April 2020, over 1,500,000,000

students worldwide from primary to tertiary level cannot attend school (UNESCO,

2020). Due to massive and unexpected closures, affected countries and communities

have been forced to seek quick fixes in different digital learning platforms (Jandrić,

2020). These rapid moves from classroom to online teaching have set aside the more

profound questions related to national educational policies and theoretical grounds and

premises. Current conditions of formal educational systems can be described using

Philip Strong's (1990) model of epidemic psychology consisting of three consecutive

and overlapping epidemics: fear, explanation, and action. Vital uses' epidemic' as a

metaphor representing collective psychological reactions to an epidemiological crisis.


Information Processing Theory

According to Wardlow (2016), this theory stresses student's cognitive processes,

such as attention, perception, encoding, storage, and retrieval of knowledge. Meaning,

this theory is about how individual students understand and process the ability

differently by themselves. Lawless (2019) said that the brain filters the information

from what the individual is paying attention and it gets stored in the memory for short-

term or long-term memory. Everything that the individual feels, see, touch, or taste, the


Perception of the Students in the Effectivity of Technology in Surviving Educational Standard amidst the Pandemic
brain remembers as long as the individual pays attention or retains the taste or the

softness of touch; therefore, the brain will remember its memory.

In connection to the study, when the student is attending online class for a long

time, the brain will forget how to study in face-to-face courses as the student is

accustomed to online learning, using technology to learn, facing gadgets all day, and

passing activities late for the reason there is no deadline.

Learning Theory

Learning theory is intended to clarify and assist people with seeing how

individuals learn; be that as it may, the writing is unpredictable and broad enough to fill

entire library sections. It includes various orders, including psychology, sociology,

neuroscience, and of course, education. Some of the popular learning theories are

behaviorism, cognitivism, and social constructivism. (Picciano A. G., 2017)

As stated in the study of Picciano (2017), behaviorism focuses on the attitude of

the people and how they behave. It also focuses on observing how students respond to

certain stimuli that, when repeated, can be evaluated, quantified, and eventually

controlled for each individual. In online learning, mentor or teachers cannot observe

their students properly since they can only see them virtually with the help of


Cognitivism focuses on the processes associated with learning. Amidst the

pandemic, students can only rely on the videos online or in a virtual class. Some


Perception of the Students in the Effectivity of Technology in Surviving Educational Standard amidst the Pandemic
students who have an intellectual capability have an advantage in the time on pandemic

since they have a good understanding that can help them keep up on using technologies.

Social Constructivism is a sociological theory of knowledge that focuses on

describing and explaining teaching and learning as complex interactive social

phenomena between teachers and students.

George Siemens (2004), one of the early MOOC pioneers and the leading

proponent of connectivism, a learning model that recognizes significant moves in the

manner information and data streams, develops, and changes in light of tremendous

information correspondences organizations. Internet technology has moved to learn

from internal, individualistic exercises to a group and local areas. Siemens (2004)

narrates connectivism as the integration of principles explored by chaos, network,

complexity, and self-organization theories. Students need to comprehend and be

provided with their own experiences navigating and recognizing constantly moving and

developing information. With the help of technologies, students can now do it easily

since technologies can serve as a students' guide.


This research aimed to be explored the perception of the students using the

technology in surviving the educational standard during the pandemic.

The researchers conducted specific questions to have an answer:

1. What is the insight of the students to attending online school during the pandemic?


Perception of the Students in the Effectivity of Technology in Surviving Educational Standard amidst the Pandemic
2. What are the impacts of technology on the studies of students today?

3. Does the student keep up with teachers' teaching using the technology?

4. What are the influences of gadgets and internet access insufficiency on the lives of


5. Why do students agree and disagree with online learning?


This study attempts to make people understand the struggle and insight of the

students to online class amidst the pandemic using the technology. The researchers will

only focus on Dr. Yanga's Colleges Inc. students' discernment to completing the

educational standard amidst the pandemic using technology. Only Grade 11 students

from Dr. Yanga Colleges, Inc. are used as respondents. Other people outside Dr. Yanga

Colleges Inc. and students that are not Grade 11 are not included.

It should be noted that this study conducted by the researchers did not cover the

teachers, parents, and administration as their respondents. The study refers to the

student's (Grade 11) perception only.


By studying the student's perception of the effectiveness of technology in surviving the

educational standard amidst the pandemic, this research study was expected to be

beneficial to the following sectors.



Perception of the Students in the Effectivity of Technology in Surviving Educational Standard amidst the Pandemic
For the students. They will see the fundamental feature of the present standard

educational system taking technology as the primary mode of learning transfer, thus

making the necessary adaptation and adjustment to cope with the change.

For the parents. They will recognize the importance of technology to their

children's education, thus giving them the necessary support in all aspects.

For the teachers. They will foresee the possible barriers of learning

incorporated into technology, thus make some possible interventions possible.

For the government. They will grasp the actual scenario of the present standard

education thus find ways to address problems and come up with an immediate solution.

For future researchers. They will have a reference for the same line of work

that will help them create a study that might be useful in the improvement of the

educational system in the coming years.


The researcher defined the following terminologies as to how it was used in the


 Learners – refers to the people who attend school to gain new knowledge and

contribute to society.

 Teachers – they are the ones teaching the learners new knowledge.


Perception of the Students in the Effectivity of Technology in Surviving Educational Standard amidst the Pandemic
 Pandemic – refers to the epidemic that is occurring worldwide and affecting a

large number of people.

 Technology – refers to the tools or machinery used today to communicate with

other people, do work, or attend school.

 Educational standards – refer to the knowledge and skills students should

have at critical stages in their academic careers.


Using Technology to Maintain the Education of Residents During the COVID-19


Chick et al. (2020) stated that since the COVID-19 Pandemic started, studying

surgical residency became more difficult. COVID-19 limits everything that causes

changes to the way of learning institutions of the surgical residents. The researchers

propose an innovative solution to continue learning surgical education during the

pandemic while maintaining the health safety of the residents, patients, and educators.

The researchers proposed a few innovative solutions to continue learning

surgical education, such as flipped classroom model, online practice questions,

teleconferencing in a place of in-person lectures, involving residents in telemedicine

clinics, procedural simulation, and the facilitated use of surgical videos. Essentially, the

researchers perceive that there is no substitute for hands-on learning through operative


Perception of the Students in the Effectivity of Technology in Surviving Educational Standard amidst the Pandemic
experience and direct patient care. Still, this type of learning can compensate for the

lack of learning experiences amidst this period.

The researchers conclude that these few technologically advanced solutions

might fill the educational gap for surgical residents during the pandemic. To maintain

and fill the academic opening of the surgical residents, the help of a national

organization amidst the pandemic would be helpful.

New Trends in Technology Application in Education and Capacities of

Universities Lecturers During the COVID-19 Pandemic.

In research of Nguyen and Chung (2020, pp. 1709–1714) asserts that to be

compatible with the general growth of society during the development and urbanization

of the world, it is vital to redevelop educational processes with the implementation of

new technology radically and to encourage productive, ambitious learners to improve

the standard of learning, notably amidst the pandemic phase.

According to Nguyen and Chung (2020, p. 1711), improving the quality of

education requires the educators to learn new and advanced knowledge to teach the

learners. As the educators are senior intellectuals, they are the ones who transfer

knowledge and teach value to the younger intellectuals. As the world gradually evolves

into new and modern technology, schools require to engage in the modernization of

information technology infrastructure to address the learning needs of the students that

they can access everywhere and every time.



Perception of the Students in the Effectivity of Technology in Surviving Educational Standard amidst the Pandemic
At the end of the study, the researchers conclude that the teacher's capacity

management implementation will be an inevitable development. To lead and train a

generation of progressive, civilized students, educators need to improve their capacity

to teach the younger intellectuals new and modern knowledge. As they are teaching

young learners, the senior intellectuals need to keep up with the modernization of

technology, especially in this pandemic phase.

COVID-19 and the Ongoing Problem of Educational Efficiency.

Mindzak (2020, p.19) said that students would learn how to give opportunities

or understand the new way of teaching the educators in this ongoing pandemic phase.

The research focuses on ideas, insights, and the purpose of education surrounding the

problematic nature of efficiency. Efficiency is about focusing on doing things solely

without concern for others.

The researcher aims to know if efficiency is one of the factors that block the

opportunities for the learners to study amidst the pandemic as the resources are limited

only. Consequently, the researcher stated that the concept of educational efficiency

aims to narrow or normalize the focus through one place upon which schooling should

be, instead of having the ability to seek in a larger perspective and discover new paths.

Mindzak (2020, p. 21) concludes that as the COVID-19 happening now, it opens

many opportunities and resolves problems. The urgency of returning to normal seems

like a challenge. The researcher also noted no cheap, easy, or efficient way to


Perception of the Students in the Effectivity of Technology in Surviving Educational Standard amidst the Pandemic
accomplish education as we declare the importance of education for individual holistic

development and social-democratic ideas.

How Technology Can Support Student Success during COVID-19

This study talks about how technology can support student success during

COVID-19, conducted by Brooks and Grajek (2020). The COVID-19 pandemic

provokes numerous schools and colleges to unexpectedly and thoroughly receive

internet learning, far-off work, and different exercises to help contain the spread of the

infection. In the previous decade, foundations have perceived the significance of

exhorting, early cautions, degree arranging, and different administrations to assist

understudies with accomplishing their academic objectives reasonably and proficiently.

A broad scope of new applications and advances to help understudy achievement are

currently accessible and may demonstrate priceless to assist understudies with adjusting

distant learning.

The researcher conducted a summary that is one of a series of reports outlining

higher education's readiness to adapt in response to the COVID-19 pandemic. The

authors proved that technologies could help students when at risk or even in stable

times since understudies may experience scholastic or individual troubles through their



Perception of the Students in the Effectivity of Technology in Surviving Educational Standard amidst the Pandemic
Student Success Amid the Pandemic: Let Technology Bring You Closer

This study talks about how technology can help students and teachers to have

successful online learning. According to Mfune (2020), students need an engagement

even more in the context of the pandemic and quarantining. Minority students, low-

income students, and first-generation students are often "high-touch" students anyway.

But in a pandemic, they are looking for engagement, and they are in search of

meaningful connection more than ever before. The researchers found out that students

were more likely to attend their online classes. Students stay in virtual meetings for

longer than they do in person. Students are more vocal about non -academic challenges

such as anxiety, boredom, family situations, financial challenges, and fear. The

engagement has been so overwhelmingly specific.

This study also talks about the recommendations for student support in an online

learning environment since the researchers have their observations and lesson learned.

These observations and lessons learned have informed the following requests for

student support in an online learning environment: 1.) Proactive Communication 2.)

Face-to-face virtual engagement 3.) Follow up 4.) Accessibility.

The Challenges of Online Learning during the COVID-19 Pandemic: An Essay

Analysis of Performing Arts Education Students.

The threat brought about by Corona Virus or COVID-19 had made an enormous

impact not only on the economic, tourism, and health sectors, but it also hardly hit the


Perception of the Students in the Effectivity of Technology in Surviving Educational Standard amidst the Pandemic
education system of the world at large. Specifically, this pandemic crisis had caused the

Philippine higher education institutions to abruptly shift to emergency remote teaching

(ERT) as a response to the call for continued education despite the global health threat.

This paper discusses the lived experiences of five learners who were suddenly

immersed in a remote learning context amidst the danger of COVID-19. Moreover,

exposing culturally face-to-face learners in the context of ERT can put additional

learning pressure. Nevertheless, the need to listen to the students' lived experiences in

ERT will provide a lending ear to be heard and a voice for building a pedagogy of

understanding their learning journey in this time of pandemic crisis.

This study revealed four themes: poor to no internet access, financial

constraints, lack of technological devices, and affective or emotional support.

Interestingly, findings showed that learning

Remotely in these trying times is challenging because aside from the existing

problems on access and affordability, the emerging concerns on financial stability and

affective support contributed to interrupted learning engagement.

The researchers found a solution by taking support for students taking an online

class by giving an internet connection. And by providing the right time to pass their

activity even, it is too late. Some governments provide technology devices to make

students survive by taking classes every day. And it maintains the educational standard

to be possible in this situation in a pandemic.



Perception of the Students in the Effectivity of Technology in Surviving Educational Standard amidst the Pandemic
New Directions in the Evaluation of the Effectiveness of Educational Technology

Drawing from Shadish, Cook, and Leviton (1991) on social program evaluation,

the authors discuss recent changes in evaluation theory and practices, and they connect

these changes to technology and student learning. After questioning how technology

can impact student learning, they call for new and expanded definitions of student

learning outcomes. the experience that is unconducive to sustained growth, others

believe that a new hybrid model of education will emerge, with significant benefits

Concluding with a list of recommendations for evaluating the effectiveness of

technology in teaching and learning, the authors challenge education and overall goals

for evaluation. Offers include redefining technology as a process rather than as a

product, conducting implementation evaluations before outcome evaluations, reducing

the reliance on standardized test scores as the primary outcome measure, and adopting

multifaceted evaluation approaches (including case studies). There are, however,

challenges to overcome. Some students without reliable internet access and technology

struggle to participate in digital learning; this gap is seen across countries and between

income brackets.

Research suggests that online learning has been shown to increase retention of

information and take less time, meaning the changes coronavirus has caused might be

here to stay. Many online learning platforms offer free access to their services in

response to significant demand, including media.



Perception of the Students in the Effectivity of Technology in Surviving Educational Standard amidst the Pandemic
Young children's online learning during COVID-19 pandemic: Chinese parents'

beliefs and attitudes

Li et al. (2020) surveyed the Chinese parents if they had children experiencing

online learning. The Chinese parents responded negatively to the researchers as they

wanted their children to study traditionally, not online.

The researchers found out that Chinese parents were not in favor of the online

learning experience. According to the Chinese parents, they reject and do not favor

online learning experience for their children for three reasons: the shortcomings of

online learning, young children's inadequate self-regulation, and their lack of time

professional knowledge in supporting children's online education.

The researchers conclude that implementing online learning is a challenge to the

students and families as they are not accustomed to it. Also, they conclude that Chinese

parents were not educated and prepared for online classes for their children.

Socio‐educational implications of technology use during COVID‐19: A case study

in General Santos City, Philippines

Technology today has a vital role in daily life. The use of technology now is

much more often used to cure the boredom in houses. The Philippines, a developing

country, is tuned to using digital technology for social communication. Based on the

data (Napoleon Cat, 2020), as of January 2020, there are 73,170,000 Filipinos who use

Facebook, almost 66.4% of the population. Facebook is a great help to some Filipinos


Perception of the Students in the Effectivity of Technology in Surviving Educational Standard amidst the Pandemic
because some Facebook group pages are made for sharing news and information before

the COVID-19.

The students and alumni of Mindanao State University-General Santos City

(MSU-GSV) used Facebook. They created their group page to share information, news,

and tips for proper hygiene in the pandemic. Alumni have also shared some resources

for the students to use in their studies. Also, Alumni created a donation drive for the

financial resources to Provide relief efforts, and some were donated for the sufficient

aid of some front liners.

This article shows some numerous possibilities arise with the use of technology.

Social media formed communities that help each other even if it is for education or

supports on other things. Digital technologies made it possible to communicate amidst

the pandemic. Emerging technologies hold a great future for people maintaining social

support, information exchange. Facebook should be used for future studies to maximize

the outcomes of the students to serve as an emergency platform for higher education

institutions with limited resources and remote teaching.

Harnessing Digital Technologies Can Help Philippines Overcome Impact of

Pandemic, Hasten Recovery

Digital technology in the Philippines is used for digital payments, commerce,

and online education. And has helped individuals and businesses and the government

coped with social distancing. This pandemic caused the domestic economy to lower


Perception of the Students in the Effectivity of Technology in Surviving Educational Standard amidst the Pandemic
because of the restrictions for the people and reduced business operation nationwide

because the world is living in the new normal. The use of technology and digital

transformation helped Filipinos to keep up with the ongoing pandemic to recover


The average speed of the internet connection in the Philippines is 16.76

megabytes (MBPS) per second, and that's the average download speed. The Philippines

mobile broadband speed is much lower than the global average of 32.01 Mbps. Telco

companies should invest in a faster and much stable internet. Many international

internet providers give 10x the speed of internet than local internet providers. Telco

companies in the Philippines should collaborate with global internet providers because

the internet is now much more used than before, and subscribers would not want slow


If telco companies in the Philippines collaborate with other international internet

providers, it could boost their name, and many people would want a faster internet

connection. A more immediate internet connection will help those who do work from

home and students; it could lessen students' disruption while their learning online.


COVID-19 pandemic prompts the world to a sudden shift on the educational

system switching to Online Learning; this was possible using technology. Technology

itself made lives much more accessible. Implementation of technology in education



Perception of the Students in the Effectivity of Technology in Surviving Educational Standard amidst the Pandemic
made teachers adjust not only for themselves but also for their students to be ready.

Education nowadays involves technology for efficient and much more precise

teachings. This 21st century does not include teaching using chalkboards, whiteboards,

and other peripherals. Still, with the use of technology, they can present their topic

using a big screen playing their pre-recorded video of the subject or their power-point

presentation. The sudden shift from traditional learning to online learning was

challenging for students. Some students do not know how to use technology because

they were so accustomed to traditional learning. Some students were ready for the

sudden changes in our education. Still, some are not because of the lack of stable

internet and capable technologies that can work with our online education.

Online education has some advantages and disadvantages. Some benefits are

that students can continue the education online, students and teachers are safe because

there is no contact. Disadvantages are, sometimes the internet gets disconnected,

students might cheat when there are exams because they are not being watched. Some

students prefer face-to-face classes to online classes.

Education in this time of the pandemic, students can choose between online

learning and modular learning. Online learning proceeds with live teaching using social

media and online assessments. While modular learning proceeds with a pre-recorded

video of all the topics and timeless reviews. The educational system had to think thru

for the best of education amidst the pandemic. Some were against online learning, but

still, education must continue.



Perception of the Students in the Effectivity of Technology in Surviving Educational Standard amidst the Pandemic


Research Design

The researchers used the qualitative research design. According to McCombes

(2021), a qualitative research design is a framework for planning or answering

questions. That also defines the criteria by which the researchers will evaluate the

results and draw conclusions. The reliability and validity of the study depend on how

the researchers collect, measure, analyze, and interpret data.

The point of the study research design tends to be more flexible, allowing to

adjust the approach based on what the researchers find throughout the research process.

The researcher makes a phenomenological approach to gather more data in every

individual student to those experiencing this pandemic situation.

The researchers' phenomenology approach to qualitative research focuses on

and points to every student's situation. This analysis process comes up with the

experience and understanding of the phenomenology type of research. Also, researchers

make the own way to gather more data on the technology's experience or effectivity for

every student.


Perception of the Students in the Effectivity of Technology in Surviving Educational Standard amidst the Pandemic
Research Locale

The study was conducted at Dr. Yanga Colleges Inc., which is a school in

Bocaue, Bulacan. In 2010, Dr. Yanga’s Colleges, Inc. won the World Champion title

for the World Olympiad in Manila. By 2012, it was awarded by the ABS-CBN Bayan

Academy as The Most Transformative School in the Philippines. In 2013, the President

and CEO of Felta Multimedia, Ms. Mylene Abiva, stated that Dr. Yanga Colleges Inc.

is the Center for Robotics Excellence. In the same year, Dr. Yanga Colleges became the

Top Performing Private School for the 2013 National Achievement Test (NAT).

The research study is implemented at Dr. Yanga Colleges Inc. as the

participants were Grade 11 students from the Senior High Department.

Research Respondents

The chosen participants of this study are the Grade 11 students of Dr. Yanga's

Colleges Inc. The researchers chose Grade 11 students of Dr. Yanga's Colleges Inc.

because they fit the study. The researchers have no gender preference on selecting the

participants to respond to the research problem.

Nonprobability sampling was used in selecting the respondents, specifically, the

Availability and Purposive Sampling. Availability Sampling refers to the way of

selecting participants that are accessible. Meaning, participants are chosen because of

their availability, willingness, and characteristics to respond to the research problem

made by the researchers.



Perception of the Students in the Effectivity of Technology in Surviving Educational Standard amidst the Pandemic
Research Instrument

The researchers will make use of Google Forms to gather information from the

participants. The survey questionnaire prepared by the researchers will be given to the

Grade 11 students of Dr. Yanga's Colleges Inc. as they are the chosen respondents of

the researchers. The survey questionnaire was divided into four sections: (1) The

respondents' personal information such as name and section. It is for them to decide if

they would write their name. (2) Dichotomous Response, wherein the respondents

should choose between Yes or No. (3) Likert Scale, wherein the respondent will use a

rating scale to express their opinions regarding the question. (4) Essay Type or

Constructive Response, wherein the respondents' answer should be brief, actual, and


The survey questionnaire would be informal and conversational; therefore, the

respondents could relax and be comfortable.

The researchers conducted specific questions to help the study:

1. How does technology help you with your studies?

2. How effective has online learning been for you?

3. What do you think are the advantages of learning during the pandemic?

4. What do you think are the disadvantages of learning during the pandemic?


Perception of the Students in the Effectivity of Technology in Surviving Educational Standard amidst the Pandemic
5. How does technology enhance your learning skill as a student during the time of


Data Gathering Procedure

Figure 1. The Data Gathering Procedure

To avoid bias questions given to the respondents and check the validity and the

reliability of the research instrument in this study, the researchers presented it first to

the adviser. The researchers will ask permission in a letter form to the participants'

advisers to show respect and avoid being discourteous. After the approval, the future

respondents will also receive a letter of consent, asking for their time to answer the

survey questionnaire. The researchers will respect the respondents' decision if they are

willing to answer the survey questionnaire or not. After gathering the responses, the

researchers will analyze the respondents' answers one by one and elucidate them

thoroughly since it will serve as the data of this study.



Perception of the Students in the Effectivity of Technology in Surviving Educational Standard amidst the Pandemic
Ethical Consideration

The researchers most concerned is taking full responsibility. Everything should

be done accordingly with the utmost care, cautiousness, and diligence. As the

researchers gather the data, looking at the welfare of the informants were given full

attention, wherein the researchers assured that they would be well informed beforehand

of what they have to partake with the study. The confidentiality of their identity is also

guaranteed, same way with their responses to the interview questions and survey

questions. It is but their free will to reply or not in our set demands.

Do No Harm – The researchers made sure of the safety and security of the

informants throughout the interview.

Helpfulness – the study will be helpful not only to the researcher but to the

informants as well.

Privacy – the information of the informants was kept confidential and used only

in the study.

Respect – the researchers respect the decision of the informants/ respondents if

they refuse to do the interview.

Fairness – the researchers ensured that the informants/ respondents were

handled decently and equitably during the interview.



Perception of the Students in the Effectivity of Technology in Surviving Educational Standard amidst the Pandemic
Voluntary Participation – the researchers made sure that the informants/

respondents are willing and not forced to do the interview.

Anonymity – the researchers ensured that the informants/respondents' identity

would remain unknown and anonymous.

Relevance – the researchers made sure that the question in the questionnaire is

relevant to the study and not nonsense.

Data Analysis

In the article of Morrow et al. (2015), according to the method presented by

Colaizzi (1978), there are seven stages to follow in scrutinizing a descriptive

phenomenological study which is standard in the field of humanities and social


The analysis of data depends upon the perception of grade 11 students of Dr.

Yanga's Colleges Inc. in the effectivity of technology in surviving online learning

methods. The researchers have undergone a stage of familiarization in reading,

analyzing, and elucidating the participants' answers to the survey forms. Secondly, the

significant responses were identified if it applies to the objective of the study. After

transcribing all the responses of the participants, the researchers will now continue to

open coding. The researchers formulated meanings from the significant responses

identified. Then, the formulated interpretations were then grouped into categories that

are similar to all statements. Lastly, after producing the fundamental structure, the


Perception of the Students in the Effectivity of Technology in Surviving Educational Standard amidst the Pandemic
researchers will return it to the respondents to confirm that they are beneficial to the



Perception of the Students in the Effectivity of Technology in Surviving Educational Standard amidst the Pandemic


This chapter represents an analysis and interpretation of data attained in the study.

The findings were based on the data gathered through the questionnaires retrieved from

the respondents that will help the researchers to conduct their study. Those data were

then analyzed to be presented, discussed, and interpreted according to the perimeters of

this research to answer the problem sought for this study.

Section of the Respondents

11 – Campos 11 44%

11 – Bernido 5 20%

11 – Curie 4 16%

11- Mendel 3 12%

11 – Peters 1 4%

11 – Marion 1 4%

Total 25 100%

Table 1. Section of the Respondents

Table 1 shows that 11 (44%) of the respondents come from the section 11 Campos,

5 (20%) of the respondents are from 11 Bernido, 4 (16%) of the respondents are from


Perception of the Students in the Effectivity of Technology in Surviving Educational Standard amidst the Pandemic
11 Curie, 3 (12%) of the respondents are from 11 Mendel, 1 (4%) of the respondents

are from 11 Peters, and 1 (4%) of the respondents are from 11 Marion.

Strand of the Respondents

STEM 23 92%

HUMMS 1 4%

ABM 1 4%

Total 25 100%

Table 2. Strand of the Respondents

Table 2 shows that 23 (92%) of the respondents are STEM students, 1

(4%) of the respondents are HUMMS students, and 1 (4%) of the respondents are ABM


How does technology help you with your study?

Helpful 25 100%

Not Helpful 0 0%

Total 25 100%

Table 3. How does technology help you with your study?

Table 3 shows that 25 (100%) of the respondents answered that technology

is helping them to their study, and none of the students answered that technology is not

helpful to their study. According to the School of Education Online Programs (2020),


Perception of the Students in the Effectivity of Technology in Surviving Educational Standard amidst the Pandemic
the technology provides students with easy-to-access information, accelerated learning,

and fun opportunities to practice what they know. As technology is available 24/7,

students can access educational resources whenever they want. There are online

libraries, e-book, educational websites, educational games, websites that contain

reviewers, or activities that may help students acquire new knowledge.

How effective has online learning for you?

Effective 8 32%

Not Effective/Inefficient 17 68%

Total 25 100%

Table 4. How effective has online learning for you?

Table 4 shows that 8 (32%) of the respondents answered that online learning is

effective for them, and 17 (68%) of the respondents answered that online learning is not

practical or inefficient for them. According to Catherine Van Weele (2020), online

learning is already available a few decades ago for the students to learn at their own

pace. In her report, she stated that students lack the willingness and desire to learn. The

students are not motivated to study. According to the students she interviewed, they just

complete their activities and assignment to receive credit for a passing grade rather than

genuinely engaging with the course material. Since online learning is not adequate for

them, they study lessons independently and cramming for activities or assignments

before the deadline. Furthermore, to attend class, the students require a smartphone,


Perception of the Students in the Effectivity of Technology in Surviving Educational Standard amidst the Pandemic
laptop, and reliable internet, but not all students do not have access. Students need a

learning experience that will impart them quality education.

Figure 2. What do you think are the advantages of learning during the pandemic?
Figure 2 shows the respondents' positive views on learning during the pandemic.

9 (36%) of the respondents answered it is easy to access, 7 (28%) of the respondents

answered they prefer self-study, 2 (8%) of the respondents answered they have free

time for themselves, 4 (16%) of the respondents responded for they safety during the

pandemic, 1 (4%) of the respondents answered efficiency, and 1 (4%) of the

respondents answered there is no advantage in learning during the pandemic. According

to Priyanka Gautam (2020), there are many advantages in learning during the

pandemic; 1.) efficiency, 2.) accessibility, 3.) affordability, 4.) improved student

attendance, 5.) suits a variety of learning styles. Learning online is efficient because

many tools can be used to learn, such as videos, PDF, podcasts, and power points. Also,


Perception of the Students in the Effectivity of Technology in Surviving Educational Standard amidst the Pandemic
online learning is accessible because students can join class whenever they are and only

require gadgets and reliable internet. And they can watch recorded discussions for

future reference.

Furthermore, online learning reduces any financial cost to access the internet for

e-books, school websites, and online libraries. The parents do not need to buy books

and notebooks as online learning creates a paperless learning environment, which is

more economical. Online learning also reduces student transportation costs to the

school, student meals, and real estate.

Figure 3. What do you think are the disadvantages of learning during the pandemic?
Figure 3 shows the respondents' view on what are the disadvantages of learning

during the pandemic. 3 (12%) of the respondents answered they could not focus on the

screen for too long, 4 (16%) of the respondents answered it affects their mental health,


Perception of the Students in the Effectivity of Technology in Surviving Educational Standard amidst the Pandemic
1 (4%) of the respondents answered there is no interaction between students and

teachers, 6 (24%) of the respondents answered slow internet connection, 5 (20%) of the

respondents answered they have a hard time to concentrate to the lesson, 3 (8%) of the

respondents answered they have a short attention span, and 3 (8%) of the respondents

replied teacher is not responding to the personal messages regarding the lesson.

Priyanka Gautam (2020) stated that many students are having a hard time keeping up

with online learning. Most of the students have a hard time focusing on the screen as

they are getting distracted by browsing on social media or playing games. Also,

focusing on the screen for too long affects and strain the eyes of the students. In the

Philippines, the internet connection is not fast like in another country. The problem of

the students are lost internet connection while having an online class, slow internet

connection wherein students cannot understand the discussion. It cannot complete the

activities, homework, tests because of a lost internet connection. As there is no

interaction between teachers and students, they communicate through social media or


For this reason, the students are having a hard time communicating with the

teacher. Moreover, teachers are adept at face-to-face classes; they understand using

digital forms of learning. Most of the teachers do not have the resources to use to teach

the students online. To resolve this, school management should invest in training the

teachers with the modern and latest technology updates to perform their online classes



Perception of the Students in the Effectivity of Technology in Surviving Educational Standard amidst the Pandemic

Figure 4. How does technology enhance your learning skill as a student during the

time of pandemic?

Figure 4 shows the respondents' answers on how technology enhances their

learning skills during the pandemic. 1 (4%) of the respondents answered it weaken their

understanding, 1 (4%) of the respondents answered they could get the answer quickly

from the internet, 4 (16%) of the respondents answered they gained new knowledge

from browsing through the internet, 9 (36%) of the respondents answered technology

does not enhance their learning skill, 9 (36%) of the respondents answered that

technology helps to study easier by watching recorder discussions, power points, PDF,

1 (4%) of the respondents answered technology enhanced their creativity. According to

Vikas Agrawal (n.d), technology is slowly influencing the classroom; students can

access books through iPad and tablets. Parents can download or install an educational


Perception of the Students in the Effectivity of Technology in Surviving Educational Standard amidst the Pandemic
application for their children. According to the study of KIPP Academy, 49% of the

classroom that is using iPads are more advanced than the traditional classroom. And

another survey by Houghton Mifflin Harcourt, the test scores in math increase by 20%

for the iPad users compared to the students who use textbooks.


Perception of the Students in the Effectivity of Technology in Surviving Educational Standard amidst the Pandemic


This chapter includes the summary, conclusion, and recommendation of the data

obtained from the respondents, related literature, and related studies.

Summary of Findings

The primary purpose of this study was to know the perception of the students in

the effectivity of technology in surviving the educational standard amidst the pandemic.

A total of 25 respondents from 6 sections of Grade 11 and Availability and Purposive

Sampling were used. The researchers used Survey Questionnaires to obtain data from

the respondents. This study was conducted starting March 2021 and will probably end

in May 2021.

The following are the results from the data obtained by the researchers.

1. Demographic Profile of the Respondents

1.1 Section

The majority of the respondents with 11 (44%) are from 11 –

Campos, 5 (20%) are from 11 – Bernido, 4 (16%) are from 11 – Curie, 3

(12%) are from 11 – Mendel, 1 (4%) are from 11 – Peters, and 1 (4%)

are from 11 – Marion.



Perception of the Students in the Effectivity of Technology in Surviving Educational Standard amidst the Pandemic
1.2 Strand

The majority of the respondents, with 23 (92%) are STEM students, 1

(4%) are HUMMS students, and 1 (4%) are ABM students.

2. How does technology help you with your study?

The respondents were asked how technology help them with their study. The

majority of the respondents with 25 (100%) answered technology is helpful to

their research, and none of the respondents answered technology is not helpful

for their study.

3. How effective has online learning for you?

The respondents were asked how effective has online learning for them. The

majority of the respondents, with 17 (68%) respondents, answered online

learning is not effective for them, and 8 (32%) respondents answered online

learning is effective.

4. What do you think are the advantages of learning during the Pandemic?

The majority of the advantages of learning during the Pandemic, as per the 9

(36%) respondents, answered that accessibility is the advantage of online

learning wherein students can learn anywhere. 7 (28%) respondents explained

that they learned to study by themselves and became independent. 4 (16%)

respondents answered online learning gave them comfortability. 2 (8%)



Perception of the Students in the Effectivity of Technology in Surviving Educational Standard amidst the Pandemic
respondents answered they have free time or self-realization for themselves. 1

(4%) respondent explained that it is safer than a face-to-face class. 1 (4%)

respondent answered it is more efficient, and 1 (4%) respondent answered no

advantage in learning during the pandemic.

5. What do you think are the disadvantages of learning during the Pandemic?

As per 6 (24%) respondents, the majority of the disadvantages explained that

the disadvantage of learning amidst the pandemic is the slow internet

connection, especially in the Philippines. 5 (20%) respondents explained that

students are having a hard time concentrating on the lesson or discussion. 4

(16%) respondents said that studying during the pandemic affects their mental

health. 3 (12%) respondents explained that it is hard to focus on a discussion as

they have a short attention span. 3 (12%) respondents explained that they could

not focus on the screen for too long, and 3 (12%) respondents said that the

teachers are not responding to their messages regarding school.

6. How does technology enhance your learning skill as a student during the

time of pandemic?

9 (36%) respondents said that technology helps them to study easier. 9 (36%)

respondents said that technology has no effect or enhances their learning skills.

1 (4%) respondent said that technology helps enhance their creativity. 1 (4%)

respondent said that technology weakens their understanding and



Perception of the Students in the Effectivity of Technology in Surviving Educational Standard amidst the Pandemic
comprehension, and 1 (4%) respondent said that technology helps them find the

answer quickly.


In the light of the findings of the study, the following conclusions were drawn:

1. The majority of the respondents are from 11 – Campos.

2. The majority of the respondents are STEM students.

3. Technology is very helpful to study.

4. Online learning is not effective for the respondents.

5. Most respondents answered that the advantage of learning online could learn by

6. The majority of respondents agreed that slow internet connection is the

disadvantage of learning amidst the pandemic.

7. Most of the students answered that technology helps students to study easier.

8. Most of the students agreed that technology does not enhance their learning


Based on the result of gathered data and information on the conducted methods.

The researchers formed the following recommendations:



Perception of the Students in the Effectivity of Technology in Surviving Educational Standard amidst the Pandemic
To the Students

Students are recommended to set time management. Students must

understand the hard work of their teachers during this time of the pandemic.

Students are advised not to be passive towards the teacher. Also, students are

highly recommended to set priorities.

To the Parents

Parents are recommended to show support to their children. Parents

should understand that online learning is not easy for their children as they are

more adept at face-to-face classes. Parents should not disturb their children

during classes. Parents must show love, especially this time of pandemic as their

child cannot see their friends. Also, parents are highly recommended to check

and ask how is the mental health of their children.

To the Teachers

Teachers are also recommended to be more creative in their way of

teachings. Teachers should be more responsive when the students send them

personal messages. Teachers must help their students, especially when they are

having a hard time understanding the lesson. Teachers should understand the

students' difficulty, especially during this time of the pandemic.



Perception of the Students in the Effectivity of Technology in Surviving Educational Standard amidst the Pandemic
To the Future Researchers

As for the future researchers, the researcher recommends this study as a

guide or reference with a similar study as this study. Future researchers must

gain and gather more knowledge or support for this study. Future researchers

must be patient and be passionate about the making and finishing of their study.


Perception of the Students in the Effectivity of Technology in Surviving Educational Standard amidst the Pandemic

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Residents During the COVID-19 Pandemic. Journal of Surgical Education,

77(4), 729–732.

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student learning (Master's dissertation). Eric.

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during COVID-19. ACER Discover.



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Student Success during COVID-19. EDUCAUSE.


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Hasten Recovery. (2020, October 25). The World Bank.


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Weele, C. V. (2020, February 5). Opinion: Online classes are not effective in educating

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Perception of the Students in the Effectivity of Technology in Surviving Educational Standard amidst the Pandemic
Appendix A
Letter of Intent


Perception of the Students in the Effectivity of Technology in Surviving Educational Standard amidst the Pandemic


Perception of the Students in the Effectivity of Technology in Surviving Educational Standard amidst the Pandemic


Perception of the Students in the Effectivity of Technology in Surviving Educational Standard amidst the Pandemic


Perception of the Students in the Effectivity of Technology in Surviving Educational Standard amidst the Pandemic


Perception of the Students in the Effectivity of Technology in Surviving Educational Standard amidst the Pandemic
Appendix B
Letter of Consent


Perception of the Students in the Effectivity of Technology in Surviving Educational Standard amidst the Pandemic


Perception of the Students in the Effectivity of Technology in Surviving Educational Standard amidst the Pandemic


Perception of the Students in the Effectivity of Technology in Surviving Educational Standard amidst the Pandemic


Perception of the Students in the Effectivity of Technology in Surviving Educational Standard amidst the Pandemic


Perception of the Students in the Effectivity of Technology in Surviving Educational Standard amidst the Pandemic
Appendix C
Survey Questionnaire


Perception of the Students in the Effectivity of Technology in Surviving Educational Standard amidst the Pandemic

Name: Del Rosario, Maria Nicole A.

Address: 771 Tornaot St. Bagumbayan,
Bulakan, Bulacan
Email Address:
Contact Number: 0932-230-9167


Age: 18
Date of Birth: 7 April 2003
Place of Birth: Malolos, Bulacan
Height: 5’0
Weight: 45 kg.
Gender: Female
Religion: Roman Catholic
Nationality: Filipino
Civil Status: Single
Language Spoken: English and Filipino
Skills: Communication


Primary Level
Bulacan Montessori School Inc. 2016
Sta. Ana, Bulakan, Bulacan

Secondary Level
Bulacan Montessori School Inc. 2020
Sta. Ana, Bulakan, Bulacan

Dr. Yanga’s Colleges, Inc. 2020 to Present

Wakas, Bocaue, Bulacan


Perception of the Students in the Effectivity of Technology in Surviving Educational Standard amidst the Pandemic

Name: Santos, Sherina Aiderlyn D.O.

Address: Purok 5 Bambang, Bulakan,
Email Address:
Contact Number: 0908-223-7461


Age: 16
Date of Birth: 27 October 2004
Place of Birth: Malolos, Bulacan
Height: 5’0
Weight: 45 kg.
Gender: Female
Religion: Roman Catholic
Nationality: Filipino
Civil Status: Single
Language Spoken: English and Filipino
Skills: Decision Making


Primary Level
Bambang Elementary School 2016
Bambang, Bulakan, Bulacan

Secondary Level
Bulacan Central Christian School 2020
Bagumbayan, Bulakan, Bulacan

Dr. Yanga’s Colleges Inc. 2020 to Present

Wakas, Bocaue, Bulakan


Perception of the Students in the Effectivity of Technology in Surviving Educational Standard amidst the Pandemic

Name: Concepcion, Ma. Vianca Z.

Address: Biñang 2nd, Bocaue, Bulacan
Email Address:
Contact Number: 0961-415-9660


Age: 17
Date of Birth: 17 April 2004
Place of Birth: Sta. Maria, Bulacan
Height: 5’5
Weight: 70 kg.
Gender: Female
Religion: Roman Catholic
Nationality: Filipino
Civil Status: Single
Language Spoken: English and Filipino
Skills: Teamwork


Primary Level
Biñang Elementary School 2016
Biñang 1st, Bocaue, Bulacan

Secondary Level
Illuminada Roxas Mendoza Memorial High School 2020
Bocaue, Bulacan

Dr. Yanga’s Colleges, Inc. 2020 to Present

Wakas, Bocaue, Bulacan


Perception of the Students in the Effectivity of Technology in Surviving Educational Standard amidst the Pandemic

Name: Llabore, Ian Angelo E.

Address: 290 Buizon St. Tabe, Guiguinto,
Email Address:
Contact Number: 0921-520-5082


Age: 17
Date of Birth: 1 December 2003
Place of Birth: Malolos, Bulacan
Height: 5’8
Weight: 50 kg.
Gender: Male
Religion: Roman Catholic
Nationality: Filipino
Civil Status: Single
Language Spoken: English and Filipino
Skills: Time Management


Primary Level
Cherubim Montessori School 2016
Guiguinto, Bulacan

Secondary Level
Cherubim Montessori School 2020
Guiguinto, Bulacan

Dr. Yanga’s Colleges, Inc. 2020 to Present

Wakas, Bocaue, Bulacan


Perception of the Students in the Effectivity of Technology in Surviving Educational Standard amidst the Pandemic

Name: Dela Cruz, Jasper Louis D.C

Address: Mercado St. Tuktukan, Guiguinto,
Email Address:
Contact Number: 0961-277-3082


Age: 17
Date of Birth: 24 October 2003
Place of Birth: Malolos, Bulacan
Height: 5’7
Weight: 55 kg.
Gender: Male
Religion: Roman Catholic
Nationality: Filipino
Civil Status: Single
Language Spoken: English and Filipino
Skills: Computer Technology


Primary Level
San Ildefonso Learning Center 2016
Guiguinto, Bulacan

Secondary Level
Dr. Yanga’s Colleges, Inc. 2020
Wakas, Bocaue, Bulacan

Dr. Yanga’s Colleges, Inc. 2020 to Present

Wakas, Bocaue, Bulacan

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