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Student name : Nguyễn Hà Dư Khánh

Class : 20131BE2

Student’s ID: 20131140

Topic : Compare online learning and classroom learning

These days, Covid 19 is now spreading all over the world that has changed all
aspects of economics, medicine, especially is education. However, classroom
learning is getting difficult because the students are not able to go to school
regularly, so online learning makes a big step to help students study without going
to school. The following essay will discuss differences between online learning
and classroom learning.

First, we are going to talk about the flexibility of time and space. In classroom
learning, we usually obey the class rules, for instance, we should go to class on
time, on the exact day, and listen to the teacher strictly. You may have to work
with your partner with tons of paper assignments that teachers might offer in class.
On the other hand, with the support of technology devices, online learning simply
needs a computer with high-speed internet connection. You can easily learn
anytime you want, anywhere you feel significantly comfortable, and you can study
online with a diversity of particular applications like Zoom, Google Meet, or you
may finish your homework quickly with the convenience of useful websites.

The second thing is a part that students and teachers may get struggle with is
interaction. If you learn in a traditional class, the teacher will require the student to
carry out all activities smoothly, and students must completely follow the teachers’
regulation, whereas, in an online class, all the cameras may be turned off, and
almost all micros are muted, so the teacher cannot exchange and interact with
students effectively. Last but not least is effectiveness. When we learn in class, we
can acquire knowledge more specifically and clearly, so we can understand the
session more efficiently. Classroom learning brings benefits, likely, students have
permission to go to laboratories, workshops,... to carry out some researches. In the
contrast, online learning is quite difficult because the students may get distracted
by the surroundings, they cannot pay attention to the lesson crucially.
To sum up, this essay has made some differences between classroom learning and
online learning have their own advantages and disadvantages, but both of them
enable students to study better in some effective ways. But in my opinion, with the
increase of pandemic, online learning is seems the best solution to develop our

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