Motivation - Lecture Notes 2 Motivation - Lecture Notes 2

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Motivation - Lecture notes 2

Organizational Theory and Behaviour (University of Guyana)

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1) Maslow’s Hierarchy of Needs Theory, Alderfer’s ERG Theory and Herzberg’s Two-Factor Theory are all
a) Content theories
b) Needs theories
c) Reinforcement theories
d) Process theories

2) After identifying the employee’s needs, and making the appropriate incentives available, the manager realized
that the subordinate was still not motivated. As a result, his performance had not improved. When questioned
about his performance by his peers, he indicated the standards were not attainable. This belief has to do with
a) Expectancy
b) Instrumentality
c) Inequity
d) Valence

3) They were unable to force management to agree to safer working conditions. Due to their inability to do so, the
workers then changed their demand to higher wages, which is a need that was previously satisfied. This kind of
behavior can be best explained by which theorist?
a) Clayton Alderfer
b) Frederick Hertzberg
c) David McClelland
d) Abraham Maslow

4) The issue of whether or not to reward under achievement or non-production or even substandard relates to:
a) Law of immediate reinforcement
b) Law of contingent reinforcement
c) Continuous reinforcement
d) Intermittent reinforcement

5) Which of the following is considered an important hygiene factor by Herzberg in his Two-Factor Theory?
a) Salary
b) Achievement
c) Recognition
d) Responsibility

6) A content theory of motivation is most likely to focus on

a) Contingent reinforcement
b) Instrumentalities
c) Equities
d) Individual

7) The needs of individuals are important in the study of human motivation. Some theorist are of the option that
the needs can be grouped into work context and work content. Which theorist is of the view that more than one
level of needs can be activated at the same time?
a) Abraham Maslow
b) Frederick Herzberg
c) David McClellan
d) Clayton Alderfer

8) To address the frequent lateness of a staff member, the supervisor decides to provide counseling for the staff.
Due to failure of this method of therapy, the supervisor felt that he had no alternative than to apply consequential
action to bring about change. Which of the following reinforcement strategies is he hoping will bring about the
desired change?
a) Positive reinforcement
b) Negative reinforcement
c) Punishment
d) Extinction

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9) The manager rewarded the employee for his outstanding performance so as to encourage similar behavior in the
future. His colleague was reprimand for undesirable behavior; such practice as influenced the strategies in
reinforcement theory. This is in keeping with
a) The law of effect
b) The law of contingent reinforcement
c) The law of immediate reinforcement
d) Continuous reinforcement
1. A content theory of the motivation is most likely to focus on ________.
(a) Contingent reinforcement
(b) Instrumentalities
(c) Equities
(d) Individual
2. Which motive is sometimes placed in all three categories of motives?
(a) Affiliation
(b) Affection
(c) Power
(d) Status

3. An unlearned motive can sometimes be a _______ or _______ motive.

(a) Primary, General
(b) Primary, Secondary
(c) General, Secondary.
(d) Physiological, Primary

4. There is no equivalent to Maslow’s social need in Alderfer’s ERG theory.

(a) True
(b) False
5. In equity theory, felt negative in equity is a motivating state, but positive inequity is not.
(a) True
(b) False
6. An extrinsic reward is a positively valued work outcome received directly from task performance itself.
(a) True
(b) False
1. Because motivation is a universal concept, the theories apply equally in all cultures.
A. True
B. False.

2. An extrinsic reward is a positively valued worked outcome received directly from task performance itself.
A. True
B. False.

3. The foundation for reinforcement is based on intrinsic rewards.

A. True
B. False.
1. Reinforcement is the administration of a consequence as the result of behavior.
a. True b. False

2. Which statement about job satisfaction is most correct?

a. It causes performance
b. It can affect turnover
c. Cannot be measure
d. It doesn’t affect absenteeism

3. Negative reinforcement _____________

a. Is similar punishment
b. Seeks to discourage undesirable behavior
c. Seeks to encourage desirable behavior
d. Is also known as escapism

4. In expectancy theory, _________________ is the probability that a given level of performance will lead to a
particular outcome.

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a. Expectancy b. motivation c. instrumentality d. Valence

5. In equity theory, the ____________ is a key issue.

a. Comparison of rewards and efforts
b. Equality of ………..
c. Equality of efforts
d. Absolute value of rewards

6. Vroom in his expectancy theory recognize that low expectancy, instrumentality or valence, would affect
performance. If valence is low ______________
a. The person places little value on a merit pay increase
b. The person feels that he or she cannot achieve the performance level
c. The person is not confident that high performance will result in high pay raise
d. None of the above

7. The systematic reinforcement of desirable work behavior is known as OB Mod that is

a. Organizational behavior method
b. Organization behavior method
c. Organization behavior modification
d. Organization behavior module

8. Operant and classical conditioning are associated with the

a. The cognitive approach
b. The social learning
c. The behavioristic approach
d. None of the above

9. Instrumental values are the goals individuals would like to achieve.

a. True b. false
10. Values are less stable than attitudes though they are from the same source
a. True b. false
11. The main difference between sensation and perception is that one is the real world, the other may not be.
A. true b. false
12. The attention stage of the perceptual process involves both controlled conscious and not controlled processing.
A. True B. False
13. The tendency to deny personal responsibility is one of two attribution errors under fundamental attribution
errors. A. True B. False
14. Reinforcement can change the direction, level and persistence of an individual’s behavior.
A. True B. False
15. The law of contingent reinforcement views reward soon after the accomplishment of a task as likely to have the
greatest effect. A. True B. False
16. Under classical conditioning behavior is a function of its consequences.
A. True B. False
17. Though continuous reinforcement can elicit a desired behavior more quickly, it is more easily extinguished it is no
longer present. A. True B. False
18. In Herzberg’s motivation-hygiene theory, hygiene factors relates to job content while motivator factors relates to
job context. A. True B. false
19. In Herzberg’s two-factor theory motivators brings about positive satisfaction, but hygiene factors prevent
dissatisfaction. A. True B. False
20. In equity theory feelings of inequity are determined solely by the individual’s interpretation of the situation.
A. True B. False
21. When people feel under paid they are likely to increase the quantity or quality of their work to increase their pay.
A. True B. False
22. Valence can be an extrinsic or intrinsic reward. A. True B. False
23. Self-esteem and personal growth are intrinsic rewards that individuals can exercise personal control. A.
True B. False
24. Job Satisfaction alone is not good predictor of work performance. A. True B. False
25. Individuals can sometimes control extrinsic reward. A. True B. False
26. In attribution theory dispositional causes are external while situational causes are internal.
A. True B. False
27. Which of the following is true about intermittent reinforcement scheduling?

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a. It elicits a desired behavior more quickly

b. It is more costly in terms of reward
c. It lasts longer upon discontinuance
d. It can be either a negative or positive reinforcement

28. Which are the most important motives in the study of human behavior in organization?
a. Primary b. unlearned c. general d. secondary

29. Motives can be categorized under three headings, those that are unlearned and physiologically based are?
a. Primary b. general c. secondary d. biological

30. The motives of curiosity, manipulation, and affection are classified as

31. Primary b. general c. secondary d. physiologically\

32. OB Mod emphasizes __________________

a. The systematic reinforcement of desirable work behavior
b. Non contingent rewards
c. Non contingent punishment
d. Extinction in preference to positive reinforcement
33. Three elements of the motivation process are?
a. Needs, drive, motives
b. Drives, motives, goals
c. Drives, motives, incentives
d. Drives, needs, incentives

34. Which of the following is true about high achiever?

a. They need to be extrinsically satisfied to complete a task
b. They are high risk takers, which is supported by research
c. High achievers general choose difficult task with lesser payoff than simple task with a good payoff
d. They do not like to leave a job incomplete and are often seen as unfriendly

GROUPS IN ORGANISATIONS (groups and teams)

1. Diverse groups often find it difficult to work together. During the _______ stage of group development members
begin to really come together as a coordinated unit.
(a) Storming
(b) Norming
(c) Performing
(d) Total integration

2. A group having difficulty becoming a high performance team might be hindered by

(a) Specific performance objectives
(b) High creativity
(c) Poor mix of membership skills
(d) Strong core values

10) Which of the following is not a characteristic of a high performance team that allows them to achieve special
performance advantages?
a) The team processes creativity
b) The team have the right mix of skills
c) The team have the general sense of purpose
d) The team has strong core values

11) Diverse groups often finds it difficult to work together. During the _____________ stage of group development,
members being to really come together as a coordinated unit.
a) Storming
b) Norming
c) Performing
d) Total integration

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12) High turnover within a heterogeneous group leads to the group spending a long period of time in the __________
stage of group development.
a) Storming
b) Norming
c) Performing
d) Total integration

13) The management team of an organization would prefer that groups spend most of the time in the
_______________ stage of group development.
a) Storming
b) Norming
c) Performing
d) Total integration

14) In an attempt to reduce social loafing as well as social facilitation, while at the same time achieving maximum
input from members, the best composition for a group in terms of numbers for problem solving is
a) No more than 3 or 4
b) 5 to 7
c) 8 to 10
d) Between 11 to 13

15) Your group has been assigned with the task of implementing a new strategy within the organization. Should the
group fail to introduce the new strategy, it can lead to the demise of the organization. However, the time available
is limited. Which decision making method would be best in this situation
a) Authority
b) Majority
c) Group census
d) Unanimity

16) When a decision requires a high degree of commitment for its implementation, a/an ________ decision is
generally preferred.
a) Authority
b) Majority
c) Group census
d) Group think

17) If the new strategy implementation in question 13 above requires total commitment the members of the group,
based on effective group size, how many persons should be in the group.
a) 3
b) 5
c) 6
d) 8
18) When a new team member is anxious about questions such as “will be able to influence what takes place”? the
outstanding issue is one of
a) Relationship
b) Goals
c) Process
d) Control

19) A group having difficulty becoming a higher performance team might be hindered by
a) Specific performance objectives
b) High creativity
c) Poor mix of membership skills
d) Strong core values

20) Supervisors and managers will expect the _____________ stage in group development to be longer than usual if
the group is very diverse and there is high turnover
a) Forming stage
b) Norming stage

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c) Storming stage
d) Performing stage

21) Total integration in the group cannot be achieved, which stage of group development would the manager choose.
a) Performing stage
b) Adjourning stage
c) Norming stage
d) Forming stage
7. Diversity is important in groups when the problem to be solved is complex, as members are expected to work
easily/well with one another.
(a) True
(b) False
8. Consensus does not require unanimity.
(a) True
(b) False
9. While teams are groups, groups are not necessarily teams.
(a) True
(b) False
10. Decision by majority voting is the only group decision method without an
(a) True
(b) False
11. Through multiskilling, members of self managing teams are capable of completing tasks.
(a) True
(b) False

4. Superiors and managers will expect the………. Stage in group development longer than usual if the group is very
diverse, and there is high turnover.
A. Forming
B. Storming
C. Norming
D. Performing
5. High turnover within Heterogeneous groups leads to the group spending a long period of time in the…….. Stage of
group development.
A. Storming
B. Norming
C. Performing
D. Total integration
6. Through multiskilling, members of self-managing teams are capable task.
A. True.
B. False

7. Generally speaking, members of heterogeneous groups are expected to work well with one another.
A. True

8. A quality circle is an example of an employee involvement team.

A. True.
B. False

9. Diversity in team membership can be a valuable performance asset.

A. True.
B. False

10. In a functionally diverse group where technical knowledge is required, decisions minority rule maybe most
appropriate in some situation.
A. True
B. False

11. In an open system resources inputs from the environment would include all except? A. People. B.
Materials. C. Services. D. Technology.

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12. In the open-systems view of organizations, such things as technology, information, and money are considered
a. Transformation elements b. feedback c. inputs d. outputs

12. The employee was asked to do a task by her supervisor, which was not part of her official duties. The likelihood of
her obeying would be based on her?
a. Psychological contract
b. Zone of indifference
c. Formal contract
d. Functional level of organizational politics

13. Influenceability is important if power is to be effective on subordinates at work. Which characteristic is likely to
have the least effect in this regards.
a. Uncertainty
b. Intelligence
c. Dependency
d. Personality
14. He was able to influence the other members of his team due to his experience with similar situations in the part.
This was due to his?
a. Referent power
b. Rational power
c. Coercive power
d. Expert power
15. His subordinates had high respect for the office, even though they had very little for him. This often contributed
to the workers going beyond what is expected of them. Such power is referred to as …………………… power
a. Coercive
b. Referent
c. Expert
d. Legitimate
16. In an attempt to protect themselves from blame persons have to used techniques such passing to buck, rewrite
history and scapegoating. These are all ways of…………………………………….
a. Avoidance
b. Defending turf
c. Redirecting responsibility
d. buffing

17. The strategy that a subordinate is least likely to use to exercise relational influence over his or her supervisor is
a. Reason
b. Assertiveness
c. Coalition
d. Sanctions


18. The agent was experiencing considerable resistance while implementing the change strategy. Employees were
finding it difficult to adjust to the new demands of their jobs. Which would be the most appropriate approach to
deal with this situation?
a. Manipulation and co-optation
b. Education and communication
c. Facilitation and support
d. Explicit or implicit coercion

19. He had provided considerable data on the benefits that are likely to be achieved as a result of the intended
change. The strategy used by the change agent is;

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a. Rational persuasion
b. Shared power
c. Force-coercion
d. Education and communication
20. The management team of a leading firm within an industry was focusing more on short term profits, and was not
monitoring the external environment as they should. They suddenly realized that one of their competitors was
gaining a competitive advantage over them, by utilizing available technology. It was decided that drastic action
must be taken to avoid a decline in its market position. The radical change is more likely to work by applying which
strategy if the change is critical and time is very short.
(a) Rational persuasion
(b) Shared power
(c) Force- coercion
(d) Education and communication

21. To motivate the staff to make a strategy work it is felt by some change agents that there should be attractive
incentives for individuals. The desire is also for the change to have a long lasting effect. Which would be the most
appropriate strategy to adopt?
(a) Rational persuasion
(b) Shared power
(c) Force- coercion
(d) Education and communication
22. The neglect of which of these phase in the planned change is most likely to lead to the activity trap?
(a) Unfreezing
(b) Change
(c) Refreezing
(d) All of the above
23. Which phase in the planned change approach is considered critical to it’s success in the long term?
(a) Unfreezing
(b) Change
(c) Refreezing (double check this)
(d) Deepfreezing
24. Managers are more likely to resist change that involves a restructuring of the organization due to
(a) Fear for loss of power
(b) Lack of resources
(c) Lack of good information
(d) Fear for loss of security

25. In an attempt to remain competitive the organization decided to introduce some new products, along with some
new technologies over the next two years. This change is a
(a) Unplanned change
(b) Radical change
(c) Incremental change
(d) None of the above

26. The presence or absence of a felt need for change is an issue in the _______ phase of planned change.
(a) Diagnostic
(b) Evaluative
(c) Unfreezing
(d) Changing

27. As a way of resolving a conflict within a department that has resulted in significant work stoppages, the change
agent implemented new procedures and systems. Such a change can be considered a/an __________.
(a) Planned change
(b) Radical change
(c) Incremental change
(d) Unplanned change
28. According to the criterion of _______, the values and experiences of individuals to be affected should not be
(a) Benefit

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(b) Triability
(c) Complexity
(d) Compatibility
29. There was some resistance by members of the group in relation to the intended change. Contributing to this were
some earlier failures within the organization, as well as the economic recession. This resistance can be attributed
to _________.
(a) Bad timing
(b) No reasons to change
(c) Lack of resources
(d) Habit
30. Managers are more likely to resist change within an organization due to
(a) Fear for loss of power
(b) Lack of resources
(c) Lack of good information
(d) Fear for loss of security
31. The presence or absence of the felt need for change is an issue in the phase of planned change.
(a) Diagnostic
(b) Evaluative
(c) Unfreezing
(d) Changing
32. The neglect of which phase in the planned change is most likely to lead to the activity trap?
(a) Unfreezing
(b) Change
(c) Refreezing
(d) All of the above
33. Managers are more likely to resist change that would affect the organization due to
(a) Fear for loss of power
(b) Lack of resources
(c) Lack of good information
(d) Fear for loss of security

34. Managers are more likely to resist change that involves a restricting of the organization due to
(a) Fear for loss of power
(b) Lack of resources
(c) Lack of good information
(d) Fear for loss of security
13. The presence or absence of felt need for change is an issue in the phase of planned change.
A. Diagnostic
B. Evaluative
C. Unfreezing
D. Changing

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