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Jews, Judeans and Josephites

The largest portion of Serrano’s book deals with the ancient history of the
Aryans and the Jews and this is what we will be discussing over the next two
chapters. In this one, we will look at what Serrano thought about some of the
characters from the Bible and the common misconceptions that people have
about them. We will also find out some more about the angels and the sons of
God who took wives of the daughters of men and we will be discussing the
works of Josephus and the ethnicity of the Jews around the time of Jesus.
Finally we will look at what we know about Joseph and his time in Egypt and
why Serrano thought there was a tribe of Josephites.

We will start though, by discussing his views on Moses, who he believed was
a priest of Osiris who married an Ethiopian woman. Osiris was another pre-
figure of Christ as we have already identified, he was killed and yet he rose
again and he was green, the colour associated with the Holy Ghost. I do not
know where Serrano gets the idea from that Moses was a priest of Osiris,
perhaps from extra-Biblical Jewish fables, there are quite a few that the
Rabbis have concocted in order to lead people astray. Moses was aware that
Yahweh was the God of his fathers and the Lord of all creation because he is
recorded as saying this. Osiris may have been one of the forms that Yahweh
originally took, there is no reason why the creator of all should be limited to
one form. However once the form itself becomes worshipped and not the
substance behind it, then that would be the worship of images or idols and
this is why the making of images to represent God was forbidden.

Since marrying anyone not from the Hebrew line would mean the offspring
would no longer be a descendant of Jacob Israel and would no longer have
the blessings and promises made to Abraham, Isaac and Jacob, Moses being
married to an Ethiopian Negro is out of the question. He may have married a
Hebrew woman who lived in the land of Kush, but she would have been
White. The original word for Ethiopia was Kush and Kush was one of Noah’s
grandsons, so there is no way that she could have been Black even if she was
a racial Kushite. The Kushites also colonised part of India, which is why the
mountain range there is called the Hindu Kush. Noah is described as being
perfect in his generations, meaning that he was perfect in his heritage. There
was no miscegenation with the daughters of men in his bloodline, he was a
pure son of the Elohim. We are told that Noah was righteous, yet the only
reason given for this appellation in the Bible is that he was pure in his
generations. Therefore, to be righteous must mean to be racially pure.

Serrano talks about the other races being animal men and he cites references
to this in the Vedic, Greek and Hebrew myths. It is a shame that he did not
follow this line of investigation into the Hebrew take on it more, as he would
have discovered that it was a very important theme that goes right through
the Bible from beginning until end. The book of Genesis tells us that the sons
of God took wives of all that they chose from the daughters of men and that
the offspring wreaked havoc upon the earth. The modern church will tell you
these were angels that did this and that it was the evil the offspring did that
was the cause of the flood, however some of the early Church fathers saw it
differently. Julius Africanus and Augustine of Hippo said that the sons of God
were not angels but were the sons of Adam and the daughters of men were
the children of Cain. It was the bastards that were the result of this unlawful
union that were the cause of the flood, their behaviour was just the inevitable
result of mixing one kind with another. When you think about this, it actually
makes perfect sense and explains why the creator would choose to destroy his
creation. In fact it is the only logical reason why this could happen. The only
way evil could enter a perfect world would be to mix two kinds together to
create a new one not created by God and whether you believe Cain to be
originally sired by the wicked one through Eve or whether you believe him to
be from Adam, Cain did take a wife from among the other peoples of the
earth and his line does not appear anywhere in the various genealogies of

The Angels who changed their orders and appeared in the minds of the
women that we talked about in the second podcast, appear to be a separate
issue to this one. Although both happened around the same time and both
involved the daughters of men, the angels were not the same as the sons of
God. The angels are spoken about in the Book of Enoch, the Book of Jubilees
and the Testament of the 12 Patriarchs and they taught the women how to use
make-up, play music, dress provocatively and they even joined themselves to
them in the spirit world, but then these women used this knowledge as the
means by which to seduce the sons of Adam into breeding with them.

We learn this in the Books of Adam and Eve which were written around the
3rd century and were compiled from much earlier myths and folklore and
they make it abundantly clear that the most important commandment of all
that Adam passed down to his sons, was not to have intercourse with the
offspring of Cain. The books go on to tell us how Cain’s daughters seduced
the sons of Adam and how once they had bred with them, the offspring were
unable ever to return to the holy mountain where the family of Adam lived
ever again. This is a parable about race, the race of Adam being the holy
mountain, with Adam at the top and the base being the current generation
descended from him.

If you miscegenate, your offspring will never be able to regain that contact
going all the way back to the first White man ever again. We are the elect, we
are the last White people left alive, all the previous White empires fell due to
race-mixing, yet our ancestors were righteous and did not defile their blood.
They were safe in Europe from the Negroes and the Arabs, but their brothers
in India, Egypt, Assyria and Babylon were not. They all became dead
branches, rotten and fallen from the tree, never to flower and bring forth fruit
ever again. The brown races all live among the ruins of previous great White
civilisations, unable to maintain the standards required for a civilisation to
take hold again.

When the Adam was created, the Lord God breathed into his nostrils and he
became a living soul. He was the only being to be given the breath of God
and this separated him from the rest of the living creatures on earth.
Incidentally the White man’s chest cavity is much larger than that of the
Negro, which is why the White man can float and the Negro sinks. The Bible
does not tell us how the other races were created, it only tells us about what
God created. It tells us that there are also the works of the devil, that are
destined for the lake of fire along with him, but it does not tell us how these
works were made or what they are. They could not be created beings, as there
is only one creator and everything he creates is listed and it is good, so
Biblically they had to have been made by the crossing of one kind with

This is exactly what Genesis tells us, that the sons of God mated with the
daughters of men and the offspring took over the earth or land, since the word
‘eretz’ that modern Christians take to mean the whole earth, actually only
means land. The book of Jubilees tells us that the angels interfered with every
type of beast upon the earth and this could have been the original source of
the other races. The descendants of Cain had the blood of these animal races
mingled with the blood of Eve and later with the blood of Adam. Is it any
wonder this abominable experiment was destroyed with the flood?

Serrano refers to this breeding with the animals as being written about
elsewhere and I think it is apparent from the many half man/half animal
creatures from the Greek, Hindu and Egyptian myths that this is a trace
memory of the time when this went on.

It is inconceivable that any of the Hebrew patriarchs in the Bible would have
committed this original sin without it being explicitly mentioned. When we
hear of it happening, we always read of the consequences and there is no
condemnation anywhere in the story of Moses to even raise a question over
his wife not being White. It is the sin which can never be forgiven, it is the
sin which turns your offspring from being a child of God into a bastard from
the Devil. This is why the Bible is so full of condemnation for bastards and
Paul contrasts them with children of the Father in the New Testament. It is
unbelievable to think that a man as important as Moses would curse his own
descendants in such a way by marrying a Negro. Marriage is between bone of
my bones and flesh of my flesh, anything outside of that is fornication and it
breaks divine and natural law.

Hitler knew that the original sin was the racial sin, the blasphemy against the
holy spirit that was breathed into the White man making him a living soul. It
was this sin that brought about the downfall of Atlantis and every empire ever
since. The Bible has many a poetic way of describing it and Serrano includes
one reference to this, even though it contradicts his idea that the God of the
Bible is the demiurge and the author of miscegenation:

‘Original sin is the feeling of racial sin by the sudra who "can not be clean
even though he wash himself with bleach," as the Lord God himself puts it.’

Hitler’s understanding of this shows that he knew the Bible far better than
people today would think. He regularly uses Biblical phrases and analogies
throughout Mein Kampf to describe things, showing that he knew how to
apply the wisdom within it to his struggle against the Jew in our modern
times, 3000 years after it was first written.

Serrano, like most of us believes the Bible was written by Jews, which has
led to all manner of confusion and been the cause of so much strife for our
people. How could a bastard race be the writers of a book all about racial
purity? How could the writers of filth like the Talmud, be responsible for the
most influential and holy books of all time? Our people are not stupid, there
is no way they would take on a foreign religion brought to them by an alien
race. Serrano brings up the warrior myths of the Mahabharata and the Nordic
tales and then claims there is nothing like them in the Bible. Yet the Old
Testament is full of warriors like David and Samson, along with battle hymns
of glory in the Psalms just like the Saxon and Viking ones. There are tales of
mass slaughter throughout the Bible and if you look at the Apocrypha, it is
full of heroes with diva like strength and miraculous powers, the same as in
the Greek and Vedic myths. The Day of the Lord is supposed to be an
immense slaughter, with the dead bodies of the mongrel nations flooding in
from the land of Gog and Magog piled up 6 foot deep and the land of Gog
and Magog just happens to be the territory that we now call Turkey and

Serrano claims the Jews are following the book of Isaiah, when the Jews own
Talmud says that they sawed the prophet Isaiah in half for speaking badly
about them. I cannot recall any positive mention of the works of Flavius
Jospehus in Hitler the Ultimate Avatar, he probably just assumed he was a
Jew, the same as he assumed Isaiah was, but if Serrano had read them he
would discover that the Jews did not even exist until 200 years after the
destruction of Jerusalem and Samaria which happened around 600BC, which
is well after the time of Isaiah. The 10 northern tribes of Israel that lived in
Samaria were removed to Assyria and the tribes of Benjamin and Judah were
removed to Babylon. In the reign of Cyrus the Great around 10% of the tribe
of Judah returned from Babylon to Jerusalem. This means that it was only
about 1% of the Israelites in the near east that ever returned to their old
homeland and it was only this group of people that were first referred to as
Jews. When they got there, they discovered that Idumean Canaanites and
Arabs had moved into the country while they were gone. They also
discovered that some of this small portion of the tribe of Judah had married
strange women and sired bastards with them. These bastards and the strange
women are all expelled by the high priest, as the most important
commandment of all is not to adulterate the race. The Bible makes a point of
relaying this example to us twice in two separate books, to hammer home the
importance of it.

Yet within 2 centuries of this attempt to return to an ethno-state and racial

purity, the Liberals of the time triumphed and instead of putting all the
Idumeans to the sword, the tribe of Judah absorbed them and from that time
on, they were all known as Judeans or Jews, meaning citizen of Judea. The
Idumeans were the descendants of Jacob Isarel’s twin brother, who married
Canaanite women. The Canaanites were descended from Canaan the
descendant of Noah, who had interbred with the beasts of the land of Canaan.
We know this because interbreeding with the beasts of the land is one of the
reasons given for why the Israelites were supposed to exterminate them.

Josephus tells us that these Idumean Judeans infiltrated and took over all the
higher echelons of Judean society, they took over the priesthood, the
Pharisees, the Sadducees and even the monarchy. King Herod who today’s
Jews call Herod the Great was one of these Idumean Canaanites. The
Historian Josephus tells us that he himself was not born of ignoble birth,
meaning that he was not a mongrel like the majority of Jerusalem was by his
time. He tells us that the Essenes were the only Judeans who still kept to the
commandments not to marry strange women and they had a community that
was entirely separate to the rest of the Judeans in Jerusalem. It is their scrolls
that we found at Qumran – the dead sea scrolls. Interestingly the word
Yahweh appears throughout all of them. We are told by Josephus that the
correct pronunciation of this word is JOVE, the same as the name of the
Greek god and an obviously Aryan pronunciation of it. The removal of this
word from the Bible was carried out at the Jew’s insistence, as they cannot
bear to hear or even see the word, no doubt because it reminds them that they
are bastards and are no longer a noble race descended from God himself. The
bastard has no lawful right to use the father’s name and so neither do the

The Idumean Jews were rejected by Christ, he told them they were the sons
of the devil, not his sheep, the synagogue of Satan, a race of vipers and the
antichrist and in return, they had him crucified and called for his blood to be
upon them and their children. When Christ rose again, the Judeans who were
still Israelites became Christians and the Idumeans formed their own religion
in opposition to it called Judaism. They wrote their Talmud down between
the 2nd and the 4th century AD and the defining part of it’s ideology is its
hatred of Christ and Christianity.

The Judeans who knew the scriptures and recognised Christ fled from
Jerusalem when they saw the prophecies being fulfilled, while the Idumeans
stayed and started the first Bolshevik revolution, complete with blaspheming
and desecrating of the Jerusalem temple, starving the inhabitants of the city
into cannibalism, cross-dressing, rioting, looting and the use of sodomy.
Josephus accompanied the Romans as they destroyed these Jews with
extreme prejudice and he recorded it all. If the temple was the heritage of
these mongrels, then why did they desecrate it and have no concern for it? It
was Titus who did not want to damage it in any way and it was the Jews who
were intent on seeing the whole city destroyed, as Josephus relates here in
this quote:

‘To give a detailed account of the Jews outrageous conduct is impossible, but
we may sum it up by saying that no other city has ever endured such horrors,
and no generation in history has fathered such wickedness. In the end they
brought the whole Hebrew race into contempt in order to make their own
impiety seem less outrageous in foreign eyes, and confessed the painful truth
that they were slaves, the dregs of humanity, bastards, and outcasts of their

....It is certain that when from the upper city they watched the Temple
burning they did not turn a hair, although many Romans were moved to

Serrano was probably put off reading Josephus because he thought he was a
Jew like today’s modern Jews. There is a bust supposedly of Josephus that
looks like a merchant (the original Hebrew word Canaanite actually means
merchant by the way) but there is nothing at all to identify this bust as being
of Josephus. It is just modern Jews who said , hey, that Roman bust looks like
a Jew so it must be of Josephus.

Most already know the story of the Jews after this, they were finally kicked
out for good from Judea by the Romans and eventually had to leave the
Roman empire itself after the Christian emperor Constantine took power,
made Christianity the official religion of the empire, banned the Jews from
holding public positions and made it unlawful for a Christian or Roman to
marry a Jew. Some then moved to Arab countries and took the name
Sephardic Jews while others converted the Khazars and absorbed them into
their mongrel race before moving into Europe as Ashkenazi Jews. The
Khazars themselves claimed to have originated in Idumea, although whether
they claimed that before they converted to Judaism or after I don’t know.

The Welsh word for Jew is still Iddew today, which clearly comes from the
word Idumean and not Judah and the word Jew originally meant citizen of
Judea, but the Roman protectorate of Judea has not existed for 2,000 years.
The descendants of the Pharisees called themselves Jews and they called their
new religion based upon the Talmud Judaism. Modern kikes calling
themselves Jews is the equivalent of Saudi Arabians calling themselves
Tuatha de Danaan because they once had Irish slaves. The name is used
purely as a deception and this is all foretold in the Bible, although I wont be
going into that now.
Serrano cites quotes from the Talmud that entirely contradict what the
Christian Old Testament says in his attempts to link the two, when the facts
of history show that the Jews who wrote the Talmud were not the authors of
the Old Testament. They were the enemy in the Old Testament the same as
they are in the New. They were called Canaanites in the Old and are called
Jews or Esau in the New.

The Talmud is all about breaking the Old Testament laws and blaspheming
and desecrating the characters in it. It really doesn’t take much research to
see that. The Jew’s own encyclopaedia tells us that from 200BC onwards the
Idumeans and the tribe of Judah in Jerusalem became one nation and forever
after were known as Jews. The King James Bible also has notes in the back
that confirm that King Herod and most of his administration were all
Idumeans. I did a short podcast on this subject called ‘Jews and the Old
Testament’ if people want to learn more about this.

Serrano quotes some pieces from the Talmud where the Rabbis are twisting
the meaning of the words of the prophets Isaiah and Jeremiah and then draws
the conclusion that this must be the correct interpretation of these verses from
the Bible. But the Jews do not even include the books of these Prophets as a
part of their holy books. Their own Talmud also tells us they tried to saw the
prophet Isaiah in half and Christ himself tells us that the Jews’ ancestors tried
to kill all the Old Testament prophets. Just because the Jews mention these 2
prophets in their Talmud does not mean they were their prophets, any more
than Biblical characters appearing in the Koran means that they were
Moslems. They are Christian prophets from the Christian Old Testament who
foretold the coming of Christ, that is why they are included in our Bibles and
they do not form any part of the Talmud.

Both the Jews and the Moslems have tried to falsify things to give themselves
a shared heritage with us, but both of them are mongrel races and they have
no heritage. Islam did not exist before 600AD and Judaism did not exist
before 400AD. There are no ‘Abrahamic faiths’, there was just one faith, the
faith of Abraham which was that God would keep his promise and that his
descendants through Isaac and Jacob would become many nations.
Serrano admits that he does not know where the word Hebrew comes from,
but a little investigation reveals that the word came from Eber, one of
Abraham’s ancestors and all the people descended from him were called
Hebrews. ‘Hebrew’ is also the Phoenician word for coloniser, since this
people spread themselves out around the world more than any other. Eber’s
son was called Peleg, who gave his name to the Pelasgians, the people who
proceeded the Greeks and Eber’s two uncles were Elam who sired the
Persians and Asshur who begat the Assyrians. No educated Nationalist would
say today that the original Persians and Assyrians were not White, so why
should they think the Hebrews would be any different? It is because the
nation of Judah were a brother nation to the Elamites, that King Cyrus the
Archaemenid king freed them when he took power in Babylon and paid for
them to return to Jerusalem and rebuild their temple. All the sons of Noah
who were divided in their lands according to their nations and their tongues
can be traced and they were all originally White. They had to be, since they
were all one family.

Serrano tells us that Pastor Jurgen Spanuth, who according to him was ‘a
tireless investigator of the history of the Hyperboreans and their penetration
into Asia Minor and onwards to Egypt’ called the Hebrews a ‘super-mixed
people’ apparently unaware of all the strict laws that they had on
miscegenation. It is interesting that he refers to the Hyperboreans being in
Asia Minor, as this is exactly where Abraham was, in Padan Aram and his
descendants did move into Egypt for a short while and on good terms with
their White brothers, until a foreign king took power and enslaved the White

The story of Joseph in Egypt has been deliberately misconstrued in modern

times to try and make it look like it was Jews behaving like Jews, when it
was really the salvation and liberation of the Egyptian empire. If you read the
passages carefully in the Bible you will see that it does not tell you the story
outlined in ‘Moses from Bolshevism to Lenin’ at all. Quite the opposite in
Joseph started life thinking he was better than his brothers, but the
punishment they gave him far outweighed his lack of humility when they
sold him into slavery. They would eventually be punished for this by their
descendants being enslaved in Egypt for 200 years, but if they had not done
this to him, then Joseph would not have been in a position to save the
Egyptian Empire from starving to death.

After being bought by Potiphar, Potiphar’s wife tried to seduce him but
Joseph refused to do such a dishonourable thing to his master. Feeling
spiteful and scorned by him, she accused him of trying to rape her and had
him thrown in prison. While he was in prison, his talent for reading dreams
was found to be true and after a time, the Pharaoh heard of his reputation and
asked him to interpret a dream. Joseph interpreted the dream and told the
Pharaoh that it was a warning, that in 7 years time there was to be a huge
drought and famine throughout all the known land. He advised the Pharaoh to
save all the produce he could, so that they would still have food during that
time and the Egyptian people would not all die of starvation. Joseph was then
put in charge of ensuring that Egypt survived. He was a farmer and the
Egyptians were not, they saw farming as an abomination so over the next
seven years he put his skill at preserving grain to good use and ensured that
enough was preserved to keep the Egyptian people alive.

The famine came as Joseph predicted and because of his agricultural

knowledge there was enough food for the Egyptian people, as well as for the
nations around them and Joseph managed to use the saved grain to buy up all
the surrounding land for the Egyptian State. The people he bought the land
from, although they are identified as Egyptians, offered to sell their land and
themselves, as servants to Pharaoh. This proves that they were not truly
Egyptian, for if they were, they would have already been servants of their
Pharaoh. If they had not already stolen the land from Egypt, they would not
have been able to sell it back. Joseph bought all the land that would
afterwards be known as Egypt and then gave it all back to the Egyptian
people, along with enough seed to sow it with. He then instructed them that
they should pay 20% of the increase from the land back to the State.
Around the time of Joseph, Egypt was being beset by various Canaanite
raiders known as the Hyksos, which should not be confused with the earlier
Hyksos who built the great pyramid. Many of these barbarian tribes had
taken over whole swathes of Egypt, probably through usury as well as
conventional warfare, since usury is one of the main crimes that the
Canaanites are accused of by the Bible, along with race-mixing and other
sexual perversions. In the same way that the Jews took over Europe, by
loaning out money in the hope that it would not be paid back so they could
take people’s land and estates, the same thing would have have been done to
Egypt. The secular records tell us that these half European half Arab peoples,
which is exactly what the Canaanites were, were regularly invading and
taking over the Egyptian lands.

Joseph cleverly sold the grain that these Hyksos Canaanite people needed to
live on, in exchange for the land which they had swindled out of the Egyptian
people. He did not sell the grain to get land or riches for himself as a Jew
would do, but sold the grain and gained all the land back for the Egyptian
people’s Pharaoh.

It is also clear that the Pharaoh was White like Joseph, as long after he died, a
much later Pharaoh came along ‘who knew not Joseph’ which meant he had
to have been foreign. This Pharaoh then enslaved Joseph’s people, who until
that time had been farming in the province of Goshen, which the earlier
Pharaoh had granted them in gratitude for Joseph’s help. When have the Jews
ever been known as being farmers? The original Pharaoh even asked Joseph
if he could provide particularly good farmers to look after the Egyptian’s
livestock for them.

If it had not been for Joseph, the Egyptians would have died out during that
seven year famine. The empire would have fallen and been no more. As it
was, Joseph cleverly obtained all their land back for them and then reminded
them of the importance of contributing to the good of all, so that there was
always a public fund put aside for the people’s welfare, in times of need.
Joseph was clearly not Jewish in the modern sense and the Egyptian people
and the nations surrounding that entire area owed their very lives to him. This
is also confirmed by Pharaoh asking for Joseph’s father Jacob to give him his
blessing. It was Pharaoh and his people that were helped by Joseph, not the
other way around and they had to have been aware of his noble heritage or
his father would not have been asking for this blessing.

The Jews today like to claim that they were the Israelites who were held in
bondage in Egypt, but in Jesus’ time the Jews said that they had never been in
bondage to any man, which is true, since they were Idumeans and had not
been in captivity to the Egyptians, the Babylonians or the Assyrians.

Now Pastor Jurgen Spanuth that Serrano references makes a claim that the
Hebrews were a super-mixed people, despite all their laws against this and
one of the reasons why he thought that, is because Joseph was given a wife
by the Pharaoh. The English translation of the Bible says that this wife was
the daughter of a Priest in the city of On, which was also called Heliopolis
but before that, Beth Shemesh, which is a Hebrew word. It does not tell us
that this was a priest of the sun god, or of Osiris, although later literature
written by the Jews 600 years after Christ attempts to claim this for obvious
reasons. Serrano’s fantasy that there was a breed of ‘Josephites’ that were
superior to the other tribes due to their Egyptian blood is based entirely on
this Jewish fable which is even more discredited than the Talmud is. The
Christian Bible just tells us that it was the daughter of a priest living in On.
The Pharaoh obviously went to some trouble to find this wife for him,
searching Egypt until he found a suitable woman in the city formerly known
as the Beth Shemesh – the House of Shem. She could not have been Egyptian
as that would have broken the customs of Joseph’s people and offended him.
The Pharaoh wanted to please Joseph, he would not have been trying to force
him to marry an Egyptian woman who served a foreign God, when he had
refused to sleep with one already and been unjustly jailed for doing so.

Jurgen Spanuth also claims that the Israelites took the idea of a Messiah from
Egypt, as the word was originally an Egyptian term for someone who had
been anointed with an oil called Messah, which was derived from the Nile
crocodile. But the tradition of anointing kings is common to all Aryan
religions. This is how the prophets or priests would signify God’s approval of
a contender for Kingship. Samuel anointed Saul the first king of Israel with
oil, the same as the Brahmins of India did, the Egyptians and the Druids. The
word messiah means anointed one and it means someone anointed with oil to
set them apart as holy to God, it means the same as Christ and it can be
plural, as in the word Christians, which means the anointed ones. The use of
this custom and the word for it shows a common heritage, it does not show
that the Israelites stole the custom, it was a common tradition among the
White nations of the world just as much as the symbol of spearing the dragon
is, which originated in the spearing of the crocodile on the Nile.

Serrano then follows on from what he learned from Jurgen with this:

‘In the beginning many very diverse tribes in a badly assimilated mix
contributed to the formation of the Jewish people, who were scarcely even a
people: Canaanites, Edomites, Midianites, Syrians, Moabites, Hittites,
Amorites, Samaritans, Galileans, Phoenicians and Philistines.’

Now taking this statement at face value, it is entirely correct. This was the
biological heritage of most Jews or Judean citizens at the time of Jesus. They
were a jumbled up miscegenated mix of various near eastern tribes, with that
cursed Canaanite DNA holding them all together as a coherent nation. The
Judean establishment accepted any ethnicity that was willing to undergo
circumcision and follow their religion as a Jew and suitable for all the other
Judeans in Jerusalem to interbreed with, which is why the tribe of Essenes
moved out to Qumran. They even had a word for these people when they first
joined the tribe, they called them proselytes of the gate and proselytes of
righteousness, but Jesus just called them ‘children of hell’. However Serrano
is not just talking about the Jews of Jesus time, he thinks this is what they
started out as and that they finally ended up all being known by the name of
just one tribe, the tribe of Judah.

‘The tribes of "Israel" disappeared and there remained only one in the end, to
be able to comply with the great falsification and destruction of all the races,
the tribe of Judah’

The tribes of Israel must still exist today and that includes the pure race of
Judah, or God is a liar. The New Testament talks about every tribe still being
here at the time it was written and in the book of Revelation, it describes
them all still being here at the end of time. It also talks of the Jews who say
they are of Judah but are not, how not all Israel are of Israel and that those
calling themselves Jews are really the synagogue of Satan. The tribes of
Israel did not miscegenate themselves into oblivion and they did not become
Jews, they became Christians and the history of their nations can be traced
elsewhere. It is out of the scope of these podcasts to detail that history, but if
you go to or you can find out
more about it.

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