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Aryan Esoterica 3 - Archetypes, Avatars, Hitler and Sex

In this chapter we are going to be looking at archetypes and avatars and

whether or not Serrano really believed Hitler to be a deity. We will also be
discussing the Fuhrer’s brief marriage to Eva Braun and in the second half of
the podcast we will be looking at the authorship and credibility of the Book
of Genesis.

Serrano explains in his book that he uses poetic terminology to describe real
events and this is the key to understanding much of our sacred literature.
What Jung called archetypes in the language of psychology, Serrano
described as being the avatar in the language of religion, when they emerged
through a man’s behaviour:

‘In ancient terms, in sacred words, those which my Maestro used: This is the
coming and incarnation of an Avatar, of a God (to no longer say Archetype),
of the Avatar of Vishnu, of Shiva, or, what seems more exact, of Wotan, the
Nordic Kristos. Of his arrival in order to work among vîras, among heroes.’

He saw Hitler as being an incarnation of Vishnu. This may seem idolatry to

Christians, but if we are the sons of God, then the gods he is speaking of were
the sons of Adam, the first Aryans and as such, their blood still runs through
our veins today. The archetype of the hero still regularly shows itself and it
did just last year in a Russian soldier who was surrounded by ISIS fighters
and knowing that they would kill him when they found him, he called in an
air-strike on his position wiping out masses of the enemy but killing himself
in the process. He called upon the power of his ancestors for courage within
him and who is to say that it was not the feats of Hercules or Samson or any
of the holy warriors of the past that gave him the strength to do this? Serrano
has admitted that he sees the archetype as being the avatar and transforms the
term according to the context of what he is writing about, it does not have to
be a supernatural being, although there do appear to have been those as well
in our history.
Vishnu supposedly had many incarnations and not all in human form, in one
of them he was a fish helping Manu the Hindu version of Noah and in
another a man with an axe. This may sound strange, but Christ himself took
the form of the sacred stone that Moses carried through the desert that
watered his followers. In one instance Moses struck this rock with his staff
instead of just speaking to it. He was punished severely for this, not just
because he had disobeyed God, but because he was beating Christ by hitting
that stone.

Krishna is just the form that Vishnu takes in the Bhagavad Gita, telling
Arjuna on the battlefield ’I appear whenever Dharma declines and the
purpose of life is forgotten, I manifest myself upon earth. I am born in every
age to protect the good, to destroy evil and to re-establish dharma.’ Instead of
being referred to as a god by the Bible he would be referred to as an angel,
which just means messenger. Angels appear throughout the Bible and most of
the time they appear as men, even eating and drinking as men do but they are
addressed as if they were the Lord God in places. This is very similar to the
role that the avatars of Vishnu and other Hindu deities take through pre-
history and the last definitive one was around the time of the Biblical flood.
The final avatar of Vishnu is supposed to be Kalki though and Hitler was not
Kalki. We are not living in the new Satya Yuga and the night of Brahma has
not happened yet.

If Serrano did believe that Hitler was Vishnu, then he was contradicting the
ancient writings, as the age has not yet come to an end. I have no doubt that
Hitler will return with the army of saints that will accompany Christ in the
day of the Lord, but he cannot have been an avatar of Vishnu as we are all
still here. He was just a man who was blessed by God and helped by the
memory of his ancestors in the blood.

Honouring your ancestors is different to worshipping them, and I do not

believe praying for their help to be wrong. Part of them is still within us,
particularly in the abilities which we have inherited. There may be talents
which we never even knew we had, that would never be revealed under
normal circumstances but could be brought to the surface if certain
conditions were to be met. The archetype of the hero who gives his life to
save others would be one of those and it can only appear through conflict, but
the hospitable stranger is one that we should all be able to access.

So there are two forms of avatar that can be referred to, the heavenly angel
and the earthly ancestor and neither is the deity himself. One is accessible to
all White people and the other I believe to be a separate issue. From looking
at the passage I just quoted, Serrano appears to think that men can become
the supernatural type, which to me would be more like demon possession if it
ever occurred and would be the sign of an imposter. The offspring of the
fallen angels were born as hybrid-beings of a different order within a human
body before the flood, whereas the ancestor type are always there within the
blood, ready to manifest when necessary.

Perhaps Hitler really was an angel, incarnated on our earthly plane. The test
of a prophet is if what they say comes true and what Hitler prophesied has
certainly come to pass. I am not aware of any tests for an angel though, I
guess that is just something you would know by intuition and recognition.

Serrano talks a lot about National Socialist Germany yet he never lived
through it, his knowledge like Savitri Devi’s was all gained through
interviews with underground National Socialists after the war. He travelled
far and wide to find them too and he does give us more insight into some of
Hitler’s decisions, but there is very little to back up the occult interpretations
beyond them just being hearsay. Most of what he says is believable and
confirms what we know already, such as his opinion of Hitler’s alliance with
Japan which I will quote here, as I agree wholeheartedly with him:

‘Hitler respected and admired Japan for its Samurai Code of honour, but I am
sure he would have preferred not to have had them as allies. It is a fact that
the Japanese betrayed him by not declaring war on Russia, which would have
aided his victory. By contrast, Hitler declared war on the United States of
America immediately after "Pearl Harbour." He remained faithful to his allies
to the end. As for the Japanese, they did not understand the drama and only
played their own game. After the last war they were transformed into being
pests throughout the world like Jews, mechanizing everything and dirtying
the world with their "perishable' materials. They have become Judaized to the
bone. We did not receive the least help from them. On the contrary, they
ignored us even though we supported them until the end out of loyalty to the

This is what happens when you make alliances with the mongrel races. Many
people think the Chinese and the Japanese are pure races that are capable of
creating their own civilisations. But White people were bringing their
technology to that territory long before the Mongoloid races appeared. There
are Dolmens and long barrows from 5.000 years ago in Korea and Asia.
There are Caucasian mummies dating back at least 4,000 years in China and
Japan was originally colonised by the Ainu, a race described as White
centuries ago who were only finally blended out of history very recently but
whose legends claim they were in Japan for a hundred thousand years before
the Children of the Sun came. There is a lot of evidence to show that White
people began the civilisations in south Asia long before the more recent
mongoloid races took over and many of today’s Asians do not look any
different to Mulattoes. This is not a coincidence. The societies that these
races have now, are based upon what the original Whites had and if they were
lucky, they remained at the same stage they were at when the miscegenation
first occurred. The Arabs in Egypt were not able to maintain the civilisation
that they were left with, but the Chinese and Japanese still had a high enough
IQ to keep a feudal society, even if they were unable to continue its advance.
The Chinese and Japanese have never invented anything of any importance,
they are good at adapting things that Whites have already created, they can
make things smaller for instance, but they do not have the inspiration that we
do, to create novelty. They do not have the spirit of the gods within their
blood and this is very apparent in their lack of reaching to the heavens for
something more. The reportedly high average IQ of the Japanese, is just
evidence that the original Whites that blended with the aborigines of Japan
were of a very high IQ, much higher than today’s highest IQ Japanese. They
would have to have been, because miscegenation always lowers it in the
offspring of Whites. We see a similar situation happening today, with the
countries that have the highest IQ in Europe also being the most Liberal and
the most encouraging of racial bastardisation.
Another pointer to the Japanese and Chinese being mongrels is their hair. I
have seen this same thick greasy black hair on Arabs and other acknowledged
mongrels such as Alexander Tsipiras the prime minister of Greece. White
people do have dark hair, but it is fine and not thick and greasy. You can run
your fingers through it with ease, unlike the hair of the negro, which has a
completely different form, lacking the ability to even utilise it’s own oil. The
hair of the other races is just a miscegenated mix of White and aborigine hair
and I dont just mean the Australian aborigine here, I mean the indigenous
bipeds of all the temperate lands where the Aryans first built their

Hitler admired the Japanese for their code of honour, but I would suggest
that this code of honour is just a remnant from the original Whites who built
the first society in Japan. What we think we have in common with them, is
really just them emulating us. This is most obvious with the Negro, who
cannot even think of abstract concepts but is good at aping those who can,
but it can also be seen in the other races. If the animal welfare of the world
was in the hands of Asians, there would be no animals left at all. It is only the
White man that ever becomes a vet, or who starts up animal charities, the
other races can see no immediate benefit for themselves in caring for the
other living creatures. In fact the other races are known for being incredibly
cruel to animals, the Chinese have their caged bears with tubes in their gall
bladders sucking out the bile and as for the Negro, how could he ever have
empathy for animals when his own kin form a staple part of his diet?

The Negro’s diet does actually differ very much from our own. If a White
man were to eat carrion he would be extremely sick and very likely to die, yet
the Negro will quite happily eat carrion raw. He will eat whatever he comes
across while grazing in the wild and the idea of planting a seed and waiting
for it to grow is just too much for him to understand. They used to travel in
herds before we tried to civilise them in the last century and even their skin is
more like a hide, dressing them in clothes is completely unnecessary apart
from out of a desire for modesty on the part of the observer.
The Jew is no different to the other races in this respect either, his cruelty to
animals is well documented and so is his cruelty to his own, slicing his own
offspring’s foreskin off and then sucking at the blood. Cannibalism is
institutionalised among the Jews, the young Jewesses used to scrabble and
fight among one another to be the first to catch the foreskin as it was flung in
the air by the Mohel, like Aryan bridesmaids desperate to catch the bride’s
bouquet of flowers. Once one of them had caught the tasty morsel, they
would wolf it down in the expectation that it would make them fecund and
soon pregnant with a young male Jew. This used to be such a common
custom among them that there are even recipes for how to disguise the taste
of the flesh, by turning it into a sugar-coated candy. The Mohel still sucks on
the blood today and venereal diseases have been transferred to the infant like
this, but the actual devouring of the foreskin has not been documented now
for over a century.

The other races really are the opposite of everything that we are and in every
possible way, physically and spiritually to varying degrees and their role in
this world, is to get us to become like them.

A common feature that runs right through Serrano’s book, is the contrast
between the Jew and the Aryan and how Hitler represented the best of
Aryandom, how he was the archetype of the hero, honourable until the end
and winning because he refused to give in to the temptation to become like
his enemy. I believe this way of thinking to be an alternative meaning to what
the ouroboros is telling us, the snake that eats its own tail. At some point, the
tail becomes the head and then instead of being the one attacked by the
enemy, it becomes the enemy that is attacking itself. If you win through
having to compromise your values and morals, then you have really lost. If
you lose but manage to keep your values and morals from being corrupted,
then it is you who has really won.

Serrano saw Hitler’s refusal to use the atomic bomb in this light:

‘Hitler would not have won the war by using the atomic bomb, he would
have lost it, since he would have Judaized his own world, by using an
extreme Jew method. He would have used the weapon of the enemy. He
would have lost by winning. Instead he won by losing.’

It is very important that we do not become like our enemy, if we do, then he
has won. Everything the Jew does is designed to tempt us to give in and
become like him. If he cannot do it physically by getting us to miscegenate,
then he will get us to do it spiritually, by encouraging us to give in to our
lower selves or the fleshly part of our nature. He wants us to ignore the part
of us that allows us to rise above ourselves and he wants to drag us down into
the dirt with him.

This reminds me of a tale about King Edward the 1st who expelled the Jews
from England. One ship’s captain who was supposed to be taking them to
Holland, drove his boat up onto a sand bar that had become exposed by the
tide. He got the Jews to disembark and then left them there, to be swallowed
by the sea. Upon returning home he boasted of his crime, thinking that it
would gain approval, since the Jews were so hated. However the King had
him hanged for his crime, as there was no need to take it that far, the Jews
were already being removed from the land, he did not have to remove them
from life as well. He had acted dishonourably, lied and taken a cruel and
unlawful revenge, just like the Jew does.

Life is full of trials, where we are tested not on what we have learned, but on
how little we have forgotten, how close we have remained to the original
purity of our souls upon first entering the world as innocent children.

Serrano puts it like this:

‘‘‘Only the heroes have that possibility, the semi-divine, those born in this
way, but not all realize it. It is very difficult. The hero must risk everything,
his physical and spiritual death, his dismemberment, torture, treason, ultimate
solitude. And without leaping his Sword will never be held firm, unbreakable,
resisting anguish and sorrow to the end, to the last test, the final doubt, when
he will believe everything was done in vain, nothing has been certain, only
his mind, his mental creations which have led him to this fatal trance and the
collapse of the Universe down into his entire ripped-to-pieces self.’’

We are never tested further than it is possible for us to withstand and each
challenge is there for us to prove our selves. Without tests of our character,
we would never improve and without taking chances and leaping into the
great unknown, we will never know our full capabilities. Life throws many
chances our way and Hitler was an expert at seeing what life was trying to
tell him, what path he should take. He referred to this guiding hand as
‘Providence’ always presenting a solution to him if he could work out what it
was. Once you start making the right decisions and keeping to your dharma,
the more you find your life improving and the easier it becomes to see what
the right move to make is. We are rewarded for doing the right thing and
punished for doing the wrong thing by fate and fortune and the Bible tells us
that God chastises his own children for their own good, but he leaves the
bastards to their own devices.

The world of illusion can seem very cruel, but whatever happens it can never
get inside the real you. You could believe everything you have done is in
vain, but the real hero does not stop just because of that. If someone is trying
to drown you you keep kicking until the very last, you do not give in just
because you think you might lose.

As well as embodying the hero archetype, Hitler was also a paragon of virtue
and Serrano states that:

"Hitler can not marry. If he marries he will cease to be Hitler. I do not wonder
if he has sacrificed his sex-life for the cause."

I think he did sublimate his sexual desire and concentrated that energy on
saving his nation instead. It is only the White man who is capable of celibacy,
no other race would even bother trying, seeing it as pointless to not indulge in
desire, yet all our religions contain references to it, from the Nazarenes and
the Brahmacharyas, to the Catholic priests, the power of chastity was
harnessed and put to good use. The Spartans of old would only have sex to
produce children and the Germanic tribes were horrified at the degeneracy
that they saw when they conquered Rome. Even in Africa among the wild
negroes the Vandals refused to give in to their base desires and enacted laws
to prevent prostitution. Alfred the Great had such a horror of his passions that
he prayed for haemorrhoids to be given him to distract from the carnal
pleasures. Even today sports teams are advised not to have sex before a
match, as it will use up that reservoir of extra-natural strength that could be
the cause of a victory.

Alfred Rosenberg in his book ‘The Myth of the 20th Century’ shows that
sexual degeneracy can only enter into an Aryan society if one starts admitting
the dark races with their phallic worship and fertility rites. This reflects their
poor impulse control and lack of concern for the future, preferring to indulge
in self gratification today than save in order to share with others at a time of
less abundance. Instead of avoiding temptation and the resultant unwanted
child, they would rather have wild orgies and then sacrifice any infants
created to their false gods. In Carthage, Petra and other areas that were
occupied by Canaanites the remains of thousands of child sacrifices have
been found, alongside temples to whore-goddesses where every female in the
town was expected to prostitute herself at least once in her life. Contrast this
with Aryan India, where marriages were all arranged and celibacy was an
accepted stage in life before and after marriage.

The life containing essence that has the power to create a new being in the
image of it’s maker is sacred. If it is retained and not wasted, then all that
power and potential is contained within you. This is one of the reasons why
the Jews want you to waste it so much, because they know that it has this
power. They would rather you wasted it or desecrated it, rather than treated it
with respect like Hitler did. I believe his marriage to Eva was a genuine
marriage in the original sense of the word and I believe they had both been
celibate up until that point. Hitler had a certain energy about him that you
only see in people who are continent, he was electric. All that spiritual energy
or vrill was concentrated within him and mastered, turned toward solving the
problems of his nation rather than giving him a passing thrill.
Serrano says that:

‘In Aryan India the initiate, the tantric yogi of the "Right Hand," must guard

All White nations originally used to guard chastity and virtue was highly
prized. The fact that it is now associated with a right hand path implies that
there is now also an equivalent path opposed to it, which shows you just how
far we have fallen. Anything opposed to this in the past would have been
condemned as evil outright, it would not have been seen as a legitimate
alternative. It was the duty of the king to preserve his nations’ morals as well
as to defend against intruders and he had to show by example to the people
that he was virtuous. The right way to live was known by everyone and
anything outside of that was deviancy and therefore based on a lie. Of course
back then we had mono-cultural societies, so the pressure to follow the herd
worked in a positive way. We knew intuitively that pleasure was not the same
as joy, that joy was a reward and pleasure a temptation that could lead to ruin
and this view was reinforced by our societies’ respect for sex as sacred.

Serrano saw the sin of the Jews going beyond sexual blasphemy between the
races in this world, to literally mingling themselves with animals in the spirit
world as part of a pact with devil:

‘In order that this pact can never be betrayed, it must establish itself on the
horrific sentiment of Racial Sin. The mix with other undesirable human
bloods is not sufficient. It must be completed through abysmal mixing with
animals. From thence the sheidim of the Bible. In this way a Pact of Black
Magic is fulfilled, possibly realized in a "mental cohabitation." Rabbinic
cohabitation. The animal features of the Jews show themselves. Any face of a
leading Jew, especially of the rabbis, shows traits of an animal totem. The sin
committed against the laws of sacred harmonies is something that cannot be
erased. So says Jeremiah (Jeremiah II. 22): "Even if you wash yourselves
with bleach, your sin is sealed before me, saith the Lord God." Because of
this the Jew also hates the beauty of nature. Because this beauty is a nostalgia
for Hyperborea.’
Sheidim is a Jewish word for demons and it does not appear in the Bible,
Serrano must be getting confused with the Talmud here. There is a reference
in the Apocryphal book of Jubilees about the fallen angels somehow
corrupting the orders of men, cattle, beasts and birds and it seems here that
Serrano is also talking about cohabiting with animals in spirit, rather than
physically. This would probably take place while sleeping near the pet, with
the creature then appearing in human form during the dream and becoming
the witch’s familiar during the day. Jewish mysticism claims that wet dreams
are the source of demons, as the objects of desire in those dreams are Lilith,
who they believe was Adam’s first wife, or a wife that he saw while
estranged from Eve, dependent on which myth you look at. What you do in
your dreams will affect you physically, if you eat in them, then you will wake
and not be hungry. If they can effect us in waking life like this, then it stands
to reason that what we do in them can effect what happens in the dream
world after we wake up. The dream world is linked with the spirit world and
Serrano claims that many of his visions and insights came from lucid

The Jews can look very animal like and particularly they can look like
rodents, with their cheeks puffed out full of grain. The ancient science of
physiognomy, the study of one’s facial features to discern their character was
often based upon similarities to certain animals. The Jews certainly behave
like rats in their parasitic behaviour and in their love for filth and they will
drain a nation of it’s resources in the same way that rats will drain a
storehouse of grain. Christ and Hitler both called them a race of vipers, cold
blooded, poisonous and speaking with a forked tongue. In fact many times
the Bible uses animals to symbolise the bastard races, scorpions, dogs,
snakes, owls, dragons, locusts, cankerworms and all kinds of unclean animal
are mentioned in reference to them.

People say that by the time you get to fifty, you get the face you deserve. The
Jewish face is very evocative of his character, almost to the point of warning
people in advance that this is somebody who should not be trusted, somebody
immoral who seeks to desecrate beauty and create ugliness.
The Jew’s hatred of beauty is most apparent in what passes today for modern
art. Thanks to his control of the media and the money supply he has been able
to manipulate the art world into echoing his desire for ugliness and then
presenting it to us as a masterpiece. It started with misshapen and distorted
forms and faces and has progressed from that to crucifixes in urine, Mother
Mary painted in elephant dung, canned faeces, soiled beds, dead animal
carcasses, menses spattered canvas and pretty much anything that normal
people would find revolting. Anyone that points out the reality of what they
are seeing is then shamed for being uneducated and backwards. Yet the whole
point of art is to evoke a sense of wonder and beauty to the eye, to simulate
the beauty of creation for ourselves. The Jew hates the beauty of creation
because as Serrano says, it evokes a nostalgia in us for Hyperborea, the
golden age. In the Jew it evokes a feeling of revulsion, as it is everything that
he is not. This again shows the difference in character between the Jew and
the Aryan, as even an ugly Aryan that was aware of who he was would still
appreciate beauty and be glad that someone was able to replicate it in art.

We will be looking at the origins of the Jew in the next episode and
contrasting it with the Aryan tribes that were around him. Because of this I
have purposefully left out the majority of references to the pre-history of
Aryans and Jews until now. Many of them can be cross-referenced with the
Bible and if Serrano had done that, he would have found confirmation for
many of his viewpoints. However due to him thinking it was written by Jews,
he appears to have never given it more than a cursory glance. Since we will
be using parts of the Bible as a record of history in the next couple of
episodes, first we must prove it’s credentials and refute Serrano in this quote:

‘The chronicle of Genesis is Sumerian-Akkadian and refers to other regions

of the planet (perhaps the Gobi) and to extra-terrestrial antediluvian events.
They are the memories of another people and another world, other than that
of the ignorant primitive Semite nomads who had exploited it for their own
advantage. And that is what has then been passed on to constitute the "Holy
Book" of the religious wisdom of Semitized Aryans: Genesis, the "Hebrew"
Bible. The Semite is not creative. Nor are the numerals called Arabic the
creation of the Arabs, but of the Indo-Aryans.’
We will be talking about the Gobi and the flood in the next two episodes,
how the Bible and the Apocrypha tell us of a flood that took place in the area
destroying the original Eden and the mountain of the gods, but because
Serrano thinks the Hebrews were the same as our modern Jews with their
lack of creativity, he could not reconcile them with the accuracy and genuine
history of the book of Genesis, so he has to claim that it was the memories of
another people that the Semites just exploited. Of course Semites do exploit it
now, along with the naivety of most Christians, but it can be shown that
today’s Semites were really the enemies of the writers of the Bible,
something that actually makes a lot more sense than thinking they stole it
from someone else.

He is correct that numerals were an Aryan creation though, the same as

writing was, bastards have never created anything, which should really be all
the proof necessary to know that the Bible was not written by Jews. However
because people do think it was written by them, they are quick to repeat what
today’s Jewish academics have to say on the subject, which is that it was all
written down much later and taken from other people’s myths. They do not
suspecting that the rabbis real goal might be to discredit the Bible since it is a
Christian book and not a Jewish one.

The prevailing academic view is that Moses sat down writing from memory,
trying to put into words everything that had been handed down by word of
mouth for forty centuries, possibly with the help of some tablets from
Babylon to which he then added a few bits for himself in order to personalise
them. This is probably the view that Serrano had of it, as it is the view that
the Jews today promote as well as the modern church.

However none of that is true, the book of Genesis itself contains all the
proofs needed to show that it is genuine, it even includes references for who
the information came from and where and when they had recorded it. I am
now going to quote an entire chapter from E Raymond Capt’s Biblical
Antiquities series in order to show that the Book of Genesis can be trusted as
‘See Jpegs’

So we see that the earliest parts of Genesis had to have been originally
written on clay tablets beginning 2000 years before Moses, they contain the
name of the owner, the age he was at when they were written and in some
cases where they were written. These tablets were in Moses possession and
he put them together into the Book of Genesis. I would suggest that this gives
proof that they are what they claim to be and the age that they claim to be.

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