LK 1 - Modul 5 - Ade Permata Sari - Bahasa Inggris

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TAHUN 2021


NIM : 202110631011605


NAMA : Ade Permata Sari
KELAS : Bahasa Inggris 003
LK 1 : Lembar Kerja Belajar Mandiri
Judul Modul Modul 3: English for Practical use
Judul Kegiatan Belajar (KB) 1. Exploring Procedure Text; Manual
2. Exploring Procedure Text; Recipe
3. Exploring Procedure Text; Itinerary
4. Exploring News Item
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1 Daftar peta konsep (istilah 1. PROCEDURE TEXT; MANUAL (LA 1)
dan definisi) di modul ini a. Definition
Procedure text is a text that tells the reader how to do or to make
something which consists of sequence steps or methods and the
goals that want to achieve.
Manual text is referred to as documentation or end-user
documentation, a manual is a book or pamphlet that contains
information about a program or piece of hardware.
b. Generic structures
1. Goal/Aim: describing the purpose of doing or operating
2. Materials/Equipment: describing the materials or equipment
needed in process of doing or operating something.
3. Steps/Methods: describing the set of instructions in order to
achieve the goal.
c. Social Function
- Manual text is used to describe how something is done in
sequenced steps.
- Manual text provides a series of steps in sequence that
explain the readers how to do something while allowing them
to reach the outcome successfully.
- The communicative purpose of the text is to tell the steps of
making or doing something.
d. Language features
- Generally using simple present tense
- Using adverbial of sequence or using temporal adjective
- Using imperative sentences or command
- Using action verbs
- Using conjunctions to link a process to another process.
- Using adverb of time to express details of time.
a. Definition
Recipe is a list of ingredients and a set of instructions that tell
you how to cook something.
b. Generic structures
1. Goal/Aim: It used to indicate the purpose of the text.
2. Ingredients: It contains the materials or tools required.
3. Steps/Methods: It describes the set of instructions in order to
achieve the goal.
c. Social Function
- Recipe is used to describe how food is completely made or
cooked through a sequence of series.
- Communicative purpose of recipe is to describe how food is
completely made through a sequence of actions or steps.
d. Language features
- Noun or noun group: in recipe, noun or noun group are used
in the listed materials or equipment (e.g; bowl, rice, glass,
onion, etc).
- Conjunction: is connective words that used to show
chronological order ( e.g; before, while, after, then, etc).
- Action verb: is a verb that describe what someone or
something does (e.g; cut, stir, mix, put, etc).
- Imperative words: indicate a command. Commands ask or
tell people to do something (e.g; slice the onion, add some
salt, mix the ingredients, etc).
- Adverbial: is word or phrase functioning like an adverb.
There are two type of adverbial that are commonly used in
recipe. First is adverbial of sequence which is used to add
detail information about the sequence (e.g; first, second,
finally, etc). In addition, another adverbial is used to express
detail of the time, manner, or place (e.g; for five minutes, for
an hour, in three minutes).
- Vocabulary: is commonly used in recipe ranges from
technical to everyday language according to the language’s
- Language: is supposed to clear and precise. However,
detailed language is needed in methods section.
- Tenses: generally used in recipe is simple present tense.
a. Definition
An itinerary can be define as a route or plan or guide book of
travel. It usually contains any information dealing with travel or
journey such as schedule of visit, time, date, transportation and
other information.
b. Generic structures
1. Tour program: the program or activities that are conducted
in the itinerary.
2. Time table: is the time were the activities conducted.
3. Duration: explains the time in detail of each activities.
4. Destination: explains where the activities conducted.
5. 4 A (Attraction, Accessibility, Accommodation and
Amenities): explain ‘What attractions did the itinerary
serve?’, ‘How could the visitor arrive at those place?’,
‘Where did the visitor arrive at those place?’, ‘Where the
visitor stay during the program?’, and ‘What service or
facilities did the visitor get during the program?’.
c. Social Function
Itinerary can be used to inform the readers, listeners or viewers to
make a well-prepared program or travel, effective journey or
travel, and to be guideline in spending time during travelling.
d. Language features
- Use Simple Present Tense
In an itinerary, it always uses verb base (infinitive).
- Use Action Verb
An action can express something that a person, animal or
even object can do.
- Use simple Sentence or Phrase
In an itinerary, the writers don’t need to write long sentence
or explanation in describing the sequence of action that
people need to do. You just write it in a precise sentence, it
usually elicits the subject of the sentence.
a. Definition
News item text is a text which informs readers about events of the
day, where the event are considered newsworthy or important.
Kinds of the News Text:
1. Spoken : The information/news that’s provided in spoken form,
that everyone can hear the news given..
2. Written : The information/news that’s provided in written form,
that everyone can read the news given.
b. Generic structures
1. Main Events / Newsworthy events: It recounts the event in
summary form.
2. Elaboration / Background Events: They elaborate what
happened, to whom and in what circumstance.
3. Resource of Information (Source): It contains comments by
participants in, witnesses to and authorities’ expert on the
c. Social Function
The social function of news item is to inform the readers, listeners
or viewers about events of the day which is considered
newsworthy or important.
d. Language features
- Using Action Verb
Action verb is a verb that expresses an action. Any verb that
describes what someone or something does in action. An
action verb can be physical or mental.
- Using Saying Verb
Saying verbs are verbs such a say or ask which we typically
use to report what someone said.
- Using Passive Voice
A verb is said to be in the passive voice when its subject does
not perform the action of the verb. In fact, the action is
performed on the subject.
- Using Adverb
An adverb is a word that modifies verbs, adjectives and other
adverbs. Basically, most adverbs tell you how, in what way,
when, where, and to what extent something is done. In other
words, they describe the manner, place, or time of an action
- Tense
Using Past tense in explaining news events. But if it is a fact
that until now still happen or still in the form of fact, then can
use simple present tense.
- Language
The language in news item is supposed to be clear and
precise. However, detailed language is needed especially in
background section.
2 Daftar materi yang sulit 1. The generic structure of procedure text itinerary.
dipahami di modul ini 2. Generic structures and language features of news item text.

3 Daftar materi yang sering 1. Language features of procedure texts.

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