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Dermpath & Clinic: Exogenous ochronosis

Article  in  European Journal of Dermatology · April 2019

DOI: 10.1684/ejd.2019.3563


3 180

5 authors, including:

Cecile Lesort Clemmie Martin

CHU de Lyon - Groupement Hospitalier Edouard Herriot CHU de Lyon - Hôpital Femme-Mère-Enfant


Axel Patrice Villani Jean Kanitakis

Hospices Civils de Lyon, Université Claude Bernard Lyon I, Centre International de… Hospices Civils de Lyon (Centre Hospitalier Universitaire de Lyon)


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failed to respond to long-term conventional antifungal ther- 9. Li J, Zhu M, An L, Chen F, Zhang X. Fungicidal efficacy of photo-
apy with itraconazole. For the in vitro study, five sporothrix dynamic therapy using methylene blue against Sporothrix globosa in
strains were assigned to six different groups: LED vitro and in vivo. Eur J Dermatol 2019; 29: 160-6.
irradiation with photosensitizer (L+M+), LED irradiation
without photosensitizer (L+M-), photosensitizer alone (L-
M+), without exposure to LED light or photosensitizer
(L-M-), and finally two groups of LED irradiation plus
photosensitizer with and without itraconazole (L+M+I+ Dermpath & Clinic: Exogenous ochronosis
and L+M+I-). Although L-M-, L+M- and L-M+ groups
revealed similar residual antimicrobial activities, in the
L+M+ group, residual antimicrobial activities were signif- Joann LE BORGNE DE LAVILLANDRE, Cécile LESORT,
icantly lower than in other groups. These results support Clemmie MARTIN, Axel Patrice VILLANI,
the idea that photosensitizer or LED light alone have no Jean KANITAKIS
fungicidal effect, and that PDT plus itraconazole has a syn-
ergistic effect against sporothrix globosa. For the in vivo Hospices Civils de Lyon, Dermatology Department, Edouard Herriot
Hospital, Claude Bernard Lyon University, Lyon, France
study, mice were infected with sporothrix and treated with e-mail: cecile.lesort@laposte.net
sodium chloride (control group), antifungal itraconazole
(intraconazole group), a combination of itraconazole and
PDT (itraconazole + PDT group), and PDT (PDT group). A 47-year-old woman from Cameroon with skin phototype
Two days after the injection of the fungus, mice developed V consulted for dyschromic macules of the face. Physi-
Copyright © 2019 John Libbey Eurotext. Téléchargé par M. JEAN KANITAKIS le 22/05/2019.

soft subcutaneous nodules. The nodules reached a peak in cal examination revealed bluish-black pigmentation on the
size on Day 20 (control group) and Day 8 (all other groups). temporal, perioral region, frontal areas, and nose, which had
The decrease in nodule size in the itraconazole + PDT group appeared in merely two weeks after sun exposure in France
was significantly greater than in the PDT and itraconazole (figure 1A). The patient had been applying a skin-lightening
groups. However, no significant difference was observed cream containing hydroquinone on her face for the past two
between the PDT and itraconazole groups. It seems that months. We initially suspected lupus erythematosus or der-
PDT and itraconazole have a synergistic effect and are matomyositis for this facial eruption after sun exposure and
effective as treatment for sporotrichosis in mouse mod- performed a skin biopsy from a temporal lesion. Histologi-
els. Similar outcomes have been described for candida spp. cal examination showed clusters of irregularly shaped thick
in other studies. This study presents valuable information fibres with round or indented/angular contours in the pap-
about PDT effectiveness in the treatment of sporotrichosis. illary dermis. These fibres were ochre-coloured and had a
Combination therapy with PDT plus itraconazole could be basophilic/violaceous peripheral rim (figures 1B, C); they
an effective treatment for those patients who fail to respond were weakly stained by orcein but were negative with alcian
to itraconazole alone. In the future, PDT may be a valuable blue, toluidine blue, Perls, and Fontana-Masson stains, and
adjuvant therapy for a wide range of infectious disorders. were not birefringent under polarized light. The patient’s
urinary levels of homogentisic acid were normal. The diag-
nosis of exogenous ochronosis was established.
Ochronosis is a rare disorder characterized by blue-black or
grey-blue pigmentation of the skin, which reflects the his-
References tological finding of abnormal yellow-brown deposits in the
dermis. Exogenous ochronosis (EO) is clinically and histo-
logically similar to endogenous ochronosis (alkaptonuria),
an autosomal recessive condition due to deficiency in
1. Heck R, Ferrari T, Cartell A, Bakos RM. Clinical and dermoscopic homogentisate 1,2-dioxygenase, but lacks systemic symp-
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toms and is not inherited. Predisposing factors of EO
2. Kornberg R, Ackerman AB. Pseudomelanoma: recurrent
include sun exposure, application of skin-lightening agents,
melanocytic nevus following partial surgical removal. Arch Dermatol such as hydroquinone, phenol or resorcinol, or follow-
1975; 111: 1588-90. ing the use of systemic antimalarials. The pathogenesis is
3. Botella-Estrada R, Nagore E, Sopena J, et al. Clinical, der- poorly understood but the most likely hypothesis stipulates
moscopy and histological correlation study of melanotic pigmentations that local competitive inhibition of the enzyme homogen-
in excision scars of melanocytic tumours. Br J Dermatol 2006; 154: tisic oxidase by hydroquinone leads to accumulation of
homogentisic acid in the skin and ochronotic pigment in
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the papillary dermis [1].
5. Katz SI, Hall RP, Lawley TJ, Strober W. Dermatitis herpetiformis: the
Histological examination is mandatory to confirm the diag-
skin and the gut. Ann Intern Med 1980; 93: 857-74. nosis; it shows ochre-coloured, sometimes banana-shaped
6. Ohata C, Ishii N, Niizeki H, et al. Unique characteristics fibres in the papillary dermis and swollen collagen bun-
in Japanese dermatitis herpetiformis. Br J Dermatol 2016; 174: dles. Dermoscopy and reflectance confocal microscopy are
180-3. non-invasive tools which may help to establish the diag-
7. Diamond I, Granelli SG, McDonagh AF, Nielsen S, Wilson CB, nosis of EO [2, 3]. Typical dermoscopy findings include
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structures around the follicular openings. Reflectance con-
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entific evidence in antimicrobial photodynamic therapy: an alternative
focal microscopy reveals dark, well-defined, round-to-oval
approach for reducing cariogenic bacteria. Photodiagnosis Photodyn and banana-shaped structures in the papillary dermis, which
Ther 2019. doi: 10.1016/j.pdpdt.2019.03.012. correlate with the histological findings. However, these

EJD, vol. 29, n◦ 2, March-April 2019 239


Figure 1. A) Dark brown pigmented macules of the face. B, C) Histological examination after haematoxylin-eosin-saffron
Copyright © 2019 John Libbey Eurotext. Téléchargé par M. JEAN KANITAKIS le 22/05/2019.

staining shows characteristic ochre-coloured fibres with a basophilic rim in the papillary dermis ([B] ×100, [C] ×250).

structures do not correspond to any previously described An 81-year-old female patient presented with an 18-mm
structures of the skin. nodular basal cell carcinoma of the left medial eyebrow
The treatment of EO is complex. Skin-lightening products (figure 1A). The tumour was surgically removed with a
should be discontinued. Several topical treatments have 4-mm margin, resulting in a 26-mm wide defect. For
been tried with inconsistent results [3], including 0.05% reconstruction, a Z-plasty transposition flap was performed
retinoic acid, 20% azelaic acid, and 1% hydrocortisone. (figures 1B, C). Six months after surgery, no recurrence
More recent alternatives include the use of Q-switched was noted and a good functional and aesthetic outcome
lasers of longer wavelengths, alone or in combination with was obtained.
CO2 laser, and a combination of laser and dermabrasion.  The eyebrows are a prominent feature of the upper third
of the face and play an important role in facial aesthetics,
Disclosure. Conflicts of interest: none. emotional expression, and non-verbal communication [1].
In addition, the skin of the eyebrows is thick and contains
abundant sweat and sebaceous glands [2], therefore, in cases
of inevitable skin transplantation, donor sites should have
References similar properties. Hence, the reconstruction of eyebrow
defects may represent a challenge for the dermatological
1. Bhattar P, Zawar V, Godse K, Patil S, Nadkarni N, Gautam M. surgeon. If possible, direct closure should be performed,
Exogenous Ochronosis. Indian J Dermatol 2015; 60: 537-43. especially for small defects.
2. Gil I, Segura S, Martínez-Escala E, et al. Dermoscopic and In our case, direct closure was not feasible given the defect
reflectance confocal microscopic features of exogenous ochronosis. size and the fact that this would have had a significant func-
Arch Dermatol 2010; 146: 1021-5. tional and aesthetic impact. Several techniques have been
3. Simmons BJ, Griffith RD, Bray FN, Falto-Aizpurua LA, Nouri described for larger defects, including grafts and numer-
K. Exogenous ochronosis: a comprehensive review of the diag-
nosis, epidemiology, causes, and treatments. Am J Clin Dermatol
ous flaps, such as Limberg, Dufourmentel, O-Z or A-T.
2015; 16: 205-12. Transposition flaps take advantage of regional laxity by
mobilizing tissue from an adjacent area of excess laxity
into the area without slack. Also, the primary advantages
of transposition flaps include less undermining, compared
to large sliding flaps, and the superior ability to displace
tension away from the defect and from free margins [3].
In particular, the Z-plasty transposition flap is an excellent
DermSurgery: Z-plasty transposition flap choice for scar camouflage [4]. Thus, a Z-plasty transposi-
for reconstruction of the medial eyebrow tion flap offered an excellent reconstructive option in our
Álvaro MACHADO1 , Mónica CAETANO1,2,3 , Z-plasty is a procedure which involves the transposition of
Manuela SELORES1,2,3 two interdigitating triangular flaps [5]. Traditional Z-plasty
is designed to ensure that the length of both the lateral and
1 Department of Dermatology, Centro Hospitalar, central limbs and the angles created by their junction are
e-mail: alvmac@gmail.com equal (figure 1B). In our case, due to the size and location of
2 Instituto de Ciências Biomédicas Abel Salazar,
3 Dermatology Research Unit, Centro Hospitalar Universitário do Porto,
the defect, a modified approach was performed (figure 1B).
Porto, Portugal
In this technique, full-thickness skin flaps are undermined
at the level of the subcutaneous fat. Adequate undermining

240 EJD, vol. 29, n◦ 2, March-April 2019

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