Unit 10

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ll iflro) Cs-AUsE$ (EE)

A canntbal is a person who goes into
RrlRrlvr ClRusrs a restaurant and orders the waiter.
Jack BenttY

;i=,=,=r.,,o,* ff\#!4'l:;fl BEaF,r

+ AII the fans'.;:'i:c/ti:::t had tickets were allowed in. s Allthe fans, who had tickets, were allowed in.
+ He went to a party *i:tei:/ihai; was very strange. .r He went to a party, whieh was very strange.
'' I iound the bag ;*;hi+i:/i.hat) you left in the boot .t The bag, whiclr yru Eett sl"r ii':i,, i-i*r,,-l +f tli€ +e.,,r,
of the car. had my passport in it.
.:' The woman
i."'i!l:: ts) living across the road from .t Tom's teacher, u,rllo is ilv!ng* *c;r*ss ti"rc l'ra,"i
us is Tom's teacher. 'ii',itrill ff$, is a very
nice woman.

@ a
F no+leu ms/Ao,rsERBS g. Fmer,los!',llo[{s
'+ am I speaking t*? .,,,fi"r,: + To whom am I speaking?
3 ii';ri-itilh stop do we get off :"r:t? + At which stop do we get off?
-r He's got a sister ,l'tir:ai ira= f: l'i,:,,,l.lri(; 'li;rth a Sauna. + He's got a sister whose house has a sauna.
; That's the house iii'ii.rri I was born in./
That's the [6ggs r,:*'i:*i;r:: I was born. + That's the house in which I was born

ALL whom i There were twenty people on the bus,

tourists. tli r:f vl,hom were
'@ SOME I OF which -: The shop had a lot of beautiful rugs, :j;t:)[]r1i.1,.:l iii,.l'ria;tl cost over t1,000.
, NONE t whose .:, lnto the church walked Raymond, i,i. !ti: L il iir'[l:;.t,:t relatives would speak to him

t@ u:*a,11 Ft;l :r:_l5::r Tjr.jl @ "V'll;ti" iHEFu-AGri[i.i F.;El.d.iT?U#

iP no ru i+ u giA Di.{ E a B$
; lirii it did not rain on the picnic was a miracle. (sublect) i+

: r i.r;..,,; ,l:..r* they wourd be rate. (object) 'r lt was il"r'ln ti"re:t* I realised who she was.
.: -rir+
i..r,.::i+:* ii .,i:t.:i* there are so few funds.
i TheY did everything thflt* they could to help.
(complement of subject) " The best thing thei* you can do is say nothing'
, His accusation, :;,::: I had lied, is without grounds, (apposition) t ]!at's the tenth time today tl'aa't* you'ye asked me.
: ltisnot,.rr::.-.!:::1,.r*theywill agree. (complementoi ,aprr,*r1 : Thereisonething'r[la!,worriesmeaboutthis.
* that can Oe omineo
r There are some i:trisit would disagree with you.
* that can be omiftec

,{giJ ,'. :-, '..,= ,..::..:..::. ;r!;:,a5.7i;ii;_-;,!ili.f.tjy.t--.1ii,, .1.,,,!...

'= me. (sublect)
::.':'..,- he said intrigued ' he went after that is a mystery. (subject)
r She did not know :i,,i::.i to say. (object) ; They refused to tell us ;iriry they came late. (object)

Qqlll !i;' ;t :, E :l E i- / r i;i ;"3,ra l' lij t= F-t /

g'lf it I g i-X E V E fr] ..,
* 'r:r*:::.ri.'Said that iS an idiOt. ., Take i.,,:,i;il;h,;',:i,;i'magazine yOU Want.
.; YOu Can buy l,qri';;-1.,*:",i,:;;' you need. J YOU Can gO '.",iih:ener:'*:/r,y!.lel.gryelr yOU wiSh.
i_3!?Ei;r= ?;::ie;i+e
:. Thb architect designed a house without a kitchen. The house...
.-:. You have a choice of rooms. you can...
:." Of all these tombs, where was the king buried? 1r...
.,'. None of the ten positions I called about were still vacant. t catted...
i. lt was cruel of him to smack his children. He smacked...
,--. YY5, he came is a mystery. No one...
-:,. There may be some side effects, but it is not Iikely. lr rs...
-,. She was speechless. s/re did not know...
,, His sudden appearance caused quite a sti. That...
:.... They've agreed to publish the book, but it may not come out until next summer. rhe book,...
ll+ -: lI
EffiII I
&meffHn#,&ffi &rueuvsm$


t Tr M E Corluucrroxs/AovERBs
r' ;,,'l.i ,:i.1,:rii a:i; we (had) reached our seats, the curtain went up.
as, as soon/long as, after, before, * UponlAn reaching our seafs, the curtain went up.
by (the time), hardly, immediately, I i=:iivilrr,-it {(ji'ie it_tt:, the music began.
The curtain
th e moment I m i nute (th at), * Ihe moment the curtain wentlhad gone up, the music began.
no sooner, now (that),
(up)on, once, srnce,
,' ['iai'iii:,r had the music begun *:il:*ri there was a power cut.
soon after, the $ooner... the...,
* No sooner had the music begun than there was a power cut.
till, (not) until, when(ever), .i
rl ilit:;r+ ,::itiili iJ'ihrli'i/#:ftr:i'the lights came on again 1;lii.ri I realised
while, only whenlafier the man next to me was dead.
.+ filot untillOnly whenlafter the lights came on again did
I realise that the man next to me was dead.

;' The new measures have $,;ci lic- a drop in crime. ir
* A drop in crime has come about because of fhe new measures.
.r i'ht} i't:elillr:il :iii:}, he did not attend the conference was that he was ill
,* He did not attend the conference on account of being illlhis illness.
as (a result ot), because
(of), tor, now that, .: i'ii,r';ri"r:.i no money, we could not go out.
on account ot, due to, * Since we had no money, we could not go out.
seeing that, since .r He was sacked L;,**:a*s:r: he was a careless worker.
* He was sacked tor being a careless worker.
F. ; I'jr:r',r ii:rzvinq read the book, how can I comment?
* Seerng that I have not read the book, how can I comment?

L I t't X I U C A OV e n g I A LS: exp r*s s,..ri, gg rr* a s n n:r

; The investigation was called off r,':r.; it was proving fruitless.

n The investigation was proving fruitless, so lf was called off .
therefore, thus,
so, as, hence,
* The investigation was proving fruitless; it was, therefore, called off .

e The investigation was proving fruitless; consequently, it was called off.

consequently, ,; Company sales have fallen.ld,:c+;:eil;ri;i,.i, some jobs will have to go.
in that case .: Airports are easy targets for terrorists. i';'-+;, ;:. the need for stricter security.
,: The press published the minister's remarks, iiiu::: forcing him to resign.
: "lt'lltaketoolongsendingthisbypost.""l::rlii,iti:*se,senditbycourier."
--. r,. : i., 1 . .!.
ri -
-i i:;.: l= !r- :',:-: ., ) . | : r:..

i. He went straight to the bank afier getting paid. ,ns...

!. He parked on a double yellow line and was given a ticket. He received o ticket for...
3. He made a smaller batch as he didn't have enough ingredients. sinee...
.-i.' They had just found their seats when the music started. uardly...
ii. The entire weekend was spoiled thanks to Debbie and her friends. on occount...
First insert the correct change, then make your selection. Hoving...
?. They couldn't find anyone to sponsor the event. Consequently it was cancelled. seeing...
.==. As soon as you arrive, book a return seat. lmmediately..-

S. They couldn't assemble the toy because they lacked the instructions. Hoving...
"::-. I knew he couldn't be trusted as soon as I laid eyes on him. rhe minute...

Jfro) ffi,urqu;s,inl;; (ifi H.),

CIRusrS oF MnrvNER
How/ADvEnes/AovrBB rALs...
' r Do as you are told!
' l-don't know how you managed to pass
your driving test without lessons. He treats his staff in a very offhand
"i Fm&$rneB'
i, He spoke conficlentiy and persuasirre6y. .r Nick walked into the room with a swagger.
.' She makes lemon meringue pie like/ 'r The clerk looked at me a$ if/tharug8l
i:r;; i;:e cailc lre; my mother does. I was/were an idiot,

SprcllL TnlusroRMATIoNs
I He glanced at her *uspfciousiv. I He glanced at her with a suspicious look.
. character.
I was a r:ir.,-j ludge of his 4 I completely misjudged his character.
:, His wir;'r: seifless and eoureqer;us. s He acted selflessly and courageously.
,'The =;tier=s
patient iirri+eei alohg the corridor. 4 The patient walked along the corridor with a limp.
I lt was the first time l'd heard her sing lii:ethiat. 4 She sang in a way that l'd never heard before.
' lt's a iie::t=nesrir.le-!61<e church. q The church is built in a Romanesgue styJe.
r' The public was *rio!"'-*r-,Lrslr/ en'tilusias{ii: s The play was received with enormous enthusrasm.
about the new play. t
He speaks very persuasively.
He's a very i.::v:iui:ii',,i+ speaker 4 He speaks with gregt persuasion.
He speaks in a very persuasiye waylmanner,

PReposrrrons ,> 'r They walked up tt:e l":l!i to the castle. ? Joan now lives nE"ir*aen.
1. lt's not i:eii:; we'll have to look r:lsevuhere. .r,
Aovenarats Lenny works a mile frorn Eren:e.

Specral Gxlrces
=' I left it here. + Ihls is wherc I left it.
€ We've looked everywhere. + There is nowhere we have not looked.
+ Wherever you look, there's litter. + No mattdr where you look, there's litter.
's This species is umiqr:e ts Asia. + Nowhere else but in Asia does fhrs species exlsf.
,i Poverty is a univcrsal problem. + Povefty exrsfs all over the world.
.3 lt doesn't *iatter where you leave it. + Leave it anywhere you like.
,i+ ean yeu tell me which
office he is in? + Can you dfuect me to his office?
G trt wes my finst tcme 5ri Paris. + l'd never been lo Paris before.
+ Throw the ball the fudhest dEstanee you can. + Throw the ballas far as you can.

i. Your recipe for onion soup is the same as mine. yoa fiake...
2, His tone of voice suggested that I was responsible for the error. tte spoke in.."
;'" You can take her children anywhere and they'll never misbehave. /vo...
.:. Their handling of the afiair was devoid of any tacl. They handted...
:, Very reluctantly, he boarded the train. With.,.
t. His passion when acting is bgundless. He acts...
,.i. His behaviour was disgraceful and unforgivable . He behaved in...
3. You'll onlyfind beaches likethat in the lvlaldives. Nowhere...
'.,i. You would have thought that I was
a child the way he spoke to me! He spake..
1*. They were not very enthusiastic about the proposal. rhey greeted...
---=+\:l :
Ii- : G/-,rril .! rr-,
" .,: ,.'i:l;u ;il,:: ! ii ' I " .. - *- .,',-, I u
clRusrs oF cournRsT/coMpARlsoN/coNCESStON
& changes in part of speech

I , He's extremely wealthy, hugt he is not a happy man.

$ '* WhilelWhilstlEven if lthough he is extremely wealthy, he is not a happy man.
n For all his wealth, he is not a happy man.
-while,hut .+ He's extremely wealthy, yet he is not a happy man.
(at least)' -,
The north has all the commerce, vyHrereas the south has all the industry.
whereas, even (it), byl * The north has allthe commerce. The south, bylin contrastlon the other hand,
in contrast (to), has all the industry.
yet, tor all, ,' e The north has all the commerce in contrast to the south, which has all the industry.
on the other hand, , How can I ask him for help when he won't eve!"! speak to me?
instead"' :
'lt's very hot herein summer, E*ut a'u Eeast it is not humid.
', The previous warehouse did not have as much space as the new one.
q The new warehouse is much more spacious than the previous one.
, There's iittie t* eh+Gse Flretvir*en the twoE' wines. The tvvo wines are much of a muchness.
' , l\4etal doors iasr $*r,g*l' trs:: wooden ones. q Metal doors are more durable than wooden ones. :h
. ?h'* i'i-rrthest I have ever run is five miles. a The greatest drsfance I have ever run is five miles.
. Craig tag{es hic werli rnr::'e s.:er'[e,r,*s[y tirai: Andy. + Andy is less conscientious a worker than Craig.


: Changing weather patterns eaused/led te/re$rlE{ed In/were respomsihle'6'r:;1"
extensive flooding and fires worldwide in 2002. '
q Ertensive flooding and fires worldwide in 2002 resulfed/stemmedl
lll arose fromlwere a consequence of changing weather patterns.
, Erratic economic policy l*rought the government ei*vul'r.
cause, bring about, q Erratic economic policy led to the collapse of.the government.
result fromlin,
lead to, stem/an'se ' The nation is so indifferent to the plight of its poor that it aame [n fos
f rom,
international condemnation.
,q National indifference to the plight of its poor led tolresulted inlgave rise to
give rise to, he a
i nte r n ati o n al c o n d e m n ati o n.
consequence of,
come to the . The inconsistencies in his version of the accident ied police to
believe that he was lying
conclusion that, '* Hr's yersion of the accident was so incOnsistent that police came to the conclusion
be responslble for... that he was lying.
I She was dismissed fr:r heinE incompetent.
e Her incompetence lecl her to be drsmis sedlled to her dismissatlberng drsmrssed.
a consequence cf the Samson murder
' Changes in the law trial.
'q The Samson murder trial brought about changes in the taw.
t] ':--",r, -'.::. ;' :1;" .- 1' : ;

t. While he is quite famous, he remains a simple man with simple tastes. ror alt,,.
2. The water shortage arose from an exceptionally dry winter. The winter was...
3. He had an experience as a child which made him elaustrophobic. His ctawstrophobia seents to be...
4; The auditorium is large, but the gym has more space. The gyn is...
5. A military coup brought down the newly-elected government.
rhe fall of the newly-elected government was...
6. George composed the music, and lra wrote the lyrics. Whereas...
7, He disobeyed the rules and was consequently disqualified. ae was disquotified for,.,
8. You may be older than I am, but you are nowhere near as strong. Even...
*. The wooden chairs, in contrast to the plastic ones, were built to last a very long time.
The wooden chairs are much...
1S. They captured him after an anonymous tip, nr anonymous tip led..,

I ri,i P ttr.rrl: c ii'D H I,:i s

@, w**t,gt
,: I need money, not advice. : lwas amazed by his nerve to ask for money.
p lt's money that I need, not advice. * What amazed rne n/as his nerve to ask for money.
t', + What I need is money, not advice. ,r There,s nothing I like more than to watch
e Money l's what I need, not advice. the sunset from my balcony.
- * The thing I need most is money, not advice. * What I like most is to watch the sunset from my batcony.
ptace * ]he
high winds caused them to cancel the ferry.

= rhe_accident happened
,e lhrs l's whe.re the accident happened.
here. ':#,32,f&'fn1"frf,jthe
hish winds that thev

rr rrs here uiat the accident happened. : ;|rt li):3:T#,tTro,:i:f;:;#:t

{* Where the accident happened was here.}
. ,;;; il;;; i"ln" *.rn
tirire " ' .+ lf must have been the wrong office"n,*.
that you went to.
; YoushouldgoinMarch. ';'Thecostisimmaterial. + Itdoesntmatterwhatffcosfs.
q March rs when you should go. .:, I assume that you,ll be at the meeting.
,* It's in March that you should go. , + I take it that you wiil be at the meetiig.
, {'o When you shoulQ go is in March.} .,, Living here is great. * lt's great living here.

\:YJ . - :: ' ....

: riovu he did it, l'll never know. r W[:o was it who told you?
' !V!ry he said that escapes me. ,r Wherever took your keys, it was not me
,; Where I really wanted to go was lndia.

r' 'illlj '.'.r "i ,

s It was Kate who spotted him in the sfreet yesterday.

j Kate spotted him in I It was him Kate spotted in the street yesterday.
the street yesterday
I t It was in the street that Kate spotted him yesterday.
/t was yesterday that Kate spotfed him in the street.

.r .Ali I know is that he was arrested. I don't know what for '] He gave me no help a'[ a[8/vuhatsoever.
': They promised me a sea view but atrl t c*utc$ ': You've been very helpful flmeieee$; thank you
see was the street. -'; That's the veny thing l'm afraid of.
: l'm not in thc least hrit worried./l'm not worried .; lt was ['l!s ourn n]on€y; he didn't steal it.
in the siightest. , T&:at he will agree is unlikely.
.; I do hope you'll be able to join us at the weekend.
: She wanted to have a wild party and boy, sid shel

t'r i.. i,- i .

1. My computer has a builtin fax and modem, which is very useful. It's...
2. I wasn't surprised that she resigned, but that she took so long to do it. what...
3. We stayed there last year, too. That.,
4; lfind the fact that they gave us no notice very annoying. What...
5. Working down the mines all those years caused him to have health problems. tt was...
6. The onlything in sightwas afactory. All t...
7. His reasons for refusing to answer my question escape me. Why he...
B. The first thing you should do is consult a lawyer. what...

From whom did you getinis information? who was...
10. She could have been referring to her ex-husband. /t.. :


rffi t

J[ r0] Cg-ffANGEs, & ffiEPrEffiASHNG

': affect/interest/suspect/trust . have an effect on/interest in/a suspicion that/trust in
+ argue/fight/meet/discuss + have an argumentfiight/meeting/discussion
.; choose/intend/fear/control/know/feel * have (a) choice/intentionfiear of/control/knowledgefeeling
.; like/hate/crave/admire/prefer + have (a) fondness/liking/hatred/craving/admiration/preference for
Pur Benn Do
, enforce a put into effect , have sth against + bear a grudge s damage/injure
s forget + put behind .: pay (for) * bear the cost/expense (of) '+ do damage/injury (to)
., ruin/spoil r put pajd to : relate (to) + bear (a) relation (to) .: imitate r do an imitation
: stop r putastopto ' I resemble q beaiaresemblance(to) + research * doresearchin/into
r taxipressure/identify : succeed + bear fruit ExpReSS
* put a tax/pressure/ ; support .* bear the weight of r regret/thank/want/long for
one's finger on ' a express one's regret/gratitude/
desire/ronging for
Mnrs Surren
-; decide/complain/compare/suggest/ask/contribute

roP- =qqr

a decisionicomplaint/comparison/suggestion/request/contribution a/the loss/injuries/defeat/damage

Aoleerrvr + I ololvts/ExpREssroNs
, broke e
hard up/not have a nervous 4 0n edge strict + hard on
penny to one's name old a past (its) prime/over the hill/ tired q worn out
busY +
on the go getting on/out of date uncomfodable * ill at ease
deaf hard of hearing pooildestitute + down and out unhaPPY * down in the mouth
impossible + out of the question practical/realistic "r down to earth upset/rebellious s up in arms
likely e
on the cards rich * well-to-do worried .+ beside oneself
mad + off one's head slow/stupid q slow on the uptake ' embarrassed + red in the face
a {gy* Hg*p YffieE\esF@ffi $s&T"EG&r
t. She is craving some chocolate-covered cherries. (has)
She chocolate-covered cherries.
:':. There are many colours to choose from. (cfroice)

..:. ;1. lost most of his books in the fire. (suffered)

He in the fire.
r:" The factory workers were upset about the planned budget cuts, (arms)
The factory workers budget cuts,
r,. She doesn't feel comfortable with strangers. (ilI)
She strangers.
i:. Andrew contributed invaluably to the fund-raising event for charity. (made)
Andrew fund-raising event for charity.
i. Try and forget the whole experience or it will upset you and your family. (put)
Try and it will upset you and your family
t, I think his experiments will succeed this time. (fruit)
I think this time
-*., She damaged the car badly when she backed into the tree. (drd)
She when she backed into the tree. I

ir.:. He said he longed for the tastes and smells of his native land. (expressed)
He ... of his native land

ffi :t

EN*NNGE.$ .& ffi EPE{ffiASINffi

Vrne ) Pxnlsal VeRe Pxnlslr- Vrne t Pnnasll VERB/lDroM

attribute 16 a put down to allow for + take into account make up + bury the hatchet
complete e get through blow up *
go up (in flames) make up for + make amends for
continue 4 go on
!. break up "e go (their) separate ways move up + climb the ladder
deduct e take off
bring round g talk into Pick uP + call for
despise r
look down on
close down * go out of business o
discern + make out pull down raze to ihe ground
discontinue o break off come across a stumble on ring off * hang up
expire *
run out do away ryi1fi '+ get rid of run through d use up
Iearn e pick up draw uP Er come to a halt
see to r take care of/look after
mention'* bring/cbme up fall back on * rely on
send for "+ call in
perform/execute 4 carry out
fall in with ,t agree to
pester q keep.on at show sb up .+ put sb to shame
fall through B come to nothing
postpone + put off '- show up d stand out
proceed e go ahead with get away q ta(e time off
stand by + side with/stick up for
recover q get over give oneself up o turn oneself in
take in * pull the wool over sb's eyes
refuse * turn down give up 4 cut out
require e call for give uP "t throw in the towel take off/start a get off the ground
resemble + take after hand down q pass on think over * give (it) some thought (to)
return e put back r try out .+ give sth/it a go/whirl
hang/hold on to keep hold of
show a point out
* turn in q hit the sack/hay
support back up * hold off keep back/at bay
withdraw s back out keep in with -r stay on good terms with watch out for be on the lookout for/

withstand stand up to* knock off * call it a day keep an eye out for
yield r
give in look down on . turn one's nose u at wind + bri to an end/draw to a close

i :; E! gry :: :,ilf i3 i,i a I' f;,::: it * F ir R ii* j,i'ii I fli f\:
tx tr. Don't you think it's time you went to bed, David? (turned)
Don't you .........,.....,.... ..,., David?
2" Was my name mentioned? (up)
Did ............ name?
3. lt's a shame to quit now that you have come so far. (towel)
Don't havepome 5o far.
4" lt took a lot of time and effoft to get Ron's new business started. (off)
Ittook a lot of time and effort ,.,....... ground
5. I could just discern the figure of a man through the fog. (make)
through the fog
5. These old laws should be abolished. (done)
These with
7. I was completely taken in by his hard-luck story. (wool)
q He completely his hard-luck story
B. Philip is lucky to have his parents to turn to for financial help. (hack)
Philip is lucky to have his parents help
L lt's such a shame that Terry and Carla broke up. (separate)
. lf onlY ....'... ways.
1S. Judy's thinking about moving to
Judy's .........,::,....,... France
11, l'm tired; Iet's knock off now, Paul. (day)
l'm tired; ,.., Paul
12. Our plans to visit Jamaica again, (nothing)
Our plans to visit Jamaica agan.

ffi tj
Jf,ro} C,+e'n.ru Gffi s. &. ffi E P E{Fr,sls.E,N,G,
SPTCIAL Cnsrs (l)
e She taiks abar:t nolhing but food. + Food is her sole topic of conversation.
, *r He ti:ought it appropriate to retire. * He saw fit to retire.
3 You ri**'i ha!-re ia pai; far it. + There's no charge for it.
? I ean't !rn?r!re r"rh.; she came. r) I haven't the slightestffaintesVremotest idea why she came.
€ l{a.r+ a quiek lt*k at this. 4 Cast an eye over this.
'j She was se*€ to prlson for one year. 6 She was given a one-year prison sentence.
.3 He's very bus.y. r) He has his hands full.
a li !s m1; sp"inion that.., 6 As far as I can see...
3 Fi* sufJers frcrr feelings of inadequacy i+ He's prey to feelings of inadequacy.
She a!*:s Es beaame director. q She has set her sights on becoming director.
3 You d+n'i have te dp military service. 4 . You're exempt from military service.
's I thi*k i was light to leave. !4 I have no regrets about leaving.
e He rlicl the maths problem in seconds. B He found a/the solution to the maths problem in seconds.
+ h was aceepta!:le i* ali/ev*r"ghedy. q Nobody raised an objection (to it).
+ Your stress ie seii-iniiiqted. q Your stress is of your own making.
-+ When (winter) *e.qai:... 4 At the onset of (winter)...
'j These shoes'*c te,nger ht her. d She has grown out of her shoes,
catches colds easiilr. q She's susceptible to colds.
'3-e She
Tc * **ffieirr exient... + ln some respects...
+ (Your birthday) cainii*es wiih... q (Your birthday) is on the same day as...
.3 You'll iinci this very us*ful. 4 This will come in handy.
'e The permit +xpir*s on lst May. B The permit is valid until 1st May/The permit runs out on 1st May,
The expiry date offor the permit is 1st May.


i" The burglar was sent to prison for six months. (a)
The burglar ... sentence
2. With six children to look after, she's extremely busy. (hands)
With six children ... full
;r. There are several categories of people who do not have to pay the new tax. (exempt)
There are several categories the new tax,
4. He talked about nothing buttheweather. (sole)
His ..,,. weather
5. ln the end, I felt I had been right to leave the club. (regrefs)
ln the end, ...;............... the club.
S. Their problems are all self-inflicted, if you ask me. (making)
Their problems ...,....,..., if you ask me
?= It is my opinion that there is no advantage in furlher discussion. (see)
As ......,.,..,,. . no advantage in further discussion
8. The proposals are acceptable to everybody. (raised)
Nobody proposals
9. This licence is valid until 31st December, 2012. (expiry)
The ,...,....... 31st December,2012
it]. The Prime Minister felt it appropriate to make a statement. (fit)
The Prime Minister statement
11. He did the puzzle in two minutes. (solution)
He ...,...,..... the puzzle in two minutes
12. That jumper you knitted for my daughter no longer fits her. (grown)
My daughter for her.

re d

SprcrAL Cnsrs (ll)

o His health is ir'::prcring. 4 His health is showing signs of improvement.
g Fle was quite frank abeut it. + He made no secret of it.
* They have stareei their belongings. 4 They have put their belongings into storage.
+ Cniy the state can own land. 4 The state has a monopoly on land ownership.
\ s The elderly *ome lirstibefore *nyone else. n The elderly haveitake priority over everyone else.
s He has been made reducldant. r+ He has lost his job.
'+ lt was nei {veryi successful. 4 It met with no/little success.
* She dsesn't agree with me. s She doesn't share my views/opinions/ideas.
* Spinach sorltain$ a lot sf iron. 4 Spinach has a very high iron content.
e Bemember the homeless at Christmas. E+ Spare a thought for the homeless at Christmas.
+ Prices may uary,' 4 Prices are subject to change.
+ They meet cR alternate Fridays. 4 They meet every other Friday.
* lt's far frem perfect. 4 It has its shortcomings.
s tle alten gets/suffurs fronr... a He is prone to,..
+ He was d+termi*ed i0 stay. 4 He had no intention of leaving.
e That's all t have to sey. + There's nothing Ican add.
* You should r*ske tlle rirest of your free time. 4 You should put your free time to good use. I

3 lt deesn'? rnatl*r hcv,r old you are, you need a ticket. I 4 Everyone needs a ticket, irrespective/regardless of age.
,* She ieoks lust like hermother. q She's the spitting image of her mother.
* He never stops asking questions. q There's no limit to the number of questions he asks.
e i don't sare afiy i?rore. * l'm past caring.
* Feur peopie have access to this information. 4 This is privileged inlormation.
+ He ran the 1S$ metres fasier than anyone in the world. 4 He holds/broke the world record for the 100 metres.
* She said nothing 're*ause she did flot'want an argumefit. + For the sake of peace, she said nothing.

"t ,.HEY,' Bg* Rs Ymapi g pemftfr erg*r€


* t. The employment scheme proved to be unsuccessful after all. (met)

The employment .......... afier all,
2. Terry did not agree with me about the best way to proceed. (share)
Terry did not ...,.,,,..... ....',,..,...,.,...,. .... to proceed.
3. While l'm abroad I intend storing my furniture with a local removal firm. (put)
While l'm abroad I intend ,.. a local [emovalfirm.
4. lt seems highly unlikely that the weather will improve during the next few days. (shows)
The weather ............... ,..,. the next few days.
5. Skimmed milk contains very little fat. (content)
The .,....,,.... low
6. The open-air concens in the park take place on alternate Sundays. (other)
The open-air concerts ...... Sunday
ri lovely, sunny dayl
8. John was quite frank about his criminal record. (secret)
John..,....,.. .............. Criminal record.

other patients.

0ur bus timetable change.

11. Ours is the only company allowed to import these chemicals. (monopoty)
Our company ........ of these chemicals.
12, There have been a lot of redundancies in that area. gbbs)

ffi t
Jf, ro}
ir#! ; 1
i< r: i.,,t0 f: E' T Fl41 p€ S F€, R il4 &T ! e Ii{

i. Doesn't anyone but me care about this issue? (onty)

Aml. this issue?

.i. l'm particularly.looking fonrvard to visiting the Taj Mahalwhen l'm in lndia. 1is)
What ......... visiting the Taj Mahal when l'm in lndia.

:-.j. i firmly believed'Martt to be telling the truth, (my)

It was ,... the truth,

;. The colour photography was the best part of the film for me. (most)
What L, the colour photography

,=,. The number of places offered on the course has been drastically reduced owing to lack of funds. (te
Lack of funds ..................,..,....... the number of places offered on the course.

i:,. I was amazed at the speed with which Chris learned to drive. (how)
, lfound drive.
;'. I can't accept your explanation at all, Janet. (find)

, Janet

,':. John's illness lasted for three months. (was)

It ........,. had.

. He'll settle down and then his performance will improve. (setfles)

r,. My decision to get up and dance coincided with the band s decision to stop playing. (moment)
The ......;.......... , the band decided to stop playing

' . The fate of the two climbers is unknown. (mystery)

It is a ......... climbers.

'::. I don't know which way he'll be coming, but he should be here by this evening. (comes)
Whichever .,...... by this evening

;'',. Owing to a traffic accident, he arrived lale. (due)

His late accident

: '. I should like someone to take me out to dinner. (is)

What ,........ out to dinner

:,: He did not care for parties, perhaps because he was shy. (of)
Perhaps because parties.

,'iE\ i'
HS {

Usrc ffir ffiNqmLrlsmfi




i. Nobody approved of Harry's behaviour. (meet)
Harry's approval

:. The [i/inister resigned because of errors in his department. (brought)

The Minister's ........,....,, ........ in his department

3. The new model is very similar to the old one. (bears)

The new model .., .,. old one.
,i" Severalflights have had to be cancelled because ol heavy snowfalls. (resutted)
Heavy snowfalls flights.

:i. The committee is trying to resolve its financial problems. (solution)

The committee .....,. financial problems.

i:;" The coach's tactics were directly responsible for the team's defeat. (conseguence)
The team's defeat
,'. The athlete's hopes of an international career were dashed by an accident during training. (paid)

q An accident ....,...:.......,... of an international career

:1. The cause of the explosion is still unknown. (caused)

What ......... a mystery

-9,. That was such a serious crime that he deserves the maximum penalty. (so)
For ..., ..... he deserves the maxintum penalty

i 3. The fact that nobody said anything at the time surprised me, (was)
What anything at the time.

i !. The one the judges chose was Mary. (who)

It ,. .. ......,...,.. chose
'i2, The furthest I have ever swum is a mile. (greatest)
tl The a mile.

13. I don't know if James can speak French; I've never put that question to him. (asked)
- Nevgr ...;.;............. ..,.., I don't know if James can speak French.

f 4. Nobody knows what happened to the money. (mystery)

It.........,.,.. .,. the money
'i5" lt took three hours to get there, but we all agreed we were
happy we had done it. @orth)
... ,. it



C@N N,EET:ffi,ms, = ffil@mmp,

SroueNce Wnlr ls/Apprnns To BE Tnur/FncruAl

in the first place, at the beginning, first of all, in effect, indeed, at first sight, in fact, in ,tj
at first, for one thing, to begin with, secondly, practice/theory, for all practical purposes,
in the second plabe, in addition to (that), to all intents and purposes, on the face of it,
apart from (that), moreover, furthermore, as a matter of fact, the fact of the matter is that i;:,

what is more, besides, yet, and also, not s, On the face of it, she seerns very reasonable ":''
only... but also, finally, lastly, eventually, at/in but she'll pickyou up on any small mistake.
the end, at last, in the last resort, in conclusion, 'jl:

to sum up ResgnvITIoNs/LIMITING MEANING il
; He's not suitable for the job at all. to some/a cerlain/any extent, up to a point,

To begin with, he doesn't even in a way, in a sense, as far as I know,
. ii:
speak a foreign language. for all I know, at any rate, to the best of my ,/1

knowledge, things being as they are, at all :..

DRawIruc ATTENTIoN/EM PHASISING events, anyway, in these circumstances,


let alone, not to mention, needless to say, in any case ::,

in particular, above all, as everyone knows, +' Io the best of my knowledge, Jeffrey said .-i::

especially, clearly, obviously, chiefly, primarily, he'd see about contacting the rest of them. lr:.

of course, as it is/as it does :la: )

, You'd feel healthier if you gave up smoking, B'etuc AesoLure irl

.r:: :

not to mention the money you would save. once and for all, (no/not...) whatsoever, at all ,:;

s There is no doubt whatsoeyer that we will

'"a: l
Exceprlous .,1'!

win the coming elections. ''i: I

but not, apart from, except for, other than, bar,

it::t :
with the exception of, instead of, not counting TIUT REFERENcES lL'
, Other than Pete, who else stood up from day to day, every now and then, on the
to h/tr Hines when he started threatening occasion of, most times, at some time, in the :.t,
fhe c/ass? time of, in time, meanwhile, by the time/end, :r'.

lli:. :

since, in the aftermath, in retrospect, just as/ :1


PossrerLrrv now/before, at present, up to now, to date,

on the off-chance, in case, in the event of, the instant, after, before, as, once, while,
in this/the eventuality/the eventuality that whenever, aftenruards, then, prior to, by
+ On the off-chance that you run into o ln the aftermath of the storm, the number of
ML Hoad, don't forget to thank him for yachts sunk was put at over 350.
the parly.

in other words, that is to say, which means that
a lt was just another routine day. ln ofher words,
I went to work and came home again.

ffi .i
L--Ei E L4-tT E ffi1e,0rN F'iJ,$ [ ['il],G B,ry,,:S F* m,S. ,& F [-[ru,AS;ES

Ar Tne Top
peak, record, heyday, i on top of a situation I reach a peak .t at the peak of
height, summit, head,
pitch, crest, crown,
-r at a record level r in sth's/sb's heyday (one's career, fitness)

highest, uppernost,
r summit conference r come to a head ',' at the height of
tip, climax, zenith
ii at fever pitch

,i, longterm goal ; achieve one's aimigoal .; take aim
. aim, target, siglgs, j on target ,r miss/overshoot a target t' set one's sights on
object, end, stnve
n object of the exercise rl' means to an end -'r strive for/towards

i: at speeds of ,j at a steady/an alarming ,"' gain/lose velocity
rate, tempo, velocity, ; at a brisk pace rate .i swift of foot
pace, swift, rapid, tast, fast and furious
-r keep pace with, ; speedy recovery/ 'l
speedy, hasty, bris( a hasty retreat/decision set the pace reply
quick 'r hard and fast
"i quick (to do sth) ;

Poweni Fonce
r spending power :i in fullforce .r run out of steam
steam, strength,
; a show of strengthfforce ": trial of strength ,r' energy crisis
energy, might, brawn
!i with all one's might It all brawn and no brains

smother, sfifle, choke, .r suppress one's laughter a stifle a yawn * choke on sthlto death
drown, sutfocate, " drown one's sorrows/ '? stunt one's growth +r quenoh one's thirst
stunt, guench the words

;' at sb's suggestion 3 infer from/that '+ draMmake an
insinuate, infer, imply, I imply that; by implication '"r hint at/that; take a hint inference
hint, indicate, surnrse r every indication I surmise that


" * swollen face/feet, etc. ? hoarse voice -: twisted ankle

swollen, hoarse,
" strain one's back/eyes/ e pulled muscle !.] aching back/tooth
twrste4 stralned,
pulled, aching, rash,
vocal cords I torn muscles/ligaments p dislocated shoulder
i' come/break out ini er infected tooth, wound i
torn, disloeated, bad/heavy cold
get a rash
flu, infected, cold 3' come/go down with flu

flE !

Gnrrr PnrF!xES :-F

F' ii i* ii c ii- E -il i$ c n- [ i;i[ li:ti }l
,To paraphrase the dilemma of Pericles, our antisocial, anti-srnohing, monolingual anti-hero, he
. needed a wife. A symbol of the sympathetic companion, a symphony of light and loue, a photogenic
biauty, a paragon of uirtue - in short his antithesis. To attract such a woman he needed a new image.
Sporting a monocle and piloting a monoplane, his peripatetic odyssey took him all ouer Greece unttl
he met fair Aspasia. His frtends noticed the metamorphosis and chuch,led at the paradox of Pericles
entering into a dialogue with someone, instead of his usual monologue, and without his usual
antaginism. Soori they married - he for loue, she for social respectability, They were diametrically
opposed and presently she became tired of the way he monopolised their monotonous Liues. She
murdered hint.'cleuerly by putting antifreeze into his arnphora of retsina. She microwaued his
rematns and buried therfi. in the garden. Luch,ily, he was obligingly biodegradable and disintegrated
without delay. A cruel murder - but surely a symptom of our barbarous times.

1":'n!i:,rEa,r Msaryrrue E,ii ;i ifii :P il. I:1 lr.;

.: 6- a without, not, lacking in :: amoral, anarchy, atheist

.r amphi-, amph- + both, on both sides/kinds, : amphibious, amphitheatre, amphora
around, on all sides
:1 ana- r upwards, backwards, throughout, .: anachronism, analogue, anathema, anagram ijl
according to
.r anti-, ant- € opposite, against, hostility r antidote, antibody, anti-smoking, anticlimax, antifreeze,
antisocial, antistalic, antithesis, antonym, antagonism
-j apo- .c away from, off I apostrophe, apocalypse, apostle, apocryphal L
j bio- r' life ' biology, biosphere, biochemistry, biography,
biodegradable, biogenesis, bionic, biopsy, biorhythm
', cata- 3 down (from), according to, against , catalogue, catastrophe, catalytic, catapult, cataclysm
-. di- r' two, twice, double : dilemma, dioxide, divide, dichotomy
I dia- o through(out), across, apart, mutually, ,' diagonal, dialysis, dialogue, diaphragm, diagnosis,
in different directions dialect, diameter, diatribe
; el-, em-, en- 3 in, into, within ellipsis, empathy, emphasis, encyclopediq endemic

' epi- $ on, upon, over, above, to, i epitaph, epicentre, epicure, epilepsy, epilogue
close to, besides, in addition to
I hyper- €' over, above, in great amount, r' hypehension, hypersensitive, hyperventilate
to an excessive degree

'j hypo' + below, beneath, at a lower point I hypothesis, hypocrite, hypodermic, hypothermia
macro- s big, large macroeconomics, macrosystem
r mega- 3 big, large r megaphone, megacycle, megalomania, megahertz

'r meta- € behind, backward, changed, alternating r' metaphor, metamorphosis, metastasis, metabolism
j micro- 3 small , microscope, microbiology, microphone, microchip,
microsurgery, microwave
:r mono- 3 one, single . monolingual, monocle, monolithic, monologue,
monogram, monopolise, monotony, monoxide I

" para- 3 near, beside, beyond, : paragraph, paradox, parable, parallel, paraphernalia,
among, alongside paralyse, parameter, paranoia, paraphrase, parasite
j peri- $ around, about, near " perimeter, periscope, period

' poly- s many, more than one polygamy, polyglot, polyphonic, polytechnic, polytheism
,: prO_ + before, fonvard, in front of prophecy, prologue, prognosis, programme

-' pros- r near, to, towards, at ' prosthetic, proselytise

I sym-, syn- 3 together, with ' symbol, sympathy, symphony, symptom,
synonym, synopsis, syntax, synthesis

.l ;
ir i:;i, ti

[L']i {
Lnrlru P,,R,EFl,xES,

;: ' . :

Euen admitting that my husband Claudius is an illogical, inarticulate, miserable, extrauagant,

t' irresponsible, introuerted simpleton, I neuertheless adore and. admire him. Neither his bigamous
- wdrys nor his contrary personality haue euer uex,ed me, and, his counterfett smile and,
counter-productiue suggestions I haue always found amusing. Noth,irug will d,eter me
from being the
consummate wife. I will adhere to him and accompany him, praising his accomplishments, should,
th.ere be any, and assuring him of a joyous home life. I will neuer inuad.e his priuacy nor i.nterrogate
him when he 'arriues home intoxicated., only to collapse in the ad.jacent bedroom. you may not
comprehend.my noble.posture, but I implore you to congratulate nle on it. I am a wife anxong wiues.

Fmcraxcs Meltrttc ,:..,,t].. i. 1,,,i t-' il. i,.. L.l

.' ad- (ac-, ag-, al-, =. to, towards, proximity, increase, :j adhere, advent, adjacent, adjunct,
, addict, addition,
an., as-, at-) dependence, relationship adjoin, adjust, account, accelerate, accomplish, assure,
accommodate, accompany, aggregate, allocate
r ante- € before, previous to, in front of I antecedent, antenatal, antedate, ante-room
,: bi. c two, twice I binocular, bicycle, bilateral, bilingual, biannual,
biennial, bigamy, bifocals
. clrcum- e' around, about
' circumference, circumspect, circumvent, circumstance
\ -;' com- (con-, co-, 3' .; compose, coniprehend, compensate, commerce,
together, with, jointly,
+ col-, cor-) mutually, mentally concentrate, coordinate, collaborate, correspond
i; -r contra- (contro-) 3' counter, against, opposing, '] contradiction, controversial, counter-productive,
in contrast to counterfeit
-r de- a reversal, removal, down, off, 'i decode, decapitate, descend, deter, debase,
away (from) decrease, decompose, declassify, decline,
deduce, deflate
.: dis- (dif-, di-) 3 apad, away, not, lack, rejection, : dismiss, dismantle, disparage, discard, disengage,
removal, deprivation, negation disrupt, disable, disassemble, different, divulge, digest
.: extra- (extro-) r outside, beyond, very, ,r' extract, extra-judicial,
extraordinary, extreme,
to an exceptional degree extravagant, extraterrestrial, extrove(
i in- (im-, il-, -ir) € not ;r' inabcessible,
indifferent, inarticulate, impotent,
illogical, irrefutable, irresponsible, irreversible
3 in-, im-, inter.,
intro- e' in, in a certain state, between, n ingest, inllame, invest, invade,
together, within, on the inside internal, interpose, interrogate, implode,
introspective, introveft
.,: mis- 3 bad, wrong, ill ; misunderstand, misdeed, miserable, misconduct
tl -: multi- e many, more thanone , multilingual, multimedia, multiply
-' post- r after, behind J postpone, posterior, postgraduate,
3 pre_ r before ::, prevent,
predate, predict, precaution
re-, retro- i again, back, backwarfl : reserved, recognise, retrospect, retrograde
j 'semi- r half, part(ly) r semicircle, semi-conscious, semicolon, semifinal
.r sub- r under, below j submarine, subconscious, subculture, substandard
I super. r over J supersensitive,
superstition, superhuman,
superiority, superintendent
:' trans- r across r transpon, transcontinental, transparent, transmit,
transplant, transactional
r ultra- € excessive, extremely, to excess i ultra-sensitive, ultra-soft, u*ra,ine

ffi :

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