Fault Diagnosis

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STUDENT: Oscar Jimenez Sanchez
PROGRAM: Systems Engineering
TEACHER: Loreley Villegas Pérez.
DATE: 18/04/2021


Fault diagnosis (FD) of man-made systems lies in the core of modern technology
and attracts increasing attention by both theoreticians and practitioners. Actually,
FD is one of the major concerns in industrial and other technological systems
operation. In recent years a great deal of work has been done in the direction of
designing systems (hardware and software) that are able to automatically diagnose
the faults and malfunctions of an industrial process on the basis of observed data
and symptoms. FD provides the prerequisites for fault tolerance, reliability and
safety that are fundamental design features in any complex engineering system.
Complex automatic industrial and other systems usually consist of hundreds of
interdependent working parts which are individually subject to malfunction or
failure. Total failure of these systems can present unacceptable economic loss or
hazards to personnel or to the system itself. Hence, most modern systems involve:
(i) a plan of maintenance which replaces worn parts before they malfunction or fail
and (ii) a monitoring mechanism that detects a fault as it occurs, identifies the
malfunction of a faulty component, and compensates for the fault of the component
by substituting a configuration of redundant elements so that the system continues
to operate satisfactorily. FD is actually this monitoring function and involves four
subfunctions, namely detection, prediction, identification, and correction of
faults during the on-line operation of the technological system at hand.

Fault diagnosis is the process of tracing a fault by means of its symptoms, applying
knowledge, and analyzing test results. Accurate diagnosis of faults in
complex engineering systems requires acquiring the information through sensors,
processing the information using advanced signal processing algorithms, and
extracting required features for efficient classification or identification of faults.
Identification of faults and subsequent remedial action can increase productivity and
reduce maintenance costs in various industrial applications. Machine learning
methods involving feature extraction, feature selection, and classification of faults
offer a systematic approach to fault diagnosis and can be used in automated or
unmanned environments. These are increasingly used in industrial sectors, such as
manufacturing, automotive, marine, and aerospace, to maximize equipment uptime
and minimize maintenance and operating costs.
1. Underline twenty words and make a words bank.


increasing Creciente
both Ambos
practitioners Practicantes
concerns Preocupaciones
great Estupendo
malfunctions Averías
symptoms Sintomas
provides Proporciona
hundreds Cientos
hazards Peligros
Hence Por eso
involve Involucrar
tracing Rastreo
knowledge Conocimiento
Accurate Preciso
subsequent Subsecuente
approach Acercarse
unmanned No tripulado

increasingly Cada vez más

acquiring Adquisidor

2. Make a summary about the reading in ten lines.

Accurate fault diagnosis in complex engineering systems requires acquiring
information through sensors, processing information using advanced signal
processing algorithms, and extracting the characteristics necessary for efficient
fault identification or classification. Machine learning methods involving feature
extraction, feature selection, and fault classification offer a systematic approach
to fault diagnosis and can be used in automated or unmanned environments. fd
fault diagnosis of artificial systems is at the core of modern technology and
attracts more and more attention from both theorists and professionals. Fd
provides the prerequisites for fault tolerance, reliability, and safety that are
critical design characteristics in any complex engineering system.

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