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Abstract: Constellation Project Motivation Perspectives

Constellation is a platform for different aerospace related projects In particular in aerospace sciences simulation and optimization are
that need intensive computational power. major tasks to minimize structure weight, to maximize thrust or to
The platform supports the efforts of participating projects by determine system reliability.
providing Distributed Computing capability using BOINC[1]. These numerical tasks need a high level of resources and hardware-
Constellation will send work-units of attached projects to support and Constellation platform offers distributed computing
volunteering, idle PCs where the units are processed. The power to projects from professionals to students to solve their
combined power of all volunteering users will help to solve problems in an adequate time without the need to maintain their
important scientific tasks in fields from astronomy to aerospace- own super-computer or cluster system.
engineering beginning from student up to university projects. In this way it is possible to get access to the needed computing
The bottom line is to benefit from the generosity of the volunteers power by a wider range of researchers who wouldn't have been able
and to benefit from the accumulation of different projects, like to create those resources because of financial, administration and Figure 7: CFD analysis with FLUENT

sharing programming knowledge in distributed computing and operation or because of bureaucracy reasons.
influencing the others' simulation by its own solutions. Constellation's goal is to expedite fundamental and applicable Currently the BOINC infrastructure Constellation uses supports
The platform is an open space for anyone, who is an air and space research and bonding researchers with citizen scientists and public. independent workunits. The above applications respect this limit by
enthusiast and wants to donate idle computing time or even skill for using splitted tasks as workunits that don't rely on other workunits'
a sub-project on platform. Applications result.
Applications for sub-project are welcome! But there are aerospace tasks, like in computational fluid dynamics
There are three applications as sub-projects on the Constellation (CFD), that are only feasible when the complete tasks is solved in
platform. parallel to finish in a decent time. Therefore Constellation is working
to extend the system to combine the advantages of distributed
o TrackJack is an ascend trajectory simulation and optimizer for computing system with that of parallel clusters to create a virtual
space-launcher systems and space-crafts. TrackJack's origin is part cluster where nodes are connected via the internet.
of a diploma thesis in Aerospace Engineering at the University of We work together with Volpex Group[9] at University of Houston to
Applied Sciences Bremen. (Figure 1&2) bring parallel execution to Constellation and to other BOINC-
TrackJack app is processing test-workunits and will optimize projects, and we examine MAGE[6] of University of Marburg as an
thrustvector control-functions for ascend trajectories of launchers additional candidate.
Figure 1 Figure 2 Figure 3
We want to use parallel execution for CFD analysis.We want to use
OpenFOAM[7] because it's used in the scientific and academic
Project Implementation community, it offers a wide range of solvers and the main reason is
As a DGLR (german aerospace society)[2] academic student team at that its GNU General Public License allows the use in a distributed
small thrustvector angle changes
the University of Stuttgart, Germany, we set up a distributed super- for trajectory correction
environment. In comparison Ansys' powerful CFX and FLUENT[8]
computer that offers computing power by idle single desktop programmes use a proprietary software licence that makes it difficult
computers of volunteers connected via the internet. This to use outside the given licence agreement.
accumulated computing power is provided to aerospace research pitch command into gravity turn
For Constellation a CFD application is intended to be used in
purposes, that universities and private research institutions and aerodynamics and stability simulation, in engine combustion analysis
for micro- and jet engines, in ramjet, scramjet and pulse detonation
projects normally can't afford. With this approach we demonstrate Figure 5: thrustvector control-function
engine and rocket engines and motors and many more. We want to
the capability of synergetic co-operation of scientists and scientific and the maximum altitude of HyEnD hybrid-engine sounding open up this important field of parallel execution for distributed
enthused ordinary persons. rocket [4] by combinatorical variegating the thrust level at discrete computing.
In contrast to classic super-computers, that have high acquisition-, gridpoints near the speed of sound (Ma = 1). (Figure 6)
maintenance- and operation-costs and aren't state of the art after just
a few years, our Constellation computer is a worldwide distributed,
continuously and dynamically evolving system with high
heterogeneity in which anyone can participate who runs a computer
with Windows, Linux or Mac OS X operating system. This high-
performance is used to solve aerospace related tasks, such as
trajectory optimization (application: TrackJack).
Constellation is in its early public productivity phase and even in
the first month 500 volunteers with 1500 participating machines
generated approx. 1.2 TFLOPS of computing power (1.2*10^12
FLoating point OPerations per Second). It can be assumed that the
amount of participating machines will increase up to 5000 with
about 10 TFLOPS within one year (reference data from RNA-
World, another e.V. project [3]). Figure 8: possible splitted mesh processing via internet-connected client-nodes
The Constellation computer represents a remarkable performance
that is by far superior to high-performance clusters and it increases References
daily. In this way hundreds of trajectories can be simulated and [1] BOINC – Berkeley Open Interface for Network Computing -
optimized depending in the task's complexity per day. Participating [2] DGLR – Deutsche Gesellschaft für Luft- und Raumfahrt -
[3] RNA World – | e.V. - http.//
users can follow their contribution in a clearly arranged [4] HyEnD – Hybrid Engine Development -
webinterface. Finished results will be send back automatically and Figure 6: thrust control-function [5] Google Lunar X-Prize -
can be archived by the sub-projects scientists. [6] MAGE – The Marburg Ad-hoc Grid Environment -
o Extreme Machine's idea is not to create a huge, multimillion ton [7] OpenFOAM – Open Field Operation and Manipulation -
Operation and maintenance of this system requires expenditure of [8] Ansys – CFX, Fluent -
time during user support, who post a variety of questions on our exploration rover machine, rather an extremely optimized device, [9] VOLPEX - Parallel Execution in Volunteer environment -
online-forum, so that besides the scientific aspect the project has a under the realms of very classical mechanics, to perform specific
very interesting educational component („science & society“). tasks. Extreme Machine simulates the rover dynamics. (Figure 3) Andreas Hornig(1,2), Lars Bausch, Sayandeep Khan,
Maximilian Palm, Uwe Beckert, Sebastian de Cillia,
o On The Moon aims to simulate the process occurring at moon Matthias Fritzsche, S. Müller
near the surface. It is a large scale simulation aiming to create a total
1. Constellation, König-Karl-Str. 27, 70372 Stuttgart, Germany
model of the moon system, and to compare it with data collected 2. corresponding author:
from the Google Lunar X-PRIZE (GLXP)[5] mission.

Results "Space is big. Really big. You just won't

Even though a lot of aerospace projects sound like science-fiction believe how vastly, hugely, mind- bogglingly
we lay emphasis on applicable and fundamental work that will big it is. I mean, you may think it's a long
influence current research. So the participants will be involved way down the road to the chemist's, but
directly and success in research can be fed back to the community to that's just peanuts to space."
gratify the users. That leads to a good atmosphere and long-time
participation. Constellation as a platform will leave it to the sub- - The Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy
Figure 4: Constellation website projects to openly publish parts or the complete results. by Douglas Adams
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