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Tan Tuc High School English 11 – Semester 1


1. friend / frend / (n) baïn
‘friendship (n) - ‘friendly (adj.) ≠ unfriendly (adj.).
2. brighten up / ‘braitn / (v) laøm saùng suûa
3. acquaintance / ə'kweintəns/ (n) ngöôøi quen
acquaint (v)
4. incapable of / in‘keipəbl / (adj.) khoâng ñuû khaû naêng ≠ capable of (adj.)
5. last / la:st / (v) keùo daøi
lasting (adj.)
6. quality / 'kwɔliti / (v) ñöùc tính
7. unselfishness /,ʌn'selfi∫nis/ (n) tính khoâng ích kyû ≠ selfishness (n)
unselfish (adj.) ≠ selfish (adj.)
8. two-sided (adj.) hai maët
9. give-and-take (n) söï cho vaø nhaän
10. constancy / ‘kɔnstənsi / (n) söï kieân ñònh
constant (adj.) - constantly (adv.)
11. take up (v) choïn, ñaûm nhieäm
12. enthusiasm / in'θju:ziæzm/ (n) söï nhieät tình
enthuse (v) - enthusiastic (adj.) - enthusiastically (adv.)
13. be tired of chaùn
14. uncertain / ʌn'sə:tn / (adj.) khoâng kieân ñònh ≠ certain (adj.)
certainty (n) - certainly (adv.)
15. lifelong (adj.) suoát ñôøi
16. loyalty / ‘lɔiəlti / (n) loøng trung thaønh
loyal to (adj.) - loyally (adv.)
17. suspicion / sə’spi∫n / (n) söï nghi ngôø
suspicious (adj.) - suspiciously (adv.)
18. rumour / ‘ru:mə / (n) tin ñoàn
19. gossip / ‘gɔsip / (n) chuyeän ngoài leâ ñoâi maùch
20. trust (n) söï tin caäy
21. mutual / ‘mju:tjuəl / (adj.) laãn nhau
mutually (adv.)
22. sympathy / ‘simpəθi / (n) söï thoâng caûm
sympathize with (v)
sympathetic (adj.) - sympathetically (adv.)
23. pursuit / pə’sju:t / (n) sôû thích, troø giaûi trí = hobby; pastime
24. pleasure / 'pleʒə/ (n) ñieàu thuù vò
pleasant (adj.) - please (v)
25. apartment / ə‘pa:tmənt / (n) caên hoä ( kheùp kín )
26. residential areas / rezi’den∫l’eəriə / (n) khu daân cö

1. Their _______________ goes back to when they were at school together. (friend)
2. The first quality for true friendship is __________________. (selfish)
3. ____________ people are capable of a lifelong friendship. (constancy)
4. Good friends must be ____________. (loyalty)
5. She found it difficult to get _______________ with new friends. (acquaintance)
6. Good friendship should be based on ____________ understanding. (mutually)
7. We became ____________ of the stranger’s behavior and contacted the police. (suspicion)
8. Why are ___________ and uncertain people incapable of true friendship? (change)
9. A ___________ is a person with whom one has a deeper relationship. (friendly)
10. All supporters cheered ______________for the home team. (enthusiasm)

Tan Tuc High School English 11 – Semester 1


1. VERBS OF PERCEPTION ( ñoäng töø chæ giaùc quan)

* see, notice, watch, look at, observe, + O. + V1 (Chuù yù töø luùc baét ñaàu ñeán luùc hoaøn taát haønh
hear, listen to, feel, smell. V-ing (Chuù yù ñeán söï tieáp dieãn cuûa haønh ñoäng)
2. make / let + O. + V1
3. waste / spend + … +
4. smell / find / catch + O. + V-ing

Rewrite the following sentences, using the words given.

E.g. - He drove off.  I watched him drive off.
- Some children were playing baseball at 8 a.m. yesterday.  I saw some children playing baseball at 8
a.m. yesterday.
1. The teacher allowed me to stay at home to finish the assignment.
 The teacher let..................................................................................................................................................
2. The boy ran away from the house.  She noticed................................................................................................
3. He said that he didn’t want to learn Math.
 I heard..............................................................................................................................................................
4. The policeman told the thief to empty his pockets.
 The policeman made.........................................................................................................................................
5. He drove away.  She stood there and watched...................................................................................................
6. The robber came from the back door.  I could feel.............................................................................................
7. Maybe the school will ask me to pay some extra money.
 Do you think the school will make ?
8. The police chased a thief yesterday.  I saw........................................................................................................
9. There was an earthquake in my hometown last year. The ground shook.
 I could feel
10. While Polly was working in her garden, the phone rang.
 Polly didn’t hear
11. My father allowed me to drive his car.  My father let .......................................................................................
12. I told my brother to carry my suitcase.  I made..................................................................................................
13. She usually forgets her keys.  Don’t let .............................................................................................................
14. When I get up early in the morning, the birds are singing.
 I like to listen to
15. Mrs Lee asked her son to clean his room.  Mrs Lee made..................................................................................
16. Your roommate dirtied the floor.  Why did you let...........................................................................................?
17. A suspicious-looking person came into the bank yesterday.
 The guard observed
18. The patient didn’t want to stay in bed.
 The doctor made ..............................................................................................................................................
19. I was almost asleep last night when someone suddenly knocked on the door.
 I was almost asleep last night when I suddenly heard ......................................................................................
20. He always makes noise in your house.
 You shouldn’t let ..............................................................................................................................................
21. Before my son could go outside to play, he must wash the windows.
 I made
22. Max looked at another student’s paper during the exam.
 Did you noticed ?
23. My boss asked me to redo my report because he wasn’t satisfied with it.
 My boss made
24. He complains about being treated unfairly.
 Don’t let ...........................................................................................................................................................
25. Some children were playing baseball at 8 a.m. yesterday.
 I saw
26. Other planes took off and landed while I was waiting for my plane.
 I watched
Tan Tuc High School English 11 – Semester 1

27. I allowed my friend to borrow my bicycle.

 I let....................................................................................................................................................................
28. She always laughs because of her cousin’s jokes.
 Her cousin’s jokes always make.......................................................................................................................
29. Mary walked up the street.  Do you see............................................................................................................?
30. Jim walked to his car, opened the door, and got in yesterday afternoon.
 I observed
31. Students usually get some rest after examinations.
 Teachers usually let..........................................................................................................................................
32. Someone is calling for help in the distance.
 Do you hear....................................................................................................................................................?
33. She wasn’t allowed to go out when she was a child.
 Her parents didn’t let........................................................................................................................................
34. My name was called at the graduation ceremonry. I walked to the front of the auditorium to receive
my diploma.
 When I heard the principal of the school.....................................................,I walked......................................
35. I always cry when peeling onions.  Peeling onions always makes.....................................................................
36. Last night, while I was trying to fall asleep, the people in the next apartment were singing and
 Last night, while I was trying to fall asleep, I could hear.................................................................................
37. The children don’t want to go to bed early.  Their parents make......................................................................
38. Jimmy got into his car and drove away. I saw this.  I saw.................................................................................
39. Mr. Pinchley doesn’t allow his teenage children to go out in the evenings.
 Mr. Pinchley makes
40. Harry couldn’t get his parents’ permission to buy a motorbike.
 Harry’s parents didn’t let

I. Phonetics
A. Choose the word which has the underlined part pronounced differently from the rest
1. A. change B. children C. machine D. church
2. A. guitarist B. passenger C. generous D. village
3. A. mutual B. residential C. natural D. culture
B. Choose the word which is stressed differently from the rest
4. A. patient B. eager C. capable D. sincere
5. A. number B. friendship C. special D. affair
II. Vocabulary and Grammar
Choose from the four options given (marked A, B, C, and D) one best answer
6. He's building up a network of acquaintances outside his office.  (closest meaning)
A. people one know slightly
B. people one knows very well and enjoys spending time with
C. people one doesn’t know
D. people connected by blood or marriage
7. The President expressed his deep sorrow over the bombing deaths. (opposite meaning)
A. joy B. sympathy C. grief D. comfort
8. He does not know much about the project but he is very ________ .
A. enthusiastic B. enthusiast C. enthusiasm D. enthusiastically
9. Let me know if you see anyone acting __________ .
A. properly B. constantly C. suspiciously D. carefully
10. Your friendship should be based on __________ trust.
A. basic B. fragile C. mutual D. blind
11. Having so many hobbies in common, Ted and Nick got on like a(n)______ on fire.
A. blockB. house C. apartment D. bungalow
12. I hear you are preparing ________ for New York.
A. to come B. to leave C. to go D. to arrive

Tan Tuc High School English 11 – Semester 1

13. She did not let Peter _______ into the room. She made him __________ outside.
A. come / wait B. coming / to wait C. came / waited D. to come / waiting
14. I’d rather __________ at home than __________ out.
A. arrive / put B. stay / go C. to stay / to go D. to arrive / to put
15. The children were eager _________ their old friends.
A. to see B. watching C. seeing D. to watch
16. Her father refused _________ her _________ his car to the countryside.
A. to allow / driving B. allow / to drive C. to allow / to drive D. allowing / to drive
17. Daniel doesn’t know __________ the video.
A. to repair B. how to repair C. way to repair D. repairing
18. I noticed him __________ over the fence.
A. was climbing B. to climb C. being climbed D. climbing
19. There are two important things _________in your mind.
A. bearing B. to bear C. bear D. born
20. Carl ________ staying one more night in the village.
A. agrees B. hopes C. plans D. suggests
21. They __________ good friends, but they’ve fallen out recently.
A. used to be B. would be C. were D. are
22. I found it difficult at first, but now I ___________ working on the computer.
A. use to B. used to C. am use to D. am used to
23. A fridge is __________ keeping things cold.
A. used to B. used C. used for D. to use
24. I remember __________ with dolls when I was a child.
A. play B. played C. playing D. to play
25. I don’t mind ____________ late, if it will help at all.
A. to work B. to be work C. working D. being working
26. Instead of buying a new pair of shoes, I had my old ones ________
A. repair B. to repair C. repairing D. repaired
27. How long does it take _________ the airport from here ?
A. to get to B. getting to C. get for D. getting for
28. These employees are made _____________ overtime.
A. to work B. working C. work D. worked
29. My friends is often concerned ________ all problems that I mention.
A. over B. with C. above D. into
30. Two friends should be loyal ________ each other.
A. with B. by C. with D. to
31. _________ friend in need is _________ friend indeed.
A. The / the B. Þ / the C. A / a D. Þ / Þ
32. _ “What are you doing?” _ “_________.”
A. No B. Neither C. None D. Nothing
33. Peter: “Would you mind lending me your bike?” Mary: “____________________.”
A. Yes. Here it is B. Not at all C. Yes, let’s D. Great
34. The manager was angry because ___________.
A. somebody had allowed the photographers to enter the building
B. somebody had let the photographers to enter into the building
C. somebody had permitted the photographers entering the building
D. somebody had carried the photographers into the building
35. At the factory he likes people to let him have his own way.
A. He doesn’t like it when people tell him what to do.
B. He often needs the help of other people in his work.
C. He doesn’t accept help from people he dislikes.
D. He likes people to think all good ideas are his own.
III. Find the underlined part in each sentence that should be corrected
36. If (A) you have a friend you will realize (B) that there is another human being which (C) you can trust
completely (D).
37. True friendship (A) can offer a gentle haven (B) where (C) you can be relaxed and feeling safe (D).
38. A friend can (A) help (B) you solve problems and to share (C) the grief times along with the great times (D).
39. Two close (A) friends can spend time to be together (B) without (C) needing to (D) pretend.

Tan Tuc High School English 11 – Semester 1

40. It took her (A) a long time getting used (B) to the new environment and make (C) friends with (D) other
IV. Read the passage carefully and choose the correct answers
Friendship is a big statement. Lots of people are lovers but are not friends. Lots of people are relatives but are
not friends. Lots of people who work together are not friends. You can appreciate or admire someone, but that does
not mean you make him or her a friend.
When I had my near- death illness last year and the following long recuperation, I had a lot of time to think
about what makes someone a friend. If they are scared of you when you need help, sorry, that is not friendship. If
their attitude is “for better or worse”, if they stick to you through troubles and difficulties, it is the time when you
can tell it is true friendship. I do have some friends, but not as many as I thought. And there was a time, in the late
80s when my friend, Ken, really needed me but I did not come through for him. I remember hanging out in my
happy suburban house in Menlo Park, and not coming to help him through the loss of his wife. Luckily, I got to
apologize for that but Ken said he did not mind.
I do not have a tidy answer about Ken and me and friendship. Sometimes we were friends, and other times,
clearly, not. But I guess there is something remarkable in two people overcoming the barriers to friendship to find
some real communication at some point.
41. According to the writer, ____________.
A. all lovers are friend B. all your relatives are also your friends
C. whoever you admire is your friends D. not all workmates are friends
42. In true friendship, ___________.
A. your friends are always scared of you
B. friends stick to each other through troubles and difficulties
C. we should have as many friends as possible
D. friends are scared of helping each other
43. What happened to the writer last year?
A. His wife passed away .B. He was seriously ill.
C. He had an interesting experience. D. He had got some new friends.
44. We can learn from the text that _____________.
A. the writer had a house in suburb in Menlo Park
B. the writer came to help his friend, Ken, when his friend’s wife died
C. whenever his friend, Ken, had a problem, the writer immediately came to help
D. the writer, and Ken are true friends at all time
45. The writer did not come to help Ken _____________.
A. so Ken was very angry B. and he did not apologize
C. but Ken did not mindD. so they were no longer friends
V. Fill in each numbered blank with one suitable word or phrase
Friendship is not about always being nice, or ____ (46). A friend will tell you when he/she thinks you are full
____ (47) considerateness. Only your best friend can feel your silent pain and will hold your hand till you become
strong again. For example, I have a friend ____ (48) name is Billy. She has been a friend of mine for about a
decade. She could act as a perfect mirror. At that time, I was fussing over a beautiful young girl that I was in love
with, but only a few months later she said goodbye to me. I was almost upset. Billy was often with me. She gave me
some advice, went out with me, and even was willing ____ (49) my unlucky in love. In _____ (50) end I survived
perfectly without the far-away sweetheart. But the lesson of true friendship has stayed with me, vividly.
46. A. agree B. agreement C. agreeable D. agreeably
47. A. of B. in C. with D. for
48. A. who B. which C. that D. whose
49. A. to share B. share C. sharing D. shared
50. A. a B. an C. the D. some

I. Phonetics
A. Choose the word which has the underlined part pronounced differently from the rest
1. A. game B. bridge C. against D. garage
2. A. machinery B. march C. cheerful D. merchant
3. A. page B. message C. danger D. ringer
B. Choose the word which is stressed differently from the rest
4. A. sympathy B. loyalty C. acquaintance D. quality
Tan Tuc High School English 11 – Semester 1

5. A. rumor B. believe C. common D. mutual

II. Vocabulary and Grammar
Choose from the four options given (marked A, B, C, and D) one best answer
6. The father is the one that I can share both joys and sorrows. (closest meaning)
A. feelings of great happiness B. great eagerness
C. feeling of distress D. intention
7. The nuclear disaster in Fukushima causes lasting damage to over 100,000 people in Japan. (opposite meaning)
A. short-term B. long-lasting C. for some time D. shortly
8. They were extremely __________ to my plight.
A. sympathized B. sympathetic C. sympathy D. sympathetically
9. Jen had confided her secret to Mark, but he betrayed her __________.
A. loyalty B. trust C. constancy D. sympathy
10.I’ve got lots of __________, but only a few are really good friends
A. close friends B. acquaintances C. neighbors D. partners
11. We've been together through _______ in our friendship, and we won't desert each other now.
A. safe and sound B. thick and thin C. odds and ends D. ins and outs
12. Daisy made me _________ him next week.
A. promise calling B. to promise calling C. to promise to call D. promise to call
13. I caught _____________ my bicycle.
A. he steal B. him steal C. him stealing D. him was stealing
14. Some companies never allow ________ in their offices
A. to smoke B. smoke C. smoking D. smoked
15. They would __________ go by plane than spend a week traveling by train.
A. love B. like C. prefer D. rather
16. I can hear a cat __________ at the window.
A. scratches B. scratching C. to scratch D. was scratching
17. If we leave now for our trip, we can stop __________ lunch at 11:00 sharp.
A. to have B. having C. to have had D. being having
18. He is very stubborn, so it will be difficult to __________ him to go.
A. make B. suggest C. let D. persuade
19. She is busy ___________ for her wedding.
A. shopping B. shop C. to shop D. shopped
20. Gravity keeps the moon ____________ around and around the Earth.
A. travelling B. travel C. to travel D. traveled
21. We’d __________ to stay at home this evening.
A. feel like B. prefer C. rather D. better
22. I think your mother should let you __________ your own mind.
A. make up B. to make up C. making up D. made up
23. The biologist admitted ____________ excessive numbers of animals in the loboratory tests.
A. using B. to use C. being used D. used
24. Don’t forget ____________ your homework before going to school.
A. to do B. doing C. have done D. do
25. It is lovely __________ that your are going to spend the holiday on the farm with us.
A. hear B. to hear C. hearing D. heard
26. _ “How can you keep such long hours?” _ “Well, now I _____ at night so it isn’t hard for me.”
A. was used to work B. am used to working C. am used to work D. used to work
27. I ___________ watch TV a lot but I don’t any more.
A. am used to B. use to C. didn’t use to D. used to
28. “A party!” she cried. _ “Oh yes, I like ____________ to parties.”
A. be asked B. to be asking C. to ask D. being asked
29. I don’t want to listen to you. I am tired __________ your criticisms.
A. in B. for C. with D. of
30. It was so relaxing to be _________ old friends.
A. among B. around C. between D. in
31. Do you know that ______ Europe and ______ America are separated by ______ Atlantic Ocean?
A. an / an / the B. an / the / Þ C. Þ / Þ / the D. the / the / the
32. _ “Can the machine be repaired?” _ “I hope ___________.”
A. so B. it C. that D. Þ
Tan Tuc High School English 11 – Semester 1

33. Mike: “Would you like to have dinner with me?” Mary: “__________________.”
A. Yes, I love to B. Yes, so do I C. I’m very happy D. Yes, it is
34. David used to jog a lot.
A. David jogged a lot in the past. B. David is accustomed to jogging a lot.
C. David never jogged in the past. D. David jogs a lot now.
35. It’s waste of time to try to explain anything to Tony.
A. Tony should be given explanation.
B. It’s not worth trying to explain anything to Tony.
C. To save time, explain it to Tony.
D. It’s well worth trying to explain things to Tony.
III. Find the underlined part in each sentence that should be corrected
36. There are (A) a lot (B) of work (C) to do (D) here.
37. Good (A) friendship should be (B) basing on (C) mutual understanding (D).
38. Jack finds (A) it hard (B) for making (C) friends with (D) other children.
39. During a (A) curfew it is not possible walking (B) on (C) the streets after a specified (D) hour.
40. It is educational (A) for children (B) to observe (C) adults to perform (D) their daily tasks.
IV. Read the passage carefully and choose the correct answers
Having a best friend to confide in can bring a positive effect on our emotional health. An evening out with the
closest friend may be the best guarantee of a good time. In fact, our best friend can prevent us from developing
serious psychological problems such as depression and anxiety.
Best friendship evolves with time- we cannot go out and pick our best friend. We become friends with people
who share common interests – as school or through hobbies, for example.
Best friends have usually known each other for several years and stuck together through good and bad times. If
you have not got one, perhaps you are being too distant from people, or focusing too much on your work.
41. A best friend can ____________.
A. give us a healthy life B. go out with us in the evening
C. spend much time finding D. share joy and sadness with us
42. Close friends need to ___________.
A. study at the same school B. have the same interests
C. pursue the same hobbies D. spend time together
43. According to the passage, ___________.
A. it takes a lot of time to make close friendship B. we can go out and choose a good friend easily
C. best friends have good and bad times D. it’s difficult to make lasting friendship
44. The word one in the last paragraph refers to ____________.
A. good time B. bad time C. a friendship D. a close friend
45. Which of the following is not mentioned?
A. We often have satisfaction being with a close friend.
B. The ties of close friendship will never be broken.
C. An unsociable person may not have a close friend.
D. Friendship needs time to develop.
V. Fill in each numbered blank with one suitable word or phrase
To many people, their friends are the most important in their life. Really good friends always share joys and
sorrows with you and never turn their backs on you. Your best friend may be someone you have known all your life
or someone you have ______ (46) up with.
There are all sorts of things that can bring about this special relationship. It may be the result of enjoying the
same activities and sharing experiences. Most of us have met someone that we have immediately felt (47) ______
with as if we had known for (48) _______. However, it really takes you years to get to know someone well (49)
_______ to consider your best friend.
To the majority of us, this is someone we trust completely and (50) ______ understands us better than anyone
else. It is the person you can tell him/her your most intimate secrets.
46. A. caught B. turned C. grown D. lived
47. A. interesting B. relaxed C. enjoyable D. fun
48. A. ages B. time C. century D. long
49. A. too B. such C. so D. enough
50. A. whose B. who C. whom D. which

Tan Tuc High School English 11 – Semester 1




1. embarrassing / im'bærəsiη / (adj.) ngöôïng nguøng, luùng tuùng
embarrassed (adj.)
embarrass (v) – embarrassment (n)
2. personal / ‘pə:sənl / (adj.) caù nhaân
person (n)
3. floppy (hat) / 'flɔpi / (adj.) (muõ) meàm
4. idol / ‘aidl / (n) thaàn töôïng
5. extremely / iks’tri:mli / (adv.) cöïc kyø
extreme (adj.)
6. excited / ik’saitid / (adj.) bò kích ñoäng
exciting (adj.) - excitement (n) - excite (v)
7. glance at / gla:ns / (v) lieác nhanh, nhìn qua
8. turn away (v) ngoaûnh (maët ) ñi
9. sneaky / ‘sni:ki / (adj.) vuïng troäm, leùn luùt
sneakily (adv.) - sneak (v)
10. imagine / i’mædʒin / (v) töôûng töôïng
imagination (n)
Tan Tuc High School English 11 – Semester 1

imaginative (adj.) – imaginary (adj.)

11. wad / wa:d / (n) xaáp, cuoän
12. fuss / fʌs / (n) söï om soøm
fussy (adj.) - to make a fuss laøm aàm ó leân
13. carefully / ‘keəfuli / (adv.) caån thaän ≠ carelessly (adv.)
careful (adj.) ≠ careless (adj.) ; carefulness (n) ≠ carelessness (n)
14. point at / to / pɔint / (v) chæ, troû
15. complain to sb. at / about sth. (v) phaøn naøn
complaint (n)
16. affect / ə‘fekt / (v) aûnh höôûng
17. appreciate / ə‘pri:∫ieit / (v) coi troïnzg, ñaùnh gía cao
appreciation (n)
18. attitude / ‘ætitju:d / (n) thaùi ñoä
19. memorable / ‘memərəbl / (adj.) ñaùng ghi nhôù
memorably (adv.) - memory (n)
20. scream / skri:m / (v) keâu theùt, la heùt
21. embrace / im’breis / (v) oâm
22. protect sb. / sth. against / from…… (v) baûo veä
23. confidence / ‘kɔnfidəns / (n) söï töï tin, loøng tin
confident (adj.)
24. outlook / ‘autluk / (n) quan ñieåm, caùch nhìn nhaän

1. There was a _________ look on his face. (sneakily)
2. My most _____________ experience happened a few years ago when I was a student. (embarrass)
3. We all were in a state of great _________ when we learnt that we had passed the final exam. (excite)
4. Could you tell our audience about the most _____________ experience in your life? (memorably)
5. I was busy ____________ how I would look in the ________ cotton hat. (imagine / floppily)
6. The fire taught Christina to _____________ her family more than things. (appreciation)
7. I _________________ think we should do something to change the situation we are in. (person)
8. Don’t worry! I promise I’ll look after your dog ___________when you are on holiday. (careful)
9. Don’t make a __________. (fussy)
10. The boy _________ at me and turned away. (glance)

S+V QKÑ + ....... + ago.
HTHTTD start, begin Chuù yù: gioáng phaàn
 hoaëc HTHT
S+V +... + since / for (boû start / begin) (A)

Rewrite the following sentences, using the words given.

E.g. He started working for this factory a year ago.
 He has been working for this factory since last year / for a year.
1. Tom began playing the piano 4 years ago.
 Tom has ...........................................................................................................................................................
2. I started cooking for the party 4 hours ago.
 I have ...............................................................................................................................................................
3. She started working as a secretary 2 years ago.
 She has .............................................................................................................................................................
4. My sister began to study English a year ago.
 My sister has ....................................................................................................................................................
5. My father is reading a newspaper. He started 2 hours ago.
 My father has
6. Scientists began to fight against AIDS in 1980.
 Scientists have ..................................................................................................................................................
Tan Tuc High School English 11 – Semester 1

7. This hospital began to use laser treatment 5 years ago.

 This hospital has been
8. She started working as a book keeper for this company 5 years ago.
 She has
9. She started studying English 6 years ago.
 She has .............................................................................................................................................................
10. How long have you studied English?
 When ..............................................................................................................................................................?
11. The Browns have been living in London for 20 years.
 The Browns began
12. John has worked for this electronics firm since 1999.
 John started .....................................................................................................................................................
13. Jack and Jill have learned to drive for 2 weeks.
 Jack and Jill started .........................................................................................................................................
14. Mr. Smith has taught in this college since 1989.
 John started .....................................................................................................................................................
15. I’ve been working for the company for a year.
 I started ............................................................................................................................................................
16. When did she begin to do research on lung cancer?
 How long ........................................................................................................................................................?
S+V + . . . before

 It / This is the first time + S + V HTHT+...+ (boû before)

Rewrite the following sentences, using the words given.

Ex: I haven’t seen that man before.
It / This is the first time I have not seen that man before .
1. My father hasn’t driven a car before.
 This is the first time ....................................................................................................................................
2. I’ve never met such a famous singer before.
 It’s the first time ..........................................................................................................................................
3. She has never been to the ballet before.
 It’s the first time ..........................................................................................................................................
4. She hasn’t drunk Coca Cola before.
 This is the first time ....................................................................................................................................
5. I have never read this book before.
 It’s the first time ..........................................................................................................................................
6. I have never met such an intelligent student before.
 It’s the first time ..........................................................................................................................................
7. I have never seen snow before.
 This .............................................................................................................................................................
8. This is the first time my grandfather has been in hospital.
 My grandfather has .....................................................................................................................................

I. Phonetics
A. Choose the word which has the underlined part pronounced differently from the rest
1. A. hand B. bank C. string D. sing
2. A. decide B. mirror C. mix D. miserable
3. A. think B. sink C. bring D. inland
B. Choose the word which is stressed differently from the rest
4. A. embarrass B. experience C. imagine D. imitate
5. A. cotton B. situation C. notice D. interest
Tan Tuc High School English 11 – Semester 1

II. Vocabulary and Grammar

Choose from the four options given (marked A, B, C, and D) one best answer
6. We had never experienced this kind of holiday before and had no idea what to expect. (closest meaning)
A. happened B. spent C. known D. noticed
7. I don't like that man. There is a sneaky look on his face. (opposite meaning)
A. humorous B. honest C. furious D. guilty
8. An only child often creates an __________ friend to play with.
A. imaginarily B. imaginable C. imaginary D. imaginative
9. Something that is ____________ makes you feel shy or ashamed.
A. careful B. careless C. sneaky D. embarrassing
10. You can never ____________ how our life would be without a computer.
A. make sure B. imagine C. take D. show
11. I always get _______ in my stomach before visiting the dentist.
A. worms B. butterflies C. crabs D. hedgehogs
12. Although it _________ heavily, he ________ out without a raincoat.
A. rained / went B. was raining / went C. was raining / was going D. rained / was going
13. Only when she apologizes _________ to her again.
A. I’ll speak B. will I speak C. that I speak D. I speak
14. We ___________ TV when it started to rain.
A. were watching B. watched C. are watching D. watch
15. When he realized that I __________ at him, he _________ away.
A. looked / was turning B. was looking / was turning
C. looked / turned D. was looking / turned
16. Timmy __________ the living room while his mother _________ in the kitchen.
A. is tidying / cooks B. tidies / cooks C. tidies / is cooking D. is tidying / is cooking
17. Before I started the car, all of the passengers ____________ their seat belts.
A. will buckle B. had buckled C. was buckling D. have buckled
18. When she saw a snake at her feet, she ____________ .
A. screamed B. was screaming C. had screamed D. screams
19. After the ancient Greek athletes had won a race in the Olympics, they ________ a simple crown of olive leaves
A. received B. had received C. were receiving D. have received
20. No mistakes ___________ so far.
A. are making B. are made C. are being made D. have been made
21. The men __________ a lot more carefully since they _________ a pay rise.
A. worked/have had B. have worked/had C. were working/had D. had worked/had
22. When I saw Mary a few days ago, I __________ her because she __________ a lot.
A. didn’t recognize/changed B. hadn’t recognized/had changed
C. hadn’t recognized/changed D. didn’t recognize/had changed
23. Before we leave, let’s have Peter __________ a map for us, so we won’t get lost.
A. draw B. to draw C. drawing D. draws
24. We are going to get our house ___________ next week.
A. painting B. to paint C. painted D. to be painted
25. He was made __________ the suitcase by the custom officer.
A. to open B. opening C. open D. opened
26. Why don’t you ________ your son go camping with his classmate?
A. let B. permit C. allow D. want
27. The bank robbers made the cashier _________ them how _________ the safe.
A. to show / to open B. show / open C. show / to open D. to show / to open
28. As she drove past his house she noticed him ___________ away from home.
A. running B. to run C. ranD. was running
29. The children seem to be totally capable _________ working by themselves.
A. on B. for C. in D. of
30. I am very ________ in the information you have given me.
A. concerned B. surprised C. interested D. shocked
31. She does not see her grandchildren very often so she makes _______ real fuss of them when she does.
A. a B. an C. the D. Þ

Tan Tuc High School English 11 – Semester 1

32. Janet: “Do you feel like going to the cinema this evening?” – “_________”
A. I don’t agree, I’m afraid B. You’re welcome
C. That would be great D. I feel very bored
33. _ “Thank you for helping us with the rice harvest!” _ “________”
A. The same to you B. I’m glad to hear that C. You’re welcome D. Yes, please
34. I have never listened to jazz music before.
A. This is the first time I listened to jazz music. B. This is the first jazz music I listen to.
C. This is the first time I listen to jazz music. D. This is the first time I’ve listened to jazz music.
35. They can get someone to groom the dog next week.
A. They can have the dog groom next week. B. They can get the dog to groom next week
C. They can have the dog groomed next week D. The dog can get someone to groom next week.
III. Find the underlined part in each sentence that should be corrected
36. The governor (A) has not decided how (B) to deal with (C) the new problem already (D).
37. I find it (A) necessary do something (B) about traffic (C) problems in our (D) city.
38. There are (A) few areas of human (B) experience that (C) have not been writing about (D).
39. My most (A) embarrassing experience happened (B) two years ago when (C) I have just left (D) the university.
40. We used to have (A) a get-together every Saturday (B) but now we (C) are very busy to (D) have one.
IV. Read the passage carefully and choose the correct answers
I was in a strange city I did not know at all, and what’s more, I could not speak a word of the language. On
my second day I got on the first bus that passed, rode on it for several stops, then got off and walked on. The first
two hours passed pleasantly enough, and then I decided I had to turn back to my hotel for lunch. After walking
about for some time, I had better ask the way. The trouble was that the only word I knew of the language was the
name of the street in which I lived, and even that I pronounced badly, I stopped to ask a newspaper-seller. He
handed me a paper. I shook my hands. I had to give him some money and went on my way. The next person I asked
was a policeman. He listened to me carefully, nodded and gently took me by the arm. There was a strange look in
his eyes as he pointed left and right and left again. I nodded politely and began walking in the direction he pointed.
About an hour passed and I noticed that the houses were getting fewer and fewer and green fields were appearing
on either side of me. I had come all the way into the countryside. The only thing left for me to do was find the
nearest railway station.
41. The writer preferred to walk back to his hotel because _____________.
A. he had no money to buy a ticket B. he wants to lose himself in the city
C. he tried to know the city in this way D. it was late and there were no buses passing by
42. The newspaper – seller _____________.
A. didn’t know where the hotel was B. didn’t understand what the writer said
C. could understand what the writer said D. didn’t want to take the money from the writer
43. From the story we know that the policeman______________.
A. was kind but didn’t understand the writer B. told the writer where to take the train
C. knew what the writer really meant D. was cold – hearted and didn’t help the writer
44. What can we learn from the last paragraph?
A. The writer got close the hotel where he stayed.
B. The writer got to the hotel with the policeman’s help.
C. The writer found he was much farther away from the hotel.
D. The writer found the hotel in the direction the policeman pointed.
45. In your opinion, what was the writer’s real trouble?
A. He didn’t know the city at all. B. He couldn’t speak the language.
C. He went too far in the wrong bus. D. He followed the policeman’s direction.
V. Fill in each numbered blank with one suitable word or phrase
My (46) ________ embarrassing experience happened when I had just left university. I had just started teaching
in a Liverpool secondary school. One morning my alarm clock didn’t ring. I had forgotten to wind it up. I woke up
at half past eight and school began at nine. I quickly washed, shaved, dressed, jumped (47) _________ my car and
drove to school. When I arrived, the students (48) _______ into class. I didn’t go to the staff room, but went straight
into class. After two or three minutes, the students began (49) ________, and I couldn’t understand (50) ________.
Suddenly I looked down and understood. I had put on one black shoe and one brown shoe.
46. A. most B. so C. too D. very
47. A. out B. onto C. into D. up
48. A. had gone B. went C. has gone D. would gone
49. A. laughing B. talking C. talk D. laugh
50. A. who B. why C. what D. when
Tan Tuc High School English 11 – Semester 1


I. Phonetics
A. Choose the word which has the underlined part pronounced differently from the rest
1. A. climber B. bomber C. comber D. combine
2. A. native B. autumn C. know D. money
3. A. song B. singer C. change D. something
B. Choose the word which is stressed differently from the rest
4. A. embarrass B. imagine C. appreciate D. attitude
5. A. escape B. famous C. rescue D. lesson
II. Vocabulary and Grammar
Choose from the four options given (marked A, B, C, and D) one best answer
6. I had a glance at the article, but I haven’t read it yet. (closest meaning)
A. close look B. quick look C. direct look D. furtive look
7. I wonder if I would answer the following personal questions. (opposite meaning)
A. individual B. public C. private D. owned
8. I started school at the ________ of six.
A. age B. old C. elderly D. oldness
9. Some internationally famous football players are the ____________ of countless teenagers. They love and
admire them very much.
A. idols B. dreams C. presents D. stars
10. The novel is based on his ____________ in the war.
A. attitudes B. images C. situations D. experiences
11. Remember to appreciate what your friends do for you. You shouldn’t take them______________.
A. as a rule B. as usual C. out of habit D. for granted
12. Mary has been financially independent since she __________ to work.
A. went out B. will go out C. was going out D. would go out
13. At the end of this month, we __________ friends for ten years.
A. will be B. are C. have been D. will have been
14. Last Sunday, when they ________ an exciting football match on TV, the electricity ________ out.
A. were watching / was going B. watched / went
C. watched / was going D. were watching / went
15. Before he turned 14, Mozart ____________ a few lesser piece for the piano.
A. has composed B. had composed C. was composed D. would composed
16.When I was at secondary school, the boy next to me ___________ in class.
A. was always talking B. talked always C. was talking always D. always talked
17. My grandmother __________ this picture for a week and she __________ it.
A. has painted / doesn’t finish B. has painted / hasn’t finished
C. painted / didn’t finish D. painted / hasn’t finished
18. When I _________ her on the street yesterday, she _________ a rosy skirt.
A. was seeing / wore B. saw / were wearing C. saw / was wearing D. saw / wearing
19. Mr. Ralph ________ mathematics before he _______ to literature.
A. had taught / had changed B. was teaching / changed
C. taught / was changing D. had taught / changed
20. Nowadays we _______ how important television ___________ for our knowledge about the world.
A. know / is B. is knowing / has been
C. knew / will be D. have known / was
21. A new bridge over the river ___________ at present.
A. constructed B. is constructed C. is constructing D. is being constructed
22. It is not worth _______ that computer. You had better _______ a new one.
A. for repairing/ bought B. repairing/ buy C. to repair/ buying D. to repair/ to buy
23. The Pikes has Michael ___________ all the windows of their house.
A. to paint B. paint C. painting D. painted
24. We both heard him __________ that he was leaving.
A. say B. to say C. said D. was saying
25. She made her son ________ the windows before he could go outside ______ with his friends.
A. wash / play B. to wash / to play C. wash / to play D. to wash / play
Tan Tuc High School English 11 – Semester 1

26. If the maid comes today, please have her __________ my shirts.
A. washed B. wash C. washing D. to wash
27. Alice had the heating ___________ this morning.
A. fixed B. fix C. fixing D. to fix
28. We allowed them_________ the garage.
A. to use B. using C. used D. use
29. He stole a cake ________ the shop.
A. of B. from C. to D. on
30. The boy glanced __________ me and turned away.
A. to B. with C. at D. in
31. _________ happiness means __________ different things to different people.
A. Þ / the B. The / Þ C. Þ / Þ D. The / the
32. “Thanks for all your helpful advice.” _ “_____________”
A. That’s great B. I hope so! C. My pleasure. D. How dare you say that!
33. “How does Ann like her new school?” _ “Fine, she’s doing ____________ in her course.”
A. extremely well B. extreme good C. extremely good D. extreme well
34. It’s a long time since I saw a movie.
A. I spent a long time looking for a movie to see. B. I have seen some movies so far.
C. I haven’t seen movie for a long time. D. I saw a movie that took very long time.
35. My aunt had the house decorated.
A. My aunt had to decorate the house. B. The house is going to be decorated by my aunt.
C. My aunt has just decorated the house. D. My aunt had someone decorate the house.
III. Find the underlined part in each sentence that should be corrected
36. Never before (A) I have (B) visited this (C) fascinating (D) place.
37. In the (A) past, polite (B) men had stood (C) up (D) when women entered the room.
38. My father and my mother met together(A) the first time when he was(B) on(C) leave from(D) the army.
39. He was singing loudly (A) under the balcony of her room when she throws (B) out (C) a bucket of washing (D)
40. My brother happily (A) gave to (B) me a collection of Elton John’s best songs on (C) my last (D) birthday.
IV. Read the passage carefully and choose the correct answers
A man stopped at a flower shop to order some flowers to be wired to his mother who lived two hundred miles
away. As he got out of his car, he noticed a young girl sitting on the curb sobbing. He asked her what was wrong
and she replied, “I wanted to buy a red rose for my mother but I only have seventy-five cents, and a rose costs two
dollars.” The man smiled and said, “Come in with me. I’ll buy you a rose.” He bought the little girl her rose and
ordered his own mother’s flowers. As they were leaving, he offered the girl a ride home. She said, “Yes, please!
You can take me to my mother.” She directed him to a cemetery, where she placed the rose on a freshly dug grave.
The man returned to the flower shop, canceled the wire order, picked up a bouquet and drove the two hundred miles
to his mother’s house.
41. How did the man order the flowers?
A. By wire B. By e-mail C. By letter D. By telephone
42. Why was the girl crying?
A. She missed her mother. B. She didn’t have enough money to buy a rose.
C. She lost her money. D. She wanted to change another rose.
43. How was the girl’s mother?
A. She was living in the cemetery. B. She looked after the cemetery.
C. She was dead. D. She was visiting the cemetery.
44. Why did the man change his mind? Because _____________.
A. the flower shop could not deliver the flowers on time. B. his mother’s home was near there.
C. he was moved by the girl’s love for her mother. D. the flower shop ran out of flowers.
45. The best title for this story is ____________.
A. The flower shop B. A man and a little girl C. Flowers for mothers D. A dead mother
V. Fill in each numbered blank with one suitable word or phrase
When Diana got off the train, there was a woman waiting for her on the platform. “Are you Diana?” she asked,
“(46) _______ a car waiting for you outside.” Diana was not very surprised, (47) _______ she thought that her aunt
(48) _______ have been too busy to meet her (49) _______ the station. Although she did not recognize the woman,
who was dressed very formally, and had a small briefcase under her arm, she was so tired after the journey that she

Tan Tuc High School English 11 – Semester 1

was happy to get into the car. The woman, however, just said a few words to the driver, and then walked away.
Diana wondered (50) _______ she was. “It’s strange that she didn’t even introduce herself,” she thought.
46. A. There’s B. Theirs C. Its D. Its
47. A. so B. despite C. too D. as
48. A. may B. might C. should D. must
49. A. at B. to C. in D. for
50. A. whether B. who C. there D. however


Word Verb Noun Adjective Adverb Meaning

Tan Tuc High School English 11 – Semester 1

B. VERB TENSE (Simple Present Tense / Simple Past Tense / Simple Future Tense )
1. My old friend, Manh ______________ to me twice a month. (write)
2. My mother ______________ to stay with us next weekend. (come)
3. I hope that I ____________ Mary at the party tonight. (meet)
4. My mother often ______________ me English on Saturday evenings. (teach)
5. Someday I ______________ a novel. (write)
6. I often ______________ to school when she was a student. (walk)
7. The earth ____________ on the sun for its heat and light. (depend)
8. My father ______________ for this company from 1995 to 2004. (work)
9. The weather generally ______________ quite hot in July and August. (get)
10. Every day, there ____________ more than a dozen of traffic accidents in the city. (be)
11. I ______________ to school last Friday because I was sick. (not, go)
12. She seldom ______________ her mother with the housework. (help)
13. Peter ______________ very hard, so he never gets high scores. (not/ study)
14. According to the weather forecast, it ______________ tomorrow. (not / snow)
15. They ______________ a visit to us last summer. (pay)
16. I ______________ in the army during the Second World War. (be)
17. Their parents _________ back in two hours. (come)
18. I ______________ her a present when I ______________ her tomorrow. (give/meet)
19. The train for Edinburgh ___________ at 8.00 am from platform 3. (leave)
20. Susan ____________ in Manchester for three years but now she lives in Liverpool . (live)


Tan Tuc High School English 11 – Semester 1


UNIT 3: A PARTY (Moät Böõa Tieäc)

1. celebrate / ‘selibreit / (v) laøm leã kyû nieäm
celebration (n) - ceborated (adj.) – celebratory (adj.)
2. candle / ‘kændl / (n) neán
3. blow out (v) thoåi taét
4. anniversary /æni’v3:səri / (n) ngaøy kyû nieäm
5. silver / ‘silvə / (n) baïc
6. gold / gould / (n) vaøng
golden (adj.)
7. occasion / ə‘keiʒn / (n) dòp
occasional (adj.) - occasionally (adv.)
8. decorate / ‘dekəreit / (v) trang trí
decoration (n)
9. invite / in’vait / (v) môøi
invitation (n)
10. formal / ‘fɔ:məl / (adj.) trang troïng ≠ informal (adj.)
11. entertain / entə’tein / (v) giaûi trí, tieâu khieån
entertainment (n)
12. icing / ‘aisiη / (n) lôùp kem phuû treân maët baùnh
13. clap / klæp / (v, n) voã tay
14. eager / ‘i:gə / (adj.) haêm hôû
eagerly (adv.)
15. delicious / di’li∫əs / (adj.) ngon
deliciously (adv.)
16. refresh / ri’fre∫ / (v) laøm tænh taùo
refreshment (n) - refreshments (n) (soá nhieàu) moùn aên nheï
17. helicopter / ‘helikɔptə(r) / (n) maùy bay tröïc thaêng
18. childish / ‘t∫aildi∫ / (adj.) nhö treû con
19. cosy / ‘kəuzi / (adj.) aám cuùng
20. enthusiastic / in,θju:zi’æstik / (adj.) haêng haùi, nhieät tình
21. host / həust / (n) chuû nhaø (nam)
hostess (n) chuû nhaø (nöõ)
22. New Year’s Eve giao thöøa
23. party-goer (n) ngöôøi ñi döï tieäc

1. In the United States, people of all ages ______________ birthdays. (celebration)
2. People call the 50th wedding anniversary the “_________ anniversary”. (gold)
3. There will be lots of _____________ and some special foods at the New Year’s Eve party. (refresh)
4. The birthday cake was beautifully ___________ with pink and white icing. (decoration)
5. We all __________ our hands eagerly and sang “Happy Birthday” as she blew out the candles. (clap)
6. Nobody in the office had received an __________ to the party. (invite)
7. On what ___________ are parties held? (occasional)
8. To organize the best party, we should decide on the following: budget, date and time, place, ______________,
food and drink… (entertain)
9. Tom was talking about the ___________food they had eaten on their trip. (deliciously)
Tan Tuc High School English 11 – Semester 1

10. Mai didn’t like having the party at a restaurant because it is _________ and expensive. (noise)



Active 1. (to)V 1. She wanted to go home.
Passive 2. (to) be + Ved/ 3 2. She wanted to be examined by the doctor.
Active 3. V-ing 3. The thief avoided meeting everyone.
Passive 4. being + Ved/3 4. They are whispering to avoid being heard by Tom.
Rewrite the following sentences, using the words given.
E.g. Would you please lend me a hand?  Would you mind lending me a hand?
I/ Daïng V-ing sau moät soá ñoäng töø:
1. John listens to pop music every day.  John enjoys.............................................................................................
2. I don’t remember that I met him in London.  I don’t remember.........................................................................
3. I suggested that we should visit the Smiths.  I suggested ..................................................................................
4. Shall we go to the circus on Sunday?  Do you consider...................................................................................?
5. Why don’t you attend his party now?  I don’t feel like......................................................................................
6. Do you like to go shopping?  I often avoid .......................................................................................................
7. Shall we go to Dalat this year?  Do you consider.............................................................................................?
8. Betty likes meeting people.  Betty enjoys ..........................................................................................................
9. I want you to live on your own.  Do you mind ................................................................................................?
10. It’s necessary to water those plants regularly.  Those plants need.....................................................................
II/ Daïng V-ing sau giôùi töø:
11. She insisted that she should be called Mary.
 She insisted on .................................................................................................................................................
12. He finally managed to get a job.  He finally succeeded in .................................................................................
13. Tom collects antique coins. He gets interested in it.
 Tom gets interested in ......................................................................................................................................
14. Farmers add fertilizers to help enrich the soil.
 Farmers help enrich the soil by .......................................................................................................................
15. They irrigate their fields to reclaim land.
 They reclaim land by ........................................................................................................................................
III / REWRITE THE SENTENCES AS DIRECTED (Vieát laïi caâu nhö höôùng daãn)
16. Could you turn the radio down, please?  Would you mind ...............................................................................?
17. Shall we practise playing football?  What about .............................................................................................?
18. It’s not a good idea to travel during the rush-hour.
 It’s better to avoid ............................................................................................................................................
19. He listens to rock music. He is very fond of it.  He is very fond of ...................................................................
20. Don’t you remember you lent me money last month?
 I can’t remember ..............................................................................................................................................
21. Would you like to stop smoking?  Would you mind ........................................................................................?
22. Paul doesn’t like talking to them.  Paul hates ...................................................................................................
23. I would like you to help me to do some difficult exercises.
 Do you mind ...................................................................................................................................................?
24. Why don’t we watch TV for a change?  I suggest .............................................................................................
25. Do you like to do morning exercise?  I often avoid ...........................................................................................
26. She doesn’t like working with young people.  She doesn’t enjoy ......................................................................
Rewrite the following sentences, using the words given.
E.g. 1. Helen expects other peole to praise her.  Helen expects to be praised by other people.
2. The authorities chose that fellow as soldier.  That fellow couldn’t avoid being chosen as soldier by the

Tan Tuc High School English 11 – Semester 1

1. Isabel expected the principal to admit her to the university.

 Isabel the principal.
2. Ms. Thomson doesn’t want to be called at home unless there is an emergency.
 Ms. Thomson minds..........................................................................................................................................
3. I expected the Smiths to invite me to the party.
 I expected by the Smiths.
4. The film star wore dark glasses so that no one could recognize him.
 The film star wearing dark glasses.
5. My mother took me to the zoo when I was a child.
 I remember by my mother when...........................
6. Peter didn’t see me when I was climbing over the wall.
 I avoided by Peter when...................................
7. Everyone trusts that man.  That man seems everyone.
8. Foster’s company will transfer him to New York.
 Mr. Foster hopes his company.
9. No one wants to be deceived by another person.
 No one enjoys....................................................................................................................................................
10. Did the man cheat Tom in that manner?
 Tom absolutely refused the man.
11. Naturally, I enjoy being promoted to a higher position.
 Naturally, I would like......................................................................................................................................
12. That author’s friends criticizes him.
 That author doesn’t his friends.
13. The manager certainly needs to consider the whole problem carefully.
 The whole problem certainly the manager.

I. Phonetics:
A. Choose the word which has the underlined part pronounced differently from the rest
1. A. honey B. hero C. home D. hour
2. A. table B. old C. talk D. call
3. A. open B. cold C. joke D. toy
B. Choose the word which is stressed differently from the rest
4. A. relationship B. celebration C. American D. activity
5. A. between B. birthday C. candle D. people
II. Vocabulary and Grammar:
Choose from the four options given (marked A, B, C, and D) one best answer:
6. These anniversaries mark the milestones of a happy and lasting relationship between married couples. (closest
A. signs B. achievements C. landmarks D. progresses
7. When having days off, he always helps his wife tidy up the house. (opposite meaning)
A. clear up B. sort out C.arrange D. mess up
8. Your __________ conversation has drawn a lot of attention form people in the ballroom.
A. interesting B. interested C. interest D. interestedly
9. They’re having a party in ____________ of his 84th birthday.
A. ceremony B. honor C. memory D. celebration
10. When they finished singing, Lisa ____________ the candles on the cake.
A. turned off B. blew out C. cleared up D. brought out
11. I __________ in love with her the first time, I saw her and we’ve just celebrated our 50 th anniversary.
A. fell B. stumbled C. tripped D. went down
12. She left the house without ___________ anything.
A. say B. saying C. to say D. said
13. You had better ________ the bus. Going by taxi is too expensive.
A. to take B. take C. taking D. took

Tan Tuc High School English 11 – Semester 1

14. The thief wanted to avoid ___________ on security cameras.

A. to see B. seeing C. to be seen D. being seen
15. I am looking forward to ___________ from you soon.
A. hear B. heard C. hearing D. be heard
16. He didn’t expect _________ to the party.
A. being invited B. be invited C. invited D. to be invited
17. When entering the library in his country house, I saw him __________ on the floor.
A. lying B. lies C. being lying D. to lie
18. How long does it take __________ the airport from here?
A. to get to B. getting to C. get for D. getting for
19. Sally’s low test scores kept her from ____________ to the university.
A. admitting B. to admit C. to be admitted D. being admitted
20. Look at the state of the gate. It needs ____________ as soon as possible.
A. to repair B. repairing C. being repaired D. be repaired
21. I think he is not ___________ our business.
A. reliable enough to be informed B. enough reliable to be informed
C. reliable enough for being informed D. reliable enough being informed
22. This room is too dark for us _________.
A. to study B. studying C. for studying D. study
23. At this time yesterday, everyone ___________ in the room.
A. is dancing B. was dancing C. has danced D. danced
24. By the time the ambulance approached, the man __________.
A. would die B. had died C. died D. dies
25. We __________ any interesting films lately.
A. didn’t see B. have seen C. saw D. haven’t seen
26. I will sent this present to him when he ____________ in London.
A. will arrive B. arrives C. arrived D. arrive
27. The boy seems to be so excited __________ his coming birthday.
A. about B. with C. in D. for
28. Students who are absent _________ too many classes will not be allowed to take the exam.
A. in B. from C. on D. at
29. He has just bought ___________ expensive furniture.
A. an B. these C. those D. some
30. Did you have _________ good time at the party last night?
A. a B. an C. the D. Þ
31. The birthday cake was cut at ______ beginning of the party.
A. Þ B. a C. an D. the
32. _ “Oops! Go and clean your room. It’s a real ___________.”
A. kitchen B. garden C. mess D. nest
33. _ “Would you like a piece of cake?” _ “____________.”
A. Yes, I would B. Yes, I do like C. Yes, please D. Yes, of course
34. My suit needs to be cleaned before the interview before the interview but I’m too busy to do that.
A. I must have my suit cleaned before the interview.
B. I must clean my suit before the interview.
C. I must have my suit to be cleaned before the interview.
D. I must have my suit cleans before the interview.
35. My father is tired of seeing any violent film.
A. My father hasn't seen a violent film.
B. My father has enjoyed all the violent films he has ever seen.
C. My father is worried about missing the next violent film.
D. My father never wants to see another violent film.
III. Find the underlined part in each sentence that should be corrected
36. Would you mind (A) wait (B) for (C) me for a (D) moment?
37. They speak (A) Korean well because (B) they practice (C) speak it (D) every day.
38. After Tom had returned (A) to (B) his house, he was reading (C) a (D) book.
39. We were not inviting (A) to (B) their (C) wedding anniversary (D) last week.
40. When I was about (A) 12, one of the teachers at school asked if (B) anyone had wanted (C) to have an English
pen-friend. (D)
Tan Tuc High School English 11 – Semester 1

IV. Read the passage carefully and choose the correct answers
Giving a dinner party is a wonderful way of entertaining people. You can also make new friends and give
others the chance to get to know each other better.
It needs planning, though. First make a guest list, with different kinds of people and a mixture of women and
men. Don’t invite couples because they aren’t so much fun!
When you know who can come, find out what they like to eat and drink. Note down any who are vegetarians, or
who can’t eat or drink certain things for religious reasons.
Then plan their menu. Include a first course, a choice of main courses and a dessert, plus lots of people’s
favourite drinks. The next thing to do is the shopping. Make sure you buy more than enough of everything and that
someone can help you carry it!
On the day, start cooking early. Give people appetizers like Greek mezze or Spanish tapas, so they don’t’ get
hungry if they have to wait. Serve the delicious meal, sit down with your guests and have a good time – you’ve
earned it!
41. Which of the following is NOT mentioned as the purpose of giving a dinner party?
A. To entertain people. B. To make new friends.
C. To get people to know more about the host or hostess.
D. To help people know each other better.
42. When giving a dinner party, you should NOT invite_____________.
A. husbands and wives B. those who are vegetarians
C. both women and men D. those who can’t eat or drink certain things
43. The menu should include these except______________.
A. first course B. a supper C. a dessert D. main courses
44. According to the passage, starters should be served_____________.
A. because the guests want to have a good time together
B. because the guests like eating them
C. because the guests want to eat them while having to wait
D. because the guests may be hungry while having to wait
45. What should you do while your guests are having the evening meal?
A. Stand beside your guests without doing nothing. B. Sit down with your guest and enjoy your time.
C. Sit down with your guests to show your politeness. D. Only serve your guests with the food.
V. Fill in each numbered blank with one suitable word or phrase
Last Friday was my dad’s birthday, and we organized a surprise party for him. It was great! We decorated the
living room with balloons and Mum baked a big cake. There were forty candles on the cakes (46) _______ my dad
was forty years old. We invited all the family and (47) _______ his friends, and waited in the living room for him to
come home from work. It was very funny! We had turned out all the lights, and were hiding behind the chairs, the
sofa and the curtains. As usual, he came into the house and shouted “Hi, everyone! I’m home!” We didn’t (48)
_______ a sound. “Where is everyone?” he said, and came into the room. He turned on the lights and we all
shouted “Surprise!” He was so (49) ______! Dad blew (50) _______ all the candles on the cake and we sang
“Happy Birthday”. I gave him a tie and my brother got him a CD. Mum bought him a bottle of his favorite wine.
We had a great party, and Dad said it was the best birthday he had ever had. He also said that being forty wasn’t as
bad as he had thought it could be.
46. A. because B. although C. owing to D. when
47. A. lots of B. a lot C. many D. a few
48. A. build B. cause C. make D. set
49. A. shocking B. shock C. shocked D. shockingly
50. A. over B. out C. up D. off

I. Phonetics
A. Choose the word which has the underlined part pronounced differently from the rest
1. A. weather B. cream C. friend D. wedding
2. A. married B. say C. anniversary D. happy
3. A. honest B. honey C. honour D. hour
B. Choose the word which is stressed differently from the rest
4. A. everyone B. develop C. important D. delightful
Tan Tuc High School English 11 – Semester 1

5. A. rescue B. progress C. forgive D. student

II. Vocabulary and Grammar
Choose from the four options given (marked A, B, C, and D) one best answer
6. Children often recieve presents from their parents at Christmas. (closest meaning)
A. candles B. candy C. cards D. gifts
7. From my point of view, parental divorce can cause lasting negative consequenses for children. (opposite
A. beginning of a marriage B. single person
C. the situation of not marriage D. ending of a marriage
8. They are a happy _________ couple.
A. marrying B. marriage C. marital D. married
9. We always celebrate our wedding ____________ with dinner in an expensive restaurant every year.
A. party B. anniversary C. cake D. ring
10. I like to have dinner with my fiancé in ____________ light much more than electric light because it seems to
be romantic.
A. candle B. candy C. present D. lamp
11. It rained _________ yesterday, so our outdoor party was cancelled.
A. cats and dogs B. chalk and cheese C. fast and furious D. ups and downs
12. Little John seemed to know his important role in the party and kept ___________ all the time.
A. grin B. to grin C. grinning D. to grinning
13. I’m terribly sorry. I didn’t mean ___________ your feelings.
A. to hurt B. to be hurt C. being hurt D. hurting
14. They are whispering to avoid ____________ by their friends.
A. being heard B. hearing C. to be heard D. being hearing
15. She resented ____________ to make tea for everyone at the meeting.
A. to ask B. to be asked C. asking D. being asked
16. John had agreed __________ me in his office.
A. meet B. to meet C. meeting D. met
17. I couldn’t help _________ at his jokes.
A. laugh B. laughing C. to laugh D. laughed
18. Please don’t ever let me _________. I want to stay here with you.
A. go B. to go C. going D. gone
19. The bank robbers made the customers __________ on the floor.
A. lie B. to lie C. lying D. lain
20. Have you finished __________ the dishes? I need you help me with my homework.
A. to clean B. clean C. cleaned D. cleaning
21. No one has better qualifications. Carol is certain __________ for the job.
A. to choose B. having chosen C. to be chosen D. being chosen
22. The housework seems too complicated for him __________.
A. do B. to do C. doing D. does
23. I am tall enough __________ a book on the top of shelf.
A. to take B. taking C. take D. being taken
24. Please don’t touch anything before the police ___________.
A. will come B. comes C. come D. would come
25. John __________ his brother to California last month and he _________ there since then.
A. was following/leaves B. has followed/is living C. followed/has lived D. followed/has lived
26. As soon as Martina saw the fire, she ____________ the fire department.
A. was telephoning B. telephoned C. had telephoned D. has telephoned
27. I saw Jack yesterday morning while I ____________ home from work.
A. walked B. was walking C. am walking D. had been walking
28. People receive cards and gifts ___________ friends and relatives on their birthdays.
A. to B. for C. from D. with
29. The candles were blown ________ and the food began to arrive.
A. off B. out C. down D. up
30. People often bring ________ flowers and _________ gifts to _________ birthday party.
A. Þ / Þ / a B. the / the / the C. the / Þ / Þ D. Þ / the / a
31. In the United States, _______ 50 wedding anniversary is very special.
A. a B. an C. the D. Þ
Tan Tuc High School English 11 – Semester 1

32. _ “Where do you think Mike is from?” _ “___________.”

A. Maybe he comes from Australia. B. He lives in Australia.
C. He is Australia. D. Australia man, of course.
33. _ “Would you like to eat out now?” _ “Well, I’d __________ to, but I’m busy.”
A. better B. love C. rather D. prefer
34. Parking is not permitted here.
A. You don’t have to park here. B. You are not allowed to park here.
C. You are not allowed parking here. D. You shouldn’t park here.
35. The man had his dirty car washed at last.
A. The car got dirty last week. B. The man’s dirty car didn’t last.
C. The man got dirty when he washed his car. D. Someone finally washed the man’s car.
III. Find the underlined part in each sentence that should be corrected
36.James expected to invite (A) to (B) the party, but (C) he (D) wasn’t.
37.By (A) the time Tom arrived (B), all of (C) the food had eaten (D).
38.Rick didn’t run (A) fast (B) enough (C) for win (D) the race.
39.I prefer to watch (A) a live concert (B) to listening (C) to music on the radio (D).
40.As soon as (A) the alarm clock rang (B), she woke up (C) and was getting (D) out of bed.
IV. Read the passage carefully and choose the correct answers
In the US, men and women choose their spouses. They do this by dating. When they decide on a spouse, they
get engaged. They do not need their parents’ consent. The man usually gives the woman an engagement ring.
Before a wedding, the bride’s women friends and relatives usually have a party for her. It is called a shower. At the
shower, everyone gives the bride a present for her future home. The groom’s men friends give him a party. It is
called a bachelor party. The purpose of this party is to give to the groom one last good time as a single man.
Sometimes young people pay for their own wedding. This is especially true if they have been working for a
while. In other cases, the family of the bride pays for most of the wedding and the reception afterward.
41. In the U. S, men and women ___________.
A. don’t have to pay attention to the law when they get married
B. must have their parents’ permission if they are supposed to get married
C. must win their friends’ agreement if they are supposed to get married
D. could have their own choice in the matter of marriage
42. At the bachelor party, the groom___________.
A. could have one last good time as a bachelor B. must promise to behave properly at the wedding
C. must prove him to be a good future husband D. could have one last chance of freedom
43. According to the passage, young people____________.
A. can ask for parental help to pay for their weddings
B. can borrow from their friends to pay for the weddings
C. at times pay for their weddings D. completely rely on their family for their weddings
44. The word “consent” in line 2 is closest in meaning to ___________.
A. order B. request C. agreement D. remarks
45. The word “present” in line 4 is closest in meaning to___________.
A. gift B. kiss C. ring D. chance
V. Fill in each numbered blank with one suitable word or phrase
It was Jimmy’s birthday, and he was five years old. He got quite a lot birthday present from his family, and one
of them was a beautiful big drum.
“(46) _______ gave him that thing?” Jimmy’s father said when he saw it.
“His grandfather did,” answered Jimmy’s mother. “Oh,” said his father.
Of course, Jimmy liked his drum very much. He made a terrible noise with it, but his mother did not mind. His
father was working during the day, and Jimmy was in bed when he got home in the evening, (47) _______ he did
not hear the noise. But one of the neighbors did not like the noise (48) ______ all, so one morning a few days later,
she took a sharp knife and went to Jimmy’s house while he was hitting his drum. She said to him, “Hullo, Jimmy.
Do you know, there’s (49) _______ very nice inside your drum? Here’s a knife. Open the drum and let’s (50)
_______ it.”
46. A. What B. Whom C. Who D. Which
47. A. because B. when C. so D. as
48. A. for B. at C. in D. to
49. A. something B. anything C. someone D. anyone
50. A. find B. finding C. to find D. found

Tan Tuc High School English 11 – Semester 1

Notes: .........................................................................................................................................................................

UNIT 4: VOLUNTEER WORK (Coâng Vieäc Tình Nguyeän)

1. volunteer /vɔlən’tiə / (n, v) (ngöôøi) tình nguyeän
voluntary (adj.) - voluntarily (adv.)
2. take care of (v) chaêm soùc = look after (v)
3. orphanage / ‘ɔ:fənidʒ / (n) traïi moà coâi
orphan (adj. / n) moà coâi / treû moà coâi
4. clean up (v) doïn deïp
5. mow / məu / (v) caét coû, xeùn coû
6. organization /,ɔ:gənai’zei∫n / (n) söï toå chöùc

Tan Tuc High School English 11 – Semester 1

organize (v)
7. take part in (v) tham gia vaøo = participate in
8. disadvantaged / ,disəd’va:ntidʒd / (adj.) bò thieät thoøi ≠ advantaged (adj.)
disadvantage (n) ≠ advantage (n)
9. handicapped / ‘hændikæpt / (adj.) taøn taät = disabled (adj.)
handicap (v)
10. comfort / ‘kʌmfət / (n) söï an uûi
comfortably (adv.) - comfortable (adj.) tieän lôïi ≠ uncomfortable (adj.)
11. overcome / ,əuvə’kʌm / (v) khaéc phuïc
12. remote / ri’məut / (adj.) xa xoâi, heûo laùnh
remotely (adv.)
13. mountainous / ‘mautinəs / (adj.) coù nuùi
mountain (n)
14. provide sb. with sth. / provide sth. for sb. (v) cung caáp
provision (n)
15. education / ,edju:’kei∫n / (n) söï giaùo duïc
educational (adj.) - educate (v)
16. donation / dəu’nei∫n / (n) söï ñoùng goùp, daâng hieán
donate (v)
17. martyr / ‘ma:tə(r) / (n) lieät só, ngöôøi hy sinh
18. charity / ‘t∫ærəti / (n) loøng baùc aùi, töø thieän
19. co-operate / kəu’ɔpəreit / (v) hôïp taùc, giuùp ñôõ
co-operation (n)
20. co-ordinate / kɔu’ɔ:dineit / (v) phoái hôïp, xeáp ñaët
21. issue / ‘isju: / (v) phaùt haønh
22. craft / kra:ft / (n) thuû coâng
23. minority / mai’nɔrəti / (n) thieåu soá
24. wounded /‘wu:ndid / (adj.) bò thöông

1. Some high school students take part in helping ________________ or _____________ children.
(advantage / handicap)
2. Organisation for Educational Development ____________ with Spring School to set up English classes in
1938. (co-operation)
3. She was not fired. She left the company _______________. (voluntary)
4. Last month the company volunteered to ________ fifty trucks to help the flooded areas. (donation)
5. During summer vacations, I volunteer to work in ______ or ________areas. (remotely / mountain)
6. Many students often spend many hours as volunteers in hospitals, _____________or homes for the aged.
7. She needs some _____________ to clean up the kitchen. (voluntary)
8. Big Brothers is an _______________ for boys who no longer have fathers. (organize)
9. They are getting together and chatting _____________. (comfort)
10. When she retired, she did a lot of ___________ service for the Red Cross. (volunteer)



ñöôïc duøng nhö noun : ñöôïc duøng : Examples :
1. laøm Subject : 1. nhö adjective : 1. an interesting film, running water.
Dancing bored him. 2. trong caùc thì tieáp dieãn : 2. He is working.
2. laøm complement cho verb: 3. sau caùc verbs of perception : 3. They saw him running / run away.
Her hobby is painting. see, hear, feel, smell,
Tan Tuc High School English 11 – Semester 1

3. sau preposition : listen to, notice, watch + O + V-ing

He is fond of reading.
4. sau moät soá verb nhö : 4. catch, find, leave 4. I left him talking to Bob.
admit, advise, avoid, delay, 5. go, come 5. go shopping, come dancing
deny, dislike,… (xem Coâng 6. be busy + V-ing 6. She was busy cleaning the floor.
thöùc NP lôùp 11) 7. spend, waste + time / money + V-ing
7. I spend much time reading books.
GERUND ( taïo thaønh danh töø keùp ) PRESENT PARTICIPLE
a sleeping – car : moät toa xe ñeå nguû. a sleeping child : moät ñöùa beù ñang nguû
drinking – water : nöôùc ( ñeå ) uoáng. a drinking buffalo : moät con traâu ñang uoáng nöôùc.


PERFECT GERUND: having + Ved / 3 PERFECT PARTICIPLE: having + Ved / 3
1. Coù theå ñöôïc duøng thay cho gerund 1. Coù theå ñöôïc duøng thay cho present participle (V-ing) khi
(V-ing) khi noùi veà moät haønh ñoäng quaù noùi veà moät haønh ñoäng ñöôïc theo sau lieàn töùc khaéc bôûi
khöù. moät haønh ñoäng khaùc. (cuøng moät chuû töø)
E.g. He was accused of deserting / having E.g. Locking / Having locked the door, he went out.
deserted his ship. * Notes: daïng having locked nhaán maïnh haønh ñoäng thöù
* Notes: daïng V-ing (deserting) thöôøng ñöôïc nhaát ñaõ hoaøn taát tröôùc khi haønh ñoäng thöù hai
duøng nhieàu hôn. baét ñaàu.
2. Thöôøng duøng sau deny. 2. Caàn thieát duøng perfect participle khi:
E.g. He denied having been / being there. coù moät khoaûng thôøi gian phaân caùch hai haønh ñoäng.
E.g. Having failed twice, he didn’t want to try again.

Join each of the following pairs of sentences, using:

I. a present participle: E.g. He realized that he had missed the last train. He began to walk.
 Realizing that he had missed the last train, he began to walk.
II. a past participle: E.g. The speaker was annoyed by the interruptions. He refused to continue.
 Annoyed by the interruptions, the speaker refused to continue .
III. a perfect participle: E.g. I had seen the photographs of the place. I had no desire to go there.
 Having seen the photographs of the place, I had no desire to go there.
1. She entered the room suddenly. She found them smoking.
 ..........................................................................................................................................................................
2. He had escaped from prison. He looked for a place where he could get food.
3. They found the money. They began quarrelling about how to divide it.
 ..........................................................................................................................................................................
4. I knew that he was poor. I offered to pay his school fees.
 ..........................................................................................................................................................................
5. She became tired of my complaints about the program. She turned it off.
 ..........................................................................................................................................................................
6. He had found no one at home. He left the house in a bad temper.
 ..........................................................................................................................................................................
7. He got off his horse. He began searching for something on the ground.
 ..........................................................................................................................................................................
8. He was exhausted by his work. He threw himself on his bed.
 ..........................................................................................................................................................................
9. He had spent all his money. He decided to go home and ask his father for a job.
 ..........................................................................................................................................................................
10. She had heard the story before. She didn’t want to hear it again.
 ..........................................................................................................................................................................
Tan Tuc High School English 11 – Semester 1

11. I turned on the light. I was astonished at what I saw.

 ..........................................................................................................................................................................
12. We had visited the museum. We decided to have lunch in the park.
 ..........................................................................................................................................................................
13. He thought we were lost. He offered to show us the way home.
 ..........................................................................................................................................................................
14. She realized that she couldn’t move it alone. She asked me to help her.
 ..........................................................................................................................................................................
15. The man had fed the dog. He sat down for his own dinner.
 ..........................................................................................................................................................................
16. We were soaked to the skin. We finally reached the station.
 ..........................................................................................................................................................................
17. I knew that there were ants in the grass. I didn’t like to sit down.
 ..........................................................................................................................................................................
18. I had heard that the caves were dangerous. I didn’t like to go any further without a light.
 ..........................................................................................................................................................................
19. I had looked through the fashion magazines. I realized that my clothes were out of date.
 ..........................................................................................................................................................................
20. She had spent the night in the water. She swam to the shore.
 ..........................................................................................................................................................................

I. Phonetics
A. Choose the word which has the underlined part pronounced differently from the rest
1. A. who B. wheel C. whether D. whale
2. A. whoever B. whole C. whom D. whisper
3. A. summer B. educate C. club D. public
B. Choose the word which is stressed differently from the rest
4. A. example B. volunteer C. vacation D. appropriate
5. A. advantage B. participate C. appearance D. voluntary
II. Vocabulary and grammar
Choose from the four options given (marked A, B, C and D) one best answer
6. Each nation has many people who voluntarily take care of others. (closest meaning)
A. bring along B. look after C. get on with D. keep up with
7. Little Mary had a disadvantaged childhood with little education and money. (opposite meaning)
A. difficult B. poor C. prosperous D. starving
8. It is important for children to get a good __________.
A. educate B. education C. educator D. educational
9. They volunteer to take care of children who have been ____________ by war and natural disasters.
A. supported B. suffered C. abandoned D. orphaned
10. A charity that helps support families in need is appealing for more ____________ .
A. volunteers B. pioneers C. assistants D. retirees
11. Stepping Stones is a local organization that gives a ________ to teenagers experiencing homelessness.
A. hand B. head C. finger D. arm
12. ____________ it several times, he didn’t want to read it once again.
A. Reading B. To read C. To have read D. Having read
13. She’s angry about __________ to the farewell party last night.
A. not having invited B. not to have invited
C. not having been invited D. not to have been invited
14. __________ for 12 hours, I felt marvelous.
A. Having slept B. Having been slept C. Have slept D. Have been slept
15. By the time their baby arrives, the Johnson hope ____________ painting and decorating the new nursery.
A. having finished B. to have finished
C. having been finished D. to have been finished

Tan Tuc High School English 11 – Semester 1

16. She’s angry about ____________ to the farewell party last night,
A. not having invited B. not to have invited
C. not having been invited D. not to have been invited
17. We are looking forward to __________ our friends soon.
A. meeting B. to meet C. be met D. being met
18. They now regret ____________ their son by providing too many material possessions.
A. to have been spoiled B. to have spoiled C. having been spoiled D. having spoiled
19. ____________ to the party, we could hardly refuse to go.
A. To have been invited B. To have invited C. Having been invited D. Having invited
20. For some strange reasons, I keep __________ today is Saturday.
A. think B. thinking C. to think D. thought
21. I could feel my hands ____________ with fear!
A. to shake B. shaking C. was shaking D. none is correct
22. Tom made a bad mistake at work, but his boss didn’t fire him. He’s lucky ________ a second chance.
A. having given B. to have given C. having been given D. to have been given
23. He was accused of __________ the car two months ago.
A. steal B. having stealing C. stolen D. having stolen
24. The children enjoyed ____________ on fishing trips.
A. taking B. to be taken C. being taken D. having taken
25. I thought I would get to the station first, but he __________ before me.
A. was arriving B. arrives C. had arrived D. arrived
26. The students ___________ by Mrs. Linda. However, this week they __________ Mr.Pike.
A. are usually taught/are being taught B. usually teach/are teaching
C. have usually been taught/have been teaching D. were usually teaching/are teaching
27. I ___________ in the waiting room when I heard someone _______ me.
A. sat/call B. was sitting/call C. was sitting/called D. sat/called
28. I __________ as a hotel receptionist from May 2001 to March 2002.
A. had worked B. would work C. worked D. get used to working
29. She stays _____ home to take care ____________ her sick mother.
A. in / for B. from / at C. at / of D. for / with
30. I often take part ________ social activities every weekend.
A. in B. for C. against D. over
31. I think nothing is more interesting than sitting in the sunshine and enjoying the beauty of ___ nature.
A. a B. an C. the D. Þ
32. _ “I’m sorry about that!” _ “__________!”
A. That’s right B. Of course C. You’re welcome D. It’s OK
33. _ “You are late again, Michael.” – “___________”
A. Never mind. I stayed up too late last night. B. I’m so sorry. The traffic was terrible.
C. It’s OK. Thanks for telling me. D. That’s alright. It’s my fault, anyway.
34. It’s no use reading that book.
A. That book has not been used. B. I have used that book for a long time.
C. That book is not worth reading. D. You should read that book.
35. Having finished their work, the workers expected to be paid.
A. The workers expected to be paid because they had finished their work.
B. Having their work finished, the workers expected to be paid.
C. Having expected to be paid, the workers finished their work.
D. Having been finished their work, the workers expected to be paid.
III. Find the underlined part in each sentence that should be corrected
36. Each (A) nation has (B) many people who voluntary (C) take care of others (D).
37. We are (A) looking forward (B) to see (C) you again (D).
38. Although (A) being tired (B), he still (C) went out for (D) work.
39. I have not (A) objection to (B) hearing (C) your stories again (D).
40. I would (A) rather doing (B) any job than (C) be out of (D) work.
IV. Read the passage carefully and choose the correct answer
Volunteering can be the experience of a lifetime and for some people it is a life changing experience. Volunteer
Bolivia is the international volunteer organization that combines a volunteer service learning experience with a
program for an unforgettable intercultural experience. They offer an affordable way for you to experience a foreign
country while lending a hand. Their variety of community volunteer positions provide you with the opportunity to
Tan Tuc High School English 11 – Semester 1

make new friends, define a new career, develop new skills, and share your skills with others. Short-term volunteers
are a crucial part of their program allowing you to fulfill the needs of a variety of children’s centers scattered
around the region. These centers provide services for children. Long-term volunteers are those who stay with them
more than five months, speak intermediate Spanish and are specialized volunteers who have an expertise that
matches their Bolivian colleagues’ needs.
Many long-term volunteers contribute in a collaboratively designed volunteer position such as helping in the
office, translating, and working with the Bolivian staff. If you have a specialized skill, they can place you in your
profession. Long-term volunteers have also contributed as healthcare workers, physical therapists, graphic
designers, by teaching advanced computer skills or in project development.
41. According to the writer, volunteer work is _____________.
A. a combination B. an experience C. an organization D. a lifetime
42. If you take part in volunteer Bolivia, you have a chance ____________.
A. to work in a foreign country B. to lose your career
C. to work in your hometown D. to change experience
43. According to the passage, ____________.
A. there is only one kind of volunteers
B. there are two kinds of volunteers: long-term volunteers and short-term volunteers
C. volunteers are not allowed to make friends
D. if you are a short-term volunteer you will work with patients
44. The word crucial means _____________.
A. necessary B. not easy C. very difficult D. important
45. Long-term volunteers work as ____________.
A. designers B. professors C. healthcare workers D. teachers of English
V. Fill in each numbered bank with one suitable word or phrase
MSF, Medecins Sans Frontières or Doctors Without Borders, recruits physicians, nurses and other health
professionals to serve volunteer tours of duty for from a few months to (46) ______ than a year. MSF pays the
volunteers a small salary and covers living expenses. Volunteer teams work in battle - line hospitals, refugee camps,
disaster areas, and towns and villages that (47) ______ adequate medical care. They provide emergency and
primary medical care, perform surgery, give vaccinations, establish medical facilities, and provide water supplies
and sanitation.
MSF (48) _______ helps create medical facilities on long–term basis in countries that either are recovering
from war or are in poverty. In these instances, volunteers rebuild hospitals and health centers, train local medical
staff, and work with local health authorities. MSF volunteers often travel to areas of (49) _______ instability, and
several volunteers have (50) _______ killed in the line of duty.
46. A. more B. better C. further D. older
47. A. shortage B. lacking C. lack D. short of
48. A. too B. well C. also D. so
49. A. politics B. political C. politician D. politic
50. A. had B. recently C. already D. been

I. Phonetics
A. Choose the word which has the underlined part pronounced differently from the rest
1. A. whirl B. wholesome C. whistle D. whither
2. A. cross B. volunteer C. company D. follow
3. A. reach B. healthy C. weather D. pleasure
B. Choose the word which is stressed differently from the rest
4. A. organization B. education C. disadvantage D. mountaineer
5. A. vehicle B. themselves C. operate D. annual
II. Vocabulary and grammar
Choose from the four options given (marked A, B, C and D) one best answer
6. A bank has promised a donation of $24 million toward the disaster fund. (cloest meaning)
A. connection B. addition C. contribution D. provision
7. Some high school students give care and comfort to disadvantages or handicapped children and help them to
overcome their difficulties. (opposite meaning)
A. overwhelm B. control C. neglect D. conquer
8. he new law allows school districts to spend more money on less ____________ children.
Tan Tuc High School English 11 – Semester 1

A. advantageous B. disadvantageous C. advantaged D. disadvantaged

9. The ____________ have to suffer from a serious physical or mental disability.
A. educated B. handicapped C. aged D. orphans
10. By the end of 1962 almost 5, 000 _______ from the organization were serving in forty-two countries.
A. volunteers B. voluntary C. voluntarily D. volunteer
11.She may seem unapproachable when you first meet her, but the truth is that she has a(n) _____ of gold.
A. heart B. soul C. attitude D. feeling
12. Your house needs ___________.
A. redecorating B. redecorated C. being redecorated D. to redecorate
13. I caught him __________ over my wall.
A. to climb B. having climb C. climb D. climbing
14. They object _________ their plans at this late date.
A. to change B. to have change C. to changing D. of changing
15. She often thinks carefully __________ any question.
A. before answering B. before having answered C. by answering D. having answering
16. Mai doesn’t spend much time _________ for the exam.
A. prepare B. to prepare C. preparing D. to be prepared
17. _________ in dark colors, the room needed some bright lights.
A. Having painted B. Having been painted C. To have been painted D. To have painted
18. ____________ by the boys’ behavior, she complained to the head teacher,
A. She annoyed B. Annoyed C. She was annoyed D. Annoying
19. We were shocked to hear the news of your ____________ .
A. having fired B. to be fired C. having been fired D. to have been fired
20. The spy admitted ____________ some highly secret information to enemy agents.
A. having given B. having been given C. to have given D. to have been given
21. They were fortunate ____________ from the fire before the building collapsed.
A. to have been rescued B. to have rescued C. to rescue D. rescuing
22. I don’t remember ___________ of the decision to change the company policy on vacations. When was it
A. telling B. being told C. to tell D. to be told
23. We decided not to travel, __________ the terrible weather forecast.
A. having heard B. having been heard C. to have been heard D. to have heard
24. Mary’s children are used to _________ after school everyday. They don’t have to walk home.
A. picking up B. being picked up C. be picked up D. pick up
25. I don’t want ________ by my friends.
A. being deceived B. to be deceived C. deceiving D. to deceive
26. The girl said she ___________ in this apartment for 2 years.
A. lived B. was living C. has been living D. had been living
27. Last night at this time, they _______ the same thing. She ________ while he _________ the newspaper.
A. are doing / is cooking / is reading B. were doing / was cooking / was reading
C. were doing / cooked / was reading D. did / was cooking / was reading
28. I used to swim in this river when I ________ young,
A. am B. was C. will be D. have been
29. Tommy is very keen _________ his next trip abroad.
A. with B. for C. on D. about
30. We are very fond _________ folk music.
A. with B. at C. in D. of
31. He shouted “I am _________ happiest in _________ world.”
A. a / the B. Þ / a C. the / the D. a / Þ
32. _ “What do you think of Korean films?” _ “___________.”
A. Yes, I do B. No, I don’t C. I think of them very much D. I like them
33. _ “Harry is on the phone.” _ “Who __________ to?”
A. is he talking B. will he talk C. does he talk D. he talks
34. She swam to the shore, _____________.
A. having spending the night in the water B. when spending the night on the water
C. having spent the night in the water D. had spent the night in the water
35. He tied one end of the rope to his bed, he threw the other end out of the window.
A. Having tie one end of the rope to his bed, he threw the other end out of the window.
Tan Tuc High School English 11 – Semester 1

B. Tied one end of the rope to his bed, he threw the other end out of the window.
C. Having tied one end of the rope to his bed, he threw the other end out of the window.
D. Have tied one end of the rope to his bed, he threw the other end out of the window.
III. Find the underlined part in each sentence that should be corrected
36. I’d (A) like buying (B) some earrings (C) like yours (D).
37. To sit (A) alone in his (B) room, he was frightened (C) by (D) the strange noise.
38. She smelt (A) something burn (B) and saw smoke (C) rising (D).
39. I objected to (A) him to make (B) private calls on (C) cell phones (D).
40. She was waiting (A) nervous (B) in the waiting (C) room for (D) the interview.
IV. Read the passage carefully and choose the correct answer
I was with Overseas Volunteers (OV) for a year after leaving university, and I was sent to an isolated village in
Chad, about 500 km from the capital N’Djamena. Coming from a rich country, I got quite a shock, as conditions
were much harder than I had expected. However, after a few days I soon got used to living there. The people were
always very friendly and helpful, and soon I began to appreciate how beautiful the countryside was.
One of my jobs was to supply the village with water. The well was a long walk away. The women used to
spend a long time every day carrying heavy pots backwards and forwards. Therefore, I contacted organization and
arranged to have some pipes delivered. We built a simple pipeline and a pump, and it worked first time. It wasn’t
perfect – there were a few leaks, but it made a great difference to the villagers, who had never had running water
before. And not only did we have running water, but also in the evenings, it was hot, because the pipe had been
lying in the sun all day.
All in all, I think my time with OV was a good experience. Although it was not well paid, it was well worth
doing, and I would recommend it to anyone who was considering working for a charity.
41. The author _____________.
A. has been working for OV for a year. B. was born in a rich family.
C. is living in the capital N’Djamena. D. used to be a volunteer working in a remote village.
42. How did the author feel when he arrived in the village?
A. depressed B. impressed C. surprised D. disappointed
43. Which of the following is NOT true?
A. It took a lot of time to take water home from the well.
B. The villagers used to live in conditions without running water.
C. A pipeline was built to carry clean water to homes.
D. Solar energy was used to heat water.
44. The word It in line 9 refers to _____________.
A. running water B. the pump C. the pipeline D. the supply of water
45. What does the author think about his time with OV?
A. It was paid a lot of money. B. It was not worth working
C. It wasted time. D. It provided good experience.
V. Fill in each numbered bank with one suitable word or phrase
More and more young people are (46) ____ voluntary work abroad. The wide variety of jobs and destinations
available is making it an increasingly attractive option for those (47) ____ have just left school and have a year free
before university. Many choose to spend these twelve months working in poor countries. There they will earn little
(48) ____ no money, but they will be working something useful and enjoying the experience. The work may (49)
____ of helping local communities, for example by helping to build new roads or provide water supplies to isolated
rural villages. Other projects may concentrate more on conservation or environmental protection. (50) ____ kind of
job it is, though, it is certain to be challenging and worthwhile, and experience that will never be forgotten.
46. A. doing B. making C. taking D. getting
47. A. who B. that C. whom D. whose
48. A. with B. but C. or D. and
49. A. consist B. include C. contain D. involve
50. A. Any B. What C. However D. Whatever

Tan Tuc High School English 11 – Semester 1



(Ñoäng Töø Nguyeân Maãu)
duøng Ñoäng Töø Nguyeân Maãu
1. Ngoâi cuûa caùc ñaïi töø vaø tính töø sôû höõu  ñoåi (xem
1. agree, promise, want… + to inf. baûng A)
2. advise, ask, encourage, invite, remind,
tell, want, warn… + O + to inf. 2. Traïng töø chæ thôøi gian vaø nôi choán  ñoåi (xem baûng
(Xem theâm Coâng thöùc ngöõ phaùp lôùp B)
11) 3. Thì cuûa ñoäng töø  ñoåi (xem baûng C)
(Xem Coâng thöùc ngöõ phaùp lôùp 11 baûng A, B, C)
Write the following sentences in reported speech.
E.g. “Mary should know that we are here now”, he said.
 He wanted Mary to know that they were there then.
1. Joe said, “Please come to my party.”  Joe invited me.........................................................................................
2. My teacher said, “ I think you should take another English course.”
 My teacher advised ..........................................................................................................................................
3. The doctor said, “ Take a deep breath.”  The doctor told the patient.................................................................
4. My mother said, “ Make an appointment with the dentist.”
 My mother reminded.........................................................................................................................................
5. My friend said, “ I think you should take a long vacation.”
 My friend encouraged.......................................................................................................................................
6. The Smiths said, “ Would you like to come to our house for dinner ?”
 The Smiths invited ............................................................................................................................................
7. My friend said, “ You should see a doctor about the pain in your knee.”
 My friend advised.............................................................................................................................................
8. Sue said, “ Don’t buy a used car.”  Sue advised me not....................................................................................
9. Mr. Gray said, “Don’t play in the street.”  Mr. Gray warned the children not...................................................
10. Bill said, “Don’t touch the hot pot.”  Bill warned..............................................................................................
11. The secretary said to me, “Please give the note to Sue.”
 The secretary asked me....................................................................................................................................
12. My advisor said to me, “You should take Biology 109.”
 My advisor advised...........................................................................................................................................
13. When I went to traffic court, the judge said to me, “You must pay a thirty-dollar fine. “
Tan Tuc High School English 11 – Semester 1

 When I went to traffic court, the judge asked....................................................................................................

14. During the test, the teacher said to Greg, “Keep your eyes on your own paper. “
 During the test, the teacher warned..................................................................................................................
15. During the test, the teacher said to Greg, “Don’t look at your neighbor’s paper. “
 During the test, the teacher warned..................................................................................................................
16. At the meeting, the head of the department said to Mary, “Don’t forget to turn in your grade reports by the
 At the meeting, the head of the department reminded.......................................................................................
17. Mr. Lee said to the children, “Be quiet! “  Mr. Lee told.....................................................................................
18. The hijacker said to the pilot, “You must land the plane.”
 The hijacker asked............................................................................................................................................
19. The teacher said to the students, “Speak slowly and clearly.”
 The teacher encouraged....................................................................................................................................
20. The teacher said to the students, “You are supposed to come to class on time.”
 The teacher advised..........................................................................................................................................
21. The general said to the soldiers, “Surround the enemy!”
 The general asked.............................................................................................................................................
22. Nancy said to me, “Would you please open the door?”
 Nancy asked
23. Bob said to me, “Don’t forget to take your book back to the library.”
 Bob reminded
24. Paul said to me, “You should take singing lessons.”
 Paul encouraged...............................................................................................................................................
25. Mrs. Anderson said to the children, “Don’t play with matches!”
 Mrs. Anderson warned......................................................................................................................................
26. The law says, “Every driver must have a valid driver’s license.”
 The law wants
27. My friend said to me, “You should get some automobile insurance.”
 My friend advised.............................................................................................................................................
28. The robber said to me, “Give me all your money.”
 The robber asked..............................................................................................................................................
29. Before the examination began, the teacher said to the students, “Work quickly.”
 Before , the teacher told...........................
30. My boss said to me, “Come to the meeting ten minutes early.”
 My boss told
31. “If I were you, I ‘d read the exam questions very carefully.”
 He advised
32. “Be quiet!”  He asked........................................................................................................................................
33. “The theater will be built next to the town hall.”  They promised......................................................................
34. “Okay, I’ll collect David from school.”  He agreed ........................................................................................
35. “Please stay for a few more days.”  She advised ..............................................................................................
36. “I’ll fight the ban on smoking in public places.”  He promised.........................................................................
37. “I imagine I’ll see Olivia at the party.”  He wanted...........................................................................................
38. “Can you lend me ten pounds?”  He asked me..................................................................................................
39. “The government should do more to help the homeless.”
 He wanted
40. “I’ll take the children into town.”  He promised ...............................................................................................
41. “Don’t swim out too far, boys.”  He warned the boys........................................................................................
42. “Don’t forget to go to the supermarket after work.”
 She reminded....................................................................................................................................................
43. “Would you like to come on a picnic with us, Jane?”
 He invited .........................................................................................................................................................
44. “If you can’t find anyone else, I’ll drive you to the airport.”
 He agreed
45. The teacher said to Jim, “Would you give your book to Mary, please?”
 The teacher asked.............................................................................................................................................
46. The sign said, “No parking in this area. Violators will be towed away.”
 They warned drivers.........................................................................................................................................
Tan Tuc High School English 11 – Semester 1

47. The fire chief said, “Everyone must leave the building immediately.”
 The fire chief asked...........................................................................................................................................
48. Bobby’s father said, “Don’t forget to brush your teeth.”
 Bobby’s father reminded...................................................................................................................................
49. The teacher said to the students, “You will complete the exam for one hour.”
 The teacher reminded.......................................................................................................................................
50. My garage mechanic said, “You should get a tune-up every 5,000 miles.”
 My garage mechanic advised............................................................................................................................
51. The factory manager said to the employees, “Do not come late.”
 The factory manager reminded ........................................................................................................................
52. The director said to the workers, “Do not enter.”  The director told..................................................................
53. The judge said to the defendant, “You must not shout in the courtroom again.”
 The judge asked ...............................................................................................................................................
54. My parents often said to me, “Good for you! It’s good to be independent.”
 My parents often encouraged ...........................................................................................................................
55. “You’d better look for a new job, Andrew.”  Jane advised................................................................................
56. “We’ll organize the Christmas party.”  They promised......................................................................................
57. “All right. We will meet the student representatives.”
 The teachers agreed..........................................................................................................................................
58. “I’d buy the big tin if I were you.” said the grocer.  The grocer advised...........................................................
59. “Would you please wait in the lounge till your flight number is called?” she said
 She asked
60. “Could you speak more slowly, please?” he said to me.
 He asked
61. The mechanic said “Don’t press the wrong button again.”
The mechanic warned .......................................................................................................................................
62. “Can you answer the phone?” he said to his son.  He told.................................................................................
63. “Wait for me,” I said to him.  I told...................................................................................................................
64. “Do not feed the animals,” they said to the visitors.
 They asked........................................................................................................................................................
65. “Go on holiday when the weather gets warmer”, she told him.
 She advised.......................................................................................................................................................
66. “Keep out of this room at all times.” she said to them.
 She warned......................................................................................................................................................
67. “Remember to post those letters “, he said to me.  He reminded .......................................................................
68. “Don’t go into my study”, he said to them.  He asked......................................................................................
69. “Don’t go on holiday yet”, she told him.  She advised.......................................................................................
70. “Don’t ever enter this room”, she said to them.  She warned.............................................................................



Word Verb Noun Adjective Adverb Meaning

Tan Tuc High School English 11 – Semester 1

B. TENSES (Present Progressive Tense / Present Perfect Tense )

1. This is the first time we _______________this kind of fruit. (eat)
2. Please be quite! You _______________ so much noise so I can’t concentrate. (make)
3. I’m busy at the moment. I _______________ on the computer. (work)
4. He _______________ for the national teams in 60 matches so far. (play)

Tan Tuc High School English 11 – Semester 1

5. “Gone with the wind” is the most interesting film he _______________ recently. (see)
6. What an annoying habit! He _______________ in bed. (always, smoke)
7. They _____________ at this school for 7 years now. (study)
8. Everything is going well. We _______________ any problems so far. (not, have)
9. My father often eats fish for dinner but today he _______________ beef. (eat)
10. We _______________ touch with him for years. (not/ get)
11. Mr. Brown _______________ by air several times. (travel)
12. Mary _________________ her pencil on the desk and it’s getting on my nerves. (continually, tap)
13. These students _______________ two lessons up to the present. (learn)
14. They _______________ TV with their parents in the living room now. (not, watch)
15. He _______________ the guitar since he was a teenager. (play)
16. These students _______________ four quizzes and five tests so far this semester. (have)
17. Every morning, I have a cup of coffee but today I_______________milk. (drink)
18. We _______________ what to do with the money yet. (decide)
19. Now she _______________ to her mother about her bad marks. (lie)
20. Your brother _______________ next to the beautiful girl over there at present. (sit)


UNIT 6: COMPETITIONS (Nhöõng Cuoäc Tranh Taøi)

1. competition /,kɔmpi’ti∫n / (n) söï ñua tranh
competitor (n) - competitive (adj.) - compete (v)
2. contest / kən’test / (n) cuoäc thi
3. marathon / ‘mærəθən / (n) chaïy ñua ñöôøng daøi
4. representative / ,repri’zentətiv / (n) ñaïi dieän
represent (v)
5. annual / ‘ænju:əl / (adj.) xaûy ra haøng naêm
annually (adv.)

Tan Tuc High School English 11 – Semester 1

6. aim / eim / (n) muïc ñích, yù ñònh

7. stimulate / ‘stimju:leit / (v) khuyeán khích
stimulation (n)
8. spirit / ‘spirit / (n) tinh thaàn, khí theá
9. society / sə’saiəti / (n) hoäi ñoaøn theå
10. participate in / pa:’tisipeit / (v) tham gia vaøo = take part in
participation (n) - participant (n) (söï) ngöôøi tham döï
11. announce /ə‘nauns / (v) tuyeân boá, thoâng baùo
announcement (n)
12. find out (v) tìm ra
13. smoothly / 'smu: li / (adv.) moät caùch troâi chaûy / eâm aû
smooth (adj.)
14. recite / ri’sait / (v) ngaâm thô
15. disappointed / ,disə’pɔintid / (adj.) thaát voïng
disappointing (adj.) - disappoint (v) - disappointment (n)
16. apologise (to so.) for sth. (v) xin loãi
17. enjoyment / in’dʒɔimənt / (n) söï thích thuù
enjoy (v) - enjoyable (adj.)
18. patter / ‘pætə(r) / (v) rôi loäp ñoäp (möa)
19. windowpane / ‘windəupein / (n) oâ cöûa kính
20. sculpture / ‘skʌlpt∫ə(r) / (n) ñieâu khaéc
21. athletics meeting /æθ‘letiks / (n) cuoäc thi ñieàn kinh
22. clock / klɔk / (v) ñaït ñöôïc, ghi ñöôïc (thôøi gian)
23. officially / ə‘fi∫əli / (adv.) moät caùch chính thöùc
official (adj.)
24. formally / ‘fɔ:məli / (adv.) moät caùch trang troïng
formal (adj.)
25. general knowledge kieán thöùc phoå thoâng / ñaïi cöông

1. At first, things went _________. They almost ____________ the five actives. (smooth / completion)
2. In Activity 5, Hung had difficulty ___________ the poem. (recite)
3. Women were ___________ allowed to participate in the Boston races. (official)
4. At the end, the judges will _____________ the total score of each group. (announcement)
5. The ______________ of three classes took part in the annual final English Competition. (represent)
6. We ensure that you have a trouble-free and ___________ holiday. (enjoyment)
7. To _____________ in the contest, you have to work in groups of three. (participant)
8. Mary felt a bit ______________ after the competition. (disappoint)
9. The _____________ was sponsored by the Students’ Parents Society. (compete)
10. The aim of the contest was to _________ the spirit of learning English among students. (stimulation)

I. GERUND (Danh Ñoäng Töø): V-ing
7. stop…… (from)…
A. Sau giôùi töø: on, for, of, from…+ V- 8. thank… for…...
ing 9. warn… against… + V-ing / not + to inf.
1. accuse…. of…… ……….
2. apologise (to so.) + for sth. B. Sau moät soá ñoäng töø:
3. congratulate… on…… admit, deny, mind, suggest, look forward to… + V-ing
4. dream of… (Xem theâm Coâng thöùc ngöõ phaùp lôùp 11)
5. insist on…
6. prevent… from…
phaàn II)
Change direct speech into reported speech, using gerund.
E.g. “I gave you my textbook last week. I insist,” Tom said
 Tom insisted on giving me his textbook the week before.

Tan Tuc High School English 11 – Semester 1

1. “I must have made a mistake in the calculations.”

 Mr. Forest admitted..........................................................................................................................................
2. “It was nice of you to invite me to your birthday party. Thanks very much.”
 Mike thanked
3. “I’ll pay for the meal.”  Sarah insisted...............................................................................................................
4. “Perhaps we can go to Paris for the weekend.”
 Neil suggested...................................................................................................................................................
5. “I’m sorry I couldn’t come to visit you the summer.”
 Kate apologised
6. “I hear you won the championship. Congratulations!”
 Dane congratulated..........................................................................................................................................
7. “You’re selfish.”  Jane accused.........................................................................................................................
8. “You mustn’t drink too much caffeine.”
 Marta warned...................................................................................................................................................
9. “I’m sorry I didn’t phone you earlier.” Jill said to me.
 Jill apologised
10. “Why not decorate the baby’s room?” Ann said.
 Ann suggested...................................................................................................................................................
11. The tourist guide said, “Don’t walk alone in the street at night.”
 The tourist guide warned me against................................................................................................................
12. “I can’t go to your birthday party next Saturday evening, Jack”, said Mary.
 Mary apologized ………………………………………for.....................................................................................
13. The manager said to the workers, “You have done excellent work this month.”
 The manager congratulated the workers...........................................................................................................
14. “I always want to run my own business”, she said to me.
 She dreamed of
15. “You told a lie, Tom”, she said.  She accused Tom............................................................................................
16. “To tell the truth, I have driven my car without insurance.”, she said.
 She admitted
17. “Shall we have dinner somewhere after the theater?” said Peter.
 Peter suggested
18. “I didn’t break the windows.” Bill said.  Bill denied..........................................................................................
19. “You can’t run out of the garden,” Ms. Kelly said to the children.
 Ms. Kelly prevented..........................................................................................................................................
20. “I feel like seeing you soon, Susan,” said her mother.
 Her mother looked forward...............................................................................................................................
21. “People have a right to say what they think”, she said.
 She said we couldn’t stop people......................................................................................................................
22. Mary said, “Let’s go to a movie.”  Mary suggested ..........................................................................................
23. Mr. Madison said, “Why don’t you buy a motorbike.”
 Mr. Madison suggested.....................................................................................................................................
24. “Shall we go for a walk?” said Peter.  Peter suggested......................................................................................
25. “I always have headache.” said Fred.  Fred admitted.......................................................................................
26. “You mustn’t run into the street!” he said to the child.
 He stopped
27. “What about going to an Italian restaurant for dinner tonight?”
 He suggested
28. “It’s you who stole the woman’s purse.”  They accused him.............................................................................
29. “It was nice of you to lend me your bike. Thank you.”
 I thanked my friend...........................................................................................................................................
30. “Yes. I am responsible for the problem.”  Olga finally admitted......................................................................
31. “Parents don’t understand us.”
 Sometimes adolescents accused their parents...................................................................................................
32. “You must tell me the truth.”  He insisted.........................................................................................................

Tan Tuc High School English 11 – Semester 1

I. Phonetics
A. Choose the word which has the underlined part pronounced differently from the rest.
1. A. earning B. learning C. searching D. clearing
2. A. waited B. mended C. naked D. faced
3. A. candy B. sandy C. many D. handy
B. Choose the word which is stressed differently from the rest.
4. A. competition B. representative C. disappointed D. announcement
5. A. activity B. organize C. stimulate D. difficulty
II. Vocabulary and grammar
Choose from the four options given (marked A, B, C and D) one best answer.
6. How many contestants were there in all? (closest meaning)
A. as a total B. as a result C. as respected D. as usual
7. Hung could not remember the last sentence of the poem. (opposite meaning)
A. write B. complete C. stimulate D. forget
8. The program began with an __________ that it was 8 o’clock.
A. announce B. announcer C. announcement D. announcing
9. When someone ____________ a poem or other piece of writing, they say it aloud after they have learned it.
A. recites B. takes part in C. completes D. competes
10. A(n) _________ is someone who takes part in sports competitions.
A. judgeB. organizer C. athlete D. sponsor
11. He was on _________ nine after winning the competition.
A. happiness B. sky C. universe D. cloud
12. He congratulated the team _____ all their games.
A. to win B. winning C. for their winning D. on having won
13. Peter _____ on driving Linda to the station.
A. thanked B. warned C. insisted D. apologized
14. The teacher _____ the boy of not paying attention to what he said.
A. congratulated B. accused C. denied D. stopped
15. Philip suggested _____ to the amusement park in his car.
A. go B. to go C. going D. went
16. The police have ____ people from entering the area.
A. dreamed B. stopped C. prevented D. B and C are correct.
17. They _____ us against walking alone at night.
A. thanked B. admitted C. suggested D. warned
18. Tim admitted _____ Lucia the whole truth.
A. not having told B. not to have told C. for not telling D. to not to tell
19. Daisy insisted her mother __________ her some more money.
A. on giving B. of giving C. for giving D. to give
20. Tommy _________ Mary on being well-dressed.
A. complimented B. accused C. thanked D. apologized
21. Peter congratulated his friend ________a promotion.
A. for getting B. to get C. getting D. on getting
22. Johnny admitted ____________ all the wine in the bottle.
A. to drink B. having drunk C. to drinking D. of being drunk
23. My parents reminded me ________ the flowers.
A. remember to plant B. plant C. to plant D. planting
24. The secretary refused ___________ on Sunday.
A. not working B. to work C. working D. not to work
25. George mentioned ____________ in an accident as a child, but he never told us the details.
A. having injured B. having been injured C. to have injured D. to have been injured
26. How can you let such a silly incident __________ your friendship?
A. wreck B. to wreck C. wrecking D. that wrecks
27. I hate ____________ any human being ____________ from serious diseases.
A. seeing / to suffer B. seen / suffered C. to see / suffering D. seeing / suffer
28. She ______ working on that menu script for 2 years now.
Tan Tuc High School English 11 – Semester 1

A. will be B. has been C. had been D. is

29. The teacher explained the rules of the competition ______ the students very carefully.
A. to B. with C. for D. about
30. Most students are interested ______ the annual English Spelling Contest.
A. on B. in C. with D. at
31. I really enjoy watching the game shows on _____ television.
A. a B an C. the D. Þ
32. Lisa: “What do you think of the competition, Helen?” Helen: “_____.”
A. It’s great B. I’m OK C. I don’t know D. It’s held every year.
33. Hoa: “I didn’t get the job I wanted.” - Tung: “_____.”
A. Not at the moment. Thanks. B. Certainly not.
C. I’m sorry to hear that. D. Congratulations. You’re in luck!
34. “Shall we go to that new Italian restaurant?” Peter said.
A. Peter told us that we’d like to go to that new Italian restaurant.
B. Peter warned me against going to that new Italian restaurant.
C. Peter suggested going to that new Italian restaurant.
D. Peter apologized for going to that new Italian restaurant.
35. “Don’t touch that flower!” the old lady said to the boy.
A. The old lady wanted the boy not touching that flower.
B. The old lady insisted the boy on touching that flower.
C. The old lady warned the boy against touching that flower.
D. The old lady congratulated the boy on not touching that flower.
III. Find the underlined part in each sentence that should be corrected.
36. I only just (A) manage to stop (B) myself to shout (C) at (D) him.
37. I’d like (A) to thank (B) your brother for (C) your (D) help.
38. The children looked (A) forward to (B) spend their summer (C) holiday at the beach (D).
39. They spoke few (A) English, so (B) it was difficult for us (C) to communicate with (D) them.
40. The Smiths were (A) thinking of (B) being sent their only daughter (C) abroad to study (D) medicine.
IV. Read the passage carefully and choose the correct answer.
This is the tenth year of our annual competition, which is open to all local musicians. Whether you play or sing,
alone or in a band or orchestra, we’d like you to enter. Classical, rock, or any other kinds of music, we’d like to
hear you. Our competition takes place from June 12 th to June 19th in the Central Hall in front of a large audience and
in a jury of five.
Competitors may perform any piece of their choice, including the one they have composed themselves,
provided it doesn’t exceed the limit of 15 minutes.
Prizes: Winners: time in a recording studio without charge and a TV appearance.
Runner – up: an instrument of your choice.
Interested? Telephone Paula Sheen on 089854634
41. This is an / a ______
A. letter B. piece of news C. advertisement D. public announcement
42. The competition is held every _____
A. year B. week C. month D. ten year
43. Who can take part in the competition?
A. a jury of five B. local musicians C. Paula Sheen D. a large of audience
44. How long does the competition last?
A. A week B. 15 minutes C. Ten years D. On June 19th
45. Which of the following sentences isn’t true?
A. Musicians can play the songs they have written.
B. All musicians can take part in the competition, except local ones.
C. The winner gets free use of a recording studio.
D. Musicians can play as a group.
V. Fill in each numbered bank with one suitable word or phrase:
My best friend Jenny appeared on a television quiz show a few nights ago. It was very exciting. We all knew
that she (46) ____ be on, so all our friends met at her parents’ house to watch it. Her parents videoed it too, of
course. The program (47) ____ at half past seven. We yelled and clapped when we saw Jenny. She looked great.
She had had her hair done, and was wearing a new top she had bought the day before. She sat in the chair in the
middle of the studio while the (48) ____ asked her some questions. The questions got harder and harder as they
Tan Tuc High School English 11 – Semester 1

increased in value. If she didn’t make any mistakes and got the most difficult question right, she would (49) ____ a
million pounds. By this time, Jenny had won a thousand pounds. That was definitely hers, whatever happened. She
answered the next question correctly, which was (50) ____ five thousand pounds. I didn’t know the answer, but she
did know! Then, with the next question, she took a risk but got the answer wrong. She was gone out of the game.
Still, she had her thousand pounds, and we were proud of her.
46. A. might B. should C. would D. could
47. A. established B. started C. lasted D. ended
48. A. presenter B. actor C. producer D. director
49. A. get B. take C. make D. win
50. A. cost B. worthy C. worth D. worthwhile

I. Phonetics:
A. Choose the word which has the underlined part pronounced differently from the rest.
1. A. given B. risen C. ridden D. whiten
2. A. cough B. tough C. rough D. enough
3. A. drift B. drink C. drive D. drill
B. Choose the word which is stressed differently from the rest.
4. A. award B. winner C. spirit D. total
5. A. announce B. complete C. practice D. advance
II. Vocabulary and grammar
Choose from the four options given (marked A, B, C and D) one best answer.
6. The transition from school to work does not happen smoothly to everybody. (closest meaning)
A. without difficulties B. full of troubles C. with problems D. plenty of challenges
7. My parents seemed fully satisfied with the good result of my entrance exam. (opposite meaning)
A. Pleased B. contented C. disappointed D. joyful
8. Do not write anything until the instructor finishes his _____.
A. explain B. explanatory C. explanation D. explainer
9. Next month the students of our country will take part in a severe _______for university places.
A. performance B. competition C. activity D. completion
10. The winner of the contest was given a(n) ____________ for her excellent performance.
A. bonus B. reward C. fine D. award
11. She passed the National High School Graduation Eexam with __________ colours.
A. bright B. flying C. redD. true
12. The woman admitted _____ the poor little girl unfairly.
A. to treat B. having treated C. treated D. have treated
13. The group leader prevented his members _____.
A. from going on B. going on C. to go on D. to going on
14. The little boy denied _____ the window and refused not to follow the woman.
A. break B. to break C. breaking D. broken
15. I wouldn’t _____ of going to a party. I hadn’t been invited to.
A. dream B. suggest C. thank D. congratulate
16. I _____ Ann against giving the information.
A. forbade B. banned C. warned D. prevented
17. She _______ him of stealing her ring.
A. threatened B. blamed C. accused D. criticized
18. When he was a still little boy, Johnny always dreamt ______ a pilot.
A. for becoming B. to become C. of becoming D. of being become
19. He apologized ________ able to finish the project on time.
A. his colleagues not being B. his colleagues for not being
C. his colleagues not to be D. to his colleagues for not being
20. He suggested _________ part in the English Speaking Contest.
A. take B. taking C. to take D. to be taken
21. The old lady warned the boy _________ that flower.
A. not to touch B. against touching to touch D. A & B are correct
22.Nobody agreed ____ him with his problems.
A. to help B. helping C. help D. to be helped
Tan Tuc High School English 11 – Semester 1

23. His doctor advised him __________, but he found it impossible __________ his habit,
A. stopped smoking / quit B. to stop to smoke / quitting
C. stopping smoking / for quitting D. to stop smoking / to quit
24. Mary’s father approved of _____ in the United States for another year in order to work toward her M.A.
A. her to stay B. she to say C. she staying D. her staying
25. Six months after the accident, he still has difficulty ____________ .
A. to walk B. walking C. walked D. to walking
26. I seem _______ a heart attack. I have a pain in my chest and I feel my heart ________ so fast.
A. having / to thump B. to have / thumping C. had / thump D. to have / to thump
27. Before I started the car, all of the passengers ________ their seat belts.
A. will buckle B. had buckled C. buckle D. have buckled
28. By the end of this week he _______ the translation.
A. will finish B. will have finished C. will be finishing D. is finishing
29. Peter should have apologized _____ being late this morning, but he did not.
A. about B. at C. for D. up
30. We shall be competing ____ some of the best teams in the country.
A. over B. against C. between D. beside
31. _____ first two questions were relatively easy but the third one was hard.
A. The B. A C. An D. Þ
32. Nam: “Would you like to take part in that English Song Contest, Phuc?” Phuc: “_____.”
A. Yes, I could. B. No, I don’t. C. So, I like. D. Well, I’d love to
33. Luke: “When is the class party?” Alice: “_____.”
A. Every morning B. Next Saturday C. Once a week D. Last Sunday
34. “You cheated in the exam,” the teacher said to his students.
A. The teacher insisted his students on cheating in the exam.
B. The teacher prevented his students from cheating in the exam.
C. The teacher advised his students to cheat in the exam.
D. The teacher accused his students of cheating in the exam.
35. “Please give me some more money, Mum,” Daisy said.
A. Daisy protected her mother from giving her some more money.
B. Daisy insisted on her mother’s giving her some more money.
C. Daisy dream of her mother giving her some more money.
D. Daisy looked forward to giving her mother some more money.
III. Find the underlined part in each sentence that should be corrected.
36. You can congratulate (A) yourself (B) about (C) having done (D) an excellent job.
37. He changed such (A) much (B) that (D) we could hardly (D) recognize him immediately.
38. The police stopped (A) people against (B) entering the area (C) where there has been (D) a landslide.
39. Boarding (A) schools warned their (B) students against to go to school (C) during (D) the flu epidemic.
40. There were (A) so much (B) books in the library that (C) I didn’t know which one to choose D).
IV. Read the passage carefully and choose the correct answer.
If you plan to visit in October, don’t miss the Harvest Festival. The festival offers a variety of activities for all
age groups and interests. Children will enjoy listening to traditional stories and learning folk dances. Adults will
enjoy the antique show and the crafts fair. Other attractions include a celebration of musical heritage and
demonstrations of traditional skills such as candle making, butter churning, and bee keeping. The festival is held at
County Fairgrounds, ten miles outside of town on Highway 64 West. Space is available for you to park your car at
the festival at no extra charge. The admission fee of $2 for adults and $1 for children is donated to the Preserve Our
History Fund.
41. What does this notice describe?
A. A lecture B. A festival C. A school D. A parade
42. What activity is available for children?
A. Dancing B. Painting C. Ball playing D. Singing
43. Which of the following activities isn’t mentioned in the notice?
A. Butter churning and bee keeping B. Candle making
C. Cooking D. Dancing
44. How does the advertisement assume that people get to the fairgrounds?
A. Walk B. Drive a car C. Take the subway D. Fly

Tan Tuc High School English 11 – Semester 1

45. What happens to the admission fee?

A. It is used to rent the fairgrounds. B. It pays the performers.
C. It pays for supplies. D. It is donated to charity.
V. Fill in each numbered bank with one suitable word or phrase.
For many young people, sport is a part of school life and (46) ___ in one of the school teams and playing in
matches is very important. If someone is in a team, it means a lot of (47) ___ practice and often spending a
Saturday or Sunday away from home since many matches are played then. It might also involve traveling to other
towns to play (48) ___ other school teams and then staying on after the match for a meal or a drink. Sometimes,
parents, friends or other students will travel with the team to (49) ___ their own side. When a school team wins a
match, it is the whole school that feels proud, not only the players. It can also mean that a school becomes (50) ___
for being good at certain sports and students from that school may end up playing for national and international
teams so that the school has some really famous names associated with it.
46. A. having B. being C. taking D. putting
47. A. extra B. much C. huge D. less
48. A. to B. with C. again D. against
49. A. take B. win C. defeat D. support
50. A. well-done B. well-prepared C. well-known D.well-off


UNIT 7: WORLD POPULATION (Daân Soá Theá Giôùi)

1. population / ,pɔpju’lei∫n / (n) daân cö, daân soá
populate (v) - populous (adj.)
overpopulation (n) - overpopulated (adj.) (söï) ñoâng daân quaù möùc
2. increase / in’kri:s / (v,n) taêng leân ≠ decrease (v,n)
3. probably / ‘prɔbəbli / (adv.) coù leõ, coù theå
probable (adj.)
4. figure / ‘figə(r) / (n) con soá
5. double / ‘dʌbl / (v) gaáp ñoâi
6. resource / ri’sɔ:s / (n) taøi nguyeân
7. support / sə’pɔ:t / (v) nuoâi naáng, caáp döôõng
8. scientist / ‘saiəntist / (n) nhaø khoa hoïc
science (n) - scientific (adj.) – scientifically (adv.)
9. limit / ‘limit / (v, n) giôùi haïn
10. growth / grouθ / (n) söï phaùt trieån
grow (v)
11. research / ri’sə:t∫/ (v, n) nghieân cöùu
researcher (n)
12. average / ‘ævəridʒ / (adj.) trung bình
13. safe / seif / (adj.) an toaøn
safely (adv.) - safety (n)

Tan Tuc High School English 11 – Semester 1

14. birth-control method phöông phaùp haïn cheá sinh ñeû

15. family planning keá hoaïch hoùa gia ñình
16. available / ə‘veiləbl / (adj.) saün coù ñeå duøng
17. international / ,intə’næ∫ənl / (adj.) quoác teá
national (adj.) - nation (n)
18. organisation / ,ɔ:gənai’zei∫n / (n) söï toå chöùc
organise (v)
19. instead of (prep.) thay vì
20. shortage of / ‘∫ɔ:rtidʒ / (n) söï thieáu
short (adj.)
21. explode / ik’sploud / (v) laøm noå
explosion (n) - population explosion
22. raise animals nuoâi ñoäng vaät
23. Third World theá giôùi thöù ba

1. People are not aware of the problem of _______________. (overpopulated)
2. _______ birth-control methods for family _________ aren’t available to the Third World women. (safely /
3. We must limit population ________ because our resources are __________. (grow / limit)
4. The explosion of population has caused _______ of foods, lack of hospitals and schools, __________, and low
living standards. (short / illiterate)
5. The population of the world has been ____________faster and faster. (increase)
6. Only 20% of the earth’s land can be used for _________ animals. (raise)
7. We should carry out population ____________ programmes. (educational)
8. It’s time governments and international _____________ did something to solve the problems of
overpopulation. (organise)
9. Scientists say that the main reason for population _________ is a decrease in death rates. (explode)
10. According to the expert, the population of the world ______ by about 76 million a year. (increasing)



Rewrite the following sentences, using conditional sentences
E.g. You didn’t ask me and I didn’t help you. ® If you had asked me, I would have helped you.
1. The bus was so crowded that she had to walk to the office.
 If.......................................................................................................................................................................
2. He gets up early. This is why he gets good health .
 If ......................................................................................................................................................................
3. She is weak, so she doesn’t go out very often.  If ..............................................................................................
4. As the sun was in the right direction, the photographs came out very well.
 If ......................................................................................................................................................................
5. He watches video film by night. Therefore, he feels asleep by day.
 If ......................................................................................................................................................................
6. He failed in the examination because he was too lazy.
 If ......................................................................................................................................................................
7. He drives carelessly so he will have a serious accident.
 If ......................................................................................................................................................................
8. I missed the meeting because my car broke down.
 If ......................................................................................................................................................................
9. He doesn’t study hard so he will fail the final exam.
 If ......................................................................................................................................................................
10. Susan is overweight because she eats too much.
 If ......................................................................................................................................................................
11. We didn’t go on holiday because we didn’t have enough money.
 If ......................................................................................................................................................................
Tan Tuc High School English 11 – Semester 1

12. He didn’t hurry, so he missed the train.  If ........................................................................................................

13. Today isn’t Thursday. We can’t go swimming.
 If ......................................................................................................................................................................
14. I’ll buy that book and I’ll give it to you.  If .......................................................................................................
15. They don’t feel healthy because the air isn’t pure.
 If ......................................................................................................................................................................
16. It wasn’t fine yesterday so we didn’t have a picnic.
 If ......................................................................................................................................................................
17. Because my uncle was poor, he couldn’t buy that house.
 If ......................................................................................................................................................................
18. Jack doesn’t see the sight. This is why he can’t tell you about that.
 If ......................................................................................................................................................................
19. Those athletes didn’t train hard and they couldn’t break past records.
 If ......................................................................................................................................................................
20. The weather isn’t fine now, so we can’t go for a walk.
 If ......................................................................................................................................................................
21. My brother will have enough money. He’ll buy a new bicycle.
 If ......................................................................................................................................................................
22. He makes some progress in learning English because he attends class regularly.
 If ......................................................................................................................................................................
23. Yesterday wasn’t a nice day. Our picnic was put off.
 If ......................................................................................................................................................................
24. That man didn’t enjoy his work because he was underpaid.
 If ......................................................................................................................................................................
25. There isn’t enough water in the land. Rice plants don’t grow well.
 If ......................................................................................................................................................................
26. He was disappointed because she broke the promise.
 If ......................................................................................................................................................................
27. You’ll ask the teacher. He’ll explain the lesson to you.
 If ......................................................................................................................................................................
28. My father got up late. This is why he missed the five o’clock train.
 If ......................................................................................................................................................................
29. Health facilities are ready for everybody, so we can now be prevented from dangerous illness.
 If ......................................................................................................................................................................
30. I didn’t know your coming, so I didn’t wait for you.
 If ......................................................................................................................................................................
31. I will call you when I have time.  If ..................................................................................................................
32. You aren’t in good health, so you can’t take that labor-consuming job.
 If ......................................................................................................................................................................
33. You drove carelessly so you had a serious accident.  If ....................................................................................
34. She doesn’t come and we are disappointed.  If .................................................................................................
35. She wasn’t able to answer all the questions, so she didn’t pass the exam.
 If ......................................................................................................................................................................
36. She coughs a lot because she wears light clothes.  If .........................................................................................
37. He didn’t give me his number and I couldn’t telephone him.
 If ......................................................................................................................................................................
38. She has no bicycle, so she often comes to her office a little late.
 If ......................................................................................................................................................................
39. I can’t take much exercise because I don’t have enough free time.
 If.......................................................................................................................................................................
40. He couldn’t do that exercise because he didn’t learn his lessons carefully.
 If.......................................................................................................................................................................
41. They felt tired. The meeting was so long.  If.....................................................................................................
II. USE “UNLESS” INSTEAD OF “IF” & VICE VERSA (Duøng “Unless” thay cho “If” &ø ngöôïc laïi)
42. If he doesn’t hurry, he’ll be late for school.  Unless ..........................................................................................
43. Unless it stops raining, we won’t go out.  If ......................................................................................................
44. Unless he studied harder, he would fail the final exam.
 If ......................................................................................................................................................................
Tan Tuc High School English 11 – Semester 1

45. Unless he had drunk alcohol, he would have passed the contest.
 If ......................................................................................................................................................................
46. You’ll get success if you are patient.
 Unless ..............................................................................................................................................................
47. These flowers will die if nobody waters them.
 Unless ..............................................................................................................................................................
48. No one can help him if he doesn’t tell the truth.
 Unless ..............................................................................................................................................................
49. You will catch a cold unless you keep your feet dry.
 If ......................................................................................................................................................................
50. Unless he phoned immediately, he wouldn’t meet Mary.
 If ......................................................................................................................................................................

1. Ngoâi cuûa caùc ñaïi töø vaø tính töø sôû höõu  ñoåi (xem * Chuù yù : Neáu caâu ñieàu kieän ôû
baûng A) theå nghi vaán nhôù ñoåi sang theå
xaùc ñònh khi ñoåi sang caâu giaùn
2. Traïng töø chæ thôøi gian vaø nôi choán  ñoåi (xem baûng tieáp.
B) (SGK tr.89/ caâu 4)
3. Thì cuûa ñoäng töø: Ñieàu kieän loaïi 1  ñoåi (xem
baûng C)
Ñieàu kieän loaïi 2 vaø 3  khoâng ñoåi
( Xem Coâng thöùc ngöõ phaùp lôùp 11 baûng A, B, C )
Change the following conditional sentences into reported speech
E.g. “ If I were you, I wouldn’t buy that coat,” she said.
® She said (that) if she were me she wouldn’t buy that coat.
1. “If I had any money, I’d buy you a drink,” she said to me.
 She told
2. “If I catch the plane, I’ll be home by five,” he said.
 He said
3. “ You should stay in bed if you feel unwell,” My mother said.
 My mother said
4. “ What would you do if you were having a problem with grammar, Jane?” Ann asked.
 Ann asked
5. “If I had had my mobile yesterday, I could have contacted you,” Mathew said.
 Mathew said
6. “ If I don’t practise my English , I won’t get any better,” she said.
 She said
7. “ I’d have been in bad trouble if Jane hadn’t helped me,” he said.
 He said
8. “ If you don’t apologise, I’ll never speak to you again,” he said.
 He said
9. “ If we had a calculator, we could work this more quickly,” they said.
 They said
10. “What will you do if you miss your plane?”
 She asked
11. “If you get here early, you will have enough time to eat lunch,” he said.
 He said
12. “If I weren’t weak, I could walk,” Mary said to me.
Mary told
13. “If we hadn’t been absent from class yesterday, we could have understood the lesson.”
 They said
14. “If you see Miss Irwin, you will give her my message,” my father said to me.
 My father told
15. “If you weren’t slow now, you could win the race.”
 She said
16. “If I had sold my old car, I would have bought a new car,” Peter said to Ann.
 Peter told
Tan Tuc High School English 11 – Semester 1

17. “If I come here next week, I will call you,” Mrs. Smith said to Tom.
 Mrs. Smith told
18. “ If you didn’t speak very quickly, the students could hear you well,” he said.
 He said
19. “If I had had enough money last week, I would have bought this shirt,” Susan said to me.
 Susan told
20. “If Harry invites me, I will go to the party,” his brother said.
 His brother said
21. “What will you do if you have this machine,” my friend asked me.
 My friend asked
22. “What would you have done if you had had a day off yesterday?”
 My mum asked
23. “If they knew his number now, they would give it to me,” she said.
 She said
24. “If I were a millionaire, I would have a new school built here,” her uncle said to me
 Her uncle told
25. “If we go out without their parents’ permission, we will be strictly punished,” they said.
 They said
26. “What will you do if you get fat?”, my friend asked me.
 My friend asked
27. “If you had studied harder, you could have got good marks,” his teacher said.
 His teacher said
28. “If I were a poet now, I would write many verses for my love,” my daughter said to me.
 My daughter told
29. “ If we have free time tomorrow, we will go swimming,” they said.
 They said

I. Phonetics
A. Choose the word which has the underlined part pronounced differently from the rest.
1. A. farming B. answer C. faster D. other
2. A. probably B. population C. gold D. hospital
3. A. coffee B. stop C. second D. stock
B. Choose the word which is stressed differently from the rest.
4. A. population B. increasing C. expected D. resources
5. A. research B. support C. available D. government
II. Vocabulary and Grammar
Choose from the four options given (marked A, B, C and D) one best answer.
6. The population of the world has been increasing faster and faster. (closest meaning)
A. becoming greater in number B. getting smaller in amount
C. going limited D. raising uncontrollably
7. I regretted not buying those trendy shoes because of lack of money. (opposite meaning)
A. shortage B. abundance C. scarcity D. deficiency
8. There is no _________ to how much fresh fruit you can eat in a day, isn’t there?
A. limit B. limitation C. limiting D. limited
9. ____________ is limitation of the number of children born.
A. Population B. Resource C. Birth rate D. Birth control
10. ________ is work that involves studying something and trying to discover facts about it.
A. Resource B. Research C. Organization D. Figure
11. These days, many large families are struggling to ____________
A. make ends meet B. call it a day C. tighten the belt D. break the ice
12. If you _____ up too late, you’ll be very tired tomorrow.
A. stay B. will stay C. stayed D. had stayed
13. Daisy said that if she _____ me she would not buy that dress because it was too expensive.
A. is B. been C. were D. had been
Tan Tuc High School English 11 – Semester 1

14. The teacher said that if John had studied harder, he _____ his exam
A. wouldn’t fail B. won’t have passed C. won’t fail D. wouldn’t have failed
15. When someone ____ you a present, it is a custom to give him in return.
A. give B. will give C. gives D. has given
16. “_____ you give me the money, I will help you”, the man said.
A. Unless B. Or C. If D. Otherwise
17. If I had time, I _____ to the beach with you this weekend.
A. will have gone B. would go C. would have gone D. will go
18. The doctor said that if the patient _____ smoking, he _____ seriously ill.
A. doesn’t stop/will be B. didn’t stop/would be C. hadn’t stopped/will be D. doesn’t stop/would be
19. __________ been diverted, they would have arrived early.
A. Had the plane not B. Hadn’t the plane C. The plane had not D. The plane not had
20. Daisy told me ______ she would leave for London to find a job.
A. that if she were me B. if that she were me
C. that if she had been me D. that had she been me
21. ____________ how difficult the job was, I mightn’t have taken it.
A. If I knew B. If I could know C. Was I know D. Had I known
22. If the technology ____________ available, we would be able to expand the business.
A. would become B. were become C. had become D. became
23. Claire had __________ her the truth.
A. made to promise me to tell B. made me promising to tell
C. made me promise to tell D. made me promise telling
24. I have ever advised __________ the hotel for reservation.
A. him to phone and writing B. to phone and write him
C. him both phoning and writing D. him either to phone or to write
25. Sam’s bike has been broken. He’s going to have it _____.
A. repaired B. to repaired C. repair D. repairing
26. The teacher _____ two students do the exercises on the board.
A. had B. asked C. told D. forced
27. The guards were watching a shoplifter __________ along the shop windows.
A. go B. to go C. went D. gone
28. For the time being, the students’ papers _____.
A. are marking B. are being marked C. have marked D. will be marked
29. Mrs. Brown always takes good care _____ her children.
A. for B. of C. to D. with
30. I think your idea is quite different _____ mine.
A. in B. with C. on D. from
31. It is _____ time governments and organization did something to control birthrate.
A. a B. an C. the D. Þ
32. Harry: “How many brothers and sisters do you have, Mike?” Mike: “_____.”
A. 1 boy and 2 girls B. My mom and dad
C. Two children D. 1 sister and no brothers
33. Paul: What do your parents do, Hoa? Hoa: “_____.”
A. They both do teachers B. They both work teachers
C. They are both teachers D. They both make teachers
34. He had spent his money carelessly and he became broke.
A. If he does not spend his money carelessly, he will not become broke.
B. If he does not spend his money carelessly, he would not become broke.
C. If he had not spent his money carelessly, he would not have become broke.
D. If he did not spend his money carelessly, he would not have become broke.
35. The coffee was too hot for us to drink.
A. Although the coffee was so hot we could drink it.
B. If the coffee were not too hot, we could drink it.
C. If the coffee had not been too hot, we could have drunk it.
D. Because the coffee was too hot, we drank it.
III. Find the underlined part in each sentence that should be corrected.
36. If (A) you were (B) here yesterday, you would have (C) seen (D) Jean.
37. Unless we work (A) harder (B), we will (C) finish it on time (D).
Tan Tuc High School English 11 – Semester 1

38. She brought (A) a lot of money with (B) her for that (C) she could buy (D) some duty-free goods.
39. If I will have (A) to make (B) a difficult decision, I will discuss (C) it with (D) my friends.
40. Rita asked (A) me why didn't I (B) ask for my money back if I was (C) unhappy with (D) my new car.
IV. Read the passage carefully and choose the correct answers.
The world’s population increased from 3 billion in 1959 to 6 billion by 1999, a doubling that occurred over 40
years. The Census Bureau’s latest projections imply that population growth will continue into the 21 st century,
although more slowly. The world’s population is projected to grow from 6 billion in 1999 to 9 billion by 2042, an
increase of 50% that will require 43 years.
The world’s population growth rate rose from about 1.5% per year from 1950 to 1951 to a peak of 2% in the
early 1960s due to reductions in mortality. Growth rates thereafter started to decline due to rising age at marriage as
well as increasing availability and use of effective contraceptive methods. Note that changes in population growth
have not always been steady. A dip in the growth rate from 1959-1960, for instance, was due to the Great Leap
Forward in China. During that time, both natural disasters and decreased agricultural output in the wake of massive
social reorganization caused China’s death rate to rise sharply and its fertility rate to fall by almost half.
41. How many people did the world’s population increase between 1956 and 1999?
A. 3 billion B. 6 billion C. 40 million C. 9 million
42. Which sentence is true?
A. Population growth in the 20th century was more than that in the 21st century
B. Population growth in the 21st century was more than that in the 20th century.
C. The world’s population is dramatically decreasing.
D. In 1999, there are about 6 billion people all over the world.
43. The word require in line 4 means _____.
A. spend B. demand C. pass D. take
44. The population growth rate decrease was due to _____.
A. reductions in mortality B. early marriage
C. early health care D. the effective use of birth control methods
45. In 1959-1960, the population growth in China _____.
A. increased rapidly B. decreased C. was steady D. was unchangeable
V. Fill in each numbered blank with one suitable word or phrase.
Although huge progress has already been (46) _____ in solving global poverty, there is still a widening gap
between the rich and the poor. The unfair distribution of wealth means that while the world as the whole is getting
richer, many poor people are (47) _____ from their share of this wealth. One sign of hope is that rich nations are
starting to consider (48) _____ Third World debt. Governments now recognize that without debt relief, there is little
chance of poor countries like Rwanda and Tanzania achieving the growth necessary to lift their (49) _____ out of
absolute poverty. Charities now have the ambitious target of cutting the world’s poverty by half (50) _____ the next
fifteen years. They believe that this target will only be reached when governments and development agencies work
together to achieve it.
46. A. done B. made C. achieve D. carried out
47. A. kept B. included C. excluded D. prevented
48. A. asking B. cutting C. raising D. delaying
49. A. population B. pollution C. industry D. economy
50. A. during B. for C. within D. in

I. Phonetics
A. Choose the word which has the underlined part pronounced differently from the rest.
1. A. figure B. grow C. organize D. average
2. A. question B. discotheque C. technique D. antique
3. A. increase B. expect C. resource D. continue
B. Choose the word which is stressed differently from the rest.
4. A. different B. average C. organize D. however
5. A. method B. women C. something D. support
II. Vocabulary and Grammar
Choose from the four options given (marked A, B, C, and D) one best answer.
6. In 10,000 B.C., there were probably only 10 million people all over the world. (closest meaning)
A. almost certainly B. surely C. quite D. mostly

Tan Tuc High School English 11 – Semester 1

7. Population growth rates vary among regions and even among countries within the same region (opposite
A. remain unstable B. fluctuate C. restrain D. stay unchanged
8. Many governments are trying to control the _____ growth.
A. population B. populous C. populate D. populated
9. On ___________, about 30% of the population in the area is jobless.
A. figure B. safety C. research D. average
10. We have to protect our country’s natural ____________ , such as coal, oil, and forests.
A. population B. resources C. rates D. methods
11. Even if you are rich, you should save some money for a _______ day.
A. stormy B. foggy C. rainy D. snowy
12. The doctor said _____ the patient did not stop smoking he would be seriously ill.
A. that if B. whether C. if that D. as if
13. If you don’t take my advice, you _____ get into trouble.
A. will be B. will C. would D. would have
14. She told me that she would not have enjoyed the party if I _____ there.
A. am not B. was not C. were not D. had not been
15. ______ more information, please telephone our main office.
A. If you will need B. If you should need C. If you need D. If you needed
16. Lan said that if she had practiced more, she _____ such mistakes.
A. couldn’t make B. can’t make C. couldn’t have make D. couldn’t have made
17. I ________ you sooner had someone told me you were in the hospital.
A. would have visited B. had visited C. visited D. visit
18. John said if he ____________ any money he ____________ me a drink.
A. has - will buy B. had - would have bought
C. had had - would buy D. had had - would have bought
19. ________ the local authorities have held some educational programs on population, the birth rates in those
areas do not declined.
A. But B. If C. Although D. If only
20. _________ in my seventies and rather unfit, I might consider taking up squash.
A. Were I not B. Was I not C. Weren’t I D. If I am not
21. We have just finished an important project. It _____ without the help of our teachers.
A. can’t finish B. can’t be finished C. couldn’t finished D. couldn’t be finished
22. If you ____________ to my advice in the first place, you wouldn’t be in this mess now.
A. listen B. will listen C. had listened D. listened
23. The lecturer recommended ____________ a number of books before the exam,
A. reading B. to read C. us reading D. to have read
24. The librarian told us not _____ reference books out of the library.
A. taking B. take C. to take D. took
25. My father _____ our house whitewashed every year.
A. has B. does C. lets D. makes
26. Jane had her new pen _____ two days ago and she hasn’t been able to find it.
A. lose B. loses C. losing D. lost
27. If it keeps on raining, the basketball game ought ____________ .
A. to postpone B. to be postponed C. postpone B. be postponed
28. How fast ____________ when the accident happened?
A. are you driving B. were you driving C. did you drive B. had you driven
29. He takes a great interest _____ community activities.
A. for B. at C. in D. about
30. Is there any answer _____ that question?
A. for B. of C. on D. to
31. English is spoken as _____ first language in many countries.
A. a B. an C. the D. Þ
32. Alice: "What shall we do this evening?" Carol: "______"
A. Let’s go out for dinner. B. Oh, that’s good! C. I went out for dinner. D. No problem.
33. Ellen: "_______?" Tom: "He's tall and thin with blue eyes."
A. How is John doing B. What does John look like
C. What does John like D. Who does John look like
Tan Tuc High School English 11 – Semester 1

34. Women can delay having children due to effective birth control methods.
A. If there are not effective birth control methods, women cannot delay having children.
B. Unless women could delay having children there were not effective birth control methods.
C. If there were not effective birth control methods, women could not delay having children.
D. If there had not been effective birth control methods, women could not have delayed having children.
35. ________, we couldn't have continued with the project.
A. Provided your contribution wouldn't come B. Even if you didn't like to contribute
C. Unless we had your contribution D. If you hadn't contributed positively
III. Find the underlined part in each sentence that should be corrected.
36. If I will have (A) to make (B) a difficult decision, I always discuss it (C) with (D) my friends.
37. We could had (A) done more (B) if we (C) had had more (D) time.
38. If you hadn’t stayed (A) up late last night (B), you wouldn’t have been (C) so sleepy (D) today.
39. This class has cancelled (A) because (B) very few (C) students had registered (D) before.
40. We moved to (A) the front row that (B) we could see the board and (C) hear the teacher better (D).
IV. Read the passage carefully and choose the correct answers.
The nuclear family, consisting of a mother, father, and their children may be more an American ideal than an
American reality. Of course, the so-called traditional American family was always more varied than we had been
led to believe, reflecting the very different racial, ethnic, class, and religious customs among different American
The most recent government statistics reveal that only about one third of all current American families fit the
traditional mold and another third consists of married couples who either have no children or have none still living
at home. Of the final one third, about 20% of the total number of American households are single people, usually
women over sixty-five years of age. A small percentage, about 3 percent of the total, consists of unmarried people
who choose to live together; and the rest, about 7%, are single, usually divorced parents, with at least one child.
41. With what topic is the passage mainly concerned?
A. The traditional American family B. The nuclear family
C. The ideal family D. The current American family
42. The author implies that_____
A. there has always been a wide variety of family arrangements in the United States
B. racial, ethnic, and religious groups have preserved the traditional family structure
C. the ideal American family is the best structure
D. fewer married couples are having children
43. Who generally constitutes a one- person household?
A. A single in his twenties B. A single woman in her late sixties
C. An elderly man D. A divorced woman
44. According to the passage, married couples whose children have grown or who have no children represent
A. 7% of households B. 20% of households C. 33,3% of households D. 3% of households
45. The word current in line 5 is closest meaning to ______.
A. present B. contemporary C. now D. modern
V. Fill in each numbered blank with one suitable word or phrase.
If we could bring the world’s population down to about 2 billion, the earth (46) _____ be able to support all
humans, as well as all animals and plants in the wild world, with room to spare for the slow changes of evolution.
The quality of life would be (47) _____ for all. With a stabilized population we could begin to (48) _____ all of the
problems that population growth causes. We must observe a one child policy until the world’s population come
down to the sustainable number. This would (49) _____ several generations, but the pressures on natural systems
can decrease. The environment and nature will have to change radically. Men are the only species (50) _____ are
unable to keep themselves in balance by natural processes and will therefore have to use their brain power to
achieve a proper balance.
46. A. would B. can C. will D. must
47. A. risen B. raised C. decreased D. continued
48. A. save B. create C. invent D. solve
49. A. do B. get C. spend D. take
50. A. which B. whom C. that D. whose


Tan Tuc High School English 11 – Semester 1



Word Verb Noun Adjective Adverb Meaning

Tan Tuc High School English 11 – Semester 1

B. TENSES (Present Progressive Tense / Present Perfect Tense / Present Progressive

Tense / Present Perfect Tense)

1. We ___________ to the theatre last night. (go)

2. He usually __________ in green ink. (write)
3. We __________ an English exercise at the moment. (do)
4. He believes that she ____________ from her illness soon. (recover)
5. She ____________ to get high marks, it’s not fair at all. (always, cheat)
6. We ___________ in England for the last two months. (not live)
7. My grandfather ____________ my friends for a long time.
8. I ____________ no trouble with my english lessons up to now. (have)
9. Mary rarely ____________a bath before dinner. (take)
10. I ____________your brother recently. (not see)
11. Mr and Mrs Brown ___________ in New York for 2 months. (be)
12. Mr.Smith often_____________ class 4A, but this morning he _____________class 4B. (teach/teach)
13. My father _____________you in 5 minutes. (call)
14. We ____________ this issue a few times. (discuss)
15. He ____________ on the sofa at the moment. (lie)
16. I'm afraid I _____________ able to come tomorrow. (not, be)
17. Mr. Green _____________ French since he left London in 1997. (teach)
18. They __________ to study at this school 7 years ago. (begin)
19. I ____________ a book about Simón Bolivar at the moment. (read)
20. The largest passenger ship ever built, the Titanic, ____________ on its first voyage in 1912. (sink)



1. celebration /,seli’brei∫n / (n) hoaït ñoäng nhaân dòp leã kyû nieäm
celebrate (v)
2. decorate / ‘dekəreit / (v) trang trí
decoration (n)
Tan Tuc High School English 11 – Semester 1

3. fireworks / ‘faiə’w3:ks / (n) phaùo hoa

4. grand / grænd / (adj.) hoaønh traùng, quan troïng
5. agrarian / ə‘greəriən / (adj.) thuoäc ngheà noâng
6. preparation / ,prepə’rei∫n / (n) söï chuaån bò
prepare (v)
7. excitement / ik’saitmənt / (n) söï nhoän nhòp
excited (adj.) - exciting (adj.) - excite (v)
8. full of (adj.) ñaày
9. traditional / trə’di∫ənl / (adj.) theo truyeàn thoáng
tradition (n)
10. peach blossom hoa ñaøo
apricot blossom hoa mai
11. kumquat tree / ‘kʌmkwɔ t / (n) caây quaát
12. sticky / ‘stiki / (adj.) dính
stickiness (n) - sticky rice côm neáp
13. candy / ‘kændi / (v/n) taåm ñöôøng / keïo
14. plum / plʌm / (n) quûa maän
15. influence / ‘influəns / (v) aûnh höôûng
influential (adj.)
16. lucky / ‘lʌki / (adj.) may maén ≠ unlucky (adj.)
luckily (adv.) ≠ unluckily (adv.) - luck (n)
17. pray / prei / (v) caàu nguyeän
18. dress up aên maëc ñeïp
19. parade / pə’reid / (n) cuoäc dieãu haønh
20. shrine / ∫rain / (n) ñeàn thôø
21. longevity / lɔn’dʒeviti / (n) tröôøng thoï
22. pain tree / pain tri: / caây thoâng
23. represent / ,repri’zent / (v) ñaïi dieän
representative (n)
24. comment / ‘kɔment / (n) lôøi nhaän xeùt
25. get together tuï taäp, ñoaøn tuï
26. green bean ñoã xanh
1. Children receive their “________ money” inside red envelopes. (luck)
2. Many people go to the pagoda to ______ for a happy year for themselves and their family. (prayer)
3. People believe that what they do on the first day of the year will _________ their luck during the whole year.
4. Mut is __________ fruit. (candy)
5. Streets are ____________ with coloured lights and red banners on the days of Tet. (decoration)
6. Tet is the _________ and most important occasion in the year. (grand)
7. People are busy ___ gifts, cleaning and decorating their houses, and cooking ___ foods. (buy/tradition)
8. Peach __________ is traditional at Tet in the North. (blossomy)
9. Tet’s preparations and ____________ used to be spread over months. (celebrate)
10. Banh Chung is made from ________ rice, green beans, and ______ pork. (stickiness / fat)


A. a. Loaïi I: PROBABLE CONDITION (Ñieàu kieän coù theå) A. a. I will have enough time, I will write to her.
If + S + V(S.pre.) + ..., S + shall / will + V1 + ...  If I have enough time, I will write to her.
b. Loaïi II: PRESENT UNREAL CONDITION b. I don’t have money so I can’t help you.
(Ñieàu kieän khoâng coù thaät ôû hieän taïi)  If I had money, I could help you.
If + S + V 2 / were + ..., S + could / would + V1 + ...
c. Loaïi III: PAST UNREAL CONDITION c. You didn’t ask me and I didn’t help you.
(Ñieàu kieän khoâng coù thaät ôû quaù khöù) If you had asked me, I would have helped you.
ed ed
If + S + had + V 3 + ..., S + could/would + have + V 3 + ...
Tan Tuc High School English 11 – Semester 1

B. UNLESS (neáu ... khoâng) B. If she does not hurry, she’ll be late
If + S + V phuû ñònh  Unless + S + V xaùc ñònh  Unless she hurries, she’ll be late
C. IMPLIED CONDITION (Ñieàu kieän ngaàm) C.  Keep silent or you’ll wake the boy up
Ñeà baøi coù: “or, or else, but, without, otherwise, but  If you don’t keep silent, you’ll wake the boy up
for, unless”, khi vieát caâu ñieàu kieän  Without the air, we would die
chæ ñoåi moät veá cuûa caâu ñeà baøi.  If there weren’t the air, we would die.
D. ÑAÛO NGÖÕ: aùp duïng vôùi were (loaïi 2) hoaëc D. If they were stronger, they could lift the table.
had (loaïi 3) ( Löu yù khoâng ñöôïc laøm  Were they stronger, they could lift the table.
vôùi ñoäng töø khaùc) If he had studied hard, he would have passed his
 Had he studied hard, he would have passed
his exam.

1. Choïn loaïi ñieàu kieän
2. Laáy: Meänh ñeà chæ nguyeân nhaân thöôøng baét ñaàu baèng “because” laøm meänh ñeà “if”
Meänh ñeà chæ keát quaû thöôøng baét ñaàu baèng “so, therefore, this / that is why” laøm meänh ñeà
3. AÙp duïng coâng thöùc.
4. Xaùc ñònh ñoåi ra phuû ñònh vaø ngöôïc laïi (Loaïi II, III)
5. Boû “because, so, therefore, this / that is why, and” (neáu coù)
2. WISH (Caâu Mong Öôùc)
a. Loaïi I: FUTURE WISH (Wishes for change in the future) a.  He will not come tomorrow
S + wish + S + would + V1 + ...  I wish he would come tomorrow
+ were + V-ing + ...  She is not coming with us
 She wishes she were coming with us.
b. Loaïi II: PRESENT WISH (Wishes for present unreal b. I don’t have enough time to help you
 I wish I had enough time to help you.
S + wish + S + V 2 / were + ...
+ could + V1 + ...
c. Loaïi III: PAST WISH (Wishes for past unreal situation) c. I didn’t go to the movies yesterday.
ed  I wish I had gone to the movies yesterday.
S + wish + S + had + V 3 + ...
CAÙCH VIEÁT CAÂU MONG ÖÔÙC (WISH) THEO TÌNH 3.Xaùc ñònh ñoåi ra phuû ñònh vaø ngöôïc laïi (caû 3
1. Choïn loaïi Wish. 4.Boû caùc nhoùm töø coù: “afraid, sorry, pity,
2. AÙp duïng coâng thöùc. regret”
1. Baèng: as + adj./ adv. + as 1. good (adj.)
Khoâng baèng: Vphuû ñònh + so / as + adj. / adv. + as
 better - best
well (adv.)
2. Hôn: adj. / adv. ngaén + er + than 2. bad (adj.)
more + adj. / adv. daøi + than  worse - worst
badly (adv.)
3. Nhaát: the + adj. / adv. ngaén + est 3. little  less - least
the most + adj. / adv. daøi 4. many/much  more - most
4. Keùm: less + adj. / adv. + than 5. far  farther - farthest
further - furthest

Tan Tuc High School English 11 – Semester 1

* ADJ. / ADV. NGAÉN : theâm : -er / -est

1) Coù 1 aâm tieát: (tall / taller / tallest; fast / faster / fastest)
 Adj. taän cuøng:  phuï aâm + y  i + er (dry / drier; nhöng: grey / greyer) nguyeân aâm
 -e  chæ theâm -r / -st ( wide / wider / widest)
 nguyeân aâm + phuï aâm  gaáp ñoâi phuï aâm cuoái + er / est (hot / hotter / hottest)
2) Coù 2 aâm tieát:
 Adj. taän cuøng: -y, -le, -er, -ow theâm er / est (happy / happier; simple / simpler; clever / cleverer; narrow / narrower)
 quiet / quieter / quietest; stupid / stupider / stupidest
* ADJ. / ADV. DAØI: duøng more / most (more beautiful, the most beautiful)
 Adv. taän cuøng baèng -ly  duøng more / most (carefully  more carefully) ngoaïi tröø early  earlier
* CHUÙ YÙ :  She has less money than I have less + N khoâng ñeám ñöôïc
fewer books  fewer + N ñeám ñöôïc
 He bought more stamps than I did  more + N
 He smokes more than I do  V + more than


boring - interesting early - late long - short
- exciting far - near noisy - quiet
careful(ly) - careless(ly) fast - slow (adj) old - young
cheap - expensive - slowly (adv) poor - rich
clean - dirty good - bad small - big
cold - warm healthy - unhealthy - large
complex - simple high(ly) - low(ly) tall - short
dangerous(ly) - safe(ly) hot - cool weak(ly) - strong(ly)
difficult - easy lazy (adj.) - diligent well - badly
delicious - distasteful lazily (adv.) - diligently wide - narrow
- hard


a. Caâu ñeà baøi cho so saùnh hôn: a. He is older than I

Ñaûo chuû töø: SS hôn  1. So saùnh khoâng baèng (töø  1. I am not as old as he
cuøng nghóa)  2. I am younger than he
2.So saùnh hôn (töø traùi nghóa)  3. He is not as young as I
Giöõ nguyeân chuû töø: SS hôn  3. So saùnh khoâng baèng
b. Caâu ñeà baøi cho so saùnh khoâng baèng: b. John doesn’t run as fast as Bill
SS khoâng baèng  SS hôn 1. Ñaûo chuû töø (töø cuøng  1. Bill runs faster than John.
nghóa)  2. John runs more slowly than Bill
.. 2.Giöõ nguyeân chuû töø(töø traùi c. No one in this class is as tall as Jimmy
nghóa)  Jimmy is the tallest one in this class
c. Caáu truùc “No other ...” / “No one ...”
No one + ... + So saùnh baèng  So saùnh nhaát

Tan Tuc High School English 11 – Semester 1

4. RELATIVE CLAUSES (Meänh Ñeà Quan Heä)

a. DEFINING RELATIVE CLAUSES (Meänh ñeà quan heä a.1.The man is Mr. John. He is standing there.
haïn ñònh) .The man who/that is standing there is Mr. John.
2. The girl is my daughter. You saw her
.The girl whom/that you saw is my daughter
3. This is the book. I like it best
that whose .This is the book which/that I like best
4. The boys is Pat. You borrowed his book
.The boy whose book you borrowed is Pat
* Löu yù:
 “That” ñöôïc duøng thay theá cho “who, whom, which”

 Khoâng duøng “that” sau giôùi töø  The dog is mine. I gave a bone to it
The dog to which/ that I gave a bone is mine
 Baét buoäc duøng “that” sau: tieàn trí töø hoãn hôïp; so saùnh  The man and the dog that passed my house made

nhaát; all, every, very, only, first, last, much, little, some, noise.
any, ...; ...
b. NON – DEFINING RELATIVE CLAUSES (Meänh ñeà quan heä b. Khoâng duøng “that” trong Meänh ñeà quan
khoâng haïn ñònh) heä khoâng haïn
Ñaët daáu phaåy ngaên caùch MÑ chính vaø MÑQH khi tieàn ñònh
trí töø coù: (Meänh ñeà quan heä coù daáu
1. Teân rieâng 1. Mary, whose sister I know, is very kind
2. This, That, These, Those 2. That boy, who has just come, is my son
3. My, Your, His, Her, Its, Our, Their 3. My son, whom you saw, is good at English

B. RELATIVE ADVERBS (Traïng Töø Quan Heä)

1. That was the day. They arrived on that day.
THÔ NÔI LYÙ .That was the day when they arrived.
ØI CHOÁ DO 2. This is the city. I was born in this city
GIAN N .This is the city where I was born
1. at / on / in + which; then when 3.I don’t know the reason. For that reason he died.
.I don’t know the reason why he died
2. at / on / in + which; there where
3. for which (for the reason) why
5. PASSIVE VOICE (Daïng Bò Ñoäng)
Chuû ñoäng: S + V + O Mary made this cake.

 This cake was made by Mary.

Bò ñoäng: S + be + V + by + O (doer)

A FORMULA (Coâng thöùc)

1. Simple Present V (s / es) am / is / are + Ved / 3
2. Simple Past Ved / 2 was / were + Ved / 3
3. Present continuous am / is / are + V-ing am / is / are + being + Ved / 3
4. Past continuous was / were + V-ing was / were + being + Ved / 3
5. Present perfect has / have + Ved / 3 has / have + been + Ved / 3
6. Past perfect had + Ved / 3 had + been + Ved / 3
7. Future perfect will / shall + have + Ved / 3 will / shall + have + been + Ved / 3
8. Simple future will / shall + V1 will / shall + be + Ved / 3
9. To be going to. am / is / are going to + V1 am / is / are going to + be + Ved / 3

Tan Tuc High School English 11 – Semester 1

10. Modals can / could / may... + V1 can / could / may... + be + Ved / 3

11. have to / used to / have to / used to / need to + V1 have to / used to / need to + be + Ved / 3
need to

B SPECIAL CASES (Caùc tröôøng hôïp ñaëc bieät)

I/ Caâu coù ñoäng töø töôøng thuaät “say, think, believe, I/ People say that he is rich
report, (S. present)
know...” Caùch 1: It is said that he is rich
Coù 2 caùch:  Caùch 1: coù “that “, duøng chuû töø giaû It Caùch 2: He is said to be rich
 Caùch 2: boû “that”, duøng chuû töø thaät vaø (to inf.)
xem baûng bò ñoäng caùch 2.
Bi ñoäng caùch 2:
CHUÛ ÑOÄNG (Thì cuûa veá sau)  BÒ ÑOÄNG CHUÛ ÑOÄNG (Thì cuûa veá sau)  BÒ ÑOÄNG (Caùch
(Caùch 2) 2)
1. S. present / S. future  to inf. 3. Present perfect
Present continuous  to be + V-ing  to have + Ved / 3
2. S. past to have + Ved / 3 Past perfect
Past continuous  to have + been + V-ing 4. Bò ñoäng  to have + been + Ved / 3

II/ Caâu chuû ñoäng baét ñaàu baèng “Nobody / no II/ No one believes in his story
one”:  His story isn’t believed (by anyone: boû)
Caâu bò ñoäng duøng theå phuû ñònh III/ Peter gave me a book.
III/ Caâu vôùi caùc ñoäng töø coù 2 tuùc töø: Caùch 1: I was given a book by Peter
Tuùc töø chæ vaät laøm chuû töø nhôù theâm “to” Caùch 2: A book was given to me by Peter
IV/ He made me move my car
IV/ Caâu coù “make, help, see, hear...” + Obj. + V1:  I was made to move my car
Caâu bò ñoäng nhôù theâm “to” V/ Someone turned off the light and closed the door.
V/ Caâu coù 2 meänh ñeà: ñoåi caû 2 meänh ñeà neáu The light was turned off and the door was closed.
coù theå VI/ Be careful when you open the door.
 Be careful when the door is opened.
VI/ Caâu meänh leänh: Chæ ñoåi meänh ñeà sau


Although/ Even though/ Though Despite / In spite of
Because (S+V+...) Because of
+ Clause  + N.phr. / V-ing phr.
A. 1. / She didn’t go to school because she was sick.
 She didn’t go to school because of her sickness / her being sick / being sick. (boû “her” khi hai veá cuøng chuû
2.1/ I accepted the job although the salary was low
 In spite of the low salary / the salary being low, I accepted the job

2.2/ He left school because his family was poor

 He left school because of his poor family / his family being poor
 “It” khoâng ngoâi:
a. Chæ thôøi tieát: ñoåi ra  the + N / the + adj. + She left though it was foggy
weather  She left despite the fog / the foggy weather
I couldn’t sleep because it was noisy
b. Khoâng chæ thôøi tieát: ñoåi ra  the + N  I couldn’t sleep because of the noise

 Löu yù: I couldn’t do the test because it was difficult (vaãn aùp duïng theo maãu 1)
 I couldn’t do the test because of its difficulty / its being difficult
3./ The students arrived on time though there was the traffic jam
 The students arrived on time despite the traffic jam

4.1/ Boû “her” khi 2 veá cuøng chuû töø She got ill because she worked hard

Tan Tuc High School English 11 – Semester 1

(not) + V-ing (phuû ñònh theâm not)  Because of (her) working hard, she got ill
4.2/ (not) + having + Ved / 3  (caùc thì perfect) Though he had finished his work, he stayed up late
 Despite having finished his work, he stayed up late
 Caâu coù: “but”  “although”: Ñaët “although” ñaàu He often tells lies but many people believe him.
caâu, boû “but” thay baèng daáu phaåy.  Although he often tells lies, many people believe him
 Caâu coù “So”  “Because”: Ñaët “Because” ñaàu She lives alone, so she’s very sad
caâu, boû “so”  Because she lives alone, she’s very sad.

Caùc caëp tính töø vaø danh töø thoâng duïng: adj. - noun
ill - illness lazy - laziness tired - tiredness green - greenness hungry - hunger
sick - sickness rich - richness late - lateness weak - weakness absent - absence
kind - kindness sad - sadness dark - darkness honest - honesty poor - poverty
noisy - noise old - oldness
- old age


I. A/ SO * SUCH: I. A/ Noái 2 caâu duøng “so...that” / “such...that”
so + adj./ adv.
such +(a/an) + adj.+N + that +S +V... =…quaù…ñeán The film was very bad. I slept early
*Löu yù: Khoâng duøng noãi… .... Noun soá nhieàu, Noun
a / an khi:  The film was so bad that I slept early. (boû “very”)
khoâng ñeám ñöôïc (news, funiture, work, advice,
weather, ...)  It was such a bad film that I slept early.
B/ B/ “so ... that”  “such ... that”
so many + N. soá nhieàu The pencil was so short that I couldn’t use it
+ that + S + V +...  It was such a short pencil that I couldn’t use it
so much + N. khoâng ñeám ñöôïc
=…quaù nhieàu…ñeán
* Löu yù: so many / So much  such a lot of
so far  such a long way
so long  such a long time

II. A. ENOUGH * TOO: II. A/ Noái 2 caâu duøng “” / “”

too + adj./adv. + (for...) + to: (Ñoái vôùi...) ...quaù...neân
adj./adv. + enough + (for...) + to: (Ñoái vôùi...)  He was brave. He told the truth
...ñuû...ñeå...  He was brave enough to tell the truth

* Löu yù:  This book is very difficult. I can’t read it

 2 meänh ñeà khaùc chuû töø theâm “for...”  This book is too difficult for me to read (boû “it”)
 Chuû töø cuûa meänh ñeà tröôùc gioáng tuùc töø cuûa
meänh ñeà sau: boû tuùc töø (chæ aùp duïng cho caáu truùc
“” vaø “enough
 Enough + N  The car is too expensive for him to buy
 He hasn’t got enough money to buy the car.
*Khi ñoåi ra “”: neáu chuû töø sau laø  The question was so difficult that no one could answer it.
“nobody/ no one” boû “nobody / no one”  The question was too difficult for no one to answer it.
(boû no one) (boû
B/ “”  “enough to” it)
Verb xaùc ñònh  Verb phuû ñònh B/
Duøng töø traùi nghóa. (Xem phaàn so saùnh) He is too young to drive a car
 He is not old enough to drive a car

Tan Tuc High School English 11 – Semester 1

III. A/ “”  “so / such...that”: A/

Theâm can’t / couldn’t + V1 vaøo vaø neáu caàn tuùc töø  Cuøng chuû töø:
sau thì theâm it / them vaøo He is too old to work
 He is so old that he can’t work
 Khaùc chuû töø:
The tea was too hot for me to drink
 The tea was so hot that I couldn’t drink it
“ (theâm “it” vaøo)
B/ Enough to”  “so / such...that”: B/ This book is interesting enough for her to read
Theâm can / could + V1 vaøo vaø neáu caàn tuùc töø sau  This is such an interesting book that she can read it
thì theâm it / them vaøo. (theâm “it” vaøo)
IV. Ñeà baøi cho “because...”  “so / such / too” luoân  He can’t speak because he is angry
ñöôïc ñaët vaøo meänh ñeà theo sau “because”. (nhôù
 He is so angry that he can’t speak (boû “because”)
boû “because”)

8. REPORTED SPEECH (Caâu Töôøng Thuaät)

Lan says to me: “I will give you a pen tomorrow” Tom said to me: “I will come tomorrow”
 Lan tells me (that) she will give me a pen tomorrow  Tom told me he would come the day after

Ngoâi cuûa caùc ñaïi töø vaø tính töø sôû höõuñoåi (xem Ngoâi cuûa caùc ñaïi töø vaø tính töø sôû höõu 
baûng A) ñoåi
Traïng töø thôøi gian vaø nôi choán (xem baûng A)
 khoâng ñoåi
Thì cuûa ñoäng töø Traïng töø thôøi gian vaø nôi choán  ñoåi (xem
baûng B)
Thì cuûa ñoäng töø  ñoåi (xem baûng C)

 Ngoâi 1  ñoåi cuøng ngoâi vôùi subject Tính Ñaïi töø Ñaïi töø
Chuû Tuùc
ôû meänh ñeà chính. Ngoâi töø sôû sôû phaûn
töø töø
höõu höõu thaân
 Ngoâi 2  ñoåi cuøng ngoâi vôùi object
1 I me my mine myself
ôû meänh ñeà chính.
 Ngoâi 3  khoâng ñoåi. 2 you you your yours yourself

he him his his himself

3 she her her hers herself
it it its its itself

1 we us our ours ourselves

2 you you your yours yourselves
3 they them their theirs themselves

Tan Tuc High School English 11 – Semester 1

Caâu tröïc tieáp  Caâu giaùn tieáp
* TIME (Thôøi gian):
a.  today / tonight a. that day / that night
b.  yesterday b. the day before, the previous day
 last night  the night before, the previous night
 last week ...  the week before, the previous week
 the day before yesterday.  two days before
c.  tomorrow  c. the day after, the next day, the following day
 tomorrow night  the night after, the next night, the following night
 next week (month...)  the following week (the following month...)
 the day after tomorrow  in two days’ time
d.  now  d. then
 ago (3 days ago)  before (3 days before)
* PLACE (Nôi choán):
 here   there
 this  that
 these  those


Caâu tröïc tieáp  Caâu giaùn tieáp Caâu tröïc tieáp  Caâu giaùn tieáp
a. Simple present  Simple past d. Past continuous  Past perfect continuous
b. Present continuous  Past continuous e. will + V1  would + V1
c. Simple past shall + V1  should + V1
 Past perfect can + V1  could + V1
Present perfect may + V1  might + V1
must + V1  had to + V1

I. Statement II. Questions III. Affirmative and Negative
(Caâu Traàn Thuaät) (Caâu Hoûi) Imperatives
(Caâu Meänh leänh khaúng ñònh
vaø phuû ñònh)
Tom said to me: “I will come 1.He said to her, “Where are you going?” She said to him: “Call me tomorrow,
tomorrow”  He asked her where she was going. please”
Tom told me he would come the 2.“Must you go now?” said he  She told him to call her the day
day after.  He asked me if / whether I had to go then. after.
He said: “Don’t leave the room”
 He told me not to leave the room.
1.said to + O. told + O. 1.said to + O  asked + O. 1.said to + O  told + O.
said  said said  asked said  told + O. (phaûi theâm
asked + O. (theâm vaøo) vaøo)
2. Boû daáu “ “, daáu (:) hoaëc daáu (,) ôû veá ñaàu; daáu (?) trong caâu hoûi; daáu (!)hoaëc chöõ “please” (neáu
coù) trong caâu meänh leänh.

Tan Tuc High School English 11 – Semester 1

3. 3. 3.
1. Wh-question (Caâu hoûi wh-)  Affirmative Imperative
... + töø ñeå hoûi (why, when...) + S (ML. khaúng ñònh)
+V+ ... V1  to + V1

 Negative Imperative
Ñoåi sang caâu xaùc ñònh (ML. phuû ñònh)
2. Yes-no question (Caâu hoûi Coù- Don’t + V1  not to + V1
... + if / whether + S + V + ...
Ñoåi sang caâu xaùc ñònh
4. Ngoâi cuûa caùc ñaïi töø vaø tính töø sôû höõu  ñoåi (xem baûng A)
5. Traïng töø chæ thôøi gian vaø nôi choán  ñoåi (xem baûng B)
6. Thì cuûa ñoäng töø  ñoåi (xem baûng C)
(be accustomed to =) 1. be used to : quen vôùi “used to” töông ñöông vôùi thì
+ V-ing / N.
(become accustomed to =)2. get used to : trôû neân quen vôùi Simple Past. Ba tröôøng hôïp kia
3. used to + V1 : tröôùc kia thöôøng laøm phaûi chia thì cho phuø hôïp.
4. use + N. : duøng
B Duøng “used to + V1” C Duøng “be used to + V-ing / N”
Khi ñeà baøi coù caùc chi tieát gôïi yù “tröôùc kia thöôøng Khi ñeà baøi coù nhöõng töø gôïi yù “quen
laøm” nhö laøm/khoâng quen laøm” nhö:
1. Thì Simple past used to + V1 1. strange (xa laï), usual (thöôøng)
2. no longer (khoâng coøn nöõa) used to + V1 unusual (khaùc thöôøng, xa laï)
= Vphuû ñònh + any longer nhôù boû 2. confusing (gaây boái roái)
any more caùc töø difficult (khoù khaên), ...  be used to
naøy + V-ing / N.
3. S + Vxaùc ñònh + ... + now didn’t use to + V1 3. usually, often, (thöôøng)
always (luoân luoân) Thöôøng
nhôù boû
“now” boû
(Vphuû ñònh) caùc nhoùm
töø coù caùc
töø naøy
1.John smoked cigarettes when he was a young man 1. I often have a lot of homework every day so it’s
 John used to smoke cigarette when he was a young man nothing unusual for me.
There were some trees in this field  I am used to having a lot of homework every
 There used to be some trees in this field day.
2.They are no longer friends 2. Their customs are strange to him, and he found
 They used to be friends everything very confusing
There isn’t a big tree in front of his house any more.  He wasn’t used to their customs.
 There used to be a big tree in front of his house.  I don’t find it difficult to get up early in the
3.He is lazy now morning.
 He didn’t use to be lazy.  I’m used to getting up early in the morning.
3. They don’t usually drink beer.
 They are not used to drinking beer.

Tan Tuc High School English 11 – Semester 1

10. SO THAT (Ñeå)

I try to study hard to pass my exam. “want”
in order to pass my exam. a/ Caâu xaùc ñònh
so as to pass my exam. He was in a hurry. He wanted to catch the bus
.................. to He was in a hurry to catch the bus
so that he would catch the bus
.... in order (not) to + V1 + ... = ñeå b/ Caâu phuû ñònh (nhôù theâm “not”)
........ so as (not) to I get up early. I don’t want to be late for class
I get up early so as not to be late for class
in order that I will not be late for
I try to study hard so that I can pass my exam. He gave me his book. He wanted me to read it.
in order that I can pass my exam.  He gave me his book for me to read it
so that I would read it
so that will would
S  V ... S  V1  ...  ñeå
in order that can could
c/He ran fast. He didn’t want anyone to follow him.
* Caâu coù S + don’t / doesn’t / didn’t + want + anybody / He ran fast so that no one could not follow him.
anyone thì sau “so that” phaûi duøng chuû töø laø
nobody / no one. (boû “not” vì coù chuû töø phuû ñònh roài)
*I’ll give you my number. I want you to be able to
* Ñeà baøi cho “to be able to” khi ñoåi ra “so that” duøng : phone me.
 can / could + V1 (boû “to be able to”) I’ll give you my number so that you can phone me.
 hoaëc will / would be able to + V1 will be able to
phone me.
She put on warm clothes so as not to catch cold.
 She put on warm clothes so that she wouldn’t
catch cold.
11. INFINITIVE / GERUND * CHUÛ TÖØ GIAÛ “It” (Formal Subject “It”)
1. S + V + to inf. 2. S + V + O + to inf. 3. S + V + O + V1
(They agreed to help us.) (She allowed me to use her car.) (You should let him go.)
 afford, agree, appear, arrange, care,  advise, allow, ask, beg,  make / let + O
decide, demand, expect, fail, hope, intend, encourage, invite, order,  help + O + (to)
learn, manage, mean, need, plan, prepare, request, tell, want, warn…  can, may, must… + V1
pretend, promise, refuse, seem, want,  had better (neân…thì hôn)
wish, …  would rather (thaø…coøn hôn)
 would like, be able, be allowed, be (thích hôn)
willing, be ready…

B. GERUND (V-ing)
S + V + V-ing (Mary enjoys cooking)
 admit, advise, avoid, consider, delay, deny, detest,  be / get used to, be accustomed to, look forward to.
dislike, enjoy, feel like, finish, imagine, keep (on),  can’t help, can’t stand = can’t bear, It’s no use / good,
mention, mind, miss, postpone, practise, quit, resent, There is (no), be worth, be busy, have difficulty.
risk, suggest…  Giôùi töø (in, on, at, by, to, without…) + V-ing
 spend, waste + ……. + V-ing

Tan Tuc High School English 11 – Semester 1

1.remember (nhôù) + to inf. ( khi nhôù,ù queân moät ñieàu gì 1.Remember to call me tomorrow.
tröôùc khi thöïc hieän ñieàu ñoù.) I remember visiting you last year.
2.forget (queân) + V-ing (khi nhôù, queân moät ñieàu gì sau 2.I’m afraid he will forget to write to me.
khi ñaõ thöïc hieän ñieàu ñoù.) I’ll never forget seeing him the first time.
3. regret (tieác) + to inf. ( tieác phaûi baùo tin xaáu) 3.I regret to tell you that you failed the test.
+ V-ing (tieác moät ñieàu gì sau khi ñaõ thöïc I regret lending him some money.
hieän ñieàu ñoù.)
4. stop + to inf. : döøng laïi ñeå laøm 4. Stop to talk
+ V-ing : thoâi, ngöng , khoâng laøm nöõa. Stop talking!
5. try + to inf. : coá gaéng 5. I tried to do my test well.
+ V-ing : thöû She tried making a cake.
6. allow = permit (cho pheùp) + V-ing 6. I permit going out.
advise = recommend (khuyeân) + O + to inf. I permit you to go out.

D. OTHER CASES (Caùc tröôøng hôïp khaùc)

1. VERBS OF PERCEPTION ( ñoäng töø chæ giaùc quan)
see, notice, V1(Chuù yù töø luùc baét ñaàu ñeán luùc hoaøn taát haønh  They saw him run / running away.
watch, look at, (… trong luùc ñang chaïy…)
observe, hear, + O +
listen to,
feel, smell V-ing (Chuù yù ñeán söï tieáp dieãn cuûa haønh  I smell something burning.
smell / find + O + V-ing  You need to cut your hair.
Your hair needs cutting /to be cut.
2. S ( ngöôøi ) + need / require / want + to inf.
S ( vaät ) + need / require / want + V-ing
to be + Ved / 3  I’m glad to see you again.
3. S + be / look / seem / feel + adj. + to inf.  When I was young, I used to jog.
4. used to / didn’t use to + V1  They kept me waiting.
5. keep + O + V-ing  He prefers walking to cycling.
6. prefer + V-ing + giôùi töø TO + V-ing


 He wrote his essay in 30 minutes
It took him 30 minutes to write his essay. (boû
I/ (1) It + takes / took + (obj.)+ time + to-V. I / It took us 2 days to do that work.
= maát…ñeå…  We spent 2 days doing that work.
 (2) S + spend + time + V-ing

* Chuù yù: Töø (1)  (2) theâm “spend” vaøo (nhôù chia thì)
Töø (2)  (1) boû “spend”
II/ (1) V-ing + be + adj. II/ Learning English is necessary
 (2) It + be + adj. + to-V Töø (1)  (2) theâm “It” vaøo
 It is necessary to learn English
Töø (2)  (1) boû “It”
b. I/ DAÏNG V-ING SAU MOÄT SOÁ ÑOÄNG TÖØ I / I don’t want to go to a movie tonight.
( Xem caùc ñoäng töø ôû phaàn B )  I don’t feel like going to a movie to night.
II/ DAÏNG V-ING SAU GIÔÙI TÖØ: II/ Shall we go for a ride?
by (baèng, bôûi), without (khoâng), to, in, about, on, of, for,  What about going for a ride?
Giôùi töø + V-ing

12. CAUSATIVE FORM (Theå Truyeàn Khieán)

get to V  John washed Mary’s car.
 Mary got John to wash the car.
Active: S + have + sb.(ngöôøi) + V1 + Sth.(vaät)
*(Chuû had John wash the car.
Tan Tuc High School English 11 – Semester 1

 Mary got the car washed.

Ved had
* Passive: S + get/have + Sth.(vaät) + 3 + (by sb.(ngöôøi))
(Bò ñoäng) : baûo (sai, nhôø) ai laøm vieäc gì
* Löu yù: “get” / ”have” chia theo thì vaø theå cuûa caâu ñeà
(A) I QKÑ I (last) saw her when I was a student.
S + (last) + V KÑ + ... + when ... / ago. 2 years ago.
 I (last) haven’t seen her since I was a student.
 S + (last) + V P Ñ + ... + since ... / for...
for 2 years.
(A) II The last time I heard him was in August.
The last time + S + V KÑ
QKÑ+...+ was in (at, ...) / was...ago
 I haven’t heard him since August.
The last time I saw Rose was three years ago.
 S + V PÑ
HTHT ...+ since / for
 I haven’t seen Rose for three years.
He started working for this factory a year ago.
(B) S + V QKÑ + ....... + ago.
start, begin
 He started has been working for this factory for a
 S+V +... + since / for year. / since last year.
hoaëc HTHT

I haven’t seen that man before.

(C) S + V HTHT

+ . . . before
 It / This is the first time I have not seen that man
 It / This is the first time + S + V HTHT+...+ (boû before) before.

(D) I I haven’t seen my father for one month.

S+V + for + time  It’s for one month since I (last) saw my father.
HTHT Chuù yù: Ñeà baøi cho theå khaúng ñònh 
PÑ khoâng
 It’s + time + since + S + (last) + V +... duøng
KÑ Tom and Mary have been married for 5 years.
 It’s 5 years since Tom and Mary got (were)
Chuù yù : QKÑ : Quaù khöù ñôn. KÑ : Khaúng ñònh.
HTHT : Hieän taïi hoaøn thaønh. PÑ : Phuû ñònh.
HTHTTD : Hieän taïi hoaøn thaønh tieáp dieãn.
1. adj. / adv. ngaén
adj./adv. ngắ n + er and adj./adv. ngắ n + er It gets darker and darker.
2. adj. / adv. daøi
more and more + adj./adv. daøi Her story was more and more attractive.

Tan Tuc High School English 11 – Semester 1


2. adj. / adv. daøi
The more +adj/adv daøi + S+V+..., the more +adj/adv daøi + S+V+ - The more beautiful she is, the more
… miserable her husband is.
- The more cars come into the city, the
more slowly the traffic moves

3. Vôùi ñoäng töø: - The more I hate him, the more he

The more + S + V + …, the more + S + V + …… loves me.
4. Vôùi danh töø: - The more money I get, the more food
The more + noun + S + V +…, the more + noun + S + V +… I buy.

* Ghi chuù: Nhieàu khi:

 2 veá tính töø daøi vaø ngaén laãn loän nhau. - The richer he is, the more miserable he
 veá tröôùc tính töø, veá sau ñoäng töø hoaëc ngöôïc laïi. - The uglier she is, the more I love her.

 coù caùc tröôøng hôïp baát quy taéc. (Xem coâng thöùc ngöõ - The mother gets good and her son
phaùp lôùp 12 / Comparisons / B.) becomes bad.
 The better the mother gets, the
worse her son becomes.

15. QUANTIFIERS (Töø Chæ Soá Löôïng)

Vôùi danh töø khoâng ñeám ñöôïc Vôùi danh töø ñeám ñöôïc +
A Vôùi danh töø ñeám ñöôïc
(N oññ) khoâng ñeám ñöôïc

a lot of
nhieàu = lots of
a large amount of plenty of + Ns/ N oññ
a large number of nhieàu = +N
nhieàu = + oññ
Ns a great deal of moät ít
a great number of = some
moät vaøi
E.g. - He has a lot of toys/money.
* Löu yù: Khi chæ lôøi môøi,
E.g. A large number of E.g. He has a great deal of money moät ñeà nghò lòch söï thì
students in this class are today. some ñöôïc duøng trong caâu
nghi vaán.
E.g. Would you like some more

nhieàu = many + Ns nhieàu = much + N oññ moät ít

= any + Ns/ N oññ
E.g. Have you got many cards? E.g. We didn’t spend much money. moät vaøi

Tan Tuc High School English 11 – Semester 1


* Löu yù: Khi coù very, too, so, as thì many / much luoân ñöôïc E.g. - Do you want any sugar?
duøng trong caâu khaúng ñònh. - He didn’t see any boys in his
E.g. - Thank you very much. class.
- He made too many mistakes.
- Peter drank so much wine that he felt sick.
- Eat as much as you can.

Tan Tuc High School English 11 – Semester 1


a few / few + Ns a little / little + N oññ 1. - I enjoy my life here. I have a few friends and we meet quite
1. a few : moät vaøi
ñuû ñeå - Let’s go and have a drink. We’ve got a little time before the
a little : moät ít train leaves.
2. few, little : raát ít (khoâng ñuû ñeå) 2. - He’s not popular. He has few friends.
- Hurry up! We’ve got little time.
* Löu yù: - very + little / few * - We’ve got very little time.
- only + a little / a few - The village was very small. There were only a few houses.

C. MOST / MOST OF ( Phaàn lôùn, ña soá )

Most + N 1. Most of + töø haïn ñònh + N
- this, that these, those
- my, his, her, their…, John’s,… (sôû höõu)
- the….
E.g. - Most work is not easy. E.g. - Most of that work is not easy.
- Most pupils are ill-prepared for employment. - Most of my pupils are ill-prepared for employment.
2. Most of + ñaïi töø laøm tuùc töø
E.g. Most of them are present.

Tan Tuc High School English 11 – Semester 1


A. CÁCH PHÁT ÂM –ed (Thì Quá Khứ Của Động Từ Có Qui Tắc)
-ed được
phát âm sau các âm Ví dụ CHÚ Ý NGOẠI LỆ

1. / t / wanted 1. s trong raised được phát âm / z / Những tính từ kết thúc bằng
I. / i d /
2. / d / needed (chớ không phải / s /), mà âm / z / –ed thường gặp mà không theo
1. / f / laughed không có trong phần I & II, vậy nên luật ở phần I, II, & III.
2. / k / looked –ed phải được phát âm / d / 1. learned / id / : a learned man.
3. / p / leaped (raised / réizd /). 2. beloved / id / : a beloved
II. / t /
4. / s / passed 2.Một số động từ chấm dứt bằng –se: father.
5. / ∫ / washed -se được phát âm là / z /: 3. naked / id / : naked eye.
6. / t∫ / watched raise, organise, erase (người Mỹ đọc / 4. sacred / id / : sacred books.
sau các showed iréis /), grease, tease, close, impose, 5. paved / id / : paved streets.
nguyên âm & raised enclose, cause... 6. aged / id / : an aged man.
phụ âm khác (xem chú -se được phát âm là / s /: 7. wicked / id / : a wicked
III. / d /
với những âm ý 1) cease, chase, collapse, decrease, person.
trong I & II. increase, purchase, practise, promise,
relapse, release…
Từ cuối –s xuất hiện trong 3 trường hợp sau: số nhiều của danh từ ( books / s / ), ngôi thứ 3 số ít của động từ ở
thì Simple present ( He arrives / z / ), sở hữu cách của danh từ ( Dick ’s book / s / ). Cả 3 trường hợp này đều theo
luật dưới đây:
-s ñöôïc sau Ñöôïc ghi
phaùt caùc Ví duï baèng CHUÙ YÙ
aâm aâm chöõ
1. / s / pass, passes s, ss, ce 1. Cho phần II / 1 :
2. / 3 / rouge, rouges ge 13 danh từ số ít nầy tận cùng là –f hoặc –fe (phát âm là /f/)
3. / z / rise, rises z, s đổi ra số nhiều thành –ves (phát âm là / vz /):
I. / iz / 4. / ∫ / push, pushes sh 1. calf / calves 6. life / lives 10. shelf / shelves
5. / t∫ / watch, watches ch 2. elf / elves 7. loaf / loaves 11. thief / thieves
6./ d3 / page, pages ge 3. half / halves 8. self / selves 12. wife / wives
7. / ks / box, boxes x 4. knife / knives 9. sheaf / sheaves 13. wolf / wolves
1. / f / laugh, laughs f, ph, gh 5. leaf / leaves
2. / k / cake, cakes k, c 2. Cho phần II / 2 &3 và phần III :
II. / s / 3. / p / tape, tapes p -e không được phát âm trong những phần liệt kê ở phần
4. / t / pet, pets t II & III khi số nhiều tận cùng bằng –es : cakes, clothes,
5/θ/ month, months th
stones, tapes, tubes,….
sau các nguyên âm 3. Cho phần II / 5 ( Ngoại lệ )
see, sees Những tiếng sau đây tận cùng là âm /θ/, nhưng khi đổi
& phụ âm khác với
III. / z / learn, learns sang số nhiều không đọc là / s / mà đọc là / z / : baths,
những âm trong I
tube, tubes
& II. mouths, oaths, paths, truths, wreaths, youths.

4. Danh từ tận cùng bằng –o (echo, hero, potato, tomato…) số nhiều thêm –es đọc là / z / (potatoes / z / ).
5. Cột được ghi bằng chữ tuy có phần dễ hiểu nhưng có hại về kiến thức vì có nhiều trường hợp không đúng.
( Ghi bằng âm mới hợp lý ).
Ví dụ : Phần II / 1 : Trong laugh, cough thì gh có âm / f /. Nhưng trong weigh, plough, bough, borough… thì
gh lại câm. Ta có : - She laughs / s / nhưng: - He weighs / z / - boughs / z /
- She coughs / s / - His father ploughs / z / - boroughs / z /

Tan Tuc High School English 11 – Semester 1


Simple Present

To be  Một sự việc hiện hữu.

S + am / is / are Today…  Một tập quán (thói quen)

Ordinary Verb (ĐT thường) Every day, Whenever, hay một sự việc lặp đi lặp
S + V (s / es) every (night, Monday, lại.
week, month, year),  Một sự thật hiển nhiên.
Am / Is / Are + S?
(Hiện tại hoàn thành)Present Perfect (Hiện tại tiếp diễn)2. Present continuous (Hiện tại đơn)

? Often, Usually, Always,  Một qui luật tự nhiên / khoa

Do / Does + S + V1?
Sometimes, Frequently, học.
S + am / is / are + not Seldom, Rarely, Never…  Một câu cảm thán bắt đầu
S + do / does + not + V1 bằng “here”, “there”.

+ S + am / is / are + V-ing
 Một hành động xảy ra trong
lúc nói.
? Am / Is / Are + S + V-ing?  Một hành động xảy ra trong
Right away, Right now, thời gian này (không nhất
Now, At present, At the thiết là ngay lúc nói).
moment, At this time…,  Một câu than phiền. (dùng
Today với “always”)
 Một hành động sẽ xảy ra ở
_ S + am / is / are + not + V-ing
tương lai gần.
 Một tình huống tạm thời.

+ S + have / has + V ed/3

Already, Yet, Recently,  Một hành động vừa mới

Lately, Ever, Never, So xong.

? Have / Has +S + V ed/3?
far, Up to now, Since,  Một hành động xảy ra trong
For, Several times, Just. quá khứ còn kéo dài đến
This is+the + hiện tại.
Superlative…  Một hành động đã xong mà
_ S + have / has + not + V ed/3 This is the first / second thời điểm không xác định rõ
time… rệt.
4. Present Perfect Continuous (Hiện

+ S + have / has + been + V-ing

tại hoàn thành liên tiến)

? Have / Has + S + been + V-ing?

 Giống với thì hiện tại hoàn
thành chỉ khác hành động
Giống thì hiện tại hoàn được diễn tả bằng thì này
thành diển ra liên tục không bị gián
đoạn và còn tiếp tục diễn ra
S + have / has + not + been +
_ sau lúc nói.

Tan Tuc High School English 11 – Semester 1

To be

Continuous (Qúa khứ hoàn thành)7. Past Perfect (Quá khứ liên tiên)6. Past Continuous (Quá khứ đơn)5. Simple Past
S + was / were
+  Một hành động đã xảy ra và
Ordinary verb (ĐT thường) Yesterday, Ago, in June,
kết thúc trong quá khứ.
S + V-ed/2 in 1995…,
 Một thói quen trong quá
Last (Monday, week,
Was / Were + S? khứ.
? month, year), Last time,
Did + S + V1?  Một hành động quá khứ xảy
Last school year, Last
ra sau một hành động quá
khứ khác.
S + was / were + not
S + did + not + V1

+ S + was / were + V-ing  Một hành động đang xảy ra

ở một thời điểm quá khứ
xác định.
? Was / Were + S + V-ing?  Hai hành động cùng đang
xảy ra song song ở một thời
While, When, As
điểm quá khứ.
 Một hành động đang tiến
hành ở một thời gian trong
_ S + was / were + not + V-ing
quá khứ thì một hành động
khác xảy ra.

+ S + had + V ed/3
 Một hành động hoàn thành
ở quá khứ trước khi một
? Had + S + V ed/3? … before hành động quá khứ khác
… long before bắt đầu.
By the time  Một hành động kết thúc
As if trước một thời gian xác định
As though ở quá khứ.
_ S + had + not + V ed/3  Sự tồn tại của một sự việc
tới một thời gian ở quá khứ.

+ S + had + been + V-ing

 Một hành động khởi đầu ở

? Had + S + been + V-ing?
quá khứ và tiếp diễn suốt
liên Perfect

Giống như thì qúa khứ

một khoảng thời gian tới khi

hoàn thành nói trên.

một hành động quá khứ
khác xảy ra.
8. Past

_ S + had + not + been + V-ing


+ S + shall / will + V1
9. Simple Future

Few minutes
 Một hành động xảy ra trong
Next Monday…,
tương lai hoặc một tình
? Shall / Will + S + V1? Next (week, month,
trạng tồn tại trong tương
_ S + shall / will + not / V1

Tan Tuc High School English 11 – Semester 1

(Tương lai
(Tương lai hoàn thành)11. Future Perfect (Tương lai liên tiến)10. Future Continuous

+ S + shall / will + be + V-ing

? Shall / Will + S + be + V-ing?  Một hành động sẽ đang tiến

hành ở một thời điểm trong
This time tomorrow,
tương lai.
This time next week…
 Một hành động đang tiến
At three o’clock
hành ở một thời điểm tương
tomorrow afternoon
S + shall / will + not + be + V- lai thì một hành động khác
ing xảy tới.

 Một hành động hoàn thành

trước một thời điểm xác
định ở tương lai.
By next Monday  Một hành động sẽ hoàn
+ S + shall / will + have + V ed/3 Before, When… thành trước một hành động
By the end of… khác ở tương lai.
 Một hành động sẽ kéo dài
đến một thời điểm trong
tương lai.


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