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09/23/2021 Greissy Prieto

-Took F9 and Ring Central calls

-Answered Facebook and Instagram messages

- Posted construction workers attendance on the group chat

- Updated expenses Report (Employee, construction)

- Left a VM to Mr. Baker requesting a call back to talk about our complain against 447 Rodeo Dr

- Called Fedex to ask about the delivery of the bags for Whittier (it's not ready yet, the shipper hasn't
provide some items)

- Placed an order from for Beverly Bar and cancelled it

Madeleine_, 6:09 p.m.



- Read and answer emails, group chats and any requests

- Reading Ring Central for last night

- Sent Reminder to workers to report on time

- Take attendance for Contruction

- Monitoring employees on Time Doctor with low activity in the screenshots

- Reviewing Reports and Invoices: Glenrock, rexford, Beverly Bar and Carwash

- Uploading invoices to Gdrive:Glenrock, rexford, Beverly Bar and Carwash


- Review Invoices on Home Depot and classified them

- Check Transactions on mint

- Check Payments made to MR Construction on Chase

- Called Perfect Design: Call them several times. At 12:55 pm they sent the plans.

- New Order with Hirsh:Sent signed form.

- Sent everyone (PH & Vzla) their payroll

- Check Drywall payments on chase. Updated Drywall Report.

- send request for meeting tomorrow to logan and maja

- Confirm with Greissy that te Build order is cancelled.

- Sent Plans to Jonathan Hayon

- Resent Matthew's complaint with the city about the trash bins at Beverly BAr with the team

- review with Javier all the absenses and disconnection time on the PH


- Release Gardner: Victor gave him some email to proceed

- Permits for Gale: Appoinment made to finalize them

- Ask the contractor about the fire sprinklers: Greissy and Edgardo requested all the information to
the city

- Delivery date of knives with MJ: They will arrive around 1 month since they are in back order.

Nelkin_E_Employee.Co, 8:01 p.m.


-Updated daily task list report

-Updated full service monthly report

-Updated Full services time report

-Called 311 to verify some information with them

-Called some candidates for the position of cashier but none of them answer

-Took over the monitoring while sam was on her break

-Trainning with javier about some app from the Carwash

Updated carwash workers attendance report, 8:05 p.m.

9/23/2021 Edgardo Chacon.

Had training on the car wash with Javier.

Watched Rose and Javier at pay stations to learn how they work.

Worked transcribing and changing around a possible post for, 8:10 p.m.


- Checked the translink Account, no new transactions.

-Called ICS for the issue with the PIN code.

- Organized the new invoices.

-Sent an email to Car Aroma to confirm the payment for some chemicals.

-Received a call from the City to confirm that Aida Cervantes works there.

-Updated the carwash cashier candidates report.

-Sent an email to Mr. Matthew about the Credit Card Reader.

-Logged Edgardo on the Skype call on Pay Station 1.

-Called ICS and they taugh me how to change the pin.

-Taugh Nelkin, Sam, Ethil how to access the Service unit on the pay stations.

-Updated the Translink and Wash Connect report.

-Updated the pending repairs at the carwash report., 8:27 p.m.


- Made and confirmed MR Construction attendance.

- Canceled showings for Whiteoak.

- Made and sent an offer for Parnell Ave.

- Checked invoices for Rexford.

- Sent an email to accounting of City of Beverly Hills regarding Gardner bond release.

- Checked Rexford report with Mr. Mike.

- Looked for different income properties at 90025 Zip code.

- Reminded Mr. Mike about Ron's security deposit payment.

- Uploaded September's payroll in Google drive.

11:16 p.m.

09.23.21 María Jaimes

-Took F9 and Ring Central calls

-Answered Facebook and Instagram messages

-Talked with support from F9

-Called Mr Estrada; Notify him about the check we left for him at the carwash

-Called Carlos to see if he could check the dishwasher of the unit 201

-Called to Mr William to have an update about what we are mising for the report

-Set up calendar reminder at 12pm for a call with Angela the chef

- Sent the cheaper quote to Avanti to update their offer


.Call Miele for a new appointment for Whittier

.Call the company of the dishwasher about the warranty and ask them to send a tech for the 201
Greenfield unit

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