Slovak Spectator 1713

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Vol. 17, No. 13 Monday, April 4, 2011 - Sunday, April 10, 2011 of this issue

Following the money
A new website by NGO Fair-
Smer surges
Play Alliance seeks to reveal
who own the businesses
which benefit the most
ever higher
from public tenders and
pg 2
in March poll
A question of faith Spectator staff
Slovakia's national census,
to be held in May, will ask
residents to state their re- IF PARLIAMENTARY elections had taken
ligious affiliation. place in early March 2011, the opposition
Churches and religious Smer party would no longer need to seek a
groups, Jedi included, are partner to rule as it would have a simple
encouraging followers to majority in parliament and be able to
be counted. govern alone, an opinion poll conducted
pg 3 in March found. Observers said, however,
that Smer’s support might be peaking.
The results of the poll, conducted by
OPINION the Focus polling agency, show that
Smer would have attracted the votes of
Lucky numbers 44.8 percent of those who said they
Robert Fico can take heart would turn out for the election if it took
from his Smer party's stellar place “this weekend”, up 1.6 percentage
result in a recent opinion points from the previous month. Such a
poll. But if the coalition can IIHF President René Fasel (above) recently visited Bratislava to monitor preparations for the 2011 IIHF Ice Hockey result would secure 76 seats for Smer in
get its act together Smer is World Championship, which will be held in the capital and in Košice between April 29 and May 15. Photo: ČTK the 150-seat Slovak parliament: a major-
unlikely to match that res- ity of 2 seats. It would be the first such
ult in an actual election. majority for a single party in Slovakia’s

pg 5

Minority languages modern history.

The poll suggested that the make-up
of parties in parliament would not
change. The other opposition party, the
Slovak National Party (SNS), would
Revamping rail
Slovakia's three state-
owned railway companies
face major changes, includ-
ing the loss of 5,000 staff, as
debate heats up garner 6.2 percent of the vote and thus 10
seats, one more than it holds now.

See POLL pg 2

part of government-ordered
revitalisation plans.
pg 6
A DRAFT amendment to the law on
the use of minority languages has
heated up the air in parliament and
the life of all citizens of Slovakia,”
Bugár said, as quoted by the SITA
Tax day
E-toll wrinkles persist
The electronic toll system to
once again gifted nationalist politi-
cians with a stage on which to vent
their spleens. The ruling coalition is
Spectator staff Nevertheless, Slovak National
Party (SNS) boss Ján Slota immedi-
ately showered Slovakia’s ethnic
passes with
charge trucks for using
Slovakia's main roads has
been operating for more
seeking deputies’ support to change
the rules which determine when a
minority language can automatic-
Most-Híd leader Béla Bugár said
that once approved, the legislation,
which is being proposed by Deputy
Hungarians and ruling coalition
politicians who have supported the
legislation with a selection of his
less e-stress
than a year - and truckers ally be used in official communica- Prime Minister for Human Rights now-familiar insults. His former SNS
are still complaining about tion alongside Slovak. The amend- Rudolf Chmel, a nominee of Most- colleague, who is now an independ- BY BEATA BALOGOVÁ
its faults. ment would lower the ‘quorum’ of Híd, will bring Slovakia closer to the ent deputy, Anna Belousovová called Spectator staff
pg 7 minority-language speakers re- more positive examples in Europe. the law “not only wrong but even
quired for this in any given muni- “The amendment is not bestow- dangerous”.
cipality from the current 20 percent ing any extra rights on ethnic Hun- THE WEB portal of Slovakia’s Tax Director-
CULTURE to 15 percent of the population. garians in Slovakia but is improving See QUORUM pg 3 ate is still not fully ready to handle the late-
March rush of those seeking to electronic-
Photos as questions ally file their income tax forms, even
Aidan Sullivan, a jury
member for Slovakia’s 2010
Better to protest, or negotiate? though taxpayers have been encouraged to
use this method.
Journalism Award for best The Tax Directorate stated, however,
news photos, speaks to The However, the current govern- work just to survive,” the head of that unlike previous years, this year’s
Slovak Spectator about the ment, led by Prime Minister Iveta the KOVO trade union, Emil three-day portal blackout from March 25-27
storytelling power of pho-
BY BEATA BALOGOVÁ Radičová, says that changes are Machyna, said in an appeal to did not limit taxpayers’ ability to electron-
Spectator staff crucial in order to inject more flex- Radičová as he launched union ically file documents because its eDANE
pg 11 ibility and fairness into the code. protests on March 28. (eTaxes) application remained available to
While employers have also ex- The prime minister said that those who had installed it on their PCs. In
UNION members are taking to the pressed objections to the there was still enough time to find a 2010 the web portal, with its €3-million
streets after a breakdown in negoti- government’s proposed amend- compromise since the Labour Code price tag, was completely unable to handle
SELECT FOREX RATES ations over reforms to Slovakia’s ment to the code, they say they are is due to be adopted only in May. attempted uploads and forced even the
€ benchmark as of March 31 Labour Code. The Labour Ministry committed to negotiations. The The Ministry of Labour has re- most determined computer geeks to sub-
CANADA CAD 1.38 HUNGARY HUF 265.72 has called the unions uninformed, unions, by contrast, are now ready ceived hundreds of comments on mit their returns by the traditional pen-
CZECH REP. CZK 24.54 JAPAN JPY 117.61 while they retort that the decline in to go further, perhaps as far as a the Labour Code from members of and-paper method.
RUSSIA RUB 40.29 POLAND PLN 4.01 the economic and social status of general strike or even a referen- the public as part of a review pro- Something else also changed for Slovak
GREAT BRITAIN GBP 0.88 USA USD 1.42 employees has left them with no dum. cess that ended on March 28. The taxpayers this year: for the first time they
other choice but to launch protests. “Being a woman you know ministry is now set to review the could postpone submitting their tax return
Unionists would like to see the ex- how a woman protects her family comments and eventually include by simply notifying the tax office of their
isting Labour Code, which was so that she has more time for her some in the draft. intention to do so.
shaped by the Robert Fico govern- children, to bring them up, in-
ment, remain unchanged. stead of having to spend hours at See CODE pg 4 See FILE pg 9
2 April 4 – 10, 2011 NEWS

Linking public contracts

Slovak ‘bride’ arrested in Leeds
A SLOVAK citizen was arrested purpose of this marriage
to business owners
in Leeds, UK, after police would have been for the groom AFTER the ruling coalition’s companies the name is con- raise interest among the gathers information about the
raided a wedding service at the to avoid immigration controls attempts to make public pro- nected to and the state orders wider public,” Zuzana Wienk flow of public finances, for in-
town hall as part of a crack- and stay in the UK,” acting De- curement processes more they have won, plus the of the Fair-Play Alliance said. stance from the Bulletin of
down on sham marriages. tective Inspector Pete Galla- transparent, the non-gov- amount they have received “There are specific people and Public Procurement. Then
They detained the 23-year-old gher of the UKBA immigration ernmental sector has also from public funds. their business culture behind combines
Pakistani groom and the crime team said, as quoted by come up with a tool that The website is a result of every company. We often these data with the database
22-year-old Slovak bride on the Daily Mail. should reveal the links an initiative by the Fair-Play hear speculation about their of the Business Register.
March 29, the Daily Mail re- The UK Border Agency is between the companies that Alliance, a political transpar- above-standard relations with For the moment only data
ported on its website. cracking down on sham mar- win state orders and the actu- ency watchdog, in coopera- politicians. This service turns for the years 2005-2011 are
The ‘newlyweds’ were riages all over the country and al people behind them with tion with the Visual Business speculation and fairytales in- available. The website does
among seven members of a aims to identify the organisers just a few mouse-clicks. Register, an online tool that to hard facts.” not include information about
wedding party detained by who profit from these illegal The newly introduced allows users to see relation- Fair-Play Alliance cited goods and services that were
the police, including officers activities and destroy their website ships and details from the example of businessman procured by state institutions
from the UK Border Agency criminal operations, said (‘z našich daní’ is Slovak for Slovakia’s Business Register in Juraj Široký, two of whose if the orders did not go
(UKBA). Both individuals Jeremy Oppenheim, the UKBA ‘from our taxes’) contains a context. The Visual Business companies, Chemolak and through the Bulletin of Public
were detained on suspicion regional director in Leeds. register of people who are Register provided technology Váhostav, received €170 mil- Procurement. These, accord-
of conspiracy to assist unlaw- “We work closely with re- known to be behind the com- to link people who own com- lion in state orders between ing to the Fair-Play Alliance,
ful entry into the UK. Three gistrars and vicars to identify panies benefiting from state panies and cooperated in de- 2005 and 2011, according to constituted about one quarter
other Pakistani men and two marriages that may not be orders. veloping the project concept. data on of all procurement activity in
other Slovak women were de- genuine and we will not hesit- The search engine works “We believe this service The data used for the ser- 2009, and were worth around
tained for questioning, the ate to take the strongest pos- with the names of people, will help journalists and NGOs vice are drawn from €2.25 billion.
UKBA stated, as reported by sible action against those in- and after searching for a par- to control power, and thanks, a web project by
the Daily Mail. volved in arranging sham ticular person, it lists the to its simplicity it may also Fair-Play Alliance which Compiled by Spectator staff
“We suspect that the sole marriages,” Oppenheim said.

Parliament passes new gun law

AN AMENDMENT to the original proposal is that po-
POLL: Alarm bells ring for the KDH
Firearms and Ammunition lice will not be permitted to
Act was passed by Slovakia’s enter citizen’s homes to in- Continued from pg 1
parliament on March 29, fol- spect weapons. The com-
lowing a heated debate that promise legislation will also The parties of the ruling coalition
lasted for several months. allow Slovak retailers to sell would more or less keep their standing,
The approved amendment is airsoft and paintball guns via with the exception of the Christian
a compromise version that the internet. Democratic Movement (KDH), which
softened the original propos- The amendment came in saw its preferences drop by almost four
al submitted by Interior Min- response to the August 2010 percentage points to a mere 6.3 percent
ister Daniel Lipšic. But it will shooting spree in Bratislava's in March. The Slovak Democratic and
still introduce more strin- Devínska Nová Ves district in Christian Union (SDKÚ) would get the
gent rules as of May 1, 2011, which resident Ľubomír votes of 16.5 percent of those polled in
the TASR newswire reported. Harman killed seven people March, slightly up in comparison with
The amended law will re- and injured 15 others before the February results. Support for Most-
quire people who own fire- fatally shooting himself. Híd also rose, from 6.0 percent in Febru-
arms to undertake an exam- Lipšic said he would have ary to 7.9 percent in March. The remain-
ination by a clinical psycho- liked to see a more stringent ing coalition party, Freedom and Solidar-
logist. Psychological tests law but considers the passed ity (SaS) saw a drop of two percentage
Smer leader Robert Fico Photo: SITA
once every 10 years will then version acceptable, stating points to 7.1 percent in the poll.
be required for anyone who that he is confident that the
wants to carry a firearm, in- amendment will reduce the Smer harvests fruits Generally speaking, the results of the period which might have had an impact
cluding sports shooters, se- number of mentally unstable of coalition setback poll are indicative of a setback for the rul- on its public image: party leader Ján
curity staff and police of- persons who can acquire and ing coalition rather than of success of Figeľ has been struggling with reports
ficers who have civilian gun carry guns. Former interior Voter preferences for Smer, led by Smer. Slosiarik said that Smer is doing about his personal affairs and the KDH
permits. In autumn this year minister Robert Kaliňák former prime minister Robert Fico, have well by using the complicated situation recently lost a prominent member,
all members of the armed (Smer) told TASR that he is been rising since the June 2010 general that the ruling coalition finds itself in, former Bratislava mayor Andrej
forces who must carry a gun drafting another amend- election which saw it swept from power. partly due to the unpopular measures it Ďurkovský, over suspicions of miscon-
professionally will be added. ment to the law that he will In March Smer reached a level that needs to take which will result in in- duct in public procurement and other
One of the most signific- submit to a forthcoming par- would theoretically secure the party a creased living expenses for voters. An- cases.
ant changes from Lipšic's liamentary session. term in government without the need for other point used by Smer that seems to KDH deputy chairman Pavol Abrhan
political partners. However, sociologist be working with voters, is the rising admitted that the drop in KDH prefer-
Martin Slosiarik of the Focus polling prices of food products and motor fuels, ences in the March 2011 poll goes bey-
NGOs criticise school segregation agency does not expect increases in for which Robert Fico and his Smer col- ond statistical discrepancy.
Smer's preferences to continue. leagues blame the ruling coalition. “We need to look at the past period,
TEACHERS’ day in Slovakia The report charges that “Smer’s preferences are almost satur- to see what caused the drop,” Abrhan
was marked on March 28 by neither the Education Min- ated now,” Slosiarik said, adding that the Poll rings alarm bells for KDH told the Sme daily. “We have probably
the presentation of a new istry nor any other state in- party is likely soon to reach a point where failed to communicate some issues.”
publication entitled stitution is doing anything no further growth will be possible. The only parliamentary party that Slosiarik suggested that the KDH
Odpovede na otázky to prevent segregation of However, he admitted that the trend might have been left sorely disappointed might have scored worst among the co-
(de)segregácie rómskych Roma children in schools could continue for short period, up to by the results of the recent Focus poll alition parties because it is in a consid-
žiakov vo vzdelávacom and that no one is monitor- about 45-46 percent, since Smer might were the Christian Democratic Move- erably harder situation due to the fact
systéme na Slovensku (An- ing its occurrence. win some more support among the unde- ment, whose preferences dropped that it has the highest proportion of
swers to the Questions of The OSF also said there is cided, or those who normally do not vote. sharply after a rather stable period dur- voters who are no longer economically
(De)Segregation of Roma Pu- no clear definition of segreg- “Part of Smer’s potential among ing which they hovered around 10 per- active and who are therefore very sens-
pils in the Education System ation in the law, which is voters is constituted not by diehard cent, to a mere 6.3 percent in March 2011. itive to increases in prices and living
in Slovakia). why its publication proposes voters but rather by people who are not Slosiarik noted that this is a very sig- expenses in general.
The publication is the a way to legally define se- sure they will actually turn out at elec- nificant drop, but it should not be used to “This might be causing a certain
joint work of 15 authors from gregation. tions if they were really to take place,” make fast judgements about the party’s hesitation in their behaviour,” Slosiarik
nine NGOs and was published The authors describe as- Slosiarik told The Slovak Spectator, position on the Slovak political scene, said, adding that they might temporar-
by the Slovak branch of the pects of the current educa- adding that these might only be sym- since for the moment it is an outlier that ily lean away from the KDH, but not ne-
Open Society Foundation tion system which represent pathisers of Smer or simply opponents of needs to be confirmed or corrected by fu- cessarily move their support to another
(OSF) which pulled together segregation and ask that the the ruling coalition, and their positive ture polls. According to Slosiarik, if the political party.
the informal initiative. state begin monitoring and response to Smer in the poll is a form of margin of error (generally accepted to be “I think that the KDH might have
“Segregation in Slovak evaluating such practices in resistance against the measures the rul- 2 percentage points) had an effect on the suppressed the social dimension of its
schools has grown into an a comprehensive manner. ing coalition is implementing. “So it is KDH result, the situation for the party politics and this is how their voters
institutional rule grown not certain that Smer would be able to de- might not be that alarming. show the party that it needs to be more
from a habit,” the OSF wrote Compiled by Spectator staff fend this strong position [indicated by At the same time, however, the intensively engaged with social issues,”
in a press release. from press reports the recent poll] in the actual election.” party has been going through a difficult Slosiarik said.
NEWS April 4 – 10, 2011 3

A question of faith QUORUM: Slota

hurls usual insults
change significantly com-
Representatives pared to the more than 50,000 Continued from pg 1 duces fines for those official
of religions that came out of the 2001 bodies that fail to observe it,
census. Bugár said he was aware so that it mirrors the condi-
prepare for the Roman Catholicism is the that submitting a draft per- tions which are valid for us-
national census most widespread religion in taining to minorities always ing Slovak in official com-
Slovakia, with over 3.7 mil- invites “incredible munication according to the
lion adherents, according to speculation”, noting ironic- State Language Act.
the official number from the ally that there are many
BY MICHAELA 2001 census. Kováčik admits people in Slovakia who think A chance for Slota
TERENZANI that the number of believers that they understand foot-
Spectator staff might not remain the same ball and the problems of na- Predictably, Slota, ad-
as the result in the previous tional minorities. dressing parliament for only
census in 2001 (when it in- On March 31, as The the second time since last
“DO YOU believe in God?” This creased by over half million Slovak Spectator went to year’s June general election,
question is seen as a private, from the 3.18 million in 1991). print, there were still 10 used the debate as an oppor-
intimate matter in many coun- “The overall composition deputies waiting to speak in tunity to insult Slovakia’s
tries. In Slovakia, a variation of and picture of society has the parliamentary debate on ethnic Hungarians, calling
it is one of the questions on changed essentially in the the amendment. However, them “murderers from cent-
this year’s national census. past 10 years,” Kováčik told the ruling coalition was de- ral Asia who imposed their
And although the answer to it The Slovak Spectator. “We termined to push the law language on the Slovak
does not have a direct impact ourselves are curious how it change through parliament. population”.
on the state’s support for the will show in the numbers of The draft amendment “The ruling coalition
religious communities active Your religion will be a census question. Photo: Sme - Peter Žákovič members of churches.” was altered from its original parties are sitting on the
in Slovakia, their representat- The Roman Catholic form before it reached par- shovel of the Hungarian
ives say information about the Moravčíková told The Slovak Catholic bishops, also said, Church has already launched liament. Originally, Chmel party Most-Híd and get
number of adherents has an in- Spectator, adding, however, adding that the number re- an information campaign had proposed to lower the taken in by their every de-
formative and moral signific- that a model which would ported differs from the num- through various media, in- ‘quorum’ to 10 percent of the mand, which step by step
ance for them. use the census data for the ber that the church itself cluding flyers inserted in the local population, but the rul- strips us of our self-determ-
The Population and Hous- purposes of financing reli- monitors, for instance Catholic press, billboards, ing coalition compromised ination and statehood and is
ing Census, whose actual point gious communities has been through active participation and the internet sites of on 15 percent. attaching our southern ter-
of measurement is midnight considered in the past. in the liturgy. Catholic organisations. As in A 15-percent threshold is ritory to Hungary,” Slota
between May 20 and May 21, The model that the state “It is the duty of clerics to the 2001 census campaign, expected to introduce bilin- said, as quoted by the Sme
2011, will take place at the end uses to provide financial lead believers towards show- Catholic bishops agreed to gualism into more than 70 daily's website,
of May. It is the country’s most support to religious groups ing their faith in Christ and write a pastoral letter, which additional municipalities, Ondrej Dostál, a Most-
extensive statistical inquiry active in Slovakia right now showing their belonging to is to be read on Sunday, April with the Roma and Rutheni- Híd deputy and member of
and is expected to provide new is based on the numbers of the church, and therefore 24 in all Roman Catholic and an minorities affected more the Civic Conservative Party
data about the number of clerics, which Moravčíková they will be asked by the Greek Catholic churches in- than the Hungarian. (OKS) faction responded by
people living in Slovakia, as says is not unique in the church to confess their faith stead of the sermon. The number of Roma- calling Slota the shame of
well as information regarding European context. in the census,” said Ladislav “It’s important that speaking villages will grow the Slovak nation.
the population’s demograph- Of the 18 officially re- Bilý, the chancellor of the Of- people, if they are really to from 57 to 86, while there are Though politicians are
ic, educational, social and gistered religious groups, 13 fice of the Metropolitan Coun- decide freely, also receive re- expected to be 113 Rutheni- paid to defend national in-
economic structure. This year receive financial support from cil of the Orthodox Church in sponsible information, and an-speaking municipalities terests it does not mean that
censuses are taking place all the state. In 2010, the Culture Slovakia, adding that the not only that filtered by the instead of the current 68. they have to do it even at
around the European Union, Ministry distributed almost church is not supposed to commercial media,” Kováčik While currently one village price of provoking extrem-
making the union-wide data €37.5 million for this purpose, campaign, but rather educate said. in central Slovakia, Krahule, ism, said MP Pavol
that emerge from them more almost one third of which clerics as well as laypersons The Evangelical – i.e. is German-speaking, under Hrušovský, a deputy speaker
suitable for international went to the Roman Catholic and see how that influence Protestant Christian – the new rules there would be of parliament from the
comparisons. Church, which currently translates into their life. Church, Slovakia’s second one more, Kunešov. Two Christian Democratic
Religious affiliation, un- counts more than two thirds According to Bilý, data biggest religious group, with municipalities within Brat- Movement (KDH) .
like in some other countries of of the population. about the number of over 370,000 believers (ac- islava, Jarovce and Čunovo, Nevertheless, former
the EU, is among the 52 ques- Slovakia’s inhabitants who cording to the 2001 census), would be designated Croa- culture minister and Smer
tions the inhabitants of Slov- Moral dimension admit belonging to the Ortho- is also making efforts to in- tian-speaking. deputy Marek Maďarič con-
akia will be asked to report in dox Church has an informat- form believers about the According to the pro- tributed to the debate by not-
the census. There are 19 op- Despite that, the census ive rather than a decisive sig- census question via its com- posed law, however, any of ing that Hungary’s prime
tions listed on the census and its results remain relev- nificance for the church. munity magazine and the of- Slovakia’s nine officially ap- minister, Viktor Orbán, had
form, including 18 officially ant for religious groups in “The decisive issue is al- ficial website of the church. proved minority languages confirmed his intention to
registered religions plus ‘no re- Slovakia. ways the education of believ- There was mention of the can be used in official oral give voting rights to resid-
ligion’. There is then a final op- “It allows them to com- ers towards faith in God and topic in the Christmas pas- communication anywhere ents of other countries who
tion: ‘other’, where respond- pare their own data against the church,” Bilý told The toral letter and it will also be in Slovakia as long as the re- obtain Hungarian citizen-
ents can state their religion if the data from the census,” Slovak Spectator. According to mentioned in the pastoral spective official and all per- ship by means of Hungary’s
it is not among those listed. Moravčíková said, adding that him, the census also helps the letter prepared for Easter, but sons concerned in the offi- recently passed Dual Cit-
To be officially registered, this is especially true for those Orthodox Church, which is the Evangelical Church is not cial procedure agree. The izenship Act.
a religious group must have religious groups that do not one of the smaller churches in preparing a special pastoral minority languages recog- Bugár responded that
at least 20,000 adherents. Is- keep their own records. An- Slovakia, to see the structure letter about the census, ac- nised in Slovakia are: Hun- deputies cannot always look
lam, for instance, with fewer other point is the moral as- of their believers on the map, cording to Škodová. garian, Czech, Romani, at what Viktor Orbán is do-
than 20,000 adherents in pect of the confession ques- so that they can then better “By no means, however, Ruthenian, Ukrainian, Ger- ing because they live in
Slovakia, is not currently of- tion in the census: when a be- direct their activities and ad- do we regard these activities man, Polish, Croatian, Yid- Slovakia and must do their
ficially registered. liever publicly avows his or just them to local conditions – as a campaign,” she said. dish and Bulgarian. best to make sure that
her religion, the community particularly in western and “Simply, the church also Another highlight of the minorities within Slovakia
No direct impact sees it as an important signal. central Slovakia, where the needs to give statements amendment is that it intro- get proper consideration.
on financing “Admitting [belonging] to Orthodox Church has the about what is happening in
the church in different ways, character of a diaspora. society.”
The number of believers, including the census, is a “From the spiritual view- Apart from the religious
however, does not have a certain signal, expression, point we see that the official groups traditionally present
direct impact on the rela- and self-identification,” Ed- census does not monitor the in Slovakia, there are several
tionship between the state ita Škodová, the press officer exact number of believers other communities trying to
and religious groups, and of the General Bishopric Of- since, mainly in the cities, the win people’s hearts in the
therefore only has an in- fice of the Evangelical number of believers [physic- census: for instance the Jedi
formative character, noted Church of the Augsburg Con- ally present] in the churches (a community which arose
Michaela Moravčíková, the fession, Slovakia’s second is much smaller than the stat- out of the Star Wars movies)
head of the Institute of State- biggest religion, told The istics show,” Bilý said. are running a campaign on
Church Relations, a research Slovak Spectator. Facebook after the success of
body established by the Cul- “In this specific census we Campaigning for believers this ‘religion’ in the UK and
ture Ministry. are looking at the number of New Zealand censuses. In the
“Relations between the people who admit they belong The Orthodox Church, 2001 UK census more than
state and the churches [i.e. to the church, who feel part of which according to the 2001 390,000 people stated that
religious groups] do not it,” Jozef Kováčik, the spokes- census is the fourth biggest their religion as ‘Jedi’ or ‘Jedi
change according to falls or person of the Conference of church in Slovakia in terms Knight’, making them the
rises in the number of believ- Bishops of Slovakia (KBS), of adherents, does not expect fourth largest religious
ers in individual churches,” which represents Slovakia’s its number of believers to community in Britain. Rudolf Chmel Photo: TASR
4 April 4 – 10, 2011 BUSINESS / NEWS

CODE: Unions threaten

Slovakia tops car production chart
SLOVAKIA is the world’s “Also with regard to the
more protest actions
number one car producer per announced increase in pro- Continued from pg 1 tion of dependent work and
capita, according to a re- duction capacities in the re- the principle of merit when
search paper by UniCredit gion, we expect that the im- While Labour Minister it comes to the notice period
Bank. Slovakia returned to portance of the region in Jozef Mihál is expecting a for all cases of layoff notice,”
the top of the chart after a passenger car production in compromise over the code, the he added.
year’s absence, followed Europe will again grow in the unions on March 31 were According to Masár, it is
closely by the Czech Republic coming five years,” UniCred- already halfway through a necessary to change the code
and Slovenia. These three it Bank analysts forecast, as week of protests against some so that the potential to create
countries produce around 100 quoted by SITA. Car produc- proposed changes to the code new jobs increases.
cars per 1,000 citizens, the tion in the EU jumped 11 per- and what they called an According to Hošťák, the
SITA newswire reported. cent year-on-year in 2010. “enormous increase in prices”. draft proposed by ministers
In the world chart of The expansion was “The decline in the eco- does not remove barriers to
gross car production, Slov- fuelled by rising demand nomic and social status of em- job creation, but contrives to
akia placed 19th last year, outside the EU. The share of ployees continues at a [high] retain the existing Labour
with 557,000 passenger cars, European output coming tempo, which is unbearable Code’s extraordinary com-
accounting for one percent of from new EU member for employees and unions, but plexity. It does not equalise
overall car production states situated in the cent- also for the citizens of employment councils and
worldwide. In 2009, the coun- ral-eastern European region Slovakia,” Machyna told The unions, and does not address
try occupied 20th position. shrank last year for the first Slovak Spectator. the problem of how repres-
The region remains at- time since 2001. Machyna offered a list of entative the unions really
tractive for the automotive Three firms make cars complaints to justify the uni- are, he added.
industry due to its low la- in Slovakia: PSA Peugeot on protests: enormous in- In terms of what he sees
bour costs in comparison to Citroen in Trnava; Kia Mo- creases in the price of basic as positives, Hošťák pointed
western Europe, geograph- tors Slovakia in Žilina; and foodstuffs, measures which to the cancellation of obliga-
ical position and dense net- Volkswagen Slovakia in are raising the tax and social tory severance payments and
work of suppliers. Bratislava. burden of employees, and the possibility of combining
changes to the Labour Code to severance payments and no-
weaken the position of em- tice periods. He also wel-
Honeywell investment takes shape ployees and unions. comed the widened oppor-
The unions have 10 fun- KOVO trade union members march in Bratislava. Photo: Sme tunity to use limited-term
PREŠOV City Council ap- of €11.5 million is to be spent damental objections, includ- employment as well as the
proved a draft intention to on the purchase of long-term ing repeated limited-time As for the increase in For Hošťák the problem permanent installation of
sell land in the Záborské In- tangible and intangible as- contracts, increases to over- prices, the Finance Ministry with the Confederation of Flexikonto, which is a long-
vestment Industrial Park to sets, more than €7 million in time work, the extension of said that world prices for food Trade Unions (KOZ) is that he term worked-hours account.
US company Honeywell contributions for new jobs employees’ probation periods, and oil are mostly to blame. sees it as effectively uninter- This is intended to man-
Turbo on March 30. The draft and nearly €600,000 in the and the cancellation of simul- “If union leaders are blam- ested in solving the problem of age employees’ working time
declares the city’s intention form of tax allowances. Based taneous notice periods and ing the government for the 15-percent unemployment. flexibly during swings in pro-
to sell 5 hectares of land to on a draft proposal for stimuli severance payments, said poor harvest worldwide and KOZ’s declared interest in the duction. It allows employees
Honeywell at a price of €30 provision which the cabinet Machyna. the conflict in Libya, they are protection of employees, he to stay at home on full pay,
per square metre, the TASR passed March 30, the reques- According to Machyna, a attributing to it much greater said, obscures its real motive: with the unworked hours re-
newswire reported. ted incentives per employee minimal number of union power than it actually has,” preserving union privileges, corded in individual ac-
“I appreciate that the will reach nearly €43,000, the comments on the draft have said Finance Ministry spokes- financial resources and the counts. Later, over a period of
deputies, although they had SITA newswire reported. been accepted. man Martin Jaroš, as quoted by power of union bosses. months or years, the employ-
certain reservations, voted for Honeywell is planning to “We still stick to the SITA newswire. “A noisy de- Hošťák also criticised the ee is expected to work the
this material,” Prešov’s Mayor build a plant to make tur- opinion that it wasn’t neces- fence of the people would have unions’ unwillingness to pub- hours in the form of overtime.
Pavel Hagyari told TASR. “It bochargers for cars and sary to change the Labour been justified at the time when lish membership numbers, The RÚZ still has objec-
shows that the deputies are trucks. Its estimated costs are Code at all,” said Machyna, there was shameless and un- suggesting that in reality tions in the areas of notice
responsible and that they forecast to be around €38 mil- adding that the unions re- concealed waste and theft, they might actually represent periods and provisions regu-
want to solve the problem of lion and the investment fuse to accept any comprom- since public finances are the only a few tens of thousands lating mass layoffs as well as
unemployment, which in our should create about 446 jobs, ise over points that weaken money of all the people.” of workers out of the more minimum wage demands.
region is most acute.” with the average salary ex- the legal and social status of than a two-million-strong
On the same day, the cab- pected to be around €1,300. employees. Employers object, national workforce. The proposed new code
inet approved €19 million for More jobs are expected to be The unions say they will but continue negotiating Branislav Masár, execut-
Honeywell in investment created indirectly because of continue with strikes. ive director of Slovakia’s Fed- The government says the
stimuli from the state. A total the Honeywell investment. “We are considering addi- Martin Hošťák of the Na- eration of Employers’ Unions new code will be more fam-
tional protest actions of a dif- tional Union of Employers (AZZZ), told The Slovak Spec- ily-friendly, giving both em-
ferent nature; we do not ex- (RÚZ) commented that the tator that he sees no room to ployers and employees the
Construction law change proposed clude announcing a referen- unions are fighting for their preserve the existing Labour option to work flexible hours
dum or preparing a general privileges but added that he Code. The AZZZ submitted its based on their own needs.
BOTH a small-scale revision construction sites and strike,” said Machyna. “We prefers the negotiating table to comments on the code on The government is also
to the Construction Act draf- amends measures allowing want to protect human dig- the street. March 28, when the process of proposing a shorter proba-
ted by the Transport Min- works to be put on ice. nity at any price.” “We look at them [the interdepartmental review was tionary period for employees
istry and an amendment to Not only the owner but The Labour Ministry, in its union protests] as a way for wrapped up. In the next step, in lower positions while des-
the Penal Code proposed by also the respective construc- official response to protests [the unions] to communic- the Labour Ministry will pro- ignating longer periods for
the Justice Ministry intro- tion company and its super- held in front of the ministry ate their disagreement with cess the comments and only positions with higher pay.
duce tougher sanctions for il- visor will be accountable for and the Government Office, the proposal,” he told The then will the federation know The proposal provides an
legal construction. If passed, buildings erected without a said the organisers perhaps do Slovak Spectator. “However, which of its own contribu- employer with the option of
the two legal changes will construction permit. Energy not have enough information we still believe that one can tions were accepted. negotiating a flexible com-
take effect on September 1, supply stoppage is one of the on the economic development achieve more across the ne- Masár sees progress in bination of severance pay and
2011, the SITA newswire re- potential preventive meas- of Slovakia over recent years gotiating table.” creating more room for social layoff notice with an employ-
ported. ures featured in the draft law. and about the steps the cur- “The unions’ provocation dialogue and collective bar- ee, while the minimum no-
The applicable Construc- The ministry plans to pen a rent government is taking to of tensions in society is politi- gaining within companies. tice period would depend on
tion Act from 1976 is tooth- brand new Construction Code support low-income groups. cising the issue and is aimed “However, we also wel- their number of years of em-
less, often circumvented and next year, SITA wrote. “Otherwise they would at preserving union privileges come the cancellation of ployment with the firm or
lacks real tools against illegal The recently presented not protest today but three and fulfilling pre-election simultaneous severance pay organisation.
building projects, Transport Penal Code amendment also years ago, when prices in agreements with Smer,” and layoff notice, the pro- According to the Labour
Minister Ján Figeľ argued, as deals with the problem of il- Slovakia were growing sub- Hošťák, who is secretary of longation of the trial period Ministry, the law’s current
quoted by SITA, adding that legal structures. The Justice stantially faster,” said the re- the RÚZ, commented. “I am and weekly working hours, form is unfair because it does
the new legislation aims to Ministry proposes that illeg- lease. “At that time, the uni- asking why the unionists did even if it is only for a selected not take into consideration
bolster discipline and re- al construction should be- ons openly supported the gov- not protest when under the group of employees,” Masár the different status of em-
sponsibility. come a crime which could be ernment of Robert Fico and its previous government said, adding that the AZZZ ployees based on their salary
The revision, which will sanctioned with up to five policies of wasting and steal- Slovakia’s indebtedness grew still has many objections and levels or positions in a firm.
be submitted for interde- years in prison. ing. The result was that over dramatically, cronyism and has submitted 60 funda- The ministry said the current
partmental review, stipulates the past two years the in- corruption were spreading, mental comments. law lacks flexibility in regards
more detailed and more exact Compiled by Spectator staff debtedness of the country and EU funds and public fin- “For example, we dis- to employees changing jobs
rules for state supervision of from press reports grew by €2,000 per citizen.” ances were mismanaged?” agree with the new defini- or seeking higher earnings.
OPINION April 4 – 10, 2011 5
“It’s been a very interesting 70 years,
since my childhood up to today.” When 44 isn't a lucky number
President Ivan Gašparovič shares some pearls of wisdom FORTY-four can be a lucky water utility just before last within its four-party-plus-
in a speech at his official birthday celebration on March 31 number, especially if that is year’s municipal elections. two-faction structure.
the indicator of the affection As well, a legal analysis What this particular poll
of the electorate for a particu- charges that Ďurkovský far clearly shows is that Fico is

Ničnerobenie lar political party. If no one

else, Robert Fico, chair of the
opposition Smer party, will
exceeded his mayoral au-
thority when he approved
the demolition of Bratislava’s
doing very well in opposi-
tion and that even though he
might not prefer being
ciety, where issues such as long treasure the 44.8 percent PKO cultural centre. severed from his past power,
BY LUKÁŠ FILA SLOVAK WORD abortion, sex education, or
treaties with the Holy See can-
popularity rating his party
scored in a March poll taken
his rhetoric and overall ap-
proach to politics makes him
Special to the Spectator
not win elections. If the KDH by the Focus agency. one of the best-suited politi-
does not want to end up like The parliamentary math cians to stand in opposition.
“THOSE who do nothing, do the Czech Christian Demo- instantly offered the media Of course, those who dis-
nothing wrong,” says one crats, or Vladimír Mečiar’s their headlines: Smer would like being in opposition even
Slovak proverb. The Christian HZDS, which are no longer in be able to form a new gov- more than Fico himself are
Democrats, good conservatives parliament, it should learn its ernment entirely on its own the ‘Maecenases’ of the party
that they are, do what they can lessons – a conservative agenda if a parliamentary election who are likely dreading the
to stick to the wisdom of their and reliance on an aging group had been held in March. prospect of more transpar-
forefathers. But someone of voters is very tricky. The bad news for Fico ent public procurement.
should try explaining to them The party tried to redefine and his shadow cabinet, Those who sigh that the
that the point is to keep trying, itself in 2009, when Figeľ was however, is that there is not Slovak electorate is more
not to indulge in ničnerobenie elected party leader. The party a parliamentary election in likely to lean towards those
(“nothing-doing”) in the hope expected to receive over 10 per- sight that could give rise to politicians who promise
that that way things will turn cent in the 2010 elections, but another government. higher Christmas bonuses
out alright. ended up with only 8, the same If the current coalition for pensioners than to polit-
A recent opinion poll by as in 2006. That was the first government manages to ical parties who seek to
the Focus agency found the highways and redirecting sign that a radical turnaround fine-tune its communica- shine more light under the
party’s support fall to just over European funds been very con- for the better had not occurred. tion strategies and makes soiled black robes of the
6 percent. In a system where 5 vincing. Health Minister Ivan If the KDH is to become sure that its attention-driv- country’s Judicial Council
percent is the minimum re- Uhliarik, virtually unknown to competitive again, it should do en politicians do not contin- might have a strong point.
quired to get into parliament, the public before getting into at least three things: find new, ue to serve up half-baked BY BEATA BALOGOVÁ The Slovak electorate
that is not good news for a office, has become a more fa- dynamic leaders; move its proposals which they in- Spectator staff may also have a fleeting
party. Just a month ago things miliar face mainly thanks to agenda more to the centre; and stantly change in response memory and not fully re-
did not look so dire, as the some strange personnel de- demonstrate an ability to deal to the first hint of public member the colourful
party was over 10 percent. cisions at the Bratislava emer- with the economy. squeamishness, then there An earlier revelation that tapestry of scandals that Fico
The sudden fall indicates gency service, and some even No other party can boast is little likelihood that Fico Ján Figeľ, KDH’s chairman and his coalition partners
that the events in recent more suspicious decisions – the history and tradition of can turn that 44.8 percent and transport minister, re- stitched while in office as
months are hurting the KDH. concerning which vaccines the KDH, founded in 1990 and number into a march back to ceived a valuable flat in they were queried in the
Party boss Ján Figeľ has still would be paid for by the state – present in all parliaments the Government Office. Bratislava’s Old Town for the March poll amidst the pain of
not given up his flat in the that seemed to unjustly favour since. And in testing times it This poll, however, cer- paltry sum of €2,000 has not a package of austerity meas-
centre of Bratislava, which he his former employer. has tended to be on the right tainly has the potential to helped the KDH much ures enacted by the sitting
promised to do after it emerged But the party has a deeper, side of history. But if it fails to make the Christian Demo- either, particularly when government to heal the pub-
that he had got it virtually for long-term problem which will do things right now, its cratic Movement (KDH) one of its officials had said it lic deficit.
free from his party colleagues not go away even if the num- members will soon have quite edgy since the party re- was “the party with the Eventually every popu-
at the city council. Neither has bers recover a little. It is failing plenty of time for sweet corded a steep drop in pop- purest moral profile”. list politician runs out of
his performance building to adjust to a modernising so- ničnerobenie. ularity to only 6.3 percent, Even if the theory is rhetoric. But the ‘more-
four points less than it polled proved true that past sup- thoughtful’ politicians of
in February. Martin Slosi- porters of the KDH have the current coalition who
arik, a sociologist with Fo- been only temporarily infec- seem to be unable to speak
cus, suggested that the KDH ted by Smer’s rhetoric that to citizens other than
should wait for the next poll the current government is through half-baked mes-
to see whether its dismal the worst enemy of citizens’ sages that are later retrac-
numbers are confirmed. ability to afford the necessit- ted, or who are unable to
Observers could instantly ies of life, the KDH and the prioritise the promises they
point at the very thorns that other parties of the coalition made, or who cannot even
left bleeding wounds on must soon undertake some live up to their own pledges
KDH’s corpus: the departure sorely needed self-reflection of relative purity, should
of Andrej Ďurkovský, one of and take a hard look at their not be surprised by unpleas-
the party’s founding mem- social policies. ant poll results. Nor should
bers and the former mayor of That, of course, might they even count on the con-
Bratislava, whose political only be a wishful suggestion tinued loyalty of those who
neck was snapped when me- as the coalition fractiously passionately do not want to
dia reported on the ‘hidden debates how to live up to its see Robert Fico return to the
Ján Figeľ, leader of the KDH. Photo: SITA privatisation’ of Bratislava’s 2010 programme declaration prime minister’s seat.


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6 April 4 – 10, 2011

Not all the wrinkles are ironed
out of the e-toll system

Slovak cabinet discusses

broad-gauge rail project LEGISLATION

Revamping the railways Institutions and organisations in

transport and logistics in Slovakia
Ministry of Transport, Construction and Regional
tion of rail and bus transport so Minister: Ján Figeľ
Government that routes and scheduled
plan will times do not overlap. Association of Road Transport Operators of the Slovak
“This might bring savings Republic (ČESMAD),
lead to or at least better quality to pub-
5,000 layoffs lic transport, which is also Slovak Union of Motor Carriers (UNAS)
covered from public finances,”
Palčák said.
BY JANA LIPTÁKOVÁ The overall revitalisation Association of Logistics and Freight Forwarding
Spectator staff programme for Slovakia’s of the Slovak Republic,
three railway companies pro-
poses to lay off around 5,000 Transport Research Institute (VÚD)
employees within three years
STATE-OWNED railway com- and projects that the compan-
pany ZSSK Cargo has started ies would at least start to break
implementing mass layoffs. even within that timeframe. Organisations involved in Slovakia's
The company’s general direct- The programme also highway e-toll system
or, Pavol Ďuriník, confirmed seeks to secure settlement of
on March 30 that about 150 Slovak rail companies are facing major changes. Photo: Sme receivables between the rail-
workers will lose their jobs in way firms and the state and to e-myto – the website of the Slovak e-toll collection
early April, to be followed by Ľubomír Palčák, director of government’s revitalisation optimise the setup of the system
200 more in early June, 700 in the Žilina-based Transport Re- programme is moving in the railway sector. While Cargo is
early July and another 700 by search Institute (VÚD), views right direction. to lay off one fifth of its staff,
the end of 2011. Altogether the problems in the railway “I think it has happened the railway infrastructure National Highway Company – builds, maintains and
ZSSK Cargo will eliminate 1,800 sector as long-term, going back sometimes to name the prob- operator, Železnice Slov- operates highways in Slovakia
positions from its total labour to before 1993, when Slovakia lems in the railway sector but enskej Republiky (ŽSR), is ex-
force of about 9,000. was a federal republic within then not to start solutions,” pected to declare 2,700 em-
The layoffs among Cargo Czechoslovakia. Palčák said. “Now at least there ployees redundant in two SkyToll – built and operates Slovakia’s electronic toll
employees are part of an ex- “One of these problems is is an effort to bring order in the phases by the end of 2012, ac- collection system. SkyToll was established by companies
tensive revitalisation plan for that on one hand we want the railway companies’ economic counting for about 16 percent of the Ibertax-SanToll consortium, the winner of a tender
Slovakia’s three railway com- railway companies to operate, operations and I believe this is of its current workforce. for developing an e-toll system in Slovakia. SanToll is
panies adopted by the cabinet and I think that this is the cor- a correct direction.” Slovakia’s passenger rail- owned by Sanef, a French-based corporation that
of Iveta Radičová on March 16. rect approach, under a clear Palčák sees an opportunity way company, Železničná operates toll-road networks in Europe.
In addition to the sacking of economic environment, but on for railway transport to be Spoločnosť Slovensko (ZSSK),
thousands of employees, the the other hand it is very diffi- more central to Slovakia. Cur- will lay off 621 employees in
plan will also reduce railway cult to push through any rently, railways account for five stages by the end of 2013,
passenger routes and pave the changes which would affect only 6.2 percent of total pas- about 12 percent of its work-
way for sale of a majority stake this environment in a more senger transport in Slovakia, force. The actual number of Railway companies in Slovakia
in ZSSK Cargo. significant way because the while roughly 20 percent of people laid off at ZSSK may be
"It isn't about layoffs but railway sector was always im- cargo is transported by rail. He lower, as the company an-
about rescue," said Transport portant from the viewpoint of said there is an opportunity to nounced a smaller reduction in Železničná Spoločnosť Cargo Slovakia (ZSSK Cargo)
Minister Ján Figeľ on March 16, employment,” Palčák told The increase these figures to train connections than those – the state-owned railway cargo company
as quoted by the TASR news- Slovak Spectator. He added somewhere around 10 percent announced in the original re-
wire. “The current situation is that political involvement, in passenger transport and up vitalisation programme. The
no longer sustainable. The from either the right or the to 30-35 percent in cargo trans- new, reduced train schedules Železnice Slovenskej Republiky (ŽSR) – the state-owned
overall indebtedness of the left, has complicated the situ- port. He added that an import- will start on May 1. railway infrastructure operator
three companies has climbed ation even more. ant step forward for passenger
to €1 billion.” He believes the transport is better harmonisa- See RAIL pg 8
Železničná Spoločnosť Slovensko (ZSSK) – the state-
owned rail passenger transport company

Demand for logistics space grows

RegioJet – a Czech private rail passenger transport

and more difficult financing,” Peter gis, which is the logistics market leader company, which plans to provide services in Slovakia
Build-to-suit projects Jánoši, the head of the industrial de- in Slovakia with about 38 percent market
are now the partment at CB Richard Ellis (CBRE), a share, said that the overall demand for
global provider of corporate and institu- logistics and warehouse facilities was Wagon Service Travel – a private firm offering charter
dominant model tional services in the real estate industry, healthy in Slovakia in 2010 but added train services throughout Europe
told The Slovak Spectator. “Only projects that the lack of available space resulted
which had already started were com- in less overall leasing activity last year
BY JANA LIPTÁKOVÁ pleted. This has led to historically-low than in 2009.
Spectator staff vacancy rates. Compared with neigh- “Developers avoided speculative de-
bouring countries in which the boom in velopments, choosing to focus on leasing Travelling Bratislava - Košice during
the segment of industrial and logistics their existing portfolios and looking for the Ice Hockey World Championship
THE STANDSTILL in construction of new real estate arrived a bit later than in Slov- build-to-suit opportunities,” Polák told
warehouses and logistics centres in Slov- akia, for example in the Czech Republic The Slovak Spectator, adding that for that
akia in 2009 because of the economic and Poland, Slovakia has not ended in reason rental levels remained stable. Slovakia’s passenger rail operator, ZSSK, has launched a
crisis extended into 2010 as well. A clear such a bad situation in terms of existing “The market in Slovakia is closer to the new product for the 2011 IIHF World Championship: the
market trend has been for logistics and projects being vacant.” Czech market than the Hungarian mar- Ice Hockey 2011 pass ticket. It is valid for up to 19 days for
warehouse-space operators to focus on Martin Baláž, from the department of ket due mainly to Slovakia’s economy be- all trains in Slovakia during the championship
renting their available space in existing industrial and retail warehousing at ing stronger than its southern between April 28 and May 16. The price of a first-class
facilities and to construct new facilities Cushman & Wakefield Property Services neighbour's. Demand decreased due to pass ticket is €99; a second-class pass ticket costs €89.
only for specific clients on a build-to-suit Slovakia told The Slovak Spectator that the lack of existing options and poor
basis. But industry experts say that during the last quarter of 2010 the va- availability; on the other hand, both the
Slovakia’s low vacancy rate and the ex- cancy rate at modern logistics parks in Prague and Ostrava markets can offer Slovak airline Danube Wings has added special flights
pected inflow of new foreign investment Slovakia was about 5 percent. Over the immediate space. Therefore, for regional between Bratislava and Košice during the championship.
may spur the construction of new logist- last few months additional space was international distribution, companies Effective between April 29 and May 9, there will be three
ics centres, particularly in areas outside rented and Baláž estimates that the cur- are looking more for options in the Czech flights in each direction on weekdays.
western Slovakia. rent vacancy rate is around 4 percent. Republic than in Slovakia.”
“Construction was halted especially Martin Polák, a market officer for the
because of lower interest by end-users Czech Republic and Slovakia for ProLo- See SPACE pg 8 Compiled by Spectator staff
BUSINESS FOCUS April 4 – 10, 2011 7

Not all wrinkles ironed FOCUS short

out of e-toll system Bratislava Airport to be leased
SLOVAKIA plans to lease motivation to invest in the
Letisko M. R. Štefánika – airport's development.
Electronic toll Bratislava Airport – to a A recent analysis stated
system now past concessionaire for a period that Bratislava Airport's un-
of 30 years, Transport Min- avoidable investment needs
one-year mark ister Ján Figeľ said after a are expected to reach at least
government session on €350 million. These invest-
March 16. The minister ments include an overall re-
stated that the process – construction and extension of
BY JANA LIPTÁKOVÁ choosing a suitable con- the existing runway, increas-
Spectator staff sultant with international ing the amount of space for
experience and preparing a planes at the terminals, and
tender to seek the conces- other necessary upgrades.
SLOVAKIA launched its elec- sionaire – should be com- Bratislava Airport served
tronic highway toll collection pleted by June 2012, the 74,600 passengers in Febru-
system for vehicles over 3.5 TASR newswire wrote. ary 2011, down 17 percent
tonnes more than a year ago. Figeľ is expected to from the same month in
While the impacts of the new submit a comprehensive 2010. In the first two months
system on truckers and road plan to the government be- of 2011 the number of pas-
cargo transport companies fore the end of April. sengers checking in dropped
have not been fully assessed, The Transport Ministry by 15 percent from the same
it is clear that politics were originally suggested that period last year.
intermingled with its launch, the airport should be leased Letisko M. R. Štefánika is
that the system was con- for a maximum of 30 years fully-owned by the state:
structed in a short period, but the Finance Ministry Slovakia’s National Property
and that its debut during the subsequently argued for a Fund holds 50.3 percent of
deep economic downturn period of 40 to 50 years, say- the shares and the Transport
have been factors in its ongo- Slovak truckers are not satisfied with the electronic highway toll system. Photo: Sme - Ján Krošlák ing a shorter lease period Ministry holds 49.7 percent.
ing criticism. Some problem- would reduce an investor's Compiled by Spectator staff
atic issues will likely remain to, in particular, reduce costs Truckers’ views “In 2008 we experienced
unresolved until more in- linked to toll collection and the pressure of high diesel hk}ly{pzltlu{
formation from the past operation of the e-toll system The e-toll system meant prices in road transport,
year’s operation points to so that as large as possible an increase in truckers’ costs which was at least partly
specific ways to improve the
system. And a transportation
expert looking at the e-toll
system from a broader point
share of revenue goes into
construction and mainten-
ance of roads.”
Krajčovič stated that the
because rather than buying a
highway sticker which had a
flat payment for highway us-
age regardless of the kilo-
compensated by the still-
growing economy,” Jančovič
told The Slovak Spectator.
“The following year, 2009,
of view says the opportunity
to use it as a regulatory tool
has not yet been fully tapped.
“Slovakia has a function-
Transport Ministry would
reveal specific steps in the
coming weeks.
“The ministry is inter-
metres driven, they now must
pay tolls based on the number
of kilometres covered on
highways, dual carriageways
was particularly disastrous
for road cargo transport be-
cause even though diesel
prices decreased, the demand
ing electronic toll collection ested in making the toll sys- and first-category roads. for our services steeply de-
system but at the same time I tem more effective and op- Currently, about 1,900 creased too. This situation
am saying that it is not timising its operation,” kilometres of roads in Slovakia continued until the end of
perfect,” Ľubomír Palčák, the Krajčovič said. “This is also are tolled and the amount 2010 and it was also signific-
director of the Transport Re- why it launched a commis- ranges from €0.020 per kilo- antly influenced by the in-
search Institute (VÚD) based sion to review the effective- metre to €0.209 per kilometre crease in our costs after the
in Žilina, told The Slovak ness of the toll system that is depending on the weight of launch of e-tolls in Slovakia.” Your partner for Air, Sea, Road transport
Spectator. He said that the made up of representatives of the vehicle, its emissions cat- Páleš said truckers have and Logistics solutions
political nature of the de- the Transport Ministry, egory and other factors, ac- managed to win some conces-
cision to introduce the sys- truckers (ČESMAD and cording to the National High- sions from the government cargo-partner SR, s.r.o.
tem was problematic, and UNAS), the National High- way Company. but that these have not solved .opþLansNa ,   %ratLsOaYa
that its launch within one way Company (NDS), the toll The opinions of many the basic problems of the sys- 3Kone    , )a[   
year could have meant that police and SkyToll, which truckers to the new system tem which he said are over-
sNEts#cargo-partner.coP, ZZZ.cargo-partner.coP
not all aspects were com- operates the e-toll system in has been extremely negative priced tolls and the scope of
pleted properly from the Slovakia. It was a suggestion and they based their criti- the roads tolled. He stated that SP90534/1
point of view of either the from this commission, for cisms on what they called a many trucking firms already
technologies employed or of example, to reduce fines for poorly prepared and over- suffering from low demand
the overall system concept. toll offences.” priced system as well as a fail- due to the crisis were re-
For that reason, he said, some Truck drivers on toll roads ure by the government to oth- strained from including the
changes are warranted. who do not have an onboard erwise assist carriers which increased toll costs into their
The current leadership unit (OBU), used to measure a had already been severely hurt prices and were forced from
of the Ministry of Transport, vehicles’ road use via satel- by the economic downturn. the market. 5(!#+,#+5 50)*++5
Construction and Regional lite, or those who drive on toll “After the most difficult “A [typical] Slovak carrier %(.$#5+)(%5+5*( %(.$#5+)(%5+5*(
Development has tuned its roads without paying the ap- crisis year of 2009, 2010 started went down to the bottom of its 5-))%15"#' 50)*++5
ear towards complaints and plicable fee are fined €1,655 if in the spirit of an overpriced, reserves during the crisis,” #3'#5.5*7&#5(7.,6+$8"(5*42 0)*+'75)*)*.527+#%($
demands made by truckers they pay on the spot or €2,655 non-functional, badly-pre- Páleš said. ,%5  55+$+"%(& ,%5 5 5"%+$"%(&
who have been very critical if they pay later. pared and unfair toll system,” Jančovič of ČESMAD said 5%(%5(*/*#'! 5*#!",5
of the system from its very Many truckers have Rudolf Páleš, the vice-presid- hundreds of transport com- ,$755'7&(*'75'7$%'75)*)*. (2&'75'7$%'75)*)*.
5+$! +%+"%(& ,%5 55+$ *#!","%(&
beginning. The ministry has complained that these fines ent of the Union of Motor Car- panies have left the market ///"%+$
adopted a reduction in some can cause bankruptcy. riers of Slovakia (UNAS), an or- and thousand of trucks are
fines related to e-toll viola- Slovakia’s cabinet adopted a ganisation launched by dissat- gone. He blamed not only the SP90523/1

tions and has promised to reduction in the fines of isfied truckers at the begin- e-toll system but also the eco-
make other changes so that about 60 percent in March ning of 2010, told The Slovak nomic decline.
it becomes simpler and that will take effect on Au- Spectator. “While other coun- UNAS also maintains that
more effective. gust 1, Krajčovič said. The tries were looking for ways to the e-toll system has not been
“The previous cabinet ap- ministry is also preparing to help companies survive the achieving any regulatory
proached the electronic toll commission an independent crisis, the Slovak cabinet star- function and Páleš said for-  
%*$)'-%'!) $"("%+! 
system in a non-conceptual audit of the toll system. ted to collect tolls which eign carriers are particularly
way that resulted in lower “The ministry is also brought chaos at border cross- avoiding payment of tolls. He
revenue from e-tolls and in- preparing other steps to ings and at contact points.” added that Slovakia, contrary 
creased costs for operation of make operation of the sys- When looking back, Pavol to Austria or Germany, has not   
the system,” Transport Min- tem, which was poorly set Jančovič, the president of the adopted any compensatory ac-
istry spokesperson Martin up by the previous cabinet Association of Road Transport tions such as a reduction of %$ 

Krajčovič told The Slovak of Robert Fico, more effect- Operators of the Slovak Repub- vehicle taxes for truckers. , 

Spectator. “For the time being ive and optimal,” Krajčovič lic (ČESMAD), took an even % " 
# " '%')&%!%'$-&$"& $%#
it is the task of the ministry added. longer view into history. See TOLL pg 9
8 April 4 – 10, 2011 BUSINESS FOCUS

RAIL: Seeking a partner for ZSSK Cargo

Continued from pg 6 Former transport minister
Ľubomír Vážny has criticised
Krajčovič stated that the
three railway companies have
and prepare it for the entry of a
strategic investor. The part of
FOCUS shorts
ZSSK will completely ter- the revitalisation plan, saying generated a combined debt of the programme related to ZSSK
minate passenger service on that it focuses only on redu- about €1 billion and that ac- Cargo is set up in a very realist-
five routes that it evaluated as cing costs while not solving counts for about 1.5 percent of ic way and thus we do not ex- Cabinet discusses broad-gauge rail
inefficient. Another 314 pas- the issue of how to increase gross domestic product. He also pect that we would fail to
senger routes will be reduced revenue. Current officials in said that the railway compan- achieve its goals.” THE SLOVAK cabinet on that Russian Prime Minister
in terms of scheduled times or the Transport Ministry insist ies are currently overstaffed. The new management at March 16 discussed a report Vladimir Putin has said if
their overall length, according that cost reductions are neces- “If we do not reduce the ZSSK Cargo started remedial reviewing some of the res- Slovakia does not view the
to the SITA newswire. sary or the railway companies railway labour force, we would measures immediately after ults of a feasibility study project as useful his country
The Transport Ministry could otherwise go belly-up. endanger another 27,000 work- they assumed their positions about extending a broad- is ready to route the broad-
will also seek to find a strategic “We perceive this as the ing positions,” said Krajčovič. in the fall of 2010, Halanda gauge railway track across gauge railway through
investment partner for ZSSK stance of the former minister “This means that this [pro- said, adding that these efforts Slovakia from Košice to Vi- Hungary and that Prime
Cargo and plans to hold an in- who was not courageous gramme] is rather about salva- have yielded cost savings of enna via Bratislava. A broad- Minister Viktor Orbán has
ternational tender by June 2012 enough to face up to the prob- ging employment. In this re- over €30 million. gauge railway track already already shown an interest.
that will offer an ownership lems of the railway companies spect I would like to point out The revitalisation pro- runs from the Slovak-Ukrain- The feasibility study pre-
stake of at least 66 percent in and was blindly following the that most layoffs affect the too- gramme also proposes a meth- ian border to Košice. pared by Roland Berger, a
the company. The Finance orders of his boss,” Transport extensive administration… This od to deal with settlement of The proposal under dis- German consulting firm,
Ministry had proposed to sell Ministry spokesman Martin step [reducing the workforce] is the €166 million subsidy that cussion would extend the stated that extending the
the state’s entire 100-percent Krajčovič told The Slovak not pleasant for anybody but it Cargo received from the state broad-gauge railway from broad-gauge railway track by
ownership stake in Cargo. Spectator. “If we had not star- is inevitable. We are preparing, in 2009. Halanda told The Slov- Košice by 430 kilometres and 430 kilometres is technically
Palčák said railway cargo ted the revitalisation process in cooperation with the Labour ak Spectator that the Finance add two new railway ter- and legally feasible and
transport is a globalised busi- in the railway companies, Ministry, a national social pro- Ministry has postponed the minals – one in Parndorf, would draw a significant
ness today and companies they might have gone bank- gramme with over €7 million start of repayments for one Austria and one in Nové amount of transport busi-
which want to succeed in this rupt. In a better-case scenario for those who will be laid off.” year and added that the Zámky, Slovakia. The railway ness. However, questions re-
market must be linked with the state would become in- The railway companies company’s debt is expected to track would be built in paral- lating to the financing of the
other strong players. In select- debted in order to settle their have said that they view the be covered from proceeds from lel with the existing stand- project remain unanswered;
ing a strategic partner for ZSSK debts, which might within government’s revitalisation the sale of the majority stake. ard-gauge track that crosses the feasibility study said the
Cargo, Palčák said that foreign some years bring in, for ex- programme as a positive step ZSSK also views the Slovak southern Slovakia. The total most credible way to finance
partners who would bring added ample, higher taxes. There is and said they would have wel- cabinet’s revitalisation pro- investment in laying the the extension is through
value but not competition for no way to escape – the railway comed it even earlier. gramme as a positive step, ac- track and building the new public funds.
the Slovak company are the companies must be revitalised “ZSSK Cargo welcomes the cording to ZSSK spokesperson terminals is estimated at The European Commis-
most interesting and said these at the cost of some unpopular approved programme for re- Alexander Buzinkay, who added €6.36 billion. sion has stated that it does
could include Russian Railways, measures; otherwise this vitalisation of the railway “it is a pity that it is arriving The extension of the not support including the
České Dráhy from the Czech Re- would catch up with us sooner sector,” Martin Halanda, with a delay of two months be- broad-gauge track is being proposed broad-gauge exten-
public, or German railways, but or later. We do not want to spokesperson for ZSSK Cargo, cause our stances were already discussed by four countries, sion into the trans-European
Palčák noted that the latter two close our eyes to the problems told The Slovak Spectator. “It clear and pre-negotiated in Austria, Russia, Ukraine and transport network (TEN-T).
options could bring possible in the railway companies as will enable us to adopt meas- December [2010] and nothing Slovakia, and is strongly Slovakia’s position on
problems with competition. the former cabinet did.” ures revitalising the company about them has changed.” supported by Russia and the project has been incon-
Ukraine. The position of sistent. The cabinet of
various railway experts in former prime minister

SPACE: Focus on build-to-suit projects Austria is relatively neutral

but the Vienna chapter of the
Federation of Austrian In-
Robert Fico endorsed the
project but the parties of the
current governing coalition
Continued from pg 6 Expectations for 2011 dustry is a significant pro- were critical of the high cost
moter of the project. of the project when they
Investment spurs logistics centres Speculative construction of logist- “The Russian partners were in opposition.
ics facilities was the dominant model are convinced that this As the government’s as-
The inflow of foreign investments has in Slovakia for some time but during project offers Slovakia the sessment of the feasibility
an effect on occupancy rates and the build- the recent past the primary interest of possibility to profit not only study is not yet complete,
ing of new logistics facilities. owners of logistics facilities has been from the unique opportun- the report discussed by the
“This trend is visible, for example along to lease their already available capa- ity to join the European- cabinet did not propose any
the D1 highway around Trnava and Galanta city and experts say the most visible Asian transport chain but further concrete steps to be
where the arrival of investors like PSA trend in the market today is to start also brings an added value taken by Slovakia at this
Peugeot Citroen and Samsung also initiated construction based only on the specif- in the form of several sup- time.
the building of modern logistics centres,” ic needs of a client. plementary activities dir- The Transport Ministry is
said Baláž. “However, there is an assumption ectly attached to this to prepare a proposal by the
Jánoši agreed, adding that new major that when premises are constructed project,” the report states. end of 2011 on Slovakia’s
Logistics parks have mushroomed near
foreign investments were accompanied by for a particular client, then the in- The report further noted course of action in 2012.
Bratislava. Photo: Courtesy of ProLogis
the arrival of many subcontractors which terest of other potential clients in a
drew in logistics companies to handle those given locality can increase and for that
companies’ outsourcing. Slovakia become part of important reason some developers are prone to Flights to 25 destinations from capital
“Those companies often need to be loc- European rail corridors.” start construction on a speculative
ated as close as possible to these prominent Baláž expects more development in basis as well so they can satisfy poten- REGULAR flights to 25 des- pany are offering regular
investors,” said Jánoši, adding that in the other regions of the country, especially tial demand as fast as possible,” Jánoši tinations in 13 countries as connections to Tel Aviv.
past such important investments centred eastern Slovakia, that will complement the said. well as flights to Košice will Košice International Air-
especially in western Slovakia with its developed logistics centres in western Jánoši said lease prices for logistics be offered from Bratislava port offers regular flights to
dominant automobile industry (Volkswa- Slovakia. space decreased to historical lows in Airport between March 27 three destinations: Bratis-
gen Slovakia in Bratislava, Kia Motors Slov- “Some development companies have the recent past but that prices may in- and October 29, the SITA lava, Prague and Vienna.
akia near Žilina and PSA Peugeot Citroen in already announced their intention to build crease moderately because the current newswire reported. Eight During the holiday sea-
Trnava) as well as major electro-technical logistics premises in eastern Slovakia,” prices of land, construction and finan- airline companies – Ry- son Slovak airports also offer
companies (Foxconn, Samsung and AU Baláž said. “It will be important to get ten- cing are in the end reflected in the anair, Danube Wings, Czech charter flights to popular
Optronics). Jánoši said this was because of ants for a sufficiently large amount of space lease price. Airlines, Polish Airlines, holiday destinations.
the better road infrastructure in western so that construction can start.” Polák of ProLogis views the optim- Travel Service, El Al (Sun After nearly two years,
Slovakia, such as the D1 highway joining CBRE has registered interest not only istic economic forecasts for central d'Or International), civil flights should be re-
Bratislava and Žilina and the D2 highway among end-users, i.e. logistics firms, but and eastern Europe, including Slov- Armavia and Belle Air will newed at Sliač airport, SITA
between Bratislava and Brno. also developers in building warehouses and akia, as an encouraging sign and hopes operate scheduled flights wrote. Civil flights from Sliač
Jánoši said Slovakia is of interest to lo- industrial premises in less-developed parts that further improvements in the from Bratislava Airport. halted in May 2009, when the
gistics companies because of its geograph- of Slovakia, Jánoši said. These include in- market for modern distribution facilit- Scheduled flights to Las reconstruction of a runway
ical position and its developing road infra- dustrial regions of northern Slovakia, for ies will come in 2011. Palmas on the Spanish island with NATO funds started.
structure, but added that the country has example Žilina and Martin and their vicin- “We expect a further increase in of Gran Canaria and to At present, preparations
not yet tapped its full potential. ity, as well as eastern Slovakia, especially in demand, generated mostly by com- Yerevan, Armenia, are now are being made to enable reg-
“Slovakia, compared with neighbour- the areas around Prešov and Košice. He panies in the logistics sector as well as offered by Ryanair and ular use of the military airport
ing countries, is a small market and logist- noted that the recent activities of Point- by growing retailers and manufactur- Armavia and are additions to for civil operation. The condi-
ics companies often prefer centralising Park Properties and its newly-built logist- ing companies,” said Polák. last summer’s schedule. tion for resumption of civil
their logistics operations in bigger econom- ics parks in Košice and Žilina are good ex- “It is worth noting that due to the Belle Air, an Italian-Al- transport at Sliač airport will
ies, for example in the Czech Republic and amples of this trend. decreasing stock of available ware- banian low-cost airline be a licence for provision of
Poland,” said Jánoši. “In most cases it is “But we do not expect concentration of house space in Slovakia, rental rates company, is scheduled to air navigation services for
possible to serve the Slovak market from parks [in the east or north] to such an ex- will remain stable or may increase this start flights to Tirana at the civil air transportation issued
these countries without any big problems. tent as in western Slovakia in the past,” year. In 2011, we plan to focus on ex- end of March. El Al’s daugh- by the Transport Ministry.
We see further prospects in the develop- Jánoši commented. “We assume that these tending lease agreements with our ex- ter company, Sub d’Or In-
ment of road infrastructure but also of will be rather stand-alone, build-to-suit isting clients and targeting pre-let op- ternational, and the Czech Compiled by Spectator staff
railway infrastructure – which would help projects.” portunities and build-to-suit projects.” Travel Service airline com- from press reports
BUSINESS April 4 – 10, 2011 9

TOLL: Lower revenue hk}ly{pzltlu{

Continued from pg 7 the amount of traffic on heav-
ily-used roads. Database Administrator
Truckers continue to seek “All these are things $(! *#  ,01 
$7 0
ways to iron out wrinkles in which are necessary in the & 0 -  0 &/


the system and Páleš said the future so that the system is
arrival of Iveta Radičová's cab- fairer and simpler,” said Project Engineer
inet has brought some action Palčák. “Moreover, interoper- & *+(' 0 0  
in addressing their demands. ability of the e-toll system is a & 0 -  0 &/

great challenge as well so that %

E-toll as a regulatory tool a carrier transporting cargo
across Europe will have only Networking Pricing Manager
 #  ,01 
Palčák of the Transport one contract, one onboard & 0 -  0 &/

Research Institute thinks the unit and get only one invoice. %

e-toll system should be used This is the future.”
as a regulatory instrument Regional Channel Manager
but said that its opportunities Toll statistics for 2010 + ,3 #  ,01 
& 0 -  0 &/

have not yet been fully %

tapped. He believes the e-toll The e-toll revenues of the
system can harmonise condi- National Highway Company Process Engineer
tions for operation of railway last year were 42.4 percent 0 + 2  #$7 0
and road cargo transport, at lower than projected: they & 0 -  0 &/


least partly, saying that in Trucks pay tolls on about 1,900 kilometres of roads. Photo: Sme amounted to only €36.2 mil-
railway transport, as opposed lion instead of the forecast Strategic Sourcing Specialist/Junior
to road transport, all costs are from the toll system while Palčák added that he does €62.8 million. " 0 + 20 #  
the responsibility of the oper- other roads are included. He not think the current toll Costs for operation of the & 0 -  0 &/

ator and that charges high- added that in other countries rates motivate truckers to toll system rose by €14.5 mil- %

way use does not fully reflect that launched similar sys- buy vehicles with less impact lion compared to the plan, to
actual costs. tems, drivers also began on the environment. He also €105.17 million. Tolls collec- Senior General Procurement Manager
%+ 2 #  ,01 
He also suggested that the avoiding tolled roads which noted that the e-toll system ted were 7.9 percent, or & 0 -  0 &/

scope of tolled roads should then brought heavier traffic could be tuned to regulate the €12.08 million, lower than %

be reviewed, i.e. whether cer- and more damage to second- amount of traffic on roads projected and totalled
tain roads should be excluded and third-category roads. during peak hours or to lessen €141.42 million. Advanced C/C++ Software developer
* + 2 #  ,01 
& 0 -  0 01 /

FILE: Wide-ranging reform may come %


HR Specialist - Recruiter
#&#  + 0#  ,01 

Continued from pg 1, with the key step being the cial damage from the system’s crash   
& 0 -  0 &/

launch of the eDANE application. amounted to several thousand euros and %

10+ 2 32
Previously, a district tax office had to “eDANE secured full access to the ac- blamed the supplier, Novitech Tax. It
approve each request for an extension. tual tax return documents and at the even went as far as suing the firm. Senior Design Engineer for HVAC
Up to March 28, Slovak district tax of- same time fundamentally eliminated the Novitech responded that the firm had +"' # * % ,*#+%(.$#3  0 0  

fices had received 28,161 notifications burden on the portal,” previously warned about the “unsustain-   
& 0 -  0 &/

about extensions to submit tax returns, Dianová said. “If for any reason the tax able condition of the tax administration’s

about 3 percent of the total number of re- portal was not accessible, the taxpayer portal”, as reported by Sme last spring.
turns expected to be filed in 2011. Gabriela could still use the eDANE application Sme this year wrote that the Tax ERP specialist
Dianová, spokeswoman of the Tax Direct- without any limitations.” Directorate’s new management had ,#" + 2 3  #80
orate, told The Slovak Spectator that this Dianová suggested that access prob- withdrawn the lawsuit. & 0 -  0 01 /

was 4,300 more taxpayers than in 2010. lems to the main tax portal again this year Dianová said the current remedial %

But the Sme daily reported that the beginning on March 25 showed that de- measures are only short-term solutions
number of late filers might be much bigger veloping the eDANE application was justi- to stabilise the electronic filing system Supply Controller
% + 2 (1#  )0 % 0
since by March 29, two days before the fied. After installation of the application a and implementing proper solutions is & 0 -  0 &/

deadline, almost half of the expected tax taxpayer does not need to stay connected limited by contracts that were signed by %

returns had not yet been filed. This year to the portal, Dianová said. the previous management.
the Tax Directorate expects approximately By March 29, more than 81,813 tax- Slovakia’s Finance Ministry is push- ERP Functional Consultant (Invoicing)
1.128 million individual tax returns and payers had downloaded the eDANE ap- ing forward its UNITAS programme un- 00#  ,01 
& 0 -  0 &/

11,694 corporate returns, SITA reported. plication, which was developed by the der which income taxes, customs duties

In addition to their income tax doc- DITEC company. and insurance contributions would be
ument, taxpayers must also submit an Last year’s collapse of the tax portal centralised in a single institution. The
annual statement to their health insurer and the government’s subsequent de- implementation of UNITAS between
by March 31 for calculation of future cision that taxpayers could not use this as 2011 and 2013 should result in compre-   
monthly payments. an acceptable reason for failure to submit hensive computerisation of tax adminis-  
Dianová said the Tax Directorate un- tax returns by the deadline of March 31 tration, with Dianová adding that it will
dertook several measures to maintain prompted massive criticism. The Tax represent a fundamental conceptual
better accessibility to its tax portal at Directorate said last April that the finan- change in Slovakia. SP90256/11


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10 April 4 – 10, 2011 CULTURE
Záhorie’s tallest church Bratislava
IN THIS picturesque postcard pohľady / Two Views – With-

dating back to 1918, the in the cycle Musical Mosaic,
Church of the Virgin Mary the Slovak Philharmonic
towers over the municipality brings a concert of works by
of Veľké Leváre. Its builders two famous composers,
erected it on a mound and, as Hungarian György Kurtág
and Ukrainian-Slovak Ev-
much of the Záhorie region is genyi Iršai, performed by top
flat, the church can be seen musicians: violinist Milan
from far away. Paľa, soprano Eva Šušková,
This sacral construction cimbalom player Michal
did not get its prominent loca- Paľko, and Iršai on piano.
tion and huge dimensions by One of Kurtág’s composition
chance. Nor were the dates of is a Slovak premiere and one
it construction, between 1729 of Iršai’s works is a world
and 1733, chosen accidentally. premiere.
Starts: April 5, 19:00; Dvo-
Exactly half a century before, rana concert hall, Zochova 1.
in 1683, Christian armies had Admission: €5. Tel: 02/2047-
defeated the Ottomans at Vi- THE PRESSBURGER Klezmer Band, this time featuring famous
5233;, www.
enna and thus freed this part British clarinettist Merlin Shepherd, gives a concert at the Za
of Europe of a menace that had Zrkadlom Club at Rovniankova 3 in Bratislava, at 20:00 on April
lingered for almost a century Bratislava 9. The band plays klezmer, i.e. secular European-Jewish music
and a half. To commemorate l BALLET: Balet Gala – This meant for celebrations, weddings, etc. Tickets cost €8 and can
the victory, Pope Innocent XI gala evening brings ingenious be bought through, or for €10 at the door.
pronounced September 12 the dancer-choreographer Rudolf Photo: Courtesy of KZP
Nureyev’s work to Slovakia for
holiday of the Name of the the first time, hosting stars
Virgin Mary and the new like Vladimir Malachov, sion: free. More information: symbol for a whole period of
church was consecrated with Cédric Ygnace and Nina Slovak art. Two more exhibi-
this name too. In Záhorie, the Poláková. The money raised tions, of more recent Slovak
new church was regarded will go to a charity that tackles Prievidza artists, are also on show until
with pride and satisfaction as, the effects of drug abuse. l LIVE MUSIC: RetroACT Ex- April 9.
by that time, memories of Ot- Starts: April 6, 19:00; new perience Bosorak Tour 2011 – Open: Tue-Sat 10:00-17:00
toman plunder were still very Žigmund Kollonič, who was links with Vienna and many SND building, Pribinova 17. This new musical project by until July 14; P.M. Liptovská
much alive. closely attached to Veľké locals used to go there to trade Admission: €25-€45. Tel: 02/ Slovak drummer Martin Va- galéria P.M. Bohúňa, Tra-
2047-2111; lihora brings, apart from his novského 3. Admission: €0.50
The main initiator of the Leváre by virtue of the proper- and work. drums, Oskar Rózsa on bass, -€3.50. Tel: 044/5522-758;
construction was the arch- ties he owned there. Gener- Bratislava and Eugen Vizváry on key-
bishop of Vienna, Cardinal ally, Záhorie enjoyed strong By Branislav Chovan l RUNNING: Beh Devín-Brat- board in a combination of acid
islava – The 64th year of a fun- jazz, funk and soul. Fiľakovo
run open to all ages and fit- Starts: April 9, 20:00; Pia- l EXHIBITION/MUSEUM:

New business book in English ness categories. The course is

11,625 metres long and tradi-
tionally attracts thousands of
no Klub, Ulica energetikov 27.
More info:
Ľudové umenie historického
Novohradu / Folk Art of the
Historical Novohrad/Nógrád
runners from several coun- Region – This exhibition com-
ANOTHER book from the five- combines theoretical studies looks at how to define stra- tries. Trnava bines artefacts from both the
volume Enterprise and Entre- with practical knowledge, as tegic goals and how to achieve Starts: April 10, 9:00; un- l FOLKLORE: Lúčnica - The Slovak and Hungarian parts of
preneurship series by Slovak he is both a researcher (and a them. The volume also covers der Devín Castle. Admission: world-famous Slovak folklore this previously united region,
author Štefan Kassay has been member of the European new trends, new approaches free for spectators, runners ensemble gives a perform- making it quite unique.
translated into English. The Academy of Sciences and Arts) to corporate economics, and must register in advance. ance in the local House of Cul- Open: Mon-Sun
monograph, entitled Econom- and a businessman, serving as the financial crisis, according More information: www. ture. 10:00-18:00 until May 24;
ics and Finances, tries to sum a member of the supervisory to a review by Kamil Mikulič. Starts: April 7, 19:00; DK Fiľakovo Castle Museum. Ad-
up practical economic know- board of food company I.D.C. Economics and Finances Trnava, Trojičné Square 10. mission: €0.70-€1.70. Tel: 047/
how and provide a more gen- Holding. is published by VEDA (the Bratislava Admission: €12. Tel: 033/5515- 4382-017;;
l EXHIBITION: Blondínky & 354;, www.
eral view for managers as well Macro-economic devel- publishing house of the Slov- Londýnky / Blondes & Lon-
as for economic theoreticians. opment can fundamentally ak Academy of Sciences) and doners – An exhibition of ab- Eastern SLOVAKIA
This second volume focuses influence a company’s busi- goes on sale in April. The first stract and figurative paint- Central SLOVAKIA
on the connection between ness and effectiveness and volume, entitled The Entre- ings by Czech artist Jakub Levoča
macro-economics and micro- this volume also touches on preneurial Environment, has Špaňhel. Liptovský Mikuláš CLASSICAL MUSIC: Levočská
economics and helps readers the growing role of economic already been published in Open: Mon-Fri 13:00-18:00 l EXHIBITION: Martin Benka hudobná jar / Levoča Spring
quickly orient themselves to globalisation, the role of eco- English and the final three until April 20; Kressling Gal- (1888-1971) – This phenomenal Music Festival – Within the
make management decisions, logy, etc. A bigger part of the volumes are also expected to lery, Ventúrska 18. Admis- Slovak painter has become a Spring Festival, Koncert pre
according to a review by Feli- book deals with corporate fin- be translated in due course. dva klavíre / Concert for Two
Pianos presents Viera Sal-
cita Chromjaková. Kassay ances and financing, and Compiled by Spectator staff
javčíková and Mária
Kamenická on piano, the
voice of Karolína Kopa-
Adventure films at Aupark ničáková, Peter Dubivský on
guitar and Peter Tomko on
guitar, piano and cajón.
THE HORY a Mesto (Mountains The Slovak-produced films of- Cima Grande by Martin Graj- Starts: April 8, 18:00; Kon-
and City) international film fer an inspirational insight in- ciar, which recorded the efforts gresová sála, MKS, Námestie
festival annually attracts many to Slovakia and its mountains, of three Slovak rock climbers to Majstra Pavla 54. Admission:
fans of the outdoors, docu- its river rafting and its urban scale the northern wall of Cima €1. Tel: 053/4512-522;
mentaries and adventure- centres and will also transport Grande in the Italian Dolo-
seekers with its wide array of Slovak audiences to exotic loc- mites. Košice
films. The 2011 festival features ations in Africa, Madagascar, Several other activities ac- l LIVE MUSIC: David Koller
more than 50 films about Mongolia, Italy and North company the screenings, in- SKI-TOURING is a form of backcountry skiing involving travers- Tour – The famous Czech rock
mountain climbing, rafting, America. cluding a simulated base ing winter landscapes on downhill skis after climbing up rather and pop singer and drummer
cycling, hiking, skiing and The three films premiering camp, an educational path, than using ski lifts; it enjoys considerable popularity in Slovakia. brings to a Slovak audience
other outdoor activities and 13 are: Dotknúť sa Denali by Rasťo onstage bouldering and a pro- On April 9, the 3rd Skialp Maratón Sedlami Vysokých Tatier (Ski- hits like Černí andělé, Oheň,
of the films are Slovak-pro- Hatiar, which traces a 2010 ex- gramme allowing children to touring Marathon Through the Passes of the High Tatras) will be and others; he will be suppor-
duced, with three of these pedition by twelve Slovaks to paint discarded household ap- ted by Slovak band Talkshow.
run in the municipality of Vysoké Tatry from 7:30. Disciplines in-
Starts: April 8, 20:00; Jum-
holding their premieres. America’s highest peak, Mount pliances as part of an ecologic- clude a marathon (with an ascent of 2,890 metres) and a half- bo Centrum, Masarykova 2.
The festival opens on April McKinley; Tatras Wild Ride by al education initiative. More marathon (with an ascent of 1,750 metres) for seniors (born in Admission: €19. Tel: 02/5293-
6 and runs until April 10 at the Michal Babinec, about the first information is available on- 1972 and later) and veterans (born before 1971). Admission is free 3321;
Palace Cinema in the Aupark rafting on Studený potok in the line at for spectators. For more info please visit
Shopping Center in Bratislava. High Tatras; and the Phantom Compiled by Spectator staff Photo: TASR By Zuzana Vilikovská

N A M E D A Y A P R I L 2 0 1 1
Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Saturday Sunday
Weather updates and forecasts from across Slovakia Izidor Miroslava Irena Zoltán Albert Milena Igort
can now be found at
April 4 April 5 April 6 April 7 April 8 April 9 April 10

A Slovak’s name day (meniny) is as important as his or her birthday. It is traditional to present friends or co-workers with a small gift,
In cooperation with the Slovak Hydrometeorological Institute such as chocolates or flowers, and to wish them Všetko najlepšie k meninám (Happy name day)
CULTURE April 4 – 10, 2011 11

Asking questions with photographs

ably too much so and I am not making tions like World Press Photo, Reuters
BY JANA LIPTÁKOVÁ light of the situation because clearly and others to be absolutely strict about
Spectator staff our industry has suffered enorm- what we will not accept from our pho-
ously, but I do believe that there’s al- tographers. We have very strict
most light at the end of the tunnel guidelines about what they can or
THE FUNDAMENTALS of photojourn- now – subscriptions coming through cannot do. Any manipulation of im-
alism remain the same as ever: to tell a Apple and Google… that’s the future. agery at Getty Images, and I am sure
story, no matter what technologies the It’s a good future as long as we can also at other agencies, is absolutely not
photographer is using. But some as- make people pay for it. And if you allowed. We tell them exactly what
pects of photojournalism today are dif- make it good enough, smart enough, they can do even in terms of colour cor-
ferent than in the past. New technolo- they will pay for it. rection, that things should be recorded
gies put different pressures on photo- as truthfully as possible. I think that’s
journalists and surviving as a photo- TSS: How has photojournalism the only way we can try to ensure that
grapher in the media industry today is changed since you worked for we keep within this discipline. What
more difficult, says Aidan Sullivan, newspapers? Is the current position we have to do as a profession is to try to
vice president of photo assignments of a photojournalist easier than keep these disciplines as traditional
for Getty Images UK and USA. Sullivan when you were working as a photo- values intact. That is very important.
served as a member of the jury for journalist, either technically, or
Slovakia’s 2010 Journalism Award for just to survive as a photographer? TSS: What do you think about the
best news photos in February and was AS: I think that every technology publication of touching, or even
also one of nineteen jurors that selec- has its pluses and its minuses – I mean cruel, pictures; has it gone too far?
ted the World Press Photo of the Year carrying digital cameras and different AS: No, to be honest, no. The pub-
2010 in Amsterdam. cards and having to get your pictures lic is so used to watered-down ver-
The Slovak Spectator spoke with Aidan Sullivan Photo: SITA back to the picture desk in three sions of things, dumb-downed ex-
Sullivan about how he goes about minutes creates a lot of pressure. We amples of things and a constant bar-
judging photos, the impact of the glob- reached by discussion, by voting? Photo will be touring the picture used to take film, develop it and put it rage of surreal celebrity lifestyles. I
al economic crisis on print media, and How did the final decision come? around the world, we’ll put the issue on transmitter and it took three hours think the public isn’t seeing enough
the kinds of challenges facing the cur- AS: Choosing the winner is very in front of a lot of people. And that’s so I don’t think that aspect is any easier
of reality. Then they are shocked be-
rent generation of photojournalists. much a case of discussion and of a vot- what we hope; that the questions now. There is more choice and I think cause they are not used to that kind
ing system that is very fair and very will be asked. digital is now at a stage where it can doof thing being published. They are
The Slovak Spectator (TSS): You were well thought out. But in the end it was what film couldn’t do in much lower expecting to see a celebrity coming
a member of the jury for the 54th an- pretty much this very powerful pic- TSS: In your opinion what impact light conditions and it’s far more flex- out of a restaurant – not people
nual World Press Photo contest in ture that remained among the last few, has the economic crisis in print me- ible. But it’s a different discipline. So I
starving to death, killing each other
January. How do you go about se- and the judges discussed it and voted dia had on photojournalism? think that in that aspect photojournal- for food. It’s biased to try to protect
lecting the best photos when more and it was not as long and painful as it AS: Regarding the business part of ism has changed. I wouldn’t say it’s people from reality in a surreal way.
than 108,000 photos were entered sometimes might be. Then there was it and the position I run, I actually liken any easier or harder: it’s just different. When I was a kid I remember see-
for 2010? the case of why it should win, what it to the position the music industry As for being a photographer in this ing pictures from the Vietnam War
Aidan Sullivan (AS): It is an in- was the picture’s strength. It was the was in about 10 years ago when Napster economic environment – it is without and those were tough pictures. So no,
tense process. I believe that most questions that this photograph is go- came along and suddenly, some pretty doubt harder. There are a lot of people I don’t think it is any worse now. But
awards and competitions are really as ing to lead to. When people see this smart people in the music industry ran chasing the same amount of work. It is you have to draw a line somewhere. I
good as the judges and the work image, they are going to wonder why around like headless chickens and tough but I think most industries, or remember when I was working for
entered. If you have good work and bad this happened. Somebody is going to didn’t know what to do and were just most professions, have that built-in the Sunday Times there was a dis-
judges, then you’ll get a bad result. If have to explain that. And I think that panicking, panicking, panicking. And filter. People who will survive it are the
aster at a football stadium and I had
you have good judges but no good ma- an image can highlight an issue and if you look now, guess what? They people who are determined, have the an issue with running pictures of
terial, it’s the same thing. I knew this issue is an issue that needs to be worked out how to do it, they have li- skills and are willing to put in the ef- people who were deceased – and re-
many members of the judging panel addressed. The picture is one very censed the music to make money out of fort. So it is definitely tough, but there
cognisable – before their families
over a number of years, people I highly powerful and poignant photograph – it it, to get it in front of the public, and are great photographers – great young were notified. You have to take all
respect. I went in knowing that we had sums up something that was horrific. management companies found the photographers – out there who are just these things into account and I think
work that would be coming from Haiti, way to do it themselves and generate so committed, who just know that it’s just common decency and not just
work coming from the Pakistan floods, TSS: Do you think that a photo has fans for their artists. And so when I they can’t even contemplate doing trying to publish things to shock. It
other dreadful kinds of natural dis- the power to change opinions and look at the crisis [in print media] I look anything else. There are also so many has to have a reason. I think it has to
asters and man-made disasters, so we address an issue? at it as a similar crisis. And you know awards and foundations and pro- have an element of common decency.
knew from day one that there was go- AS: It raises the issue and I think what? There are a lot of very smart grammes that you can apply to and get These people were someone’s fathers,
ing to be a lot of material. Everything that’s all we can ask. It’s no doubt that people in our business and we tend to funding for your projects. mothers, brothers, sisters. I think we
was pretty much anonymous so I people who have the ability and power be up to surviving because we can had to respect that. There are rules,
think we all identified the works we to ask for change, to make change, use think our way around problems. There TSS: Digital photography is more for sure. And there should be.
liked best; but it’s a long process, it that as a vehicle to address the situ- is always going to be storytelling. susceptible to alteration and ma-
takes many, many hours to go through ation. This image is highlighting it in a There has been storytelling since man nipulation. How do you think pho- Aidan Sullivan was a member of the
the photos. very visual and very strong way that drew pictures on cave walls. We tell tojournalism is coping with this? jury that selected the best photos for
you can’t back away from. I think most stories. We tell visually, we tell AS: Looking again at the basics of Slovakia’s 2010 Journalism Award organ-
TSS: Was there a general consensus people would be horrified to learn through writing, photography, illus- photography, manipulation has been ised by the Open Society Foundation. The
in the jury about the winning por- what happened to that woman – with tration or art, but it is storytelling that going on since the beginnings of pho- winning photographers will be announced
trait by Jodi Bieber of Bibi Aisha, a the sanction of a supposed court giving gets passed down from generation to tography. It’s just that these days it’s on April 14 at the Open Gallery.
woman who was disfigured as retri- permission to a man to do this to his generation. What we are facing now is easier because of the technology and it
bution for fleeing her husband's wife. What we hope is that by the that we are going to find a new way to is harder to track. But I think in basic To read the whole interview,
house in Afghanistan? Was it power of this picture, as World Press do that. I’m always optimistic – prob- terms it requires people and organisa- please go to




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12 April 4 – 10, 2011 FEATURE

AROUND SLOVAKIA compiled by Zuzana Vilikovská from press reports

culture in
THE DAYS of Slovak Culture
event held in České
Budějovice in the Czech Re-

Foreign bagpipers public celebrated its 12th

year with almost 25 pro-
grammes dedicated to Slov-

at Slovak carnival ak culture and art within a

10 day period beginning in
mid February. In addition to
THE GAJ- the last Friday before Ash the historical closeness

DOŠSKÉ Wednesday each year, ac- between Czechs and Slov-
Fašiangy cording to the Catholic calen- aks, this city of 100,000 res-
(Bagpipers’ dar. Following an ancient idents has a large Slovak
Carnival) in tradition, bagpipers go minority, making up 2.4
Malá Lehota through the whole village, The winning tree, in Leliceni, Romania. Photo: Romanian Environmental Partnership Foundation percent of the population.
in Žarnovica district took from door to door, playing Beginning on February
place for the 24th time this and visiting their neighbours 18, a series of art exhibitions
year. Apart from Slovak mu-
sicians, foreign bagpipers
from Scotland, the Czech Re-
living in surrounding muni-
cipalities. Bagpipers are
among the oldest and most
Romanian lime named such as illustrations by A.
Švolíková, photos by B.
Németh and J. Csáderová,
public and Hungary also at-
tended. The festival began on
March 2 at schools in Nová
universal folklore instru-
mentalists. As theirs is a truly
difficult and demanding in-
Europe’s top tree oil paintings by K. Alexyová
and sculptures by M. Lukáč
were on show. Additionally,
Baňa, with concerts for stu- strument, they have often A COMPETI- Letenye, Hungary (8,836 500 years. According to locals, a puppet performance was

dents, and with screenings of been judged the best musi- TION to select votes); in fourth, an oak from it has survived several dis- offered as well as modern
documentary films about cians. In Europe, there are the first Dubinné, Slovakia (3,403 asters including droughts, dance and a Czecho-Slovak
bagpipers. Later, a ball and about 300 types of bagpipes European Tree votes) and in fifth place, an- hailstorms, fires and floods. fairy tale for children. Popu-
contest of carnival masks which differ in tone, sound of the Year was other oak from the Olomouc Leliceni residents believe it lar singer Peter Nagy and his
took place in Malá Lehota, and construction, the TASR organised in region of the Czech Republic. stands in a lucky place. band called Indigo, blues
along with the opening of an newswire wrote. Slovakia by the Nadácia Eko- The awards were an- Slovakia’s oak in Dubinné singer Zuzana Suchánková,
exhibition of artworks focus- The festival was organ- polis foundation and in the nounced on March 7 by (which hints at the Slovak Vitali Virtúzi from Liptov,
ing on the carnival as well as a ised by the municipality, the Czech Repbulic by the Nadace Nadace Partnerství in cooper- word for oak, dub) is surely and legendary musician
concert for children. Guild of Slovak Bagpipers and Partnerství foundation. Sim- ation with the Czech one of the oldest oaks in Marián Varga were part of
The highlight of the fest- the Pohronie Educational ilar national polls were held in Republic’s Environmental Europe as it is about 850 years the musical notes during
ival was the evening pro- Centre. Although in the past five other European countries Fund and Environment Min- old, stands 25 metres tall and the Days of Slovak Culture.
gramme on March 4, called bagpipes were the most with the goal of bringing is- istry. Slovakia’s Nadácia Eko- has a circumference of 730 Folk cimbalom music drew
Gajdujte, Gajdence (Play, widespread and one of the sues concerning the protec- polis is now organising the centimetres. The oak has also huge crowds. Since food is
Bagpipes) in the Malá Lehota most popular folk instru- tion of trees to a wider 9th year of its poll to select survived several crises: it was an inseparable part of na-
House of Culture. The even- ments in Malá Lehota, European public. More than Slovakia’s Tree of the Year for almost logged when it was de- tional culture, hotels offered
ing culminated in a carnival nowadays they tend to be 56,000 votes were cast to de- 2011 and those interested in leted from the list of protected Days of Slovak Cuisine,
ball. On Saturday, March 5, played and produced else- termine the European Tree of nominating a tree can do so trees by a clerical error. After cinemas screened Slovak
the Bagpipers’ Guild held a where. Garaj told the Sme the Year for 2010. on the the tree was treated by ex- movies, and representatives
session in the nearby muni- daily that partly thanks to the The final placement webpage until May 20, after perts in 2007, locals believe it of universities and writers
cipality of Veľká Lehota. The festival and other promo- among the nominated trees which a shortlist of finalists will survive for a long time yet held joint meetings, the ČTK
guild was founded by the tional activities, the number was a follows: in first place, a will be determined. and will continue to represent newswire wrote.
long-time organiser of the of Slovak bagpipers has risen 500-year old lime tree in Leli- The competition for its village, the region of The culmination was
Gajdošské Fašiangy, Bernard from about ten to maybe 100, ceni, Romania (23,298 votes); European Tree of the Year was Prešov, and Slovakia. the Town Hall Ball on Feb-
Garaj Jr. In the evening, a and that there are about 20 in second place, a plane tree quite strong in 2010. The win- For more information on ruary 26 with Slovak per-
bagpipe concert was offered bagpipe-makers. The pipers’ (sycamore) from Garmen, ing lime in Leliceni is almost the 2010 and 2011 competi- formances and a concert
for the local audience. ages go from seven to 70 so the Bulgaria (18,374 votes); in 20 metres tall and has been tions, see or one day later with Czech
The bagpipers’ festival future of this instrument in third, a plane tree from standing its ground for nearly and Slovak chansons.
takes place in Malá Lehota on Slovakia seems bright.

Young people learn the art of recycling

YOUNG parti- cycled plastic bottles into dec-

cipants at an orative wall coverings and
international made handbags from scrap
workshop paper,” Jarmila Lipková, the
called the Art coordinator of the project, told
of Recycling the TASR newswire.
held in Banská Štiavnica at the About 30 young people
beginning of March turned from Slovakia, Slovenia,
old, unused steel barrels into Italy, Greece, Germany and
ovens for homeless people. the UK took part in the work-
The goal of the week-long shop initiated by Mládež
workshop was to make young Európy (Youth of Europe),
people more sensitive to their which runs activities at the
environment and to think Junior Leisure Time Centre in
more ecologically. Banská Bystrica and received
It was not only the old a contribution from the EU’s
barrels that were given new Mládež v akcii (Youth in Ac-
uses, but also other waste tion) programme to support
such as plastic and paper that the workshop.
were recycled into new, use- The local community was
ful items. also involved in workshop
“With the help of so-called activities and could attend an
decoupage handicraft tech- exhibition of the products
A youthful bagpiper works his magic. Photo: Sme-V.Šimíček niques, the participants re- made during the week. Banská Štiavnica hosted the workshop. Photo: Sme-Ján Krošlák

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