Lembar Kerja Peserta Didik No.2

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Name :
Class :
Date :

Mata Pelajaran : Bahasa Inggris

Kelas :7
Materi pokok :Teks lisan dan tertulis untuk sapaan, pamitan, ucapan terimakasih,
dan permintaan maaf.
Kompetensi Dasar
a. Pengetahuan :3.1 Memahami fungsi sosial, struktur teks, dan unsur kebahasaan pada
ungkapan sapaan, pamitan, ucapan terimakasih, dan permintaan maaf,
serta responnya, sesuai dengan konteks penggunaannya.
b. Keterampilan : 4.1 Menyusun teks lisan sederhana untuk mengucapkan dan
merespon sapaan, pamitan, ucapan terimakasih, dan permintaan maaf,
dengan memperhatikan fungsi sosial, struktur teks, dan unsur
kebahasaan yang benar dan sesuai konteks.

Task A
Write some expressions of apology and the responses
Task B
Rearrange the sentences below into the correct dialogue (Susun kalimat di bawah ini menjadi
sebuah percakapan yang tepat!)
1. Sofyan :All right, sir.
Mr. Sulton : You must sleep early. Please don’t do that anymore.
Sofyan : Sorry, sir. I’m late
Mr. Sulton : It’s all right. Why are you late, Sofyan?
Sofyan : I got up at seven in the morning, sir. I watched TV until eleven at

2. Santini : Thank you for your understanding.

Dekina : That’s all right
Santini : Hello, what are you doing here?
Dekina : I ‘m waiting for Andinia.
Santini : I’m sorry for not calling you last night. I go bed early.

Task C
Read the dialogue below and answer the question based on the text! (Bacalah teks dialog di
bawah ini dan jawablah pertanyaan berdasarkan teks dialognya!)
Tatas : Hi, Mom.
Mother: Oh, hi Tatas. Where have you been?
Tatas : I’m just from the florist. This is for you, Mom.
Mother: Oh, my dear. Thank you very much. These roses are lovely.
Tatas : Happy Mother’s Day, Mom.
Mother: It’s very kind of you, Tatas.
Tatas : It’s nothing. I love you, Mom.
Mother: I love you, too, my son.

1. What does the boy say to greet his mother?

2. Why did the boy go to the florist?
3. What does he give his mother?
4. Why does he give his mother a present?
5. What does his mother say in receiving his gift?

Task D
Write some expressions of thanking and the responses
Tanda tangan guru Tanda tangan Nama siswa dan NIlai
Mata Pelajaran Orang tua / Wali Kelas

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