Online Study Report

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A report on Online Study

Prepared by: Hoang Khanh Huyen

A student from: INS1015 4
Prepared for: Mrs Pham Thi Tuyet

April 20, 2020

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I. Data Collection......................................................................................................

II. Data Analysis.......................................................................................................

CONCLUSION AND RECOMMENDATIONS......................................................................



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This report was to investigate the online study among students in IS-VNU
The investigation was done by Hoang Khanh Huyen
The main findings were to know how participants think about online studying, their
experience and to find out their suggestions to study effectively
It was concluded that Vietnamese students have preferred traditional method until now.
E-Learning not only have a number of benefits but also bring many disavantages.
The recommendations are that both school and students should be try their best to
improve the quality of online study and familiar with this method.

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1. Purpose
On these Covid-19 days, the best way for students is online study. So this
purpose of the research is to find out effective of online study.

2. Scope
The report examines a sample of students in VNU-IS. It does not examine the
students from other universities.

3. Sources

The information for this report was gathered from the following sources:
 Online Study Questionnaire
9877a1hPgDsTu6F8T9GZtfIN4fgJeA/viewform?usp=sf (online via internet)
 Pesonnal Experience

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I. Data collection
1. Questionnaires
In order to find out the students’ evaluation on online study…, the questionnaire
was used as an instrument to create a survey among the students in VNU-IS.
The survey was conducted by means of 1 open question, 2 close questions,
4 semi - open questions and 1 contigency question.

Questionnaires were delivered to 30 participants on 16 th April. It took the

participants 3 minutes to finish their surveys. Right after that, I have 8
questionnaires were collected by the research.

II. Data Analysis

Now I present a detailed analysis of the situation:

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 Question 1: Which format of class do you prefer?

After the questionnaire, we can clearly be seen that more than 50% of students prefer
traditional class. About 20% would like to learn by the online way. The rest of the
respondents who interested in the combination of traditional and online class (Blended).
53.3% - This number can tell that a half of them still want to participate in face-to-face
instructional meanwhile 26.7% shows that Blended is an another effective way to enjoy
the class and easier for students to use. Last but not least 20% of distant education can
barely make us have a clearly view about how they not love to study this way.

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 Question 2: How frequency do you have online classes?

The percentage of students spending 1-2 times or 3-4 times a week with online
instructors account for highest figures (46.7% or 36.7%), and only nearly one fifth of
students attend online classes nearly every day. This table on registering schedule
explains whether students like or dislike this learning method. In reality, studying all
subjects in 1 or 2 days at university has already made everyone feel tired and bored
thus online study without face-to-face interaction makes participants more depressed
and distracted.

Page 8

 Question 3: Do you know about supporting packages from VNU-


Acknowledge of students about supporting




According to the survey, 24 out of 30 students, which is 80%, are aware of the
supporting package. This proves the effective yet unlikely radical (the rest 20% are still
unaware) of communication work and the timely support offered by our school.

Students already know school's support


Choice of support

3G/4G data

Page 9
do not use

0 2 4 6 8 10 12 14 16

For more insights, in terms of students who are informed about the supporting
packages, I inquire into whether they choose to use or not and their choice of support.
14 out of 24 respondents deny the usefulness of the supporting packages. Out of 10
people using the service, 7 people select data support for a smooth and stable
connection, and some maximize the effectiveness by using combo packages. The
majority of students view that webcam is not necessary. This is due to the fact that
laptop and computer nowadays have already integrated webcam, or maybe they want a
certain level of anonymity which facilitates doing private matters. In my opinion,
another reason for the low figure is that students are reluctant to borrow digital
equipment, especially when the pandemic is at its climax, limiting transportation.

 Question 4:  In your point of views, what is the advantage of

online study? (You can choose more than 1 answer)

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Chart Title





Advantages of Comfortable Cost savings Time savings Level playing
studying online field

Depending on each person’s point of view, Cost-savings option made up for the
majority. This is obiviously true because students can save transportation fare especially
with who study far from home. Moreover, paying expenses of meals and rents or books
is not necessary. Time-savings sector ranked second, students will save time commuting
because they do not have to go to school. The third position is Comfort and this is an
important advantage. Since being at home is the ultimate luxury, it is undoubtedly that
online learning brings more satisfactions.
According to a participant, that online learning contributes to an equal environment is
also one of its benefits. From my perspective, this idea only applies to foreign
environments where discrimination against race, gender or physical appearance are
largely present.

 Question 5: In your point of views, what is the problem when you

studying online? (You can choose more than 1 answer)

Page 11

Chart Title
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st e d Ex
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of t co M ow th
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t a te ive eo
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sa og i n so
Di no
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Everything has two sides, advantages and disadvantages always co-exist. With
Vietnam’s Internet network, Technology is the significant problem that many students
faced with. The problem in Technology also appear in Apps such as Zoom with Security
Issues. In addition, More Distractions, Misunderstanding and Presentation still a huge
draw back of E-Learning. Unfortunately, Cheating still continue through various
methods. Compared to on-campus students, online students can cheat on assessmants
more easily as they take assessments in their own environment and while using their
personal computer. The students cannot be directly observed during evaluation without
a video feed, making cheat detection during online evaluations more complicated than
for traditional testing procedures.
When being questioned, a respondent stated that one of the down sides of online
instruction is this method Focus on theory rather than practice. The problem is that a
large portion of E-Learning training providers choose to focus largely (in many entirely)
on developing theoretical knowledge rather than practical skills. The reasons for this is
evident – theoretical lectures are considerably easier to implement in an online learning
environment than practical lectures.
 Question 6: Reasons for not choosing online study?

Page 12

In general, distant education has not gained much popularity in Vietnam thereby
students cannot fully adapt. Consequently a numbers of reasons for them to dislike this
method is easily listed. Most of respondents think that E-Learning is costly; however,
this is not the case. The effectiveness still can be guaranteed if students take every
lessons seriously.

Page 13
 Question 7: Do you think online classes is effective?

Chart Title

Do you think online study is effective?

Yes No

According to the statistics in question 1, more than a half of students prefer traditional
class. However they cannot deny the effectiveness of Web-based Learning. “Yes” sector
overtakes “No” sector as a result.

Page 14

Allen, E., & Seaman, J. (2010). Class Difference$: Online Education in the
United States. Retrieved

The 2010 Sloan Survey of Online Learning represents the eighth annual report on the
state of online learning in U.S. higher education. The survey is designed, administered,
and analyzed by the Babson Survey Research Group with support from Alfred. P. Sloan
Foundation and data collection conducted in partnership with the College Board. The
report is based on responses from more than 2,500 colleges and universities

Online enrollments continue to grow at rates faster than overall higher education.
Enrollments in online courses increased by 21 percent between 2009 and 2010,
compared with an increase of two percent for campus enrollments. More than 5.6
million students were enrolled in at least one online course in fall 2009, an increase of
nearly one million students over the previous year.

This represents the largest ever year-to-year increase in the number of students
studying online,‖ said study co-author Elaine Allen, co-director of the Babson Survey
Research Group and Professor of Statistics & Entrepreneurship at Babson College.

Compare to the results of my survey, more than a half students choose not to study
online. This is due to the differences between Vietnam education systems and the
foreign ones, especially in the first world countries where education is much more
advance. The former depends on teachers to impart all the required knowledge,
whereas the latter embrace self-studying and self-reliance.

Page 15


On this basis of information in this report, it can be concluded that online learning is still
uncommon for Vietnamese students. Additionally, the importance of this learning
method has not been fully understood by students yet.
According to participants’ view as well as my own view the following is some of
recommendations to raise the quality of Online Classes:
- Opt for more enlightening and inspiring teaching methods.
- Increase self-study time.
- Popularize supporting packages (teachers passing on information to students
through one to two lessons).

TOTAL WORD COUNT: 1452 words

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