Appreciation Letter

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Appreciation Letter- Andrew

Howdy, best buddy

You're such a blessing, and I thank God every day for your presence. You absolutely brighten things up. I
count myself lucky to have you at my side. I simply want you to know how grateful I am for you and how
much I appreciate you.

Thank you for taking the time to read this. I think that the most valuable present a person can offer to
anyone is his or her time, which can never be taken back. And you're always giving it to me. It means a
great deal to me. For transforming ordinary moments into spectacular ones. Because of you, a mundane
day may become memorable. You always manage to put a laugh on my face. With you, there's never a
dull time.

Thank you for coming up with a solution that works for both of us. We all have distinct hobbies and
points of view because of our individuality. But you constantly go above and above to make things
simpler for me. For always being patient. You never made a judgment on me. You took me in. And I'm
always comforted by your open-mindedness and kind heart. You’re always there when I needed you in
our school works and ready to talk to me through chat when I want to talk to someone.

Thank you for putting up with my childishness and tantrums. I know you've had your fill of drama. You,
on the other hand, never abandoned me. Even when I was difficult to deal with, you never abandoned
me. Rather, you continue to attempt to understand and love me despite my shortcomings. Thank you
for not making a big deal out of our friendship's distance. Even though we're thousands of miles apart,
you're still my good old friend. You will never forget it. You're never going to change. Even if we don't
see each other daily, I'm certain you'll always be my sort of buddy.

Thank you for informing me of the situation first. And, even though I can't always be there to share in
your joy, know that I'm always glad and proud of you. And, in the difficult times, know that I am
constantly thinking of you and that I am here for you; I am praying for you. Thank you for being a trusted
advisor to me. You never looked down on me because I was weak. And you're the one person with
whom I'm not scared to be vulnerable. Thank you for allowing me to meet your family and friends. It
means a great deal to me. Knowing the individuals in your immediate vicinity is like having an extended

Thank you for putting your faith in me. I'm not sure if I'm deserving of your faith. You entrust me with a
great deal of your life. And I swear I'll never do anything dumb to betray your confidence. Thank you for
motivating me. You inspire me to be a better person because you are strong, independent,
compassionate, and unselfish. To let you know, you're one of the few individuals in the world that I
genuinely admire.

Thank you for recognizing my worth. You never took anything for granted when it came to me. And I
really appreciate it.

Thank you for being who you are and allowing yourself to be who you are. You're wonderful. If you only
understood how glad I am to have you as a friend, you would understand why this letter isn't ending.
Because I'm sure there are a million things I'd like to thank you for. And words alone are insufficient.

Please accept my heartfelt gratitude for being my best buddy. I love you!

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