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Student name: Nguyen Thuy Vy Student ID number: B1112014421


Unit name: Academic English Unit number: Aen-T121WSB-6

Tutorial/Lecture: Aen Class day and time: 1PM Mon-Wed-Fri
Lecturer or Tutor name: Lennie Heather

Individual Essay - Question: Along with the development of technology, businesses
have had many ways to advertise their products to customers. Analyze and
Title: evaluate what is considered to be the most effective ways. 
Length: 1500-1800 Due date: 30/04/2021 Date submitted: 28/04/2021


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Individual Essay
Question: Along with the development of technology, businesses have had many ways to advertise
their products to customers. Analyze and evaluate what is considered to be the most effective ways.

By Nguyen Thuy Vy


Supervised by

Lennie Heather

Western Sydney University

Ho Chi Minh City, Vietnam

- 28 April, 2021 -

Nguyen Thuy Vy AEn-T121WSB-6
Creating a new product or service is a lot of work to do, and it won't stop until it's ready for

launching and promoting that product or service to customers. Advertising has been a valuable

business since its inception, raising a lot of resources, selling brands, growing markets and simply

moving the globe, particularly in the modern age. Throughout history, technological advances have

played a significant part in how people are introduced to new information. Every subsequent

breakthrough, from the printing press, and the radio to television, and the internet, revolutionized

and altered how consumers dealt with modern services, products, companies, and brands. The

number of platforms for businesses to promote their ideas is growing, the resources offered by these

platforms are diversifying and data obtained from these platforms are becoming more reliable and

useful. More than 70% of consumers in the United States said commercials had been more invasive,

and almost 80% accepted that ads existed in more ways than they did a few years before (Benes,

2018). Unfortunately, the bond between advertisers and customers has deteriorated. Companies

often show the wrong commercials to the wrong people. Failed publicity campaigns, on the other

hand, are simply about showing ads to the wrong people. According to Stastista Research

Department (2021), the number of people in America who use ad blockers rose to almost 26 percent

in 2019 and is increasing steadily every day. It may be difficult to know where to begin and which

strategies of marketing would provide the best outcomes for the company; also, it was like a lot of

money down the drain if the money spent on advertising was misused. Therefore, each business

should consider and choose carefully the promotion methods that suitable to the customers and the

finance of their company. The reality is that there are many low-cost approaches to market a

company, and what works depends on the market, offerings, and demographic of the business,

which will be demonstrated in this essay with 3 main effective promotions such as print and graphic

arts, electronic and additional promotion ideas including their format, benefits, and drawbacks.

Print advertisements have brought a significant effect on turning prospects into customers. These

advertisements appear in journals or magazines and can also be used in the form of brochures or

Nguyen Thuy Vy AEn-T121WSB-6
fliers. Print advertisements encompass all that is published in the print media in order to attract the

attention of a particular target audience. Since the internet's inception, people have predicted the

demise of print media. Indeed, news has mostly gone online; in recent years, several big media

organizations have changed the business models to satisfy consumers' demand for multimedia

content. However, print advertising may not be underestimated – and businesses definitely should

not neglect it. In advertiser-sponsored marketing-mix models, printed magazines have consistently

delivered high return-on-investment (ROI), particularly when combined with other media (Media

Research Blog, 2014). What is mentioning is that print advertising is the most effective way to

create credibility. Most customers agree that the Internet is riddled with false advertising and

massively deceptive publicity tactics at worst. Because of the tainted credibility of internet

advertising, print advertisements continue to be the most reliable source of marketing material.

According to Burstein (2017), 82% of customers report that they trust print advertisements more

than any other advertisements. The straightforward printed method of marketing businesses'

products and services establishes confidence, which is the first step toward building the confidence

needed for consumers to take action. Furthermore, there is much to be said about the strength of

print advertising: print advertising activates brain components that are distinct from digital

advertising, and it requires more emotional activation that is necessary for memories and brand

associations (USPS Office of Inspector General, 2015). People are more likely to remember

advertisements they have seen in print format. On top of that, the research showed that people

subconsciously put a greater emphasis on products and services that have been marketed in print.

However, print advertising is not completely beneficial; some negative aspects should be taken into

consideration such as limited customer reach, minimal interaction, higher cost. Businesses can use

solutions such as a combination of QR codes and personalized smartphone applications, or print

advertising that allows the connection between the business and the customer. Merging the physical

and digital worlds creates a more unforgettable brand connection that most people would want to

Nguyen Thuy Vy AEn-T121WSB-6
share with their friends and family. Ultimately, advertisers continue to create campaigns that

encourage companies of print publications around the world; there is no refusal that print

advertising is still one of the most popular and effective advertising ways.

Broadcast and digital advertisements have advanced dramatically and now account for a

considerable proportion of total advertising budgets. While people are spending more time

browsing the Internet and using mobile devices than ever before, television advertising continues to

provide companies with an incredible return on investment. In reality, television advertisement is

more effective than any media outlet with key performance measures (KPIs). Addressable TV

advertisements enable companies with greater creativity, in-depth analysis, and reliable ROI data to

target individual markets. Advertisers invest in television commercials because they are successful.

According to The Global TV Group (2017), on average, a TV campaign in France generates €4.9 in

sales income for every €1 invested; additionally, television advertising, in the United States,

generates the highest ROI of all media for every dollar expended at $14.34. Furthermore, according

to Lynch (2015), broadcast advertisements continue to act as a "giant megaphone" for public

information dissemination. This may surprise many company owners who have diverted marketing

resources away from broadcasting and into new platforms. Television advertisements had a four-

fold return on investment over digital advertisements (Lynch, 2015). On the other hand, the

efficient approach to best reaches future clients in the world market is often believed in digital

advertisements. While it would not be difficult for large firms to spend millions for promotions and

advertising, it may not be impractical or unsustainable for small companies. Digital platform

marketing is a relatively cost-effective alternative to the conventional approach. Moreover, digital

advertisements also support companies in increasing customer satisfaction through constant contact.

Sephora's Beauty Insider and VIB programs were a prime example of a business dedicated to

engaging its consumers via an offline and digital platform point-based loyalty program. At all

purchases – on the shop or online – customers can use their Beauty Insider card and the card track

Nguyen Thuy Vy AEn-T121WSB-6
the money they spent. The more expenses a customer pays, the more points Beauty Insider will

reclaim. With accumulated points, customers can redeem items or discount codes; this can attract

more loyal customers and increase the company's revenue. However, both TV and digital have a

common disadvantage, that is they may get unnoticed. Millions of television channels are available

and it is very difficult to keep the viewers on one channel. Therefore, it is prudent to make every

attempt to create quality, special, brief, and innovative advertising that allows audiences to

remember it. Companies can make their commercials more entertaining by using jokes or using

recent events as the theme of their advertisements. This makes advertisings appealing to audiences.

Upon considering all the facts, broadcasting and digital advertising can define as powerful means of

promotion globally without the restriction of time or space.

Along with the competition in the marketing world, businesses have invested in innovative

advertising strategies, especially in the celebrity branding or celebrity endorsement. This marketing

strategy will use the famous or social status of a celebrity to advertise a product, brand or service.

Smaller and lesser-known businesses are increasingly reaching out to celebrity influencers to sell

their products. Celebrity support creates credence that will bring a company to new customers. As a

result, celebrity endorsements and branding can boost revenue dramatically. According to Bradic

(2015), the company's stock prices can increase even through a simple brand announcement signed

on a celebrity or athlete; also, revenues usually grow by 4% on average when the company has

signed up to a celebrity. However, attitudes about a celebrity move to the endorsed brand, and once

a direct connection between a celebrity and a brand has been established, negative information

about the celebrity could reflect on the endorsed brand. For example, at the time both Tag Heuer

and Nike endorsed Tiger Woods, a professional golfer, was involved in one of the largest

entertainment controversies in 2009 and his scandal influenced these brands. Due to the

controversy, Nike lost 1,7 million dollars in total revenue, including almost 105,000 clients

(Edwards, 2010). In general, celebrity branding is still an attractive and ideal form of advertising for

Nguyen Thuy Vy AEn-T121WSB-6
every business; however, businesses should consider carefully in choosing a representative for their


In conclusion, the competitive market is growing and it can threaten the existence of the

company, every business needs to have consistent and effective advertising strategies to get word of

their products out to prospective customers. While the entire effect on customers’ behaviour is

virtually difficult to quantify, advertising strategies certainly did a lot to help businesses introduce

their ideas widely. Although they still have some negative effects when misused or irresponsibly

created, print, broadcast and digital advertising, as well as additional promotion ideas, have brought

a large number of positive effects. The positive effects that these three types of advertising brought

to companies seem to be enormous and should be appreciated, including raising customers'

awareness and ability to remember products, increasing customers' trust and loyalty, introducing

businesses' products to the world. Through the evolution of printing, electronic advertisements and

other promotional ideas, many advertisers have discovered that combining three different forms of

ads enables all parts of the marketing funnel to be targeted at the same time; that is, businesses can

reach to different potential customers and develop their brands.

Nguyen Thuy Vy AEn-T121WSB-6
Reference List

Benes, R. (2018, April 10). People believe ads are becoming more intrusive. Insider Intelligence.

Retrieved April 23, 2021, from


Bradic, L. (2015, September 30). Celebrity endorsements on social media are driving sales and

winning over fans. Social Media Week. Retrieved April 26, 2021, from

Burstein, D. (2017, January 17). Which advertising channels consumers trust most and least when

making purchases. MarketingSherpa. Retrieved April 24, 2021, from

Edwards, J. (2010, December 14). Did Nike really gain from Tiger Woods’ scandal, as the numbers

suggest? Retrieved November 27, 2014, from


Lynch, J. (2015, June 9). Why TV is the most effective advertising medium. Adweek. Retrieved

April 25, 2021, from


Media Research Blog. (2014, February 4). Cross-media study shows print advertising has highest

ROI. International News Media Association. Retrieved April 24, 2021, from


Statista Research Department. (2021, January 14). Statista. Retrieved April 23, 2021, from

Nguyen Thuy Vy AEn-T121WSB-6
The Global TV Group. (2020, November 21). Why TV is the world’s most effective advertising

medium. Retrieved April 25, 2021, from


USPS Office of Inspector General. (2015, June 15). Enhancing the Value of the Mail: The Human

Response (Report No. RARC-WP-15-012). Retrieved April 24, 2021, from

Nguyen Thuy Vy AEn-T121WSB-6

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