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q A Walk to Remember is a 2002 American coming-of-age

romantic drama film directed by Adam Shankman and

written by Karen Janszen, based on Nicholas Sparks' 1999
novel of the same name.

q Set in a small town during the 1950s, A Walk to Remember

is the story of an only son of a wealthy family that finds
true love with the most unexpected person. The daughter of
a minister (Mandy Moore) meets the only son (Shane West)
and the story takes us through hard times, love and bitter-
sweet passion. This great love story shows us that it all
comes down to who is by your side and who is willing to
stand up for love even when it seems impossible.
The movie manifested Life long learning because
Landon was motivated to learn new something and
develop himself because Jamie makes him different.
In love, it showed the beauty of endless possibilities.
That what lies ahead of you depends upon the things
you would like to happen. Their love touched them
both in many unknown yet uplifting ways. They
conquered insurmountable difficulties until Jamie's
last breath. Love kept them holding on, especially
Landon for that matter. And with true love comes,
respect which should follow that something you don't
ask, but you earn readily and give willingly.
The movie manifested Theater of life because
Landon proved himself to everyone especially to
Jamie that he really change. Jamie saved Landon,
Jamie taught him everything, about Life, Hope and the
long journey ahead. He changed into a better person. A
man will do everything for a woman that he never
expected to happened like Changing your "self" for
someone especially for your "self"and that is the
realist thing to do when someone is in love, giving all
the love, happiness and staying with someone til death
do them a part."Love is always patient and kind, it is
never Jealous."
In Beaufort, North Carolina, popular and rebellious
high school senior Landon Carter and his friends have
partaken in underage drinking on school grounds. They lure
a new student, Clay Gephardt, to a factory in the hopes of
"pranking" him, with the façade that this is an initiation task
into their elite friendship group. However, Clay becomes
seriously injured, which is brought to the attention of the
school principal through law enforcement. In an effort to
avoid law involvement, the school principal gives Landon
the choice of being expelled from the school or completing
several service projects which include weekend tutoring,
janitorial duties, and participation in the school play.
Choosing the latter, Landon is further acquainted with
Jamie Sullivan, the local Baptist minister's daughter. He
never befriended her due to the status quo at the high school,
though he has known her most of his life.
Landon begins to struggle with the play and
reluctantly seeks guidance from Jamie, who agrees to help
him on the condition that he will not fall in love with her,
but Landon dismisses it as a foolish idea. A bond begins to
form between the two until Landon is rude to Jamie at
school to impress his friends, and Jamie realizes that
Landon wants to keep their friendship a secret from others,
so she decides to distance herself from him.

On the opening night of the play, Jamie astounds

Landon and the audience with her voice and beauty. When
Jamie finishes singing towards the end, Landon
impulsively kisses her just before the curtain closes.
Afterwards, Jamie avoids Landon until his friends play a
cruel prank on her, led by Belinda, his resentful ex-
girlfriend who wants them to reconcile despite Landon's
lack of interest.
In opposition to his friends, he defends her and she
eventually warms up to him again. Landon asks Jamie to
go on a date, to which Jamie reveals that she is not allowed
to date. Landon visits the church in order to ask her father
for permission. Jamie's father is initially hesitant but agrees.

Their first date is a success, and it leads to another.

Their relationship strengthens as they genuinely fall for
each other, and all seems well. During a date, however,
Jamie confesses that she is not making any plans for the
future because she has leukemia and has not been
responding to treatment. Jamie's condition grows worse
and she gets sent to the hospital. Landon drives off to beg
for help from his estranged father who is a doctor, asking
him to help Jamie. Landon drives back in tears after feeling
disappointed by his father's inability to help.
Upon learning of her condition, Landon's friends
come to him and apologize for their past treatment of
Jamie and offer their support. While she is admitted, Jamie
gives Landon a book that once belonged to her deceased
mother and tells him that Landon is her angel.
Unbeknownst to Landon, Jamie is given private home care
by Landon's father to relieve her father's financial burden.

Landon builds a telescope for Jamie to see a one-time

comet in the springtime, and with help from Jamie's father,
he finishes it in time to give Jamie a view of the comet. It
is then that Landon asks her to marry him. Jamie tearfully
accepts, and they get married in the church where her
mother was married. Landon reflects that their last summer
together was spent as husband and wife and that she had
died soon after.
Years later, Landon returns to Beaufort to visit
Jamie's father, revealing that he had been accepted into
medical school. Landon laments that Jamie was never able
to witness a miracle, to which Jamie's father replied that
the miracle was Landon himself. Hereafter, Landon
expresses sorrow over Jamie's passing, but describes their
love like the wind: he cannot see it, but he can feel it.
q The Formalistic Approach to
literature examines a text by its
“organic form”- its setting, theme,
scene, narrative, image, and
symbol. Formalism believes it’s
crucial to understand the
relationship between the symbol
and the object, experience, or
emotion being signified.
q Colors are used in very specific ways. At the
climax part (at their wedding), bright colors
/lights were used while in the other scenes like
in the play, dark colors /lights were used. By
using bright lights, it represents the fact that
under all circumstances, you only have the love
for that person who deserved it. While, the use
of dark lights, it represents a variety of factors.
It is utilized in the play to give us a sense as
though we are also participating in the play.
q The costumes were worn by the actors, specifically,
the lead actors really show their character ’s
personalities. For an instance, the girl wears a
simple cardigan that reflects her personality who is
calm, quiet, kind, and simple. For the boy, he
wears a casual outfit, jacket, and tie which reflects
him being a decent and an educated student but
also a self-centered student who mocks his
classmates which is quite opposite to the girl’s
q This movie captures people’s point of view,
we're it is reliable to one's experiences in
reality. The twisty plot is satisfying. All
elements of this story and speech are
wonderful and creative that people feel the
scene of this story. The effects and sound of
it felt heartbreaking in this movie.
q The strong language in "Walk to Remember"
serves a purpose. It shows us how Landon was
before Jamie subtly influences his life. This is
a movie about values, and it shows us all sides.
Pre-teens and teens will love "A Walk to
Remember." Adults will be drawn into the
storyline as well.
Throughout all the details presented, the movie " A
walk to remember" represents Formalist as a
Literary Criticism. For it shows focus on the form of
the film in the novel that made it impactful.

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