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“Importance of Internet Connectivity to Grade 11 STEM Students of

Senior High School within Bacoor Elementary School

during Online Learning”


1. What are the factors that are being affected by the loss of Internet Connectivity?

2. How Important is Internet Connectivity to the Students especially during this Online Learning?

3. What are the ways that are being used by the students in order for them to have a connection with
the Internet?


1. What are the factors in your study such as Online Class, answering/submitting
activities/Worksheets/Quizzes that are being affected by the loss of your Internet Connectivity?

2. How Important is Internet Connectivity to your study, especially during this Online Learning?

3. What are your ways in order to have a connection with the internet? How do you cope up with that

4. What do you suggest to your fellow students, to the teachers, to the administrators, and to the
higher-ups regarding this concern?

Name (Surname, First Name Middle Initial)

Batul, John Lawrence F.

Grade and Section

11 - Ernest Rutherford

1. What are the factors in your study such as Online Class, answering/submitting
activities/Worksheets/Quizzes that are being affected by the loss of your Internet Connectivity?

Late submission

2. How Important is Internet Connectivity to your study, especially during this Online Learning?

Internet connectivity is very important to my study in this online learning because this is a reason for me
to understand the lesson well and pass my assignments and projects on time.

3. What are your ways in order to have a connection with the internet? How do you cope up with that

Loading my sim card and looking for a strong data signal outside.

4. What do you suggest to your fellow students, to the teachers, to the administrators, and to the
higher-ups regarding this concern?

I suggest that they give consideration to those students who are struggling because of their poor
Name (Surname, First Name Middle Initial)

Encinas, Nicolas III, R.

Grade and Section

11 - Ernest Rutherford

1. What are the factors in your study such as Online Class, answering/submitting
activities/Worksheets/Quizzes that are being affected by the loss of your Internet Connectivity?

understanding of the lessons, answering/finishing quizzes/worksheets/activities, time management,


2. How Important is Internet Connectivity to your study, especially during this Online Learning?

It is very important as without it, students are unable to attend online classes, understand the lessons,
and answer/submit their schoolwork.

3. What are your ways in order to have a connection with the internet? How do you cope up with that

Before, when we had a wifi, I buy load/data in times of loss of internet connectivity.

4. What do you suggest to your fellow students, to the teachers, to the administrators, and to the
higher-ups regarding this concern?

To fellow students, have a contact list of your teachers so that you can inform them if ever you
experience loss of intermet connectivity. You can also buy load/data to attend online classes and to do
your school activities/assignments. To teachers, please understand those students who experence this
Name (Surname, First Name Middle Initial)

Talob, Nhicole C.

Grade and Section

11 - Ernest Rutherford

1. What are the factors in your study such as Online Class, answering/submitting
activities/Worksheets/Quizzes that are being affected by the loss of your Internet Connectivity?

When it comes in online class, it was really hard to understand what our teacher was saying when I was
constantly disconnecting. Moreover, I had a hard time repeating all of my answers or submitting our
quiz especially when we were only given a limited time because of the loss of our internet connection,
same goes in worksheets and activities.

2. How Important is Internet Connectivity to your study, especially during this Online Learning?

Internet connection is really important because of the new system of our education. It is one of the
reason why we can communicate to others regarding on our lessons.

3. What are your ways in order to have a connection with the internet? How do you cope up with that

If I have extra money to buy load, I will use it to register to a data promo as a back up if I’m having
trouble with my internet connection. I will not stress myself if I’m having a hard time due to loss of
internet connection because it is really happening and it is not our fault if we have these poor
connection problems in the Philippines.

4. What do you suggest to your fellow students, to the teachers, to the administrators, and to the
higher-ups regarding this concern?

Be considerate if the reason was the loss of internet connection and if we have a strong evidence that
we are having a difficulties in submitting our outputs.
Name (Surname, First Name Middle Initial)

Morco, Cathleen Jan M.

Grade and Section

11 - Charles Darwin

1. What are the factors in your study such as Online Class, answering/submitting
activities/Worksheets/Quizzes that are being affected by the loss of your Internet Connectivity?

Every factors in my studies are being affected by the loss of my Internet Connectivity

2. How Important is Internet Connectivity to your study, especially during this Online Learning?

It is extremely important than at would ever be before this pandemic

3. What are your ways in order to have a connection with the internet? How do you cope up with that

I usually try to buy mobile data, but if that doesn't work, I try to make up for the loss of my participation
and attendance in my subjects

4. What do you suggest to your fellow students, to the teachers, to the administrators, and to the
higher-ups regarding this concern?

If a student is clearly having internet connection issues, and if the teachers are aware that all students
can't afford or don't have access to mobile data, they shouldn't blame their students for their lack of
performance. I suggest that people who have proof of no internet should be given another chance to
make up for the late submission or lack of attendance
Name (Surname, First Name Middle Initial)

Lanuza Sean Paul A

Grade and Section

11 - Charles Darwin

1. What are the factors in your study such as Online Class, answering/submitting
activities/Worksheets/Quizzes that are being affected by the loss of your Internet Connectivity?

Answering activities ws and quizzes are affected by the loss of my internet connection. And also my
Online learning.

2. How Important is Internet Connectivity to your study, especially during this Online Learning?

Internet connection is very important because it is the main source of education in this new learning
system. It make things easier because if you are connected with internet, you can search, watch
something that you dont know.

3. What are your ways in order to have a connection with the internet? How do you cope up with that

I'm a Data user and i have to by load to the nearest store to have a connection with the inernet.

4. What do you suggest to your fellow students, to the teachers, to the administrators, and to the
higher-ups regarding this concern?

I'm suggesting to have a free internet connection in all the students out there who struggling with
internet connection. A free wifi for the data users and a sim card for emergency.
Name (Surname, First Name Middle Initial)

Calderon, Rommel Jr., D.

Grade and Section

11 - Charles Darwin

1. What are the factors in your study such as Online Class, answering/submitting
activities/Worksheets/Quizzes that are being affected by the loss of your Internet Connectivity?

Some of the factors affecting my academic performance are having a low grades, not learning properly,
and missed the school presentation due to the loss of Internet.

2. How Important is Internet Connectivity to your study, especially during this Online Learning?

Internet is quite important in our current times, especially during this Online Learning because it is the
main source on how we will accomplish the necessities in our academic works.

3. What are your ways in order to have a connection with the internet? How do you cope up with that

Generally, I might say I'm blessed due to having a WiFi connection that was paid by my parents. But
sometimes when I wasn't in home, I used to have a prepaid load that is accessible wherever I went.

4. What do you suggest to your fellow students, to the teachers, to the administrators, and to the
higher-ups regarding this concern?

I suggest to have an implementation and program in which the students will have an Internet
connectivity, or better yet, have a plan on making faster and more relevant Internet connection here in
our city.
Name (Surname, First Name Middle Initial)

Miranda, Patrick Roland P.

Grade and Section

11 - Isaac Newton

1. What are the factors in your study such as Online Class, answering/submitting
activities/Worksheets/Quizzes that are being affected by the loss of your Internet Connectivity?

Online Class, and I cant submit my worksheets or PT on time

2. How Important is Internet Connectivity to your study, especially during this Online Learning?

It is important because I use the internet to search for the topics that I didn't understand or missed in
my online class

3. What are your ways in order to have a connection with the internet? How do you cope up with that

We have a neighbor that is my aunt and whenever our internet is slow I connect to my phone to the
internet of my aunt and sometimes when we have no electricity I just use my mobile data that I prepare
for emergencies.

4. What do you suggest to your fellow students, to the teachers, to the administrators, and to the
higher-ups regarding this concern?

For me I think that they should give struggling students free internet or simply data monthly so that they
wont have to miss their online class
Name (Surname, First Name Middle Initial)

Oloroso, Frances Claire R.

Grade and Section

11 - Isaac Newton

1. What are the factors in your study such as Online Class, answering/submitting
activities/Worksheets/Quizzes that are being affected by the loss of your Internet Connectivity?

These factors include my productivity and my ability to get things done on time.

2. How Important is Internet Connectivity to your study, especially during this Online Learning?

Having stable internet connection in this type of learning curriculum is very essential. Our internet
connection may hinder me to do school-related tasks on time or it can either help me increase my
academic performance.

3. What are your ways in order to have a connection with the internet? How do you cope up with that

Personally, I don't have to many problems with regards to internet connection. But, at times when the
electricity cuts off, I use my data connection in order to get back online to fulfill my academic

4. What do you suggest to your fellow students, to the teachers, to the administrators, and to the
higher-ups regarding this concern?

I highly recommend them to consider the return of face-to-face class for more effective learning
methods for both students and teachers. Of course, the current pandemic situation must be taken into
account and also the safety and availability of resources of the citizens (in case that they want to further
pursue online classes - an idea I don't support).
Name (Surname, First Name Middle Initial)

De Jesus, John Allen M.

Grade and Section

11 - Isaac Newton

1. What are the factors in your study such as Online Class, answering/submitting
activities/Worksheets/Quizzes that are being affected by the loss of your Internet Connectivity?

When we are out of internet connectivity I would either miss the activity or redo the worksheets.

2. How Important is Internet Connectivity to your study, especially during this Online Learning?

It is very important because i cant recite on class which for some subject is very important

3. What are your ways in order to have a connection with the internet? How do you cope up with that

I always turn off my camera for me to have a fast internet connection.

4. What do you suggest to your fellow students, to the teachers, to the administrators, and to the
higher-ups regarding this concern?

For fellow students i would recommend attending their class and for teachers i would recoommend to
upload their discussed topic.
Name (Surname, First Name Middle Initial)

Carullo, Trisha P.

Grade and Section

11 - Albert Einstein

1. What are the factors in your study such as Online Class, answering/submitting
activities/Worksheets/Quizzes that are being affected by the loss of your Internet Connectivity?

Online class, answering/submitting activities/worksheets/quizzes.

2. How Important is Internet Connectivity to your study, especially during this Online Learning?

Very much important, online learning could not be possible without the help of internet connectivity.

3. What are your ways in order to have a connection with the internet? How do you cope up with that

Buying load is my source of internet connection. I budget my money wisely, so that buying load won't be
a problem.

4. What do you suggest to your fellow students, to the teachers, to the administrators, and to the
higher-ups regarding this concern?

For the teachers, administrators, higher-ups, I suggest them to be more considerate, widen more their
understanding for every concern of the students. Same with the students, remember that we're not only
the one who's suffering and struggling here in terms of internet connectivity, the administrators also
and especially the teachers.
Name (Surname, First Name Middle Initial)

Baldeza, Arjay B.

Grade and Section

11 - Albert Einstein

1. What are the factors in your study such as Online Class, answering/submitting
activities/Worksheets/Quizzes that are being affected by the loss of your Internet Connectivity?

Online Class and Submitting Activities

2. How Important is Internet Connectivity to your study, especially during this Online Learning?

It can improve the quality of my education in many ways. It opens doorways to a wealth of information,
knowledge and educational resources, increasing opportunities for learning in and beyond the

3. What are your ways in order to have a connection with the internet? How do you cope up with that

My ways to have a internet connection is Hotspot. As a temporary solution, I routed the mobile phone
data signal to the other phone so I could at least start the class and tell to my teacher what was going

4. What do you suggest to your fellow students, to the teachers, to the administrators, and to the
higher-ups regarding this concern?

I suggest to my fellow students to just continue this fight even if we have difficulty with internet
Name (Surname, First Name Middle Initial)

Miranda, Jihanna June M.

Grade and Section

11 - Albert Einstein

1. What are the factors in your study such as Online Class, answering/submitting
activities/Worksheets/Quizzes that are being affected by the loss of your Internet Connectivity?

Cannot actively participate in class

2. How Important is Internet Connectivity to your study, especially during this Online Learning?

For an online student, a reliable internet connection is key. Low bandwidth and weak internet can affect
how quickly I can connect and participate in class.

3. What are your ways in order to have a connection with the internet? How do you cope up with that

Know where to get help if I need technical assistance for my connection. It’s also good to have a list of
reliable, Wi-Fi connected places I can visit nearby, such as a public library or coffee shop.

4. What do you suggest to your fellow students, to the teachers, to the administrators, and to the
higher-ups regarding this concern?

There are only 24 hours in a day. When I add school to our already-busy schedule, we must use our time
wisely. Avoid trying to multitask. It makes our work less effective and make us less productive overall. It
helps to keep your reason for pursuing your passion at the top of our mind, too.
Name (Surname, First Name Middle Initial)

Fantillano, Jefferson G.

Grade and Section

11 - Louis Pasteur

1. What are the factors in your study such as Online Class, answering/submitting
activities/Worksheets/Quizzes that are being affected by the loss of your Internet Connectivity?

Answering quizzes and worksheets

2. How Important is Internet Connectivity to your study, especially during this Online Learning?

Having a stable internet connectivity is crucial especially in this type of education. It will be your
foundation to better understand and comprehend any given lessons.

3. What are your ways in order to have a connection with the internet? How do you cope up with that

We avoid using YouTube whenever someone is having online classes.

4. What do you suggest to your fellow students, to the teachers, to the administrators, and to the
higher-ups regarding this concern?

I would like to suggest to: (1) students, be adaptable in this type of education; (2) teachers, be more
considerate to your students because everyone is facing their own problems with different paces; and
lastly (4) higher-ups, bring back the Face-to-face type of learning. No one is enjoying this set-up.
Name (Surname, First Name Middle Initial)

Lumpot, Aldrin M.

Grade and Section

11 - Louis Pasteur

1. What are the factors in your study such as Online Class, answering/submitting
activities/Worksheets/Quizzes that are being affected by the loss of your Internet Connectivity?

Not able to pick up the lessons due to unstable internet connection.

2. How Important is Internet Connectivity to your study, especially during this Online Learning?

It helps me to understand more of the lessons. Because sometimes when when there's an unstable
conection, I couln't pick up the lessons.

3. What are your ways in order to have a connection with the internet? How do you cope up with that

I look for a place in our house where the signal is stronger.

4. What do you suggest to your fellow students, to the teachers, to the administrators, and to the
higher-ups regarding this concern?

To my fellow students, always find a way to cope with up the loss of connectivity. If there is a will, there
is a way. And to the higher ups or to the administrators, maybe they should find a way on how they can
help to the students regarding the loss of connectivity in online class..
Name (Surname, First Name Middle Initial)

Arcenal, Samantha F.

Grade and Section

11 - Louis Pasteur

1. What are the factors in your study such as Online Class, answering/submitting
activities/Worksheets/Quizzes that are being affected by the loss of your Internet Connectivity?

I can't submit on time, I can't participate in the discussion, I can't attend classes, I can't take
quizzes/worksheets/activities if I loss my internet connection.

2. How Important is Internet Connectivity to your study, especially during this Online Learning?

Internet connectivity is the most vital thing to have during this online learning. If there's no internet
connectivity, I am not able to pass my activities and attend online classes.

3. What are your ways in order to have a connection with the internet? How do you cope up with that

When our internet is very slow, I buy load just to attend our classes. I cope up with this situation by
making an effort just to study.

4. What do you suggest to your fellow students, to the teachers, to the administrators, and to the
higher-ups regarding this concern?

For my fellow students, I suggest that if we can afford internet/load, let's use it for studying. If some
can't, they should tell it to their teachers immidiately.

For the teachers, administrators, and higher-ups, they should provide free internet for every student,
especially to those who can't really afford one. The teachers should be more considerate when we can't
attend our classes due to weak internet connectivity.

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