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Heni Nurhaeni, S.Kp., MKM

Dr. Audi Yundayani, M.Pd

Alifia Nur Selina
Tingkat 2A


TAHUN AJARAN 2021/2022
No. Scene: 1 Duration: 30 seconds

1. Description: Intro and Self Introduction

Assalammualaikum Wr. Wb
Hi, how are you? I hope you’re well Alhamdulillah. I’m Alifia Nur Selina from D3
Nursing, 3rd semester and i will explain about Modern Nursing, The Hospital Team,
Pain, Reporting; A dialogue nurse to the doctor, Therapeutic communication,
Components of a therapeutic relationship, last Nursing care documentation.

Viewpoint: FS (Full Shot)

Sound: Ukulele Solo Instruments
2. Scene: 2 Duration: 25 seconds

Description: Modern Nursing

The work of nursing staff today is varied, complex, and skilled far from the
stereotypical view of our profession. Nursing staff work in diverse settings in
hospital, communities, the workplaces and the clasroom using their expertise to adopt
their nursing skills to offer the best care and support to their patient through
innovation and dedication. So what a nurse does is assessment, diagnose, treat,
monitor, completes care, evaluate, prescribe, supervise and support.

Viewpoint: FS (Full Shot) + Slide Sharescreen

Sound: Ukulele Solo Instruments
3. Scene: 3 Duration: 30 seconds

Description: The hospital team

A big hospital is like a small town; it needs thousand of people to make it work. All
these people are organized into teams and each person in each team has a rank and
often a specialism. What is included in the hospital team such as move and handle
patients, communicate with team members by phone, order supplies, and give simple
safety instructions.

Viewpoint: FS (Full Shot) + Slide Sharescreen

Sound: Ukulele Solo Instruments
4. Scene: 4 Duration: 20 seconds

Description: Pain
We can describe the location of pain. So what is included in this topic is that we can
find and describe pain, assess pain, communicate successfully and talk about pain

Viewpoint: FS (Full Shot) + Slide Sharescreen

Sound: Ukulele Solo Instruments
5. Scene: 5 Duration: 30 seconds
Description: Reporting; A dialogue nurse to the doctor
As a new nurse or nursing student it can be nerve-wracking when communicating
with a doctor, so what should a nurse do?
(1) Practice! As a nursing, you want to practice communicating with doctors, etc
(2) Be prepared! Before calling a doctor about a patient or speaking to them during
rounds, write down important information about the patient.
(3) Know who you are dealing with!
(4) Be confident, stand your ground, but be respectful!
(5) Build rapport with your physicians! It’s important you take time to be nice to the
rounding physicians and residents, always try to smile and ask how they are doing.

Last when nurses giving report to the doctor you need to narrow down the information
you asked for to maybe less than 30 seconds then you need to focus on the abnormal
findings and on the things you need for your patient.

Viewpoint: FS (Full Shot) + Slide Sharescreen

Sound: Ukulele Solo Instruments
6. Scene: 6 Duration: 40 seconds

Description: Therapeutic communication

Therapeutic communication is defined as the face to face process of interaction that
focuses on advancing the physical and emotional well being of a patient. Nurse use
therapeutic communication techniques to provide education and support to patient,
while maintaing objectivity and professional distance (Ex: Active listening, sharing
observations, sharing empathy, sharing hope, etc)

Viewpoint: FS (Full Shot) + Slide Sharescreen

Sound: Ukulele Solo Instruments
7. Scene: 7 Duration: 30 seconds

Description: Components of a therapeutic relationship

The five key components of the therapeutic nurse-client relationship are professional
intimacy, power, empathy, respect and trust.

Viewpoint: FS (Full Shot) + Slide Sharescreen

Sound: Ukulele Solo Instruments
8. Scene: 8 Duration: 20 Seconds

Description: Nursing care documentation

A basic purpose of the nursing documentation is the creation of a data base in which
the patients’ files are included. The patient’s file is kept for many reasons, from which
the most important ones are
Viewpoint: FS (Full Shot) + Slide Sharescreen
Sound: Ukulele Solo Instruments

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