RMC No. 91-2021

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cn curn"no. Qt 2t!'l

TO AlllnrenEl RovcnucOffi.en and orhe{ Corcemcd

Filing oI Relums and Prlmenr of ihe corcspoiding Tacs Due'thereon.

and sD6mGsion olRcpotuand Aechmens [dli',g wnh n d,e P.iod lrom
Au8tri 6,2021 Io Atrstr{20.2021 for Taxpayfts undor ECQ and MLCQ

l| rlatioi io rhe posibk sur8c olCOV|D-|9 cases due r. rtE DclE vrrirni phcins rhe
N40tr. Capirrl lteniotr (NCR) and orher aras ii lhc cotrnrN mder Enh,n.ed conhunirv
otr,.'d,'n.,r' o,.nd vod red. o .-. ta Rri tr.;
" o*"""c,vt
I o,. pc
No ll0-A, rhis uhr is hcrcby "t",c.a,
ct istrcd ro errend drc dcldtine offitinE otrctuns ond palmenr of
rhc corespondin g rixes dtrerhefoi, andsubmksion olrcpoBand arichmenis. faIi,rc!,irtrir ltr
p.riodfmmAuEUs6,2021 roAusun10,20:t }nrhipale^underricQa MECQ.

'lhedeadLire tilirg wirhin rhc a6oveme[iotrcd ddes are hereb, cx!.n,lcd tor a period of
6ften OS).rlendrrdlys rrin A!gu$ 20.202r o*rv.r, itrltr ECe andlor M[Ce*it]be
!n.'d,d.'Len:trcor'.tr'T.rdf ..tr.or.n!tune.pono eh\c d,crhcco,.no.uotr.r.,o
. q..n. dnl dn.lT L 3, r h'n
te"nd,ha[ a o ,u
la).r. . rr,e tr"or' 'ct,Od'd.'Vt.O
't'e t:\one'.d a.sr ev,dpe,mr,r.
I Pa! ftrhal revei@ ia\6 ar rhc n.,ren Aud'orizcd Aqeft aiiks (A BS).
mrwnlna insRDojurisdiulion:
2 File md par rhc corcspoiding h
due rlercor to rhe concemed Reveruc Col]elrjon
Oifi .e6 (RCO9 olthe rerEn R.y.nuc Dndd OftlcclRDO), elen in a.eas shc'rrherc

Provided rhar paymen! olinrchalreretrue tqcs in cash !houtd noi crceed Twsmy
'lhoussrd Pcsos
{P20.000 00), *hile iho* lor check paymc witthave m linirarion itlhe
same is madesnh Rco i. r]t disrriclofli.c. Provided lurihq thar alLchecks sha| be hadc
pay.blcroBu.eauof lnichal Rcvcnue(wilhorlyirhour,,tFONancrndltN otr|
iritenon rhe chcck as prcllously requirtd) aM dEr rhc name aDd bmrch otrnerec;ivtnS
AB io loiaf be i.dicarcd rhercin: and
I Pil ra\esrhreu8h rhe follo\linsotrlrns piymenr facitni.s:


Lrnd Blikof .LePhilinpinn(LBP)Libk-BizPo'l 6rtaxpay s*hohaye
and bxpsyer ntillziis PesdNd r..ility (dcnsi6s or RCBC, Rob'nso6 Bank .nd

ncs (DBPI Pry'l oiliic'for boldeB of

visi^,rne.ctud Credn ard..d/tr Bx...er ATM/&hir C d:

UnioiB'dkOnlircW.blnd MDbileP,yme r'ciliry Ior{alprynqhohs

an accoursi& u'ion BanI ofthe PhrliDPin.srmd

Mobile PsrmenllCC!.h/PryMryr)

ll dre enm&d doadlin. rath d a non-workng day d. holday. &. s,n. shall he on ihe

Rcv.ruc ofiicials, employe* od oihc* con.emed re here6y enjoined io siye thr Cin'ntr
as vde ! rnhliciiy s no$iblc

Cond6nond ollrEmal Rfl en@

s!RL;ioF tN rFrN4REl6N'rE

aN6 U. 20rl |lil

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