Comb 4 - Chap2.04 Adiab Flame Temp

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Adiabatic Flame Temperature

● The temperature of product mixture obtained

when the combustion is done in an adiabatic
● Highest temperature obtained
● 2 types
– Constant pressure adiabatic flame temperature
– Constant volume adiabatic flame temperature
Const. Press. Adiab. Flame Temp.

From 1st Law
H react T i , P = H prods T ad , P 

Const. Vol. Adiab. Flame Temp.


From 1 Law

U react T i , P i =U prods T ad , P f 

Specific Heats
● Cp varies with temperature
● Non trivial to determine Tadiab since temp is
implicit in cp o

hi = h f , i  ∫ c p , i dT
● We may 298

– Integrate cp
– 
Use an average cp value i = 
h c p ,i , avg T ad −298
f , i 

– Both methods need an initial guess of Tadiab

T adiab≈2100 K

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