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GATE 2021

Multiple Select Questions : Workbook Sheet

Chapter 1. (c) In ABC analysis, C items will have 70 to
100% items accounts for 10% of invested
Break Even Analysis capital.

Q.1 Two alternative methods can produce a product. (d) In ABC analysis, C items having highest
Method I has a fixed cost of Rs. 3000 and consumption value.
variable cost of Rs. 25 per piece. Method II has Q.2 Consider the following statements regarding
fixed cost of Rs. 2500 and a variable cost of Harris Wilson Inventory Model.
Rs. 30 per piece. The correct option(s) is(are): GATE 2021 Workbook (a) With increase in number of orders, holding
(a) Break even quantity between two alternative cost decreases.
is 100 units.

(b) If the product to be produced is 200 units,
then process I should be selected.
(c) If the product to be produced is 50 units,
then process I should be selected.
(d) If the product to be produced is 100 units,
(b) With increase in order quantity, the number
of orders increases.
(c) At break even point of inventory, ordering
cost becomes equal to holding cost.
(d) If annual demand is doubled and holding
rate is halved, EOQ remains unchanged.
then process II should be selected. Which of the above statements is(are) not
Q.2 Which of the following statements is(are) correct correct?
regarding Break Even Analysis? Q.3 An item is produced at the rate of 30 items per
(a) Advertisement cost increases with increase day and demand occurs at the rate of 20 items
in volume of production. per day. If the set up cost is ` 200 per set up

(b) With increase in selling price per unit, break


and holding cost is ` 0.02 per unit of item per

GATE 2021 Workbook

even volume decreases. day.

(c) If there is option of increasing the sales, Which of the following option(s) is/are correct?
highest (P/V) ratio product should be (a) The economic order quantity is 1096 items.
preferred. (b) The cycle time is approximately 55 days.
(d) At break even point total sales equals to (c) If the production rate is increased to four
fixed cost. times then inventory cost will be halved.

(d) If the set up cost is increased to four times,

Chapter 2.
then inventory cost will be halved.
Inventory Control
Chapter 3.
Q.1 Which of the following statements is(are) correct
regarding ABC inventory system? Sequencing and PERT/CPM
(a) In ABC analysis, A items require high safety Q.1 Which of the following option(s) is/are correct
control. for the construction of a network diagram?
(b) In ABC analysis A items require rigid and (a) Each activity is represented by one and only
strict control. are arrow in the networks.

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2 Mechanical Engineering • Industrial Engineering

(b) Dummy activities used in the network deviation].

consume resources and time. (c) The forecast for the 5th month according to

GATE 2021 Workbook

(c) Dangling must be avoided in a network 3 moving average period is 620 units.
diagram. (d) The forecast for the 5th month according to
(d) Same beginning and end can be possible exponential average method if ‘α’ is 0.4, is
for two activities in the network. 668 units.

Q.2 Consider the following statements regarding Q.2 Which of the following are correct regarding
sequencing. range of forecasting method’s?
(a) Average number of jobs in system will be (a) Delphi method is used for short range of

least for shortest processing time (SPT) rule. forecasting.
(b) Fulkerson’s Rule is used to solve N jobs on (b) In Delphi approach, decision making is
two machine problems. based on expert opinion.
(c) Average Tardiness will be the least for (c) Delphi method is the type of Qualitative
Earliest due date (EDD) rule. technique.
(d) Earliest due date (EDD) rule gives minimum (d) Coefficient of correlation is found in Delphi

average job flow time. technique for decision making.
Which of the above statements are correct?

Q.3 Consider the network diagram given below:


EA GATE 2021 Workbook

Chapter 5.
Line Balancing
Which of the following options is(are) correct for
4 line balancing?
F 10
0 10 (a) In an assembly line, the cycle time is
3 8
determined by fastest work station from all
7 work stations.
Activity time (in weeks) is given on the arrow. (b) Assembly line balancing increases
Which of the following statement are correct? productivity.
(a) The earliest expected time of the project is (c) Assembly line balancing increases in

30 weeks. process inventory.

(b) Total float for the activity ‘BE’ is 12 weeks. (d) In an assembly line, balance delay can be

(c) The earliest expected time of the completion found as: Balance delay = 1 – Line
GATE 2021 Workbook

of the last event is 26 weeks. effectency

(d) The probability to completed the project in
Q.2 Consider a five station assembly system, the
30 weeks are 60%.
station times are 10, 12, 13, 16, 15 minutes

Chapter 4. respectively. The cycle time for the assembly

line is given as 18 minutes. The correct option(s)
Forecasting is(are):
Q.1 A dealer for TV forecast found the demand at (a) Line efficiency of the assembly system is
the rate of 500 units per month for the next four 73.3%.
months. The actual demand is found to be 400, (b) The number of units produced in an 6 hour
540, 700, 620 units. Which of the following shift are 20 units.
statement(s) is/are correct? (c) The smoothness index is 9 minutes.
(a) The BIAS is found to be 115. (d) If the cycle time is 16 minutes, then balance
(b) The BIAS is less than MAD [Mean absolute delay is 26.6%. © Copyright MADE EASY

GATE Exclusive Workbook 2021 3

Chapter 6. Q.2 A transportation problem is given below:

Queuing Theory W1 W2 W3 Supply

GATE 2021 Workbook

S1 7 6 4 50
Q.1 Which of the following options is(are) correct for S2 8 5 6 60
the queuing theory? S3 6 8 9 40

(a) Arrival rate should be greater than the Requirements 60 60 30

service rate for stable system. The correct option(s) is/are _________.
(b) If the arrivals are completely random, the (a) The minimum initial transportation cost using
probability distribution of number of arrival Vogel’s approximation method is ` 800.

in a given time follows Poisson distribution. (b) The minimum initial transportation cost using
(c) In the Kendall’s notation for representing North West corner rule is ` 1000.
(c) The solution from Vogel’s approximation
queuing model, the first position represents
method is degenerate solution.
probability law for the service.
(d) This problem is the case of balanced
(d) If the number of arrival in a queue follows • transportation problem.
the Poisson distribution, then the inter arrival
time obeys exponential law.

Q.2 A M/M/1: FCFS/∞/∞ queue model the mean EA

arrival rate is 10 per hour and mean service rate
is 20 per hour. Arrival rate follows Poisson’s law
and service rate follows exponential law. Which
GATE 2021 Workbook
Q.3 Which of the following statements is(are) correct
for the assumptions in graphical method solution
in linear programming?
(a) It assumes that the values of the coefficient
of decision variable in the objective function
are known probabilistically.
of the following option(s) is/are correct? (b) The solution of the problem will lie in first
(a) System utilisation is 50%. and second quadrant of the plane.
(b) Length of the queue is 1. (c) It is assumed that the relationship between
(c) This system is the single server system. variables in the problem and the constraints
(d) The expected waiting time per customer in of the problem exhibits linearity.
(d) It is assumed that the profit contribution of

the system 6 minutes.

a product remains constant, irrespective of
Chapter 7. level of production and sales.

LPP, Transportation and Assignment Q.4 A furniture maker has 6 units of wood and 2
GATE 2021 Workbook

hour of free time in which he will make decorative

Q.1 Which of the following options is(are) correct for
tables. Two models have sold well in the past,
linear programming problems?
so he will restrict himself to those two models.
(a) A linear programming problem with three

He estimates that model I requires 2 units of

variables and two constraints can be solved
wood and 6 hour of time, while model II require
by graphical method.
1 unit of wood and 8 hour of time. The prices of
(b) In simplex table, if two minimum ratios of
models are `120 and `80 respectively for each
the right hand side to the coefficient in the
table. Which of the following are correct for
key column are equal, degeneracy may take
maximizing the sales revenue?
(a) The furniture maker is subjected to wood
(c) Dual of dual is the primal problem.
constraint and it can be given as:
(d) In linear programming for optimization
2x1 + x2 ≥ 6, where x1 and x2 are the units of
problems, the decisions variables may be
table from model I and II respectively.
negative and non negative.

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4 Mechanical Engineering • Industrial Engineering

(b) The optimum value of tables from model I is Chapter 9.

3 and from model II is 0.
Plant Layout, Production

GATE 2021 Workbook

(c) The maximum revenue can be obtained is
`380. Planning and Control
(d) If the price of the model II is changed to
Q.1 Which of the following options is(are) correct in
`60 without any change in model I price,
production planning and control?
the problem will have multiple solution.
(a) Motor cycle assembly is the example of
Chapter 8. process layout.
(b) Dispatching initiates the execution of

Material Requirement Planning production plans whereas expediting
Q.1 Which of the following is/are correct for the maintains then and sees them through to
Material Requirement Planning (MRP)? their successful completion.
(a) Bills of material schedule is one of the input (c) Routing in production planning and control
of the MRP. refers to the progress of work performed.
(b) Product structure is the input of Bills of (d) Huge Aircraft manufacturing is an example

of fixed position layout.

(c) MRP is done before master production
(d) MRP inventory status file contains material
on hand, planned order and planned order
GATE 2021 Workbook

Q.2 Which of the following options is(are) correct for

production planning and control?
(a) Cellular layout is used in the group
technology concept.
(b) Sequencing of jobs is a decision taken during
aggregate production planning stage.
(c) In value engineering, value is defined as the
product of function and cost.
(d) Job shop production is used to manufacture
medium demand variety production.


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