LK 1 - Modul 4 - Ade Permata Sari - Bahasa Inggris

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TAHUN 2021


NIM : 202110631011605


NAMA : Ade Permata Sari
KELAS : Bahasa Inggris 003
LK 1 : Lembar Kerja Belajar Mandiri
Judul Modul Modul 4: English for Entertainment
Judul Kegiatan Belajar (KB) 1. Exploring Biography
2. Exploring Historical Recount
3. Exploring Fable
4. Exploring Legends
No Butir Refleksi Respon/Jawaban
1 Daftar peta konsep (istilah dan 1. BIOGRAPHY (LA 1)
definisi) di modul ini a. Definition
Biography is a detailed description of a famous and
influential person’s experience of life which involves facts
about education, work, relationships, achievement death,
and may include an analysis of the subject’s personality.
Biography is one genre of text that can open the eyes and
hearts to people who have made a difference in the world.
People can learn about live and eras of both past and
b. Generic Structures
1. Orientation (Introduction)
Orientation (introduction) can be stated as the opening
paragraph that gives the readers the background
information of the person. It usually provides full name,
place and date of birth.
2. Events
Events contain an explanation of good story in the form
of problem solving, career processes, and various
events that have been experienced by the character to
lead his/her success. It should be in chronological order.
3. Re-Orientation (Closing)
Re-orientation is a conclusion or comment by the
writer. It tells about the contribution or the contribution
of person. In this closing section, the views of the
author of the narrated character are provided.
c. Social Function
Social function of biography is to know someone story
about his/her life outside of any accomplishments this
person may be known for and to give lots of information
easily and to educate the readers.
d. Grammar and Language Features
- Use of simple past tense
- Temporal sequence and temporal conjunction are used
to link the sentences in chronological order.
- Focus on specific participant as the main center
character of the text.
- Use of action verb to describe something that is actively
done by a character.
- Vocabularies in biography

e. Characteristics of Biography
Biography is always written by other people in the
perspective of third person and based on the research. It
uses vivid language to narrate events and must apply clear
language to avoid mistakes in the information presented.
a. Definition
Historical recount is a text that retell about the
chronological events of memorable or important history
about a place or an object occurred in the past.
b. Generic structures
1. Orientation (Introduction)
Orientation is the opening paragraph that introduce the
participant, setting of time and setting of places.
2. Events
Events contain series of events in chronological order
that experienced by the character.
3. Re-orientation (Closing)
Re-orientation consists of conclusion or a comment or
sums up of evaluation made by the writer.
c. Characteristic
Characteristics of historical recount:
- Retelling the past historical events
- Upholding the history of place or an object
- Written scientifically or imaginatively
- Purposing to informing or entertaining (can be both)
- You could write a historical recount about a well-
known battle, the development of invention or an event
which changed history.
d. Social Function
Historical recount is used to inform or entertain (can be
both) the reader about past historical experienced in
chronological events.
e. Grammar and Language Features
- Specific participant of historical recount. (It Could
involve persons, animals or things)
- The use of correct pronoun referring to the participant
of the text.
- The use of material processes or action verbs.
- The use of some adverbial phrases to mention location,
manner and frequency.
- The use of the past tense to tell about past events.
- The use of adjectives
- The use of evaluative words to assess the significant of
- The use of time connection in order to focus on the
ordered events.
3. FABLES (LA 3)
a. Definition
Fable is a fictional story that using animals, plants or nature
by given human qualities (aanthropomorphized) and
intended to always give moral value as a lesson.
b. Generic structures
1. Orientation (Introduction)
The orientation introduces the participants, place and
time the story takes places, and also tells about what
text talks in general,
2. Complication
Complication is the main element of fable. It tells what
happens with the participants. The conflict arises
among the participants.
3. Resolution
Resolution tells how the conflict or problem among the
participants is solved (It can be success or fail).
c. Characteristic
- Using at least one character makes a bad decision
- Using simple plot and character
- Involving a clever or sly character
- Using animals or elements of nature (non-human
character) as the main character who act and talk just
like human while keeping their animal traits.
- Containing a moral lesson
- Using personification (aanthropomorphized)
- Containing a funny and amusing story.
- reflecting cultural beliefs.
d. Social Function
Fable is used to entertain or amuse the readers about the
interesting story and also to convey moral messages or
lessons to the readers.
e. Grammar and Language Features
- Using common and nonspecific setting.
- Often taking place outside.
- Using past action verb.
- Using past tense
-Using specific noun as pronoun of person, animal in the
- Using adjectives which are noun phrases
- Using time connectives and conjunction
- Using adverbs and adverbial phrases
- Using dialog to elicit an emotional response from reader
- Using of variety of simple compound and complex
- Ending in happy resolution.
f. Common Animal Characters Used in Fables

g. Moral Values of the Fables

Here are some examples of moral value of fables:
- Persuasion is better than force
- Liars may give themselves away
- Make hay while the sun shines
- Don’t just follow the crowd
- Pride can be costly
a. Definition
A legend is a story or narrative that lies somewhere
between myth and historical fact about a particular figure
or person. It traditionally is focused on a historically or
geographically. Legend is a genre folklore that consists of
a narrative featuring human actions perceived or believe
both by teller and listener to have taken place within human
history. This narrative genre may demonstrate human
values and possess certain qualities that give the tale
b. Generic structures
1. Orientation (Introduction)
Orientation is a stage to introduce what is inside the
text. It tells about the text in general, the characters of
the story, when and where it happens.
2. Complication
Complication tells what happen with the participants.
It explores the conflict among the participants.
3. Resolution
It tells the conclusion and the lesson of the story.
c. Characteristics
− A legend is a set in specific place or time.
− The main character is often heroic.
− The main character is a human, not a God
− A legend is a fictional story.
− Usually there is some historical truth at the heart of
every legend.
− Heroes perform great deeds with their strength and
their intelligence. Exaggeration is usually involved in
retelling deeds.
− Heroes often give up dreams of happiness to help
− The hero is real but some parts of the story are not
completely true.
− Handed down through generation.
− The story was told orally and turned into literary
d. Social Function
A legend is purposed to present of human actions in such a
way that they are perceived by the listeners or readers to be
true (in literature). In general, it purposes to entertain or to
amuse the readers about interesting story.
e. Grammar and Language Features
➢ The use of adjective that form noun phrase.
➢ Time connectives and conjunction.
➢ The use of adverb and adverbial phrase to indicate the
location of the incident or events.
➢ The use of action verb in the past tense.
➢ The use of saying verbs that mark remarks.
➢ The use of thinking verbs that mark the thoughts.
➢ The use of dialogue to elicit an emotional response
from reader.
2 Daftar materi yang sulit dipahami 1. Characteristics of fable.
di modul ini 2. The differences legend and myth.

3 Daftar materi yang sering 1. Biography and historical recount (in terms of career process
mengalami miskonsepsi and achievement that could be experienced by characters and
the chronological event of the invention).
2. The differences between legend and myth.

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