The Problem Rationale

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Chapter 1

The Problem


Research has made all these new discoveries and inventions as a key to progress.
There can be no progress without research. In government, in education, in trade and industry, in
engineering, in medical field, and in all subject disciplines – mathematics, astronomy, physics,
chemistry, geology, biology, space exploration, and social sciences – research is vital and
essential. The word research is derived from the Old French Word “cerchier” meaning to seek or
search. One seeks exhaustively for three reasons (1) for more explanations (2) for verifiable truth
and (3) to make discoveries. The goal of searching is to become certain of the occurrence or
existence of a certain phenomenon. Hence, research is the formal and intensive process of
carrying on a scientific method of analysis. It is a systematic and objective analysis and
recording controlled observations that may lead to the development of principles. (Ariola, 2006).

Due to research, man is enjoying the products of research: fast and comfortable
land, sea and air transportation; wonders of electricity and electronics; air-conditioning units;
new information and communication technology; and others. The principal purpose of research
is the prevention and improvement of the quality of human life. It reduces man’s burden of work,
improves judgement, increase satisfaction in multitudinous ways, add to his power, among
others. All types of research are directed to this end- to serve man and make his life better.

The researchers conclude that the General Academic Strand (GAS) II students in
terms of knowledge has a total means of 2.43 that is less knowledgeable, in skills has a total
means of 2.40 that is less skilled, in attitudes has a total means of 3.00 (fairly accepted), in
contributing factors has a total means of 2.84 (moderately perceived) and in needs has a total
means of 3.95 (moderately need).

In the above situations, the General Academic Strand (GAS)II students don’t have
enough knowledge and skills in research making that need to be notice by the teachers. The
researchers chose this study to work on to know how far the level of their knowledge in research
Statement of the Problem

The main problem of this study was to assess the research abilities of General
Academic Strand (GAS) II students of Tayug National High School as basis for research
questionnaire S.Y. 2016-2017.

Specifically, this investigation will seek to answer the following questions:

1. What is the research abilities of G-11 General Academic Strand (GAS) II students in
research making in terms of the level of:
a. Knowledge
b. Skills: and
c. Attitudes
2. What are the contributing factors to enhance the research skills of the G-11 General
Academic Strand (GAS) II students?
3. What are the needs of G-11 General Academic Strand (GAS) II students to enhance their
research skills?

Significance of the Study

The primary purpose of this study was to determine the research abilities of
General Academic Strand (GAS) II students. The results of this study can be used by the teachers
to enhance the research skills of their students; furthermore, this study will be significant to the

Students: The result of this study will be useful in determining the skills and knowledge
of the General Academic Strand (GAS) II students in doing a research. Furthermore, this
research will determine the strong and weak points of the researchers.

Parents: This research will be a guiding base for the parents to further support their
children in research study. This study will help the parents determine the weaknesses of the
researcher for them to fully provide proper support and understanding to their children.
Teachers: The whole research will served as a reference guide to identify researcher’s
weaknesses – that need to be improve and strengths – that need to sustain. This will then
establish a better teacher-student rapport that will lead to a better learning process.

Scope and Delimitation of the Study

This study will focus on the research abilities of General Academic Strand (GAS)
II students of Tayug National High School in research making S.Y.2016-2017.

This study will involve the General Academic Strand (GAS) II students in terms
of the level of knowledge, skills, and attitudes of the GAS II students in research making will
determine as well as the contributing factors and needs to improve their research skills. A
research questionnaire will use as the main tool in gathering pertinent data.

Definitions of Terms

To enhance better understanding of this study about the research abilities of

General Academic Strand (GAS) II students, the following terms defined according to how they
are used in this study.

Research Abilities. This refers to the capability of a person in research making.

Grade 11. Refers to the grade level of the K to 12 Curriculum.

General Academic Strand (GAS) II Students. Refers to the students that cannot make up
their minds about which of the following three (3) strands (Accountancy, Business, and
Management (ABM), Humanities and Social Sciences (HUMSS), and Science and Technology,
Engineering, Mathematics (STEM) they want to enter will take the General Academic Strand
(GAS). In this study, this refers to the Grade 11- General Academic Strand (GAS) students
enrolled at Tayug National High School for the S.Y. 2016-2017.
Chapter 2

Review of Related Literature

Related Of Legal Basis

In a capsule, Republic Act No. 2067 that hereby declared to be the policy of the state to
promote scientific and technological research and develop, foster invention, and utilize
scientific knowledge as an effective instrument for the promotion of national progress.

DepEd Order No. 43, S.2015 also pointed out that the culture of research needs to be
promoted because it improves access education, quality education and governance.

In also stipulated in Section I of Republic Act No. 2067 that this act shall be known as the
“Science Act of 1958”.

Related of Study

In a related study conducted by Adloc, Calpo, Ylarde (2017), they concluded that the
research abilities of Science and Technology, Engineering, Mathematics are “Moderately
Knowledgeable” (3.61) in terms of knowledge, “Moderately Skilled” (3.56) on skills and
‘Very Highly Favourable” (4.23) in terms of attitudes.

In terms of contributing factors to enhance poor research skills of STEM 1 students were
found to be many subjects and reports in school, lack of research fund and incompetent and
not approachable faculty which are “ Very Highly Perceived” by the STEM 1 students with
an individual mean of 4.29, 4.23, and 4.23 respectively.

Lastly, as to the needs of Science and Technology, Engineering, Mathematics (STEM) 1

students were manifested “Highly Needed” as evidenced on the overall mean of 4.75.
Meaning, these needs should addressed to enhance and strengthen the scientific conduct of
research as it improve instruction that ultimately leads higher achievements by students,
quality education and governance.
Chapter 3

Research Methodology

This chapter presents brief discussion of the methods and procedures that will use
in this study. Specifically, the research design, the subject, data gathering instrument, data
gathering procedure and statistical treatment of data.

Research Design

Research design is a plan by which the specific activities of the research can be
conducted and brought successful closure. It has two purposes: (1) to provide answers to
research questions, and (2) to control variance- the fact that not all individuals are same face
or face the same score or instrument.

The descriptive survey method was used in this study. Descriptive Survey method
is usually used by the graduate and undergraduate students when they attempt to analyse,
interpret, and report the present status of their subject matter or problem. The result of a
survey may be used for prediction and it reveals problem for which timely remedial
measures may be instituted.

Descriptive research is a type of research that seeks to find answers to questions

through the analysis of variable relationships. It is a non-experimental research for it deals
with the relationships among non-manipulated variables; the events have already occurred or
existed and they are merely described. (Ariola, 2006)

Respondents of the Study

The respondents of the study were the Grade 11 General Academic Strand (GAS)
II students from Tayug National High School S.Y. 2016-2017.

The researchers will obtain data from the Adviser for the accurate member of
officially enrolled GAS II students in grade 11. The twenty two (22) total enumerations of
student-respondent from Tayug National High School were included.
Data Gathering Instrument

There is one set of data gathering instrument in this study. This one set is the
questionnaire-checklist for the GAS II students, which include their research abilities in
research making in terms of the level of knowledge, skills, attitudes, the contributing factors
of poor research skills of students, and the needs of students to improve their research skills.

Data Gathering Procedure

In gathering pertinent data on the study the researchers will guide with the
following procedures.

First, the researchers seek permission from the OIC, Office of the Principal, Mr
Mark R. Martinez in the SPA Center.

Second, the researchers will float a questionnaire to the General Academic Strand
(GAS) II students to gather pertinent information in the study. This will done to answer the
problem in research making in terms of knowledge, skills, attitudes, contributing factors of
poor research skills of the students and the needs of students to improve their research skills.

Then the researchers will wait the Survey-Questionnaire until the GAS II student-
respondents have done answering the questionnaire,

Lastly, the researchers will tabulate and analyse the questionnaire according to the
problem of the study and will rank it from highest to lowest means.

Statistical Treatment of Data

The data gather will consolidate and analyse. It will tabulate and analyse
according to the problem of the study. In determining the profile of the respondents, the
frequency counts and the percentage will use as the main statistical tool.
The school variables and personal variables will describe using the Average
Weighted Mean (AWM). The weighted mean of each item will calculate with five (5) point
Likert Scale and will compute by multiplying the number of frequencies by the assigned
numerical values.

The Average Weighted Mean (AWM) formula

5 f 5 +4 f 4 +3 f 3 +2 f 2 +1 f 1

For the descriptive equivalent of the weighted means, the following statistical
ranges will use.

On G-11 GAS II Students Level of Knowledge

Weighted Level of Knowledge

4.20 – 5.00 Very Much Knowledgeable
3.40 – 4.19 Moderately Knowledgeable
2.60 – 3.89 Fairly Knowledgeable
1.80 – 2.59 Less Knowledgeable
1.00 – 1.79 Not Knowledgeable

On GAS II Students Level of Skills

Weighted Level of Skills

4.20 – 5.00 Very Much Skilled
3.40 – 4.19 Moderately Skilled
2.60 – 3.89 Fairly Skilled
1.80 – 2.59 Less Skilled
1.00 – 1.79 Not Skilled

On GAS II Students Level of Attitudes

Weighted Level of Attitudes
4.20 – 5.00 Very Highly Favourable
3.40 – 4.19 Highly Favourable
2.60 – 3.89 Favourable
1.80 – 2.59 Slightly Unfavourable
1.00 – 1.79 Unfavourable

On contributing factors of poor research skills Of G11- GAS II

Weighted Description
4.20 – 5.00 Very Highly Perceived
3.40 – 4.19 Highly Perceived
2.60 – 3.89 Moderately Perceived
1.80 – 2.59 Less Perceived
1.00 – 1.79 Least Perceived

Needs of GAS II Students to Improve Research Skills

Weighted Description
4.20 – 5.00 Highly Need
3.40 – 4.19 Moderately Need
2.60 – 3.89 Fairly Need
1.80 – 2.59 Less Need
1.00 – 1.79 Least Need

Chapter 4

Presentation, Analysis of Data, and Interpretation of Findings

This chapter presents the data gathered and analysed according to the specific
problems presented. Afterwards the findings were interpreted based on the result.

Research Abilities of Grade 11- General Academic Strand (GAS) II Students

This part of this study describes the research abilities of G11-GAS II students in terms of
the level of knowledge, skills, and attitudes, contributing factors of poor research making and needs of
students to improve their research skills.

Level of Knowledge.

Table 1 presents the level of knowledge of GAS II students in research making.

Table 1

Level of knowledge of G 11- GAS II Students

Indicator AWM Description Equivalent

1. Analysis of the problem 2.77 Fairly Knowledgeable
2. Identification of the problem. 2.68 Fairly Knowledgeable
3. Assessment of the research topic. 2.55 Less Knowledgeable
4. Writing the conclusion and recommendations. 2.55 Less Knowledgeable
5. Writing of the research topic 2.50 Less Knowledgeable
6. Writing the findings 2.45 Less Knowledgeable
7. Interpretation of data 2.41 Less Knowledgeable
8. Writing a research proposal. 2.36 Less Knowledgeable
9. Presentation of data. 2.32 Less Knowledgeable
10. Making a research design. 2.27 Less Knowledgeable
11. Collection of data. 2.27 Less Knowledgeable
12. Construction of research instruments. 2.23 Less Knowledgeable
13. Analysis of data. 2.18 Less Knowledgeable
Mean 2.43 Less Knowledgeable

The indicator “Analysis of the problem” (2.77); “Identification of the problem” (2.68);
“Assessment of the research topic” (2.55); “Writing the conclusion and recommendation”
(2.55); “Writing of the research questions” (2.50); “Writing the findings” ( 2.45);
“Interpretation of data” (2.41); “Writing of the research proposal” (2.36); “Presentation of
data” (2.32); “Making a research design” (2.27); “Collection of data” (2.27); “Construction of
research instruments” (2.23); and “Analysis of data” (2.18) were rated “Less Knowledgeable”.
Therefore, the overall mean is 2.43 which indicate that the Grade 11 GAS II students
have “Less Knowledgeable” level of knowledge in research making.

Level of Skills.

The data on the Table 2 presents the level of skills of GAS II students in research making.

Table 2

Level of Skills of G-11 General Academic Strand (GAS) II students

Indicator AWM Description Equivalent

1. Know the different parts of research paper 2.68
MMM Fairly Skilled
2. Know how in writing a research. 2.59 Less Skilled
3. Grammatical structures in research. 2.36 Less Skilled
4. Technicalities in writing research. 2.18 Less Skilled
5. Coherence and paragraph development. 2.18 Less Skilled

Mean 2.40 Less Skilled

Table 3 shows that the indicator “Know the different parts of research” with a mean of 2.68 were
rated “Fairly Skilled”. And, the indicators “Know how writing a research”, “Grammatical structures of
sentences”, “Technicalities in writing the research”, and “Coherence and paragraph development” with a
mean of 2.59, 2.36, 2.18, and 2.18 respectively were rated “Less Skilled”.

The overall mean is 2.40 which imply that the level of skills of G11- GAS II students is “Less
Skilled”. This manifested that the GAS II students don’t have enough skills that need to be improve and

Level of Attitudes.

The level of attitudes of G11-GAS II students which was presented in Table 3 shows their
research abilities in research making.

Table 3

Level of Attitudes of Grade 11 General Academic Strand (GAS) II Students

Indicators AWM Description
1. Improve schools student’s ability to be analytical 3.18 Equivalent
2.Increases understanding about the dynamics of a
about their studies. 3.09 Favourable
3. Increases students’ knowledge about situations and 3.09 Favourable
4. Empowers school students by giving them greater 3.05 Favourable
5. Improvesinscientific
their ability to promote change.
writing. 3.00 Favourable
6. Can expand career opportunities and roles for 3.00 Favourable
7. Facilities defense of academic actions. 3.00 Favourable
8. Increases willingness to accept research findings for 2.95 Favourable
9. in academe.positive change and enables students to 2.86 Favourable
10. agents
Helps of change.
students view studying as a type of inquiry or 2.82 Favourable
Mean 3.00 Favourable

It could be gleaned from the Table 3 that the GAS II students’ level of attitudes is “Fairly
Accepted” in the following, “Improves schools students’ analytical about their studies” (3.18);
“Increases understanding about the dynamics of a classroom” (3.09); “Increases students’
knowledge about situations and contexts” (3.09); “Empowers school students by giving them
greater confidence in their ability to promote change” (3.05); “Improves scientific writing”
(3.00); “Can expand career opportunities and roles for students” (3.00); “Facilities defense of
academic actions” (3.00); “Increases willingness to accept research findings for use in
academe” (2.95); “Encourage positive change and enables students to become agents of change”
(2.95) and “Helps students view studying as a type of inquiry or experimentation” (2.82).

The overall mean is 3.00 which revealed that the Grade 11 General Academic Strand
(GAS) II students’ level of attitude is “Fairly Accepted”; hence this manifest that they have
enough attitude in these indicators.

On Contributing Factors to Enhance Research Skills

The contributing factors to enhance the research skills of G11- GAS II students reflect the
respondents’ perception in the given indication.

Table 4

Contributing factors to enhance Poor Research Skills of General Academic Stand

(GAS) II students

Indicator AWM
1. Many subjects and reports in school. 3.05 Moderately Perceived
2. Lack of research fund 3.00 Moderately Perceived
3. Do not know the research subject at all. 2.95 Moderately Perceived
4. The school and the faculty in charge of research are not supportive
2.86 Moderately Perceived
in research as innovative work plan.
5. Lack of additional time for additional research subject. 2.86 Moderately Perceived
6. Limited knowledge on the technicalities on writing research paper. 2.82 Moderately Perceived
7. There is no seminar held at the school or division regarding research
2.77 Moderately Perceived
8. Poor research program of the school. 2.77 Moderately Perceived
9. Knowledge in the use of statistical tool. 2.77 Moderately Perceived
10. Incompetent and not approachable faculty. 2.77 Moderately Perceived
11. Do not know how to interpret the data. 2.73 Moderately Perceived
12. No research subject in the curriculum level. 2.69 Moderately Perceived
Mean 2.84 Moderately Perceived

Table 4 presents the contributing factors to enhance research skills of General Academic
Strand (GAS) II students. The table shows that the indicators “Many subjects and reports in
school”, ”Lack of research fund”, “The school and school research faculty in-charge are not
supportive in research as innovative work plan”, “Lack of additional time for additional
research subject”, “Limited knowledge on the technicalities of writing an research paper”,
“There is no seminar in the school on division regarding research making”, “Poor research
program of the school”, “Knowledge on the use of statistical tool”, “Incompetent and not
approachable faculty”, “Do not know how to interpret data”, and “No research subject in the
curriculum level” with a weighted mean of 3.05, 3.00, 2.95, 2.86, 2.86, 2.82, 2.77, 2.77, 2.77,
2.77, 2.73, 2.69 respectively which were rated “ Moderately Perceived”.
Therefore, the General Academic Strand (GAS) II students “Moderately Perceived” as
shown in the overall mean of 2.84 in all indicators which means that these indicators slightly
impact in enhancing the research skills that need to be addressed.

Needs of Students to Improve the Research Skills

The needs of students to improve the research skills of G11-GAS II students which was
presented in Table 5 shows their research abilities in research making.

Table 5

On Needs of Students to Improve the Research Skills of GAS II Students

Indicator AWM
1. Technical know-how in identifying significant problem, writing,
3.59 Moderately Needed
analysing, interpreting and abstract writing.
2. Technical assistance from the school and research teachers. 3.55 Moderately Needed
3. Additional basic research subject in the curriculum. 3.50 Moderately Needed
4. Providing competent, well-seasoned and veteran research teachers. 3.50 Moderately Needed
5. School research committee for research writing consultation. 3.50 Moderately Needed
6. Establishment of research center of the school. 3.45 Moderately Needed
7. LAC Session on research writing with expert guest. 3.36 Fairly Needed
8. Encouragement of the Principal to teachers in teaching research as
3.18 Fairly Needed
their innovative work plan.
Mean 3.95 Moderately Needed
Table 5 shows that the GAS II students “Moderately Needed” the following indicators “technical
know-how in identifying significant problem, writing, analysing, interpreting and abstract writing”
(3.59); “technical assistance from the school and research teachers” (3.55); “additional basic research
subject in the curriculum” (3.50); “providing competent, well-seasoned and veteran research teachers”
(3.50); “school research committee for research consultation “ (3.50); and “establishment of research
school in the center” (3.45).

The indicators “LAC session on research writing with expert guest” and “encouragement of the
Principal to teachers in teaching research as their innovative work plan” were rated “Fairly Needed”
This manifested that the said needs were “Moderately Needed” by the G-11 General Academic
Strand (GAS) II students of Tayug National High School as evidenced on the overall mean of 3.95.
Meaning, these needs should be addressed to improved and strengthen the research skills of G-11 General
Academic Strand (GAS) II students that ultimately leads to higher achievements.

Chapter 5

Summary, Conclusions and Recommendations

This chapter presents the summary of findings, conclusions and the recommendations of
the research based on the results of investigation.

This study dealt on determining research abilities of G-11 General Academic Strand
(GAS) II Students. It also looked into the research abilities of the G-11 General Academic Strand
(GAS) II students in terms of knowledge, skills, and attitudes, contributing factors to enhance the
research skills and the needs to improve research skills.

A descriptive survey method of research was utilized. The 22 G-11 General Academic
Strand (GAS) II students of Tayug National High School S.Y. 2016-2017 comprises the student
respondents of this study.

A questionnaire-checklist for the student respondents’ was the data gathering instruments
used in this investigation.

Summary of Findings

The answers to the specific problems posed in this investigation are hereby summarized.
The presentation followed the order of the statement of the problem.

Level of Knowledge. The G-11 General Academic Strand (GAS) II students has an
overall mean of 2.43 which indicates that the students’ knowledge is less knowledgeable.
Meaning, the G-11 GAS II students don’t have enough knowledge in research making that needs
to be addressed by the teachers and parents to improved and strengthen their research skills.

Level of Skills. The level of skills of G-11 General Academic Strand (GAS) II students
has an overall mean of 2.40 shows that they are less skilled in research making.

Level of Attitudes. The G-11 General Academic Strand (GAS) II students has an overall
mean of 3.00 towards attitudes in research making which manifested that the G-11 GAS II
students are favourable.

Contributing Factors to Enhance Poor Research Skills. The contributing factor to

enhance poor research skills of the G-11 General Academic Strand (GAS) II students has an
overall mean of 2.84 which indicates that they are moderately perceived in research making.

Needs To Improve Research Skills. The needs to improve the research skills of G-11
General Academic Strand (GAS) II students have an overall mean of 3.95 shows that their needs
to improve their research skills are moderately needed.

This part of the research presents the conclusions based on the findings and/or on the
results of the investigation. Based on the findings, the following conclusions were derived:

1. The level of knowledge of the G-11 General Academic Strand (GAS) II students of
Tayug NHS is less knowledgeable, fairly skilled and moderately perceived level of attitude in
research making

2. The contributing factors to be addressed to enhance research skills were many subjects
and reports in school, lack of research fund, do not know the research subject at all, the school
and the faculty in charge of research are not supportive in research as innovative work plan, lack
of additional time for additional research subject, limited knowledge on the technicalities on
writing research paper, there is no seminar held at the school or division regarding research
making, poor research program of the school, knowledge in the use of statistical tool,
incompetent and not approachable faculty, do not know how to interpret the data, and no
research subject in the curriculum level as moderately perceived by the G-11 General Academic
Strand (GAS) II students.

3. The G-11 General Academic Strand (GAS) II students moderately needed technical
know-how in identifying significant problem, writing, analysing, interpreting and abstract
writing, technical assistance from the school and research teachers, additional basic research
subject in the curriculum, providing competent, well-seasoned and veteran research teachers,
school research committee for research writing consultation, and establishment of research center
of the school.


Based on the salient findings and conclusions of the study the following activities
or actions are recommended:
1. To enhance and improve the attitude and study habits of the G-11 General Academic
Strand (GAS) II students, it is ought to motivate them by exerting extra ordinary efforts
in studying. This could be done by hiring a professional teacher in research making.
2. Since there is comparative performance between graduate, secondary and elementary
level parents in the research skills of the G-11 GAS II students, quality time management
for parents between work and their assistance to their children must be observed.
3. Encouragement of the Principal to teachers in teaching research as their innovative work
plan and establishment of research center of the school.
4. It is further suggested that a related study should be conducted to further improve and
include new innovations.

The main problem of the study was to assess the research abilities of Tayug
National High School Grade 11 General Academic Strand (GAS) II students.
Specifically, it determined a) the research abilities of the students in terms of the level of
knowledge, skills, and attitudes of Grade 11 GAS II students in research making; b) the
contributing factors to enhance research skills of the students; and c) the needs of the
students to enhance their research skills.
This study involved the students of Tayug National High School Grade 11
General Academic Strand (GAS) II students. The sample was determined using the
descriptive survey. An adopted questionnaire-checklist from a parallel study was used as
the main tool in data gathering. The data and findings were tabulated, analyzed, and
interpreted in terms of frequency count, percentages, ranking and general weighted mean.
The study found out that the level of knowledge of the Grade 11 GAS II
students is less knowledgeable, less skilled and with favorable level of attitude in
research making. The contributing factors to be addressed to enhance research skills were
many subjects and reports in school, lack of research fund, do not know the research
subject at all, the school and the faculty in charge of research are not supportive in
research as innovative work plan, lack of additional time for additional research subject,
limited knowledge on the technicalities on writing research paper, there is no seminar
held at the school or division regarding research making, poor research program of the
school, knowledge in the use of statistical tool, incompetent and not approachable
faculty, do not know how to interpret the data, and do research subject in the curriculum
level as moderately perceived by the respondents.
The respondents moderately needed technical know-how in identifying significant
problem, writing, analyzing, interpreting and abstract writing, technical assistance from
the school and research teachers, additional basic research subject in the curriculum,
providing competent, well-seasoned and veteran research teachers, school research
committee for research writing consultation and establishment of research center of the




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