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Rice industry

For any business sector, be it agriculture or any other, technological advancement Is one of
the important aspects. Pakistan being an agrarian economy is lagging in the field of
innovation and technology. Specifically, if we talk about rice, it also does not show good
signs of improvement in terms of technological advancement. The new developing world is
adopting technological advancements like drones, genetically modified seed, and robots to
increase the yield and productivity of crops like rice. . The top ten rice producing countries
including china, India, Indonesia, and Bangladesh are using new advancements to increase
their production [ CITATION Wri20 \l 1033 ] but Pakistan is still stuck in the old and outdated
farming techniques like transplanted rice technology [ CITATION nas20 \l 1033 ]. There is some
work being done like practicing dry seeding rice technology, use of chemical fertilizers and
weed management but this is not up to the mark because the rice sector cannot meet the
increasing demand in the market[CITATION muh \l 1033 ]. Pakistan has also started using new
rice planting systems including parachute rice transplanting, SRI method, double cropping
and hybrid planting to increase the production of rice.[ CITATION Kha \l 1033 ]. Farmers in
Pakistan use a conventional method to transplant rice i.e direct seeding, this method use
more water and generate higher labor cost.
But the main question is what is the genuine reason behind this backwardness? Well,
factors like lack of political interest, lack of funds, illiterate farmers, and feudalism are the
main reasons. If this issue is not considered as a critical one than the rice industry will left
behind in comparison to the world because technological advancement causes the yields to
increase and greater exports[ CITATION muh \l 1033 ]. Now, what could be a major way out
from such scenario? The equation is simple, innovate the sector with new tools and farming
techniques. As mentioned earlier that the world is focusing on robots, drones, temperature,
and moisture censors to innovate the agriculture(, so Pakistan rice sector can
also adopt these trending changes and update the ways of production.

The social aspect of an industry investigates factors like social environment, customs, norms, and
values. Particularly, if we talk the rice industry it has been very much influential on people and
affected them in terms of price, affordability, and class. Different types of rice create differentiation
among population in terms of class like the higher-class people will buy basmati which is relatively
pricy, and the lower sect will buy types like toota chawal etc.

The population of Pakistan is going to double in the next 30 years and the demand is going to peak
the highs, but Pakistan won’t have the capability to meet the requirement which will create a big
problem from public. Along with that Pakistan exports the best quality of rice but it does not take
care of the people living here, the best thing would be to meet the demand here and then export.
one of the good things about rice is it easy to cook, so people cook rice rather than chapatti or
another cuisine which is a good thing for the rice industry.
jamal, n. (2020). Need for innovation in agriculture. dawn, 2.

Khan, D. S. (n.d.). Adopting latest rice planting systems. DAWN. Retrieved from

Wright, S. (2020, July 23). Largest Rice-Producing Countries. Worlds facts. Retrieved from

yousuf, m., & ali, m. a. (2018). Rice Technological Innovation and Value Chain Development in South
Asia: Current Status and Future Directions. research gate.

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