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Hotline 0961 005 515


1 . …………….for changes to the 6 Thanks to meticulous work by Luiz

conference program will be Damez, the project was finished
considered on November 1 …………….without delay and within
A. requested budget
B. requests A. successfully
C. requesting B. successful
D. to request C. succeeded
D. success

2 His good ……………to detail allowed 7 The analyst’s commentary in the

him to notice the small, yet progress report was sharply……………of
potentially dangerous error in the the leadership team
product’s design A. critical
A. attention B. critic
B. attendant C. critically
C. attended D. criticism
D. attends

3 Sales of Seviana Cosmetics have 8 All communications must be approved

…………….improved since the new by the public relations director before
marketing campaign began last they can be shared …………..
quater A. externally
A. period B. external
B. periodily C. exterior
C. periodiest D. exterminate
D. periodied

4 Beginning on July 1, the associate 9 The company merger will ………..affect

manager of Franznet Bank will business and offer new inroads into the
South American market.

Fanpage: Lớp Toeic Ms. Ly 1

Hotline 0961 005 515

report any unusual transactions A. favoring

………….to the district manager B. favored
A. direction C. favorable
B. directing D. favorably
C. directly
D. directs

5 While New Street Bridge will be 10 The technical drawing for the lastest
closed for …………..renovations, bicycle model is complete,
commuters in Chelteham will be but…………….will not begin until August
redirected through Queen Street A. production
A. structuralize B. produces
B. structural C. produced
C. structurally D. product
D. structure

11 Sewerd Furnishings is closing some 16 In her latest broadcast, award – winning

of its showrooms because presenter Grace Anjam follows the daily
customers are …………………ordering life of ………….in Tehran
furniture online A. correspondence
A. increasing B. corresponding
B. increase C. correspondent
C. increasingly D. correspond
D. increased

12 Ms.Won made it absolutely 17 Given the increasing number of

…………..that hiring decisions …………applications for the position,
require her approve Barkhad Industries will interview only
A. clearing the most exceptional candidates
B. clear A. qualifies
C. clearly B. qualifications
D. cleared C. qualify

Fanpage: Lớp Toeic Ms. Ly 2

Hotline 0961 005 515

D. qualified
13 Please verify that everyone 18 The athletic shoes on this shelf were
expected at the conference this ……….designed for long – distance
afternoon has been provided with jogging by former marathon runner
copies of the ……………from Vincent Mills
Ms.Howell A. specialty
A. contractors B. specialize
B. contracts C. specially
C. contracting D. special
D. contracted

14 All employees are expected to 19 ABC Logistics will expand the warehouse
behave ……………when they are loading area in preparation for ………….in
traveling on company business shipping activity
A. responsible A. increased
B. responsibleness B. increase
C. responsibility C. increases
D. responsibly D. increasingly

15 The Bringham Group intends to 20 Products from Forwid Appliances have

help its customers make …………that received favorable reviews…………..from
will provide a secure future consumer groups
A. investments A. consistencies
B. invests B. consistent
C. invested C. consistency
D. investing D. consistently

21 Olayinka Boutique ………………….hosts 26 Norvo Financial has built an

special shopping events for members …………..client base in a short period of
of its loyalty club time
A. occasion A. impressive
B. occasions B. impress

Fanpage: Lớp Toeic Ms. Ly 3

Hotline 0961 005 515

C. occasional C. impressively
D. occasionally D. impresses

22 Office entry codes must be kept 27 Applicants for the position of data
………….and should not be revealed to manager are expected to have a
any coworkers or clients for any minimum of three year’s
reason …………..experience
A. confident A. supervisors
B. confidence B. supervisory
C. confidential C. supervise
D. confidently D. supervises

23 Mr Okada met……………..with the 28 Toucan Database System is designed

building manager to discuss the to perform a detailed financial analysis
project …………….
A. frequent A. automate
B. frequenting B. automatic
C. frequently C. automated
D. frequented D. automatically

24 Long – serving employees are 29 Ms. Jones has provided a ----- estimate
considered ………….assets to the of the costs of expanding distribution
company as they are extensively statewide.
experienced and resourceful in any A. conserve
circumstances B. conserves
A. valuably C. conservative
B. values D. conservatively
C. to value
D. valuable

Fanpage: Lớp Toeic Ms. Ly 4

Hotline 0961 005 515

25 The Klassin Group’s booth at the 30 Ms. Garcia was delighted to receive ----
Liberty Architecture Expo has gained -- that her company soon will be
much………….. featured in the In Town Times
A. interest magazine.
B. interests A. notify
C. interested B. notification
D. interesting C. notifying
D. notifies

31 This year’s company retreat will focus 36 Judging by ticket sales, Fen Jiang’s
on techniques that help people think first attempt at directing a film was
more……….. …………….a success
A. create A. clear
B. creative B. clearly
C. creativity C. clearer
D. creatively D. clearing

32 Matos Realty has developed two 37 Kasis Art Gallery encourages every
……….methods of identifying ………to read the guidelines carefully
undervalued properties before submitting exhibition
A. different proposals
B. differently A. apply
C. difference B. applied
D. differences C. applicant
D. application

33 While apartment prices have 38 According to experts, Flash Maxe

changed…………in the downtown dishwashing detergent consistently
section of River City, prices in other delivers……………results
areas have stayed the same A. exceptionally
A. drama B. exceptional
B. dramas C. exception

Fanpage: Lớp Toeic Ms. Ly 5

Hotline 0961 005 515

C. dramatic D. exceptions
D. dramatically

34 The new location of the Bentler 39 The Scratch software will help us
Company is easily …………by car or bus migrate our client records………….
A. access A. simple
B. accessibly B. simpler
C. accessible C. simply
D. accessibility D. simplicity

35 A new musical production is holding 40 Once the factory is…………operational,

audition for ……………singers next it will require a workforce of 400
Saturday at the Grovetown Theater A. fully
A. experience B. fuller
B. to experience C. fullest
C. experiences D. full
D. experienced

Fanpage: Lớp Toeic Ms. Ly 6

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