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Lesson Plan in English 9

I- Objectives: At the end of the lesson, the students will be able to:
a. Identify what a Kenning is
b. Write their own examples of Kennings then use them in the various given activities and;
c. Appreciate the use of Kennings by utilizing it in describing the people closest to you.

(Determine the meaning of idiomatic expressions by noting context clues- EN8V-Ia-10.2)

II- Subject Matter: Kennings

Materials: powerpoint presentation, beauty soap, chalk, cartolina and coloring materials
Reference: 9th grade textbook

III- Procedure:
Review: Text Types
Motivation: Who among you here uses a password to lock there phone? Why do you do so?

A1- Activity Proper: “Riddle, Riddle on the Board”

 What can travel around the world while staying at one corner?
(You see it along with your letters as it was pasted on the envelope.)
 You can drop me from the tallest building and I’ll be fine. But if you drop me in water I’ll die.
(As a student you actually use it. It is one of the most important things to be used in taking down

A2- Analysis and Discussion:

 What is the answer to the first riddle? How about the second?
 How did you derive the answers to the riddles?

A3- Abstraction:

 What is a Kenning? Where did it come from?

 How does one write their own Kenning? What are the things to observe in constructing one?
 Why do we use Kennings? What could be its implication?
 As a student, what could be the Kenning that you would use for your mother, father, sibling and a
close friend? Why do you choose that Kenning?

A4- Application:

 The students will be divided into 4 groups.

 Each of the member of the group will create their own Kennings on the following:
Group 1 - beauty soap
Group 2 - a person you love the most
Group 3 - The Philippine president on his reaction to the West Philippine Sea issue.
Group 4 - favourite artist

IV- Evaluation:

Based on the prior activity, each group will convene and choose the best Kenning and use them in
the following:

Group 1 - 2 minute advertisement

Group 2 – 1 stanza poem dedicated to the person you love the most
Group 3 – slogan
Group 4 – 3 minute talk show

-Each group will be given 15 mins. to prepare.

-Each performance will be rated using the following rubrics:

TV Commercial:
Clear Delivery of the Lines --------------------------------------------- 10
Time Bounded ------------------------------------------------------------ 10
Convincing and Connects to the Viewers ------------------------- 15
Kenning used is Appropriate ------------------------------------------ 25
Writing a Poem:
Usage of Rhyme --------------------------------------------------------- 10
Connects to the Audience --------------------------------------------- 20
Kenning used is Appropriate ------------------------------------------ 30
Slogan Making:
Creativity -------------------------------------------------------------------- 10
Relates to the Topic ----------------------------------------------------- 20
Kenning used is Appropriate ------------------------------------------ 30
Talk Show:
Clear Delivery of the Lines --------------------------------------------- 10
Time Bounded ------------------------------------------------------------ 10
Questions are Direct and Relevant ---------------------------------- 15
Kenning used is Appropriate ------------------------------------------ 25

V- Assignment:
 Based on the activity in the evaluation, in 1 paragraph, write your realization on the effects
of the usage of Kennings in each activity. Your topic to be discussed should depend on
what group number do you belong.

Prepared by: Checked by:

Denevieve Joy P. Gerona Alan B. Tizon

SST-1 School Incharge

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