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RSNI T-03-2005

Indonesian National Standard Design

Planning steel structures for bridges

ICS National Standardization Agency

RSNI T-03-2005

Table of contents

Daftar isi................................................................................................................................... i
Prakata.................................................................................................................................... ii
1 P.................................................................................................................................. 1
2 Normati reference f........................................................................................................ 1
3 Terms and definitions....................................................................................................1
4 General requirements of planning structure baja.........................................................4
5 Perencanaan component of tensile structure .............................................................10
6 Pressing structure component planning.....................................................................15
7 Planning of bending structure components ................................................................30
8 Composite hashtag ......................................................................................planning 51
9 63 frame bridge planning
10 Vehicle floor ..................................................................................................planning 72
11 Connection planning....................................................................................................73
12 Provisions for planning special structures ..................................................................98
13 Planning examination................................................................................................... of fatik
....................................................................................................................................... 1 05
14 Provisions................................................................................................................... for
planning......................................................................................... earthquake-resistant
........................................................................................................................ structures 1
..................................................................................................................................... 22


Standard planning structure steel to bridge Prepared by Committee Technique

Standardization of Construction and Buildings through the Bridge and Building Task Force
Building Complementary Road at Sub Committee Technique Standardization Field
Infrastructure Transportathe. This standard was initiated by the R&D Center. Transportation
Infrastructure, Agency R&D Ex. Department Settlements and Infrastructure Region.
This standard is a reference for bridge planners which is a refinement of the concept
of "Bridge Engineering Planning Regulation Section 7 – Structural Steel Planning
(BMS-1992)", which has been It was drafted in 1992 by the Directorate General of Bina
Marga, Department of Public Works.
In 2000, the Office of the Minister of State for Public Works had drafted the concept of Tata
Cara Planning Steel Structures for Bridges which refers to BMS-1992, AASHTO and
AUSTROAD. In 2003, the Road Bridge and Building Hall, Kimpraswil Research and
Development Center, made improvements to the concept and recommended that it be
submitted into the Indonesian National Standard (SNI).
The standard of planning steel structures for this bridge requires the fulfillment of minimum
provisions for planners in the design of bridge work in Indonesia, so that the structure
resulting from the work meets the requirements of safety, comfort, ease of implementation,
economical and aesthetic form. In addition to being a reference for bridge planners in
Indonesia, this standard is also expected to be useful as teaching materials at the
university level in the formation of human resources. reliable.
This writing procedure is prepared in the following BSN Guideline No. 8 of 2000 and
discussed in a consensus forum involving sources, experts and related institutions in the field
of steel technology and comprehensive design in the field of roads and bridges, aswell asthe
provisions of BSN Guidelines No. 9 in 2000.
RSNI T-03-2005

Planning steel structures for bridges

1 Scope

Steel Structure Planning Standards for this Bridge are used to plan highway bridges and
pedestrian bridges in Indonesia, which use steel materials with a span length of no more
than 100 meters.

This standard includes minimum requirements for planning, fabrication, installation and
modification of steel work on bridges and composite structures, with the aim of
producing steel structures that meet safety, service and durability requirements. How to plan
structural components used based on Load Planning and Factoring Power (PBKT).

2 Normative references

This procedure uses reference documents published by the Indonesian National Standard
(SNI) namely:

SNI 07-0052-1987, Steel canal with a round canai hot, quality and test method
SNI 07-0068-1987, Carbon steel pipe for general construction, quality and test method
SNI 07-0138-1987, Lightweight C canal steel
SNI 07-0329-1989, Steel shape I with a round canai hot, quality and test method
SNI 07-0358-1989-A, Steel, general regulation of inspection
SNI 07-0722-1989, Hot rolled steel for general construction
sni 07-0950-1989, Pipes and corrugated steel plates coated zinc
SNI 07-2054-1990, Steel elbow equal leg round canai hot, quality and test method SNI
07-2610-1992, Steel profile H welding results with filters for general construction
SNI 07-3014-1992, Steel for general engineering purposes
SNI 07-3015-1992, Hot steel for construction by welding
SNI 03-6861-2002, Specifications of part B building materials (building materials and

and includes all additional provisions in the form of guidelines and complementary
provisions of the above standards.

3 Terms and definitions

The terms and definitions used in the Steel Structure Planning Standards for
Bridges are as follows:

causes of voltage or deformation in the structure.

1 from
damage due to repeated voltage fluctuations leading to gradual cracks that occur in
structural elements.

hybrid hashtag
Steel girders with bodies and wings, or wings composed of steel that have different melting
voltage specifications.

Important bridge
Bridges on national roads, bridges with spans greater than 30 m and bridges
that are special in terms of the type of structure, material or implementation.

Other bridges
bridge on non-national roads with a span of no more than 30 m. The priority factor
can be taken as much as 1.25 for important bridges and 1 for other bridges.

detail category
determination given in certain details for indicationsof the use of the type of S-N curve in the
fatic approach. The category of details considers the concentration of local voltages in a
particular place, the size and shape of the maximum acceptable discontinuity, loading state,
metallurgical influence, residual voltage, welding method and any refinement after welding.
The number of detailed categories is determined by the fatic strength at 2,000,000 reloads
(cycles) in the S-N curve.

nominal loading incident
the order of loading for structural structures or elements. A single nominal loading event
can result in one or more repeated loads (cycles) depending on the type of load and the
point reviewed on the structure.

Nominal power
minimum mit ulti tensilestrength for a certain steel quality.

the power of the plan
multiplication of nominal strength by the power reduction factor.

tensile power
minimum ultimit pull strength specified for a particular steel quality.

S-N curve
a curve that determines the boundary relationship between the amount of repeating
voltage (cycle) and voltage variation for a category of details.
full penetration blunt weld
blunt welding where there is a union between the weld and the parent material along
the full depth of the joint.

welded partial penetration
blunt welding where the depth of penetration is smaller than the full depth of the joint.

angle welds are added on blunt welds.

actual length L of an axial-burdened element from the center to the meeting center
with the supporting element or the length of the cantilever in the case of the freestanding

planning based on Factoring Weights and Strengths.

planning based on Service Limits

fasteners without threads, made from round stems.

compact cross section
cross-section that can develop cross-sectional plastic bending power without buckling.

cross-section is not compact
cross-section on the part of the pressure fibers that will bend locally after reaching the
melting voltage before the hardening of the thread occurs. These parts have limited tactileity
and may not be able to develop the bending power of plastic.

effect of action or burden
style or moments of bending in the result of action or load.

effect of action or plan load
the effect of action or load calculated on the action or burden of the plan.

raw welding preparation
preparation of a standard connection as stated in the standard specification provisions
specified by the competent authority.
voltage cycle
one voltage cycle specified by the calculation of the voltage cycle.

repeating voltage (cycle)
A single voltage cycle is determined by repeated voltage calculations.

melting voltage
minimum melting date voltage specified in the specifications for a particular steel quality.

age of plan
the period at which the structure or structural elements must function without the need for

4 General requirements of steel structure planning

4.1 The age of the bridge plan

The life of the bridge plan is generally required to be 50 years, but for important bridges,
long-span bridges or specialties, it is required to have a plan life of 100 years.

4.2 Units used

This regulation uses the International Unit system.

4.3 General principles of planning

4.3.1 General basis of planning

Planning should be based on a procedure that provides a guarantee of comfort and

durability during the life of the bridge plan.

The strength planning of steel elements as components of bridge structures that are
taken into account against bending, shearing, axial,twists and their combinations, must be
based on the way of planning based on Baban and Factoror Power (PBKT).

As a comparison or other alternative can be used a means of planning based on

service baths for the planning of the strength of steel elements as components of bridge
structures in accordance with article 4.3.4.
In planning the strength of steel elements as components of bridge structures must pay
attention to the integrity factors of structural components as well as the overall structure
of the bridge, taking into account factors:
a. Continuity and redundancy.
b. The durability of the bridge structure components is guaranteed against damage
and instability according to the age of the planned bridge.
c. Aspects of external protection against the possibility of unplanned loads or
excess loads.
4.3.2 Assumptions and assumptions of planning

The strength planning of steel elements as components of bridge structures should be based
on the requirements applicable in this standard. In the planning must consider the influence
on the bridge that may occur, namely the condition of unplanned displanned displanned
as in conditions of war. Any kind of loading that may occur must be rationally foreseen in

For procedures and assumptions in planning and the magnitude of the burden of the plan
must follow thefollowingcourse:
a. The structure is planned to withstand all possible loads working.
b. Workload is calculated based on the magnitude of the action of the plan that works.
c. Wind and earthquake load planning, in which all parts of the structure that make
up the unit must be planned to withstand the total lateral load.
d. Other considerations are pre-hold force, craneload, vibration, shock, shrinking, frame,
temperature change, decrease difference, and other special loads that may

4.3.3 Planning based on load and factoring power (PBKT)

The planning of the components of the bridge structure should be based on the way the Load
and Power Factoring (PBKT) is planned, which must meet the safety criteria for all types of
internal forces. The power of rencana is nothing less than the influence of the action plan
as follows:

φ Rn 
impact of  γ i Qi (4.3-1)

where on the left side represents the strength of the plan of the cross-section of the bridge
structure components, which can be calculated from Rn (the amount of resistance or
nominal strength of the cross-section of the structural components) multiplied by a reduction
factor the strength of the φ;and the right side represents the impact of the ultimit limit or the
most harmful of the loads, which are calculatedbased on the combined addition of different
types of load Qi, each of which is given a load factor γi.

Pbkt planning is done to anticipate a condition of ultimit boundary, which occurs among
a. There was a local collapse in one or part of the bridge's structural components.
b. Loss of static balance due to collapse or failure in some structural components
or the entire structure of the bridge.
c. A full-elastic or full-buckling state in which one or more parts of the bridge
component reach a collapsed state.
d. Damage due to fatik and/or corrosion resulting in destruction.
e. Failure of the foundation that led to excessive shifting or collapse of the main
part of the bridge.

4.3.4 Planning based on service limits (PBL)

Planning based on Service Limits (PBL), which is generally limited by a permit voltage
value of the structural material, and/or a permit deformation value, or any other
behavior permitted in the compoundof the structureconcerned can be used for component
planning. bridge structure that prioritizes a working voltage restriction, such as for
planning against the bending of the components
Steel structures that are considered to fit the needs of their deformation behavior, or as an
alternative means of calculation.
Planning based on service limits (PBL) is done to anticipate a condition of the service limit,
among others:
a. The working voltage of a compounden bridge structure, which exceeds the
allowable voltage value, thus potentially resulting in decay in the steel
b. Permanent deformation of the structural components of the bridge, which exceeds
the deformation value of its permit, or other things that cause the bridge to be unfit
for service conditions, or things that cause general concern for the safety of the
bridge in service conditions due to workload.
c. Vibrations that occur that cause instability or other structural concerns to the safety
of the bridge in service conditions.
d. Permanent hazards include corrosion and fatik which reduces the strength of the
structure and the service life of the bridge.
e. Flood hazards in the area around the bridge.

4.3.5 Special method of perencanaan

When a rational planning analysis is proposed to replace the provisions of this standard,
or when it is proposed to deviate from the requirements used in this standard, especially for
a specific type or system of bridge structures, then the proposal and detailed analysis shall
be submitted to the competent authorities. with all the proof of truth.

Some general limitations and provisions for the planning of special bridge structures can
be seen in section 12, such special bridges include:
a. Bow bridge
b. Box girder bridge
c. Cable bridge
d. Suspension bridge

4.3.6 Method of analysis

Analysis of all boundary states shall be based on the assumptions of linear elastic, unless
non-linear means are specifically deemed necessary or indirectly stated in this standard,
and/or when approved by the competent.

In addition, the calculation of steel structure must also meet the following requirements:
a. Analysis of structural calculations must be done by means of standard engineering
b. When structural analysis is carried out using a special computer program, it is
necessary to convey an explanation of the principles and workflow of the
program in question.
c. Experiments on the component or overall structure of the bridge against a special
loading can be done when necessary to support theoretical analysis.
d. Analysis using mathematical models can be done, provided that the model can
indeed be applied to the structure of the bridge and can be proven to be true,
or has been tested for reliability in analyses. the previous structure.
4.4 Properties and characteristics of steel materials

4.4.1 Mechanical properties of steel

The mechanical properties of structural steel used in planning must meet the
minimum requirements given in table 1.

Table 1 Mechanical properties of structural steel

Type of Minimum break Minimum Minimum

Steel voltage, fu melting voltage, stretching
[MPa] fy [%]
BJ 34 340 210 22
BJ 37 370 240 20
BJ 41 410 250 18
BJ 50 500 290 16
BJ 55 550 410 13

Other mechanical properties of structural steel for planning purposes are set forth as follows:
Modulus elasticity: E = 200,000
MPa Shear modulus : G = 80,000
Poisson number : μ = 0.3
Expansion coefficient: α = 12  10-6 per C

4.4.2 Structural steel Steel acceptance requirements

A steel material test report from a plant authorized by an authorized agency may be
considered sufficient evidence to meet the requirements set out in this standard. Unidentified steel

Unidentified steel may be used as long as it meets the following conditions:

a. free from surface defects;
b. the physical properties of the material and its ease of welding does not reduce the
strength and service capabilities of its structure;
c. tested in accordance with applicable provisions. Tegangan melting (f y) for
planning should not be taken more than 170 MPa while the breaking voltage
(fu) should not be taken more than 300 MPa. Strain-tension curve

The tension-strain curve for reinforcement steel is taken under the provisions:
a. it is considered to have a form as derived from simplified equations from
the test results in the form of a bilinier
b. determined from adequate testing data
c. it is considered linear, with the modulus price of elasticity as given in sub-
article 4.4.1.
4.4.3 Connect tool Bolts, nuts and rings

Commonly used connect devices for steel structures are bolts, nuts and rings. High quality connect tool

High quality connectable tools can be used when they meet the following conditions:
a. its chemical composition and mechanical properties in accordance with applicable
b. The diameter of the rod, the fulcrum area of the bolt head, and the nut or its
successor, shall be greater than the face value set out in the applicable provisions.
Other sizes may be different;
c. The minimum tensile requirement of the connect tool is specified in table 2 below:

Table 2 Minimum bolt pull styles

Nominal diameter of Pull force minimum

bolt [mm] [kN]
16 95
20 145
24 210
30 335
36 490

4.4.4 Las

Welding materials and welding metals must be in accordance with applicable provisions. Sliding link of welded nail type

All shear links of welded nail types must be in accordance with applicable provisions. Haunted bolts

Imperious bolts that meet the provisions will be delivered fully on the preparation of detailed

4.5 Load and strength factors

4.5.1 Load factor and loading combination

For the amount of load and combination of loading, it is taken in reference to the Loading
Standard for Highway Bridges.

4.5.2 Strength reduction factor

The strength reduction factor, φ taken from the values that can be seen in Table 3.
Table 3 Power reduction factor for ultimit boundary state

Plan Situation Strength Reduction Factor, φ

a. Supple 0,90
b. Slide 0,90
c. Axial press 0,85
d. Axial pull
1. against strong melting date 0,90
2. against strong pull fractures 0,75
e. Sliding link 0,75
f. Bolt connection 0,75
g. Weld relationship
1. Full penetration blunt weld 0,90
2. Corner welding and partially penetrating 0,75
blunt weld

4.5.3 Strength of steel structure cross-section plan

Strength planning on a cross-section of all loading and inner force, i.e. bending, shear, axial,
and torque moments, must be based on nominal strength multiplied by the power reduction

4.6 Corrosion in steel structures

In the event that a steel structure on thebridge must face a corrosive environment, the steel
structure must be given protection against corrosion. The level of protection used should be
determined based on consideration of the function of the bridge, maintenance and
climatic/weather conditions and other local conditions.

4.7 Terms and restrictions on beams

4.7.1 Burden

The requirements and restrictions on the beam are calculated due to the burden of service,
namely the burden of life coupled with the shock load.

4.7.2 Beam

Beams on two pedestals or continuous girders, the maximum lendutan is 1/800  span.
Except on bridges in urban areas where some paths are used by pedestrians, the limit is
1/1,000  span.

4.7.3 Cantilever

Lendutan at the end of the cantilever should not exceed 1/300  cantilever length. Except on
bridges in areas where some paths are used by pedestrians, the limit is 1/375  span.

4.7.4 Cooperation between hashtags

If in the span there is a transverse frame or diaphragm between the girders that are stiff
enough to ensure lateral distribution of the load, then each girder
RSNI T-03-2005

it is considered to bear the same share of the load and the same arising charge for all

4.7.5 Moments of cross-sectional inertia

The moment of gross inertia is used to calculate the lendutan. If the girder is part of the
compositecross-section, then the service load is considered to be shouldered by a
composite cross-section.

4.7.6 Rod frame

The gross cross-section of each frame member is used to calculate the lendutan of the rod
skeletal girder. If the rod is made of an arrangement ofperforated-plateplates, then an
effective cross-sectional area should be taken by calculating the net volume (gross volume
reduced volume of the hole) divided by the axis distance to the axis of the hole.

4.7.7 Deviation

The requirements for restrictions on the above beams or girders may be exceeded at the
careful consideration of the planner.

4.8 Fire resistance

This article applies to steel structure components that are required to have a Fire
Resistance Level (TKA). For structure components and joints to be protected against fire,
the thickness of the protective material must be greater or at least equal to the
thickness required to produce a similar Structural Feasibility Period (PKS). with the
required TKA.

For structural components and connections that are not protected against fire, the ratio of
exposed surface area to mass (ksm) must be no greater than the ratio required to produce
a PKS equal to the required TKA.

5 Planning of tensile structure components

5.1 Strong requirements of pull and strong pull plan

The structural components that bear the factoring axial attraction, Nu, must meet:

Nu  φ Nn (5.1-1)

with Nn is the nominal pull strong whose magnitude is taken as the lowest value in
some of the equations below:

a. strong nominal pull based on fatigue on gross cross-section:

Nn = Agfy (5.1-2)

b. strong nominal attraction based on fractures on an effective cross-section:

Nn = Ae fu (5.1-3)

10 from
c. strong nominal attraction based on rupture planning on cross-section:

1. strong sliding nominal

Nn = 0.6 Aev fu (5.1-4)

2. strong pull of nominal

rupture: Nn = Aet fu (5.1-5)

3. strong pull and slide nominal

screws: a). for Aet fu ≥ 0.6 Aev


Nn = 0.6 Agv fy + Aet fu (5.1-6)

b). for 0.6 Aev fu ≥ Aet fu

Nn = 0.6 Anv fu + Agt fy (5.1-7)

With understanding:
Ag is the gross cross-sectional area, expressed in millimeters per facet, (mm2);
Agt is the gross cross-sectional area of attraction, expressed in millimeters per facet,
Agv is the gross cross-sectional area to shear, expressed in millimeters per facet, (mm2);
Aet is an effective cross-sectional area against drag, expressed in square
millimeters, (mm2);
Aev is an effective cross-sectional area against shear, expressed in square millimeters,
fy is the melting voltage, expressed in Mega Pascal (MPa);
fu is the drop tensile voltage, expressed in Mega Pascal (MPa).

The φ in the equation (5.1-1) is taken at 0.9 for the relationship with the equation (5.1-
2), and φ taken at 0.75 for the relationship with the equation (5.1-3)̧ (5.1-4), (5.1-
5), (5.1-6) and (5.1-7).

5.2 Effective cross-section

The effective cross-sectional area of structural components undergoing tensile force is

specified as follows:

Ae = AU (5.2-1)

With understanding:
A is the cross-sectional area according to sub-articles 5.2.1 to 5.2.4, expressed in
millimeters per facet, (mm2);
U is the reduction factor.
= 1 – (x/L)  0.90, or according to items 5.2.3 and 5.3.4.
x is the eccentricity of the connection, the distance perpendicular to the direction of the
tensile force, between the cross-sectional weight points of the components connected
with the junction plane, expressed in millimeters, (mm);
L is the length of the connection in the direction of the tensile force, i.e. the distance
between the two farthest bolts at a connection or the length of the weld in the direction
of the tensile force, expressed in millimeters, (mm).

5.3.1 Tensile case only channeled by bolts

When the tensile force is only channeled by bolts:

A = Ant (5.2-2)

Is the smallest net cross-sectional area between pieces 1-3 and pieces 1-2-3,
thick = t

Nu 1
u Nu

Figure 1 Pull force is only channeled by bolts

Pieces 1-3: Ant = Ag – n d t (5.2-3)

s 2t
Pieces 1-2-3: A  Ag  ndt  (5.2-4)
 4u

With understanding:
Ag is the gross cross-sectional area, expressed in millimeters per facet, (mm2);
t is a cross-sectional thickness, expressed in millimeters, (mm);
d is the diameter of the bolt hole, expressed in millimeters, (mm);
n is the number of holes in a single line of pieces.
s is the distance between the axis of the hole between two adjacent holes in the
parallel direction of the axis of the structural component, expressed in millimeters,
u is the distance between the axis of the hole in the perpendicular direction of the axis of the
structural component.

5.3.2 Tensile force case channeled by elongated weld

When the tensile force is only channeled by welding extends to structural components
that are not plates, or by a combination of elongated and transverse welding:

A = Ag (5.2-6)

A is the gross cross-sectional area of structural components, expressed in square

millimeters, [mm2].
5.3.3 Tensile force case channeled by transverse weld

If the tensile force is only channeled by transverse welding, then A in equation 5.2-1 is the
sum of the net cross-sectional area directly connected and U = 1.0.

5.3.4 The case of drag force is channeled by welds along two sides

When the tensile force is channeled to a component of the plate structure by welding along
both sides at the end of the plate, with l ≥ w:

A is the area of the (5.2-6)

for l  2w U = 1.00 (5.2-6a)

for 2w > l  1.5w U = 0.87 (5.2-6b)

for 1.5w  l  w U = 0.75. (5.2-6c)

With understanding:
l is the length of the welder, expressed in millimeters, (mm);
w is the width of the plate (or the distance between the welding axes), expressed in
millimeters, (mm).

The U value can be taken larger when it can be proven through testing or other acceptable
terms. For threaded stems, the net cross-sectional area is taken as large as the cross-
sectional area of the core.

5.3 Structural components are composed of two or more profiles.

5.3.1 Common

A structure of attraction composed of two or more main elements that are expected to
behave as a single entity must meet the requirements of the sub-article.
5.3.2 up to 5.3.4.

5.3.2 Plan load for the connection

If the components of the tensile structure are composed of two or more main elements, the
connection between the elements must be planned to be able to shoulder the force in due to
the working of the outer forces including the supple moment (if any). For diagonal bonding
rods, used beban factored plan or supple moment (if any). For the kopel plate, it should be
divided evenly between the connect fields that are parallel to the direction of the force.

5.3.3 The components of the tensile structure are composed of two

profiles that turn their backs on each other.

The components of the tensile structure are composed of two similar profiles that turn their
backs on each other either in direct contact or by the intercession of the kopel plate with
a qualifying distance, must meet the following conditions:

a. with welds or bolts on certain erval intsso that the slimness for each element
does not exceed 300; or
b. with such a planned connection system that the components of the structure are
divided into at least three equally long spans. The connection system must be
planned by assuming that along the structural components there is a latitude force of
0.02 times the axial force that works on the component of the structure.

5.3.4 Tensile structure components with diagonal ties

The components of the tensile structure are composed of two profiles connected by diagonal
bonds that must meet:

a. Maximum slimness and diagonal bond element is 200;

b. The slimness of the main components takes into account the distance between the
two adjacent diagonal bonds in the main components under review, no more than 240
for the main structural components, and no more than 300 for secondary

5.3.5 Tensile structure components with kopel plates

The components of the tensile structure are composed of two profiles associated with the coil
plate must meet:

a. The slimness of the main components taking into account the distance between
adjacent copel plates, no more than 240 for the main structural components, and no
more than 300 for secondary components;
b. The thickness of the connecting element is not less than 0.02 times the distance of
the connecting plate connection line with the main component;
c. The length of the kopel plate is not less than 0.67 times the distance between the
connection line of the kopel plate with the main component;
d. The coil plate connected with the bolt must use at least two bolts that are placed
elongated in the axis of the pull structure components.

5.4 Tensile structure component with pen connection

The components of the tensile structure with pen connections must be planned under article
5.1. The spliced components as in the figure below must meet the following additional

Thick  0.25 b1
ABb > An
Aaa + Acc  1.33 An

Figure 2 The components of the tensile structure with pen joints

a. The thickness of the structure component without a hooker that has a pen
connection hole must be greater than or equal to 0.25 times the distance
between the edge of the pen hole to the edge
structural components are measured in a direction perpendicular to the axis of the
structural components. This limitation does not apply to the thickness of the layers
that make up the components of the pull structure that are merged using bolts;
b. The area of the slice at the end of the pull structure component outside the pen
hole, parallel, or inside an angle of 45 of the axis of the pull structure component,
must be greater or equal to the net area required by the pull structure component;
c. The amount of area of a pen hole, on perpendicular pieces of the pull component
axis, shall be greater than or equal to 1.33 times the net area required by the pull
structure component;
d. Pen plates planned to enlarge the net area of the r receipt components, or to
increase the carrying capacity of the pen, must be arranged so as not to cause
eccentricity and must be planned capable of channeling the force from the pen to
the tensile structure component.

The end of the structural component with other shapes must be calculated with
acceptable analysis.

5.5 Structural components that receive tensile forces with connections located
unsymmetrical to the axis of the connected component

Structural components that receive tensile forces with connections located unsymmetrical to
the axis of the connected component must be planned according to section 7.

6 Press structure component planning

6.1 Planning due to press force

A structural component that undergoes concentric compressive force due to factoring

load, N u, must meet the following requirements:

a. Nu  φn Nn (6.1-1)

with understanding:
φ is the reduction factor in accordance with Sub-article 4.5.2
Nn is the nominal compressive strength of the compressive structure component
specified under Sub-chapters 6.2 and 6.3, expressed in Newton (N).

b. Comparison of slimness:

1. slimness of cross-sectional elements (see Table 4) < λr (6.1-2a)

2. slimness of compressive components, λ  k  (6.1-2b)

c. Components of press structures whose cross-sectional elements have a greater

width-to-thick ratio of the value λr specified in table 4 must be planned with
acceptable rational analysis.
Table 4 Maximum ratio of width to thickness for distressed elements

Element Types  Maximum ratio of width to thickness

λp λr (not-compact)
I-beam wing plates and b/t 170 370
canals in bending [c] [e]
fy fy 
Hybrid I-beam b/t 170 420
wingplate or f yf (f  f r ) / ke
arranged in welds in
Wing plates of b/t - 290
structural components [f]
fy /
are arranged in ke
press down
Wings are free from b/t - 250
twin elbow profiles fy
fused to other wings,
wing plates of canal
structure components
in axial press, elbow
profiles and plates
fused with beams or
structural components
press down

Wings of a single b/t - 200

elbow profile on fy
the support, wings of a
double elbow profile
with a co-sling plate
on the
support, an unadulted
element, i.e.
Concentrated on one
Body plate of profile T d/t - 335
Table 4 Maximum ratio of width to thickness for Distressed
(advanced) elements

Element Types λ Maximum ratio of width to thickness

λp (compact) λr (not-compact)
Wing plates of the b/t 500 625
rectangular cross fy fy
section and
hollow longitude witha
uniform thickness
that is weighed
bending or pressed;
the closing plate of the
wing plate and
diaphragm plate are
between bolts or
Unfettered width of b/t - 830
the plate fy
perforated cover [b]
Plate parts h/tw 1,680 2,550
body in press [c] [g]
fy fy
due to bending [a]
Body plate parts in a h/tw To 2. 5 50  0,74N u 
Nu 1  [g]
combination of press  0,125 [c] f y  φb N y 
and bending  
φb N y
1. 6 80 
2,75Nu 
1  
fy 

φb N y 

 0.125 [c]
φb N y 665
5 00  Nu 
 2.33   fy
fy φb N y
 
Other elements that are b/t - 665
nailed in pure press; h/tw fy
That is
It's stretched along
both sides.
D/t [d]
Hollow round cross
section - 22,000/fy
 On axial press 2.800/fy 62.000/fy
 On bending

[a] For hybrid beams, use the melting voltage of the wing plate fyf as fy.
[b] Take the net area of the plate on the largest hole.
[c] It is considered an inelastic Rotation capacity of 3.
For structures in High zones, Greater Rotation capacity is required. For plastic
[d] planning use 9,000/fy.
[e] fr = residual Compress voltage on the Wing plate.
= 70 Mpa for cross-section of scrolls.
= 115 Mpa for Welded Cross section.
[f] 4k e  ; 0.35  ke  0.763
[g] fy is the tminimum
w melting voltage (expressed in Mega Pascal [MPa] units)

6.2 Strong press down nominal result bend Supple

The nominal press strength due to buckling, Nn, of the components of the compressive
structure with its cross-sectional elements has a width-thick ratio, λ r, smaller than
specified in Table 4, specified as follows:

N  (0,66cλ2 )
for  1.5 (6.2-1)
An f g y

Ag f y for  1.5 (6.2-2)
λ2 c

Lk c
λc  r (6.2-3a)
Lk = kcL (6.2-3b)

With understanding:
Ag is the gross cross-sectional area, expressed in millimeters, (mm);
fy is the melting voltage, expressed in Mega Pascal, (MPa);
λc is the slimness parameter
kc is the buckling length factor forthe structural components
of the frame bridge can be in Figure 3. L is the
theoretical length of the column, expressed in millimeters, (mm);
E is the modulus of elasticity of steel material, expressed in Mega Pascal (MPa).
Figure 3 Effective length factor

6.3 Strong press plan due to flexing bends

Strong press plan due to bend-bending twist, φ Nnlt, from the components of the
compressive structure consisting of double-elbow or T-shaped, with the cross-sectional
elements having a width-thick ratio, λr, smaller than specified In Table 4, it must meet:

Nu ≤ φn Nnlt (6.3-1a)

Nnlt = Ag fclt (6.3-1b)

 fCry  fcrz  
fclt    1
 (6.3-1c)
 1  4fCry 
2H fcrzrz 2 
 
GJ f (6.3-1d)
fcrz 

I x  I y
r  x 2
 y 2,
0 0 0
 2 2

H  1  x 00y  (6.3-1f)
 2 
 r0 

with understanding:
Ag is the gross cross-sectional area, expressed in millimeters, (mm);
r0 is the radius of polar girasi against the shear center
x 0,y0 is the coordinates of the center of the slide against the heavy point, x0= 0 for the
double elbow and T profile (symmetrical y-axis axis)
fcry is calculated according to the equation (6.2.2), for the bend of flexing against the
weak axis y-y, using the price c, which is calculated by the formula:

λc  (6.3-1g)

y y

with Lky is the length of buckling in the directionπ of

E the weak y-y axis.
6.4 Structural components are arranged prismatis with elements connected by
transverse plates and carrying a centric force.

a. Structural components composed of several elements that are united at all lengths
can be counted as components of a single structure;
b. In composed structural components consisting of several elements connected in certain
places, its strength must be calculated against the material axis and the free axis of the
material. The material axis is the axis that cuts all the elements of the material's
strcomponent; whereas, the free axis of the material is the axis that does not at all, or
only cuts a portion of the component elements of that structure.
The material axis is the axis that cuts all the elements of the structural component (see
Figure 5).
c. Slimness in the direction of the straight k ofthe x-x axis is calculated by the equation:

λx 

With understanding:
Lkx is the length of the bend of the structural component arranged in a perpendicular
direction with regard to the existing lateral restraints, and the condition of the clamps
of the ends of the structural components, expressed in millimeters, (mm);
rx is the girara radius of structural components arranged against the x-x axis, expressed in
millimeters, (mm);

In the direction perpendicular to the free axis of the y-ymaterial, it must be calculated the
slimness of idiil λiy with the equation:

 λ2y m2l (6.4-2)

λLKy (6.4-3)

λl  (6.4-4)

With understanding:
m is a constant as stated in Figure 7
Lky is the length of the bend of the structural component arranged in the perpendicular
direction of the y-y axis, taking into account the existing lateral restraints, and the
condition of the clamps of the ends of the structural components, expressed in
millimeters, (mm);
ry is the girara radius ofthe tour receipt componentarranged against the y-y axis, expressed
in millimeters, (mm);
Lis the space between the copel plates in the direction of the components of the compressive
structure, expressed in millimeters, (mm);
rmin is the girara radius of the structural component element arranged against the axis
that gives the smallest value (l-l axis), expressed in millimeters, (mm).

In order for the equation (6.4-2) to be used, the following conditions must be met:
1. Kopel plates divide the components of the structure arranged into several parts that
are equal in length or can be considered the same length;
2. The number of divisions of minimum structural components is 3;
3. The relationship between the copel plate and the component elements of the compressive
structure must be rigid;
4. The copel plate should be stiff enough, so that it meets the equation:

 10
I (6.4-5)


With understanding:
Ip is the moment of inertia of the kopel plate; for the kopel plate upfront and behind the
the thickness of t and the 1 3,
I p  2 th mm
height of h, then 12

Il is the moment of inertia of the structural component element against the l-l axis, mm4
a is the distance between the two center of the weight point cross-section of structural
component elements (Figures 4 and 5), expressed in millimeters, (mm).

1 1
x x
Pot ongan 1- 1

Figure 4 Distance between the two center of the weight point cross section of
structural components
y y
1 1 y y
1 1

x x

x x x x x x 1

1 1
y y
a a
1 M=2
M=2 M=2 M=2

(a) (b) (c) (d)

y y
1 1

x x x x

y 1 y 1
aa a a a

Figure 5 Axis that cuts all elements of the structure component

d. Using equations (6.2-1) or (6.2-2), a strong nominal press is obtained based on

the smallest value by:

λc  Lf (6.4-6a)

x y

λc  (6.4-6b)
yx y

e. Furthermore, the planning of the components of this structure is calculated according
to the equation (6.1-1);
f. To maintain the stability of the cross-sectional
y elements of structure components
arranged, the prices λx and λiy in the equation (6.4-1) and (6.4-2) must meet:

λx  1,2λl (6.4-7a)

λiy  1,2λl (6.4-7b)


λl  50 (6.4-7c)

g. The copel plates must be calculated assuming that at all lengths the components
of the structure are arranged it works a latitude of:
Du = 0.02 Nu (6.4-8)

with Nu,is the strong press needing structural components arranged due to factoring
loads. The above assumption should not be used when the components of the structure
under review are burdened by the perpendicular forces of the axis of the structural
component or encumbered by the moment. So it does not apply to components of an
arranged structure whose load is not just press centric. In this case the components of
the structure must be planned against the largest latitude force among which is
calculated by the equation (6.4-8) above and the actual latitude force occurs.

6.5 Structural components are composed of is prisms with elements connected

by diagonal elements and carrying a centric force.

a. To calculate the slimness of composed components connected by diagonal elements

as in Figures 6a, 6b, 6c, and 6d, equations (6.4-1), (6.4-2), and (6.4-3) apply with:

λl  π A
A l

with understanding: L
λl is the slimness of composed components connected
a by diagonal elements.
A is the cross-sectional area of structure components
2 arranged, expressed in
millimeters per facet, (mm2);
Ad is the cross-sectional area of the diagonal element, expressed in millimeters per facet,
Ld is the length of the diagonal element, expressed in millimeters, (mm);
Ll is the length of the structural components at both ends that are bounded by the
connecting element, expressed in millimeters, (mm);
a is the distance between the two centers of the heavy point of the structural component
element, expressed in millimeters, (mm);
z is the constant listed on each image (Figure 6).

Ll Ll Ll Ll
Ll Ld Ll Ld
Ll Ld
Ll Ld
Ll Ll

Z=2 Z=2 Z=4 Z=4 Z=2

(a) (b) (c) (d) (e)

Figure 6 Slimness of composed components connected by diagonal

In the components of the structure arranged connected with diagonal elements as seen
in Figure 6e, the equation applies:

λl  π A A

d 3 (6.5-2)
ZaL 2ah
L l a Al
with Ah is the cross-sectional area of one horizontal
L connecting element.

b. The buckling coefficients ωx and ωiy can further be determined from the prices λ x and
λiy, so that the strength check can be carried out in accordance with the equations (6.1-1)
and (6.4-6);

c. Strong need for diagonal element, Su, calculated by equation:

Su  Du
n sin

With understanding:
Du is the latitude force due to the factoring load, expressed in newton, (N);
n is the number of diagonal elements in a horizontal piece;
α is the angle between a diagonal and vertical element, expressed in degrees,

6.6 Structure components that do not have a material axis

a. The idiil slimness of the structural components is composed of the x-axis and they-
axis is calculated as follows:

 λ2x m2l (6.6-1a)

λiy  * (6.6-1b)
λ2y mλ2l
 2 or (6.5-2) and values m
Price λl get Calculated with equation (6.4-4) or (6.5-1)
and m* listed in Figure 7.
m=2 l y m=2
l m=2
x x x x x
y y
a m*=2 a
m*=2 m*=2
(a) (b
) y (c)
l y l
m=2 m=2
x x
x a x
a y

m*=2 m*=4
(d) (e)

Figure 7 The irregularity of the structural components is arranged

with the values m and m*

b. Using equations (6.2-1) or (6.2-2), a strong nominal press is obtained based on

the smallest value in accordance with the modification of the equation (6.4-6) by:

λc 

Lx f
λc  πE
y y
πI E
Furthermore the power check can be calculated
according to the equation (6.1-1).
c. To ensure the stability of structural components,
I the prices λix, and λiy in the
equation (6.6-1) must meet: y

λix  1,2λ1 (6.6-3a)

λiy  1,2λ1 (6.6-3b)


λ1  50 (6.6-3c)

d. As in item 6.4.7, in components of composed structures that do not have a material

axis, it should be considered to work latitude in both directions of the cross-
sectional axis:
Dxu = 0.02 Nu (6.6-4a)
Dyu = 0.02 Nu (6.6-4b)

6.7 Structural components are arranged whose distance between them is equal to the
thickness of the kopel plate

a. The structure component is composed of two elbow steels as in Figures 8a and

8b, only need to be calculated against the bend in the direction of the material axis

b. If the structural component consists of two elbow steels not the same foot as in
Figure 8b then the following approach equation can be used:

rx = 0.87r0 (6.7-1)

with r0 are the radius of cross-sectional girasi of structural components arranged against the 0-0
axis. A more thorough formula can always be used.

o y
x y x y l y
l l

x x x
y y
x x
l o y l y
l l
a) b) c) d)

Figure 8 Components of the structure are arranged whose distance between

them is equal to the thickness of the kopel plate

c. The structure component consisting of two steel profiles as in Figures 8c and 8d,
needs to be calculated against the bend in the direction + of the free axis of the material
and the direction of the material axis;

d. For structural components arrangedin order to figures 8c and 8d, then λ iy can be taken
equal to λy;

e. Furthermore, the calculation of strength can be done in accordance with the equation
(6.1-1) with regard to the conditions of the length of buckling.

6.8 Non-prismmatic structural components with centrist press force

a. The component of the structure, whose cross-section enlarges into the center of the
span, can be counted as a component of the prism structure with giractic radius of the
largest cross-section and the length of the bend idiil (see Figure 9a) of:

Lki = clL (6.8-1a)

b. If there is a possibility of buckling in the direction of x and y,it should be checked with
the length of the bend idiil:
Lkix = clxL (6.8-1b)
Lkiy = clyL (6.8-1c)

c. Price cl, clx, cly for structural components with both ends jointed whose cross-
section changes abruptly as in Figure 9b listed in Table 5;

a) b)

Figure 9 Components of a non-prismmatic structure with a

centrist press force

Table 5 Values cl,clx,and cly for Figure 9b

0,4 2,60 1,90 1,40 1,20 1,10 1
0,3 2,10 1,56 1,30 1,12 1,08 1
0,2 1,50 1,22 1,12 1,08 1,04 1
0,1 1,10 1,06 1,04 1,02 1,01 1
0 1 1 1 1 1 1

d. The values c l, clx, cly for structural components with a thick, bruised cross-section
change linearly as in Figure 10, listed in Table 6.

x x

B B x x

(a) (b)

Figure 10 Values cl,clx,andcly for structural components with a thick

cross-section and width change linearly
Table 6 Values cl, clx,and cly for Figure 10

0,5 1,43 1,28 1,15 1,08 1,03 1
0,4 1,27 1,18 1,09 1,05 1,02 1
0,3 1,14 1,08 1,04 1,02 1,01 1
0,2 1,04 1,03 1,02 1 1 1
0,1 1 1 1 1 1 1
0 1 1 1 1 1 1

e. For structural components with a cross-section whose width changes linearly, while
the thickness remains, as in Figure 11, the prices clx,and cly are listed in Tables 11a and

x x


B B xx x

(a) (b)

Figure 11 Structural components with a cross-section that is linearly

changed in width

Table 7a Value clx for Figure 11

0,5 1,23 1,18 1,12 1,07 1,03 1
0,4 1,14 1,12 1,07 1,04 1,02 1
0,3 1,07 1,05 1,04 1,02 1,01 1
0,2 1,03 1,02 1,02 1 1 1
0,1 1 1 1 1 1 1
0 1 1 1 1 1 1
Table 7b Value cly for Figure 10

0,5 1,40 1,27 1,15 1,08 1,04 1
0,4 1,20 1,16 1,09 1,05 1,03 1
0,3 1,13 1,08 1,05 1,03 1,02 1
0,2 1,04 1,03 1,02 1 1 1
0,1 1 1 1 1 1 1
0 1 1 1 1 1 1

f. In Tables 5, 6, 7a, and 7b, I1 is the moment of end cross-sectional inertia and I2 is the
moment of middle cross-section inertia. To bend in the direction of the x-axis,the
moments of inertia are Iy1, and Iy2. To bend in the direction of they-axis, the moment of
inertia is Ix 1 and Ix2;

g. For the values Le/L and I1/I2 that are among the values listed in those tables, the
values cl, clx, cly are determined by interpolation;

h. In the case of buckling checks against the x-axis and y-axis;

λ kix 
rx 2

λ kiy 
L (6.8-1e)
ry 2

The value of the buckling coefficient ω is determined from the largest λ value;

i. Furthermore, the calculation of the strength of the overall structure can be done in
accordance with the equation (6.1-1) with regard to the conditions of the length of the

6.9 Columns on the portal building

In addition to meeting the requirements of this section, structural components that receive
axial press forces or a combinations of bending and axial press must also meet the
requirements set out in section 7.
7 Planning of bending structural components

7.1 Planning for bending

7.1.1 Common

In this section the strong axis is the maximum main axis and is also called the x-axis,while
the weak axis is theminimum main axis and is also called they-axis.

7.1.2 Bending moments against strong axes

A structural component that bears a bending moment against a strong axis(x-axis),and

analyzed by elastic methods, must meet:

M ux  φ M n (7.1-1)

With understanding:
Mux is the factored bending moment against the x-axis, expressed in newton
millimeters (N-mm);
φ is the reduction factor = 0.90;
Mn is the nominal strength of the cross-sectional bending moment; Mn is taken a value
smaller than the nominal strong cross-section for the bending moment against the axis-x
specified by sub-article 7.2, or the nominal strength of the structure component for
the supple moment against the x-axis specified by sub-article 7.3 on the regular beam,
or 7.4 specifically for the beam Full-walled plates, expressed in newton millimeters

7.1.3 Moment of bending against weak axis

A structural component that bears a bending moment against a weak axis (y-axis), and
analyzed by an elastic method must meet:

M uy  φ M n (7.1-2)

With understanding:
Muy is the factored bending moment against the y-axis, expressed in newton
millimeters (N-mm);
Mn is the strong nominal bending cross-section against the y-axis specified in sub-
chapter 7.2, expressed in newton millimeters (N-mm).

7.1.4 Plastic analysis

A structural component analyzed by the plastic method must qualify as follows:

a. Compact-looking (see Table 4);
b. Meets L  Lp (see Table 8), where L is the length of the span between two
adjacent lateral restraints;
c. Comply with sub-article 7.10.6;
d. Meet the following requirements:
Mu  φ M n

With understanding:
Mu is the factored bending moment against the y-axis, expressed in newton millimeters
Mn is the strong nominal bending cross-section specified in sub-article 7.2, expressed
in newton millimeters (N-mm).

7.1.5 Bending moment against any axis (not the main axis)

a. A structural component that, due to restraint, flexes on an axis that is not its main axis
must meet the provisions of article 7.16;
b. A component of a structure that is untended flexes against an axis that is not its main
axis must meet the provisions of article 7.16.

7.1.6 Combination of bending with shear or axial style

a. A structural component burdened with a combination of bending and shear force

shall meet the provisions of articles 7.1 and 7.9;
b. A structural component that is burdened with a combination oflen tour and axial press
force or attraction must meet the provisions of article 7.16.

7.2 Strong nominal bending cross-section with local buckling influence

7.2.1 Moment limits

a. The meltingmoment My is a bending moment that causes the cross-section to begin to

experience a melting voltage that is taken equal to fyS and S is an elastic cross-section
modulus determined according to sub-article 7.2.1(d);
b. The strong plastic bending Mp bending moment that causes the entire braid pen
toexperiencea melting voltage must be taken smaller than fyZ or 1.5 My, and Z is the
plastic cross-section modulus specified in sub-section 7.2.1(d);
c. The buckling boundary moment Mr is taken equal to S(fy - fr)and fr is the residual voltage;
d. Elastic and plastic cross-section modulus calculations should be done as precisely as
possible taking into account the presence of holes, differences in melting voltage in the
hybrid cross-section, the location of the tensile and press plates, and the
direction/bending axis reviewed in such a way that the resulting strong moment is within
the limits of acceptable precision.

7.2.2 Cross-sectional slimness

The notion of a compact, non-compact, and slender cross-section ofa structure that bears
bending, determined by the slimness of its compressive elements specified in Table 4.

7.2.3 Compact cross-section

For cross-sections that meet λ  λp,strong nominal bending cross-section is

Mn  M p (7.2-1a)
With understanding:
Mp is a bending moment that causes the entire cross-section to experience a melting
voltage called a plastic bending moment, expressed in newton millimeters (N-mm).

7.2.4 Cross-section is not compact

For cross-sections that meet λp  λ  λr, the strong nominal bending cross-section is
specified as follows:
M  M  (M  λ 
λMp ) (7.2-1b)
n p p r
λr  λp

with understanding:
Mp is a bending moment that causes the entire cross-section to experience a melting
voltage also called a cross-sectional plastic bending moment, expressed in newton
millimeters (N- mm);
Mr is the bend boundary moment, Mcr,if λ=λr, expressed in newton millimeters (N-mm);
λ is the slimness parameter;
λr is the maximum limit of slimness parameters for an incompediator section;
λp is the maximum limit of slimness parameters for compact cross-sections.

7.2.5 Slim cross section

For wing plates that meet λ ≥ λr, strong nominal bending cross-section is,

M  M (λ / λ) 2
n r (7.2-1c)

For body plates that meet λ ≥ λr strong nominal cross-section is specified in article

7.3 Strong nominal bending cross-section with lateral buckling influence

7.3.1 Moment limits

a. For body plates that meet λ ≥ λr with λ=h/tw strong nominal cross-sectional bending
specified in article 7.4;
b. Limitations My, Mp, and Mr are embraced in accordance with sub-article 7.2.1;
c. The critical moment Mcr specified can be taken as follows:
1. To profile-I and canal Double:

π 
M cr  EIy GJπE y (7.3-1a)
Cb  I 2
L w

2. For solid or hollow box profiles:

M cr  2C (7.3-1b)
b J
with understanding :
E is the modulus of steel elasticity, expressed inr Mega Pascal (MPa);
Iy is the moment of inertia on the y-axis, (mm4); y
G is a steel shear modulus, expressed in Mega Pascal (MPa);
L is the length of the span between two lateral restraints, expressed in millimeters,
Iw is the warping constant, (mm6);
J is the torque constant, (mm4);
ry is the gira radius on the y-axis, expressed in millimeters, (mm).

d. The multiplier factor of moment Cb is determined by the equation (7.3-1c):

12.5M max
C 
2.5M Ma  3A  4M  3M C

With understanding:
Mmax is the absolute maximum moment on the span reviewed and MA, MB,and MC are the
absolute moments at 1/4 of the span, middle of the span, and 3/4 of the span of the
structure components reviewed.

7.3.2 Lateral restraint

The strong structural component in carrying the bending moment depends on the length of
the span between two adjacent lateral restraints, L. The boundaries of the lateral restraint
span are specified in Table 7.3-1.

7.3.3 Short span

For structural components that meet L  Lp nominally strong structural components against
the bending moment is

Mn  M p (7.3-2a)

7.3.4 Medium span

For structural components that meet Lp  L  Lr,the nominal strength of the structural
component against the bending moment is

M (
M   M) Lr  L  (7.3-2b)
n Cb M r  M  p
p r
 Lr  Lp 

With understanding:
L is the length of the span between two lateral restraints against the lateral displacement of
the pressing wing, or between two restraints to hold the piece against a twist,
expressed in millimeters, (mm).
7.3.5 Long span

For structural components that meet L Lr, the nominal strength of the structural
component against bending is

M n  M cr  M p (7.3-2c)

The critical moment Mcr is determined based on equations 7.3-1.

Table 8 Span length for lateral restraint

Profil Lp Lr
E  X 1

r 1  1  X
Profile-I and 1.76r 2
dual channels
fy f
y   2 L
 L f
r fL = fy - fr
X 1 S 2
 2 I
X 2  4  w
 GJ y I
Solid or hollow box 0,13Er 2Er
y y
profile M P Mr

7.4 Strong bending nominal full walled plate beam

7.4.1 Moment limits

a. Full walled plate beams in this case are beams that have a size of h /tw >
λr. The nominal bending strength of the structural components is expressed with

M n  K g Sfcr (7.4-1a)

The coefficient of the full-walled plate beam, Kg is specified as follows:

K 
ar 1   h (7.4-1b)
2.550 
g   
1.200  r t
 w

300a C

With understanding:
S is a cross-sectional modulus, expressed in cubic millimeters, (mm3);
fcr is the critical voltage specified in sub-articles 7.4.3, 7.4.4 or 7.4.5, expressed
in mega pascal (MPa);
ar is the ratio of the area of the body plate to the press wing plate;
h is the net height of a full-walled beam (twice the distance from the neutral line to the
starting place between the connecting devices on the press side), expressed in
millimeters, (mm).

b. The multiplier factor of moment Cb is determined by the equation (7.3-1c).

7.4.2 Strong bending based on faktor slimness

For strong bending beams the full walled plate is taken the smallest value of the collapse due
to the bend of lateral torque that depends on the length of the span and the result of local
buckling determined by the thickness of the wing plate. Slimness factor based on span length

The slimness factor based on the length of the span is expressed by the equation,

λG  L / r t

With understanding:
L is the distance between lateral restraints, expressed in millimeters, (mm);
rt is the girara radius of the wing plate area plus one-third of the body plate
part that undergoes pressure, expressed in millimeters, (mm).

The limits of slimness are:

λp  (7.4-2b)
1.76 E

λr  4,40 E
y Slimness factor based on the thickness of the wing plate

The slimness factor based on the thickness of the wing plate is expressed by the equation,

λG (7.4-2d)
 2t
With understanding:
bf is the width of the wing plate, expressed in millimeters, (mm);
tf is the thickness of the wing plate, expressed in

millimeters, (mm). The limits of slimness are

λ p  0,38 E
λr  1,35 k
e (7.4-2f)

with ke  4
and 0.35 ≤ ≤ 0.763
h ke

7.4.3 Case λG ≤w λp

Structural components that meet λG  λp then

fcr = fy (7.4-3)

7.4.4 Case λp ≤ λG ≤ λr

Structural components that meet λp  λG  λr, then

fcr  C f (λG  λ )
 f y
1 
b y (7.4-4)

 2(λ r  λ p )

7.4.5 Case λr ≤ λG

Structural components that meet λr  λG then

 λ 2
fcr  f r (7.4-5a)
λ G

Cb f
f yc 2 f (7.4-5b)

if determined by the bend of lateral torque (Sub-article; or

fc 
2 (7.4-5c)

if determined by local buckling (Sub-article

7.5 Other cases

7.5.1 Calculation limits

The calculations specified in articles 7.2, 7.3, and 7.4 apply to general cases, symmetrical,
prismatis, and ideal conditions of loading, laying, and restraint using simplifications.

7.5.2 How to calculate

If higher rigor or for cases not covered by sub-article 7.5.1 is required, then the means of
calculation to determine the strength of nominal bending can be done using standard
analysis or other acceptable references and do not conflict with the provisions in the This

7.6 Body plates

7.6.1 Requirement

a. The size and arrangement of full-walled plate beams, including transverse and
elongated hookers, shall meet sub-article 7.7;
b. Body plates experiencing shearing force must meet sub-article 7.8;
c. Body plates that experience sliding force and supple moments must meet article 7.9;
d. Body plates undergoing fulcrum must meet sub-article 7.10;
e. The fulcrum and tip-pole must meet sub-chapter 7.11;
f. Transverse confessor in the middle must fulfill sub-article 7.12;
g. The elongated confessor shall meet sub-article 7.13;
h. For cases that are not covered in the above items, other rational analysis can be

7.6.2 Definition of body plate panels

Body plate panels with a thickness (tw) should be considered to include the area of the
plate that is not nailed to the size in an elongated direction, a,and the size in the direction
of the beam height, h. The boundaries of the body plate are wing plates, elongated hookers,
vertical hookers, or free edges.

7.6.3 Minimum thickness of body plate panels

Unless carefully analyzed to produce a smaller size, the thickness of the body plate panel
must meet sub-articles 7.7.1, 7.7.4, 7.7.5, and 7.7.6.

7.7 Body plate planning

7.7.1 Unspeted body plates

The thickness of the body plate that is not nailed and limited on either side of the lengthening
by the wing plate must meet the

h / tw  
If b/t and h/tw be 75% from condition border so Used equation :

 
h  4.68b
6.24  E (7.7-1b)
 
tw  tf  f
With understanding:
t w is the thickness of the body plate of steel profile, expressed in millimeters, (mm);
h is the net height of the steel profile wing plate, expressed in millimeters, (mm).
b is the width of the wing plate, expressed in millimeters, (mm);
tfis the thickness of the wing plate, expressed in millimeters, (mm).

7.7.2 Load-lifting hooker

The load-bearing vessel should be given in pairs at the loading place if the compressive
fulcrum channeled through the wing plate exceedsthe firm plan(φRb) of the body plate
specified in sub-articles 7.10.3, 7.10.4, 7.10.5 atau 7.10.6.

7.7.3 Side amplifier plate

Additional side booster plates can be given to increase the strength of the body plate. If it
becomes unsymmetrical, then its effect should be considered. The calculation of the shear
force received by the presence of this plate is a form so that it does not exceed the
amount of horizontal force that can be channeled by the connect device to the body plate and
wing plate.

7.7.4 Body plate with vertical hooker

The thickness of the body plate with a vertical hoist but without an elongated hoist must meet

 h/t w  if 1.0  a h  (7.7-2)

 7.07 E

a / t   E (7.7-3)
if 0,74  a h 
7,07 f 1,0
w y

h /t w  if a h  0,74 (7.7-4)
 9.55 f

All body plates that have a/h > 3.0 must be considered non-embesible, with h
It is the largest panel height in the area.

7.7.5 Body plate with elongated and vertical hooker

The thickness of the elongated body plate that is placed on one side or on either side
at a distance of 0.2h from the press wing plate must meet:

h / tw   E
8,83 if 1.0  a h 
f 3,0

a / t   E
8,83 f if 0.74  a h 
h / tw   if a h  (7.7-5c)
12.02 0.74

Thickness Plate body with confessor elongated addition that Placed at wrong one side or at
second side Plate body at axis neutral must meet:

h / tw   E
if a h  (7.7-5d)
14.14 f 1,5

7.7.6 Plate thickness for plastically analyzed structural components

The thickness of the body plate that has plastic joints must meet

h / tw   (7.7-6a)
Confessor the comps burden must Installed if exist style fulcrum or style Slide that work
deep distance h/2 from location joint Plastic and burden necessary fulcrum or style slide
needs to pass 0,l strong times slide plan (φVf) a specified component with sub-article 7.8.3.

These hookers shall be placed within h/2of theplastic joint location in both plastic joints and
shall be planned inaccordance with article 7.11 to assume a greater force between the
fulcrum or shear force. If the confessor is made of a straight plate, its rigidity(λ) as defined
in sub-article 7.2.2, using the melting voltage of the nail, shall be smaller than the plasticity
limit(λp) specified in sub-chapter 7.2.2.
For the cross-section of the pipe, then the thickness must meet

D / t   0,045 E
D is the diameter of the pipe and the t thickness of the pipe.

7.7.7 Holes in body plates

Except for beams with castles, holes in the body plate may not be nailed as long as the size
of the largest inner hole (Lw) meets one of the following conditions:

Lw d  0.10 (for body plates without elongated hookers), or (7.7-7a)

Lw d  0.33 (for body plates with elongated hookers) (7.7-7b)

The elongated distance between the boundaries of adjacent holes is at least three times
greater than the size of the largest inner hole. In addition, only one perforated part can be
without a confessor, unless the results of the analysis show that the gaku is not
The planning of beams with castles or beamswith holes
must be based on rational analysis.

7.8 Strong slide body plate

7.8.1 Strong slide

Body plates that bear the factoror shear force (Vu) must meet:

Vu  (7.8-1)

With understanding:
Vu is the factoring shear force, expressed in newton, (N);
φ is a reduction factor in accordance with Sub-articles 4.5-2;
Vn is the nominal shear strength of the body plate based on Sub-article 7.8.2, expressed in
newton, (N).

7.8.2 Strong nominal shear

The strength of the nominal shear (Vn) body plate should be taken as specified below:
a. If the maximum ratio of height to the thickness of the panel h/tw meets;

h / tw   (7.8-2a)

with understanding :
5 y
kn  5 (7.8-2b)
 a

The nominal shear strength of the body plate shall be taken as specified in sub-
article 7.8.3.

b. If the maximum ratio of height to the thickness of the panel h/tw meets;

1,10 k h   (7.8-2c)
/t w 1.37 n
Strong Slide nominal Plate body
y Determined deep sub-article 7.8.4.

c. If the maximum ratio of height to the thickness of the

f panel h/tw meets;

1,37 k /t 
h w


The nominal shear strength of the body plate is specified in sub-article 7.8.5.
7.8.3 Strong Slide

The nominal shear strength of the body plate should be

calculated as follows:
Vn  0,6 f y Aw

with Aw is the gross area of the body plate.

The nominal shear strength (Vn) cross section of the pipe should be
calculated as follows:
Vn  0,36 f y Ae

With an effective cross-sectional area(Ae) it should be taken as a dirty area of hollow round
cross section if there is no hole that is more than needed for a connect or a net area
greater than 0.9 gross area. Otherwise, the effective area taken is equal to the net area.

7.8.4 Strong bend slide elasto-plastis

The strong bend of the elasto-plastic shear plate is as follows:

 kn E  1
Vn 0.6 f y Aw  (7.8-4a)
1,10 f y  hw
 /t 

 (1  C) 
V  0.6 f A  v (7.8-4b)
n  v y w 
 1.15 1  
with /

Cv  1,10 (7.8-4c)



7.8.5 Strong elastic shear bend

The strong elastic shear bend is as follows:

0.9 Awkn E
V (7.8-5a)
(h / tw ) 2

 (1  C) 
V  0.6 f A  v

n y w
1.15 1  
kn E 1
C  1.5
f y h t w 

7.9 Sliding and flexing interactions

7.9.1 Strong slide body plate with a moment of bending

Strong nominal slide body plate with a bending moment must be calculated using the
provisions of sub-article 7.9.2 or 7.9.3.

7.9.2 Distribution method

If the bending moment is considered to be shouldered only by the wing plate and the
factored bending moment (Mu) must meet:

M u  φM f (7.9-2a)

with Mf is a strong nominal bending calculated only by wing plates only and
specified as follows:

M f  Af d f f y (7.9-2b)

With understanding:
Af is the effective area of the wing plate, expressed in millimeters per facet, (mm2);
df is the distance between the weight points of the wing plates, expressed in

millimeters, (mm). The beam must meet:

Vu  φVn (7.9-2c)

with Vn is the nominal shear strength of the body plate specified in sub-article 7.8.2 and
φ is a reduction factor in accordance with Sub-article 4.5.2.

7.9.3 Sliding and flexing interaction methods

If the bending moment is considered to be shouldered by the entire cross-section, then in

addition to fulfilling sub-chapters 7.1.1 and 7.8.1, the beam must be planned to carry a
combination of bending and shearing:

 0.625  (7.9-3)
φ M n Vu
φ Vn

With understanding:
Vn is the nominal shear strength of the body plate due to shear only (see sub-article
7.8.2), expressed in newton, (N);
Mn is the nominal bending strength of the beam (see sub-chapters 7.2 & 7.3, or7.4),
expressed in newton millimeters (N-mm).

7.10 Fulcrum press force

7.10.1 Strong fulcrum

Strong fulcrum needs (Ru) on the body plate must

Ru  φRb

With understanding:
φ is a reduction factor in accordance with Sub-article 4.5.2;
Rb is the nominal fulcrum strength of the body plate due to a centralized or local load,
which must be taken the smallest value of the fulcrum strong as determined by Sub-
articles 7.10.3, 7.10.4, 7.10.6, 7.10.6 or 7.10.7, expressed in newton, (N).

7.10.2 Bending wing plates

The fulcrum strong against the bending of the wing plate is:

R  6,25t 2 f
b f y (7.10-2)

with tf is a thick wing plate that is encumbered with a fulcrum press force.

7.10.3 Strong melting body plate

The fulcrum against the melting of a body plate is:

(a). when the distance of the load is centered against the end of the beam
greater than the height of the beam;
Rb  (5k  N ) f y t w

(b). when the distance of the load is centered against the end of the beam smaller or equal to
the height of the beam;

Rb  (2.5k  N )
f y tw

With understanding:
k is the thickness of the wing plate plus the transitional radius, expressed in millimeters, (mm);
N is the longitudinal dimensionof a laying pellet or pedestal, at
leastthe size of k, expressed in millimeters, (mm);
tw is the thickness of the body plate, expressed in millimeters, (mm).

7.10.4 Strong bend support body plate

The strong body plate against the buckling around the encumbered wing plate is:
a. when burden Centralized Charged at more distance from d/2 from end of beam:

 N  t
  t

  R  0,8t 2 1 w
 3 
 

 d  t f  
b w

b. when burden Centralized Charged at distance less from d/2 from end beam and to
N/d  0,2:

 N  t
R  0,4t 2 1   w  E (7.10-4b)
 3 
 
   fy
b w
 
d  t f  t
 f

or to N/d > 0,2: w

  N 

 1.5  E
R  0.4t 2 1   0.2 w f (7.10-4c)
 4   y

b w

    tf 
  f

d t

7.10.5 Strong lateral buckling of body plates

The strong body plate against the lateral buckling is:

a. for wing plates that are restrained against rotation and calculated when (h/tw)(L/bf)  2,3;

R Cr Et t f  3
w 1  (h/t ) (7.10-5a)
0.4 
b 2
h  (L/b f)

b. for wing plates that are not restrained against rotation and calculated if (h/t w)(L/bf)  1.7;
R Cr Et wt f  3
0. (h/t ) (7.10-5b)
4 
 (L/b 
b 2
h f)

With understanding:
Cr is 3.25 for M ≤ My
1.62 for M> My

7.10.6 Strong buckling bending body plate

Strong body plate against flexing bend due to press force is

Rb  h w Ef (7.10-6)

7.10.7 Strong slide panel area

The panel area is a body plate whose four sides are bounded by beam wing plates and
columns on the beam-column joints. The strong shearing of the panel area is determined
according to article 7.14.
7.11 Load-lifting plan

7.11.1 Size of the nail

If the strength of body plate Rb is calculated in sub-articles 7.10.3, 7.10.4, 7.10.5, and
7.10.6 is not qualified, so it must be installed such a claimant that
Ru  φRb  As f y

with As is the area of the confessor.

7.11.2 Width of the hooker

The width of the nail on each side of the body plate should be greater than one-third of
the wingsor plate width minus half the thickness of the body plate.

7.11.3 Thick steamer

The thickness of the nail should be thicker than half the thickness of the wing plate and meet

 E
0,56 f
ts y

with understanding:
ts is the thickness of the hoist, expressed in millimeters, (mm);
bs is the width of the confessor, expressed in millimeters, (mm).

7.12 Vertical nail planning

7.12.1 Installation of aku

If the strong shearing of the body plate in sub-articles 7.8.4 and 7.8.5 is not eligible then a
vertical hooker is installed to change the size of the body plate panel. The vertical nail on the
body plate must be between the two wing plates and the end distance of the wing plate
should not be more than four times the thickness of the body plate. Vertical hookers are
mounted on one side or on either side of the body plate.

7.12.2 Minimum area

Vertical hookers that do not receive external loads directly or moments must have an
area of As that meets:

A  0,5.γ .A (1  (a / h) 2
C )(a / h)s w v
 
 
1 
(a 
With understanding: h)2
Cv is the comparison between the shear strength specified in Sub-articles 7.8.4 or 7.8.5 to
the shear strength specified by Sub-article 7.8.3;
Aw is the area of the body plate, expressed in millimeters per facet, (mm2);
γ = 1.0 for a pair of confessers;
= 1.8 for a single elbow hooker;
= 2.4 for a single plate holder.
7.12.3 Minimum stiffness

Vertical hookers on body plates that do not receive external loads directly or moments
must have a moment of inertia (Is) against the center line of the body plate field.

I  0.75ht 3for (a/h)  2 (7.12-2a)

s w

for(a/h) > 2 (7.12-2b)
I s a

7.13 Plan of elongated hooker

7.13.1 Installation

An elongated hooker is installed if the body plate does not meet the requirements set out in
sub-article 7.7.5. The elongated hook on the body plate must be continuous and must reach
the transverse hooker on the body plate.

7.13.2 Minimum stiffness

If the elongated hooker is examined at a distance of 0.2h from the press wing plate, the
nail must have a moment of inertia (Is) against the face of the body plate in such a way

 4 As  As 
I s  4htw 1  1  (7.13-1)
 A
 w  w 

with As is the area of the elongated hooker.

If on a cross-sectional neutral line a second elongated nail is required, the nail must have a
moment of inertia (Is) against the face of the body plate.
I  ht (7.13-2)
s w

7.14 Panel area

The panel area is a body plate whose four sides are bounded by beam wing plates and
columns on the beam-column joints.

7.14.1 Strong slide panel area

If the factoring shear force that occurs in the panel area exceeds Rv then it must be peeled
by a multiplier plate or diagonal handler.
7.14.2 Calculation Rv

a. If in the analysis of the stability of the panel area is not taken into account,
then, for Nu  0.4 Ny

Rv  0,6 f dctw
y (7.14-2a)

for Nu > 0.4 Ny

R 
v1,4 0.6 f y dctw N (7.14-2b)

 

 Ny 

b. If in the analysis of the framework of the stability of the panel area is taken into account, then
Nu  0.75 Ny

 3bcft2
R  0,6 f d t 
1 (7.14-2c)
v y c w d d t 
 b c w 

for Nu > 0.75 Ny

1 3bcft 2 
1. 1.2Nu
R  0,6 f  9  (7.14-2d)
d t 
v y c w d d t  N 

 b c w  y 

7.14.3 Retrofitting plate requirements

If the multiplier plate is used it must meet the requirements of article 7.8 while if used
diagonally it must meet the requirements of sub-article 7.1 1.

7.15 Lateral restraint

7.15.1 Lateral restraints in the form of rods must be able to carry the factoror press force
Nu is as big as:

Nu = 0,01At f y (7.15-1)
with understanding:
At is the area of the depressed wing cross-section of the structure components that are
restrained if compact-looking or the area of the pressed part if it looks non kompak,
expressed in millimeters per facet, (mm 2 );
fy is the melting voltage of the restraint rod, expressed in Mega Pascal (MPa);
L is the distance of the lateral restraint antata, expressed in millimeters, (mm);
Lkr is the buckling length of the lateral restraint rod, expressed in millimeters, (mm);
The distance of the lateral restraint to the outer edge of the pressed wing should not
be more than 1/3 high cross-section of the restrained structural components.
7.16 Axial and pliable interaction

7.16.1 Common

The provisions of this sub-section apply to components of the prismmatic structure that
undergo a combination of axial force, bending moment (against one or both cross-
sectional symmetrical axes), and torque.

7.16.2 Factored styles and moments

In this sub-section:

a. Nu is the largest factoring axial force (pull or press) acting on structural components;
b. Mu,i.e. Mux and Muy,is the largest factored bending moment (against the x-axis and y-
axis) produced by the load on the frame and lateral load on the structural
components, and has taken into account the contribution of the bending moment. The
second order occurs in the configuration of a structure that has been reformed.

7.16.3 Structural components with symmetrical cross-sections that experience supple

moments and axial forces

Structural components that experience a pliable moment and axial style must be planned to
meet the following conditions:
To  0,2:

Nu 8  M ux M uy 
     1.0
φ c N n 9  bφ n  (7.16.1a)
 φ b ny
M M 
To  0,2:

  Mu  Muy 
 (7.16.1b)
φx M
2φc N n  φb

b ny 

With understanding:
Nu is the factored axial force(pull or press), expressed in newton, (N);
Nn is the nominal cross-sectional strength, expressed in newton, (N);
a. in accordance with sub-article 5.1 if Nu is an axial force of attraction, or
b. in accordance with sub-chapters 6-2 or 6-3 if Nu is an axial force press
φ c is the reducing factor of the strength of the compressive component;
Mux, Muy is a bending moment factored against the x-axis andy-axis according to the sub-
7.16.2(b), expressed in newton millimeters, (N-mm);
Mnx, Mny is a strong nominal bending cross-section against the x-axis and y-axis
according to section 6 for the relevant case, expressed in newton millimeters, (N-
φ b = 0.90 is a strong reduction factor of bending The components of the structure are I-emblazoned with a ratio of bf /d ≤ 1.0
and the components of the structure are box-emblazoned, if the structural
component is part of a skeletal structure with ties (bresing).

M ζ  Muy ζ
 ux      1,0
 φ M'   φ M' 
 b px   b py (7.16-2)

 c M η
 c M η
 mx 
  my uy  1,0
φ M '
 ' 
φ M 
 b ny (7.16-3)
 b nx
 

a. Components of the I-emblazoned structure:

for b f/d < 0.5:ζ = 1.0 (7.16-4)

to 0,5  bf /d 1,0: ζ =1,6  (7.16-5)
2u uy
for b f/d < 0.3:η = 1.0
Ln (7.16-6)

to 0,3  b /d  1,0: η = 0,4   
bf f
N (7.16-7)
Ny d 
With understanding:
bf is the width of the wing plate, expressed in millimeters, (mm);
d is the cross-sectional height, expressed in millimeters,
(mm); cm is the column bending coefficient.
 N 
M Px
  1,2M Px 1 u (7.16-8)
M Px  N 
 y 
  

  N 2 
M '  1,2M 
u 1    (7.16-9)
 M

Py Py
 N  py
  y  

 Nu  Nu 
M nx  M nx 1 1  (7.16-10)
  φ  crx
c N n  

 
 M Ny1 N  N

M '
Ny    (7.16-11)
φ N N
1 
 c n  cry 
b. Components of the box-emblazoned structure:

ζ = 1,7  (7.16-12)
y N
η = 1.7   aλ NNu    (7.16-13)
 N 1,1 
Nu  
y 
LnNuy x

y N 
for Nu/Ny N 0.4: a = 0.06; b = 1.0

for Nu/Ny > 0.4: a = 0.15; b = 2.0

 N 
M Px  1,2M Px 1 u   (7.16-14)
 M Px  N 
 y 
  
 N 
M Py  1.2M py  1 u (7.16-15)
 
M py  N 
 y 
  

 N u  1.25 
M nx  M nx 1  1   (7.16-16)
 φc N nNc 
x B


 1
ny  M ny 1  Nu 1 
N 1.25 (7.16-17)
M' φ u 3

 c n  NC  

Ny = Agfy (7.16-18)
and 1
Ag f 2
Ncr (7.16-19)
λ 2c

With understanding:

λc is the slimness parameter according to articles 6.2 or 6.3;

Mpx is the plastic moment against the x-axis  1.5 fy Sx, expressed in millimeter
newtons, (N-mm);
Mpy is the plastic moment against the y-axis  1.5 fy Sy, expressed in newton
millimeters, (N-mm);
Sx and Sy are cross-sectional modulus against the x- and-y axes, expressed in cubic
millimeters, (mm3);
B is the outer width of the cross-section of the box, parallel to the main axis x,
expressed in millimeters, (mm);
H is the outer height of the cross-section of the box, perpendicular to the main
axis of x, expressed in millimeters, (mm).
Planning using interaction equations that are different from the above provisions can
be done when it can be proven by acceptable calculations.

7.16.4 Struktur components with non-symmetrical cross-sections, and

structural components that undergo twist loading and combination

The following provisions apply to the types of structural components and types of loading not
included in the description of sub-article 7.16.3 above, namely:
a. non-symmetrical structural components,
b. loading,
c. combination loading: twist, bending, latitude, and/or axial force.

The strong plan of the structural component, φ f y,should always be larger or equal to the
strength of the structural component stated with normal voltage, fun, or shear voltage,

a. For limit conditions in melting cases due to normal voltage:

fun  φ fy, with φ = 0.90

b. For limit conditions in melting cases due to shear force:

fuv  0.6φ fy, with φ = 0.90

c. For boundary conditions in buckling

fun or fuv  φc fcr, with φ c = 0.85

8 Composite hashtag planning

8.1 Common

The composite elements in bending consist of steel girders and concrete floors, sliding
resistance on the surface between the floor and the girders held with mechanical
relationships. The bending power of composite girders is determined by way of a plan of
ultimit boundary state.

8.2 Composite girder analysis

8.2.1 Effective width of concrete wings

The effect of sliding in the concrete floor must be taken into account. Unless the Planner
Engineer performs a complete analysis, sliding can be taken into account using an effective
width of the floor such asthe one described in this article.

When the concrete floor covers both sides of the girder body, the effective width of the
floor should be taken as the smallest value of:
a. 1/5 x length of girder span for simple spans or 1/7 length of girder span for
continuous span;
b. the distance of the centers between the body of the girder, and
c. 1/12 x minimum floor thickness.

When concrete floors exist only on one side of the girder, the effective width of the floor
should be taken as half of the value calculated in items a, b or c above.
The effective width of the floor should be used to calculate the cross-sectional size of the
composite girder at the state of service and ultimit limits.

8.2.2 Lendutan to service load

In the calculation of the lendutan on the service limit state or working voltage state, the

Planner must pay attention to the order of implementation and influence of each

load working on the steel girder before the full composite action occurs.

Lendutan can be calculated using elastic theory by considering the full interaction between
concrete and steel girders and ignoring the concrete in attracted. Modulus elasticity of
concrete at a certain age, Ecj'can be taken from one of the following:

a. Taken here:

ECj = Wc 1,5 (0,043  f’c ) (8.2-1)

with Wc said to be with kg/m3 and f'c said by MPa, with the
consideration that in reality this price ranges from 20%; or

b. it is determined from the test results with respect to the matching parts of the
specifications issued.

When the load remains at work on the composite girder, the effect of the concrete frame
must be taken into account using the reduction value of the elastic modulus of the

8.2.3 Continuous composite gelagar

Analysis for elongated bending moments and shear forces and related reactions, should be
calculated using the moment of inertia of transformation from the composite braid pen by
a. Concrete does not crack in both positive or negative moment areas.
b. Concrete floors have an effective width determined according to sub-article 8.2.1
c. Concrete has reached a minimum strength of 0.5 fc' before the load works.

8.3 The bending power of composite girders

8.3.1 Ultimit boundary state plan The power of the hashtag

Composite hashtags must meet the following requirements:

M*  φ Ms (8.3-1) Positive moment area

In areas of positive moments where the concrete floor is under pressure, it should be
considered that the concrete floor provides continuous restraint to the upper wings of the
steel girder. In this case a composite cross-section should be planned in accordance with
the provisions below.

a. Compact cross-section

For composite cross-sections in the positive moment area (sub-article with a girder
without the use of an elongated body strengthener and without holes in the wings plate of the
interested steel profile and the axis of the neutral line of the plastic moment in abag of
bodyparts, it must be planned to meet the requirements in the equation below:

tw  F
( 8.3-2)
With understanding:
hcp is the height of the steel profile that is depressed on plastic calculations calculated by
equations 8.3-9 and 8.3-10, expressed in millimeters (mm),
tw is the thickness of the steel plate profile body plate, expressed in millimeters (mm),

h'  5

With understanding:

(H  t p  th )
h'  β 7,5

β is β = 0.9, for fy ≤ 250 MPa and β = 0.7, for fy  250 MPa.

H is the total height of the girder (from the top fiber to the bottom fiber), expressed
in millimeters, (mm)
tpis the thickness of the floor plate, expressed in millimeters, (mm)
th is the thick bearing between the floor plate with the upper fiber of the steel profile,
expressed in millimeters, (mm)

For the distribution of plastic pressure is calculated as follows:

1. The pressure force on the floor plate C, equals the smallest for the values given by
the following equation:

C = 0.85fc' bptp + (Afy)c (8.3-5)

With understanding:
bp is the effective floor plate width, which is stipulated in article 8.2.1
tp is the thickness of the floor plate, expressed in millimeters, mm
(Afy) c is A, the area of the depressed concrete floor plate, expressed in square
millimeters (mm2); and fy is the melting voltage of hard bone steel that is
depressed on the floor plate, expressed in Mega Pascal (MPa);

C = (Afy)bf + (Afyf)tf + ( Afyf)w (8.3-6)

With understanding:
(Afy) bf is A, the area of the lower fiber steel plate, expressed in square millimeters
(mm2);and fy is the melting voltage of the lower fiber steel plate, expressed in
Mega Pascal (MPa);
(Afy) bf is A,the area of the upper fiber steel plate, expressed in square millimeters
(mm2);and fy is the melting voltage of the upper fiber steel plate, expressed in
mega pascal (MPa);
(Afy) w is A,body area, expressed in square millimeters (mm 2);and fy adalah melting
voltage of upper fiber steel plate, expressed in Mega Pascal (MPa);

2. The depth of the compressed area on the floor plate, a, expressed in millimeters
(mm) is calculated by the following equation:

C  (Afy)c
a (8.3-7)
0.85 fc'bp

3. When the compressive strength on the floor plate is less than the value given by the
equation (8.3-6), then the upper fiber of the steel profile will be depressed by the value
given by the following equation:

 (Afy)  C
C'  2 (8.3-8)

4. The placement of neutral lines, within the steel profile measured from the peak of the
steel profile is specified as follows:

For C'< (Afy)tf, C' t (8.3-9)

y tf

For C' ≥ (Afy)tf,

 C' (Afy)tf (8.3-10)
t f D

With understanding:
y is the neutral line of the fiber over the steel plate profile, expressed in millimeters (mm),
tf is the thickness of the steel plate profile in the upper fiber area, expressed in
millimeters (mm),
D is the net height of the steel profile body, expressed in millimeters (mm),
Figure 12 Plastic voltage distribution

For the nominal bending power cross-section of Ms, it must be determined from the following

1. for hcp ≤ h'

Ms = Mp (8.3-11)

M p is the nominal bending power of cross-section determined by a simple plastic theory.

2. for h' ≤ hcp ≤ 5h'

5M p  0.85M y 0.85M y  M p  hcp 
Ms    (8.3-12)

4 4

With understanding:
Mpis the nominal bending force of cross-section specified by a simple plastic theory,
expressed in Newton-meter, (N-m)
My is the moment of capacity at the time of the first melt on the composite steel
gelagar due to a positive moment, fy. Z, expressed in Newton-meter, (N-m)
Z is a cross-section modulus of the profile section of the attracted girder, and for cross-
sectional transformation of concrete into steel can be used modulus ratio, n.
H is the total height of the girder (from the top fiber to the bottom fiber), expressed
in millimeters, (mm)
tpis the thickness of the floor plate, expressed in millimeters, (mm)
th is the thick bearing between the floor plate with the upper fiber of the steel profile,
expressed in millimeters, (mm)

b. Cross-section is not compact

An ins kompak cross section is one in which the distressed fibers will bend locally after
reaching a melting voltage, but before hardening the strain. The compact cross-section
has limited tactileity and may not be able to develop full plastic bending power. For
cross-sections that meet λp  λ
 λr, strong nominal bending cross-section specified according to article 7.2.4. Negative moment area

a. Compact cross-section

For a compact composite cross-section in the negative moment area with a girder without the
use of an elongated body hooker and without holes in the wings plate the interested
steel profile and the neutral line axis of the plastic moment is above the body, it must be
planned to meet the requirements in article 7.6.

For the nominal bending strength of thecross-section Ms,it must calculate the resultant
moment at the full plastic voltage distribution andn takes into account the steel
reinforcement of the composite floor plate.

If the collar of the neutral line axis against the depressed wing plate is D/2,it must meet the
equation 7.7-1 with the modification of D to 2hcp.

b. Cross-section is not compact

In areas of negative moments where concrete floors are subjected to pull, a composite cross-
section must be planned in accordance with article 7.2.4, depending on the slimness of
the cross-section.

8.3.2 Hybrid hashtag

The nominal bending power of the cross-section, Ms,or the second effective moment of the
broad, Ise, Ipe and Ite. the hybrid girder must be determined by multiplying the relevant value
obtained from sub-article 8.3.1. In the area of positive moments where the concrete floor is
under pressure it should be considered that the concrete lantai holds continuous resistance
on the upper flange of the steel girder. In this case, a composite cross-section should be
planned accordingly, with a reduction factor, αh, for an unsymmetrical cross-section.

8.3.3 Flexing strength with full lateral restraint

The nominal bending power of the girder of the segment with a full lateral anchor should be
taken as the nominal bending force of the cross section on the critical piece.

8.3.4 Flexing force without full lateral anchoring

The bending strength of the girder of the segment without full lateral support should be
determined, ignoring the influence of the concrete floor.

8.4 Vertical shear capacity

The vertical shear capacity of the composite cross-section should be determined only for the
steel cross-section, ignoring any composite action.

8.5 Problems of how to implement

In the review of the strength and rigidity of composite beams it is necessary to pay
attention to the way of implementation of a week of unshored rti and shored construction.
8.6 Sliding relationship planning

8.6.1 Common

Sliding and transverse reinforcement relationships should be provided along the girder
to channel the elongated shearing force and separator style between the concrete floor
and the steel girder, ignoring the influence of the bond between the Both materials.

8.6.2 How to plan

Slide elongated per unit long gelagar Composite V * must Determined

L with manner
As follows:

a. For the way of planning the boundary

V * At Yc
VL* = (8.6-1)

With understanding:
VL* be style Slide Longitudinal plan union long at wrong one condition
ultimit boundary or service limit state, expressed in Newton, (N)
V* is the shearing force of the plan for boundary states according to the bending
effect of bending on the pieces reviewed, expressed in Newton, (N)

b. For the working voltage plan:

V At Yc (8.6-2)
VL =
With understanding:
VL is the longitudinal shearing force of the long unity plan on the workload
plan, expressed in Newton, (N)
V is the plan's shearing force on the workload, due to bending on the pieces
reviewed, expressed in Newton, (N)

In both cases:
At is the transformation area of the concrete floor, calculated for effective width,
expressed in square millimeters, (mm2)
Yc is the distance of the neutral line cross-section of the composite against the broad
weight point At, expressed in millimeters, (mm)
It is the second moment of a wide cross-sectional composite transformation, considering
concrete without cracks and taking into account the effective width of the floor.

If the second moment of the composite cross-section area varies large enough along the
segment, it should be noted that the variation in stiffness in the shear flow calculation. The
sliding relationship itself must be planned by way of planning boundary circumstances.
8.6.3 Slide relationship details

a. The surface of the relationship that holds the separator force (i.e. the lower edge of
the connecting nail head or the upper wing of the canal) should be forwarded no less
than 40 mm clean above the lower transverse bone, and no less than 40 mm into the
wing press area in the area of the elongated positive moment. Alternatively, when
concrete elevationis used between the steelgirder and the floor floor, the surface of the
relationship holding the separator force can be placed no less than 40 mm above the
reinforcement in elevation provided that the reinforcement is sufficient to meet
uran's spinning requirements. elongated shear given in sub-chapter 8.6.5.

b. When used to increase concrete between the steel wing and the base of the concrete
floor, the elevation side must be outside a line at 45 o from the outer end of the
connecting base see figure 13.

13-Dimensional Image of elevation

c. Thick free concrete blanket over the top edge of the shear link should not be less than 50
mm. Horizontal free concrete blankets on each shear link should also not be less than
60 mm.
d. When the shearar relationship is close at the elongated end of the concrete floor,
transverse reinforcements should be provided in accordance with sub-article 8.6.5 and
should be fully expected into the concrete between the end of the floor and the adjacent
connecting row.
e. The sliding linking must be such that the concrete can be properly compacted
around the base of the link.
f. At the end of a cantilever, for example in cantilevers and stretches of hanging
structures, sufficient amounts of transverse and memanjang reinforcements should
be placed close together at the free end of the concrete floor. to channel the sliding
connecting load extending to the floor.
g. The elongated distance between the links should not be greater than any of the following
1. 600 mm; or
2. twice the thickness of the floor, or
3. Four times the height of the link.

Alternatively, liaisons may be placed in groups with larger inter-group distances than a
single liaison provision, provided that they have been considered in the planning of the
following issues:
1. uneven flow of elongated shear, and
2. There is a greater probability of a derailment and separation between the floor and
the steel element.
h. The minimum depth of the shear connecting nail in each figh is 75 mm. The depth
of the sliding connecting nail along the wings should be no less than the height of the
shear connecting nail.
i. The free distance between the wingtip of the girder and the sliding connecting end should
not be less than 25 mm.
j. The diameter of the connecting nail welded on the wing plate should not exceed:
1. 1.5 times the thickness of the wing plate when the wing plate carries a tensile voltage, or
2. 2.0 times the thickness of the wing plate when there is no tensile voltage.
k. The leg length of another type of connecting welding joint on the wing plate should not
exceed half the thickness of the wing plate. The shear connecting canal must have at
least 5 mm of angular welding that isfoured along the heel and foot of the canal(the
procurement prohibits the installation of a sliding connecting canal on plates less
than 10 mm thick).
l. The distance between the planned lower reinforcement rods in sub-section 8.6.5 shall be
less than four times the vertical projection of the link above the base of the transverse

8.6.4 Sliding link planning Common

Sliding liaison must be planned to meet theLayan Limit In accordance with sub-article The planning of the liaison fatik must be in accordance with the loading of the fatique
along with the requirements of sub-article which is official. Except as required in sub-
article, there is no need to hold a sliding connecting static screws examinationon
the Ultimit Power Limit State. The nominal static shear strength of the spikes and connecting
canals welded on the girder. Planning for elongated shear

Style Slide elongated plan per unit long V *, must Meet: L

VL*  φ V (8.6-3)

VLs= 0.55 n Vsu (8.6-4)

With understanding:
φ is the reduction factor in accordance with Sub-article 4.5.2
n is the number of long union sliding links
Vsu is the static shearing force of the link, expressed in Newton, N

The size and distance between the connectors can be maintained constant at each length
where the maximum plan shear force per unit length does not exceed the shear capacity by
more than 10%.

The size and distance between the shearar links oneach span must be maintained for at
least 10% of the length of each span. Planning for shearing and pulling between surfaces

When the shear link carries a direct pull means that it can be calculated as a result of one of:
a. a style that tends to separate the floor from the girder, or
b. transverse moments in the connecting group produced by bending bending across the
floor, especially in the diaphragm area or transverse bond.
then an additional binder, which is quite lungedat thecar, must be provided to
withstand the styles.

As an altemative, shear connecting nails can be used on the condition that:

a. The total shear force of the plan between surfaces per unit length at the Ultimit
Boundary State meets:

*  N * 
VL  φnVSu  (8.6-5)

 3 

b. Fatik provisions must be met for the life of the structure plan. The longitudinal shear
force value of the plan, V*,used for the calculation of the shear variation limit should be
taken according to the following formula:

V*  VN
* (8.6-6)

 
With understanding: 
φ is the reduction factor in accordance with Sub-article 4.5.2
n is the number of long union sliding links
Vsu is the static shearing force of the link, expressed in Newton, (N)
N is the axial pull of a long union plan on the ultimit boundary state, expressed in
Newton/m, (N/m)

8.6.5 Transverse reinforcement planning Common

Transverse reinforcement against the steel girder should be provided, to cut both sides of the
elongated shear collapse field that may occur shear plane, see Figure 14.

Transverse reinforcement should be expected on both sides of the shear plane. The force
calculated in reinforcement steel on each cross-section must be channeled on each side of
the cross-section.

The size and distance between the transverse bones at the end of each bentmust be
maintained for a minimum of 10% of the length of each span. Elsewhere, the size and
distance between transverse bones can be maintained constant at each length where
the maximum shear force per unit length does not exceed the shear capacity by more
than 10%.
Figure 14 Sliding fields and transverse reinforcements Planning for shearing between surfaces

Total shearing force plan between surfaces per unit length V * on theL Boundary State Ultimit
in each field shear through concrete must meet one of the formulas next this:
V *  0.9 b
+ 0.7 At (8.6-7)
f s
L sh R
y 1.000

VL*  0,15 bSh f ’ (8.6-8)


With understanding:
Ats is the cross-sectional area of the transverse reinforcement per unit length of
the girder, expressed in square millimeters per meter, (mm2/m)
bsh is the width of the shear plane reviewed, expressed in millimeters, (mm)
fry is the characteristic melting power of transverse reinforcement, expressed in Mega
Pascal, MPa.
f'c is the characteristic strength of concrete, expressed in Mega Pascal, (MPa)

In a girder with elevation, at least 50% of the reinforcement required to meet the formula (8.6-
7) considering the shear plane through elevation (fields 3-3 and 4-4 in Figure 14) must be
placed at the edge of thefloor orelevation. The lower bone must have a maximum net
distance of 50 mm against the nearest surface of the steel girder.

If the elevation depth does not exceed, 50 mm, reinforcement at the bottom edge of the
floor may be included with the condition that it be placed on:
a. minimum net distance of 40 mm below the surface of each shear link that holds
lift, and
b. maximum net distance of 80 mm to the nearest surface of the steel girder. the reaction between the shear between the surface and the bending bending

For shear fields that pass through the entire full height of the floor, the sliding interaction
between the surface and the transverse bending is negligible.

Deep gelagar without Exaltation at where Supple Transverse cause pull deep area Liaison Slide
style Slide escort surface per unit long V * (kN per m) at L
Each field sliding through concrete must meet the following formula:

V *  0.9 b
+ 1.4 Ab (8.6-9)
f v
L sh R
y 1.000

Deep gelagar without Exaltation at where Supple Transverse cause press down deep area
Liaison Slide style Slide escort surface per unit long V * at each L
the sliding field through concrete must meet the following formula:

V *  0.9 b
+ 0.7 At +1,6 N * (8.6-10)
f s t
L sh R
y 1.000

Only burden remain must Accounted for to N * t

With understanding:
Abv is the cross-sectional area of transverse reinforcement per unit length of the girder
placed on the bottom edge of the floor or elevation, expressed in square
millimeters per meter, (mm2/m)
Nt* is the minimum blistering force per unit length of the girder in the transverse reinforcement
on the top edge of the floor, due to bending across the floor, expressed in
Newton/m, (N/m)

For girders with elevations that carry transverse bending, there is no need totake into
account the sliding interaction between the surface and bending across provided that the
elevation side is outside a line at 45  from the outer end of the link as shown in Figure 8.6-
2. Minimum transverse reinforcement

The total cross-sectional area per unit length of the girder (mm 2 per m), from the transverse
floor bones on the steel girder must meet:

Ate > s (8.6-11)

With understanding:
ds is the height of the concrete floor that forms a composite girder flange, expressed
in millimeters, mm
No less than 50% of the bone area must be placed near the bottom edge of the floor so that
it meets the provisions of Abv, which is given sub-article
When the length of the possible shear collapse field around the connecting (shear plane 2-2
in figure 8.6-2)is more than twice thethickness of the floor, the addition of reinforcement to
the bending should be provided at the bottom edge of the floor (transverse to the steel girder)
to prevent cracking extending around the link. The additional cross-sectional area per unit
length of the girder should not be less than Ate. Additional reinforcements need not be
provided if the minimum compressive force per unit length of the girder, which works
perpendicular to and covers the surface of the shear plane, is greater than 1.4ds kN/m. Minimum transverse reinforcement in the girder with elevation

Cross-sectional area per unit length of the girder (mm 2 per m), from the transverse
reinforcement in the elevation area must meet:

Abv  400bs
h (8.6-12)

With understanding:
bsh is the length of the shear collapse plane that may be around the connecting (see
shear plane type 3-3 or 4-4 in Figure 6.8-2), expressed in millimeters, (mm) Transverse reinforcement stop

The transverse reinforcement provided to hold shear between surfaces can be stopped
by assuming that the shear force between surfaces, vL,decreases linearly, in a transverse
direction, from the maximum value of the shear plane to zero in one of the places below:
a. the free end of the floor; or
b. the middle line between the adjacent girders.

8.7 Transverse components and retainers

8.7.1 Common

A sufficient transverse system of components and anchoring must be provided between the
elements in order to ensure that all external loads and the influenceof the load can be
channeled to the support structure, and that adequate restraintis provided where such
restraint is deemed to be in the planning.

9 Frame bridge planning

9.1 Common

The influence of interaction between the main skeletal elements and the lateral bonding
system of the bridge structure should be observed.
9.2 Influence of global burdens

The effect of global loads on structures must be calculated according to the elastic
theory and the principle of Engineering Mechanics.

a. As a simplification for a frame bridge whose floor plan is not skewed or curved, it is
permissible to analyze the structure as a field structure (2D),while the working load is
the result of loads on transverse elements.
b. Secondary moments at the buhul point caused by the axial deformation of the skeletal
element can be ignored if the buhul point has sufficient rotation capacity.
c. For a frame that meets item (b), in the absence of bag eccentricityat the buhul point, it
may be considered that all buhul points are joints.

9.3 Local load influence

9.3.1 Loads that work beyond the buhul point

a. If there is a load between the buhul points of the upper edge rod, the rod must be
modeled as a continuous beam and both diagonal rod ends and/or vertical rods are
considered joints.
b. All skeletal elements must be planned in order to be able to withstandall styles in the
results of the model mentioned above.
c. Bending moments and twisting moments in skeletal elements caused by the rigidity of the
connection between transverse girders and skeletal elements such as diagonal rods
and/or vertical rods, need to be considered and if necessary taken into account.

9.3.2 Eccentricity at buhul point

a. If the axis of the diagonal rod weight line and/or vertical rod and edge rod do not meet at
a point, then the edge rod can be modeled as a continuous beam and both diagonal
rod ends and/or vertical rods are considered joints.
b. All skeletal elements must be planned against all styles in the results of the above
c. If the difference in the location of the axis of the adjoining upper edge stem is not more
than 3 mm, then momen bending due to eccentricity does not need to be taken into

9.4 Effective length of press rod

9.4.1 Common

The effective length of the Le rod press must be obtained from Table 9 or determined by
a critical elastic buckling analysis of the frame.
Table 9 Effective length of Le for compressed elements in order

Press Rods
Bound Effectively
Press Bar
Lateral System

0.85 x distance
0.85 x distance
encounters with
TRUNK between See article 9.5.1
lateral bonding
encounter with the
elements or rigidly
rod element
transverse beams
Single 0.70 x distance 0.85 x distance
triangul between between
ar encounter with the encounter with the
with rod
system rod element rod element

system with 0.85 x the largest 0.85 x
0.70 x distance
adequate distance between meeting
relations at each of the two distance with
encounter with the
all relationships in the rod
rod element
meetings sequence element

9.4.2 Lateral support of edge press rod by floor

The edge press rod, which continuously supports the steel or reinforced concrete floor,
may be considered effectively supported laterally at all lengths, if the frictional or other
relationship between the floor and the rod can withstand the lateral force, which is evenly
divided along the trunk, by 2.5 % maximum force of the rod.

Effective length, Le the press rod must be taken equal to zero when friction provides
adequate support, or it should be taken equal to the distance between individual
relationships when provided.

9.5 Unsoyed upper edge stems

9.5.1 Effective length

If the upper edge rod is not given a lateral bonding system, but is supported laterally by portal
U consisting of transverse elements and upright rods (see Figure 9.5.1), then the lateral
stability of the rod can be calculated as a continuous beamofpedestal per in the lateral
direction at the place of the U portals.
Effective length, Le the rod should be calculated as follows:

Le = 2.5 ke (EIo where Le  a (9.5-1)

aδ) 4

With understanding:
ke is the effective length factor, ke = 1.0, unless the press rod is held against the bending in
the field on the piece above the frame, the value is smaller and can be obtained from
Table 4.
E Is a modulus of elasticity of steel material, expressed in Mega Pascal (MPa).
Io is the second maximum moment of the trunk area against the y axis shown in Gambar
a is between the portals U indicated in Figure 15.
δ is a lateral lendutan that can occur in portal U, at the height of the weight point of the rod
reviewed, expressed in millimeters, mm

For symmetrical U portals, where transverse elements and vertical rods each have a
fixed moment of inertia throughout their entire length, it can be considered that:

d 31 usd 2
=  2  Fd (9.5-2)

3EI1 EI 2

With understanding:
d1 is the distance of the weight point of the press rod against the nearest surface of
the transverse element portal U, expressed in millimeters, mm
d2 is the distance of the compressive rod weight point against the axis of the weight point
of the transverse element portal U, expressed in millimeters, mm
I1 is the second moment of the vast body element that forms the arm of the U portal
in its pliable field.
F is the flexibility of the relationship between the vertical transverse elements of portal
U, expressed in radians per unit moment, F can be taken as large as:
a. 0.5 x 10-10 rad/kNm when transverse elements are grated or riveted through end
plates or un-emised joints (Figure 16(a))
b. 0.2 x 10-10 rad/kNm when transverse elements are grated or riveted through the
nailed end plates (Figure16(b))
c. 0.1 x 10-10 rad/kNm when the transverse element is welded right around the
transverse piece or the relationship is with bolts or rivets between the end plates on
the transverse element and the part of the vertical or the nailed part of the rod
(Figure 16(c))
Figure 15 Lateral prisoners by portal U

Figure 16 Portal U connection relationship

9.5.2 Effect of load on transverse elements

When the upper edge rod on the bridge focus, in a framed field, is bound by the element end
so Moment Supple Lateral at trunk aforementioned result burden at element Transverse, it
must be taken into account. If there is no complete analysis of the interaction gelagar main
and element Transverse value plan Moment Supple Lateral M * fromy trunk edge above
It should be taken as large as:

5EI θ d  L

 1,25
L 
M*  c2
1  e (9.5-3)
y 
 P *
  P* 2
 
L Le 1 c  2.8  3.5 c  
  P 
 PE    E  

provided that each main girder is in a vertical plane, and the two main hashtags are aligned.

With understanding:
 is the rotation (in rad) of the transverse element on its connection with the main girder
reviewed, on the loading used when calculating P c.  can be calculated by ignoring
any interaction between the transverse element and the main girder. If due to uneven
loading,  varies between elements across the average value  for the melitang
element that is in the encumbered part of the span must be used.

L is the main hashtag span reviewed

P*c is the maximum force of the plan in the press bar of the span reviewed.
PE is taken as follows:

a. When Le is less than three times the distance between portal U:

π 2 EI
PE  c (9.5-4)

b. If Le is approximately four times the distance between portal U:

π 2 EI c
P  1.25 (9.5-5)

c. PE is obtained by linear interpolation for the intermediate value of Le.

To every burden Divided flat that Placed at entire landscape, Moment plan M *, as per the
y above, it must be considered to work anywhere in horizontal distance Le from every
placed beam. At place other Moment It should be considered as much as 0,5 M *. y
To case Imposition other must Considered that M * work yat place Any deep
the landscape.
9.5.3 Portal U and end portal Portal U between

Each U portal between and its connection must be planned in order to carry the following
a. Wind force and other styles that work.
b. Styles horizontal F *, thatu work upright straight at trunk edge above at point
Weighing that The magnitude is:

F* =  Pc* L (9.5-4)

u  P  P* e 667δ
 E c 


 Pc* Ec
   (9.5-5)
u I
 P  P *  16.7a 2

 E c 

Deep case there is some skeleton that each other Connected two style F * must Considered
work unidirectional or opposite direction Such shape in order to produce influence Most
dangerous to part reviewed.

c. Horizontal force, Fc*, which works on the U portal at the same points and the same way
same like at grain (b) at above to style F *, F * resultu c interaction between Supple
transverse elements and vertical elements of portal U, and if a complete analysis is not
performed, the magnitudes are:

Fc* (9.5-6)
= d22 Portal U end

Portal U ends of the frame that is held laterally by a system consisting of multiple U
portals,must be planned in order to withstand all working forces, and, plus lateral forces
each equal to 2 (F*+F*) where u c
the magnitude of F* and F* and the way they work are given in sub-section
u c

In the case of the Warren type frame, where the very buhul point of the upper edge rod is
held in a lateral direction by portal U both in the diagonal rod plane of the end and in the
vertical rod plane of the end, the total lateral force exerted above boleh is considered tobe
shouldered evenly by both U portals. Closed frame-shaped end portal

The closed frame bridge (through-truss) should be given an end portal consisting of beams,
which are either a type of two fields or squares, rigidly tied to the vertical trunk of the tip and
wing of the upper edge rod. The height of the portal frame is attempted as high as possible
as long as it still meets the requirements of free space height.
The end portal shouldnot assume the end reaction of the upper wind bond and pass it on to
the pedestal. In addition to the tip portal, at each point of buhul on the upper edge bar
where there is a rod
Vertically, it must be installed a transverse bond (sway-bracing) with a height of 1.50 m. The
upper transverse rod must have the least height as the upper edge rod.

On the frame bridge with the floor of the vehicle above must be installed aframe ng on each
vertical rod. The frame must be the same height as the main frame in the place.

9.6 Lateral ties

9.6.1 Common

Sufficient ties should be provided between the main frameworks to ensure that:
a. All calculated loads and effects of loads can be channeled to the support structure.
b. Support is available at all buhul points, consistent with the presumption used in
determining the effective length of the press rod.
c. Support is available at each point where the press force works on the diagonal and/or
vertical rods, due to changes in the direction of the edge rod (regardless of whether
the rod is a pull rod or press).

Bonding elements and their connection to the upper edge rod, or with the U portal supporting
the upper edge bar, must be planned in order to withstand the forces given in sub-article
9.6.2. Portal U must be in accordance with sub-article 9.5.3.

9.6.2 Bond plan style

Lateral support should be provided for the press rod in such a way that the following
lateral shear force can be held on all transverse pieces of the bridge:
a. ΣPc*/80 if combination burden Include style Lateral (like burden wind).
b. ΣPc*/40 if combination burden not Include style Lateral.

Where ΣP * cis the largest number of axial forces of plans that occur simultaneously in every
two edge bars on the piece that Reviewed.

9.7 Curved elements

Drag or press elements that are curved into a circle arc may be planned according to
section 6 provided that:
a. Deviation, δ, of a straight line connecting the meeting points at the end of the element
does not exceed one-seventh the length of the straight line.
b. The cross-section is compact (see article 7.2.3).
c. The distance from the edge of the body to the outer end of the wing, if any, meets:

R (9.7-1)


With understanding:
b is the width of the outside, measured from its end to:
 the nearest fasteningline that connects it
to the supporting part of the element, or
 the surface of such a supporting part in the construction rights of welds or
 roots of cross-sections milled
t is the average spread of the outside, or the total thickness by which two or
more parts are connected
R is the curved radius

d. Unsanned wingspans meet:

b (9.7-2)
With understanding: t

b is the width of the unsung flange between the tightening line connecting the plate
with the supporting part of the element, or between the surface of such a supporting
part in the case of weld construction, or between the angular roots of a milled cross-
section, expressed in millimeters, (mm)
t is the average thickness of the outer part of the flange, or the total thickness by which
two or more parts are connected, expressed in millimeters, (mm)
R is the curved radius, expressed in millimeters, (mm)

e. Transverse loads with even intensity are considered to work in curved fields along the
element, and work on the convex side of the tensile element, or concave side of the
compressive element, and have a value ofP*/R,with P* being the axial force of the
element' plan.

The bending moment of the load element must be calculated based on the assumption that
both ends of the element are joints, and must be added to the bending moment due to the
rigidity of the buhul point determined by the analysis (see article 9.2(b)).

9.8 Plate perfind

Binding of the ends of the rod at the buhul point should use a meeting plate. The fasteners
for each rod should be symmetrical to their axis. And the transfer of style evenly to the
entire cross-section of the stem as faras it can be done.

9.8.1 Strength

Any rational assumption of voltage division in a buhul plate can be used as long as the
voltage used above is balanced with the forces of the elements that meet at the buhul
point and all connections are planned according to part 11.

9.8.2 Disfiirion

The buhul plate must have an orderly shape and the connection must be planned in such a
way that there is no concentration of voltage. The length bg of the unformed free side as can
be seen in Figure 17 must meet:

 2
60 5
t 0
With understanding:
t is the thickness of the meeting plate, expressed in millimeters, (mm)
fy is the nominal melting voltage of the meeting plate material, expressed in Maga
Pascal, (MPa)
Figure 17 Meeting plate

10 Vehicle floor planning

10.1 Common

Vehicle floors can be planned from reinforced concrete plates or wooden beams/planks.
Reinforced concrete plates are planned as continuous plates over elongated beams. The
procedure for planning and implementing reinforced concrete plates is regulated in the
Concrete Structure Planning Procedure for The Bridge. If the concrete plate is tied to an
elongated beam with a shearing relationship, then the calculation can be seen in
Section 8 regarding the planning of composite girders.

10.2 Elongated beams

Elongated beams are tied to transverse beams. If an elongated beam is mounted hitchhiking
on a transverse beam, it should be installed continuously beyond two or more spans
between transverse beams.

10.3 Transverse beams

Transverse beams should be perpendicular to the direction ofthe master alok or skeletal
beam and tied rigidly to it.

This bond should be so that the lateral bond can bind both the transverse beam and the
parent beam.

10.3.1 Edge transverse beam

There must be a cross-end beam on all frame bridges whose edge ends the end of the floor
plate ends perpendicular to the direction of the master beam or rod frame beam.

In the design should be possible the installation of jacks (jacks) under it, for the purpose of
lifting the bridge at the time of repair / replacement of the construction of the pedestal at a
later date. For this purpose, the license voltage can be increased to 50%.
10.3.2 Pedestrian floor musician console

If the path for pedestrians is outsidethe main beam, then the musician's console must
connect to the transverse beam, so that the console moment can be carried by the
transverse beam as a cantilever moment.

10.4 Transverse frame

On bridges with wooden vehicle floors and steel elongated beams, a transverse frame (or
diaphragm) should be installed if the beam length extends more than 6.0 meters in length.

10.5 Expansion connection

To allow expansion and contraction movement, expansion joints must be installed at the end
of the vehicle floor at the ends of the bridge or in other places deemed necessary.

10.6 Fixed reference

10.6.1 Precast panel reference

If a precast panel is used as a fixed reference that runs between the transverse beam
and the elongated beam of the master beam, then the requirements for concrete planning
must be met.

10.6.2 Wave deck reference

If the metal wave deck is used as a fixed reference thatthickens between transverse beams
and elongated beams or master beams, then the reference must be designed to be able to
bear: the weight of its own concrete bones (including those in the waves), construction
load of 2400 N / m2 and its own weight. wave deck.

The reference must still be elastic due to these loads. Lendutans arising from dead loads
should not exceed L/180 or 13 mm for the benchmark stretch L  3.00 m. or L/240 or 19
mm, for L > 3.00 m.

11 Connection planning

11.1 Common
11.1.1 Connection requirements

The connection element consists of connection components (connecting plates, buhul plates,
support plates, fill plates) and connectors (bolts, pens and welds). The size and
comparison of the dimensions of the joints in the structure must be consistent with the
assumptions in the analysis of the structure, and meet section 11.

The connection must be able to channel the style in the plan.

11.1.2 Connection classification Rigid connection

In rigid skeletal structures, the joints are considered to have enough rigidity to maintain
the angles between the components of the spliced structure.

The deformation of the connecting plate must be such that it has little effect on the
distribution of force nor on the deformation of the entire structure. The connection is not rigid

In simple structures, the connections at both ends of the structural components are
considered moment-free.

Joints must be able to change shape in order to provide the necessary rotation on the
joint. The connection should not result in the moment of enturto the connected structural
component. Connection details must be able to assume the inner force that works by
taking into account the eccentricity that corresponds to the details of the connection.

11.1.3 Connection in main element

Connections in the main element can only be made using high quality bolts in swipe or
welding joints.

These conditions do not apply to secondary element connections, such as transverse bonds
and skeletons, or to secondary element connections with primary elements.

11.1.4 Connection planning

The strong plan of each connection component should not be less than the calculated
factoror load. Connection planning must meet the following requirements:
a. channeled inner forces are in balance with forces that work by taking into account
b. deformation on the connection is still within the limits of the connection deformation
c. Adjacent joints and components must be able to assume the forces that work by
taking them into account.

11.1.5 Minimum plan style on the connection

Structural joints (excluding tralis and wartel mur joints, gording and spalk) must be
planned in order to at least receive a force as large as:
a . forces derived from structural components, and
b . minimum style expressed in the value or strong fraction of the structure component plan
with the minimum values outlined below:
1. rigid joints: bending moments of 0.5 times the bending moment of the structure
component plan;
2. joint joints on simple beams: a shear force of 25 kN; It is considered a nominal
3. connection at the end of the component of the tens or press structure: a force of
0.3 times the strength of the structure component plan, except on rods
threaded with nut wartel
which works as a binding rod, the minimum tensile force should be equal to the
strong plan of the rod;
4. connection of the component of the tensile structure: a force of 0.3 times the
strength of the pull structure component plan;
5. compressive structure component connection: if the end is designed for full contact
then the compressive force can be carried through the pedestal on the contact field
and the number of fasteners must be sufficient to carry all the parts in place and
must be sufficient to lurk the force of0.15 times the strength of thecompressive
structure component plan. When the components of the structure are not prepared
for full contact, the connector and fasteners should be designed to carry all of their
components straight and must be planned to channel a force of 0.3 times the
strength of the compressive structure component plan.
6. beam passing connection: a bending moment of 0.3 times the bending of the
beam design, except on the connection planned to channel the shear force only.
The connection that cullingthe shear force alone should be planned to channel the
sliding force and bending moments brought about by the eccentricity of the force
to the heavy point of the tightening group;
7. A structural component passing connection that bears a combination force: a
structural component connection that bears a combination of axial tensile or
compressive forces and bending moments must meet (4), (5), and (6) at once.

11.1.6 Meeting

The structural components that channel the forces on the joint, the neutral axis must be
planned to meet at a point. When there is an eccentricity in the connection, the structural
components and the connection must be able to bear the resulting moment.

On joints that include a single elbow, double elbow and a similar cross-section, which carries
a fatic load it needs to be designed an angular weld to offset the force of the plan against the
neutral line axis. Such weighing is not necessary for connections that are burdened with

The eccentricity between the neutral line axis of the elbow element and the end connection
bolt line may be ignored at static loads, but should be considered on elements and
components of the connection that carry the fatic load.

11.1.7 Fasteners don't roll Common

When gelincir on service load should be prevented in high quality bolt connection in shear
connection (category 8,8/TF), or fitting bolts or welds should be used.

When the joint carries shock or vibration, a high-quality bolt in the friction connection
(category 8.8/TF), or locking fixtures or welds should be used. Swipe on the contact surface

In this section applies to the contact surface on the friction connection including the filler
plate. The maximum derailment factor value should be as given in Table 10.
Table 10 Factor of derailment

Surface Preparation Maximum Derailment

Factor, μ
Not painted:
Clean grind 0,35
Fire cleaning 0,41
Abrasip cleaning 0,45
Red oxide/zinc chromat 0,09
Zinc silicate is not organic 0,43
Heat galvanization:
Galvanized 0,16
Light abrasip cleaning 0,30

Higher derailment factor values should only be used when based on test results approved by
the authorities.

Friction connections involving bolt category 8.8/TF should be listed in such a way, and the
image should clearly show the required surface maintenance on the connection and
whether connection surface closure is required during painting.

11.1.8 Combination connection

When used fasteners do not derail in joint connections with ferriswheel type fasteners (such
as hand fast bolts, or high quality bolts tightened in a focus joint), all service loads
should be considered shouldered by non-derailment fasteners. At the boundary state it can
be considered that the friction connection will derail and a bolt can be planned for the

When a combination of fasteners is not used, the division of the style of the plan can be
considered. However, when welding is used in joint joints with fasteners do not derail:
- any style of plan that first worked directly on the weld should not be spread to the
fasteners added after the work of the plan style, and
- Astyle plan that works after welding should be considered shouldered by a weld.

11.1.9 Leveraged style

Bolts used to carry the factoror pull force must be able to shoulder any additional tensile
force due to the leverage that occurs due to the leveraged component.

11.1.10 Connection components

Connection components (including filler plates, buhul plates, support plates) except
fasteners, their strength must be taken into account in accordance with the requirements in
sections 5, 6 and 7.
11.1.11 Reduction for fastener holes Hole area

In calculating the reduction due to fastening holes (including surface flat bolt holes), the full
area of the hole in its axis plane should be used. The hole is not intersorsed

For holes that are not intersorced, the reduced area is the maximum number of hole areas in
each cross-section perpendicular to the direction of the element plan force. Intersorying holes

When a hole is made intersorpant, the reduced area should be the largest of:
a. Reduction for holes not intersorsed, or
b. The sum of the area of all holes in each intersorpant line continuously crosses the
element or part of the element, with a reduction for each row distance in the following
series of holes:

s 2t
4sg (11.1-5)

with understanding
sp is the interval-intersorp distance (see Figure 18), expressed in millimeters, (mm)
t is the thickness of a perforated material, expressed in millimeters, (mm)
sg is the distance of the bolt line (see Figure 18), expressed in millimeters, (mm)

Hose Line -

Sg Direction style plan

Sp Sp

Figure 18 Hose-interseding holes

11.1.12 Hollow cross-sectional connection

When the planal style of an element is applied to the hollow cross-section of a joint,
consideration should be given to the local influence on the hollow cross-section.

11.2 Bolt planning

11.2.1 Categories of bolts and embalming

The categories of bolts and embalmings compiled in figure 18 shall be planned in accordance
with articles 11.3 and article 11.4. Types of bolts that can be used in the provisions of
articles 11.3 and 11.4 arebolts of the typespecified in SII (0589-81, 0647-91 and 0780-83,
SII 0781-83) or SNI (0541-89-A, 0571-89-A, and 0661-89-A) appropriate or
His successor.

11.2.2 Minimum bolt and pull area

The area of common metric bolts is given in Table 11 The minimum bolt pull is required
for the metric bolt in the connection, the slide is given in Table 2.

Table 11 Bolt area

Nominal Diameter of Bolt Area mm2

Bolt Ae (2) As (3) A0 (4)
df (1)
M16 144 157 201
M20 225 245 314
M24 324 353 452
M30 519 561 706
M36 759 817 1016

A e(2) = The core area of the bolt, measured at a diameter smaller than the thread.
A s(3) = Area for calculating tensile strength.
A0(4) = The area of the nominal plain part of the bolt based on the nominal diameter of the

11.2.3 How to plan

The strength of the bolt connection must be determined by means of the ultimit boundary state

11.2.4 Nominal strength of bolts Bolt nominal shear strength

The shear strength of Vf, from the bolt should be calculated as follows:

Vf = 0.62 fuf kr (nn Ac + nx Ao) (11.3-1)

With understanding:
fuf is the minimum tensile strength of the bolt (Table 2), expressed in Mega Pascal, (MPa)
kr is the reduction factor, to take into account the length of the connection over
the grated Lj can be seen in Table 12, for all other connections, kr = 1.0.
nn is the number of fields shearing through the bolt section
Ae is a smaller diameter area on the bolt, expressed in millimeters per facet, (mm)2
nx is the number of fields shearing through the bolt section
Ao is the nominal plain rod area on the bolt, expressed in millimeters per facet,

Table 12 Reduction factors for more connections are grated

Long Reduction Factor,

Lj  300 1,0
300  Lj  1,075 – Lj/4000
Lj  1300 0,75 The nominal tensile strength of the bolt

The nominal tensile strength of the bolt, Ntf, should be calculated as follows:

Ntf = As fuf (11.3-2)

with As as outside the bolt tensile voltage (see Table 11) Nominal pedestal strength of layer plates

The nominal pedestal strength of the ply plate, Vb, should be calculated as follows:

Vb = 3.2 df tp fup (11.3-3)

Provided that, for a layer plate that carries a force component working towards a side, the
nominal pedestal strength of the layer plate must be drawn the smallest values of the formula
(11.3-3) and the formula (11.3-4).

Vb = ae tp fup (11.3-4)

With understanding:
df is the diameter of the bolt, expressed in millimeters, (mm)
tpis the thickness of the ply plate, expressed in millimeters, (mm)
fup is the tensile strength of the layer plate, expressed in Mega Pascal, (MPa)
ae is the minimum distance from the end of the hole to the end of the ply plate
measured in the direction of the force component plus half the diameter of the bolt,
expressed in millimeters, (mm) Nominal shear strength of the bolt in a swipe joint

The nominal shear strength of the bolt in the friction connection, Vsf, should be calculated as
Vsf = μ nei Nti kh (11.3-5)
With understanding:
μ is the derailment factor, Table 10.
nei is the number of surfaces between effective
nti is the minimum bolt pull, expressed in Mega Pascal, (MPa)
kh is a factor for different types of bolts, as described in articles 11.6-5, i.e.
= 1.00 for a standard hole
= 0.85 for short sidelines and oversized
= 0.70 for long intersection holes

11.2.5 Bolt ultimit boundary state Bolts in slide

Bolts that carry the sliding force of the plan, Vf*, must meet:

V f*  φ V (11.3-6)

With understanding:
φ is the strength reduction factor according to Table 3
Vf is the nominal tensile strength of the bolt, expressed in Newton, (N) Bolts in drag

Bolt that carry on shoulder style Slide plan (N)
t must Meet:
N tf  φ N (11.3-7)

With understanding:
φ is the strength reduction factor according to Table 3
Nf is the nominal tensile strength of the bolt, expressed in Newton, (N) Bolts that carry a combination of shear and pull

Bolts that should withstand the sliding style of the plan, and the pull force of the plan, (N)*,
f tf
The same time must meet:

 V f * 2  Ntf * 2
      (11.3-8)
 φV   φN 
 f   tf 

With understanding:
φ is the strength reduction factor according to Table 3
Vf is the nominal tensile strength of the bolt, expressed in Newton, (N)
Nf is the nominal tensile strength of the bolt, expressed in Newton, (N) Layer plate in pedestal

Plate layer that carry on shoulder style Object plan Vb *, result bolt deep Slide must

V b*  φ V (11.3-9)
With understanding:
φ is the strength reduction factor according to Table 3
Vb is the nominal pedestal power of the ply plate, expressed in Newton, (N)

11.2.6 Bolt service limit state Bolts in slide

Article 11.3.6 applies only to frictional connections that use high-strength bolts (bolt category
8.8/TF) where the derailment for service limit conditions needs to be limited.

The circumstances of the ultimit limit for friction connections must also be estimated in
accordance with article 11.3.5.
For frictional joints, bolts that only carry the sliding force of the plan, in the field
The intermediate surface must meet:

V Sf*  φ V (11.3-10)

With understanding:
φ is the strength reduction factor according to Table 3
Vsf is the nominal shear strength of the bolt in the friction connection, expressed in
Newton, (N) Combination of slide and drag

Bolt deep connection String that carry on shoulder style pull plan (N) t*, must Meet:

 V * 2  N * 2
 sf 
 tf 

 φV   φN  *

 sf   tf 

With understanding:
φ is the strength reduction factor according to Table 3
Vsf is the nominal shear strength of the bolt, expressed in Newton, (N)
V*sf is the shearing force of the bolt plan, expressed in Newton, (N)
Ntf is the nominal tensile strength of the bolt, expressed in Newton, (N)
N*tf is the pull force of the bolt plan, expressed in Newton, (N)

11.2.7 Filler plates

For joints where the thickness of the filler plate exceeds 6 mm, but less than 20 mm, the
nominal shear strength of the aut specified in sub-articles or must be
reduced by 15 percent. For compound shear plane connections with more than one filler
plate through which the bolt passes, reduction must be determined by using the thickness
of the maxsimum filler plate on each sliding field through which the bolt passes.
11.3 Bolt group strength approach

11.5.1 Group of bolts that bear loading in the field

The style of the bolt group plan should be determined by analysis based on the following
a. Connecting plates should be considered rigid and rotating relative to each other to a point
known to be the direct rotation center of the bolt group.
b. In the case the bolt group only bears a pure coil, the direct center ofthe north perp is
equal to the heavy point of the bolt group.

In the case the bolt group carries a shear force in a field that works by taking into
account the group's weight point, the immediate center for the rotation is in infinity
and the shearing force of the plan is divided. flat to the group.

In another case, one is taken:

a. The results of their own analysis for:
1. Pure kopel only, and
2. a shear force in a field that works by taking into account the heavy point of the
bolt group, where the result must be added to each other, or
b. Commonly used methods of analysis.

The sliding force of the plan in each bolt should be considered to work perpendicular to the
radius from the bolt to the center directly, and should be taken directly proportional to those
fingers. For the ultimit boundary state, each bolt must meet the requirements of sub-article
4.5.2 where the reduction factor of force, φ,must be taken for the bolt group (see Table 3),
and the pedestal plate in the pedestal must meet sub-article

For the state of service limit (friction connection), each bolt must meet the requirements of

11.5.1 Group of bolts carrying out-of-field loadings

The style of plan in each bolt in the group of bolts that bear the loading outside the field
must befound in accordance with article 11.1.4.

For the way of the boundary state plan: for the ultimit boundary state, each bolt must meet
sub-articles, and where the reduction factor of force, φ.must be
taken for the bolt group (see Table 3) and the pedestal plate in the pedestal must meet sub-

11.5.1 Group of bolts that bear a combination of loading inside and outside the image field

The style of plan on each bolt in the bolt group shall be determined in accordance with
articles 11.4.1 and 11.4.2

For the way of the boundary state plan: for the ultimit boundary state, each bolt must meet
sub-articles, and where the reduction factor ofthepower, φ,must
be taken for the bolt group (see Table 3) and the pedestal plate in the pedestal must meet
For the state of service limit (friction connection), each bolt must meet the requirements of
11.4 Plansmbungan pen

11.4.1 How to plan

The strength of the pen connection must be determined by way of the ultimit boundary state

11.4.2 Nominal strength of pen Nominal shear strength pen

The nominal shear strength of the pen should be as follows:

Vf = 0.62 fyp ns Ap ( 11.5-1)

With understanding:
fyp is the melting power of pen, expressed in Mega Pascal, (MPa)
ns is the number of sliding fields
Ap is the cross-sectional area of the pen, expressed in a square mimimeter, (mm)2 Nominal pedestal power pen

The strength of the pen's nominal pedestal should be calculated as follows:

Vb = 1.4 fyp dt tp pp (11.5-2)

With understanding:
fyp is the melting power of pen, expressed in Mega Pascal, (MPa)
dt is the diameter of the pen, expressed in millimeters, (mm)
tpis the thickness of the connecting plate, expressed in millimeters, (mm)
kp is 1.0 for rotational pens and 0.5 for pens with rotation Nominal bending power pen

The nominal bending power of the pen should be calculated as follows:

Mp = fyp S (11.5-3)

With understanding:
fyp is the melting power of pen, expressed in Mega Pascal, (MPa)
S is the plastic cross-section modulus of the pen

11.5.1 Plan of ultimit boundary state Pen in slide

Pen that carry on shoulder style Slide planf V *must Meet:

V*  φ V (11.5-4)
f f
With understanding:
φ is the strength reduction factor according to Table 3
Vf is the nominal tensile strength of pen, expressed in Newton, (N) Pen in focus

Pen that carry on shoulder style Object plan, V
b , must Meet:

V b*  φ V (11.5-5)

With understanding:
φ is the strength reduction factor according to Table 3
Vb is the nominal pedestal power of the ply plate, expressed in Newton, (N) Pen in bending

Pen who shoulders the bending moment of the plan, M*, must fulfill:

M*  φ Mp (11.5-6)

With understanding:
φ is the strength reduction factor according to Table 3.
Mp is the nominal strength of pen in bending, expressed in Newton-meter, (kN.m). Layer plate in pedestal

Plate layer that carry on shoulder style Object plan Vb *, result pen deep Slide must
comply with sub-article

11.5 Key bolt and pen planning details

11.5.1 Minimum distance

The distance between the center of the fastener hole should not be less than 2.5 times the
nominal diameter of the fastener.

11.5.2 Minimum edge distance

The minimum distance from the fastener center to the edge of the plate or the cross-
sectional wing of the mill must be to the specifications in Table 13.

Table 13 Minimum edge distance

Mill plate, Cutting Machine

Cutting Edges with Slides Edge of Milled
with Fire, Saw
or Hands and Fire Results from The
or Flattened Edges
Gilded Cross
1.75 df 1.50 df 1,25 df

df is the nominal tightening diameter

11.5.3 Maximum distance

The maximum distance between the fastener centers should be the smallest value of 15
tp (where tp is the thinnest layer plate thickness in the joint) or 200 mm.
In any case, in the following case, the maximum distance should be as follows:
a. For fasteners that do not need to shoulder the style of the plan in areas that are not
easily rusty, the smallest value of 32tp or 300 mm
b. For the outer row of fasteners in the direction of the plan style, the smallest value is
4 tp + 100 mm, or 200 mm.

11.5.4 Maximum edge distance

The maximum distance from the center of each fastener to the nearest edge of the
interconnected part should be 12 times the thickness of the thinnest outer layer plate in the
relationship, but should not exceed 150 mm.

11.5.5 Holes

The nominal diameter of the finished hole should be 2 mm greater than the nominal diameter
of the bolt for the bolt with a diameter not exceeding 24 mm, and no more than 3 mm larger
for a bolt with a larger diameter.

An oversized hole can be used inany or all layer plates of a pedestal or swipe joint on the
condition that a hard ring plate is installed over the oversized hole under the head of the
bolt and nut. The diameter of the oversized hole should not exceed the greatest value of:

1.25 df or (df + 8) mm (11.6-1)

Short sideline holes can be used in any or all layer plates of the pedestal or swipe joint,
provided that a hard ring plate is installed over the sideline hole that is under the head of the
bolt and nut, the short sideline holecannot be longer than the largestvalue:

1.33 df or (df + 10) mm (11.6-2)

Long inter-holes can only be used in alternating layer plates in pedestal or swipe joints
provided that ring plates with a minimum thickness of 8 mm are used to cover all long
inter-hole under the bolt head and nut. Long intersal holes should not be longer than
2.5 df.

Joints that carryshear can have large holes, short sidelines or long sidelines with the
following restrictions:
a. for swipe connections, not restricted
b. For focus joints, the sideline hole can only be used when the connection is not
overloaded with eccentrics and when the bolt can be evenly distributed, and when the
sideline is perpendicular to the direction of the load.

11.5.6 Nut locking

This article does not apply to high-power bolts inthe frictionconnection.

When the bolt is shaking vibration, shock or tensile force, the nut should be effectively locked
in position after tightening.
11.5.7 Minimum number of bolts

Except for light bonding and backrest elements, the bolt joint must have a minimum of
two bolts.

11.5.8 Bolt size

Bolts for elements carrying loads should not be less than a nominal diameter of 16 mm. The
diameter of the bolt should not be more than 2 times the thickness of the thinnest part in the
joint. This requirement does not apply to filler plates.

The diameter of the bolt in the elbow that carries the load should not be more than one-
seventh the width of the foot on which the bolt is placed.

11.6 Swipe connection

11.6.1 Installation

Filler plates should be held where necessary in order to ensure that the layer plate
that channels the load is in contact effectively when the connection is tightened until the
tight condition of the hand specified in 11.2.

11.6.2 How to tighten Common

The tightening method must be in accordance with one of the sub-articles or The benchmark twist fastener (torque wrench settings) should not be used for

In a completed tightened connection, all bolts must have at least the minimum bolt pull
required in Table 2. How to tighten the spin fraction

Fastening of the bolt by fraction-round means must be in accordance with the following stages:
a. At installation, all bolts in the connection must first be tightened until the tight condition
of the hand to ensure that the ply plate that channels the load is brought into contact
b. Tightness of the hand is a firmness achieved with multiple blows of an impact
fastener or at the full force of a standard fastener.
c. After the tightening of the hand is complete, the benchmark marks on the bolts and
nuts should be determined to indicate the relative position of the bolts and nuts, as well
as to check the final nut round.
d. Observation of the final nut round can be achieved by using a mark on the fastener
socket but the benchmark should still be there for the purposes of saan picking.
e. The bolt must finally be tightened with a nut round in accordance with the required
specifications. Tightening by using the direct pull indicator

Fastening bolts using the direct pull indicator must be in accordance with the following stages:
a. The feasibility of the indicator must be demonstrated through the testing of a
representative example object (for each bolt diameter) in a calibration tool capable of
measuring the pull of the bolt. Calibration testing should show statistically that:
1. The test load is equal to the actual load, there should be no more than a 5%
chance that the average load value indicated by each group of the 4 indicators
is greater than the actual load.
This is guaranteed by fulfilling the following formula:

Tav – 0.83 st  Tp (11.7-1)

2. With an experimental load equal to 0.9 minimum bolt break loads, there should be
no more than a 5% chance that the load indicated by an indicator is less than the
test load.
This is guaranteed by fulfilling the following formula:

Tav + 1.65 st  0.9 Tu (11.7-2)

with the actual load as the minimum bolt pull specified in Table 2 for the relevant
bolt diameter.
b. At installation, all bolts and nuts in the connection shall first be tightened until the
tight condition of the hand specified in sub-chapter
c. Once the hand tightening is complete, the bolt must be tightened in order to hold the
minimum bolt pull specified in Table 2. This is indicated by the pull indicator.

11.7 Welding planning

11.7.1 Range Common

Welding must meet the appropriate standards specified by the competent authority. Types of welds

For the purposes of this section, the type of las is blunt, angular, filler, or composed. How to plan

Welds should be planned according to the way the ultimit boundary state plan is planned.
The strength of the weld group that holds the burden at work, shall be estimated in
accordance with article 11.9. In this approach, the strength of the weld determined in
accordance with sub-articles, or shall be multiplied by the
following factors:
a. full penetration blunt welding.............0.55
b. Other types of welds...........................0.44
11.7.2 Weld blunt penetration full and partial Weld size

The size of the full penetration blunt weld, aside from the full penetration blunt weld on the T
joint or angle joint, and the size of the partial penetration weld is the distance between the
outer end to the end in the weld preparation, excluding retrofitting.

The size of the full penetration blunt weld for the T connection or angular connection is the
thick part that is attached to the other part. Thick neck plan

The thickness of the neck plan should be as follows:

a. Full penetration blunt weld
The thick neck plan for full penetration blunt welds is the size of a weld.
b. Partially blunt weld penetration
The thick neck plan for blunt weld penetration should partially be as specified in
Table 14.

Table 14 Thick neck of partially penetrating blunt weld

Types of Partial Penetration Blunt Preparation Angle Thick Neck Plan (mm)
Welding 
 < 60 0 d – 3 mm
Single V
 > 60 0 d
 < 60 0 d3 + d4 – 6
Double V
 > 60 0 mm
d3 + d4

d = depth of preparation, (d3 and d4 are for the value for each side of the weld)
 = angle of preparation Effective length

The effective length of blunt welding is the sum of the length of a full-size weld. Effective breadth

The effective area of blunt welding is an effective long multiplication with a thick neck plan. Bold or wide switching

Blunt welding joints between sections of different thickness or unequal width that carry the
pull should have a smooth transition between the surface or edges. The transition should be
made by engulfing a thicker part or by hitting the surface of the weld or by a combination
of the two, as shown in Figure 19. The land of transition between parts must not exceed
1:1. However, the provisions for fatik require a smaller land than this or achange ofcurves
between sections for some categories of fatic details. Determination of blunt welding strength

Determination of the strength of blunt welding should be as follows:

a. Full penetration blunt weld
The strength of the full penetration blunt weld plan shall be taken equal to the nominal
capacity of theweaker parts on the connected parts multiplied by the corresponding
strength reduction factor for blunt welding (see Table 3) provided that the welding
method is in accordance with the qualifications required by the competent authority.
b. Partially blunt weld penetration
The strength of the blunt weld plan of penetration shall be partially calculated as for the
angular weld (see sub-article using the thickness of theneck plan
specifiedafter sub-article
Partial penetration turnpul welding should not be used to channel tensile or press loads.

11.7.3 Corner welding Angular weld size

The size of the angle weld is expressed by the length of his legs. The length of the foot
should be determined as the length, tw1, tw2, from the side located along the triangular leg
formed by a cross-section of welds (see Figures 20(a) and (b)). When the legs are the
same length, the size is expressed by a single dimension, tw. When there is a root, size,
tw, is given by the length of the triangular leg formed by reducing the intercession of the
root as described in Figure 20(c).
Note: The intermediate ramps depicted at (a) and (b) are the maximum allowed

Figure 19 Weld connection switch

Figure 20 Angular weld size Minimum size of angle weld

The minimum size of the angle weld, aside from the angle weld used to reinforce the blunt
weld, should fit Table 15, except that the weld size should not be larger than the thinnest
part in the joint.

Table 15 Minimum size of angle welding

Thickest Part t mm Minimum Size of Angle

tw mm
t 7 3
7< t  4
10 5
10 < t  6
15 < t 
20 10
20 < t  12
40 < t 
60 < t 
70 Maximum size of angle weld along the edge The

maximum size of the angular weld along the edge of the

material is:
a. for materials less than 6 mm thick, taken thick material (see Figure 21(a))
b. for materials with a thickness of 6 mm or more (see Figure 21(b)), unless another
required neck plan thickness in the image (see Figure 21(c)), the size of the weld should
be taken as large as the thickness of the material minus 1 mm.

tw = the size of the angle Weld

t = thicker part in the joint
Figure 21 Maximum size of angle welds along the edges Thick neck plan

Thick neck plan, tt of the angle weld is as shown in Figure 20.

For welds made by means of automatic welding, an increase in the thickness of the neck B
plan may be permitted as shown in Figure 22, provided that it can be proven through macro
testing on the weld results that the required penetration has been achieved. When such
penetration is achieved, the required weld size can be reduced in proportion to the required
thickness of the neck plan.

Thick neck plan for deep penetration Welds Made in an automatic Way:

t = tT1 +0.85 tt2

Figure 22 Weld penetration in Effective length

The effective length of the angle weld is the entire length of the full-sized angle weld,
including the tip spin. There is no need to perform an effective length reduction for the start or
crater weld when the weld is fully carved at the entire length.

The minimum effective length of angle weld is 4 times the size of the weld. However, when
the effective length comparison of welds to weld sizes does not match this requirement,
the weld size for planning should be taken by 0.25 times the effective length. Minimum
length requirements apply also to pass connections.

Each segment of the weld angle should have an effective length of not less than 40
mm or 4 times the nominal size of the weld, taken larger. Effective breadth

The effective area of the angle weld is an effective long multiplication and thick neck plan. Transverse distance between angle welds

When two parallel angular welds connect two components in the direction of the plan force to
form an arranged element, the transverse distance between the welds should not exceed 32
t p,except at the end of the tensile element if the angular weld is used intermittently, the
transverse distance of the ak tidmay exceed 16 tp or 200 mm, where tp is thick. The
smallest of the two connected components.

In order for the above requirements to be met, it is permitted to use angular welding in
between and/or holes in the direction of the style of the plan. Distance between weld angles is not continuous

Unless at the end of the composed element, the net distance between the intermittent
angular welds, along the weld line, shall not exceed the smallest value of:
a. for elements that experience presses of 16 t p and 300 mm.
b. for elements that experience a pull of 24 tp and 300 mm. Element arranged intermittent angle

Intermittent angle welding should not be used for joints, or in places where corrosion can
harm structures. When intermittent angular welding connects components to form
composed elements, welds must meet the following requirements:
a. Pada the end of the pull or press component from the beam, or at the end of the tensile
element, when only the angular weld is used on the side of the component, the length of
the weld on each connection line is at least equal to the width of the connected
component. When the width of the connected component is tyre, the length of the weld
is the greatest value of:
1. the largest portion, and
2. the length of the tyred part
b. On the cover plate or base plate of the compressed element, the weld must have a length
on each connection line as large as at least the maximum width of the maximmum
element on the contactsurface.
c. When the beam is connected to the surface of the compressed element, the weld
connecting the compressed element components must include passing through the
upper edge and bottom edge of the beam and beyond:
1. for unfettered joints, a distance d below the lower surface of the girder, and
2. for unfettered connections, a distance d above and below the surface of the top and
bottom of the girder, where d is the maximum dimension of cross-section of the
compressive element. Ultimit boundary state for angle welds

Las corner that carry on shoulder style plan per unit long Las V *must
w Meet:

Vw *  φ V (11.8-1)
Style plan per unit
w paniang, V , be sum Vector style plan per unit
paniang on the effective area of welding.

The nominal strength of the angular weld per unit length should be calculated as follows:

Vw = 0.6 fuw ttk r (11.8-2)

With understanding:
φ is the strength reduction factor according to Table 3
fuw is the nominal strength of the angular weld per unit length, expressed in Mega
Pascal, (MPa).
tisthe width of the neck plan, expressed in millimeters, (mm)
kr is a reduction factor that can be seen in Table 16 to take into account the length of
the relationship over that in welded, Lw. For all other types of relationships, kr = 1.0
Table 16 Reduction factors for more welded relationships, kr

Weld length, Lw, (m) Lw ≤ 1.7 ≤ Lw ≤ 8.0 Lw 

1.7 8,0

kr 1,00 1.10 – 0.06 Lw 0,62

11.7.4 Filler welding Filler welding in the form of a corner weld around the hole or sideline

Filler welding shall be considered an angular weld of the effective length specified in sub-
article, and the nominal strength specified in sub-article The
minimum size should be as for the angle weld (see sub-section Filler welding in the form of holes filled with metal welds

The effective shear area, Aw,of the filler weld in the form of a hole filled with welding metal
should be considered a nominal cross-sectional area of the hole or in the plane of the surface
between the connected components.

Las Fillers such that carry on shoulder style Slide plan V *must
w Meet:

Vw*  φ V (11.8-3)

The nominal shear strength of the weld ultimit should be calculated as follows:

Vw = 0.6 fuw Aw (11.8-4)

With understanding:
φ is the strength reduction factor according to Table 3
Vw is the nominal shear strength of the weld ultimit, expressed in Newton, (N)
fuw is the nominal strength of the angular weld per unit length, expressed in Mega
Pascal, (MPa). Restriction

Filler welding should only be used to channel slides in passing connections or to prevent
buckling of passing parts or to connect component parts of composed elements.

11.7.5 Welds are arranged Description

Arranged welds are determined as angular welds added to blunt welds. Thick neck plan

The thickness of the neck plan of the arranged weld, to be used in the calculation of the
plan, is:
a. For full penetration blunt welds, blunt weld size without retrofitting, and
b. For partially penetrating blunt welds, the shortest distance from the roots of the weld is
partial penetration against the surface of the angle weld as determined by the largest
inner triangle in the cross-section of the total weld, with a maximum value equal to
the thickness of theend or sideattached to the surface of the other part (see Figure 23).

Thick neck plan, tt of the weld is the
minimum distance from the weld root to its
efficacy, minus each strengthening. The
three sketches above illustrate the concept.

Figure 23 Thick neck plan of welds arranged The boundary state of ultimit power

Weld must meet the requirements of sub-article

11.8 Determination of the strength of the welding group

11.8.1 The group of welds that bear the loading in the field General method of analysis

The style of plan per unit length in the angular welding group that bears the loading in the
field must be determined according to the following:
a. Connection plates should be considered rigid and rotating relative to each other against a
point known as the direct rotation center of the weld group.
In the event that the weld group only bears pure kopel, the center of direct rotation isthe
heavy weld group.
b. In the case the weld group carries a shear force in a field that works by taking into
account the group's weight point, the direct rotation center is at infinity and the plan
force per unit length, V*w divided equally on group.
In other respects, the results of the analysis are separate to pure kopel only and for
shear forces in fields that work by taking into account the weight points of welding
groups, the results must be added to each other, or used the usual means of
c. The plan force per unit length, V*w at each point in the angular welding group should be
considered to work perpendicular to the radius of that point against the direct center,
and should be taken directly proportional to those radius.
La's angle must meet the requirements of sub-article at all points in the
angular welding group by using the appropriate strength reduction factor for the
weld group (see Table 3). In the case of an angular weld group with a fixed neck
thickness, it is enough to only check the point in the group determined by the
maximum value of the radius against the direct center. Alternative analysis

The plan style per unit length in the angular welding group can be alternately
determined by considering the angular welding group as an extension of the spliced
element and taking a comparable plan style per unit length in the angular welding group to it
meets the balance between the angular weld group and the spliced elemental elements.
Angle welding must meet the requirements of article at all points in the angular
welding group using the force reduction factor for the welding group (see Table 3).

11.8.2 Weld group that bears outer-field loading General method of analysis

The style of plan per unit length in the angular welding group that bears the loading of
the outside of the field should be determined according to the following:
a. angular welding groups should be reviewed separately from the linked elements, and
b. The plan style per unit length in the angular weld resulting from the bendingmoment
rencana should be considered linearly variable with the distance to the axis of the
relevant neutral line. The plan force per unit length in the angular welding group
resulting from each shear force or axial force should be considered divided equally on
the length of the angular welding group.

Angle welding must meet the requirements of sub-section at all points in the
angle welding group, and use the appropriate strength reduction factor forwelded kelompok
(see Table 3). Alternative analysis

The plan style per unit length in the angular welding group can be alternately
determined by regarding the angular welding group as an expansion of the spliced
element and spreading the style of the plan between the welds from the weld group to such
an extent that it meets the balance of angular welding groups and spliced elemental

Angle welding must meet sub-article requirements at all points in the angular
welding group and use the appropriate strength reduction factor for the welding group (see
Table 3).
11.8.3 Weld groups that carry loadings in and out of the field General method of analysis

The style of plan per unit length as determined from the corresponding analysis of sub-
articles and shall meet sub-articles at all points in the angular
welding group, and use the appropriate strength reduction factor for the welding group
(see Tabel 3). Alternative analysis

Plan style per unit length as determined from the analysis in accordance with the article and, shall meet sub-articles at all points in the angular
welding group, using the strength reduction factor appropriate for the weld group (see Table

11.8.4 Combination of weld types

When two or more types of welding are combined in a single connection, the plan capacity of
each type.

11.9 Filler plate in execution

When the filler plate is welded between two elements and is less than 6 mm thick, or too thin
for adequate weld procurement or to prevent buckling, the filler should be flattened
precisely with the edge of the element bearing the plan style and the size of the weld along
the edge should be increased by more than the size of the requirement by a magnitude equal
to the thickness of the filler. In other ways, the filler must pass through the edge and must be
welded on the element in which the filler is attached.

12 Provisions for planning a special structure

12.1 Common

If the span of the bridge is greater than specified in section I sub-article 1.1.1 or located on
the corner, or if there is not intended for a pedestal in the middle of the river, it can be used
the bridge with the structure system as below:
a. Bow bridge
b. Box girder bridge
c. Cable bridge
d. Suspension bridge

12.2 Bow bridge

12.2.1 Bridge with stiff bow

If the floor of the vehicle only serves to pass the load to the bow, so that the bow receives a
moment, then the bow bridge is thus called a bridge with a rigid bow.
12.2.2 A bridge with a non-rigid bow

If the floor of the vehicleis restored as a steaming girder that bears the big moment, then the
bow bridge is thus called the bridge with the bow that is nailed.

The main force that arises on the bow is only the axial force of the press, so that the size of
the bow becomes slender.

12.2.3 Bow bridge witha pull rod

If the horizontal reaction of the bow is carried by the floor of the vehicle then the bow bridge
is thus called the bow bridge with a pull rod.

In this case the main girder of the vehicle floor musician must be planned to shoulder the
moment of bending and axial style of attraction.

12.3 Box girder bridge

12.3.1 Common

If the main girder due to the type of structure or due to external loads must receive a large
twist moment, such as for example for bridges on corners, then the box girder system is a
good solution.

12.3.2 Composite box gelagar planning

In its planning, the composite box girder should pay attention to the following provisions:
a. Allow voltage for shear lag.
b. Distortion and deviation of voltage.
c. Redistribution of body tension on the elongated girder that is applied.
d. Effective thickness of the body for the analysis of bending voltage.
e. Continuous prisoners.

In addition, it must also meet the provisions:

a. The distance from the middle of the wing on one box to the wing on the other
should be the same.
b. The average distance from the center of the wing to the center of the wing in the
adjacent crib should not be greater than 1.2 times and should not be less than 0.8 times
the distance from the center of the wing to the middle of the other wing in each box.
c. Referring to the above statement, when using a parallel girder, the distance from
the middle of the wing to the middle of the other wing should not be greater than 1.35
times and not less than 0.65 times the distance from the middle of the wing to the middle
of the other wing in each box.
d. Cantilevers on the vehicle's floor plates, includingthanan and backrests, should be limited
to 60% of the average distance from the middle of the wing to the center of the wing in
the adjacent crib, but not exceeding the distance of 6 feet.

12.3.3 Composite box gelagar without elongated hooker

Composite box girders without elongated hookers need to be planned to meet the provisions
of the steel girder as well as the provisions in sub-articles 12.3.7 and 12.3.8.
RSNI T-03-2005

12.3.4 Wings on the girder with elongated hooker Common

Refers to the planning of a box with a nailed wing, with one or more elongated hookers
that meet geometric needs in sub-article 12.3.9. Voltage on the wing is depressed with an elongated hooker

The elongated voltage on the wingwith an elongated hooking needs to be determined both in
the middle of the surface of the wing plate (when checking for fatigue) and at the midpoint of
the effective part of the nail (when checking the bend). The power of the wings

In determining the strength of the wings that are being fedded, you should pay attention:
 fatigue on the wing plate;
 effective parts for elongated wing hookers;
 the strength of the elongated wing hooker;
 the variety of moments extends. Wings with elongated hooks without transverse hookers

For a more detailed formulation will be given later in the preparation of detailed regulations. Reduction of elongated hookers

When the elongated hooker is reduced, the part of the confessor needs to be increased
beyond the theoretical cut point on each bgianwith consideration exceeding the same
distance as the width of the girder.

12.3.5 Body on a girder with an elongated hooker Common

Planning of the body panel applicable to each part needs to meet the fatigue criteria and
buckling criteria in sub-articles and Fatigue on the body panels

Detailed formulation will be given later in the preparation of detailed regulations. Bend on body panels

The transverse voltage on each body panel should be taken at the edge of the panel closest
to the load.

To calculate the required bend coefficient, the effective space prisoner limit on the panel
needs to be considered asa provision that will be given later in the preparationof detailed

127 from
132 Elongated body hooker

In planning an elongated body akuku it is necessary to pay attention:

a. Effective area for elongated body strengthening.
b. The strength of the body strengthening is elongated. Reduction of elongated body aku

When the elongated nail is reduced, the part of the nail needs to be increased beyond the
theoretical cut point. This increased incorporation of the nail is needed to develop a load on
the nail that counts as its theoretical cut point. Transverse hooker of elongated body hooker

In the planning needs to be adjusted to the meeting contained in the planning of the
transverse directional body and the existence of rational analysis.

Transverse body hookers should be provided at all locations where the body
connects with the beams cross and where the slope of the wings changes direction.

12.3.6 Transverse elements on the wing Common

The transverse element of the nailed wing must be planned to have sufficient rigidity
and strength to prevent buckling on the wings and also to carry all the load placed

The transverse element on the depressed wing must be supported by the transverse body
strengthener on the main girder body. Effective areas for transverse elements

In planning effective areas for transverse elements it is necessary to pay attention to:
 effective area for stiffness.
 effective area for the calculation of strength and voltage.
 compact area.

For a more detailed explanation will be given later on the preparation of detailed
regulations. Stiffness of transverse elements on the depressed wing

In order for sub-article to be fulfilled, especially for transverse elements that
support the depressed wing, the entire length of the effective element must be divided into
several segments for analytical purposes, as follows:
a. Type I, segments between the interior bodies ofthe main girders.
b. Type II, segments that are part of the cantilever and length adjacent to the body of the
first interior girder.

For more detailed provisions and formulations will be given later in the preparation of detailed
regulations. The power of transverse elements on the depressed wings

Transverse elements on the depressed wings need to be planned in order to meet the
requirements on the steel girder section, using effective areas that are in accordance with
the provisions on the effective area for transverse elements.

12.3.7 Diaphragm on the place Common

Diaphragms should be provided on the place area of the box girder to move the existing
load to the musician. Diaphragms should be used when the vertical and transverse outer
forces are channeled from one element to another. The diaphragm in the place must be in
comparable dimensions to divide the forces acting on it and as an additional force, to
withstand the transverse force the plan must be divided equally between the diaphragms. Geometric boundaries

In diaphragm planning it is necessary to note the following geometric limitations:

a. Diaphragm and place.
b. Openings on the diaphragm that are not attached.
c. Openings on the diaphragm are nailed.

12.4 Cable bridge (cable stayed)

12.4.1 Basic planning Common

A cable stayed bridge is a system of non-certain high-level static structures, in which the
working internal forces are affected together by the rigidity of the bridge's main supporting
components, namely the vehicle floor system (plates, beams). Elongated, transverse
beams) together with the hanging cable and the main tower.

To withstand the dead load of the bridge, the cable of the limb is the main support, whose
behavior (due to the dead load) is largely determined by the way the bridge is executed.
If the implementation ofa bridge is carried out segment by segment, then each cable must be
considered to work to hold the weight of one interval of the bridge floor system (in the
direction of its lengthening) between the two cables. In this case, it is necessary to calculate
the cable voltage needed toshape geometrically extending the bridge floor as planned,
taking into account all superimposed dead load,as well as the result of deformation of cables
and vehicle floors, both elastic (instantaneous) and "long-term" such as milkt, frame,
relaxation and So on.

At the time of the working load of life, the bridge must be planned as a system of joint
structures between the floor of the vehicle, the hanging cable, and the main tower. The inner
forces in all structural components obtained from calculations due to life loads, then need
to be positioned with the inner force obtained from calculations due to dead loads.
Similarly, it is necessary to examine the deformation of structural components at all stages of
loading, where the deformation should not interfere with the completeness of the bridge
structure as a whole. Modelization of elongated structures

If it is not determined otherwise by the authorities, then in withstanding the work of dead
loads, the structure of the bridge can be surrounded in the form of elongated beams above
many buildings. The vertical force component on the hanging cable in this case can be taken
equal to the continuous beam building reaction. These cable styles will then be passed on
the main tower, which must be taken into account both the inner force and its deformation in
withstanding the overall dead load of the bridge. In accepting the working of life loads, the
bridge needs to be surrounded as a beam over many elastic buildings (i.e. relatively flexible
hanging cables). This life load will also give rise to forces in elongated beams and main
towers, which need to be positioned with inner force due to dead loads. In addition, it
cannot be ignored also the normal deformation (press) that occurs in the vehicle floor
system (especially elongated beams), as a result of the horizontal force component of the
hanging cable. Analysis of structural dynamics

The role of dynamic analysis on cable stayed bridges can be very important, and bisa is a
defining aspect for bridges with very long spans, due to the relatively more flexible nature of
the bridge.

In general, there are two main aspects of structural dynamics that must be reviewed;
 aspects of aerodynamic stability
 aspects of anti-seismic (earthquake-resistant) structure.

As mentioned above, the aerodynamic and anti-scytic behavior of the bridge structure,
especially its hanging cables, under certain conditions, can be the main proponents of the
bridge's safety factor, which is primarilyrelated to the vibrational, resonance, and fatic
behavior of cable components, main towers, and elongated beams.

The analysis of the influence of these two aspects of dynamics requires research into the
dynamic behavior of the structure of the bridge, its natural frequency, and its mode of
vibration, all of which can only be obtained from the analysis of structural dynamics. Aerodynamic behavior

In the planning of a cable stayedbridge, the aerodynamic behavior of the bridge structure is a
factor that must be considered and well researched. The wind, which blows at a certain
angle towards the bridge structure, can result in twist effects and supple moments
simultaneously, which can be a dangerous combination for bridge safety.

One aspect that also needs to be considered in aerodynamic analysis, is the possibility of
turbulence in the wind flow that hits the cross-section of the structure with a certain shape,
which allows the occurrence of resonance phenomena in the vibration of the bridge
12.4.2 Hanging cable

Cable on the cable stayedbridge, must be taken into account both in the conditionof the layan
boundary and the ultimit boundary condition. In this case, the action of temperature must be
taken into account also in planning based on service limits (PBL) and so is verification of the
state of the fatic limit. In terms of temperature load, it should include taking into account
the temperature difference between the wires (which take into account the color of the
wires), the floor, and the pylon,including the temperature gradient for the floor and the pylon. How to Plan by Service Limits (PBL)

Under repeated load combinations, the tensile voltage in the cable should not exceed 0.45
fpu. How to Plan based on Burden and Factoring Power (PBKT)

The tensile resistance of the cable should be checked under a combination of loads
associated with the ultimit boundary state, with a φ = 0.80 strength reduction factor applied
to the characteristic tensile strength, fps, of the prete hold steel. Fatic border state

a. The fatik failure of the cable is usually affected by local influences in the angkur, mount
and connecting devices, so whenever possible verification should be done by testing.
b. Except for pedestrian bridges, the main tensile components of kabel should be checked
based on fatic resistance.
c. Verification for the fatic boundary state of the cable must be done in combination of the
same loads used for fatic resistance checks of the bridge components.
d. The change in voltage in the cable under the relevant load combination for fatik must
include the same bending voltage due to the movement of the angkur.

12.4.3 Limitations of destruction due to unintentional action

a. Hazards from structural collapse due to failure of one or more wires, under accidental
action such as impact,fire, or explosion from a vehicle should be estimated.
b. If not specifically specified, it should be checked that in the event ofa failure, the cables
in a row of cables at a long interval of 20 meters, the bridge will not collapse under
the combination of accidental actions using partial safety factors γs = 1.3 meters. for
pre-handled steel at the service limit conditions.
c. Planning should already take into account the temporary loss of one random cable
without the need to reduce the traffic load during the repair period of the cable.
12.4.4 Haunted, saddle and cable splicing Haunted planning, saddle and cable splicing

The planning of the angkur, saddle and cable splicing must have taken into account the
possibility and ease for the replacement of these components, as well as for the adjustment
/ re-strengthening of the cable style. Haunted failure, saddle and cable splicing

The angkur, saddle and cable splicing should be planned in such a way that thereis no
failure that precedes the failure of the pre-handled cable.

12.5 Suspension bridge

Testing with wind tunnels, specifically for suspension bridge structures is required to conduct
testing with wind tunnels.

12.6 Cable

The main musician cables used for cable bridge structures and suspension bridges must
be made of high quality material with a minimum tensile strength of 1800 N/mm2.

12.7 Structural analysis

Any rational structural analysis may be used for the structures mentioned in article 12.1 of
this section, noting that for the structures of articles 12.4 and article 12.5, the conduct of
wires shall be taken into account.

12.8 Use of this standard

The structural elements contained in this section shall be planned under the
appropriate articles of this standard.

For elements not contained in this standard must be used a common and rational
planning procedure.

13 Planning examination of fatik

13.1 Common

13.1.1 Requirement

This chapter applies to the planning of structures and elements of structures that

bear fatik. The influences not covered in this section are:

a. Reduction in fat age due to corrosion or submerged

b. High voltage - low cycle fatik
c. Fatik temperature
d. Cracking voltage corrosion
The planner should check that at each point in the structure, the requirements on the
13 fulfilled for the age of the structure plan in sub-section 4. 1.The structure or structural
elements planned to meet the requirements of this sub-article, there ish for the Stateof
Power and Service Limits.

Requirements that must be met for the planning of structures and elements of structures that
bear fatik:
a. Fixed Voltage Variation Fatik Limit - the highest fixed voltage variation limit for each
category of detail in which fatik cracks are not expected to develop (see Figure 24).
b. Non Fatik Limit - for each category of details, the highest variable voltage variation limit
that does not require consideration when performing cumulative damage calculations
(see Figure 24 and Gambar 25).
c. Fatik strength - the voltage variation limit specified in article 13.6 for each category of
details (see figure 24 and figure 25) that varies with the number of voltage cycles.

13.1.2 Restriction

In all voltage cycles, the size of the plan voltage should not exceed fy and the voltage
variation limit should not exceed 1.5 fy.

13.2 Fatic loading

The loading used in the fatic approach is the Actual Service Load including dynamic
Figure 24 S-N curve for ordinary voltage
Figure 25 S-N curve for shear voltage

13.3 Plan Spectrum

13.3.1 Determination of voltage

The voltage plan must be determined from the elastic analysis of the structure or from the
voltage history obtained from strain measurements.

The plan voltage should be specified as normal voltage or shear taking into account
all the project loads on the element, but excluding voltage concentration due to the
geometry of the details as described in Table 19 to Table 22 The concentration effect
voltages that are not characteristic of details must be taken into account separately.

If otherwise specified, each arrow in Table 20 to Table 22 shows the position and
direction of the voltage working in the base material on the perpendicular plane.
against the arrow where the voltage variation will be calculated.

For a fatic approach of the skeleton that uses an open cross-section in which the joint is
not a joint, the influence of the secondary bending moment should be taken into account
unless, when:

> 40 or > 40 (1.3-1)
dx dy

For frames that use a hollow cross-section, the voltage variation limit in the element
may be calculated without considering the effect of connection stiffness and eccentricity
of the consequences as mentioned below:

a. For frames that use a hollow round cross-section, the voltage variation limit must be
multiplied by the corresponding factor given in Table 17.

b. For frames that use a hollow square cross-section, the calculated voltage variation limit
must be multiplied by the corresponding factor given in Table 18.

c. The thickness of the angular weld neck plan should exceed the thickness of the connected
elemental walls.

Table 17 Multiplier factors for hollow round cross-section

Type of Relationship Trunk Vertical Diagonal

Type K 1,5 1,0 1,3
Relationship with the sidelines Type N 1,5 1,8 1,4
Relationship with more Type K 1,5 1,0 1,2
connections Type N 1,5 1,65 1,25

Table 18 Multiplier factors for hollow square cross-section

Type of Relationship Trunk Vertical Diagonal

Type K 1,5 1,0 1,5
Relationship with the sidelines Type N 1,5 2,2 1,6
Relationship with more Type K 1,5 1,0 1,3
connections Type N 1,5 2,0 1,4
Table 19 Categories Details: group 1 – details without welding

Kate Construction
Gori Details
Deta Description
ils Image

160 Milled or Shaped Products

1. Flat plates and fields
2. Mill cross section
3. Unsanted pipes

Sharp end, surface flow and mill flow are

eliminated with grinding in the direction of
voltage use.

A relationship that is shredded

140 4 and 5.
Voltage variation limits are calculated at
the full cross-section for the 8.8/TF bolt
category and on the clean cross section in
other respects. The relationship of the
unsannted one-sided cover plate should be
avoided or the influence of eccentricity
taken into account in the calculation of

Material where the Ends Are Cut Gas or Slide Without The
Remaining Line 140 6.
All materials are hardened and visible end
uneven marks are removed with the
machine or grinder in the direction of
voltage use.

Materials where the End Is Cut Engine Gas with Residual

Line or Material Cut with Ordinary Gas
Angle and signs of uneven ends
125 is seen to be removed with a grinding in
the direction of voltage use.
Note: The arrow indicates the location and direction of the voltage working in the base material for
which the voltage variation limit will be calculated. This voltage works on the plane
perpendicular to the arrow.
Table 20 Categories Details: group 2 – weld details not in hollow cross-

Details Construction
catego Details
ry Picture Descripti
Cross section I Welded Plate and Boks Hashtag with Continuous Elongated
125 8 and 9
The angular or blunt area of the
automatic automatic lengthwise
continuously is carried out from
both sides and all welds have
no stop starting position.

112 10 and 11
The continuous automatic blunt
welding area is made from only one
side with continuous supporting
rods and all welds have no
starting stop position.

The angular or blunt weld area
extends continuously which is
carried out from both sides but has
a stop-start position.

The continuous elongated welding
area is carried out only from one
side with or without the position of
stopping to begin.


Note: The arrow indicates the location and direction of the voltage working in the
base material for which the voltage variation limit will be calculated. This
voltage works on
the field is perpendicular to the arrow.
Table 20 Categories Details : group 2 – (advanced)

Details Construction
categ Details
ory Picture Descriptio
Welds extend continuously
80 14
Common areas.

Areas that have curved holes in
the T joint are welded elongated.
The curved hole is not filled by

Transverse blunt weld (full penetration)

Transverse joints in the plate, flat
cross section and mill have weld
retrofitting that is grinding flat with
the surface of the plate. 100%
non-damaging (NDT) and weld
surface free of open porous in
metal welding.

112 17
The plate girder is welded like (16)
the previous installation.

Transverse connections such as
(16) with curved transition or
narrowing  1: 4.

Note: The arrow indicates the location and direction of the voltage working in the base material for
which the voltage variation limit will be calculated. This voltage works on the plane
perpendicular to the arrow.
Weld equalization plate is used, which is then moved and the end of the welderinda flat
in the direction of voltage. Welds are made from two sides.
Table 20 Categories Details : group 2 – (advanced)

Details Construction
catego Details
ry Picture Descripti
Transverse blunt weld (Full Penetration)
80 19
Transverse joints of plates, cross-
sections of grinders or plate

Transverse joints of the cross-
section of the mill or welded plate
girder, without curved holes. With
curved holes use the detail
category 71, such as for 15.

Transverse connections in plates or
flat fields whose width or
thickness is reduced where the
narrowing is  1: 4.

80 22.
Transverse connections such as
for (21) with a narrowing of width
or thickness > 1: 4 and  1 :

A transverse blunt weld joint is
made on the supporting plate.
The angular weld end of the
supporting plate should be
greater than 10 mm against the
end of the plate in voltage.
Blunt welds cross as for
(23) with a wide or thick
narrowing < 1: 2.5

Note: The arrow indicates the location and direction of the voltage working in the base material for
which the voltage variation limit will be calculated. This voltage works on the plane
perpendicular to the arrow.
Weld equalization plate is used, which is then moved and the end of the welderinda flat
in the direction of voltage. Welds are made from two sides.
RSNI T-03-2005

Table 20 Categories Details : group 2 – (advanced)

Details Construction
catego Details
ry Picture Descripti
Transverse blunt weld (full penetration)
A blunt cross-range weld such as
(23) where the angular weld ends
closer than 10 mm to the end of
the plate.

Cross connection with load musician weld

The penetration weld is full of
71 plates between being inspected in
a non-damaging manner (NDT)
and is defect-free. The maximum
paragraph deficiency of the plate
56 on each side of the connection is
allowed < 0.15 x the thickness of
the plate between.

Partial penetration or angle weld
with voltage variation limits is
calculated on the plate area.

Partial penetration or angle weld
36 with a voltage variation limit is
calculated on the neck area of the

The connection is more welded to the

welded corner
More welding and elements have
more plan power than the main
plate. Voltage
in the main plate is calculated
based on the area in the image.
The las and main plate both
56 have more plan power than
more connection elements.

114 of 132
RSNI T-03-2005

The main plate and the
45 connection element both have
more plan power than welds.

Note: The arrow indicates the location and direction of the voltage working in the base material
for which the voltage variation limit will be calculated. This voltage works on the plane
perpendicular to the arrow.

Table 20 Categories Details : group 2 – (advanced)

Details Construction
catego Details
ry Picture Descripti
Welded additions
90 32
An elongated angular weld that
L  1/3
does not carry the burden. Class
80 details vary according to the
L  50 mm length of the weld. Unit L is
50 < L  33
The meeting plate is welded at the
50 end of the plate or flange beam.
The intermediate radius (r) is
L > 100
formed by a machine or fire
cutting plus grinding alignment.
45 Class details vary according to
r/b < 1/6 r/b comparison.
Sliding link at the base materi
(base material collapses). al


Cross-road welding

115 from
80 35
t  12 mm Transverse angle welding  10
mm from
end of the plate.

Vertical nail welded on beam
or flange/body of the plate girder
71 Welding continuously or
t > 12 mm In the event that the body bears
a combinationplan of
bending and
shear, fat power must
specified using limits
voltagevariation of voltage

Diaphragm of the baox
welded on flanges or baadan by
Welding continuously or

Note: Arrows indicate the location and direction of the voltage working in the base
for which the voltage variation limit will be calculated. This voltage works on
the plane perpendicular to the arrow.
Table 20 Categories Details : group 2 – (advanced)

Details Construction
catego Details
ry Picture Descripti
Beam cover plates and plate girders
50 End area of cover plate
tf and tp single or compound, with
 25 mm or without a cross-end weld.
For more booster plates
large of flanges, welds are
36 around him. See (35) for fatik
tf and tp in our own welds.
> 25 mm

Welds are encumbered

in shear
Continuous angle welding
shearflow (body
keflens in the plate girder).

Sliding link other than
burdened in
(collapse in welding).
Welded nail sliding link
and burdened in shear
(collapse in welding). Voltage
slide calculated on cross section

Note: The arrow indicates the location and direction of the voltage working in the base
material for which the voltage variation limit will be calculated. This voltage
works on the plane perpendicular to the arrow.
Table 21 Categories Details : group 3 – Hollow Cross section

Details Construction
categ Details
ory Picture Descriptio
Continuous automatic elongated welding
There's no stop starting or like
140 from the factory.
Blunt las cross
Weld blunt end to end, a hollow
t  8 mm
round cross-sectional relationship.
t < 8 mm (45)
71 46
t  8 mm Blunt weld end to end,
square cross-
56 sectionrelationship
t < 8 mm
56 47
t  8 mm Hollow round cross section, blunt
weld end to end with
50 (47) plates between.
t < 8 mm
50 48
t  8 mm Hollow square cross section, blunt
weld end to end with
41 (48) plates between.
t < 8 mm
Additional welded (not carrying the
Round cross section or hollow
square, welded corners on other
members. The width of the piece
parallel to the voltage direction is
 100 mm.

Transverse angle welding (shouldering the

45 50
t  8 mm Hollow round cross section, welded
end-to-end corner with plates
40 between
t < 8 mm (50)
The cross-section of the square is
t  8 mm
hollow, welded end-to-end with
plates between.
t < 8 mm (51)
Note: Arrows indicate the location and direction of the voltage working in the base
for which the voltage variation limit will be calculated. This voltage works on
the plane perpendicular to the arrow.

Table 22 Categories Details : group 4 – Bolts

Details Construction
catego Details
ry Picture Descripti
Bolts in shear (only 8.8/TB category bolts)
100 42
The shear voltage variation limit
is calculated at a diameter area
smaller than the bolt (Ac)

Bolts and trunks of swimmers in pull
Tensile voltage is calculated at the
as pull voltage area. Additional
styles due to bouncy influences
must be taken into account. For
36 bolts in pull (8.8/TF and 8.8/TB),
the voltage variation limit depends
on the pre-hold level and
relationship geometry.

13.3.2 Calculation of plan spectrum

The voltage spectrum of a nominal loading that produces an irregular voltage cycle must be
obtained by means of rational voltage cycle calculations. Can be used the way of calculating
rainfall (rainflow) or equivalent.

13.4 Exceptions to assessment

Fatic assessment is not required for connection elements or details if the normal voltage and
shear variation limit plan, f*, meets:

f* < 26 MPa (13.4-1)

or when the number of voltage cycles, nsc, meets:
 36 
n < 2  106
Sc  (13.4-2)
f * 
 

13.5 Detail categories

13.5.1 Detail categories for normal voltage

The detail categories for normal voltages must be determined for each structural
element, relationship or structural detail. Detail categories are specified in Table 19
through Table 22.
The classifications in this table are divided into 4 sections that relate to 4 basic

Group 1 : Details without Las material plain and Plate that grated (see
Table 19) Group 2 : Details with welds - not hollow cross-sections (see
Table 20) Group 3 : Details with welding - hollow cross-section (see Table
21) Group 4 : Bolt (see Table 22)

Details not classified in Table 19 to Table 22 should be considered the lowest category of
details of similar details, unless it can be proven by testing or analysis and testing that their
fatic strength is greater.

13.5.2 Detail categories for shear voltage

The detail category for the shear voltage must be specified for each relevant detail in the
structure. Detail categories for shear voltage are given in Table 19 and Table 22.

13.6 Fat magic power

13.6.1 Definition of fatic strength for normal voltage

The uncorrected fatic strength, ff,for each category of detail, frn,which carries the normal
voltage is determined by:

3 6 f 3  6
f = 2  10  rn if nsc  5  (13.6-1a)

 10
 nsc
 

5 8 f 5  6 6
f = 1  10  5 if 5  10 < ns  (13.6-1b)

 10
 nsc
 

n sc as the number of voltage cycles.

Values f1, f3 and f5 are given in Figure 24 for each category of details, frn.

13.6.2 Definition of fatic strength for shear voltage

The uncorrected fatic strength, ff for each category of details, frs that carries the shear
voltage is determined by:
f 5 
f 5 = 2  106  rs ;(13.6-2) nsc  108
 n sc 
Values f and f5 for each detail category.

13.7 Exceptions to the advanced approach

At any point in the structure where the normal voltage variation limit is less than the fatic limit
of the fixed voltage variation, f3,for therelevant category of details, no further assessment is
required at that point.

13.8 Bold influence

The strength of the fatic that has not beenicorection, ff,from the connection with the angular
weld or blunt weld that concerns the plate, tp,more than 25 mm, must be reduced until the
fatic strength is corrected, fc, using the following formula:

 
fc = ff 25 (13.8-1)

t p
 

For the thickness of the plate, tp, less than or equal to 25 mm, the corrected fatic
strength is given by the following formula:

fc = ff (13.8-2)

13.9 Fatic rating

13.9.1 How to judge

For the benchmark of the plan conditions, the strength reduction factor, φ, must be taken by
1.0. The benchmark condition of the plan includes the following:

a. Detail lies in the path of unnecessary load, in circumstances where collapse at

that point alone, will not result in the collapse of the entire structure.
b. The voltage history is estimated in the conventional way.
c. Details provide good information for the implementation of regular inspections.

The reduction factor of strength must be reduced if one of the above conditions is not

met. For the main load line, the strength reduction factor must be less than or equal to


13.9.2 Fixed voltage variation limit

The limit of the plan voltage variation, at any point on the structure that only carries
the cycle limit of the fixed voltage variation must meet:
sc n(f*) α s
 1,0 (13.9-1)
n r φf αc 

13.10 Restrictions on pounds

For elements and joints that require a fatic approach according to this Section, pons holes
are only allowed in materials where the thickness does not exceed 12.0 mm.

14 Provisions for earthquake-resistant structural planning

14.1 General scope and requirements

14.1.1 Common

This section of the regulation contains provisions for bridge planning that uses components
of steel structures due to earthquakes.

The bridge in question is a highway bridge and pedestrian bridge in Indonesia in

accordance with the provisions of part I of this standard.

The provisions of this section shall be used together with the provisions applicable in the
Earthquake Resilience Planning Procedures for Homes and Buildings and the Earthquake
Loading Standards for Bridges.

14.1.2 Earthquake loading plan

The burden of lateral plans due to earthquake movement for an area must be calculated
based on the basic earthquake acceleration coefficient, priority factors, location factors and
structural response modification factors as required in the Earthquake Resilience Planning
Procedure for Houses and Buildings and Earthquake Loading Procedures for Bridges.

The load of this lateral plan should be reviewed in two main horizontal directions with a linear
combination of 30% and 100%.

The combination of earthquake loads with other loads working on the bridge refers to
the Loading Standard.

14.1.3 Classification based on seismic performance

Each bridge must be defined in one of three seismic performance categories A, B or C.

This classification is based on the basic earthquake acceleration coefficient as well as the
priority factors as listed in the table below.
Table 23 Classification by seismic performance

Earthquake acceleration Priority factor

coefficient Bridge Another bridge
(C) important
C ≤ 0.10 A A
0.10 < C  0.20 B B
0.20 < C  0.30 C B
C> C C

14.1.4 Seismic analysis

The effects of earthquakes on bridges can be analyzed based on one of the procedures,
namely the uniform load method, the spectral method with a single vibrating pattern, the
spectral method with the compound vibrating pattern or the time history method.
All columns, poles, or heads of tan areconsidered to experience the same acceleration of the
ground at the same time.

For ordinary bridges with a span of not exceeding six can use a uniform load method or
a spectral method with a single vibrating pattern. While bridgesthat have a span of more than
6 or special bridges are recommended using spectral methods with compound vibrating
patterns. The time history method is commonly used in non-linear analysis.

14.1.5 Basic insulation and mechanical dampers

Earthquake planning on bridges that have basic insulation or mechanical dampers may differ
from this provision if it can be proven to be correct and approved by the authorities.

14.1.6 Liquefaction

The potential and liquefaction conditions in the groundof earthquakes must be taken into
account in the planning of earthquake-resistant bridges, especially bridges with seismic
performance of types B and C.

14.2 Provisions for type A seismic performance bridges

14.2.1 Common

Bridges that can be grouped as type A seismic performance must meet the
requirements of sub-articles 14.1.3 and 14.1.4 as well as the provisions below.

14.2.2 Plan style requirements

If a mechanical tool is used to connect the upper and lower structures, it must be planned to
withstand horizontal earthquake loads, in each of the directions reviewed, at least 20% of
the dead load.

In the longitudinal direction of the dead load in question is the weight itself of the segment
carried by the place. While in the transverse direction of the dead load is a reaction to the
place due to the dead load.
14.2.3 Horizontal free distance requirement

The minimum horizontal free ak jarin this provision must be fulfilled in anticipation of the
expansion of the ends of the girder. The gelagar place should be planned so as to provide a
horizontal free distance of at least

NA = (0.203 + 0.00167 L + 0.00666 H) (1 + 0.000125 S2) (14.2-1)

With understanding:
L is the length of the bridge deck to the nearest expansion point, or to the end of
the bridge deck, expressed in meters, (m);
H is for the head of the bridge, the average height of the column that carries the
deck of the bridge to the next expansion connection, expressed in meters,
S is the angle of the decayed place that is measured normally from a line to a
span, expressed in degrees, (o);
NA is the horizontal free distance, expressed in meters, (m).

14.2.4 Foundation requirements and bridge head

For this type of bridge, there are no specific requirements for seismic planning of the
foundation and head of the bridge.

But the foundation and head of the bridge must meet the requirements to withstand other
vertical and lateral forces besides earthquakes. These forces include and are not limited to
the consequences of wider soil investigation, soil deposits, leren g stability, vertical and
lateral soil pressure, drainage, soil subsidence or pole capacity and requirements.

14.2.5 Detail requirements

For this type of bridge, there are no specific requirements for seismic planning on the details
of the structure.

Planning of steel structures and integrity factors of structural components or the entire bridge
is based primarily on the way of planning based on Load and Factoror Strength (PBKT) as
described in article 4.

If using planning based on Layan Limit (PBL), the permit voltage can be increased by 30%
of the license voltage value on fixed loading.

14.3 Provisions for type B seismic performance bridges

14.3.1 Common

Bridges that can be grouped as type B seismic performance must meet the
requirements of sub-articles 14.1.3 and 14.1.4 as well as the provisions below.

14.3.2 Plan style requirements Plan styles for structural components and joints

The seismic plan force in question applies to the upper structure, the dilation
connection, the component that connectsthe upper structurewiththe
bottom,the component that
It connects the upper structure with the head of the bridge, the bottom structure, the column
head, the pole but does not include the foundation of the palm, the foundation of the pole
and the head of the pole.

The seismic plan style calculated based on a review of the two main horizontal directions in
accordance with themaster of sub-article 14.1.2 shall be combined with other loads in
accordance with the Loading Standards and additional combinations below:

Plan style = 1.0 (D + B + SF + E + EQM) (14.3-1)

With understanding:
D is a dead load, expressed in kilo newtons, (kN);
B is the buoyancy force, expressed in kilo newtons, (kN);
SF isthe flow pressure of a river, expressed in kilo newtons per square
meter, (kN/m2);
E is the ground pressure, expressed in kilo newtons per square meter, (kN/m2);
EQM is a modified elastic earthquake force with an appropriate R factor,
expressed in kilo newtons, (kN).

If using planning based on Layan Limit (PBL), the permit voltage can be increased by 30%
of the license voltage value on fixed loading. Style plan for foundation

The seismic plan style in question applies to the foundation of the palm, the head of
the pole and the foundation of the pole.

The seismic plan style calculated based on the review of the two main horizontal directions in
accordance with the provisions of sub-article 14.1.2 shall be combined with other loads in
accordance with the loading standards and additional combinations below:

Plan style = 1.0 (D + B + SF + E + EQF) (14.3-2)

With understanding:
D is a dead load, expressed in kilo newtons, (kN);
B is the buoyancy force, expressed in kilo newtons, (kN);
SF is the flow pressure of a river, expressed in kilo newtons per square meter,
E is the ground pressure, expressed in kilo newtons per square meter, (kN/m2);
EQF is an elastic earthquake force divided by a factor of R = 1, expressed in
kilo newtons, (kN); Style plans for bridge heads and retaining walls

The seismic plan style for the components connecting the upper structure and the head of the
bridge should refer to sub-article

The planning requirements of the bridge head refer to the sub-chapter below.

14.3.3 Connecting component requirements

If possible the upper structure should be planned as a continuous structure. If the

girders are connected together then the length of the connecting plate between the
at least 600 mm. While the free space between the girders is at least 400 mm.

At the head of the bridge there should be a logitudinal hold unless there is a minimum free
distance between the upper structure and the lower structure.

Vertical retaining equipment should be held on all levels or pedestals and should be
planned to be able to withstand a vertical force of 10% dead weight.

Dilationy connections must be planned so that they can withstand a combination of load that
may occur and are easy to repair.

14.3.4 Horizontal free distance requirement

The minimum horizontal free distance in this provision must be met in anticipation of the
expansion of the ends of the girder.

The gelagar place should be planned so as to provide a horizontal free distance of at


With understanding:
L is the length of the bridge deck to the nearest expansion point, or to the end of
the bridge deck, expressed in meters, (m);
H is for the head of the bridge, the average height of the column that carries the
deck of the bridge to the next expansion connection, expressed in meters,
S is the angle of the pinched place that is measured normally from a line to
a span, expressed in degrees, (o).
NB is the horizontal free distance, expressed in meters, (m).

14.3.5 Foundation requirements Land research

For the planning of the lower structure should be carried out a normal soil investigation. The
risk of earthquakes to bridge structures should be seriously considered by conducting
more in-depth soil investigations related to slope instability, liquefaction, heap reduction
and increased lateral soil pressure. Foundation planning

The ultimit capacity of the foundation must be calculated based on the report ofsoil sinking.
The foundation must be able to withstand the forces resulting from the combination of
loadings specified in sub-chapter

Other provisions relating to foundation planning should refer to section 7 of the Concrete
Structure Planning Standards for Bridges. Pole foundation requirements

Pole foundations can be used to withstand axial force as well as lateral force. The depth of
the pole and the capacity of the pole in withstanding axial and lateral forces should be
calculated based on the ground investigation report.
The grasping of the pole must be planned in such a way that it is able to withstand the tensile
force of at least 10% of its compressive force. The grip is done with at least 4 (four) pieces
of dowel reinforcement with a ratio of dowel bones should not be less than 1%.
At one-third of the length (minimum 2.5 m) the locally cast pole should be fitted with a
longitudinal reinforcement of 0.5% but should not be less than four rods. Spiral
reinforcements with a diameter of 6 mm or greater should be installed with spaces not
exceeding 225 mm except at the top end of the pole should be given restraints that extend
twice the diameter of the pole but should not be less than 600 mm with a maximum space
distance of 75 mm.

For precast poles, the ratio of longitudinal reinforcement should not be less than 1% while
spiral or sengkang reinforcement should not be ng from the requirements of locally cast

14.3.6 Bridge head requirements The head of a freestanding bridge

Lateral active ground pressure due to earthquakes on the head of a free-moving bridge can
be calculated using the Mononobe–Okabe method using an earthquake coefficient of
kh = 0.5 A0. If the head of this bridge is held in a horizontal direction or pole, the
recommended earthquake coefficient of kh = 1.5 A0.

The bridge head deviation should be limited to 0.25 A0.

The planning of the head of the bridge must also take into account the addition of soil
pressure due to the earthquake, the inertial effect of the wall and the transfer of
earthquake force through rubber. Monolithic bridge head

The head of the monolithic bridge is an integral part of the upper structure. The maximum
lateral ground pressure working on the head of the bridge can be considered equal to the
maximum lateral force due to an earthquake.

To reduce damage, the head of the bridge must be planned to be able to withstand
passive ground pressure due to thedynamics of mobilization.

14.3.7 Detail requirements Common

The quality of the steel structure required in this provision shall be in accordance with the
provisions in section 4. Articulation connection plan

The relationship at the head of the bridge and on the dilation connection shall be planned in
accordance with article 11. P-delta effect

The P-delta effect should be taken into account in the planning of steel structures where the
combination of moment and axial force gives rise to secondary momen.

The influence of P-delta can be calculated through structural non-linear analysis or

through the coefficient of magnification of the moment.

14.4 Provisions for type C seismic performance bridges

14.4.1 Common

Bridges that can be grouped as type C seismic performance must meet the
requirements of sub-articles 14.1.3 and 14.1.4 as well as the provisions below.

14.4.2 Plan style requirements Plan styles for structural components and joints

The seismic plan style in question applies to the upper structure, the dilation connection,
the component that connects the upper structure with the bottom, the component that
connects the upper structure with the head of the bridge, the lower structure, the column
head, the pole but does not include palm foundation, pole foundation and pole head.

The style of the sei smik plancalculated based on the review of the two main horizontal
directions in accordance with the provisions of sub-article 14.1.2 shall be combined with
other burdens in accordance with the standards of loading and additional combinations

Plan style = 1.0 (D + B + SF + E + EQM) (14.4-1)

With understanding:
D is a dead load, expressed in kilo newtons, (kN);
B is the buoyancy force, expressed in kilo newtons, (kN);
SF is the flow pressure of a river, expressed in kilo newtons per square
meter, (kN/m2);
E is the ground pressure, expressed in kilo newtons per square meter, (kN/m2);
EQM is a modified elastic earthquake force with an appropriate R factor,
expressed in kilo newtons, (kN);

If using planning based on Layan Limit (PBL), the permit voltage can be increased by 30%
of the license voltage value on fixed loading. Style plan for foundation

The seismic plan style in question applies to the foundation of the palm, head of tiang and
foundation of the pole.

Seismic plan forces calculated based on a review of the two main horizontal directions in
accordance with the provisions of sub-article 14.1.2 shall be combined with other loads
in accordance with the Loading Standards and additional combinations below:

Plan style = 1.0 (D + B + SF + E + EQF) (14.4-2)

With understanding:
D is a dead load, expressed in kilo newtons, (kN);
B is the buoyancy force, expressed in kilo newtons, (kN);
SF is the flow pressure of a river, expressed in kilo newtons per square meter,
E is the ground pressure, expressed in kilo newtons per square meter, (kN/m2);
EQM is a modified elastic earthquake force with an appropriate R factor,
expressed in kilo newtons, (kN); Force due to plastic joints in columns, poles and portals

a. Single columns and poles

The moment and axial style of the plan on columns and poles are calculated based on the
provisions of sub-article in two main horizontal directions.

The plastic moment capacity at both ends of the column and pole cross section can be
calculated using a force reduction factor of one and a strength factor greater than 1.25.

The sliding force of the plan on columns and poles is calculated based on the capacityof
the plastic moment.

b. Portal with two or more columns

The style of the plan on a portal with two or more columns must be calculated in the direction
of the parallel plane or perpendicular to the field. In the direction of perpendicular fields,
the forces of the plan can be calculated as in single columns and columns.

In the parallel direction of the field, the styles of the plan can be calculated as follows:

a. Plan longitudinal reinforcement based on the moment of plan obtained under the
provisions of sub-article
b. Calculate the plastic moment capacity at both ends of the column cross-section using
a force reduction factor of one and a strength factor equal to 1.25
c. Calculate the sliding style of the plan in the column based on its plastic moment capacity
d. Work ona total plan slide at the center of the upper structure mass, then calculate the
axial style of the plan working on the portal. Plan style on column and portal poles

The style of plan on the mast portal should refer to sub-article Style plan on pillars

The style of plan on the pillar shall refer to sub-article, except in the weak axis
where the pole can be planned as a column then the style of the plan shall follow the
provisions in sub-article Plan style on thenghubung component

The requirements for the connecting component shall refer to sub-article 14.3.3. with
additional conditions below.
The longitudinal connecting component must be able to withstand the plan force by the
acceleration coefficient multiplied by the weight of the two adjacent spans.

Vertical retaining equipment should be held on all groundings or pedestals and should be
planned to be able to withstand an upward vertical force of 10% of the dead load if the
vertical effect due to horizontal gempa is less than the dead load and the vertical force
upwards amount to 20% of the dead load if the vertical effect due to horizontal earthquake
is more or equal to the dead load. Style plan on foundation

The style of plan on the foundation should refer to sub-article14.4.2.2. If the base of the pole
or column is planned to undergo plastic joints, the style of the plan must be calculated based
on sub-articles and Style plans on bridge heads and ground retaining walls

The style of plan on the head of the bridge and the retaining wall of the ground should refer
to sub-section

14.4.3 Horizontal free distance requirement

The minimum horizontal free distance in this provision must be met in anticipation of the
expansion of the ends of the girder.

The gelagar place should be planned so as to provide a horizontal free distance of at


N C = (0.305 + 0.0025 L + 0.01 H) (1 + 0.000125 S2) (14.4-3)

With understanding:
L is the length of the bridge deck to the nearest expansion point, or to the end
of the bridge deck, expressed in meters, (m);
H is for the head of the bridge, the average height of the column that carries the
deck of the bridge to the next expansion connection, expressed in meters,
S is the angle of the pinched place that is measured normally from a line to
a span, expressed in degrees, (o).
NC is the horizontal free distance, expressed in meters, (m).

14.4.4 Foundation requirements Land research

For the planning of the lower structure should be carried out a normal soil investigation. The
risk of earthquakes to bridge structures should be seriously considered by conducting
deeper soil investigations related to lere ng instability, liquefaction, heap reduction and
increased lateral soil pressure. Foundation planning

The ultimit capacity of the foundation must be calculated based on the soil investigation
report. The foundation must be able to withstand the forces resulting from the
combination of loadings specified in sub-chapter
Other provisions relating to foundation planning should refer to section 7 of the concrete
structure planning standards for the bridge. Pole foundation requirements

Pole foundations can be used to withstand axial force as well as lateral force. The depth of
the pole and the capacity of the pole in withstanding axial and lateral forces should be
calculated based on the ground investigation report.

The grasping of the pole must be planned in such a way that itis able to withstand the tensile
force of at least 10% of its compressive strength. The grip is done with at least 4 (four)
pieces of dowel reinforcement with a ratio of dowel bone should not be less than 1%.

At two-thirds the length of the locally cast pole should be fitted a longitudinal reinforcement of
0.75% but should not be less than four rods. Spiral reinforcements with a diameter of 6 mm
or greater should be installed with spaces not exceeding 225 munless at the top end of the
pole should be given adequate restraint along twice the diameter of the pole but should not
be less than 1200 mm with a maximum spaced distance of 75 mm.

For precast poles, the longitudinal reinforcement ratio should not be1% while spiral or
sengkang reinforcement should not be less than the requirements of the locally cast pole.

14.4.5 Bridge head requirements

The requirements of the head of the bridge must be in accordance with the provisions
applicable to type B seismic performance bridges.

14.4.6 Detail requirements Common

The quality of structural steel required in this provision refers to the provisions in section 4.
The use of high voltage steel requires special consideration. While the use of fulcrum type
bolts is not allowed. Plastic-coded components should be made of a compact cross-section.
Column connections should be placed in the middle of the column height. Welding in the
field wherever possible is avoided. Bolt or weld joints should be placed outside the
plastic joint area. Shear capacity

In the plastic joint area, the sliding capacity of the steel cross-section must meet:

[Po/(Asfy)] 2 +[Vw / (0.55Awfy)]2 < 1 (14.4-4)

With understanding:
P0 is the shear force on the press rod that is reviewed, expressed in newton (N);
As is the area of voltage (tensile), expressed in millimeters per facet, (mm2);
fy is the melting voltage of steel, expressed in Mega Pascal (MPa);
Vw is the factoring shear force, expressed in newton (N);
Aw is the effective shear area, expressed in millimeters per facet, (mm2); Connections of plastic-jointed components

Joint planning of plastic joint components must take into account axial loads and hardening
of welds.

The voltage concentration should not be greater than 85% of the limit strength. Moment capacity

The cross-sectional moment capacity of the steel can be calculated based on the general
requirements in the steel structure. P-delta effect

The P-delta effect must be taken into account in the planning of steel structures where
the combination of moment and axial force gives rise to aseku nder moment.

The influence of P-delta can be calculated through structural non-linear analysis or through
the coefficient of magnification of the moment.

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