0 Test Initial Cls 7

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7th grade, L2 Date

I.Put the verbs in brackets into the correct form of Present Simple or Present Continuous:
( 10x2p=20p)

It is winter and the snow …............................ ( fall).It usually............................ ( snow) in

January here. Betty and James …...................... (play) in the garden.They............................. ( build) a
snowman and they ….............................. ( throw) snowballs.They …................................( like) the
snow very much! Their mother and father …................................... ( not/ like) it. They always
…....................( stay) in the house when it is cold.Mother usually …..................... ( watch) TV and
Father.....................( listen) to the radio.

II.Use the verbs given in the Past tense:believe, be, not live, live, think, behave, make, not act, say,

Many years ago people 1)........................... that some women 2)…..............................

witches.These women 3) ….................................... in big cities. They 4)................................. in small
villages.People 5) …............................................... they 6)............................................... strangelya
because they 7) …................................. unusual medicines from plants and they 8) ….............................
like other people.They 9)....................... that they 10)........................................... but that they flew on
brooms.Do you believe in witches? (10x2p=20p)

III.Ask questions to which the underlined words are the answers:

A woman was murdered at the Park Hotel last night.A maid discovered her body. She found it in the
laundry room. The police are looking for the woman's husband.They think he did it.He left the hotel at
1.35 in the morning. He took all his wife's jewellery and $ 1,000 form their hotel safety- deposit
box.The woman's name was Carol Webster.She was only 32 years old and had two small childern!


IV.Choose the correct adjective:

1. She is very fat/ thin .She must be ill!

2.This homework was terribly difficult/ easy.It took me 2 hours to do it!
3. Janice is very healthy/ ill. She runs 2 miles a day.
4. Lee is very sad/ happy because his cat died.
5. Our is very friendly/ antisocial.She makes friends easily.
6. I earned $ 1,000.I was very lucky/ unfortunate.
7. He greets all the people he meets!He is so polite/ rude!
8. She is so cautios/ confident because she's had her heart broken many times.
9. This towel is damp/ dry because many people used it after washing their hands.
10She is careful/ unattentive when she talks to small children.
( 10x1p=10p)

V.Form adverbs from the given adjectives:wide,dangerous, simple, quick, easy, careful, perfect,
slow, recent,nice. (10x2=20p) 10p.oficiu

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