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Economics ⮚ It studies the economics system as a

whole rather than the individual

Economics is about allocation. economic units that make up the
Scarcity – implies natural limitation in the economy
availability of a resource Scarcity occurs because people have
⮚ If there is scarcity, one must do proper unlimited wants and have limited resources;
allocation. (wise decision-making) therefore, there must be choices done as
Shortage – means temporary and man-made
unavailability a. What to produce
b. How to produce
Opportunity cost - the loss of potential gain c. For whom to produce
from other alternatives when one alternative is
chosen So, the manner of the 3 basic economic
questions is either capital intensive
Economics as a social science talks about the (machines) or labour intensive (people).
human behaviour and the methods and
systems used by them in order to indicate what There are 4 types of economic systems:
is needed for consumption. a. Traditional Economy (cultural)
Economics is also a study of allocation and Advantages:
making decision (cost and benefit) ● Sets forth certain economic roles
for all members of the community
There are 5 elements of economics: ● Stable, predictable, and
continuous life
1. Social Science
● Revolves around family
2. Scarcity
● Communities stay relatively close
3. Allocation
and small
4. Human Wants
5. Resources Disadvantages:

Factors of Production: ● Discourages new ideas and

1. Land – ex. Rent
● Stagnation and lack of progress
2. Labour – ex. Wage
● Lower standard of living – lack
3. Capital – ex. Interest
modern convenience
4. Entrepreneur – ex. Profit
● Have few mechanisms in place to
There are 2 branches of Economics: deal with disasters such as floods
and drought
1. Microeconomics
⮚ Is concerned with the behaviour of b. Command Economy (authority)
individual entities such as the consumer, Advantages:
producer, and the resource owner. ● Central authority is in command
⮚ Is more concerned on how goods flow of the economy
from the business firm to the consumer ● Capable of dramatic changes in a
and how resources move from the short time
resource owner to the business firm. ● Little uncertainty over choice of
⮚ Has a smaller scope compared to the career, where to work and losing
macroeconomics job
● Many basic education, public
2. Macroeconomics health and other public services,
⮚ Is a division of economics that is available at little or no cost
concerned with the overall performance
of the economy Disadvantages:
● Does not meet the wants and ⮚ Model to answers the 3 basic economic
needs of the people questions (what to produce, how to
● Lacks efficient incentives to get produce and for whom to produce)
people to work
There are 2 processes:
● Requires large bureaucracy
which consumes resources 1. Consumption
● New and different ideas are 2. Production
discourages, no room for
individuality Philippine Development Plan (PDP) 2017–

⮚ Implementing the Philippine

Development Plan (PDP) 2017-2022
c. Free Market Economy (price) requires coordination among
Advantages: government agencies, private sector,
● Overtime, can adjust to change civil society, and development partners.
● Individual freedom for everyone The efficiency of the coordination
● Little government interferences depends on the adherence to the
● Decentralized – not concentrated intended outcomes, while the
in the hands of few effectiveness of the plan is evaluated in
● Variety of goods and services terms of the extent of improvement in
● Higher degree of consumer quality of life of Filipinos, especially the
satisfaction poor and marginalized.
Disadvantages: ⮚ Medium plan blue print and anchored on
ambisyon 2040
● Rewards only productive ⮚ Address Filipino Aspirations
resources; does not provide for
people too young, too old and too What is a “Matatag, Maginhawa at Panatag na
sick to work buhay”?
● Work / business face uncertainty 1. Own at least one car
as a result of competition and 2. Decent work
change. 3. Own a medium – sized home
4. Have enough money for day-to-day
d. Mixed Economy expenses
Advantages: 5. All children are college-educated
● None 6. Relax with family and friends
Disadvantages: 7. Business owner
8. Able to take occasional trips around
● None the country

⮚ A combination of traditional, command

and market economics
⮚ Need government intervention – creates
laws protecting property rights and PDP has 3 major pillars:
enforcing contracts
1. Malasakit
⮚ Government provide for national
- There will be great trust in public
defence, roads and highways systems,
institutions and across all of society.
conversation, and environmental
Government will be people-centered,
clean and efficient.
Economics Systems - Fair and swift administration of
- Promote Filipino culture and values
2. Pagbabago and are “out-of-the-pocket” costs and
- There will be greater economic accounting costs as they are shown in the
opportunities, coming from the company’s books
domestic market and the rest of the
Variations in benefit and cost due to stage of
- Special attention : Disadvantages
subsectors and people groups a. Spatial Dimensions:
- Building safe and secure ⮚ Decision maker may not be aware of
communities social or public effects
- Reduce vulnerability of individual
and families Ex. Corporate Social Responsibility
- Accelerating Human Capital (responsibility towards society/
Development environment)

b. Temporal Dimensions:
⮚ Only think about the present costs and
⮚ Has a temporary mind set
3. Patuloy na Pag-unlad
- Increasing growth potential Variation in benefit and cost due to differences
- Modern technology and product in valuation:
- Innovation= harmonized research
and development ⮚ People differ on how they value things
- Intervention to manage population
growth will be implemented a. Spatial Dimensions:
- Investments for human capital ⮚ May or may not value social effects
development Ex. Research and development
Enabling and supportive economic b. Temporal Dimensions:
environment ⮚ See value in future benefits
⮚ Macroeconomic stability, supported by Ex. Insurance and smokers
strategic trade and fiscal policies
Positive and Normative Economics:
Cost Benefit:
Positive Economics – presents data and
⮚ Ascertain the accuracy of any decision answers what the current situation is
and provide foundation for comparison
Normative Economics – prescription or
Marginalized benefit = marginalized cost answers what should be done
Marginalized Benefit – increased benefit
related to a decision made to consume one
more unit of something SONA 2019

Marginalized Cost – increased cost related 1. Salary Standardization Law for Teachers
to a decision made to produce one more and Nurses
unit of something ⮚ He asks Congress to pass the Salary
Standardization Law which will raise
Implicit Cost – not tangible and sometimes salaries for all national government
does not require money and is any cost that workers, including teachers and nurses.
has already occurred but not necessarily
shown or reported as a separate expense 2. Boracay Rehabilitation Plan
Explicit Cost – is the actual expenditure ⮚ So I told the Agrarian Reform, go to the
incurred by a firm to purchase or hire the place, have it inspected because I will
inputs it needs in the production process declare the whole of the island a land
reform program. And I gave the islands
piece by piece to the Atis, the natives of
the place para walang masabi. Marami
kasi ginawa ko raw [applause] para
linisan ko, ibigay ko sa mga kaibigan ko.

3. Entry of the 3rd TELCO Provider

⮚ Do not worry about this. There is no
corruption at all. I guarantee you, upon
the grave of my father. I do not allow --- I
do not talk to them. I challenge this new
player to fulfill its commitment to provide
fast and reliable telecommunication
services to our people, especially in the
underserved areas.

4. Mandatory ROTC for Grades 11 and 12

⮚ We expect support for legislative
initiatives aimed at strengthening
defense-related systems such as the
proposed National Defense Act, the
Unified Military and Uniformed
Personnel Separation, Retirement, and
Pension Bill, and the revival of the
mandatory ROTC in Grades 11 and 12.
[applause] I think a military training
would be good for everybody. We are
aware of the fact that there are times in
AFP and PNP personnel, while in the
performance of their duties, get unjustly
sued. Providing them with free legal
assistance to help and boost their

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