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Type of Artwork
➢ Decoupage

B. Name of Artwork
➢ Candle Holder

C. Purpose / Function
➢ The purpose / function of this is to hold a candle if you will use one. It is not just
a simple candle holder but a classy one so that if you put a candle inside of it, it
will glow beautifully.

D. Materials
Empty Clear jar Glue Sponge

Acrylic Paint Glitters Ribbon

E. Procedures
➢ Clean the empty jar, then let it dry. After several minutes get the white acrylic and
put it on the jar using the sponge and wait until its dry. The white acrylic paint
will serve as a base of the decoupage.
➢ While waiting for the jar to dry, get the lid of the jar and put a black acrylic paint
on it and make it dry.
➢ When the jar is already dry, get the yellow acrylic paint and put it on the jar using
the sponge and let it dry.
➢ When the jar is dry, put a glue all around it (don’t let the glue dry in the jar), then
get the glitters and sprinkle it all over the jar.
➢ While waiting for the jar to dry, get the lid of the jar put a glitter on it.
➢ Get the Ribbon and tie it on the jar. Make a hole in the lid of the jar and connect
the ribbon into it.

F. Reflection
➢ I find the task given to everyone enjoyable. It is enjoyable for me because we
have something to do while we don’t have a class, and it also brings out the
artistic side of everyone. Also, we can make a useful thing through this task.

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