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c This program is designed around a middle school library setting. Each 8th grade
American Studies class will participate in the bee during their normal class time.
Students will be competing in teams, therefore there needs to be team seating
areas in the library in order to ensure the students have the opportunity to
discuss effectively. Acceptable seating would be team couches, pillow circles,
tables, etc.

Target Group:
c This program could easily be adapted for any young adult group. This particular
program will be designed around all 8th grade students enrolled in American
Studies for the semester. Since this is typically required for 8th graders, it is
expected that nearly all students will be participating. Spelling Bees are often
associated with young adults who excel in academics. The beauty of this
program is that it will appeal to all students whether they like to spell or not.
Since it is ´for dummiesµ all groups of students can feel successful in the activity.

Activity Description:
c One month prior to the big bee, the school librarian will present a large
assortment of books, magazines, articles, and websites covering the different
decades. All of the words in the bee will come directly from these sources.
Students are welcome to look over the materials in order to ´prepareµ for the
bee. Also, each class will have completed an intensive unit on different decades
in American history during their regular class time and will have compiled a
vocabulary list that is HIGHLY RECCOMMENDED to look over before the bee!
c Before the bee, teachers will split their class into teams with a variation of
learning styles and levels represented in each team. Each team will choose a

decade to represent during the bee along with a decade team name. Teams are
encouraged to dress in costume for prizes.
c Each team will take turns choosing a category and point level from the table to
spell. Words will become harder as the points get larger.

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c After they have chosen the category and points level they will then choose the
style they want to use to spell with. They may only choose a style one time per
team. If a team uses each style, they can start over choosing styles.
Different styles:
%c Team Spell- As a team huddle together and discuss the spelling.
%c Sparkle Spell- Each team member takes turn spelling the word letter by
%c Silent Spell and Write-As a team they may write out the correct spelling
but they may not verbally discuss the spelling.
%c 0 Second Check-Up- Team members have 0 seconds to check the
spelling of the word using any electronic device of their choosing:
laptops, cell phones, I-pad, etc.
%c Hear ¶n· Pass-A team may listen to the word and decide if they want to
spell it or not. If they don·t want to try the word they can pass it to
another team who is REQUIRED to give it a try. If the chosen team spells
it correctly that team keeps the points, if they misspell it, the original
team keeps the points.
%c Shout Out-Teams may call a friend (who is not in school because they
should be in class) or family member for help. Or they may ask anyone
else in the library at the time.
%c ´Dummy Listµ- Each team chooses a member to represent them. The
member gets a ´dummy listµ and the first one to locate the word on the
list and shout out the spelling wins the points for their team.

c The team with the most points at the conclusion of 0 minutes wins. During the
spelling bee there will be opportunities for brain breaks, snacks, free give out
points and costume judging. Each team will vote for an opposing team for the
best costume, but they may not choose themselves! The winning team along
with the best costume team will receive donated coupons or certificates to
various food establishments. (The other teams will also receive ´planned
leftoverµ certificates so that everyone leaves in a good mood.)
c Following the bee each student will complete a quick exit survey evaluating the
bee on the library laptops before returning to their regular schedule.
c EXTENDED ACTIVITY- The winning teams from each class will go on to compete
in a final bee held in the evening. Parents, faculty, students and community
members are invited to attend. The audience will also help judge the best
costume category.
c ALTERNATIVE ACTIVITY- This plan could easily be adapted to any subject matter.
For example, with the current ´Vampire Buzzµ in schools, the bee could be
adapted to Vampire words and open to the entire school in an after school

8th Grade Needs:

c This program meets many student needs, including the following:
%c Meets cross curricular standards in reading, social studies, and technology.
%c Alternative learning styles are applied in the various ´spelling stylesµ
available for play.
%c Provides a fun experience for students in the library. Since the entire 8th
grade is involved in dressing up, the entire day becomes a fun learning
%c Builds much needed teamwork! Students in 8th grade are transitioning
into their teen years when working with other people can be difficult for
some. This activity allows them to work together in a fun way.
%c Every student is celebrated as a winner! There are no real winners or

Important Resources:
c People- Social Studies Teachers, Library Instructor, and possible parent volunteer
or para to assist in running the bee and judging the spelling. Library aide or
volunteer to run the rest of the library while the bees are happening.
c Donated Prizes
c Gathered Reading Materials
c Comfortable Seating
c Technology Options for students to use if they desire
c Writing Utensils and Paper
c Snacks!!!
c ´Dummy Listsµ
c Laptops for Evaluation Survey

Consulted Materials:
c Adapted from the Young Adult Word Press Website
c LI832 Course Work and Resources on Black Board

c There will be many different outlets used to publicize this event. 8th graders use a
wide range of media outlets, so it is important to use a variety.
%c Library Website
%c School Newsletter
%c Twitter Account
%c Posters
%c Announcements in American Studies Classes
%c Word of Mouth from Previous Years
%c Phone Calls to Possible Parent Volunteers

Evaluation Tools:
c The program will be evaluated in three ways:
%c Formal exit survey required by all students following the bee
%c Brief evaluation meeting with collaborating teachers.
%c Informal observation of student enthusiasm.
%c EXTENDED/ALTERNATIVE EVALUATION: The amount of people who took
time to attend the bee if the extended or alternative activities were


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