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Problem | | hapten 2 Cociing) A passenger vesseh romed Mv Mohanagy was seddenSy sonk Dre Past week dete Storm. and overviooding - So i+ is immediately Necessary -to reepain Me vessel Cost reepainy work Was done about 2 years age) and the Ovnen is imteroeted to repain Wis vesseh of yours dry dock yand. The Owner prrovides “the Foltowing dota DispSeeement : 9000 -ton LoA : Yo -m Lee ‘ 6g om em : 10-75 m Dreof+ max : ao m Height +e bedl-p: a4 m Height of topsides! £5 m Height of bolwank: 2m Otnerc dotas_ pok=08 ’ No. of year, between dry docks fon ane = Byears Corcrent density > 20. mA frr— Capacity > Fel Alne eg , ® Mon hour req vireed 2 for, berth Prepattation ° Qock Fo k side © r DWT < 20000, ~ seeh_pfeeie side 2 — «te total men-houre fore bercth preparation is &- 6) Fore _doek service, ___ Manhovtts—— Fire and safety watehman (ex xo Giarcbage skip 2x 5. Evectrical Shore power connenelion Cage ard disconnection “Temporary gonnection of Fite mainto 5° Ships symm Seo. cireeuating etn 3 BxT, Maintenance PIessure +o shipys fine main pando Sea. circulating water 4xo- “Telephone connection on board ship rs) Supply of ‘ballast watere perc com. 6 Supply of fresh Woden perc conn. 8 connection and disaormection oF compressed 3 OTe Gras Freee esting perc test] visit ond. 8 jesve of gas - Freee certhficate Ekectric eating Samp pere connec “Hm G4) Venti dection fans and porctabde b ducting fun Cach l 208) yee ~ wry ot me ost “under umtere_areen with book TP = Ld death = {eedreatk) +O™ LPP Bool top arcen xP (Shape « (Shape const) Locded draft => uncer werten area = {ex 3-5) +1075} X6eKO8 with boot SP arcea. = 965:6m™ Boot top area = 6 (0-5% err) + LPPJ KaF height of oot -top = Jes plor78) + ea RRAHOY Top side amen = § vont @ox0r)}X27 height BF topside = fret (0:5 10-75) } XDAVST, = 926125 vm Bolwarvs area C Externor) ={Loat esx ams f? pe tga oF bobeanes {7% (osro7p etl = Wyott m2— * Onder wolere atrea (woitmont {boot hep 2°79) , eae Design = 90K19 mr mm ~ otal pointing oven = ondetrwaen arcea Wilh boot top Top side -+ Buluanws ates Ve = BoGG 4226125 IOVS 5 = 1542475 mE d For teemovel of rtudden sunvty, DwT = Doe, a) Measurting cheanence 7 1@ = , x BD) Disconnect and refit > us, qoted= 18 +250 = 268 mMan—hourL 2) Required sueight of zine onode arch man-houn +o @ob-ot? and repSace: 3 gee 20 n R . 7 under ooten area ¥ Content aesily (MAA) Current amp> = Ness 5 Wort = 18-i8e. yea t ant of aurercant amps x des ign SiFe (rear) #748) = —~gepasity oF matenial Bmpr “etal acai OFS - eealy PT) Oe TUT 1 le i3ex oxo BXeTCO. = 610°98 kg: - FETA Design Sie = no oF years between dvy doe kings Gy ‘) cans hour teeqViteed, = 2x si = 6) man heovns | a man= 2oomm dia | >) ym she re De shag _ a pert metre = %00 4) ror fender wanks of pen metre i) em eurved men —7 Boxs = 240 aa +oto) = b4o man hours. re ard Cables Coabh« dia 40 mmm) 9) Repai rcirg aneho 4molh vessel Carte dia (25-50) — % Cperside) +, Foru 2 anchors > Yox2 = {go Tron hours. ee Preobdem a. 1 Man nouns requined Fon 2) Berceth preparation keel pook @ 10 Side s totod \S man hours b) Nodays dock sertvices Man Wourts Los, >) Tors painting arco . Boot tp Dd onder wartere arcea (with boot top) = {Ler lo-sxoe) Fx2* = {lexdieatd) Emp x LerAP height = {ard wy x 55x 0-8 = f95 Hos xis) fener” = BB4Y4 mr = [62g m> Gi) Topside area = {loa +6 5x BM) P2X height of topside = | leo + (0-5 x19) Fx 2A = 6F0m?> (i ii) Bulwarks area = {Loa +0-5x0m)} = fieot 65 xis yh X2K xox height of boltwank Songs = pons Mm w, total painting area = BEIY +670 TIONS = BOles Mm d) Removal oF rudden survey eee ———— a a wb 20000 29 350 30000 £0 deo 22000 960. + 4otal= 284360 = 288 Man hours. | ® Propeller wont Cae» mm shaft ala) — @) () loo —200 ~ ce 1m 200-300 45 oe 200 375- as a. toteh =[b2] £) woeignt of zine anode power Corrent amps = Jo00 — O844-162-5-) ¢ 29 \ooo = F363 Se, and, Weight of zine Gourcrean} amps X clesign Sie xx capacity Coomphouns/igy TE CDRIXBE EVO @ 78\ = 2UFF-G KE » yran Tequired wran Teqvilie 20 2 > DATS | i WATT xoP _onderaaalte ara (m9 x Cer) rsh @) two chain Seeven _— 28) Poe 2.0800 — 9° 09° 130 x2 Chaprteen 09 (Ota) _ has been bnovgh+ PreobSem! | A chip after. codliding with an iceberg fo youre drrydoek fon reepain won: nob shed plate amy2my #lom™m with os Damage oF exter ouble corevacturt Qocated at to-tam aft and 3 in 70. with ane pelow watendine and 2 above d weight of Gneneneionsnd 7] = = vofome x density = @* (exansonss) “7a plate No. = 936% eo" ) Ne oneness anes = 0-936 tonne. ca = ako xo sags amon} of reepaire won = ed Jenne = 292 manhours 2) Damage of midship incdudes shed pdecting tbat vertical “Ox2x1omm (2 in no) , me eel piate oF SxS x|2em 4 Singde eunvatune, and 3 bottom, Shek — 2x 2x I2mm doubde cunvature 7 - Plat vercticah = 2x @x2x10K10%) # 7600 9 = 996 *q = 0:936 tonnes vent we o Repair wonk = syon0-920 xD. = 247 joy man hove x pot oes aU ge = \5xh 52 Kee) plate = VOXISx12K18? x 76 tonne ars2el inten polation = 0:210¢ -tenne . . of teepatn Wonk = B27 0-210 A VK EY = 8% ) amount Bottom shel = 9% (ax2x12x153) X78 tonne c 11232 tonne “amount of -reepaire Wore = 3 gay 1232x094 VIO ®) Damage oF imtercnol bublehead of dimensjm A I2K2x 7 on positioned ot lam aft of midship i = 2 - => weignt _ Kx 7x63 xee gone 25 6} Bmms> 245 Ys OT, = % 8624 tonne in wonk = % ree Po. 78624 ¥ 245 2(2) = 23i)o— @ Damage of 4 transverse Internal + memvens of Sengty dovbde bottom 800 mm X00 MM X Frm jam gagh above the with dovble evnvatore. meee weight = = = 4x12% (oto Ox Fe tome ®) % or ok = 4.19328 tonne - peepaire won = 249 x 4.19328 x 1B AEBS = Ere le7o man Nouns | svete weight = cae NEB \5. 26. tenne. Weepaire Won = 4982. +, a\iouance for remove Fain and ReFit= 80% AN 0 Se PreobOema | D_shett plate Weight = 10K (25 y 265 ¢ 19x10%)* 7% tonne > 4875 tonnes “Trepain Wonk — M0 ¥ ERG ZOE = (591 2) Fiat vertical = 9x (45 x2 ¥10%183)% 7% I = 1092 -fonne | a teepaire work = I4oxX 1.03928 *I1 co Oen- 266 * weed plate = 2x2MI2x19> x7" = 03744 - + Teepaire’ wonk = 2% X 0-3744 ANZ = 10333 Bottom shut = Ox (2:5 K2K12K 159) 474 = b404 + ytepaire Wonk = 230% bao x 13% VER = Yfolf, D) Bubenene — Busenead Tr BRN 2FRISPHT = S OIFE reepain Wonk = 145 KF SIFEK NZ = 25041744 A 13 Aransverses = 4x 20% (oF 0-085 obs) X TKS OK FB = OF74t256 04455 36 os yee pain Wonk = Os ge K 249 X V3% V25. = 295.637, 1974 ) Longitedinds = a4 20 x (90651989 ae = 0:3 7128. ce reepaire Wonk = ag KO-SFI2G X 13x V3R. = 15264 ® Bilge sree = O-SX3xFMS KFS = 0-089 60-9819 * 945 x 1 25~ 5 Total | weight = rer donees VINE tonnes 524% br?) - om 5 OFF = 24nF pe a, Fepae won =

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